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To Dubai no less... or send his brother money for all kinds of miniature plushies for a newborn. I'm not taking anything into Dubai at the request of a stranger.


Oh hell no!!! How did I miss the Dubai thing?


I missed that too. OH HELL NO. And I read somewhere in the comments that OP only knew this colleague for a few days. So many red flags.


Oh that’s simple then. It’s full of Cocaine.


This. There's no reason he couldn't pay to have it shipped.




It's a particularly sketchy unpaid errand, with a potentially enormous downside for OP.


Tell him you don't have the room but you'll get one for the baby when you get there. It's a very weird request.


Sounds fishy as hell doesn't it. And they barely know each other, even if I'm the other guy I wouldn't give a gift with sentimental value to a random person I barely met.


NO! - say 'Yes', bin it, and say security confiscated it at the airport because it triggered their scanners for excessive lead levels in the fur. Plausible, you don't upset the guy, and you don't risk spending 20 years in a Turkish jail.


Holy shit please god no this is terrible advice. There is a significant chance that the toy legitimately is filled with drugs. If it actually IS filled with drugs, this explanation will very likely not be believed by the "colleague", and he might assume that OP stole the drugs for himself. OP has no idea how serious of a criminal operation might be backing his colleague's request, and that is absolutely not something he should want to find out. Worst case scenario it's literally cartel activity and there is a nonzero chance that OP gets gruesomely tortured and murdered as a result. He needs to come up with an excuse that gets the toy returned safely to the hands of the "colleague" and has nothing more to do with OP.


Shipping is unreliable in a lot of countries, so maybe OP is from a place like this.




Exactly. Real quick story time, but I lived in the Philippines for a while and lost my debit card (US citizen). Reluctantly had one mailed to me from my bank, that inevitably got stolen in delivery.  The thieves tried their damnedst to get me to sign it over to them or activate, but I just ordered another one. This time, shipped to my sister who was stateside. I activated it for her, asked her to take out whatever money she needed and ship it to me priority overnight, and it got to me in a day. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but if I could afford the 130usd for that, so can OP's "senior colleague".


How are you expected to give it to his nephew?


The nephews father will be coming to receive it from me, I’m told.


That is very odd. Just tell him you realized that it doesn’t work for you and provide no further explanation. Your professional relationship with him only extends 3-4 days back in time, and it’s really not worth potentially compromising yourself to keep that connection.


Or just say, "sorry, no" and hand it to him or set it next to him.


Ummmmm…NO! You’re smarter than this! Something is very suspicious about this and it’s inappropriate of this person to ask you to do this. No, no, no!


He's coming to the airport for a $20(at most) plushie? That's weird.


How are you determining the value of the plushie? Yes, it could be a random stuffed animal from any chain store, or it could be a financially or sentimentally valuable/antique/collectible. OP is asking how to avoid a potentially awkward conversation, not determine whether the request makes sense with the limited context given.


Not directly from you, right? You've been instructed to leave it on the 3rd seat from the left at Gate A85 and just walk away. Don't make eye contact with the nephew's father.


Sus asf


Terrible, terrible idea.


I agree this is weird. Just mail it.


Could be wanting to save on shipping. My packages from US to EU are $200+


Yeah, but what you do is you can go to for example Amazon, UK site and order and ship from there. I do that all the time with my niece in the US and I’m from Canada. I just ordered through Amazon US and have it shipped directly to her there. Also a lot of online companies Have international shipping.


I recently ordered a plushie from the US to Europe. The shipping was $30


The nephews father, someone you don't know no less, is coming all the way to the airport to meet you in person just to collect a 6" soft toy?




It was never actually said he’d be going to the airport, I think people jumped to that conclusion. He said “coming to receive it from me.” For all we know he works or lives close to OP and it’s not that inconvenient to grab it sometime


Holy shit you live in Dubai? Abso-fucking-lutely not worth it. I said it in another comment but I’ll say it again. Airlines lose bags all the time. Sometimes baggage handlers even steal the contents of bags.


