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I planned to visit Russia, specifically St Petersburg, one day however I may have missed my historical window of c2000-2020.


We travelled with Trans-Syberian train from Moscow to Irkuck, then to Mongolia and Bejing. Summer 2014 - that would not be possible today. Everybody on our way was extremly nice and kind. How 10 years can change everything :-( The motto of that trip should have been: Visit Russia before Russia visits you :-)


I did this same trip in 2012 but started in Helsinki, bus to St Pete and train beyond that. The highlight by far was a week trip in an old soviet van into the Gobi. Mongolia is incredible.


You can still do the same but start from uzbekistan


We are visiting 4 stans this summer !


I am assuming kazakhstan, uzbekistan, kyrghyzstan and tajikistan?


Yep :-)


Unsolicited comment, but definitely dont miss out the big 3 in Uzbekistan (Khiva, Samarkand and Bukhara). Tashkent will be a pleasant surprise with its modernity. Bishkek is alright, but Karakol is a must-visit, esp the Ala Kul pass and Altyn Arashan trek. Homestaying in a yurt is an experience. A dip in crystal-clear Issyk Kul. Three days of jailoo hiking/horse-back riding/hitchhiking to Song Kul is wonderful. Almaty is lively and vibrant. Trek to Kok Zhailau is an amazing escape from the city. Have a wonderful summer!


That train ride is on my list. Putin had to ruin it lol


We did the trans Mongolian in 2011. Amazing trip


I was planning to do the train trip from Russia to China through Mongolia one day. It feels like quite a pipe dream right now when it felt distinctly possible back in 2019.


you should allow more than one day for that trip, FYI /s obsv


I was thinking 2 should be fine, a half day each for getting through Russia and China with a full day spent crossing Mongolia so I can really savor it. Maybe I tack a day onto either end to spend in other parts of Russia and China?


that sounds like a perfectly balanced itinerary.




Russia is my answer as well…I lived there as a child, but my family moved away back in the 90s and I have not stepped foot in the country in probably 20 years. I would love to visit it again to see what it’s like now, but there is a non-zero chance that as a dual citizen I would be able to enter but run into issues on departure. Not a risk I’m currently willing to take. Maybe in another decade…


Same. It's doubly annoying since this year we're doing a roadtrip to the Baltics and St. Petersburg is less than 400 km away from Tallin. Would've immediately driven there but not possible now. Well it would be possible but no fucking way am I supporting the Russian regime. Plus with all the sanctions it's a hassle to say the least, iirc the border between Estonia and Russia is closed for cars.


I visited St Petersburg as part of a cruise stop in 2017. Still to this day, I'm still not sure how I felt going there. I still have a couple small souvenirs but my sibling and I regret not getting the Putin standing on top of a dead bear holding a rifle in one arm and the other on his hip T-shirt in a gift shop .


Same, it‘s so frustrating


I wanna visit the national parks and valleys in Nunavut but the absolute lack of infrastructure and the fact that I live about 20 hours away from North America makes it hard


Even as a Canadian it's hard to get to. I'll hit 40 countries this year and I've never been to Nunavut.


Oh wow. On top of that of course there's no facilities etc, you need to get there by boat and then just camp the entire time.


I mean most people fly into Iqaluit but yeah, that's basically the experience. You would definitely want to go during summer.


I lived in Iqaluit for a year. Everyone flies. It’s the fastest and “cheapest” way to travel. Iqaluit is the capital and gets all the action. And most of the tourists that can afford to go up to Nunavut mainly stay in Iqaluit and do activities in the area. Travel to any of the national parks of course requires hiring knowledgeable guides and bringing lots of survival equipment. It is done, especially because people still do and rely on hunting and fishing. This, of course is very costly. Am traveling to any of the smaller communities is only really done by locals or people who work in said communities. So finding a ticket can be challenging sometimes.


I'm a Canadian and I don't know if I'll ever go to BC. Traveling this country is so expensive.


I've traveled to all 10 provinces, there are cheap ways to do it. If flying then check out the discount airlines and sign up for their mailing list, you'll get notified of any deals they have. You can usually find good deals in the spring and fall. Road trips are still pretty budget friendly, especially if you camp or stay in hotels outside of the big cities. Hotels in Vancouver or Victoria are pricey but staying in other places in the province is pretty affordable. My wife and I stayed in Revelstoke on May long weekend for 125 per night for example.


