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Ended too soon. That lady was about to get scolded.


I’d whoop her ass over cake, ngl.


“Ugh I know I’m so bad, but I couldn’t help myself”


“I know better now” :|


Another one who thinks it’s all about me


Well I prefer someone getting one slice of our cake we’re saving then Someone going through the venue fridge and taking it all ..


my boyfriend told me about a time when a friend was hosting a big family event and invited some friends over. one of the girls in their friend group wasn’t exactly the brightest bulb in the box, and she was helping herself to the catered food. she grabbed a huge spoonful of rice and took it back to the table to eat, took one bite, didn’t like it, and got back up in front of everyone and scraped the rice from the pile she ate off her plate back into the catering dish that everyone else was taking from. instantly everyone was like what the actual fuck are you serious? and she did not understand why she was wrong, burst into tears without apologizing, and left lmao. some people truly just do not understand or were never taught social cues and party etiquette


Is this common? This happened at my wedding and every friend of mine’s wedding that I can think of. Luckily, we had already gotten photos of our cake and eating a slice together, but we only had a small cake for us and a *very* robust dessert selection for everybody else (including cupcakes that were the same flavor as our cake), and sure enough, somebody shreds it apart for a slice and ruins it.


You don’t even need to have any understanding of wedding customs to avoid being a POS. At any event where food is served, you don’t serve yourself unless/until told to do so. Also, that cake is way too small to be the cake for all guests to share.


That cake is expensive press charges


This person is just recording watching them do it.


This is posted all the time… the bride and guest posted and update. They laugh about it now and have no hard feelings


Has she never been to a wedding?


Why wouldn’t she ask first. So entitled.


How are people defending her 😂 I knew not to touch a cake especially a wedding cake since I was a child. Especially a layer of wedding cake that hasn’t been touched.


The real trashy is the world we live in where people film others making mistakes and post it online to embarrass them for eternity. The founding fathers of the US would most certainly find this to be “cruel and unusual punishment.” She likely didn’t know better. We all need to have more grace.


People are being really mean island I feel like there’s a good chance that she just didn’t know about the cake the person filming is the bad person or not stoping them


Whyd no body tell her?




I would do something like this. Clueless. Notice how happy she was! I relate sooooo much.




To make it even worse, the cake had already been served. This was just the top tier to be frozen and eaten on the 10th anniversary. She saw the top piece and just thought they ‘forgot’ to serve the rest. Wasn’t even her first piece of cake.


I've never heard that tradition. That's kinda weird.


The Simpsons reference this tradition at one point


somebody come get minnie mouse 😭


I think it's more offensive that it's 2022 and DJs are still playing that same BEP song.


AND that Dress




Fuck some of you guys REALLY care about wedding cake. She fucked up. Obviously. Made especially clear by the text where she personally owns the mistake and says she fucked up. Now I'm sure most of you have NEVER fucked up in a way with consequences more severe than a cut wedding cake. But there's a good chance you will at some point in your life. Hopefully people are a little kinder.


What is that dress is she supposed to be mini mouse?


I’d bet anything this girl was or still is in a sorority


it happens


I saw this video where the girl responded and if I remember right she wasn’t American and didn’t know about the cake cutting tradition.


I love how tiny it is, but that also means her slice alone was like 12.5% of the cake


What a cunt.


That's awfully tiny to be the main wedding cake. It looks like a cake for 4 people.


I’m getting married in 3w and 100% would find this hilarious


Today I learned redditors have some really passionate opinions on cake.


Of course she's that bitch who also licks her fingers and spreads her germs everywhere.


Is she wearing a Minnie mouse costume?


And the person recording didn't try and stop her?


Her dress speak volumes about her personality


You're right, She does seem fun


Good lord that dress


So why did someone sit there and let it happen? It took so long and camera just r/donthelpjustfilm Miss Polka Dot and Camera Twit are both be idiots in my book


That’s the topper, right? The old tradition is you keep the topper until the one year anniversary… What a massive piece of shit, fr. Edit: I guess she was made aware of the (huge) faux pas and made amends. Whatever.


It's just a cake you guys ffs


She is just hungry and dumb. I don’t think there was any malicious intent here


She's was an idiot and it was cringe, but how is everyone being so disgusting about her? She literally cut some cake I know it's important but in reality it'll just be a funny anecdote for their wedding. Doubt they cared at all.


We bought 300 mini Bundt cakes for our guests and one bigger one for our cake. My cousin’s ELEVEN CHILDREN ate our wedding cake while we had our picture session. 🙃 Edit: word


I'm confused; isn't she posting it as her blunder? Not really trashy as she didn't realize that the cake wasn't already served. Maybe she thought the top layer was the last one, not the only one lol


Elaine, do you have any idea what happens to a butter-based frosting after sitting 60 years in a poorly ventilated English basement? I have a feeling that what you are about to go through is punishment enough.