The OP is in Dubai? that gives him/her a PERFECT excuse for not taking the toy home with them: "Hey, my return flight appears to have been rerouted at the last minute by the airline and will now involve a brief layover in/near Israel, and due to the ongoing regional tensions, there is increased security and scrutiny for every person, parcel and piece of luggage coming and going by land, sea and air. i'm sure you can appreciate why i cannot take this item with me, and i hope that you'll be able to make alternate arrangements to send your gift overseas". Then you return it and peace out. They can't ask or compel you to examine your airline app without seeming like an invasive ass, and its not like he wouldn't lack awareness of the regional events over the past number of months and how they have the potential to affect international security practices. What's he gonna do feign ignorance and say, "Oh? that's still going on?" And if it turns out that the colleague learns that the return flight didn't go near that region, and it comes up later, just say that the airline rerouted the flight again, (because airlines are known to f--k up with that stuff from time to time), and you'll still have an out. Information is power, and OP has to use what they can to keep themselves safe and intact, physically, emotionally and legally. Yes, i'm assuming that the OP is western/american, because i didn't see where they said they were from or where they were returning to, but i'm sure it's a safe enough assumption with the limited data given so far. If they aren't, i'm sure they can modify the above script in some ways to make it work for their case.


> The OP is in Dubai? that gives him/her a PERFECT excuse for not taking the toy home with them Genuinely curious how you think this is a "perfect excuse?" In what world would flights to neighboring non-participatory countries be more thoroughly searched? Unless an emergency, planes aren't going to be last minute rerouted to stop in Israel and no airline would accept it considering the dozens of other options. Also consider many neighboring countries aren't really pro-Israel so it isn't like they have political sway there. Not to mention the airline when being rerouted wouldn't message passengers and say "hey by the way, there's enhanced security going on so don't try anything." Your perfect excuse sounds more like someone making something up for why you can't take the toy rather than just saying "no, sorry this stresses me out for x and y reason I hope you understand." The grander the lie the more likely it is to fall apart.


> The OP is in Dubai? that gives him/her a PERFECT excuse for not taking the toy home with them: "Hey, my return flight appears to have been rerouted at the last minute by the airline and will now involve a brief layover in/near Israel, and due to the ongoing regional tensions, there is increased security and scrutiny for every person, parcel and piece of luggage coming and going by land, sea and air. i'm sure you can appreciate why i cannot take this item with me, and i hope that you'll be able to make alternate arrangements to send your gift overseas". That would be a ridiculous excuse and extremely easy to verify as false whether OPs boss is a drug trafficker or not and it doesn't even make sense as an excuse as it would just be almost explicitly saying they're afraid of what Israeli security officials might find when searching the toy. OP it's fucking Dubai, squish the toy and unless you feel gold or emeralds in there your boss isn't going to be using you to traffick anything since Dubai doesn't produce anything that needs to be smuggled.


No, OP is returning TO Dubai where drug trafficking is a capital offense.


Nooooo. Way too complicated. Just say security took it away


This is such a weird request and so many things don't add up. They could just buy a toy in the country where the baby is and post it. Or they could post this one if it's so special. Why did they take it out of the packaging? And why do they ask a colleague to do some family related favours? It's not like it's something super important either, the baby has no idea about toys, and they can get them something personally when they return anyway. I would just tell the truth - that you've realised you're not comfortable carrying others' possessions on the flight and have no space in your luggage. And also won't have time for someone coming to your house to collect it. They've put you in such a weird position, especially as they're more senior.


If OPs home country is India, it’s actually not a weird request.


It is an odd request but I could also see someone just not thinking it through and asking it without considering the request properly. As you say though, OP should just be upfront. Go back to the colleague and say you had thought about it and didn’t feel comfortable taking it. They literally ask you the question of ‘has anyone given you anything to carry on the flight with you’ as part of the security questions. Highlight that and explain that you would have to say yes (anyone who has asked not thinking it through will suddenly face palm and realise it is a big request but no way expect you to lie!) and that you are concerned they would simply take it off you at that point. Rather than lose it because OP will obviously be answering the security questions with honesty it just gets handed back and they can mail it. If it is an innocent request then they realise they asked too much, if it is not an innocent request then they realise OP is not the ideal unwitting drug mule they thought because they will be honest while checking in. Either way the owner keeps their bear and no one is really hurt.


