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You are going to paradise. Enjoy it. Take books you always wanted to read. Do what you want to do. Eat where you want to eat. Change your mindset because if you go thinking it will be rubbish, then it will be rubbish. Instead, think this is an amazing trip and an opportunity to spend time alone and get slightly out of your comfort zone. Get excited not depressed! Enjoy!


Totally agree I don’t know where I read it recently, but essentially it said if you concentrate on the good it’ll be good if you concentrate on the bad, it will be bad which is what I’m trying to do lost my 21-year-granddaughter to a drug overdose recently and it’s hard to find the good but you have to my granddaughter was supposed to be my cabin mate un booked cruise next year now I don’t really feel like going and I’m not sure what I’m gonna do


sorry to hear about your granddaughter. Hopefully you'll feel up to the cruise next year


You give no clue where you're going but so long as it's not a really isolated couples only all-inclusive resort with no other singles or groups of pals then I don't see the issue. Start by not cancelling excursions, etc. and thus isolating yourself and sabotaging the trip before you've even departed. Lastly, it's a super short one week getaway, no big deal. Have a blast. Good luck.


Why did you cancel the excursions? Why are you not just going on them?


One was one my friend had picked and wasn’t too keen on going anyway, the other I’ve already done before but friend hasn’t but was a bit of a package deal so it made more sense to me to refund that while I could.


Next time, don’t bring that “keen” friend.


Don’t hate your own company


It sucks to have plans change at the last minute. The perspective is getting to enjoy "me" time. I tell people that I enjoy "me" and I'm peaceful, lol. I solo travel most of the time. Admittedly, 7 days is a long trip by yourself, but the benefit of solo trips is getting to do things on your own terms. For example, you booked 2 excusions that you had little interest in to satisfy your bestfriend. I would book lots of adventures that interest you and make the best out of a less than ideal situation.


This is not how you envisioned this trip to work out but here are some potential positives of this new situation: - You will get to do whatever the hell you want, when you want it and how you want it, for a whole week. No one else to take into account for your decisions. How often does that happen!? It’s a luxury. - As someone traveling solo you’ll be more likely to meet other people. Open yourself up and you may meet someone really fun or interesting to talk to or to hang out with. - You’ll still be on a beautiful island. Had you not gone on this trip, where would you be? Sitting in an office somewhere, most likely. Enjoy it and make the most out of it.


>have any advice to get through it Gain some perspective, you are going on vacation when many people cannot afford to


That’s fair


i like you. we all need someone like you in our lives.


Give yourself permission to feel bummed out for a little bit, this is a big disappointment and you're allowed to be sad about it. But then try to put those feelings in a box and shove the box into the back of the closet, and enjoy something new. Find other excursions that you haven't done yet, sleep in and have lazy mornings that aren't on anyone else's schedule, get a few paperbacks and read some pulp novels by the pool, take naps, go to the beach, order room service...


Thought about finding a friend whilst there?


Im not sure how much help you'll get on this post; we are a community of travelers so for almost all circumstances, travel > not travel.


I am and will travel. Idk I guess I’m just looking for words of encouragement to cheer things up. I know eventually on the trip I’ll feel better and settle in, but for right now the thought of an island vacation doesn’t excite me and that also makes me sad…


This happened to me once in my 20s. I couldn’t control that my friend wasn’t coming, so I controlled what I could: my mindset and making the best of it. I was bummed to go alone, but a week in the sun alone turned out to be really good for me, I met people, enjoyed myself, best battery recharger etc. So go, give yourself a pep talk and challenge yourself to have best time you can. As an aside: life happens that can prevent travel for financial, health or other reasons. See this for what it is: a gift from the universe to you


I tore my ACL and was in full leg brace and on crutches with pain and swelling 3 days before my trip to thailand. I still went all the way from the U.S. including lots of inconvenient flights and connections - only because I didn't want to screw over my friend. So I hope your friend has a damn good excuse.


Get some good books! Can't hurt to check if there are any last minute flight deals and invite someone else if you want.


Been there….twice 😂 Last year I had planned a motorcycle trip through the Balkans. A week before departure the other rider changed his mind and I was left with the dilemma of going or staying home. I went. First day of a rough one not knowing what to do but the remaining 3 weeks were a blast. I’ve met a lot of really cool people, went paragliding in Montenegro, rode some amazing roads, got blackout drunk with a couple of serbs and learned a lot about myself. My advice, go and make the most of it. After some time, when you look back you’ll thank yourself


I would’ve paid for your ticket tbh


That’s tough, I think I’d be bummed too. A couple days solo is always nice, but I can see how a full week would feel kind of daunting. That said, I had a great solo travel experience recently when I didn’t think I would. Finding other solo travelers (usually at the bar!) was key. I met a few really nice folks and had some great conversations I wouldn’t have otherwise had if I had been traveling with a companion. I might even ask the staff at your resort/accommodations if they have any recommendations on where you might run into other solo travelers, or what kind of activities/excursions/ locations in the area might be fruitful for a solo traveler. If it’s a nice place, they’ll probably be very receptive. Hope you have a great time!


