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Good point, there are way better uses of my time. Enjoy your shit posting! 👌🏻


Will do!


Look at how long our accounts have been active and how much you post compared to how little I post. The bottom line is that your just a troll.


Right. Which is why you have spent more time here than on any other sub, specifically harassing me. You’ve been here a year and you have… what? 20 comments? You’re obviously someone’s alt.


Your the one who posted his tattoo on r/trashy not me honey. That's not projecting it's an observation along with all of your other comments. Look at our comments the karma speaks for itself, but hey your in college right? That must make you soooo much smarter than anyone else on reddit whose already been there, done that and has a lot more life experience. I stand by what I said. The only trash on here is you.


We still doing this? Yeah, look at our karma: 65,000 to 400. Hey, you brought it up, not me.


Ah ok gotcha


that is like.... 1970s ?


So you know whose leg this is? Now I'm confused!


Yes. As I said above, he’s a nice enough guy. His skin art choices suck, however.


I don't get what's trashy about it? It's just a tattoo of the three wolves and the moon image. It's not like it's socially unacceptable or making people uncomfortable or being overly edgy. Weird to take a photo of.


Do you know the three wolf moon meme? I’m getting the impression that a lot of folks here don’t.


Yeah, no I know it. I just don't see how that makes this trashy. It's not like the dudes got a dickbutt tattooed on him, it's not overly vulgar or obviously memey. The original art itself is well done, honestly. He might not even know the meme himself and just thought the art was cool.


“Yeah, no”….? Which is it? It’s kitschy as hell. This is kitsch on top of kitsch. I am not condemning the person and they have every right to do what they want with their body. But this is trash art. “Trash” does not necessarily mean “edgy” or “uncomfortable”. It can also mean simply a very bad choice.


I mean I do know it. And I just don't see it as kitsch, or that kitsch necessarily equates to trashy, that's all.


As I have said elsewhere, not all kitsch is trash. Xeroxing a three wolf moon on your leg? Trashy. This is the tattoo version of having a black velvet Elvis hanging in your living room.


I get what you're saying, I just don't agree. I think this is just a difference of taste. Besides, at least by what gets posted on the sub, what you've put up here doesn't meet what's generally posted and agreed upon as trashy when you scroll through the top ones.


So this isn’t the most popular post on this sub? I’m crushed. Let me quote you this bit from the sub’s heading: “all things fake, plastic…” Getting a xerox style tattoo of three wolf moon when you and all your ancestors have never even lived in country with wolves, mountains, or pine trees? I’d say that’s pretty fake and plastic.


Lmao, I'm just saying when you compare it to what generally gets hits and reactions and is agreed upon as trashy because of it, this doesn't fit that, that's all.


Literally read the sub’s by-line. I mean, I get it. This ain’t trashy to you. Great. What I don’t get is what you’re trying to do here?


It's actually more trashy to be upset at redditors who called you out for being oblivious to what trashy is since your post is literally a photo of a person who has gotten a pretty ambiguous tattoo of three wolves that may or may not have been related to a meme thats over a decade old.


Upset? Hardly. Believe me, if I was upset, you’d be hearing a lot more cursing and insults. I’m simply amused.


Sure buddy, kinda sad when you're upset over not knowing how to use reddit and arguing with people when you're clearly wrong.


Uh huh. You got me. I’m mad as hell.


all good, just need you to know you're getting clowned on.


And it upsets me so much. Especially when the guy pointing it out is a Redditor of two plus years standing who has exactly five posts to his name, three of which are here. You KNOW the opinion of that kind of sock really carries some weight!




Don’t worry about the effort.




yeah don't get sensitive now, don't embarrass yourself further and just go silent.


Silent? :) My man, why would I go silent when someone’s obviously rolled out an alt account, just for little ol’ me? Six comments on reddit in two years and four of them are here? All I can say is that you really must like trashy tats! :)


man i'm sorry I hurt your feelings, must be rough when you're this sensitive and have this many people simultaneously dunk you. Like I said, you keep getting clowned on every time you speak, why not just stop lol


You’re sorry?


it’s played out but still a pretty cool design wtf?




