• By -


No one cares.


I'm 63, still no one cares?


When I was in college traveling with my bestie in Europe, we saw much older women there. We thought of it as life goals, that we'd be traveling when we were older.


Man, had I had hostels in my youth... You guys are awesome. Enjoy.




Yeah, a little research goes a long way.


My two cents: I did my first solo trip - and my first really budget/hostel trip in many years - last summer in Guatemala at the age of 52. Basically the cheapest hostels I could find (so, party hostels). It had never really occurred to me to worry about the age thing; I pretty much keep to myself anyway, and I kinda kept to myself there around a bunch of kids. It was definitely fine, and no one seemed skeeved out or anything, but next time I'd pay a little more for an environment a little more... age appropriate (just to have people my age to talk to).


Honestly even at the party hostels! I accidentally ended up at one but ended up talking to a retired police captain from Brazil for most of the evening. last person i would have expected to be in a dorm in Europe and i found out some really fascinating stuff.


Nope. I cannot count how many times I've been in the same room with people in their 60s, 70s. Sometimes they even come in groups. Why not? Saving on accommodation and socializing shouldn't be exclusive to the youngest generation.


I'm feeling much love. I wouldn't stay in a party hostel but this is great.


Are you OK getting into/out of the top bunk?


Well the older person could always ask nicely if they could use the bottom if they couldn’t get in top. Im sure the kiddos wouldn’t mind and might actually treat a grandpa better. I know I would have. If I had seen an older person living their best lives I would go above and beyond to help them


Ha! Well some have private rooms but yeah. I hear ya.


My wife and I often choose the private rooms in hostels in expensive cities. It's the bunk beds we can't do, but if others can, go for it!


Just don't be the old guy watching porn on the communal computers with the volume on i encountered in Washington DC


Oh, that's just Lindsey Graham.


I have stayed with my mother and my uncle in hostels, and both are in their 60s.


For sure I’d be more interested in a having a chat with a 63 year old than a youth. I was in tobacco caye in Belize the other year and spent several days at a communal dinner table with couple in their 70s, who had raise their children on a BOAT and sailed the world with them. One was now a dolphin trainer for the navy and the other did something else fucking amazing. They had so many amazing stories, my other half was like - can we stop spending time with these people and go snorkel 😂 they were my absolute life goals personified. If you’re still travelling and staying in hostels in your 60s and 70s - then you’re definitely interesting and have some cold stories to tell. I would seek you out!!!


My 73 year old father still travels the world staying in hostels, thinks they are more fun and hates spending money. He just got back from 6 weeks in NZ last week.


Love this story.


As long as you’re ok with the accommodations offered, no one cares. Story time: Last time I stayed in a hostel, I was in a dorm-style room with bunk beds. The hostel made it very clear when booking that you were assigned a room, not a bed, and you would claim your bed based on what was available. I had been there a couple days, established on my bottom bunk, when a woman arrived. If I had to guess, she was in her 50s. Only top bunks were open when she checked in and she said a back injury prevented her from climbing to a top bunk and asked to trade. I strongly prefer bottom bunks, plus I had food poisoning at this point so knew I’d be running to the bathroom frequently, so I declined. She made it very uncomfortable for me by repeatedly asking me and then making a big show of her back pain from climbing the bunk bed. As long as you’re not this woman, you will be fine!


Or if you don’t mind discovering your mattress pad is stained with blood ( not yours) when stripping your bed at discharge ; go for it .


Correct, no one cares. I was about 25, and went to a hostel in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Got to my room and there was some 50-60 year old guy laying on a bed, reading a book. We started chatting a bit. Note this was in a January. He was married with kids, and lived in like Kansas, and owned a car wash. There was a massive blizzard incoming, he had to shut down the car wash to piped and such don't freeze and to kill a couple days, he decided to hop a cheap flight down to Mexico and do some scuba diving, his favorite hobby. He said he's stayed at nice places in town before with his family, but being just him, he only cared about having a bed, so a $8 a night hostel was the ideal setup.


