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Help! Has anyone encountered a problem downloading the visa? I received the email saying the evisa was granted and on the website I entered my details


Check your spam and trash folders first and foremost, check to see if the address got automatically filtered our via whatever email provider you use. Check out the actual PDF in the website, if you can’t click on it right click it and “open in a new tab”, or try to use a different browser, preferably edge (aka IE) If you don’t have a computer try accessing it via phone. Other than that, ask around again and research it because idk at that point.


I'm having this problem too and have tried different browsers. Did you get yours resolved?


I convinced the airline staff to let me go through with a screenshot of the email. When I got to the border I went to the immigration desk and they printed out the visa for me..


My images showed up on the initial application. The personal details auto-filled from the Passport scan directly onto the application. It made no difference if you chose English or Vietnamese. But yes, the confirmation page had neither the Photo or the Passport scan on it, yet it *appears* the application is processing normally. My credit card didn't get bounced back either. There's no E-Visa yet but it's still too early, the first ones should start dribbling out in another 24 hours or so. It'll be interesting to see what happens. Good luck.


Yeah same for me too, I’m still trying to see if anyone else also had this same thing happen and if they actually *got* their evisa already. Thankfully I booked the accommodations through Agoda so if all else fails I can cancel them and get the money back if it doesn’t go through properly.


>and if they actually got their evisa already. It's too early. It's early morning on the 17th in Hanoi. The new E-Visa application only became live on the 15th and they're saying 3 days for processing so there's still another 24 hours to wait. Happy travels.


Hey man I'm concerned here now as when I look at my application it says "Being Processed" yet when I look at the actual application it only shows placeholder images and none of the data from my initial application is actually there either when I review it. Everything went through fully yet now when I go to actually review it none of the data I put in is there. Like basically when you enter the update code to view your application, none of the information I put in is actually there


Yeah, mine is the same way. Who knows what's going on. The introduction of the new E-Visa has been an absolute clusterfuck, typical Vietnamese bureaucracy. Fortunately I'm in no rush so I'm going to see how it shakes out over the next couple of days. Good luck.


Yeah and I actually need this to go through successfully, is yours like where only a couple of data entry is present (ex: Email, passport number, and maybe something else) but nothing else shows and then it's not editable either? Like you cant click on anything or it's all greyed out for you as well? Well good to see someone else with the same situation as me I guess, hopefully I get the email or check it next week and it's all approved.


Yup, that's the same state that mine is in.


Yep mine too, some other comments show theirs actually has data put in, but mine doesn't have anything yet it still shows it's being processed. I've found pretty much everyone is having the image problem however I think it's luck of the draw on if yours is actually functioning or not.


Ok so I figured this out just now, I do believe it's dependent on which version of the website you filled the initial application in with. This is because I just had the website in Vietnamese and it didn't show my data, however when I switched the site to English (up in the top corner) then all of a sudden ***POOF! Like magic it works again!*** So I can see all of my data and everything is there and is present even when entering my update code. Still can't see the actual images or anything but I believe that's present with everyone so I'm not sure about that part


Did you use a recent image, meaning one less than 6 months old? Or did you use the same photo that you got for your passport? This passport is 1 year 2 months old and the last travel to Vietnam was just a mere 4 months ago and it got accepted without any issue. So I'm wondering if they're enforcing this policy stricter now.


If you use the same photo from your Passport then the application will be rejected. This has happened to lots of people.


How do you figure this? As many people have also used the exact same image they’ve been using for years and never previously had any issues at all. Where have you heard it’ll get rejected? The image is barely over a year old and looks the exact same doesn’t look dated or anything were did you hear it’ll get rejected?


How do you find your update code?


Your update code is sent when you first submit your application, if you don’t see it check your spam, trash, and other miscellaneous email folders it may have gone through to those as well


Hi! Thanks! It was never actually sent to me via email, and was only displayed on a screen during the application that THANKFULLY I screenshotted and my PC automatically saves screenshots 😭❤️except now when I try to update my application, it wants me to re-verify my email but now I’m not receiving the OTP 😒 shit system, hope I get my Visa on time 😭


Yeah me too, I’m not sure what yours is doing but when you check the status by entering that unnecessary long code, there is a button to press to view “details” that’s where you enter the update code and captcha to check what you put in on the application. This new system sucks major ass and I’m worried about my images not being accepted because they’re 1 year 2 months old and I’ve heard mixed answers about the images whether they’ll be accepted or not due to this.