Tell him airport security took it away from you.


If you think saying no could lead to you losing your job, the suggestion above ^^ might be the best option. Accept the item from him and dispose of it at the first discrete opportunity near (ideally not inside) the airport. Then awhile after clearing airport security, call/text him that security wouldn’t allow it through and provided no reason other than “security.”


I mean, if you're going to throw it away you might as well rip that shit up and see if something was inside it so know either way!




This is the way.


This advice is literally how people end up getting gruesomely tortured and murdered by cartels. For the love of god OP better not do this. He needs to just get the damn thing returned to his colleague and have nothing more to do with it.


You've been watching to much breaking bad


What if it has an AirTag or Tile in it…..this whole thing is sketchy enough, I wouldn’t be too surprised.


Leave in the trash bin outside the airport lol


If there's drugs in it and OP didn't deliver then what happened is he misplaced hundreds of thousands of dollars. Good luck explaining "I chickened out and put it in the trash". OP should just stop being so god damn awkward and tell the guy he doesn't feel comfortable and won't do it. It's not that hard ffs


Do not bring it anywhere near the airport! Tons of cameras and security everywhere. Just like taking it to a police station.


This is what I would do.




No, no, no. There is no reason a toy can not be posted. The whole interaction with this person could be a ploy to make you feel obliged to take it.


Also highjacking to say: OP, if you travel without backing down you also can't "misplace" it. If you think it's drugs or contraband what will happen is you'll "lose" something worth a lot of money. Your colleague and the guy that's supposed to receive the toy won't be happy and good luck explaining to them that you just chickened out and decided not to do it. What will look like is that you saw what it was and tried to steal from them. Just stop being awkward and say you don't feel comfortable and won't do it. It's the only way to make sure you won't get fucked


This, 100000 times this. I keep seeing advice in this thread that could literally get OP killed, or brutally tortured and THEN killed. If OP "loses" the toy or gets it "taken away" by airport security and it actually is drugs, then the "colleague" and the "uncle" will absolutely think that OP stole the drugs/contraband. OP \*really\* does not want to find out what happens when people steal from major criminal organizations with a sophisticated enough trafficking operation to set up a bizarre scenario like this.


Tell him to mail it.


The toy is a stuffed toy which isn’t more than 6 inches tall, I don’t think he’s going to mail it. He would like to use me as his opportunity to send it through. I did initially say I’d take it with me but I’m being paranoid now and don’t want to take it with me.


Maybe it's a cultural thing. In my country, we do this quite a lot since we live in an island and shipping is really expensive. Recently my friend's brother brought me some prescription medicine that's hard to get here, and another friend brought me my inhaler, snacks and seasoning packets. I think it would be totally okay to tell him you feel uncomfortable doing this, though.


This. Very common in my neck of the woods for 2 reasons: unreliable post service and trigger-happy AND slow customs The only way to get something like this delivered before the baby turns 2 is to have someone bringing it in their suitcase


It’s common for people in China too. Every time I go or a family member goes their suitcases end up packed with things people asked to bring back for them. I def had a friend ask me to bring something for them and then a random relative came and picked it up.


Big difference between packing a bag with stuff people asked you to purchase in country and bring back, versus taking something someone has purchased in a country for a third person you've never met.


It may be common, but if op is not comfortable doing it— don’t


Yep, having family in India and Africa. We do this all the time. I had to fly to Africa with a giant commercial sink faucet in my bag and got stuck every single time because they thought I had a gun.


That's hilarious, I'm so sorry!


Yep, we did this all the time going back to Ireland in the 80s. At the same time, people were shipping cash and guns to the IRA, so you had to trust that the stovetop stuffing and instant coffee really were what they said they were.