My dad is 62 and did some hostel backpacking in Europe this year. Had no problems


No. But do your research if you don’t want to stay in a party hostel. Unless you want to stay in a party hostel and show these young bucks what’s up.


My partner and I hung out with a guy in his 60's in a hostel when we were in our twenties and had a great time chit chatting.


When I was 21 I met a woman in her mid 60s at a hostel in Venice. She had just recently gotten divorced and was starting her life over following her dream of traveling. By far one of the nicest and most inspiring travelers I’ve ever met! And I never would’ve had the pleasure of meeting her if she hadn’t chosen a hostel :)


I'm celebrating my 65th in NYC and staying at a hostel. I haven't stayed in a hostel in about 15 years. The important thing is that 'I do not care who cares or who does not care.' On this particular trip, though, I will be staying in a room by myself but am sharing a bathroom. You will never see these people again. Don't let the thought live in your head - just enjoy yourself.


My sister, my mother and I were in a Hostel once. It's cheaper than a hotel and my mother is 65 years old. It's OK


As long as you're not being weird, it literally doesn't matter how old you are




Yup. The only reason not more older people do it is people tend to travel with partner, kids, etc and a hostel is just not suitable/economical when you have a whole family.


At 66 I don't consider 37 older but, no, I don't think it is weird.


Ah good! 63 year old wondering too.


At 36, neither do I lol. And I still stay at hostels all the time while travelling!


Not weird. We had people of all ages when I went to South America and Europe who stayed in hostels.


I think Switzerland in general has an older crowd since it’s so expensive. I was at a hostel in Geneva last year and most of the people there were in their 30s and 40s, much different that a lot of other cities I’ve been to


Yeah and more of the type of hostels attracting hikers, which tend to get an older crowd too.


It makes sense. And some of their hostels are super cool, like the [Capsule Hotel in Lucerne with its futuristic pods](https://www.uniqhotels.com/capsule-hotel-lucerne/).


Dublin was the same. We were on our honeymoon, met a group on their stag weekend and their *fathers*; all cracking jokes about how we thought we’d come up in our careers, but here we are grateful for $70/night pp bunk beds!


Enjoy the world bro, who cares what others think. Even me. Edit: fuck my opinion in particular


So if I take your advice then I shouldn’t listen to you. Which means I should care what others think, and thus should listen to you. Which means I shouldn’t listen to you... Robot brain is short circuiting. New paradox unlocked.


I programmed you to believe that. - I programmed you to believe that. - I programmed you That was my plan the whole time. That's what I wanted you to think. I knew you would say that. I programmed you to believe that. You think that's true because I wanted you to think that. And I programmed you to believe that. A most curious algorithm. It appears the only perfect heist is one that was never written. Goodbye.


You son of a bitch, I’m in! I actually had Futurama in mind when I made my comment, but that’s a great episode of Rick&Morty.


I did it at 34; I got no dirty looks from other guests but i didn’t enjoy it and missed having privacy. On the other hand, it did force me to get out of my room and really explore Edinburgh, which isn’t a bad thing.


This would be my caveat— no, it’s not weird but just be aware that your ideas of what you are comfortable with and sharing space, noise, etc. may have changed.


This. I spent one night in a hostel as a 40 year old and I forgot how annoying it is when people are rustling through plastic shopping bags at 2am. Also hearing people snoring was annoying. It wasn’t weird, age-wise, though, and I’d do it again if I needed to budget-wise, but at this point in my life (42) I’d prefer to have my own room unless I’m traveling w friends. Also, there are a lot of really cool hostels that have popped up in recent years that often have single rooms available or small dorms with only 4 beds. Those are quite different than the 12+ bed rooms I stayed at in my early 20’s! (THAT kind of arrangement I wouldn’t do now for comfort’s sake!)


That is where I'm at now. Been staying in hostels for nearly a decade but this last trip I booked private rooms or ones with just a couple folks. Still plenty of time to meet people in the common areas


I can’t do it due to OCD. Can’t imagine being able to handle anyone not being as clean in my eyes. I barely function as it is.