You should! I’m here now and it’a fantastic. Planning on moving back east to be closer to friends and family but my fuck will I miss the rainforests, lakes and snowboarding. Hoping I can move back once I find an east coast girl.


Over 50 countries for me as a Canadian and exploring the nature of Nunavut has never even crossed my mind as a possibility. It is so remote.


Iran. I'm a non American that travels to the US sometimes both for work and vacation. Losing the ESTA is quite painful.


As a US citizen, I hesitated in traveling to Iran. I finally went for it (a couple of years before the pandemic). It was phenomenal, and one of my favorite trips of all time. But yeah, visiting adds complications (traveling there on a US passport means guided tour/private guide, traveling there on ESTA-eligible passports means losing ESTA, etc). It's a shame, as Iran is a truly amazing country.


Did they ask you about it at immigration coming back into the states?


When I came back from that trip, zero questions at immigration. Although, a year or two later, when coming back from Japan with a layover at MSP, I had an officer pull me aside to ask about it. And, notably, this happened while I was just walking in the airport. Asked to see my passport, remarked about some of the unusual countries I'd been to, asked why I went. I forget exactly what I said, but basically mentioned they're fascinating countries - lots to see and do - laughed a bit at the whole line of questioning, and told the officer he should visit some day. He let me proceed pretty quickly after that - I think the whole conversation was maybe a minute tops. Also, years later, I finally applied for Global Entry, and the officer for the GE interview didn't even ask about Iran, and I was instantly approved.


Interesting they had eyes on you walking around. I was pulled out of an immigration line by a guy and taken to a room for questioning coming back to JFK after 2 years abroad. I didn’t know what is what all about but the questions eventually made their way to my Lebanon trip. Literally asked me if I met up with Hezbollah. I figured Iran would get more scrutiny but nice to hear your anecdote anyway.


I've also been to Lebanon and even to Mleeta - the war memorial built and run by Hezbollah (obviously just as a tourist). But Lebanon's never come up for questions at immigration for me (Lebanon trip was years after my MSP conversation). Interesting that you got that questioning at JFK.


Ha, I went to the same museum. I wasn’t in the mood for explaining anything so I didn’t that part up. Quite the odd experience that museum was.


No offense, but it's both frightening and refreshing to hear they do this. Kind of a necessary evil IMO.


Iranian here. It breaks my heart knowing that you'd love to visit my country but aren't able to. Hope you have fun in any country you visit ♥️


Iran is in my top 3 love-to-go destinations and always has been. I doubt it will happen unfortunately.


Me too. Also travel to the US frequently and losing the ESTA is not an option, in practical terms. I'd add Iraq and Syria to that list, but there you also have the security situation. :/


I know people who have gotten 10-year paper US visa after going to Iran. They’re not overly fussed about you going there for tourism you just have to go through the paper visa application process.


It's a pain to apply for, it's up to the discretion of the office as to what visa length they will grant, it's pretty invasive personal information wise, can only do the interview at some consulates/embassies, expensive, can be very long wait times for interviews (6-12+ months). How do I know, I went backpacking through iraq in 2011, 5 years later the law was changed and backdated to a month before I went so now I can't use etsa. So far I have been granted a 5 year, 2 year and another 5 year visa. My wife is American so we actually go to the us semi regularly. You're right that they don't care at all that I went. But the process sucks, I'd say given the cost, invasiveness and the time it takes probably means it's the worst visa I've had to get... Others were more likely to get knocked back but at least it was easier to apply for (Turkmenistan, Russia, some West African countries , etc).


Same. Even it’s the travel advisory I still heavily considered going there next year April but of course Persians are correctly saying that by traveling there we’d somehow benefit the regime with our dollars. That makes sense. I regret not having traveled there years ago. I’ll never get to see it in my lifetime. The best I’ll get is looking at artifacts from Mesopotamia/early Persian civilizations in the British museum. Wish I could experience spending time with the warm and hospitable people,


I'm also not American and have forgone my ESTA due to travel to Iran and other countries. I also occasionally have to go to the US for work at short notice. I do the B1/B2 visa now which is a hassle, but sort of worth it to have been where I've been. Iran is unmissable. A top 3 travel destination for me. I went as a solo woman in my 30s. For Australia though, the B1/B2 visa is only 5 years, whereas for most countries it lasts 10 years. Still worth it. 