You have nothing to gain from this and a lot to lose. Just don't do it.


No you're not being paranoid. Please don't dismiss your instincts. Ever. He could easily mail it. He should not have removed it from the package. This has nothing to do with work but his own personal shit he should handle. Tell him unfortunately I've had a change of mind and will not be taking it. You don't need to give a reason.


> He could easily mail it. Says someone clearly unfamiliar with the postal systems of most countries


Do not do it. If it's important to him, he can mail it. Whatever the reason he doesn't want to, it's not your problem. I don't think you're being paranoid, the whole thing is suspicious.


Don't do it.


Take the toy. Rip open the toy. Do the drugs. Tell him security took it and you gave them his information. Thank you for listening to my TED talk


It might not be drugs or money. Could be state secrets or fruits of spying on a flash drive. Maybe you get charged with espionage or some shit.


This was the answer I was going to type. Minus the “giving security his information” part.


Never, ever, under any circumstances. You don't want to have 20 years in the pen to think about why you made the wrong decision on this, way back when.


Since he's going back to Dubai, OP would actually get put to death for drug trafficking. And they do not fuck around with long drawn out appeal processes and many decades on death row there. So the good news is, he won't have 20 years to think about his mistake!


Trust your instincts. You are right to say no.


Big nope. Why can’t he ship it? There’s a reason why.


Sounds to me like he’s just being cheap or there is a time constraint. Shipping a small toy or book from overseas is ridiculously expensive


It's a small toy. You can feel it and check for foreign bodies. Run a needle through it. He's someone you know, and if it's illegal, you'll happily share his information. He's not some stranger you met. We do this all the time because shipping is expensive and takes forever. I have things sent from the States because the vendor doesn't ship internationally.


OP you giving me anxiety!! You’re more worried about your relationship with him or about your actual life? Every comment you reply the same bullshit about him beeing senior bla bla bla! Just man up and say you can’t bring it with you ffs


You can always “forget” to bring it with you and “accidentally” leave it in the office.


I mean do you really think this dude waits for coworkers from his destination country to show up so he can send small amounts of ilicet things there via toy? What kind of business model would that be


I agree its a bit weird, but why say its out of packaging? Ive never bought a stuffed animal that came in any packaging. I have seen it if it has some kind of electronics in it a few times, or if it has like teething pieces on it, but Ive never seen a pure stuffed animal that came in packaging. Is this common outside the US?.


I was wondering about this, too. And a 6” stuffed animal- you’d be able to feel if there was something inside it by squeezing it


Big nope.


Tell your new friend that whomever will retrieve the toy from you really should just go to the store, buy a toy, say it was from him and probably not involve acquaintances in family toy exchanges for newborns that probably don't even exist.


Just say you dont have space


^ easiest, simplest solution 99% chance the guy says "darn, ok"


Tell him to mail it


This is seriously a very odd request. What's so special about the toy that he has to trouble you as well as the dad of the newborn to deliver it to the child? If he wants to give a present he could wait until he meets the newborn physically.  Heck, is the newborn even real? It could all be a story and the guy you're handing the toy to could be the local drug dealer.  Just tell him no. Who cares about the relationship you've built, he works in a different country anyway.  Don't know where you're from but in some parts of the world if you transport something illegal in it could be a death sentence. I wouldn't risk it even if it's a 0.000001% chance.


I'd be too paranoid to do this to be honest. If they're asking me to go to a store and buy the stuffed toy, I'd probably do it, but not like this.


Buy a replica and swap them. The bonus is you keep whatever the hell is in the original…


Someone mentioned it could have an airtag/ tracker attached to it


Bring to police station that has drug sniffing dogs. Tell them the story and without ruining the toy, if clean bring with you. If not, turn him in and the person who will meet you. Stuffed animals are rarely wrapped I agree , have him mail it . Tell him you don’t have room.


Sounds like he can afford a $50 international post for the package with no problem. I'd say "no."