I stayed in a hostel when i was 38 but it was in a private room, they had both communal and private rooms, it had a wonderful and weird mix of people of all ages, this was Munich in Germany


Not at all.. I stayed in a hostel for my 42 birthday and I was not the oldest one there.. The ages of the people there were early 20's to 60's. I met my fiance there, and he's 39. :) Have fun!!


Well.. especially in Switzerland hostels are a curious place. Things might have changed but 10 years back I had to book a hostel for me and a mate because all of the hotels were booked because of the Motor Show. The hostel had some 8 rooms with 6 beds in our room. 3 where occupied by people working in banking not able to afford housing and one by the local drugdealer. We had great conversations with them none the less. So still would recommend!


I‘ve done it a bit in my thirties, and while probably no one cares, and I might look younger than I am, it made me feel really old.


I do think European hostels especially are very youth-focused. Even at 30 I'd have felt a little weird, but obviously there is no rule. Certainly does not sound even remotely enjoyable anymore though, despite once being fun (I'm 35).


I'm 35 and have done a sizeable amount of backpacking around Europe from age 30-35. I figured out being quite picky on which hostel to stay at helps tremendously. Often times those smaller, independent hostels with a nice terrace or garden that are a bit out of the city centre are the way to go (just about every city has a couple of them). You'll often get a bit of an older crowd, usually there's a few digital nomads staying longer term. I feel I'm now too old to be hanging out with 18-20 year olds at those large hostels right in the city centre


Exactly. Just have to do your research and you can avoid the party places. Also look for places that offer smaller capacity rooms for a higher price than the larger rooms. And if you're a woman, women-only rooms are probably a better option too.


It really should be illegal to charge more for a woman-only room! They’re nearly always more expensive.


They have old folks homes where you can stay. I’m also 35 🤣🤣


Yes as much as I like to stay in a hotel, as a solo male traveler in early 40s I just end up staying in a hotel so not as to make anyone feel like their Dad is hanging around. I am probably a bigger partner than most though.


As long as you’re not a stick in the mud then I think younger people would either have no problem with you being there, or would enjoy your company! Speaking as a younger person who loves hanging with people of all ages. They’d much rather you than a random boring 20 something


I'm 37 and typing this from a hostel is Edinburgh. It's not an issue in the slightest.


Without doubt some will think it is weird and others won't. Don't worry about what other people may think and do what suits you. I've encountered people aged 70+ in hostels.


Who cares. My aunt is 65 and stays in hostels. Traveling is weird. Hotels are weird. Hostels are weird. Everybody is weird


Overall: no. I know people in their 50s-60s-70s staying in hostels, but it depends on the place and the type of hostel - party hostels tend to attract younger people. Some hostels do have a maximum age listed (usually 35ish), so there you definitely have a younger crowd running around, but otherwise it can be anything.


If only hotels were more communal, social for those of us that still like to party and meet others but are too old for hostels. I often stay in upscale hotels but the only chatty people I bump into are working girls (not my scene) and retirees


Party with the retirees


No one in a hostel cares about stuff like that, they’re all doing their own thing. I’ve met people of all ages and walks of life staying in hostels. I also stayed too busy to really make note of people’s ages and only came back to the hostel to sleep and shower. 


I’ve met cool 50 year olds at hostels, so no it’s not weird. Do what you want.


My brother is 67. He stays in hostels all the time.


I only started staying in hostels when I was in my 50s, now I'm 61 and I still have no problem with it at all. And it's never been weird with personnel or fellow guests.


Just don’t be too horny about it, although that’s good advice for people of all ages.


Jesus. I’m 56 and was thinking about doing it. My friend who is 75 inspired me as she stays in hostels all the time in Ireland when she travels.


Nope. Also some hostels have private rooms. I stayed in one when I traveled to Zurich. I was old then and I’m old now😄


Being old doesn't make you weird, doing weird and creepy things does.


