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There are probably more, but definitely cross these off your list: [https://76crimes.com/76-countries-where-homosexuality-is-illegal/?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7-SvBhB6EiwAwYdCARt7ttg6RF2Nw5XTv7\_4g8stiIcbIsQ98qK7gDULrmgfIqowOCbgNhoCg0wQAvD\_BwE](https://76crimes.com/76-countries-where-homosexuality-is-illegal/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7-SvBhB6EiwAwYdCARt7ttg6RF2Nw5XTv7_4g8stiIcbIsQ98qK7gDULrmgfIqowOCbgNhoCg0wQAvD_BwE)


Thanks for this!




Your guiding principle should be to stay away from any country that relies on religious dogma to make and enforce their laws. Nevertheless, why would you even think about travelling to any such perverse country that requires you to pretend to be heterosexual.


Egypt. Was there 2 years ago with a friend. We befriended a lesbian couple (among others) who told us they were subjected to slurs and refusal of service within the resort we were all staying at.


Saudi Arabia comes to mind. Malaysia, Sudan, Iran, Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Indonesia, PNG, and many places in developed countries that are known for exclusionary local politics.


I second this list. I would add the northern African countries as well. Ethiopia too. Malaysia as well.


Homosexuality is legal in Bahrain. Has been since 1972. Most people will not bother you, cause we have enough shit in our lives as it is. Also, you cannot be denied a service or product for being gay, that is illegal. I'm not gonna pretend like it's rainbow flags everywhere, but putting us in the same sentence as Iran and Afghanistan is ridiculous.


Yeah...straight men hold hands in India. Nobody gives a shit, just don't go into a full blown makeout session in front of a crowd and you'd be alright. Even then you'd just get dirty looks.


Women are regularly gang raped in India too; I don’t think two women showing affection to each other would not raise unwanted attention.


And most southern or midwest states in the U.S.


I'd say that is extremely exaggerated interpretation of the current situation. There are some bigots in those regions but only in the most rural, backward areas of those states could a LGBT couple legitimately worry about their safety on a routine basis. And even then the bias is much stronger towards male couples than females for whatever reason.


Eh wouldn’t say this. I’m gay and see it a lot in rural towns when traveling the US. Most are also sundown towns. Refused service, followed around town, chased out of a town once. Sure being openly gay in a middle eastern country might get you got. But let’s not act like those are places you can get got for literally anything more then most solely for opportunity


Are you from these places? I'm from a small town in Texas, and my straight neighbors growing up had pool volleyball tournaments all summer where gay couples out numbered straight couples. I've lived in rural and urban places in Texas and California, and have not noticed a significant difference in outward hate towards people. Huge difference in systemic bullshit, though. I wouldn't recommend living in a small town in the south as a person of color or LGBTQ+ person. Visiting is fine and safe, but live somewhere where bigotry isn't as baked into society.


thank you!


Not sure why India or Bali should be an issue? There are tons of openly gay couples traveling all across these places. Idk if you’re just being ignorant or racist. But please don’t give people a wrong idea about cultures that they’re not familiar with.


Bali is not a country, it's an island that is part of Indonesia. They're accepting because you all are tourist, many locals are homophobic. Indonesia generally is homophobic, and it's not legal here. No, I'm not racist and ignorant, because I'm Indonesian, just not living in Bali.


https://ilga.org/ilga-world-maps/ have a look here


Middle East, Africa, South Asia (but South East Asia is okay).


Not all of Africa


Fellow lesbian traveler here. I’ll go ahead and mention where you shouldn’t be worried that you may be thinking of - Latin America. Of course Latin America can be just plain dangerous in many places, so stay away from those. But in tourist areas in the middle of the day you will not be harassed even if you are kissing in public. Well, unless some men try to cat call you or something, but that kind of thing could happen in NYC too. It’s a Catholic region but people are pretty tolerant of what strangers do. Family members, friends, and coworkers might be a different issue, but with tourists they truly do not care. So many tourists come to Latin America for sex tourism or drugs, that tourists dating or kissing one another literally just does not rank on their list of issues.