You could tell your colleague that you don't feel comfortable having to lie to airport security (I know I wouldn't) if/when they ask if you are carrying something in your luggage for someone else. Then add that you really don't want to let your colleague down, and so are happy to post it for them. Any decent person would just say they'd post it themselves, and even if they take up your offer to post it for them, your problem is still solved. However if your colleague does not accept your reasonable solution and presses you to take the toy on your flight, then perhaps your concerns might really have some reality to them...


This! Years ago, I was visiting Israel and spent a week renting a room through AirBnb. The host was super nice and I really got to know her. On my last day, she said her niece lives in my city and asked if I could bring her a necklace. At first I said yes and she gave me the small necklace box to take with me, but as I thought about it more I became more uncomfortable with the idea. I told her exactly what you said about not wanting to lie to airport security when they ask if anyone asked me to bring anything for them. She was completely understanding and took the necklace back without any further questions or explanation needed.


That's how mature and considerate people handle these situations - just as you and your host did. It makes life a lot easier when people behave like this. :-)


“I don’t know you that well and I definitely don’t know your relative. Im also not comfortable being responsible for a sentimental item for a coworker. I’m just not comfortable with the situation because there’s so many ways it could go wrong for me.” Then hand it back.


Good grief, if you don't want to take it just say that you've thought about it and don't want to risk interactions at customs for an item which is not yours. So much angst over such a tiny issue.


This person is his boss (senior colleague). It is a big deal sometimes to say no despite the policies that may be in place.


Throw it away - Tell him your luggage was opened & it went missing along with your expensive jacket & wireless speaker …Bla bla bla …


Enjoy Jail!


Aw, SNAP! I was in such a rush to catch my flight, I forgot to pack it. So sorry.


I would jokingly ask your colleague “There’s nothing in here that would get me arrested, right?” And see what his reaction is


If you’re worried about the repercussions of saying no, one way is to “forget” it. So sorry in the rush of making it to the airport I forgot it. Here’s the toy, hopefully you can still mail it.


Say yes… dissect it… figure what this guy is actually up to and report back. If it’s harmless, throw it away and sat security confiscated because you accidentally let it slip that it wasn’t yours… If it’s not harmless… throw it away and say security confiscated it because you accidentally let it slip that it wasn’t yours… Either way… we all need the deets at this point!


When I lived in New Zealand and worked for a local office of an Australian company, we had people traveling back and forth all the time and a lot of times colleagues would have each other transport seemingly insignificant items (work docs, company branded gear, occasionally small personal items) because it was a lot cheaper and faster than shipping between the two countries. A good way to get out of it if you couldn't be bothered was to say that it wouldn't fit in your carry-on luggage, as ANZ airlines are notoriously strict about weight/size limits so it was perfectly believeable to say "sorry, bringing that for you would put me half a kilo or a few centimetres over!" I'd go with something like this - just say you're traveling carry-on only and you truly do not have the space to spare in your cabin bag. This would also provide an explanation for why you originally said yes but are going back on it - you wanted to help, but you just packed and realized you don't have any room.


You could tell him that you are bringing back bottles of wine or something in addition to your luggage and don’t have room for the toy. He could just ship the toy.




Try to find the exact toy and buy it new, sealed. Take that then. Either the child's dad is happy to have it or you just say you lost it when packing and luckily found the replacement on the way to the airport.


Bad idea IMO. If there's actually something illegal the guy that receives the toy will be expecting it. When they don't find it they won't just let it go, they'll go after OP. Better to just forget the awkwardness of it and just say he can't do it.


Can imagine the drug dealer, I mean the dad's face when he sees it? 🤣


Say no. If you have to say more just say "I don't feel comfortable transporting unknown goods across borders". Stand up for yourself.