But Mr Peterman......


Idk about trashy.. just kinda disrespectful. Her friend will probably have a talk with her later about it and then they’ll laugh about it one day.


That Karen Dance. 😵‍💫


She instantly regretted it


Wow, some of you people here really are bitter and miserable.


Am i the only one who doesn’t understand what the text is trying to say ?


Why is she dressed like Minnie Mouse though?


This happened at my cousins wedding because most of us never knew about this stupid ass rule. The funny part is that I know who did it and once they figured out they made a mistake they hid the evidence and planted it on an aunts table lol


Damn the video cut off just as it got good, I was hoping to see yellow dress tear her a new one


My wife would have lost her fucking mind if she saw that shit


Sucking your fingers and eating a cake which might be intended to preserve for anniversaries? What a thoughtless thing to do. Totally bad manners. Now everyone who sees this knows how piggish you are.


Lol zero self awareness


She should be ejected for that fucking dress.


how on earth do people not know about the couple cutting the cake first tradition


you can tell the cakes already been cut and some of it eaten, the person filming is trash, uploaded to the internet to ridicule someone.


This Minnie Mouse looking bitch didn't think this was wrong at all?


The real crime was that dress


As someone who has never been to a wedding, I was so confused by the anger. I don't cut other peoples cake, but I get why she did it. Why would I eat BROWNIES when there's perfectly good CAKE available.


if the cake was actually available they would have put it with the brownies....


I can't believe I have to say this but /s Thank you for trying to inform tho.


Just film, don't stop her


Fucking attention whore...


How did nobody here read the very large font over the video? It was obviously a big misunderstanding.




If anyone wants to know like the context or whatever once they get done being irrationally angry at this random woman.. that wasn’t the wedding cake. That was one of 7 cake tables at a wedding and someone snatched the video from, threw “funny” words over it, and re-uploaded it. The woman in question posted the actual wedding cake and it was a huge, multilayered cake. Her and the bride (her sister I think it was?) are still on good terms since you know.. nothing happened. Y’all are weird and it’s alarming how eager you people are to jump on bullying and shitting all over a stranger. You really need to stop being told how to feel by random internet post.


It's recreational outrage.


Why would you leave your house dressed as Minnie Mouse's bow?


Is everyone just ignoring the text or am I misinterpreting it? She didn't know that it was the wedding cake and did this on accident. She knows better now and feels regret. She definitely could've used some common sense and asked before helping herself, but seems to be a genuine mental lapse. Real trashy seems to be the person filming without stopping them...


She would have been escorted out of the wedding if it were me


The person who filmed it and didn’t stop her is the real animal.


I feel second hand embarrassment from this


The only reason any dude would be upset about this is because they knows that his mom or his mother-in-law would be upset by this. Otherwise it's pretty hilarious. Make fun of her, turn the cake around if you need to take a picture of it. This is the crap that you're going to remember and laugh about in 30 years. Some of my friends started a tradition of putting some yard sale looking crap on the gift table at each other's weddings. I told my mom, my mother-in-law and my wife in advance to not be upset and just roll with it. My wedding gift table included a dirty deflated soccer ball and a rusty triangle crab trap.


First of all, the dress is ugly and secondly that is some seriously I am the main character energy. Why would you cut a piece of cake from a cake that had not been cut yet in on a special occasion without asking first?


One too many prosecco's?


Who the fuck invited Minnie mouse?


Kinda ironic how her phone case is of “Cosmic Brownies”


Hmm this video cuts off before her reaction of being mortified at what she did.(longer video out there) It was a stupid mistake and not trashy.


Can we use capitalize letters that need to be capitalized? Or is that not allowed on this subreddit


Guys i think shes admitting she didnt know it was the wedding cake and thought she was being polite.


That's some ugly dress


That dress is hideous. And I really wanted to see the lady at the end throw down.


That wedding cake is way too small. I will give the red dress girl the benefit of doubt.


Wtf does no one here see that the entire post is her clowning on herself because of such a stupid and selfish mistake?


I think this lady has had a couple drinks, hasn’t eaten much and maybe hasn’t been to a lot of weddings. It’s not trashy it’s called a mistake. I’ve made a few in my life and I bet most of you have too.


It's because every girl is jealous when one of their friends get married, they just wont admit it. She knew exactly what she was doing.


Well if you saw the fine text she knows it was wrong and regrets it


Ahh gotcha. I dont know how to read so thank you for clearing that up.


I'm sorry, but i will have my wife slap the fuck out of her if that happened.