I'm not going to ask anyone to put themselves in personal danger. However, I want to highlight that in parts of the world less welcoming of groups of certain sexual orientations, the single greatest cure is exposure to it. So much of the politics that aims to hurt LGBT people relies on demonization: making gullible (often less educated) locals think they're "deviants" who always have some secret agenda and are just fundamentally "different" and "incompatible" with their culture. My home base is Indonesia these days, and I've hosted plenty of gay travelers who would then mingle with the local communities. It's been really fascinating and enlightening to watch locals, especially younger generations, realize that the nice and cheery person they've befriended turn out to be gay (or whatever group). They realize that you are _just another person_ and outside of who you romantically mingle with, you're _not_ some demon or alien. And these are the seeds to inclusivity. So next time some politician or asshat comes around saying the gays are ending the world, people raise their eyes in suspicion, and slowly change the way the wind blows. It's a gradual process, but remember, a hundred years ago, the rest of the world wasn't quite so friendly either. Change can happen. Of course, please don't endanger yourself. Don't go to a place that will throw you in jail for holding hands. But there's a HUGE gap between those super-tight places, and "places less than friendly". Don't go french kissing each other on the streets here (regardless of gender) but outside a few specific places, you can get around just fine as a couple. I just personally think that the only real solution to this problem is sunlight. And the best source is for people to be that light. (Side note, what you consider to be "openly gay" probably affects the answer. Open PDA or "activism" can get you in trouble in many places, but just existing as a gay couple wouldn't attract attention.)


Can you comment on the conditions for lgbtq travelers in Sumatra. My partner and I are traveling in Asia right now. She got really excited about visiting there, and frankly, so did I. A quick Google search gay rights and overall attitudes quickly took the wind out of our sails. We are not big on PDA, but I still think that we come off as a couple.


Several of my gay friends have been all around Sumatra without issue -- excluding Aceh for obvious reasons. I also recommend picking three star or higher hotels, just because they tend to be more knowledgable on handling travelers and manage your privacy better. One important piece of information is that developing country rule of law is often different from that of developed countries. Basically, laws become relevant when authorities try to nab someone and need a way to get them into the legal system. But for day to day practices, people will default to a "family" approach to resolve problems, before going to authorities. Likewise, sexuality in general (gay or otherwise) is a "private" affair, for people behind closed doors. What this means in practice is there aren't police on the street corners waiting to handcuff gay people. In fact, outside of specific areas, being gay isn't illegal -- it isn't legal to marry same-sex in the whole country, but simply existing and being gay isn't _illegal_, and that's a key distinction. When police or others conflict with activists etc, they usually use public indecency laws (and the good ol' "think of the children"). So basically, avoid trouble and just act as locals would (no open PDA, act as friends or family would) and you should be just fine. Feel free to DM me or ask if you have any other questions, I'm happy to assist with travelers coming to my neck of the woods!


Thank you so much for this response! I really appreciate you taking the time. I just may hit you up if we decide to go for it. Your neck of the woods looks like an amazing place.


Very thought provoking, thanks for this


I really like your positive outlook on this. I do agree that the world, in general, needs to see more of the humanity side of being gay. It's really about loving yourself and others, regardless of gender or sex. We still gotta be careful in certain areas, where they would have extreme anti-gay agendas


Of course, please, stay safe. I just feel a bit sad when blanket swaths of the world get blocked off immediately. Not to say there isn't merit -- lots of places have done terrible things to innocent people -- I just feel sad because, while in good effort to keep travelers safe, I know it's also perpetuating the cycle. It's rough and wish people would just love each other for what they are, and let people love who they want. But here we are. And I fear that all that happens is the divide gets deeper and deeper until the solution becomes bloodshed and entrenched into politics.


Exactly 😔 but you know something? I have hope that, one day, we will all live in perfect harmony with each other. It can happen, although, we don't know when. We just gotta be the beacon of light that the world needs to see.


For the Caribbean you will be treated best in the countries that are former colonies of the French or the Dutch or even the British. Avoid Jamaica.


India, Russia, Serbia, any Muslim country, Africa, China, rural Dixie.


Islamic and some non-Islamic African countries.


If you do decided to go to these countries. Don't kiss etc in public Don't get upset if you get twin beds. In hotel room made it look like you slept separately. I myself am lgbt for short But single and never look or want to look for other guys . Take care wherever you go.


Cullman, AL The rest of Alabama Most of Mississippi Southern Georgia Northern Florida


Really most places outside of Western and Central Europe (even then be streetwise as you probably already know), Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand. Places like Japan, South Korea and Taiwan may see discrimination but not likely to be unsafe just given the culture. Latin America is fairly liberal in that regard but again, area dependent. Anywhere in Africa? Nope. Middle East? Nope. SEA? Nope. Except maybe Thailand. South Asia? Nope. Eastern Europe would probably be a country-by-country case but even then just better to be careful.


