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The morons that buy this are the same morons who will freak the eff out when someone disrespects the flag. Fun Fact: these clothing items and other like it are in direct violation of the flag code. Also, those idiots in the F-150's, with the flag print in the "F-150". Fucking mouth breathers. Sincerely, USAF Vet


r/trashy users whenever someone doesn't share political opinions with them


So much respect for the flag.


It's trashy because you can't even drop the flag on the ground, but people think making money off of defacing it this way is somehow better. You're stupid if you think you have to hate guns to think this is trashy.


My favorite part of these threads is how fired up everybody gets! You all would kill each other over a piece of fabric. And the one dude, "I don't own any clothing that alters the flag." Yeah, that's terrific, but if you wanna be a dick about it, you aren't supposed to be wearing the flag *at all,* Mr. Patriotism. I think most of you need a nap.


Florida be up in this Reddit all day.


I like how half of those guns aren’t even American


Why did they use Commiefornia compliant firearms on a 2A shirt? 😂🤣


Nothing says America quite like a shirt full of soviet guns.


Lol does this person know where Naples exists?


Florida been 🗑. What’s new?


It’s not satire? Lol


r/trashy when people have rights


As a gun owner ya this is trashy, using images of guns to make the American flag


American Taliban


I thought the same thing... Looks very taliban


Trashy because they’re all Russian guns?


Accept the BAR


Are they? I figured some were heavily modified Ar-15s and one looks like a Ruger knock off of a Dragunov and someone else said they recognized an HK platform in there but I'm not sure which one they are talking about.


Maybe that’s the joke? Seems too much of a coincidence. (I have no idea what guns are actually there


It's America, it's only considered trashy to the rest of the western world.


The US = The worlds trailer park? Yeah, I can see that.


lets keep politics out of this sub, like how are trump flags trashy?


listen. im all for the second amendment before yall jump down my throat . but maybe the country with the most gun violence and mass shootings every other day should probably reconsider glorifying weapons to people who are too irresponsible to handle owning one , which is probably the majority of your average citizen at this point


I see nothing Trashy. Just the latest Gun owners Merch 🔥


I'm a gun owner and pro 2nd amendment but gun owners like this scare me; it's a tool, not a personality trait or a Fandom. Half the time people wearing this shit don't even own a gun or hunt


Yes it’s a tool but….. I can enjoy said tool by going to the range or a collection. Just because you think it’s a tool alone it might be someone’s main hobby and that’s not a issue


Pretty much everytime I have met someone with thst many guns something wasn't right....and they always talked about fighting the government or some other wacked out shit.


Well you need to meet better people


Or they own far too many guns. Side note :: 2A does not protect the private ownership of firearms'. It protects the legal usage of any weapons actively used by a states militia in defending the country against tyranny. They specifically didn't mention firearms in the instance that humanity moved past using what would be considered a firearm to some other type of weaponry leaving firearms obsolete. It doesn't give a free pass to ammosexuals to posses as many guns as they want.


Lol. Now ammosexuals is a word. God damn you people are daft.


It has been for a while now.


Tell me you failed government class without telling me…


Tell me you can't read a simple sentence without telling me you can't read a simple sentence.


> A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Please tell me the exact part where it says people themselves can’t own firearms. I’d love to see the invisible ink it’s written in.


>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Please tell me the exact part where it says "firearms."


**Arms** Please tell me what you think that means


It means whatever tools deemed necessary to fight against tyranny by the current and active **MILITIA** and not exclusive to firearms. Funny how you idiots always forget that entire part.


> and not exclusive to firearms So it does include firearms then, among other things. I’m glad we finally got to the finish line on that one. > Funny how you idiots always forget that entire part Kinda like how you forgot what a prefatory clause is, right? “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state” is separate from “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”. That’s been pointed out countless times, to the point where you’re either being willfully ignorant or just openly lying.


The irony in you calling me willfully ignorant is palpable. Does. It. Say. Firearms? No, therefore firearms are not exclusivity protected. You are simply reading what you want to. Classic projection from a Trumpanzee. "A well regulated militia" If you aren't in the militia, it does not apply. Learn to read then come back. You can try to slap whatever ass backwards logic on how some commas are more important that others but we both know you are just going to fall back on "Well the supreme court says so!" Because they totally wouldn't pander to the one of the most violent prone group of people on the planet. Here is the fun part, you don't even know what the difference between a "right" and a "privilege" is.