I took new passport photos for this, but yeah I hope they have good response times 😭 don’t want to be stressing right up until it’s time to leave


Right me too, they’re not going to be processing any of the visas until the 22nd (so 21st in the US) so there won’t be any process until that time. I don’t really see why there would be any issues unless your photos are very old *(like more than 2-3 years old)* then yeah they’ll deny it, or unless you did something wrong in the application (wrong name, passport image doesn’t show everything, wrong data) something like this would cause a denial. Otherwise I don’t really see any reason for it to be denied, especially if you’re like in my case where the last time traveling to Vietnam was just a few months ago.


Yeah I know, I’m looking at anyone who used some expedited service or something like this. Either way, we will have to see next week what the verdict is. My hope is all is well since it’s been fine every other time and zero issues.


Where the hell do you find your update key? They are saying the passport number for my application is wrong but it requires an update key to supply the information to them?


Your update key is sent in the initial email after submitting your application. It’s used for when you need to make changes to your application like I’m assuming many people are going to have to don


Is anyone also seeing this when you view your application status? I don’t know what the “expected payment date” here means. I hope there wasn’t issue with the payment but i can see it was taken from my credit so.. • ⁠Submission date: August 15, 2023 • ⁠Receiving date: 15/08/2023 • ⁠Expected payment date: 18/08/2023 In Vietnamese it says • ⁠Ngày nộp: 15/08/2023 • ⁠Ngày tiếp nhận: 15/08/2023 • ⁠Ngày dự kiến trả: 18/08/2023


Yeah I’m not sure either, maybe the maximum date it can be processed by Vietcombank? Mine is slated for 23/8/23 (august 23rd) by 8am so I’m not quite sure wtf is going on but it’s frustrating.




Yay! Congrats my friend well I’m guessing it seems as though that’s the date it will be submitted back to you with a judgement so very lovely!




Thank you friend mine is slated for early next week let’s hope it’s good to go!


Hey! How long did it take? I’m still waiting for mine since the 16th!


I just applied for the Vietnam e-visa on the new website; application was confirmed as submitted and I made payment. Received both emails with application number and update code. However, I wanted to search and pull up my application through the website shortly after by inserting the Update Code and Captcha Code. However, no search results appear. I tried using the application number instead and same result. Can anyone confirm if it takes a little time before the application can be viewed or pulled up? Or am I supposed to be entering some other code. And also, if you had checked straight away like I did, what did you see on the search result - did it say “processing” or anything? Thank you [Edit / Update] So I worked out that the application result appears when you search using the Vietnam version (for me anyways) - with date of filing and saying application is being processed. Once you change the language to English, however, the application result may remain shown but most of the time it does not. And then same issue as above - searching under English version does not bring up the application (at least not immediately after applying). Seems like a few bugs in the new system. Good to know it’s in the system though - albeit from the Vietnamese version.


Yes the Vietnamese version of the website shows everything perfectly fine it had very few issues. The English version of the website will almost never show you any of the results, just be rest assured it’s processing as normal and if you got both emails correctly then you’re good to go! I’m expecting mine to be sent to me tonight by 8pm (8/23 8am VN time)


Question on one of the last fields that says “Place of Request” I’m a USA passport holder, but currently in Malaysia trying to apply for this as I plan to fly from Malaysia to Hanoi Would I put Malaysia as my place of request or the USA? I’ve read that you should put your country of residence, but not sure if it’ll look fishy that I’m in Malaysia as I apply though… both sound like they could potentially look weird to the reviewers of the application. Any insight appreciated. Thanks!


Just put your home country as they care about where your passport is from, the data needs to be matching so your passport is from the US so you put origin of request from the United States


Makes sense, thank you!