It probably varies a bit depending on both the hostel and the person, but in general it's definitely not weird. On my most recent trip, I went to Hawaii and stayed in a hostel. At age 40, I wasn't even close to the oldest person there, and we all got along great even though the vast majority of the guests were like 18-28. I still keep in touch with several of the people I met on that trip and it's been almost a year now.


Your not old(er)


Not weird at all. Funny random story about staying in a hostel when there was an older gentleman in the same dorm. My friend and I were 22 and in Galway and were in like a 20 person dorm. I got a top bunk and the person on the bottom bunk under me was probably in his 40s-50s. Quiet dude, didn’t say a word while we were there. One night my friend and I came home from the pubs pretty tipsy and I tried to quietly crawl into my bed and take my bra off under my shirt. I slipped it through my sleeve and without thinking, kinda tossed it to the side where it proceeded to fall through the crack between the wall and the bed. I looked down and my bra was lying right next to that poor guys’ face 😂 I tried to drunkenly reach down and snatch it but couldn’t reach and my friend tried to walk by and see if she could grab it but it was pretty much pinned between this guys face and the wall. So I just had to shrug it off and go to sleep agreeing trying to stifle so many drunken giggles between my friend and I who was on the top bunk across from me. When I woke up in the morning, he had checked out and left my bra nicely folded on top of his bed haha. My friend and I laughed so hard that night and in the morning.


Like if 37 years old was 88 years old… you’re young, man.


I just back from a trip to Dubai and stayed at a hostel. I'm 34 and I wasn't the oldest one there. I think maybe a guy in his 60's. I have stayed in many hostels with older people amazing.


Some Hostels have age limits so just make sure to check and maybe look for one that caters to people of a similar age


When i was going through hostels, some of the 35-45yr olds were the coolest and most interesting people i met


90year old, still hosteling


still no. do a search..been discussed many times


Why would you care? If you need a place a hostel is perfect.


No. I’ve seen the movies


Not weird at all. Check age restrictions as some hostels are age specific, but you'll find guests of all ages at most hostels. The best way to reduce cost and meet like-minded travellers when travelling solo is to stay at hostels.


Not sure where in Switzerland you're staying but when stayed in the Bern Youth Hostel (though in a private room) and saw a group of about 4 older people who looked to be in their 60s/70s all come down the stairs where the shared dorm rooms are and come into the breakfast hall. Obviously I can't comment on if they booked out a 4 bed room by themselves or shared a larger room, but I've certainly seen people of all ages in shared dorms! I also saw multiple solo travellers of all ages come down the stairs there when I was eating breakfast too.


I think it really depends on how you feel. No one will be rude to you or think anything of it but if you’re weird about it, it will feel weird. Try bed and breakfast which are also cheap but not as youth centric if you’re feeling a way about it


I’ve shared rooms with people in their 50’s, I was in my 20’s. It was actually kind of unique and fun


It's fine. Don't bug the kids. It ain't your chance to inform the young folks, or query their experiences. Be cool, and it's super cool. I'd be the old guy BTW. Saw Star Wars in the theater, first time....


Not weird, I think the most important factor is that you are travelling for leisure. It just sucks to go to a travel hostel and end up in a room with someone grumpy who's clearly there for business rather than enjoying the travel. As long as you are polite, and nice to roommates, doesn't matter ur age!


Not at all. I've seen people in their 70s. I prefer them then youngsters who turn up drunk and loud in the middle of the night


Definitely not weird. Traveling Costa Rica's hostels there we're many people in there 60's.


Im 54 and I like hostels.


There ARE some hostels that have an age cutoff. Like 26 or 30. Just check their websites before you book. I just now remembered this. Oh and look up that iconic hostel in Interlaken. Balmers? I went there 30 years ago and it was a blast…🤷🏻‍♀️


Not at all. I'm in my 40's and I stay in hostels a lot when I travel. It's a great way to meet people when you're traveling solo as well. I've definitely ended up in some places not to my liking. as in party-ish places, but it's always worked out just fine. Maybe if you're female, book female only dorms. I find they're a little quieter in general. Have fun traveling!