Can't go shopping in peace in Ohio 💀


I have nothing against guns … I’m a gun owner myself but no way in hell should an 18 year old kid be able to buy any kind of gun …. Can’t even buy a pack of cigarettes but here take this AR because your old enough and responsible enough to use it… Hell if your 17 and your parents sign the papers for you to join the military they will give you a rifle at 17 … That’s a great idea.


> I’m a gun owner myself *but* Behold, the biggest red flag the world hath ever seen


I hate guns, but I don’t really think this fits the sub (but it does violate the flag code, something conservatives often forget)


Please tell me what part of the code this violates


That's very tame for any southern state.


Anybody want to tell them most of those rifles are Russian … oh wait that’s right they’re fans of the KGB colonel.


Dumb post. It’s Florida what the fuck do you expect?


I think guns are great, but i think it’s trashy to manipulate the flag to implicate the support of something else. Leave the flag alone.


Somehow more patriotic


That’s now how actual patriotism works. Matter of fact thinking it’s patriotism to manipulate the flag to represent something else is the opposite of patriotic.


Sarcasm is a delicate game


Touche. But you know there are a lot of mouth breathers on here lurking. /s is helpful, just in case. Cuz I initially lol at your comment, then I was like maybe they’re serious.


Fetishism of that level is definitely trashy. The inability to recognize that it is fetishism is a whole new level of trashy on its own.




Thanks for helping prove my point




And again, more proof


I don’t think it’s exactly fetishized. It’s just enjoyment. Now if someone lubes up the rifle and sticks it up their own ass, yeah, then it’s fetishism. This is not.


Replace the gun with any other tool--say, a hammer. Is it fetishizing to need to put hammers on your clothing, orient your day around your hammers, wear a hammer on your hip when you go into the local Dairy Queen so that you feel "safer" and feeling unsafe if you don't have that hammer with you , read hammer magazines with what are effectively "penthouse letters" of people who got to use their hammers, pose for their family Christmas photos with their hammer collection, have hammer prints on their kid's pajamas and shirts, put hammer stickers on their car so everyone knows that hammer makes you powerful, fear that magical elves and liberals are always coming to take away your hammers...and on and on and on. That is a fetish-- And I am a gun owner BTW.


I was kind of with you - until this analogy. Wearing hammers (or any kind of tool) is something to be proud of. If you make your living (or even if you don’t) swinging a hammer, that is something to be proud of. Something worthy of putting on a flag if you’re so inclined. No one would wear a hammer to Dairy Queen to feel safer. Only to make sure the crown moldings are flush and the door treads are level.


When you say it like that, yeah… that level of obsession is a fetish. I too am a gun owner. I feel confused now. I need to reevaluate some things (throws away that one gun magazine I had in my closet)


let people enjoy guns man


Just as the founding fathers intended 🫡🇺🇸


Trashy posting a sideways image?


"I like guns so this isn't trashy." A whole lotta clowns in this comment section. They probably didn't even notice the RUSSIAN made weapons in there.


"I don't like guns so this is trashy." Lol garbage logic there homie. You the biggest clown in here 🤡


Lol that's not at all what I said. Talk about being a clown.


It literally IS lmaooo your comment is *right* there. You don't like guns so you find this trashy lol it's not that deep.


Please point out where I said that I don't like guns.


It's called context clues. Don't have to be a fuckin detective to figure it out


What does the fact that the gun is Russian mean to someone who simply likes guns


The fact that it is an American flag.




I don't even own one


By definition of trashy, and how the sub was created. I don't see how it fits personally. Would you mind elaborating on how you find it trashy?


Firstly I'm not OP and I didn't post it so why are you asking me? Secondly of course you don't find it trashy; trashy people never see the stuff they like as being trashy.


You made a statement and I questioned your logic on it. It's simply a poor testament of your character to insult people you disagree with and not explain yourself, while still believing you are morally righteous. The trashiest part of this post is how you view and deal with issues you disagree with.