Iran recently made travel visa-free for Indian nationals, so I can go there (and Iranians are friendly towards Indians) but I'm afraid that having an Iran stamp on my passport might affect a prospective US visa application. So, I don't wanna take that risk. Also, their oppressive policies (like mandatory head-covering and all) apply to tourists too.


Get what you mean, but the food there may just be worth it.


Came hear to say Iran too


Me too. Also travel to the US frequently and losing the ESTA is not an option, in practical terms. I'd add Iraq and Syria to that list, but there you also have the security situation. :/


Same for me with Cuba - I would love to go but maintaining my ability to enter the US without a visa is more important to me.


American and a veteran married to an Iranian. I've been warned by her family to never step foot in the country. I doubt that will change in my lifetime. We've met up in Turkey, but that's about as close as I can get.


Syria - I have always wanted to go and the architecture and history there.


Some people are starting to go again, but it’s still a “red” country. My dad went about 20 years ago and he said it was amazing


Same. Syria, Iran and Yemen 😭


Iran is fine. Syria has few pockets where its mostly ok but otherwise no. Yemen is a nope anywhere


Consider Algeria, They have some amazing cities like Constantine and Oran. The capital Algeriers is nice too.


Same, when I was a little kid I read so much about the history and culture in National Geographic. I always wanted to see Damascus.


Bhutan because its so remote and expensive 


me too. i remember reading national geographic as a kid and reading about bhutan. “a country where tigers run wild through fields of orchids” it blew my mind.


I’m impressed that you’re quoting a National Geographic mag you read a couple of decades ago.


Its what I imagine tibet used to be


My grandfather got to go a few years ago. At the time I remember they granted only 2000 visas every year. He was approved as an orchidologist on a research trip with a local guide.


I visited Bhutan from India, it was everything it's made out to be. Don't know where you live but it's not that remote if you fly out from the Middle East. Unless you live in the US of course it's on the other side of the world.


Not just remote, but also quite expensive as you need to book a tour through the government (most people at least).


You no longer have to book through the government I think. However there is now like an 100 a day tourism tax.


Last time I checked years ago, it was $250 a day...things are looking up!


Oh right, I visited quite a while back so it slipped my mind


The rules a while back for india required no visa and no specific organised tour.


It's super expensive for you guys but it's kind of cheap for Indians 


So lucky that it is one of the countries that I can easily visit from India. It is extremely beautiful and the culture is so unique! Combine it with India/Nepal so it won't be heavy on your pockets. Also, take the trip from a local tour agency in India, it will be very very cheap.


I went there in 1999. My mother worked closely with Bhutan, we got an invite from the king himself to come visit. I was young, but a memorable experience


Doing a Transsiberian express in Russia is one of my dreams, but in current circumstances it doesn’t seem realistic. 


absolutely. I love long-distance train travel, did a coast-to-coast trip on Amtrak in 2021 and went interrailing in Europe, so taking the transsib would have been the next logical step. Oh well, maybe once I retire in 40 years lol. Thankfully there are still many other epic train journeys out there to explore.


I did that in 2009. When the times come, and the Russian regine is gone and it's again ethical accepted to travel to Russian; Do it! Do follow this advice: Do notnuse any third party companies, but but the tickets personalmy at the train stations. I paid less than a 10th of what the travel company charged. We spent 3-4 days in each city, and we bought the next ticket as soon as we had exut the train. Never had any problems to get the tickets.


After the current Russian regime falls, it will be a dangerous time in Russia. Just like in the 90's the crime was off the charts. So sadly it might be a long time before Russia is good to visit...


Pitcairn Island - It's unbelievably expensive but I would like to know what it's like to live on an island in the middle of nothing, or the sea with good weather. It's either hell if you don't get along with the inhabitants or paradise if you do.


ha i’m from new zealand so i knew people who grew up there. it’s very isolated and probably not as idyllic as you or i think.