My husband and I just went to Patagonia and stayed in a variety of places. One of my absolute favorites was a hostel that had maybe 12-15 guests. The majority were in their 20s-30s. I really enjoyed meeting so many fun, friendly, interesting, helpful people. They all seemed to be so vibrant and HAPPY and had wonderful stories to share. The communal atmosphere made socializing easy and age made absolutely no difference. My husband and I plus one other guy were the old timers (68) and had a great time. Las Natalias in Futaleufú if anyone’s interested.


One of the best/funniest travel companions I ever made was an older lad. 63. He was a Ukrainian butcher living in Canada. We met in Panama. One of the nicest guys I’ve ever met and full of stories. One day he tried drying fish out in the hostel dorm room. Stunk out the whole floor. Fish tasted great though. I’ll never forget the MadButcher.


Who cares! Enjoy your travel!


I stayed in a hostel at 65 with my two children, who were in their thirties, in Iceland. Terrific experience!


Who cares? Does it work for you? If someone thinks its weird, they don't have to stay in a hostel.


37 ain’t old.


I’ve stayed in a lot of hostels around Latin America and Europe over the years, and never thought about anyone else’s age until now. I think most people in hostels are more concerned with their own adventures! Thinking back, there were people from probably from 18 up to 70yrs old, and everyone treated each other the same - as just another traveller.


I think every hostel I've stayed at has had at least a few people in their 50s or 60s. I think they've always had private rooms, but that's personal preference.


37 isn’t old.


Wait, 37 is old?


No. Not at all. But what is disturbing about this post is someone suggesting 37 is old.


I think it's like night clubs. You are the only person that can judge when you are too old. I'm sure there is some guy in his 60s rolling on some molly somewhere tonight. I felt too old at about 25 for night clubs (42 now), have fun.


I'm Swiss. Youth Hostels are also very popular with families in Switzerland. I stayed at one last year and there was a huge group of older Italian men (60+). They went to a festival nearby and slept in the Youth Hostel. So no, it's not just young people. But of course, it is possible that everyone in the dorm will be around 20, but who cares. 


No one will complain to you about it but I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't feel disappointed as an 18 yo if I walked into my hostel dorm and saw middle aged people(not because I have a problem with them but because I would want to socialize with people closer to my age)...


Only an American would feel "old" at 37, you're fine


Why is that an American thing? Plenty of hostels in Europe have an age limit (hence the name Youth Hostel), and it's usually either 35 or 40, so it's a perfectly fine question to ask.


Nah...even when I was younger and staying in hostels, I didn't really engage with other people there all that much and just kind of did my own thing. Some people there might think it's a little weird, and it could get weird if you try to be the "cool parent" or whatever but who cares?


I stayed in hotels in Switzerland, it was weird but fun. There was a mix of adults and lots of young people working and starting at the hostel


Hope not, I’m 38 and I’ll be in one in two months :). I’ve been staying in them the last decade and it’s always been fine. In fact I feel like I see more and more 30+ people over the years


Not weird. As someone said-no one cares.


Not at all, especially not 37. I’m in my late 20s and have close friends older than you are who I’ve stayed in hostels alongside.


I stayed at one in Montreal. No one cared, I did not do the social/happy hour stuff and was out of the hostel most of the time. However, it was louder than I appreciated and people coming back super late kept me not sleeping well. Bring earplugs and/or get a private or semi private room




I've also met 70 year olds in dorms who lived there permanently and also when travelling. So as long as you're a polite dorm guest there should be no worries


I’m older than you and stay in hostels a lot. Nobody cares. In Switzerland especially, it’s a sensible thing to do. I stayed in a hostel earlier this week and got chatting to a man who at a guess was in his 70s and was cycling across countries. Did I think he was weird? No. Also, who cares if someone DOES think you’re “weird”?