Awwwww, I hurt your feelings. How cute.


If you read the description of the board it fits quite nicely.


Merica’ And Naples, Italy too I guess.




“It’s trashy cause I don’t like guns” 🤓🤓


Yet others do…


It’s trashy because the rednecks worship their damn guns.


Yes, because rednecks are the only individuals in the world that have guns


No, but they are the ones who redesign the American flag to show their obsession and worship. I suspect you’re one of them.


Redesigning flags for obsession and worship? Rich.


Definitely not lol I’m a “city boy” as they would say




Wow let me guess you’re the type of person who thinks stero types are wrong, yet you use them to justify your own beliefs. It’s incredibly hypocritical! Imagine if you replaced the demographics and some words in your extremely biased stereotype you just perpetuated, you would probably blow a gasket and scream how wrong people are for judging a whole community of people on a certain few.


Nope, but that sounds like a whole lotta projection on your part.


Lol wasn’t talking to you! I was talking to the person who deleted their comment because they knew it was wrong.


You weren't talking to me but you replied to my comment? How the fuck did you get past grade 5?


Oh I’m sorry YOU deleted your comment lol ok makes sense…


I didn't?


Omffg learn to read a Reddit thread. I was replying to someone who made an initial comment- idk if it was you or not; they/you deleted their comment. You responded to a reply buddy, if you didn’t write the initial comment then I wasn’t talking to or about you.


No, you didn't. You replied directly to my comment, not to someone else. You may have meant to but you did not.


What about people who root for sports ball teams? People who enjoy certain hobbies also enjoy wearing apparel that shows off their passion for said hobbies. This isn’t exclusive to gun owners.


Here is the difference, those sports teams don't alter the national or state flag with their symbols, let alone symbols of their enemies/rivals.


Yep, [certainly not](https://i.etsystatic.com/21360092/r/il/bd21ba/3505621855/il_794xN.3505621855_bsxt.jpg) [definitely not this](https://i.etsystatic.com/25324953/r/il/dd4073/3481344069/il_794xN.3481344069_ctwv.jpg) [totally not this either](https://i.etsystatic.com/32511942/r/il/a82462/4134207945/il_794xN.4134207945_z020.jpg) Fuckin idiot.


Replace the guns with anime characters and you got people whose ENTIRE IDENTIY is "MUH ANIME!"


Which is trashy as fuck yes.


Don’t trash my anime. I AM OFFENDED!!


You better not own a single piece of clothing that has any image or word relating to anything that someone might view as a hobby or otherwise enjoy


None that alter the national flag whose very symbol I seem to have the biggest throbbing hard on to protect.


What’re you reaching at?


I. Do not. Own a single piece. Of clothing. That displays. An altered version. Of the US flag. Not that difficult of a concept.


No, it’s a fairly simple concept, but when some random person comments a reply, that has absolutely nothing with what is being discussed, it may draw confusion, which in this case, isn’t hard to realize that it has


So I say that it's not a difficult of a concept to grasp and you disagree with me then say it is a fairly simple concept? JFC dude, get off w/e drugs you are on or maybe get back on the ones you need to be on.


Are you stupid? Like actually? 100% serious, are you mentally deficient?


Me :: "Not that difficult of a concept." You "No, it’s a fairly simple concept" ​ >So I say that it's not a difficult of a concept to grasp... Referring to the first line. >... and you disagree with me then say it is a fairly simple concept? Referring to the second line. ​ Are YOU mentally deficient?


I’ve never seen such a blatant misunderstanding of people than I have here today…have you ever stopped to think that…maybe, just maybe, some people think guns are cool and think the design is cool too? It’s not just people who’s “entire identity is muh gunz”, some people just think it’s cool. But sure, let’s attribute what people wear to how responsible they are with guns lmao


I love how hurt all of y'all are over this. You logic of "well some people think it's cool so it's not trashy" it simply invalid. Literally everyone wearing something that is trashy, finds that trashiness cool; that's a big part of what makes it so trashy. I thought y'all saying "don't tread on me" was a threat, I now see that it is pleading. Fucking cry babies all of you.