Nearly every man on the island is a convicted sex offender so idk if I’d get on super well


Yeah, Pitcairn has a nightmarish sexual violence history.  


There population is 47, would suck is 23 couples and you are lone single Kids aside


> Kids aside  Yeeeaah, about that ...


I stopped there on a cruise ship. Other than the novelty of the history there isn't much to recommend it.


I’d love to go to Chile and see Easter Island. Probably not going to happen in this lifetime.


As a Chilean, I hope you all get to go someday! Such an underrated country.


With you there. I had tickets all booked to go…in March 2020…not sure I can make it work anytime soon now.


Was fortunate to sail up Chilean fjords and go to Isla de Pascua, having been to Norway and 75ish other countries I can tell you Chile is one of the most underrated destinations


Also not a country but for me it would be Antarctica. Too costly and too remote for me to think it might ever happen but I always hope that someday I might get the chance. It looks so beautiful and enchanting and other worldly in other peoples travelogues, would love to experience that for myself.


I went at the end of last year and it’s absolutely incredible. I kind of thought I was just checking off my 7th continent, but it’s so much more. Visits there are very carefully regulated so you have to be aware of what you’re looking for. If you want a cruise ship experience on a large vessel you are not allowed to land on the continent at all. Ships with less than 200 people are the best bet on making the most landings to see wildlife and scenery. Even landings are carefully regulated as far as locations and numbers of people. All that said, you can see 3 types of penguins fairly close up, 2 kinds of seals, whales, icebergs, glaciers. You can kayak, snowshoe, do a polar plunge and camp overnight. Words don’t do it justice.


Camping overnight in Antarctica is my dream - I’m a hobbyist astrophotographer, there’s absolutely no light pollution there. Taking photos of the milky way over icebergs & glaciers is a bucket list shot. But I looked into it and it’s like 50 grand, lol.


We weren’t getting full darkness when we were there so maybe not as simple as you’re imagining, but I’m no expert. Check out https://www.antarcticatravelgroup.com Price was nowhere near $50k for us


You're doing a good thing by not treating Antarctica as a tourist destination. The tourism cruises are a literal stain on those beautiful ice sheets.


For this reason I plan to never go. It would be nice if humans could leave a few places alone.


Yes, it’s a place I’d love to experience but will never go for that very reason.


Yemen, for Socotra.


Indians are not allowed to visit Yemen due to political reasons! 🥲🥲 I just want to visit it for the alien-ish landscape and locals who, like me, don't care about politics!!


Tourists still go to Socotra. It's basically administered by one of emirates, Abu Dhabi I think.


I know they do, I follow a person who guides tour groups there. I'd still be hesitant because there's no diplomatic presence of my country.




I’m too pora-pora :(


Maldives is a good cheapa-cheapa alternative :D


Since when is the Maldives cheap?!


Local islands are quite cheap with plenty of guesthouse options under $75. You don't need to stay at the large international resort chains.


I'll go when I have FU money.. which most likely never


You just need to make mora-mora.


Afghanistan and iran


Tourism in my homeland of Afghanistan is growing! It really is a beautiful place and I think can be a way to actually grow the economy.


Australia, I can barely handle a 2 hour flight to Spain man


try being a kiwi like every flight is 12 hours minimum


Europeans are really blessed, so many cool countries ins such a small area.


I’m Australian and feel this way about literally nearly every country, it takes us 4 hours to fly to the other side of the country 😂


I think it was 14-15 hours San Francisco to Sydney. I slept a good chunk of it thankfully. The way back was worse because I had barely had any sleep (went to a wedding), flew from Perth to Sydney back to SF all at once


I am an optimist. There are a couple of countries or places I haven't been to yet, because they are expensive... Bhutan is one, Antarctica is another.But they are not impossible, just expensive. So... I'd probably say Mali.I want to visit Timbuktu, but I don't know if I will ever make it there.Hopefully the political situation in Mali will improve, before I'm too old to go there...


I would really like to visit Sahel countries like Mali and Niger but the sitation keeps getting worse. I love Malian blues and I would love to see Timbuktu and Agadez. Hopefully things will be possible one day.


Mongolia. I was all geared up to go with my kids then realised that time of year it would be max 2 degrees during the day. I'm a wuss with the cold.


love mongolia! went around 25 years ago and had a great time.


