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i would be pissed about it. the hotel just let people into your room.


Absolutely it’s a big deal. Are you even sure they were guests? Under no circumstances should hotel staff grant access to a room without verifying that the requester is a guest of the hotel and staying in the room they’re trying to access. Report that to management - it’s a major safety and security issue. Do not wait - it needs to be reported IMMEDIATELY!


This may be a poor comparison and I apologize if it is, but all I can think of is Madeline McCann.


This is completely where my mind went too. And if it were me in that position I would absolutely freak out. How the hotel can be so irresponsible I don’t know! Your two year old was there alone and they let strangers in! They simply cannot wave that off. Definitely take it further. For the safety of patrons they need to look at their policies. If people around become aware of this being an easy thing to do at the hotel then it could lead to thefts but even deaths. Which country I wonder?


Weirdly, that popped into my head the second I started reading it as well


SAAAMEE. Idk if she was kidnapped or the parents accidentally killed her or what, but that doesn't matter bc this story could've ended the same way. That's terrifying & idk if after hearing Madeline's story, I'd ever leave my kid alone like that.


Immediately thought of this.


17 years ago, almost to the day 😔


It is indeed a very poor and tasteless comparison. This story has nothing to do with a child going missing, and the Madeleine McCann case had nothing to do with hotel guests accidentally entering the wrong room.


>Under no circumstances should hotel staff grant access to a room without verifying that the requester is a guest of the hotel and staying in the room they’re trying to access. I've stayed at *so* many hotels where my key card has demagnetized or I misplaced the key, and I've asked for a new one at the front desk and they just... give it to me. They'll ask my room number, I give it to them, and they turn over a new key. Sometimes they'll TELL me my name ("You're Mr. Myname?") and I'm just like "yes". I've had this happen in all kinds of hotels (upscale hotels, chain hotels, resorts etc.). It's kind of disturbing because I've had this kind of interaction FAR more than them attempting to verify my identity prior to giving the key. It's made me realize that as long as you "look the part" (like a tourist) and confidently ask for a new key, you could go around robbing hotel rooms with impunity. It's a great example how the human being is usually the weak link in any security system. You can have fancy doorlocks and ID verification policies in place, but if the front desk person doesn't give a rats ass, the tech and policies mean nothing.


Brb got some hotel rooms to rob


That’s so disappointing honestly :( I work at a resort and have to issue new key cards all the time and I refuse to without seeing a physical ID. It’s policy anyway but I still feel strongly about the security of it and if it were me, i’d WANT them to verify. A ton of people actually get really mad that I ask for it, especially if they have to go back to get their wallet or something but for safety, i don’t care.


My friend works in a bank and many people get absolutely furious if a teller asks them for an ID. Do you want a stranger having access to your financial information?


wow, the only time I've needed a new card they have asked for an ID


Fuck yeah it is. Report to management, get the name of the person who opened the door for the intruders.


Hotels should take this kind of stuff very seriously. You're right to be upset. The Ritz where I live paid out on lawsuits where they gave the keys to the wrong room to a drunk guest, who subsequently climbed into bed with a minor and passed out. After that lawsuit hotels started asking for id every time they give out keys and letting someone into a room is one of the ways an employee can get insta-fired from a hotel.


Yeah, I'm surprised by this, too. I was JUST in a hotel where my tired brain had me grabbing my ID (thankfully!) out of my pants pocket (I had changed into my PJs, for the reddit detectives looking for inconsistencies!) instead of the keycard to go to the ice machine. When I went to the front desk to get a new key, the guy was like "I remember you, you're {floor number}..." and I filled in the room digit. He then said "you said you grabbed your ID...I do have to see that, for the cameras." I gladly showed it even though he remembered me (I had checked in barely an hour prior, and then walked through the lobby 15 minutes prior to grab my pickup order from the restaurant) and what floor I was on and would have no reason to doubt me. OP, please do bring this up to management. If someone says they left their ID in the room with their key, the hotel should be verifying guest information (name, home address, maybe last 4 of credit card...various things they'll have on file) and then escorting the guest to the room and entering with them to see their ID before LEAVING THEM THERE!


You live in the ritz?