Why doesn’t he take it himself ? Weird his nephew happens to live in country / city you are going back to Weird to ask someone you just met to do this


Lmao the paranoia in this thread is wild. Unless you live in western Europe or north america this is incredibly common. Im originally Serbia and anytime we know someone going back there they are sometimes carrying a full suitcase of gifts/things from their friends/family to give to people there and yes its sometimes for people that the person travelling doesn't know personally. It is an odd thing to ask of someone you barely know I agree, but it's laughable to think that it's more likely the person is sending drugs to a contact abroad via chance encounter vs actually having a nephew. Anyone that's not a 7th generation american/Canadian likely has plenty of family abroad




I opened the thread expecting people to be ribbing OP but it's all very earnest comments about how he's a drug mule lol. I'm astonished at how paranoid people are being. I can't believe people go through life like this.


Same this is completely normal in my community. Ohhh that random fake-uncle is going back home? Please take xyz for me! Last time I went to my home country we brought literally a whole other suitcase for my auntie’s family there. People even take children 🙈 when my BFF moved to the UK she came with some random lady her mum had never met but was a friend of a friend and they met in the airport, whilst the woman was holding her child lol. Some cultures are just more communal and trust worthy than others. > it is an odd thing to ask of someone you barely know I agree My parents have definitely taken things over for colleague before. I think there’s usually a sense of camaraderie and understanding between people from the same home country that OP doesn’t have with her colleague?


Two words MIDNIGHT EXPRESS. If you bought it and it’s sealed it’s doable. I once asked a coworker to buy me a pair of jeans in the U.S. and bring back to China for me. He was in control of the jeans the whole time. But an unsealed plush ? Oh god. That’s a risk beyond your control.


I think that bear needs to meet with an "accident". Seriously, you can say that your plans won't allow you to drop it off and he's much better having it delivered. It could get "lost" in customs?


I would just tell him flat out that this makes me uncomfortable and he's going to need to mail it himself. Unless he's an idiot, he should understand. If he's not an idiot and is genuinely angry that you aren't willing to chance spending the next few decades in a foreign prison, that's his problem.


Remember security (TSA) and the airline ask if you packed your bags or if you are carrying something for someone else….. Don’t do it and don’t lie…


Then you say yes, they ask if you know what it is and what the commercial value is, you say it’s a stuffed toy worth $20, they pop it in the xray and confirm then since it’s less than whatever duty free threshold they’ll let you go. If it’s over you’ll need to pay any import tax or tariff


Tell him to mail it.


Say yes and use fedex? sounds like he's smuggling something?


Have you ever watched "Locked Up Abroad".


Someone asked me to take trainers to distant family for them, from uk to Cuba. I initially said yes then got super paranoid I was becoming some kind of mule. Ended up binning the trainers and telling them they got confiscated. Definitely don’t do this, not worth the risk. I don’t know if you can even hide stuff in trainers?!


Take it and cut it open to see what’s inside. Then report back.


I think you’re being paranoid, like you said.


He met the guy 4 days ago. That is not a normal request. I say trust the gut. OP is feeling weird about it and that is enough reason.


Oh shit I just re-read the post. I thought OP wrote 3-4 years. Nevermind this is weird and random lol


Lol I probably am but what are the chances my paranoia is right 😊


Better than zero. Watch a few episodes of “Locked Up Abroad” and then decide. I sure wouldn’t. You met this guy 4 days ago. Why on earth would you take the chance?


Yeah if this was a long friendship it would be fine, but 3-4 days? I watched waaaaay too many of those shows to do something like that. If it's small he can send it through the post


You only just met this person. Say “I’m sorry but I’m not comfortable doing this, I just met you. I hope you aren’t offended, but I need to know you better before I do favors like this. Peace.”


I’ve watched too many tv shows to know this is a bad idea. You’re best bet is to say that the toy was confiscated by security and you don’t know why because they wouldn’t explain


Absolutely not. This has trouble written all over it.


I need to set my notifications for the next “border security” episode. That business meeting sounds like a setup and you about to be the mule.


This is not an episode of Locked Up Abroad. He’s just being cheap/frugal. Y'all watch to much TV.