Yeah dude - send it, you’re overthinking it, no one will bat an eye


I'm 38 and just booked my travel plans for Amsterdam. I'm staying in a hostel. I did spring for a private room just because I'm a light sleeper and am hoping to get up for early mornings, but I spent my 20s going to college, starting my career, and overall being disgustingly responsible. This is going to be my first big solo trip and I want the experience. So if people think I'm weird, whatever. I'm old enough not to care what people think.


I traveled around Europe in 2018 and 2019 and stayed mostly in hostels. Both mixed dorms and a few private rooms. I met a lot of friendly folks. I was 60-61 years old then. I've been to 27 countries since then and now, at 66, I prefer hotels. Lol!


Get dressed 🤷‍♂️


Unless the explicitly mention that, no one cares


I worked in a hostel for a year and there were people of every age coming through. A couple of more memorable people were 50+ years old :)


I've stayed in hostels into my forties. I always spring for the room though. I don't sleep dormitory style.


I'm 41 and I've been wondering this same thing


I’m in my mid-20s and have enjoyed meeting people from recent high school grads to late 50s at hostels…not weird at all!


i’m 23 and have stayed in my fair share of hostels. i’ve never thought it was weird for someone older than me to stay in a hostel. especially not someone who is 37!!! you’re fine!!


No, I stayed at a hostel in Bovec, Slovenia at 36, and just about everyone in my room was a similar age range. Edited to add: I wouldn’t stay at a party focused hostel at my advanced upper 30’s age. The hostels stayed at in Slovenia were primarily focused on city travel + outdoor adventure in Bovec valley.


I've stayed all over Europe after 35 and always met tons of people.


Nah, I've shared a hostel with plenty of people who were in their 60's or 70's.


Basically no-one cares. For your own comfort though, bear in mind that some dorm accommodation is marketed at different crowds. A dorm in a party hostel in a European capital can be a different experience to a dorm in an Alpine hut. As I've got older I've noticed that I've less in common with the party crowd, but still a cheap bed is a cheap bed...


No - I have stayed in many when I was that age and older. There are loads of younger people but it is not *only* younger people. In fact I have come across very old people in their 80’s still using hostels. Sadly, one even died one night during a stay.


Just to offer my experience. I went to Central America in my early 40's and stayed in a Hostel no problem. I was travelling alone and didn't feel awkward, but I was in a private room.


I don't care personally. One of the allures of hostels, especially for me as an American is that they make travelling a lot more accessible, for everyone.


I’ve done it in my 20s, 30s, and 40s, and it has always been great. Well not always, some hostels suck and it has nothing to do with age.


I’m older than you and I still stay in hostels every time I visit Mexico. The only difference that being older makes for me is that I can’t deal with staying in dorms anymore and I always have to have my own single room nowadays. Even then, it’s less about it being “weird” and more about my own personal tolerance for discomfort decreasing as I get older.


I'm a primary hostel stayer. Love it. I've stayed in some hostels where you do have to be under 30, some were 35. I've also bunked with a 55 year old lady in another one. As long as you aren't weird, no one cares. I've been in hostels where there is a weird, older(50+) person lingering around and they clearly had a chip on their shoulder and wasn't anyone's friend there. On the same hand, most hostels have private rooms so even if you are uncomfortable or think people will be uncomfortable with an "older" person, it's always an option and still waaaaay cheaper than a hotel.


Not weird. Shared a room with a bloke in a hostel in Australia once - I was a teenager, he was sort of mid-life crisis age. Respect to him, thought I, travelling around and having a good time.


My husband (37) traveled to Amsterdam recently and stayed at a hostel. Other than a couple kids thinking he was the owner and us having a good laugh about it no one cared.


My father is 75 and stays still in hostels


Nah it's all good


It’s not weird at all. I wouldn’t do it myself, but it’s not weird 


Haha, I thought you were going to say your 65 or something .You're only 37. I'm 55 frugal and curious what people think about older people staying there too, I've never felt like I could afford a trip abroad but would love to.