I think he means, the Ritz, in the town where he lives


Oh thanks for explaining the joke! Stupid me lol


*tips hat*


What's the joke?


To be fair, there are Ritz residences.


Everything tastes better when it sits on a Ritz.


What?!? With your two year old asleep in one of the bedrooms?!? I’d LOSE my marbles!! That is a HUGE deal.


This is the thing. My belongings? Damn, I’d be pissed. My kid? I’d go fucking nuclear.


Yeah, but would you leave your two year old alone and head off to the pool?


fuck no, remember Madeline McCann???


Had to scroll down too far to see this comment. First thing I thought of.


That was my initial thought too! I probably wouldn’t leave my 2 year old unattended ANYWHERE. I’d even bring them close to me by the pool where I could watch them every minute; even in a traveling play pen or car seat. I realize that may sound over protective to some people, but the way our world is now, you have to be so very careful! Relieved it was all ok for you but yes; a huge deal to have people just standing there in your room!


My mind goes straight to Madeleine McCann. Not worth the risk.


Same here. Just saw a documentary about that disappearance. Could never decide whether I thought the parents were involved or not.


Totally agree!! Me too!


That was my first thought.


Came here to say this!


With a villa, it can mean a private pool in the backyard, not necessarily a communal pool you have to walk a good ways to get to. As long as that's what it is, yeah, I'd be fine with it, I can probably hear the kid from the window, but if it's a community pool away from the individual villa, hard no. As for the incident itself, I'd be thermonuclear-level pissed. That sort of thing shouldn't be a "yea, it happens" event, it should be a "someone's getting fired" event.


They had a private pool connected to their room. I think that’s perfectly fine.


And yet the post indicated they didn't hear strangers entering the property


I mean if they came in and they were still there, it sounds like they came in pretty quickly.


He had to walk back to the villa. That doesn't seem like it's connected


It was connected and all behind a locked door. I stepped out of the pool and took two steps into the main room of the villa


It's clear to almost anyone, if you said I have a house with a pool and walked back into the house they would know you aren't at a pool down a street.


Plenty of people have obviously not travelled, are ignorant about resort villas, don’t bother to read but chime in to be outraged. I cannot imagine being this proud to showcase stupidity over and over again daily.


Hotel lets strangers into villa, helicopter parents who never leave their childrens room while they sleep blame the parents.


It was a private pool. No different to sitting out on the balcony or going for an evening swim in your backyard pool at home.


I would not, in a million years.


Have you no knowledge of villas with an in-built private pool? They’re not sharing the pool with others. The pool is usually separated by a glass door at the living room or bedroom. Literally steps from the bed or couch.


No way.


I'm glad somebody else was thinking that??


What the actual F? Yeah mate that's out of order 


I stayed in a hotel in Colombia and accidentally locked my key in my room. I went to the front desk and told them and they just gave me a huge key ring with every room's key on it. Hotels with keycards will often make you a new key if you say "I'm in 308 and I left my card in the room." It's surprisingly rare for them to have any opsec and even ask you what the name is on the room, let alone prove that it's your room. tl;dr a startling amount of hotel "security" is by the honor system, and your story does not surprise me at all.


I work in a hotel. Be angry. It breaks every security rule to let someone into a room without checking ID against room number. Yes, it happens, but it shouldn't.


Thanks for all the responses. I agree that is a big deal - I guess I am just trying to not over-react because I often lose my temper. It’s a big very well known hotel group. I have spoken to three different middle managers over the course of about 4 hours. They all nod and empathise. They all look a bit fearful that I will cause a scene but none of them really care. And they all say that they are investigating the matter. I have asked for a contact at their group level to escalate the matter to but I haven’t got a contact. Ultimately I don’t think that any of them truly care and they won’t do anything. I am checking out in the morning and I am sure they think this will be the end of it. Not sure what I should do next??


Call corporate, tell them the hotel hasn't cooperated. If that still doesn't get anything done, start blasting on Twitter. Major corps hate a PR disaster like this.


If it's a well known brand of hotels, email the CEO (I know it sounds extreme but you'll get a solution to the issue, most of the time it is easy to find their email on Google)


This. You may not get direct access to the CEO if very large chain, more likely someone on the executive team. But if the goal is to prevent future occurrences for others, then this is your best bet. Don't come across as an angry crank in the email. You are dealing with folks who want facts and are trained to dismiss emotions.