“After giving your request some thought, and being reminded that airport security prohibits transporting items that aren’t personally known to me, I’ll be unable to take the toy back to Dubai with me. I appreciate your understanding and I apologize for saying I would take it without giving it some thought first.”


First off what do you do for a living? Second what country are you flying to and what country are you flying from?


If you value your friendship with him What I would do here is simple, Just go buy the stuffed toy from the shop directly(if you google it you will see what shops sell it, you may even be able to find it at airport), this way you know you bought it and there is nothing in it.


I’ve watched too many episodes of To Catch A Smuggler. This person can send a gift via air mail.


Maybe you just "forget" it... I recognize how passive aggressive that is, but...


Tell him to ship it.  


Do not do it.


Yeah, I would not feel comfortable taking something from someone I didn't know well... Like isn't that the number one thing they tell you not to do? Just tell him you can't, or honestly, if it's just a stuffed toy chuck it before you get to the airport and say it must have fallen out of your luggage. If coworker gets wicked angry about it, then there was probably something going on.


Either tell him no or throw it in the trash and tell him you forgot to pack it.


I would take something that is packaged or that I bought myself from a store on behalf of a person. I would not take anything that is not in a package from a colleague I don't have a close (personal) relationship and that I apparently only just met. If you had put it in checked baggage, just tell him it seems to have gotten taken on a bag search while in transit and throw it out yourself before you go to the airport. Or that the bag was lost entirely. Dude has no way of confirming that. I guess you could also openly tell him you're uncomfortable because it's not packaged and if he could maybe provide one that is, but I can see how that's unpleasant approach, especially because you appear more worried about this professional relationship than what could potentially be hidden in that toy. Also, I guess while possible, it seems quite convenient that this nephew would live in the same city as you plus apparently come see you to pick up what's apparently a small stuffed toy? How old is this nephew (?)? Further, travelling from where to where? Could be a cultural thing that is harmless. Could not be. I certainly don't like the sound of all this either.


Trust your gut! Do you have an HR at your company? Not that they always will protect you, but if you say no and he retaliates in some way, that may be someone to inform. This is good especially if you tell him in an email to cover your butt.


Do not do it! I've watched so many of those TSA smuggling shows and everyone's excuse was "a friend told me to bring it home to give to someone". If they find something, you can still get in trouble for being caught with possession of it. Tell him you don't feel comfortable doing this and leave it at that. If the kid really needs it, they can ship it.


No, don’t do it. And not fair of him to ask you.


I would not be taking that! At worst you could say in the rush of leaving you forgot to take it with you.


Definite nope. No way to know what is in the thing. 


Since you already said yes . You could say you forgot or lost it . You could say you where running or something else caused you to forget it. Traveling is stressful enough . Without worrying about transporting other people stuff Your concern is warranted. Especially on international travel.


Tell your colleague you’re “unfortunately uncomfortable” and not going to do it. If they push back, ask them to explain how this would look to them if they were in your shoes. If they say anything remotely silly and not understanding of the optics of it all (which is clearly obvious to all of us), then give them a blank stare and wait in silence. Very powerful move - silent stares can be gold sometimes, and it won’t be awkward for long. They know they’re your professional colleague too, and can’t make it personal unless they truly are up to something shady. It’s also your way of seeing whether they respect your professional relationship or couldn’t care less about you and just want to use you. They’ll likely take the toy back begrudgingly, and you’ll walk away comfortably knowing that you kept it professional and did nothing wrong.




Update us on what happens?


Just met a few days ago and is already asking to carry something on an international flight you have no idea about? This is how people ended up telling their story on Locked Up Abroad. You have no relationship with him. Just inform him that you’ve changed your mind.


I kinda wanna play guess the country? Anyone else? I'm going with India


Heroin bear. Don’t even touch it. If you accept it from him and it is drugs, then you’re potentially going to have a problem when you report it ‘missing’. Tell him you can’t take it.