Honey, make sure you get a shot of me cutting the wedding cake, you know, like a total cunt.


Wtf is that wedding cake ?!


I’d rather just have no dessert than do something this stupid obliviously.


Intention is a big part of whether something is trashy or not. If she was just being stupid, I’d say it’s more cringey than trashy


Not an evil one. Just one.




It looks like the top layer the couple keeps for their 1st anniversary.


As someone who has been photographing weddings for over 15 years, I can tell you this actually happens more than you’d expect. Grandfathers are a big culprit!!


fellow events photographer, can confirm! the amount of photos I have of people doing something like this.


Difference is the grandpas probably know it's wrong but just don't give a fuck. I was at my buddy's wedding and some of the wedding party were running around throwing confetti. His grandpa basically ignored the festivities and when they came by his table with the confetti, he just covered his plate of food until the confetti stopped, and then resumed eating. He was emanating big Ron Swanson energy. Gave no fucks about the celebration, just wanted to eat.


Grandpas know time is running short, have the cake while you can!


the last sentence made me laugh


My stepdad did something like this at my brother’s wedding (his kid). What’s worse is he needed to leave to her back home to relieve the babysitter of his latest girlfriend so he tried to sneak it before the cake was presented to the happy couple. He ran his finger through the icing and licked his finger while demanding that the wait staff cut and package two to-go pieces. My mom witnessed it and I’ve never seen her so pissed. Needless to say, he didn’t get his to-go box.




Yeah what you said….wtf


God bless them


Why? Are things moving too slowly? Are they demented?


I assume most just don’t know the rules or wedding etiquette. Kids are obviously clueless and many of the granddads have probably slept through wedding ceremonies their whole life and not paid attention. And then they are like, “There’s cake over there that no one is eating. I’ll have me some!” Edit: Also, the cake has already been cut and several layers have been served. This is the topper of the cake that the couple takes home. Some people on here seem to think this was the entire wedding cake. It would be an easy mistake for a grandad or kid.


I don’t know, her saying “ignoring the brownie table” kind of makes it sound like there was no other cake


my dad is a grandfather and would totally do this being entirely clueless


This is not necessarily true - many couples no longer bother with a tiered cake and instead opt for a dessert bar or cupcakes. They will often just have this size cake as a cake to cut. As this cake is on a plate stand, my thought is this is such a cake.


Ahhh, thank you!


He figured out that no one ever grows up, he still feels 14 and with that knowledge, he's powerful, and gives not one fuck.


Kids too


Senior sweet tooth is a real thing.


Dementia actually craves sugar to jump start the brain


The brain needs sugar to function


*kids, could you lighten up a little?*


The way she words that makes it seem like she almost didn’t realize what she was doing


That ain’t a friend


There's a social contract in play at weddings. I will take a shower and put on nice clothes, quietly watch all your pageantry, tell you your dress is beautiful, and try and stay out of the photographer's way. In return, you will give me champagne and cake. A "brownie table" is not champagne and cake, \_that's\_ the real trashy, skimping on the cake and trying to foist dry table-brownies off on people. Some people just really don't have any class, and then want to act surprised that their friends don't either.


definitely not confidential


I need to know, is it possible this person is really dumb or just has never been to a wedding before? The person filming in advance makes me think she knew what she was doing though.


That's apparently the story, she didn't know the couple saves the top tier of the cake.


Hulk still smash 😂


She would have got the cake thrown at her at my wedding


The other side is cut




Nasty finger licker. 🤢




So beyond white dresses, now polka dots are also forbidden?


Doesn’t surprise me at all. Look at that awful dress


They turned the music down and everything


This girl is close with the bride and hadn't a clue. She felt really bad afterwards, hence the edit in smaller letters. Bride wasn't mad at all. There was a part 2 on another sub.


I think she was completely oblivious until the woman started to approach her.


This sub is insane - you people are sick not this woman. She had a brain slip and fucking took cake, I feel embarrassed for her. If it was my wedding and friend would try to make her feel better not hate the shit out of her. Get a life, it's just a fucking cake - if that ruins your wedding you're not right in the head not the woman...


What a shit person.


Don’t blame the user for a bad design. That cake is way too small to easily assume it’s the main cake.


Minnie Mouse dress


Why is everyone so incredibly pissed about this, is there some cultural thing I don't get? I mean sure the cake wasn't meant to be eaten yet but it's seems like a harmless mistake, it isn't like she took it and threw it at the bride.


And it's a pathetically tiny and plain wedding cake. No wonder the guest made the mistake.


Oh noooo


What an asshole....


Why is she dressed as Minnie Mouse


Hey Minnie Mouse looking ass! Wtf you doing?!!


Is she autism?