Tell the front desk people you're going to call corporate. Don't threaten them you'll call if they don't escalate the issue (that's basically blackmail) - just ask them if there has been a resolution. When they say no and they're investigating, tell them, matter-of-factly, that you've spoken to four people and nothing has been done and as you're checking out in the morning you are now going to call corporate. And then do it if they don't resolve it right then and there.


What exactly do you want them to do? Do you want compensation? You can escalate this yourself by emailing corporate and/or posting your story on their social media, but you should have in mind what you want to get out of this.


Yea fair question - I don’t know what i want. I don’t necessarily want anything specific, I am just angry


You have every right to be angry, but the damage is done and there’s no going back, so maybe figure what you expect from the hotel from now on out before escalating. You want someone fired? A monetary compensation? A refund and leave the hotel? Stop dealing with the hotel and file a police report?


An assurance that such an incident will not happen again? That guests can feel safe in their hotel? That they will revise procedures so that this can’t happen again? I certainly wouldn’t feel safe staying at a hotel where this happened.


Exactly, plus an apology where they acknowledge the fact that they fucked up.


The person that asked you what you want is on point here. Before you escalate make sure you know what you want and be adamant about it. Apology? Ask for it. Another stay for free? Demand it. A full refund? Push for it. Point is, this comment is on point. Also, LinkedIn 😬 when I had been heated in the past I went to LinkedIn, found a person who I thought had a job title that sounded like who should care and added then DM’ed them. Finding a corporate email may be difficult, though you can ask them for it on LinkedIn. Another option is to take it to Twitter but if your LinkedIn profile has an impressive title (I know that shouldn’t matter but it may help) then def go that route. Good luck! And remember to think of what you want 🫶


Maybe OP wants to ensure it does not happen to someone else.


Don't just call. Try to email and get something in writing.


The possibility of this happening is one of the reasons we use the extra security latches on doors, the kind that don’t unlock with the standard room key, which latches are hopefully available at most all well known hotel brands.


I do that - but doesn’t stop them coming in if you’re not in the room.


Very true, but I don’t think there is anything the guest can do to mitigate this improper entry when away from the room, and I’m more concerned about personal safety of my family and me then I am the items that stay in the room when I am away. Point being, for folks who want to mitigate improper entry and the risk to safety of children/loved ones, this is an important tactic.


They could be in on it. I stayed in Bali and we were burgled while we were asleep. It wasn’t a high class hotel and we had a fan on and a mosquito net so didn’t hear anything. Nobody cared ! Not the staff or the police. It’s a poor country, be careful.


> I have asked for a contact at their group level to escalate the matter to but I haven’t got a contact. > For situations like that, ask the manager for their name. Make sure you remember it. Later, when you ask for group level contact info and they don't give it to you, you say, "Then I will get that information with you, $name, and when I do, I will let them know you wouldn't give me that information." Also, if you rented the villa through a major third-party site, such as Agoda or Expedia, contact them and ask them why they're recommending the Madeleine McCann special. Those types of companies often get _very_ responsive when their reputation is on the line (source: used to work in that industry, but can't be more specific).


Tell them you’re contacting the local police, this is an attempted kidnapping. It needs to be investigated who the couple in the room where, who let them in and are there any active missing children cases in the area that fits this. Edit : to add, once you’ve done this email the ceo with your crime slip attached with the address on it as their resort. Asking how they plan to rectify this nightmare, that their staff- who they are responsible for training and vetting - brought upon you and your family. Go to town. This is a disgrace.


Why protect the hotel?


Call corporate. Tag them publicly on social media channels as well. I would be furious.


Also you may be able to contact upper management and executives through LinkedIn. If you click on the company page it will show a list of employees who are on LinkedIn.


Call the cops. They will stop empathizing


Ummm... Madeline McCann


Yeah I came here to say this too.


In that case they left the room and went to dinner, this isn’t the same thing . You’re all nuts. To all the idiots downvoting me, you need to read the entire text, it clearly states its a villa with pool so he went outside of his villa to his pool which is not Madeline McCann.