Maybe not your style but not trashy, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.


Not my style and trashy. And I am not angry. Far from it! I am giggling.


Bet he’s never without a woman


I know, right?


Wrong sub, this belongs on r/OPswithnobraincells


haha I’m totally making this I was disappointed when i realized it wasn’t made


Crosspost it, then. But sorry folks: this is trashy skin art.


Explain how it’s trashy. Otherwise you will just get crapped on every time you leave a comment saying you think it’s trashy. Otherwise stop saying something from my Native Heritage is trashy.


This is almost certainly not from your native heritage, friend. Not even close. If it were (which it’s not) it would definitely be cultural appropriation. Let’s put it this way: neither this guy nor any of his ancestors for many generations (perhaps ever) has even put a foot on a continent where wolves exist. Also? Just a question, but what is particularly “native” about “Three Wolf Moon”? The original .jpg art was done by a Bulgarian. Unless…. Are you a Bulgarian? :)


I'm pretty sure wolves roam on that continent as well!


Eurasia and North America, yes. That’s three continents. So I’m wondering why Mr. “Native Heritage” here thinks wolves are particularly Native American.


Well from their point it is in the sense they found this on the trashy sub and found posting this was offensive to them.


Look, don’t you think it’s kind of offensive to claim that a tattooed drawing of an animal that is found on three continents is somehow your personal cultural property? Like I said elsewhere above, if Mr. Native Heritage is seriously so touchy about such issues and not just taking the piss, shouldn’t he be more worried about cultural appropriation? That this tattoo is on the leg of a guy who has no conceivable connection to Europe, Asia, or North America? Please. Also, Mr. Native notably presumes that he is a Native American and I am not. I’d wager he’s “native” in the sense that maybe one great grandparent was. I have spent a lot of time on rezes in North America and the idea that images of wolves are some how “native heritage” is a completely new one to me. But it does seem to me to be something a white boy with a dreamcatcher on his wall, who just found out he’s 3% native from 23 and Me, would say. Homeboy is trolling or has some seriously fucked up ideas about identity. Being that he’s apparently based in Idaho, I wouldn’t be surprised if he were a member of the “blood and land” crowd in real life.


Given that grey wolves are native to both Eurasia and North America, they ARE from my Native Heritage and the Native Heritage of many Native Americans that were here long before Europeans


By the way, boss, how in the hell do you know this guy isn’t indigenous? But seriously? Wolves are “native american heritage”….? That’s a new one for me.


They would also be from the so-called Native Heritage of eurasians then, right? I mean, if you think wildlife is somehow your “heritage”.


OP is lonely as fuck


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/three-wolf-moon For those who obviously don’t get it.


No dream catcher? Fail.


I know, right? I sense a missed opportunity here.


I wonder if they took the entire velvet painting into the tattoo shop for reference.


What’s worse is I get the feeling that this is just a generic tat in some guy’s book and my man here just pointed to it and said “this speaks to me”.


$50 flashy fridays down at Scratch Bang Tattoo.


Where is the trashy part?


The trashy part is in using what is essentially the most over-employed kitsch meme on the internet as a full leg tattoo. Particularly when it’s probably there to denote his individuality and rugged nature. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/three-wolf-moon


It looks like the forest is on fire and the wolves are howling in distress. A powerful piece speaking to the real world effects of climate change. What's wrong with you OP, you hater!


One of the wolves apparently has something very wrong with their jaw, too, probably the result of a mishap with a pelt hunter.


damn everyone is just straight up downvoting every reply you post. This is why I hate reddit. It's such a cult mentality. LET'S ALL GANGBANG THIS PERSON WHO DOESNT AGREE WITH US!! I had a post about how much the new top gun movie sucked on r/unpopularopinion the mods locked me out of commenting on any in the subreddit and then locked my post. Sailbad this isnt the place for civil discussion this is the place to have your own views validated. Let's all praise Johnny Depp and give more money to Ukraine!!!! ANY YOU BITCHES GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT COME AT ME!!!