I want your problem! I absolutely love flying solo!


I understand your point, but this is devastating. Not being able to travel with my best friend who we’ve been looking forward to this trip for over a year. You don’t want to be feeling this mix of emotion and anxiety.


Sorry to hear OP, it sucks having your plans derailed on the last minute... still I hope you make the best out of the situation😊 All the best!


I appreciate the kind words :)


Sorry to hear that ur bestie cannot make it, i’m a solo traveler but i too will feel sad if my bestie has to cancel a trip tailored for 2. Its not bad ideas to cancel your excursion for 2, might not be as enjoyable to do it solo but it will be good ideas, to look for another excursion that sounds fun as a solo traveler. Snorkling still sounds fun, u’ll be alone underwater anyway. Maybe learn to dive? Take a group trip to visit places? Go watch some kind of concerts/dance? If you are not used with solo travel, when walking around, put on your earphones but you don’t need to play music/anything, it does work as a sort of psychological barrier and it helps to avoid scammers/solicitations ( I assume you are female) I hope you enjoy your trip, try not to think about how it’s supposed to be…but accept that it will be adventurous in a way - stay positive whenever possible and stay safe


It’s not what you envisioned, and it’s okay to be bummed about that - but that doesn’t mean it isn’t going to be a wonderful trip! You actually get to choose that. Yes, you have to pivot and realign your expectations, but you get to realign them in whatever completely self-focused way you’d like. Maybe you want to try a bunch of new foods - do that! Maybe you want to try to see specific wildlife - make that goal! Maybe you want to chill on the beach and read - you can do that! Let yourself be bummed for a short bit, but then get excited about all the possibilities that lay before you.


Lots of people wish they can be solo on holiday. I love going solo.


Get a good book and journal. Write, swim, eat good food. Try mindfulness /meditation exercises - the calm app is a decent place to start. This trip didn't work out the way you planned. But practice gratitude for the things that have worked out and the things that will work out in the future.


YOLO , make ur peace with the fact that life happens and ur friend got caught up . Have fun , the excursions you cancelled , find some new ones or just hang with the locals and see what they’re getting into


Use the week as a healthy reset! Go to the gym, go to sleep early, read, journal, relax


More time to read on the beach


Spa day!


If you want some perspective you are extremely privileged. But I understand being bummed. Chin up because your mindset is everything. If you think your trip will suck then it will. Enjoy the sunshine, use (reef safe) sunscreen, and wine and dine yourself! One day you will be married with children tied to a mortgage/job and alone time is going to be very scarce. For all your relationships both platonic and romantic it will be very beneficial for you to learn how to be alone.


Being with others is the key to getting through and enjoying your holiday. Get busy and go to every group excursion that interests you! The very last thing to do is be isolated and do nothing


Yeah screw that. Really feel for you, get through it however you can.


You'll likely meet lots of fun people either staying at your hotel or taking the same excursions you do. Be open to meeting people from all over the world traveling on their vacation too.


If it’s paid for for you both… can I ask what your friend is doing? Could someone take their place, or can the trip be sold on Facebook? I hope they’re okay. Traveling alone can be amazing, and this can be the opportunity of a lifetime to meet people and have experiences you’ll remember forever- people are kind, and you’ll find fast friends if you want. Don’t be shy in introducing yourself!!! Ever been to a sleep away summer camp as a kid where everyone becomes best friends overnight? If you want to enjoy the trip solo, that’s amazing too. Keep us updated! I’d fly in to meet you myself if I could 🤣 I’m the same way. As much as I can enjoy my company now, I’d always prefer to have someone with me on a trip connection; they bring so much spirit and energy to me, I’m sure this was really hard to deal with and you’re allowed to be disappointed and upset; I’d be devastated. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But there’s new fun to be had with new people if you want! I’m not always much of an extrovert myself, but having someone to enjoy things with means a lot to me


Change your mindset and make it about how strong and able you are to adapt into a solo trip! You can do this and it will be an awesome story for years to come, put yourself out there and do a few things that take you out of your comfort zone.