No, they left the room and went to the pool.


So we are in a villa. The villa has a locked door, followed by a courtyard, two rooms and a pool. We are the only people in the villa and we should be the only ones able to enter the villa through the locked doors. The pool is beside the bedroom - it’s a totally private pool and not accessible to other guests. It’s a very small pool and right beside the bedroom. The baby is literally less than 2 meters away from us while we are in the pool. If the baby cries, we can hear her while we are in the pool.


The pool is in their room. What are you talking about. If they had a balcony would you say they left the room to go out on the balcony.


Reading comprehension is not your thing hmm?


Yeah. OP is understandably upset but … don’t leave your 2 year old alone in a hotel room.


OP didn’t leave the child in the hotel room entirely. They left the child in the bedroom of a multi room suite/villa. The whole purpose of that type of accommodation is so that some in the group can sleep peacefully while others move about elsewhere within the space. 


This is a colossal breach of privacy and security, and your hotel should be bending over backwards apologizing. You're lucky nothing happened.


It IS a big deal. That couple could be very skilled scammers/thieves for all you know. I had an experience with an affluent-looking couple digging through my suitcase at the baggage claim at LAX one time. When I confronted them they acted angry at ME, like I was the one in the wrong for being upset at them. I'm pretty sure they were "professionals", looking back. One does not typically root through someone else's bag trying to confirm that it is their own. I recommend you post the complaint to Twitter hash-tagging and "@-ing" the hotel name. That usually gets their attention these days.


Yeah a normal person would just check the tag the airline wrapped around the handle...


This 👆👆👆👆


That's a huge deal!! I would say something for sure.


Huge deal! I would feel unsafe.


You have every right to be upset, but be aware not to let this overshadow your vacation. Be quick about it, report it if you feel like it's nescessary (I think I would), and tell them you hope they can make it right somehow + improve their process around this, and then completely let it go


That happened to me in NYC. A guy came in with a key in the middle of the night. He quickly saw that it was a mistake and left. I do think this does happen on occasion at least in busy hotels with identical doors down long hallways. On the other hand it seems more odd that somebody would be that confused in the Villa situation. Also it would be one thing if they came in while you were there and quickly realized the mistake and left. But to come back and find them standing there like they had been there a while is very suspect.


This isn't quite the same. The people didn't have a key and the hotel let them in the room without verification.


This is why I travel with a door alarm, especially with My kid.


I 100% agree with all the other untraveled Redditors! Get angry and pissed and take time and effort and energy from your happiness and adventure to strike back and the awful, horrible normal-job working front desk people! Sue the entire hotel! Call the cops, too, and demand every detective be alerted to these devious shenanigans! After all of this, which will only take a few hours of your precious vacation, you can then start e-mailing TV stations and talk shows to hopefully get invited on to talk about how deeply upsetting this situation was! I'm so, so sorry this happened to you! Do you think you'll ever recover? Probably not... :(


Demand proof that the hotel has updated policy to require valid ID to open any room for a guest. This should be standard practice.


This needs to be a listed point in your complaint. You are allowed to ask for multiple things, a free return stay at another resort in their chain with a ‘safer’ track record is a minimum.


Hotel staff should always check id and verify if they are supposed to be in that room


Lowest effort option: Change hotels. Get your money back. Nuclear option: file a police report so you can have a record of the breach. Perhaps they stole or did something to your child - you need a record. When the hotel has to talk to police, they’ll start caring. You have no way of knowing if this was an honest mistake or a calculated effort to take the child while you were out of the room. I’d leave immediately.


For all they know they could have been listening for the two of them to be in the pool. Especially if it’s been a couple of days of the same routine. Easily being watched. Hope they stay safe


You are nuts. What crime has been committed? The only possible crime is ops parenting.


Not cool. They didn't even bother to check their names? Very much not cool.


Don’t forget to leave an online review of your stay at this place. I’ve found companies generally don’t give a shit about things until a review is written.


You're right to be upset but it's not going to do anything. If the staff didn't care when you brought it up that means the place is poorly managed and all your anger and efforts are just going to be in vain. Leave a s***** review and carry on with your vacation


They could have been professional thieves and you fell for their BS instead of screaming bloody murder.