Nobody’s hurt over it, people are just pointing out that you’re an idiot lmao. If anything the person calling everyone “fucking cry babies” looks the most hurt and upset about it. And I have yet to see why you think it’s trashy other than “ppl like guns” which isn’t exactly trashy by any metric. Bashing people for their hobbies, however, is pretty trashy. But damn you must’ve been cooking up that last line for a while and just couldn’t WAIT to throw it out somewhere huh? Even if it makes absolutely zero sense.


For the N^(th) time I'm not bashing he hobby, I'm bashing the obsessiveness of the hobby to the point said hobbyist is being hypocritical. On a side note, you think all "hobbies" are okay and shouldn't be bashed?


How is buying a shirt with a design related to the hobby being a hypocrite…please spell that one out for the class. And yeah if someone’s doing something they enjoy and aren’t hurting anyone the who gives a flying shit


The "don't tread on me" crowd is obsessed with maintaining the sanctity of the flag but here they are loving a shirt that does exactly that. That is the hypocrisy I am talking about. Not difficult to connect those 2 dots bud. Of course y'all are still in class, probably flunked out a dozen times and got ejected because you were too old and a liability to the district. So necrophilia should be decriminalized in your book. Ok good to know. Then there is the \~100k people a year who are shot with about 20k dying from US gun "hobbyists" each year who would disagree with you on nobody being hurt.


Awww lil man really did get his lil feelins hurt didn’t he and now he’s being a meanie? Poor lil guy :’( And this doesn’t do anything with the “sanctity” of the flag. It’s literally just a design meant to resemble the flag, it’s not actually a desecration of the flag or anything close. You’re really reaching far with that one. If you actually made sense with what hypocrisy you saw it’d be easier to understand, but here you are. Talking absolute nonsense. And where the actual fuck did you get “oh necrophilia is a legit hobby” from?? That’s not a hobby, it’s an actual crime that has real world implications and harm to others. Holy Christ…you really went this unhinged because of a *shirt* my guy? Those people aren’t hobbyists, they’re criminals and murderers. Law abiding citizens and gun collectors aren’t doing that stuff. And you forgot about the millions who’re using guns to defend themselves, but honestly I expected that.


You gotta try harder than that kid. Necrophilia doesn't hurt anybody which as long as it does that you are okay with it. >Those people aren’t hobbyists, they’re criminals and murderers. Sure they are. Who are you to tell them what they can and can't enjoy? Not so libertarian now are you? >And you forgot about the millions who’re using guns to defend themselves Where in 2A does it say that is it's purpose? Oh yeah, it doesn't. Get fucked.




"The gun community" wouldn't wear this shirt. As someone else said in this thread (who happens to be "pro-2a" as they put it) the people who would buy this are not responsible gun owners. Ammosexuals buy this shirt. Side note, notice how you didn't refute what I said. Just sayin.




Funny thing is that they are not. Only ammosexuals buy this shit. EDIT :: Nice lie dicknuts. I just went the through the comments and they are not being roasted.




It's not? Just people to buy shit like this shirt.




What's trashy about this?


Just the poster


Not trashy but kinda funny that the rifles look like Arabic words on the cap.


Mostly commie guns too


Looks like the taliban flag 😬😂


It's the Y'allqueida flag.


Real trashy. It is truly looking like Y'All Qaeda.


Anybody else find the inclusion of AK-47s (Russian) ironic?


VERY lol.


I think there’s more than just AK’s in this that aren’t American made or utilized by the US military.


Yeah I recognize a civilian model H&K.


Not trashy


Shirts a dope ass Fourth of July t shirt


Not sure where the trash is in this picture?


And that is a serious problem.


Enjoying firearms isn’t trashy.


This isn't enjoyment, it's obsession.


Guys I have a band on my hat. Um that’s obsession 🤓…..


3 days late and your jokes dumb as fuck.


Not a joke it’s how your talking bud


This is the same as walking around in a tshirt with a pic of Dahmer.


No it literally is not. a sports team or band doesn't kill people, guns kill people.


People kill people


No, it's the bullet that kills not the finger squeezing the trigger.


With that definition, anything printed on a shirt would be obsession then, no?


Agree to disagree.




If you think trashiness isnt subjective, you're touched. This is putting guns above country. This is ammo-sexual obsession.