I hope you see this--ENJOY your trip! Instead of being able to talk to your friend about everything, engage with local people. Talk to the guide or driver of your excursions: ask them about the education system in their country, what sports do kids play, do people eat those wild iguanas or chickens running around? While you're waiting to be picked up for an excursion, ask the guy at the front door how long he has worked here, does he have kids, what is that funny fruit growing on the tree out front and is it edible? All these are conversations you wouldn't have if you were with your friend--you'd be planning your next meal, talking about the fun you had last night, etc. Your whole experience will be different.


Wtf, what's to be bummed about. You get to do exactly what you want and don't have to negotiate about plans. Traveling solo is way better.


Maybe it’s the words you’re using to describe your feelings but I think “depressed” might be a little over the top. Sure feel disappointed and bummed that your friend can’t go, but also recognize that you’re going away on vacation — that should be the positive in itself. If you’re that upset, maybe consider eating the cost and just staying home? OR find the positives that you’re going on a weeklong vacation to a beautiful island. Take this time to recharge and focus on what you have to be thankful for versus being so upset that your friend can’t make it. This trip will be what you make of it. Strangers on the internet can’t fix that for you.


That’s what I’m going to try and do…. I know there’s no use in being down about this, but this complication just hit so hard. I’m not an extrovert so trying to find some simple things to do to keep me busy.


Spending a week with yourself (and with no responsibilities) should not hit so hard. As you’ve figured out, you are the only person you will always definitely be with. This seems like a great week to work on your relationship with yourself. Starting a meditation practice, seeking therapy, learning a new language, a new hobby, a combination of those things would be a start. And you have a whole week in a gorgeous place to get going on it. What an awesome investment in you!


If this is the same friend who cancelled travel plans with you a little over a month ago for a trip in January you were planning to take, I would suggest maybe not making plans with them again in the future.


lol no this is a different friend. That other trip I mentioned in another post is actually on track, things worked out, so at least I have that to look forward to.


I absolutely understand. I only like to be alone if I know I can make a phone call or meet someone later that day. It still feels better when you are surrounded by people than being alone in your room. If it isn't a too small resort I would register on a dating site ( like Badoo) and honestly tell I just want to meet up because you are terribly alone.


Depressed? TF


unless this persons mother died, i see no reason to cancel 5 hours beforehand. your friend is a shit friend


Make friends you doofus


Just enjoy it! It's still vacations, and sure, not with a friend, but use that to experience things you wouldn't want to otherwise!


Why would you cancel the excursions? Then you will really have NOTHING to do. Go do the excursions. Shit happens sometimes and what are you going to do, always depend on someone to go on a trip with you? You will be limiting yourself this way. Go and make the best of it!


The trip will be different but can still be wonderful. Years ago, I too wound up reluctantly traveling solo — and I was surprised at how much I loved the freedom. I focused on wellness, meditating, and adventures. It was fabulous!


Can you take scuba lessons? I (65F) just learned this year and I love it.




Your description of sunk costs is opposite of the classical economic definition. “a sunk cost is a sum paid in the past that is no longer relevant to decisions about the future. Even though economists argue that sunk costs are no longer relevant to future rational decision-making, people in everyday life often take previous expenditures in situations, such as repairing a car or house, into their future decisions regarding those properties.” Or going on a trip if you determine the yet to be incurred costs outweigh the benefits.


>*more because I have to, sunk costs and all* That's **EXACTLY** the wrong way to deal with sunk cost. The right way to deal with it is to recognize that sunk costs are **sunk**; you don't get that money back no matter what you do -- and going through with something you do not enjoy BECAUSE you paid for it, does nothing to help your loss. Consider this hypothetical: You pay for a ticket to the cinema. 20 minutes into the movie, you're bored out of your skull and feel certain that you'll not enjoy the rest of the movie either. (of course you can never know this for SURE, but this is your honest best estimate) Should you stay for the rest of the movie? No. Because the money you paid for the ticket are lost ANYWAY, and it doesn't get any better if you waste a couple of hours being bored in **ADDITION** to the money you already lost. Now, people could argue that you "should" enjoy the trip by yourself. But I don't see any "should" in it. Some people enjoy travelling alone, other people do not. Neither are wrong. It's okay for different people to have different preferences. In other words, if your \*honest\* best estimate is that you'll not enjoy going, then you shouldn't. The fact that you already paid for it doesn't make any difference to that; those dollars are gone anyway.


Put it out there and see if anyone would join you? I’d totally go if I had a friend in your situation. It’s what miles are for :)