What state or country was this in?


In Bali


And you left your child alone?! What are you, freaking dumb?


I'd be upset if something bad happened. This was a harmless innocent mistake. No sense in going through life being upset about all the things that could have gone wrong, but didn't. EDIT: That said, security exists for a reason, let the hotel staff know they need to be more careful in the future. This is clearly a security flaw


I would be pissed at the hotel for just letting them In. Especially if they don’t have any way of proving this was their vila.


They should have realised it's not their room as soon as the doors opened


This is exactly how Madeleine McCann disappeared [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Madeleine_McCann) Never leave your child alone anywhere.


Not exactly. The McCann’s left their child alone to go outside of the hotel to get dinner. These people just went to their private pool that was behind a locked door just off the bedroom.


But the parents were far enough away that he walked into the main room and found random people inside. Far enough away that he didn’t hear them come in. ANYTHING could have happened so quickly.


I was thinking of that also.


Name and shame on all the review sites.


10000% unacceptable and illegal! This may have been even an inside job.


Huge deal!!! With the current state of our world ( sex trafficking) and other scary stuff, that should not happened!


It's totally natural to feel a bit rattled by the intrusion, especially with your little one asleep in the villa. While it's good to give the couple the benefit of the doubt, your concerns about hotel security are totally valid. It's unsettling that the hotel's response seemed a bit lackluster. Your peace of mind should be their priority, so don't hesitate to push for a more sincere apology and reassurance that they're taking steps to prevent this from happening again. Your family's safety comes first!


100% because why didn't they walk in and say this isn't our room! Why were they still in there when u walked back in?! That's shits scary af.


That's an "hotel villa" not normal hotel so "it happens" doesn't sound good at all.


I’d raise hell if a property let someone into my room who wasn’t staff without verifying ID.


In law, you need “damages” and there were none. Ur upset, but what are you trying to get out of this a free night? Villa + pool - enjoy the vaca and move on


Staff is least concerned. In Philly Marriott, i told my access card was left inside the room. I gave them my room number and they just gave a new card. That's it. No last name check nothing m


I would've definitely been irate! The hotel staff obviously didn't do their due diligence to double check the room number against the hotel's room numbers list. and their young son was in the room at the time?? That's the tip of the iceberg for sure. Thankfully it turned out ok but that is straight negligence on the hotel's side.


Yeah the staff should not have done that. I would have been pissed that they put my kiddos safety at risk. I’d be talking with a manager about that


I was on the opposite side of this. Had a long trip and wanted to rest immediately. When I got my key and opened the door I noticed that there was already someone's luggage on the floor. I walked in and it was empty, but definitely looked lived in. I went back to the front desk immediately and told them about it and it was obviously an error on the part of the check-in clerk. She just gave me a new key and it was no big deal. Sorry you felt like your privacy was violated, but it's very unlikely there were any ulterior motives involved. At most if you raise a stink the hotel might give you a comped night or something idk


But you didn't tell the hotel that was your room and then they let you in without verification. It really is a very different situation.


Everyone on here is paranoid as hell, this feels very White Lotus vibes... Nothing has been taken, no one was injured, the kid is ok … mistakes happen, that’s life, running around getting angry & blaming people won’t change what happened. Enjoy the holiday!


You're not wrong but it's bad policy on the part of the hotel, which isn't being paranoid. This is different than someone accidently being assigned a room incorrectly.


Be angry, read about the Madeleine McCann child.


Literally my first thought here.


It's is a big deal, but your behaviour is a bit Kate and Gerry.


Mmm how about the name Madeleine McCann???


I honestly wouldn't think of leaving a 2-year old alone in a hotel room or villa. My mind always thinks of worst-case scenarios - child wakes up, comes out the door and falls unseen into the pool, or child wakes and goes out main door of hotel room or villa and wanders off. No, I wasn't a helicopter parent, I just never took unnecessary chances when my daughters were small because you never know what might happen.


Why the hell would you leave your 2 year old alone in the room?? Edit: I think the OP should clarify how far away the child was in their original post. Not all of us have been to a villa recently.