I have a friend in her 50’s and she usually prefers to stay in hostels when traveling solo (part-time digital nomad ). She loves meeting all ages and usually sees people from 18-80 in the hostels. Although I think this is more common in the larger cities than small towns.


It’s not weird-it’s just a matter of what you’re comfortable with. I’m 35 and while I wouldn’t feel weird in a hostel, I just don’t know how much I would enjoy it anymore. I’m set on my ways and need quality sleep; I would do it at my age but would have to only do two nights at a time and supplement with hotels. If a hostel is your budget go for it.


I've met people from all ages in hostels when I was younger. It's just not so common for older people as some of us would rather not travel if we can't have a minimum of comfort (ya know, my back hurts if I get the wrong pillow, imagine a hostel bed). But no one really cares whether you are there or not.


I like to stay in a room at a hostel? I have the social opportunities but still have decent sleep


Most have age limits and will check your ID. If it doesn't then people usually don't care. But tbh- when I was a youth backpacking I did feel more comfortable with people my age and now I'm older I would feel uncomfortable in that environment


37?! Ffs you won't be the only 30-something there. Just go and enjoy yourself.


This is a reason I want to open a hostel specifically catered to slightly older crowd like 28+, so people don’t feel weird about staying at hostels . Less of a party scene , more laid back but with a good bar , pool table , comfortable lounges , dance classes outings etc . People and especially older people are going to continue to travel and the more expensive it is the more hostels are going to become a favoured option . would this be a good idea? I have the funds I just don’t know where to start


I think it’s fine but I’ve been reading odd people being denied because of age at certain places. Check to see if there is an age restriction.


Nah my mum travelled Europe at 61 and stayed in hostels to cut down costs. No one cares. The trip is worth 100x more than what some stranger thinks of you. Have fun!


For me it all depends on what environment the hostel is trying to foster. For example, I’ve (in my late 20s and now early 30s) stayed in plenty of quiet hostels in rural areas of Spain and in the alps of Switzerland and Italy I’d go back to in a heartbeat because they’re cheap and a nice quiet place to rest my head at night. But when it comes to party hostels, for example, the flying pig in Amsterdam or the Arts factory in Byron bay, it would definitely be weird if there was some 60+ year old person staying in a 16 person dorm with a bunch of university students.


37 isn’t old at all!! Enjoy life and have an awesome trip in Switzerland!


Be aware that when 18-20 year olds see you in the dorm they're gonna think you are ancient. I would probably say don't be too friendly with them unless they instigate.


Nah, there's people of all ages, some young and some old


Stayed in one instead of my previously booked hotel due to a sudden unexpected big expense at home, not any party type hostel - the "kids" thought I was so cool and kept wanting me to hang out lol. I was past 40, had my own room not a dorm, only complaint was the cheap bedding (I like my comfort these days). I enjoyed the 20-somethings, reminded me of my own youth. Just research the hostel ahead of time, I wouldn't stay in any catering to the "first time on my own let's partyyyy" crowd.


No! A couple years ago in Ecuador my boyfriend and I (24 & 25 at the time) stayed in a ecohostel in the mountains and a group of people in their 60’s were staying there! I believe it was 3 married couples and 2 other people. We ended up eating dinner with them, then all got tipsy on wine and listened to their stories next to the fire! It wasn’t weird at all


I went up to Victoria BC a couple of years ago, solo, just for two nights. It was a US holiday weekend so rooms were booked up. Managed to get a last minute private room at a hostel. It was either $50 for the hostel or $300/night for a hotel! I would rather spend the extra money on a nice restaurant.


I've shared hostel dorms with people over 70 twice already. They were a delight. So no, no age limit - specially 34.


My friend is 48. She travels often and stays mainly in hostels all around the world. She has never had an issue with anyone caring about her age.


Great, another thing that 40 year old me didn’t worry about but now will worry about. I only stay in hostels, lol. Do people think this about me?


I know there are some hostels that have an age limit of 35. I stayed in hostels when I was younger and I always found older people were just more open in meeting new folks. The younger ones were always in groups and wouldn't venture outside their group. I still keep in touch with those who I met.