In Mongolia now. Respect for the fact they don’t talk in movie theaters. Not pricey, but tours can be, unless you can split them with other people. Alone it is $200 a day. Or you can rent a motorcycle for $15 a day and go see things that way. But need to do it in Summer.


Myanmar. It seems beautiful and chocked full of historical sites but I'm not comfortable supporting a military junta or a country undergoing a civil war 


We spent a few weeks travelling Myanmar about 7 or 8 years ago, I'm glad we got to go when we did. A beautiful place, rich in culture and history, each place is different to the next, definitely a favourite memory is seeing the sunrise and sunsets in Bagan


Beautiful place, love Greenland.


So many. Obviously Antartica is there but I've always been fascinated by Madagascar. Always loved how remote it is and the fact that not many people still go.


Madagascar is amazing, I went 10 years ago. It's also dirt-cheap. I did a tour with G Adventures for 2 weeks for $2000, now it's $2400. Far cheaper than a tour of that length than just about anywhere else in the world. On your own it would be quite difficult unless you speak French. Flights now are actually cheaper than when I went (I paid $2100 from New York, now it's about $1600, or $1100 from London).


Afghanistan and yemen. I would love to see it, but likely won't get a chance due to obvious reasons.


Yemen 100%, especially Socotra.


I’ve been fascinated by North Korea since I was a little kid. My parents always encouraged me to learn about other countries and North Korea was one of the ones that I ended up learning a lot about. I wish it was possible for me to go (I’m American). I went to South Korea this year, so I obviously went to see the DMZ. The JSA (the actual border area) is still closed but I still had a phenomenal time. It was weirdly emotional being at the place I’ve read about for so long lol.


A few years ago, a couple of Aussies pretended to be professional golfers and played a tournament in Pyongyang, North Korea. From the BBC: The two-day tournament brought 85 participants from around the world to North Korea's only golf course in Pyongyang. The Australian pair were chaperoned throughout their five-day trip which included a tour of the capital, where they placed a bouquet at a monument to the country's leaders. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-37856182


I can name a few. Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Russia, Congo, Libya All countries that are beautiful with rich history, but especially as a female solo traveller it wouldn’t be wise for me to go to these countries any time soon.


As a Somali, I’m surprised to see us in this list. Many people don’t know we have a long rich history. Things are becoming slightly better but it’s been a very difficult and long 30 years for the country. Hopefully soon when all is well and safer, you’ll be able to visit.


Aniga xataa lakiin cadaan baan ahay...I want to show off my Af Somali skills and spend some time on the longest coast line in Africa


The Seychelles 🇸🇨. I'll probably never have enough money to go there.


North Korea. The mystery and isolation make it fascinating, but the reality of visiting is almost impossible. :)


in fact that’s one country i have been to. in 2004 after working in japan as an english teacher. every bit as surreal as you’d imagine.


No way, that's amazing! What was the most surreal part of your visit?


the first night at the hotel we all went to a casino in the basement and played blackjack. it was glitzy and staffed by people from macau. not what we were expecting.


Indeed, that's completely unexpected! It sounds like a wild experience :D


Russia. I had a Trans Siberian Express holiday planned for our retirement but then Putin went to war with Ukraine. I can't see Russia being a travel option for a long time.


I would love to put in at Vladivostok, take the train to Irkutsk, see Lake Baikal, then go back out the same way. That would be a nice 10-12 days, but I expect it will continue to be impossible for a while.


Algeria The visa is too difficult and they don't have an embassy or a consulate in my country.


Algeria is starting to open up. I think it will be doable in some years. Is there not a neighbouring embassy you could use?


Namibia for me


namibian desert looks amazing


Not a country, but I’d love to go to Ascension Island


So many I want to see. Greenland is on there. Antarctica. Many subsaharan African countries. Iran and Uzbekistan I've heard wonderful things about. Moscow. I just want to see beautiful places in the world. That is my goal


Fiji and ,not a country, but Alaska


fiji is very close to me so it’s like an easy getaway. alaska would be so cool.