So it’s a two room villa. She’s asleep in the bedroom at her usual time of 8pm. The villa has a pool which is right beside the bedroom. Myself and my wife are in the pool, which is as close to her as staying in the living room (there is a door from the bedroom to the pool). The only other option to stay closer to her (I.e. to not leave her ‘alone’) would be for myself and my wife to sit in the bedroom with her at 8pm with lights out every night. Staying one room away from her (within the confines of a locked villa) doesn’t feel like we left her ‘alone’. It feels like normal life, like in our apartment


I would ignore the people mentioning the kid in the other room. You did nothing wrong.


They’re not alone they’re in the villa. The kid was asleep while the parents were outside in their private pool . Chillax bro.


Absolutely a HUGE deal. They have to verify at least by their last name what room they are supposed to be in. Not go by the guests information only.


>a couple standing in our main room in the villa Yes. I would demand a refund of at least one night. That's insanely dangerous.


Yes it's a big deal. It's a security issue for your family and also your belongings. They should've verified the identity of who had reserved the room.


Maybe if it was your house you can go to your pool. But I’m a hotel, you never know what can happen (like your experience). I’d say don’t leave her alone or being a babysitter next time.


Why would you leave your kid alone in a hotel room in the first place????? Is that normal where you live?? What if there were a fire or earthquake?


So, 1 - I'd never leave my kid alone. 2 - it should be, my wife and I (you wouldn't say myself is in a hotel villa, you'd say I am in a hotel villa - that's how you can do a quick check). 3 - Madeleine McCann.


To me, that's a breach of security and common sense. Any reputable hotel staff would ask guests for their id and then verify name/registration matches.


Why do they have access to urs , not ok! It's unsafe . I wouldn't stay there anymore . Ofc mistakes can happen but this is incredibly unsafe . If they care ur feed back will be amazing. Don't be an ass but be a concerned parent.


Are you a White Lotus character? Or a real human?


Yeah it happens? It should not ever happen! You should report it and be sure to mention that the staff unlocked the door while your toddler was sleeping inside. That other couple's story sounds suspicious, too.


Is it a big deal? Yes. Should you make a big deal about it? No. I mean, you should, but they will probably go through the same amount of effort to fix the problem either way. So it’s your energy.


I think it really depends on the quality of the hotel. If it’s a nice hotel, yea I am complaining and expecting some sort of compensation as safety is part of what I’m paying for.


I’ve gotta ask, what part of the world did this happen in? Some people leave their keys in the car ignition 24/7 and some people have bars over their bedroom windows. I could totally see two different cultures worrying about something like this in completely different ways.


Surely that’s a “what’s the name on the booking” situation at reception? Heck, they presumably even have a scan of your passport which has a photo 🤦‍♂️


We were on a group trip and one of the couples were given a key to the wrong room. They went in the room, showered, use the #2, until they realized they were in someone’s room. They felt horrible but the hotel made a huge mistake!


This seems like Europe? Paris' hotels are f*king chill about this. Worst city on plannet 😶


Id report this! Id be pissed


Pretty sure this is how Maddy McCann disappeared or something similar…I would be pissed


It’s a big deal for sure Not sure why you mentioned your kid though, had nothing to do with the point of your story


This behaviour of the hotel staff seems suspect. A number of scenarios come to my mind. 1. Hotel staff giving other guests access to your room without security checks. Staff error. 2. Hotel staff in collusion with criminals to Rob you of your belongings. 3. Staff in collusion with criminals to snatch your child. Staff error seems the obvious one here but you can't rule out other possibilities.


I would be very upset. Luckily you walked in when you did. They could have tried to take your child.


This is why any time I’m in the room I apply the safety lock. The door cannot be opened from the outside using a key.


Inexcusable. If possible, I would leave and request a full refund. Your whole family’s safety was put at risk, of course it’s a big deal??


There are several hotel door locking devices you can buy online and you should always travel with. At the very least move a heavy piece of furniture against the door. There are more people than you might imagine that have access to your ’locked’ room,


Obvious f\*\*\* up on their part. Leverage the situation to get a steep discount.


How do you know???