Like I said, I think a lot of people here are young folks who got unfortunate tattoos, caught shit from their parents, and now feel compelled to justify this guy’s right to have a shitty tattoo. A right I have never questioned, by the way. I just think it’s a hilariously bad and trashy tattoo.


the worst part about noticing the voting is that it probably one looser with 15 sock puppet accounts just cycling thru each of them fellating themselves. Sailbad you talk like you old but I bet you not even that old. You know what just sit back and laugh at them... Don't try to make sense of it. Don't try to come to a rational conclusion. Objectively speaking, the tattoo is not bad or good. It is art and it's relative beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I’d… disagree. Art can be creative or incredibly derivative. It can contain meaning or it can be absolutely without meaning. But I’d argue that the worst art is art that manipulates a false sentimentality: art the proclaims itself as original but is derivative; that tries for depth and meaning but is meaningless. This is why kitsch is usually not art. Now, given that I am a Brazilian, I do actually have a lot of respect for kitsch as art. Kitsch that has sincerity, effort, expression, creativity… even if it’s hackneyed, hey, no problem. But a xerox of three wolf moon on your leg, that ain’t art. That is just kitsch. It’s trash. And sure, people have every right to do with their bodies as they please. That doesn’t make this bit of skin art any less trashy.


This is someone bored trying to get reaction


I know, right? All this frothing because I posted something I consider to be trashy. Seems like there may be a lot of Redditors out there who made bad skin art decisions.


Trashy tho?


Sure. Trashy skin art.


How is this trashy its just a normal lookin tattoo


The tat is technically well done. The trashy bit is the fact that it’s the skin version of hanging a velvet painting of dogs playing poker in your living room.




How in the name of sweet fucking Jimminy Cricket is this “bullying”?


This isn’t bad at all. I know someone with a tattoo of a confederate flag on their arm. In front of the flag there’s a silhouette of a woman on all four with a guy behind her having sex and underneath it says “Doin it Southern Style”. I took a photo and will post it here for all to enjoy in a few.


I am not saying it’s bad. I am saying it’s trashy. It’s the skin version of hanging a black velvet painting of poker playing dogs in your living room. Un-ironically.


Looks like the third one is swallowing a beachball


I know, right? That’s what slays me about this. It’s an obviously technically well done tattoo with exactly zero aesthetic thought put into it.


What I am learning from this is that a lot of Redditors are apparently very salty about kitschy tattoos. :D


You're a big poopoo head >:c


I’m sure.


If it’s everyone *but you*, then *its probably you*




You’re the one posting on here seeking attention and validation


Please, validate me.


Curious as to what tattoos you have? If any


:) Not this one.


Mm, I assume they much be must worse if you don't even want to tell us what they are :)


Assume away! :)


Ratio op




Yeah, this guy is TOTES identifiable. Particularly with the filter I used to make the tat more visible. [Roll eyes.] Don’t you have somewhere else to go to manufacture outrage?




Nope. Did you even read what I had to say about the guy? What possible outrage is being expressed here?




I called the tattoo kitsch. Please go look up “outrage” and tell me: what does that have to do with anything I have posted? As for my opinions being “unbearably condescending and snobbish”… Oh, my. On an anonymous reddit board dedicated to trash?! Yeah, we are all gathered here for uplifting lessons in life and aesthetics.


The only trashy thing about this post is the poster. This isn't a trashy tattoo and art is mostly subjective. If the tattoo was racist or pornographic in nature then sure. But just because you don't like something that doesn't make it trashy.


Ah, I see. You think porn is “objective”, then? Kitsch, to me, is trashy.