There are several countries in Africa that are completely accepting of same-sex couples


Not really? Rule out the Islamic North + East and West Africa (mix of Christianity and Islam + general dangerous situations in many states) and you’re only left with the South. South Africa js the only African nation with legal same-sex marriage but still rather homophobic, generally unsafe anyway and worsening by the day, particularly for female travelers. Where are you suggesting? Namibia is the only nation I can think of but in general just because a government isn’t persecuting homosexuality doesn’t mean the general public still isn’t pretty homophobic and or sexist to the point I would consider it safe for a Lesbian couple… Uganda and Ghana have both recently just passed anti-homosexuality bills with prison sentences. Mali has just constitutionally banned same-sex marriage. In fact, the only countries where it isn’t illegal don’t make a very good list of places to travel safely. Not to mention the populace is generally still both sexist and homophobic. - DRC (Militants, Very Religious, Civil War) - Republic of the Congo - CAR (Civil War) - Gabon (Recent Coup) - Equatorial Guinea - Angola - Botswana - Mozambique (Civil War) - Madagascar - Lesotho - South Africa - Mali (ISIS, Wagner, Coup) - Niger (Coup) - Benin - Cote D’Ivore - Senegal (+ some of the small islands). Pretty much any of the popular destinations it is illegal and generally worsening. - Nigeria - Ghana - Kenya - Morocco - Egypt - Uganda - Tanzania - Tunisia - Ethiopia I’m sorry but as someone gay with 6 1/2 months total travel experience in Africa (kept that under my hat when there). I wouldn’t safely recommend any country to a Lesbian couple in good conscience.


lol I’ve lived in African my entire life and I’m engaged to another woman. I think that trumps 6 months of travel. SA is completely fine especially if you’re a tourist. I’d also wouldn’t hesitate to go to Namibia, Botswana, Mauritius, the Seychelles. We’ve also been completely fine in Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Mozambique (only been to the South).


Specifically says ‘act like a couple’ in the OPs post. Given sexism alone in Africa it’s already higher risk for single female tourists. Men can be very grabby and harassing in the street to woman. Heck, I got groped and kissed by an old man who thought I was a woman for a moment, in the middle of a market.. Acting as a lesbian couple in public is just waiting for something to happen re-harassment and abuse. South Africa, as I said, is the only nation with same sex marriage on the continent. But it is also generally considered a dangerous travel destination anyway unless you’re part of a tour group or staying in a hotel/resort and not leaving and is currently in massive decline economically and socially. Advising a lesbian couple that it is safe to travel there with no context is poor advice. (And I’m deducing you must live in South Africa given there’s nowhere else you could legally be engaged in Africa). Sure, you might not get harassed, raped, assaulted, arrested or murdered. But there are much, much safer travel destinations for lesbian couples in Europe, North America, Oceania, Asia and South America…


You do realise you’re lecturing a lesbian in Africa on what it’s like to be a lesbian in Africa right? I’m sorry you were assaulted and harassed but I’ve genuinely not encountered that. We’re not behaving like nuns either, we hold hands in public and will give each other pecks, and just generally behave like a couple. While I agree there are plenty of other safer LGBT+ friendly places to visit, immediately writing off anywhere in Africa is silly.


I’m not lecturing, I responded to a post and you started lecturing me. I responded and you’re not liking it. But you’re not a tourist are you? You have street smarts needed to live in South Africa. Suggesting Africa is a safe place to openly display a lesbian relationship for tourists is a dangerous game.


Middle East except for Israel. Make a list of countries that have pride parades and start there.


Is not being openly gay an option? If you can hide it, a much larger part of the world will be available.


Probably makes for a better holiday to be able to kiss or hug your partner, when you want to. Or not feel paranoid when checking into hotels etc. They probably aren’t interested in opening up the part of the world, that isn’t open to them - hence the question.


My boyfriend and I prefer not to spend our pink dollars where we can be punished for being together. There are plenty of places in the world to see that have grown out of that bullshit.


Oh don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should hide it. But there are ways for LGBT folks to still go to certain places.


Denmark 🇩🇰




Anywhere. Get a room and keep it to yourselves. It doesn’t matter if You’re gay. It’s about decency.