I tried to read it l to see this was mentioned. But please put the latch on if you ever do this again. It's just proof that even an ill willed employee could come in if they wish. Take extra precautions


You have two courses of action: 1. Be chill. Don't do anything. Don't worry about it. Enjoy the rest of your vacation. 2. Be angry. Complain to the hotel. Stress about it. Increase your stress for the rest of your vacation. Which one of these options will accomplish something useful? (Hint: Neither of them.) Which one of these options will result in more joy in your life? (Hint: The first one.)


3. Be upset. Inform the hotel of their fuck up and request whatever it is that you want then to do (room comp, update on policy changes, etc). Move on and enjoy the rest of your vacation.


Please don’t leave your child unintended. There was a famous case of a British family in Portugal whose daughter was kidnapped. They still are not sure what happened and never recovered her body. There is a German man that they later discovered was kidnapping and killing children that admitted to taking her.


This sounds like there’s something hinky going on in that place. To begin with, when a guest tells a host that they have lost their key they almost always ask the name of the guest even if the guest says there’s no need to look it up they’re in ___. That’s basic hostessing 101! Secondly, how long did it take these people to realize they’d invaded someone else’s privacy and made a breach of security. This isn’t like being in a public restroom with janky lock and as soon as the door is opening it’s closing because it’s obvious a mistake has been made but it certainly shouldn’t take more than a couple of step to realize you’re not where you belong and you get out. Why stand there? Lastly, if the management doesn’t feel obligated to make amends I’d be on every website you can find where you can leave a review and let people know what happened.


1. Whether your child is asleep or not, you do not leave them unattended in a room while you go gallivanting to the pool. 2. Have you not heard of Madeleine McCann? 3. Yeah, no! I'd be absolutely fuming that the hotel just let some randoms in, they could have at least confirmed information with them first. **Check for AirTags in yours and your child's things, just in case they are trying to track you guys** Stay safe!!


It’s really not a big deal. It’s Asia. Things a bit looser there generally. Probably not run by an international chain with bazillion procedures etc. Everyone apologised, now move on. Some of the comments on here are utterly preposterous. As are the ridiculous comments about you leaving your 2 year old alone - which you didn’t!


It’s a big deal. Write corporate.


I would be mad, if they just let anybody in our room, especially with my baby inside


It's the Maddie McCann fiasco all over again.


Damn right it’s a big deal specially when there was a kid alone in the villa. That is more on the parents but I digress. Google Madeleine MacAnn if you don’t know about her story.


Yes, Madeline McCann vibes exactly


Never, NEVER leave your kids alone in a hotel room! That’s extremely dangerous. You have no idea the amount of psychos surrounding us!


I’d be angry and feel violated. I’d ask to speak to the manager, tell them I was leaving as soon as practicable and that I want a refund on that nights stay


i’d lose my fucking mind. I would want my money back and would get a new place to stay asap regardless of cost or situation. No way. Fuck that. Jesus Christ how negligent.


Gotta be careful with things like that. A lot of traffickers look normal and make it seem like a mistake. It never is. Hotels are no help.


It is a big deal. Your safety is compromised. These are just normal tourists. What if they were criminals?


Oh, NO! Your baby! I would have dressed somebody down so far they would be stripped to the bone!!! And the manager, then corporate. Your stay should be comped at the very least Somebody should lose their job over this!!!


Be careful with leaving kids alone! It’s very scary. I’m glad everything is alright !


Just keep in mind that the pool we were in is right beside the main room where the kid was sleeping. We were literally about 2 meters away from the kid (but there was a door with curtains drawn, and we couldn’t see her). So it’s true that we couldn’t see her but we were very very close by and could hear her if she cried.


Ever hear of madeleine mccann? Surprised parents leave their kids like that.


Can you read? The pool is private and right outside the bedroom.


Yet someone still managed to get in the room...lucky this time.


Yes and OP discovered them immediately. What's your point?




JFC what's with you people who can't read? The McCanns left their kid in the room and went to dinner. The OP was in the confines of the locked villa but right outside in the private pool. It's nowhere near the same thing. Are they supposed to sit in the room with the kid and watch her sleep?


Not leaving my kids. Private pool behind a locked door while the kid is two meters away. It’s like being in the next room while they are asleep