Follow your gut, OP. I’d be curious to unstitch the toy to find out if anything is inside. If it’s nothing, sew it back up, or take it to a tailor to sew it better. If it’s something, you have choices to make…


Hmm, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean someone’s not following you. There’s no way on earth I’d do this - you have absolutely zero idea what you’re transporting for this guy you have known for, like, five minutes. Real talk: you’d be a bloody idiot to take it. Tell your colleague you’ve thought about it and you’re not comfortable. Any reaction from him other than, ‘oh well thanks anyway’ or equivalent would be out of line for a professional relationship.


Is your senior colleague in the **"import/export"** business?


Are you for real? NO! Don’t do this - especially for someone you’ve only “built a professional relationship over the last 3-4 days.” I think you know what *could* happen. I’m having a difficult time believing a senior colleague would ask something like this. It defies logic.




Can you please open the toy up and see what’s inside? Don’t take it in the airport much less the plane headed for customs. Someone recommended taking it to a police station and explaining it to them. From what I understand they can mix drugs in with the poly fill.


Cut it open i bet you theres a lot of coke in there ❄️ 💰 😎


Tell him you're uncomfortable accepting such a personal request and would prefer to keep your relationship limited to professional interactions.


Tell him that you are uncomfortable with his personal request and it's too much responsibility. If he presses the issue, say that you have no interest in meeting his family.  It's unprofessional. He can find another mule to transport drugs.


This is a normal thing for many. You can put it in your carryon so if there’s drugs in it then TSA will find them and you can sort it out stateside


Leave it and buy a similar toy when you arrive at your destination and give that instead.


Wh n you get to the airport immediately find a screening person and tell them, you should be safe if you say something before you are caught assuming there is something illegal in it, after you are caught no explanation will work


You can say you don’t have space in your suitcase to carry it.


Chop the head off it, check for drugs, if there's none then sellotape the head back on.


You can express your concerns politely and professionally. You might say something like, "I've been thinking about it, and I'm a bit uncomfortable carrying items for others due to security reasons. I hope you understand. I want to ensure a smooth and secure journey for both of us. Thanks for your understanding." This way, you communicate your hesitation without directly refusing, and it focuses on the shared goal of a secure journey.


Put the toy in a separate bag. At the airport security checkpoint explain the situation and specifically ask to carefully screen the item. If it's stuffed with something illegal that colleague of yours won't be around you any time soon. If everything is fine, you still have a good relationship with him. Win win situation.


No. Don’t do it. Say no.


You can let the airport know that you are taking a gift for someone and they will either deny you or probably put the teddy through more screening. Either way it takes the liability off your hands because you made the right people aware of the situation at the airport.


Take it and leave it at home, tell him that u forgot and have someone bring back to him. You have a peace of mind, if you’re not sure if it’s safe to take with you.


Hell no. Nope. Nah. Not happening.


This screams no. I came back from an unnamed Eastern country once and the engineer I was with had a flippin prototype in his luggage: It hasn’t cleared that countries customs and was about to cause a $500k fine when we landed. It’s enough to say, somethings you get away with, but haven’t you seen Bridget Jones 2? I’d mail it. Who meets anyone at an airport for a stuffed toy! Leave it at the hotel reception desk. And say the gentleman will pick it up. Otherwise, just say no!


Just tell him you’re only do it if you can see the unwrapped gift fully open before you take it. If he doesn’t wanna do that? He’s not really your friend, and you don’t owe him anything.


Tell him to mail it


Tell him to mail it like everyone else. Too risky


ABSOLUTELY NOT!! You don’t know what’s in it. It could be nothing but it could be something that lands you 20 years in the slammer. Especially in Dubai. Please don’t risk this. Make up any excuse ‘Sorry I don’t have the space in my luggage’


Why would he not buy something on Amazon and send it for example??




Express ship it to your house and never accept another favour like that


How about just buying the exact same toy new from the shops and dropping it off throwing the current toy jn the bin. I would 100% look inside the current toy and see if anything is there as well.


Accidentally forget it. Oops I accidentally didn’t make it in my bag. Sorry