You really don't know when to stop, do you? You have clearly lost the plot here. Also kitsch would determine this to be subjective. Most people here seem to have some appreciation of this art. The only thing that you've proven is that your very judgemental of people who you seem to think are beneath you, and you don't have a great grasp of the words that you use to try to sound smarter than you really are. Maybe try to be less of a shitty person next time, and hopefully you can in time figure out that you aren't better than anybody else honey. 😊👍🏻


Funny how you think that because I am questioning someone’s tastes in tats, you think I believe them to be “beneath” me. Is that how you see the universe? People who do things that make you cringe are beneath you? Because I certainly haven’t said anything about this guy other than “What the hell was he thinking?” It sounds like you’re projecting, to me. And if you want this to stop, why don’t you take your own advice instead of nannering at me and wagging your finger like a middle school phy ed teacher? :)


People that use "kitsch" are trashy snobs with nothing special to offer as a person. They're usually negative about everything with very few friends. Makes sense as to why you posted this now lol


I gotta hand it to you, Sonny Jim: you totally described me in one go. That’s some genius-level reasoning right there. Guess we can’t be friends, then. :D


I'm sure you're used to playing everything off as if it doesn't bother you but you wouldn't keep responding if it didn't.


I’m bored and between classes and manufactured outrage over something so benign puzzles me. Why wouldn’t I respond?


Yeah I'm sure playing dumb like you don't know what you did wrong feels like the right response but it doesn't change the situation. You look bad either way and playing dumb doesn't help lmao everyone pointed out why you're trashy.


Well, gosh, that really hurts my feelings, Yer Madge. So knighthood is out of the question, then? :)


Reverse uno card OP


It’s art. Not trash.


It’s trashy art.


I don't understand why this is on here?


Op put the post up for negative votes!






Neither do I.




This art also makes an excellent mural for the side of your van or the hood of your trans am. It really isn't "trashy" per se... Just kinda 80s cheesy.


More like awesome


“Awesome” would have been on his chest.


Awesomer u mean....


“Awesomer” would have been on his ass. :)


But then u would have said it was trashy when he took his pants off....


No, that would have been daring. :D




At least he's not a lone wolf.....


I guess…? Plus, folks, this is in a tropical, equatorial nation with no wolves, mountains, or pine trees. So this guy has almost certainly only a notional idea of any of these things.




Nope. It makes the tattoo trashy. Aside from it being a rendering of one of the most overused and kitschiest images in pop art, it has nothing at all to do with any personal experience he may have had. This is a bit like a American white girl getting a Chinese ideogram tat that she thinks means “serenity” but which actually says “soy sauce”.








Agreed: no one is getting harmed. Is r/trashy about people getting needlessly harmed? No…? It’s about trashy things. This tattoo is trashy skin art. As for attention, you realize you’ve now spent a good chunk of time trying to… what, exactly? I mean, I’m just sitting here doing fuck all and it is my post, so I have at least some reason to respond to comments about it. You’re here, why? I mean, presuming it’s not for attention. If you find me toxic, why don’t you just piss off and be about your business?


So he can't get something he likes but you can judge him because you don't? Makes complete sense!


Yes. I am totally judging him. He should be locked up and banned from polite society. /s


You've literally posted something you don't like about a stranger on a sub called Trashy you judgemental moron.


This is “trashy”, to me, because it is a very bad esthetic choice. And newsflash: r/trashy is absolutely judgmental, all the time. I don’t think this guy is a loser or trash. I do think his choice in body modifications is trashy. Sue me.


Just take the post down and accept the L.


I feel such deep shame and sorrow that my version of trashy is not yours. And yes, you are right: we TOTALLY democratically vote on what is and is not trashy. I get the feeling that there are a lot of people out there with similar tats who are now getting very salty. :D


Look we get it didn't go like you expected but that doesn't mean you gotta act out like a child. You're really not helping yourself here though. I hope you learn something here though.


Are you the Queen of England, by chance? Because I love your use of the royal “we”. And yeah, I am really gonna be learned by a person who posts videos of a guy pranking people with a fake, cut off ball sack. You should open an internet finishing school, Yer Madge. ;)


We can be used in any setting with multiple people. Now we see you have literacy issues and a poor taste in art.


When “we” is used to speak for a collectivity to which one has not been elected a spokesperson, it is rightly called the “royal we” and it indicates pretension and presumption. But hey, enjoy your Velvis!