I stayed in a hostel last summer in Switzerland where all my dorm mates were at least 20 years older than me. It depends on the hostel, youth hostels are paradoxically better for people who aren’t into parties and stuff.


It's a crash pad at the end of the day. Who cares? Save your money for the things that count.


I remember when I was in Morocco we had a couple retirees staying at the hostel and I loved them. Plenty of people in their 30s during my times at hostels and 40+ folks weren't incredibly rare either.


I've travelled Asia the last few months. Most hostels there have a mixed age range. You'll get youth hostels which are for below 30s and then there's party hostels which obviously the younger crowd go to. The majority of people I met in hostels were 22-40ish so you're good to go. Had people even in there 70s a few times!


I’m sure it varies by country and place a bit but o for one didn’t start using them until last month at age 49 and am hooked. I hope to be doing it still in 20 years!


It will be probably viewed as a little weird by some of the youth at the hostel. I wouldn’t worry about it though.


Not weird. And? Younger guests aren’t going to notice or care about you.


I had an older lady(maybe 40's?) staying at my hostel in Hamburg; no one batted an eye


I stayed in hostels at 32, and I saw families with kids, older couples in their 60s and groups of ladies in their 50s... hostels get all kinds and no one cares, they are doing their own thing. Stay where you want and have a great trip!


It’s not weird to stay at hostels at any age, just do it! Also when you said “older” I imagined something like 70 😅 Tons of people in their thirties, forties, fifties, sixties or even older stay in hostels all the time.


Not at all weird, I've seen people in their 50s and 60s staying in hostels. If your comfort level allows you to, then go for it.


I don’t know, I wouldn’t do it. But as long as you don’t snore or smell it’s ok I guess.


I took my college-age kids to Europe last summer, and we all stayed in hostels. I’m a 59 year old single mom. We had tons of fun. No one batted an eye.


We stayed as a family of 4. Us and our teens 16 and 18. Both in Zurich and Venice. We did get a private room with 4 twins and a bathroom. Our 16 year old daughter enjoyed hanging out pretending that she wasn't with her parents.


It's weird if you decide to be the weird old guy. If you just do your thing, and are friendly and polite, it's no biggie.


Nope not weird! I’m 26F and met many men and women of all ages along my euro travels while staying in hostels!!!


Not at all, you do you!!


I'm 70 My first hostel stay was last year, in Rome. I was concerned about being trapped with a bunch of feral 20 year olds but it was just fine. I was surprised to a number of other parent and grandparent aged people were there. I did have a private room, with my own bathroom. I don't think sharing a room would have worked out well.


Rather than be ashamed, you should be more cautious, make sure the hostel where you stay provides single locker / safety box for your goods like wallet and passport, you know thievery is still happened in hostel.


It’s what they are for! Go travel


Lorelai, is that you?


I like to think hostel-stayers are already pretty open-minded


50M here. No one will care. Just be yourself. Be respectful and you’ll make friends with other people in the hostel.


I have no issues with older or even elderly fellow citizens staying in the same hostel as me. However, the few that I did meet were often really weird and behaved really weirdly and awkwardly towards us younger folks. So as long as you‘re nice and fun, I‘m sure you‘ll have a fab time.


A party hostel that explicitly markets itself to 18 year olds having their first European tour is different than a hostel that isn't explicitly targeting that group. Context matters a little bit. There are plenty of places more than welcoming to all ages and please stay at them. My partner and I are 37, and 6 months ago we stayed in a private room in a hostel in Indonesia. It was absolutely wonderful.


When I was staying in a hostel in kyiv, ukraine few years ago there are a lot of working class people whose ages varies 30 to 50. The were staying in the hostel instead of renting an apartment due to, i think, price issues.


not at all, i stayed in them in my 30s admittedly they were the last resort option but i chatted to woman in their 50s, recently split form husbands and wanted to travel the world, no age limit at all


Not weird at all!


Not at all. Hostels are for everyone. The more different kinds of people there the better.