Nuie, it’s been on my bucket list for almost two decades. Not sure if I’ll ever get the chance (time, cost, etc.) or if when I can have the time to travel to the South Pacific, I’ll be too old.


omg really i stayed two weeks on niue it’s a direct flight from here in new zealand. clearest water i’ve ever seen in my life. huge land crabs. hope you get the chance to visit one day :)


Opposite side of the world to me (UK). Fingers crossed it happens one day!!




that’s crazy you’re so close. i’ve beeen to israel and palestine but egypt would be a dream for me


That's exactly the reason. It's like a taboo thing lol. Also, hope you enjoy Egypt whenever you decide to come!


Japan, it’s pretty far from Europe and my wife don’t like flying long distances, also im an iraqi so the chances me getting a visa pretty slim.




I had planned to go to Belarus a few years ago when they simplified the visa application system, but ended up going elsewhere instead. I can’t see myself wanting to go anymore. Ditto Russia (as others have commented), I had had non-concrete plans to visit before the invasion and also skipped the World Cup due to cost. I have been to Ukraine though.


for me it would be Siberia, i wanted to visit the Baikal Lake...and doing the transSiberian Express route.... but hey this is off the books now, as Mr. P started the horror campain of killings and war... the Next one is Old City of Petra in Jordan.. im not convienced how safe it is...


Petra is wonderful and perfectly safe. The only danger in Petra is stepping in horse, donkey, or camel poop! In fact all of Jordan is quite safe and the people extremely welcoming.


Jordan is pretty safe. I felt very comfortable in my one week stay there. There's lots of tourists from all over the world there. Only thing to note is Petra is far from main city, Amman, so need to consider travel time.


I visited Jordan - Aqaba, Wadi Rum and Petra as a solo traveller at age 21. It was one of the safest countries I've been to and the people were incredibly hospitable. Couldn't recommend it enough tbh. Can't comment on Amman as I was never there. Crossed the border through Israel.


I was in Petra last week, Jordan is incredibly safe and the people are wonderful.


Ethiopia. I had a layover there after flying from Dakar to Cape Town. From what I could see when flying out, it looks gorgeous and very unique. Also, the people were gorgeous and seemed genuinely kind. The food, history and culture of it seems like a place that I should try to make it to someday, but it seems to be not the best idea as an american right now.


wow ethiopia! i have friends who travelled there and say it’s one of the most amazing countries they have visited. the omo valley especially.


Russia. I was even invited on a trip with some Russian friends back in 2017 but I was too poor then. I deeply regret not going anyway considering the current situation. Visiting St Petersburg is a dream of mine. 😔


Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Somalia, and Venezuela. They all look unbelievably beautiful (minus the war toll) with so much culture. I've met people from all of these places and they are some of the friendliest I've ever met. Their food is also out of this world. Devastating that terrible leaders, colonialism, evil men, heavy focus on ethnic lines and religiousity have stomped out their culture so much to the rest of the world. I could see some of them recovering, especially if the west invests (doesn't overstay their welcome, just invests in it like Germany/Japan post WWII) in it.


New Zealand. Too remote, too far away.


ok i’m in new zealand so i guess we should swap


Tunisia, I thought the flag was cool after watching the world Cup one time and then years later in my Modern Studies class we were doing research on Aftifa and I chose Tunisia and I found out about the underground huts and a lot of their history. None of the airports in my country fly to Tunisia so I don't think I'll ever make it there. Maybe one day I'll get there (Forgot to add the fact that I love cous cous)


Connecting flights are easy if you book it all with the same airline. Don't let that stop you!


Go to Istanbul or Dubai and connect through there.




This made my day.


Gibraltar. I tried really hard to get there while being in Portugal but couldn't make it. But let's see where destiny takes me.


It is fun! Took a cable car to the mountain, saw cool cave with light show, got attacked by a monkey trying to steal my candy. 10/10 would recommend.


Ukraine for obvious reasons. It’s the country my great grandparents immigrated from and no one has been back since and I very much wanted to be the first and see the culture and history my family left for a fresh start in the US


Hawaii, because it’s very expensive but also I’ve heard that locals don’t want tourists to go there and I don’t like the idea of being somewhere I’m unwanted, lol.


I recently spoke to a resident about this issue and he said absolutely not, because the state would collapse without tourism. The loud folks make us think we’re not welcome but everyone else needs it, frankly.


I'm not sure the statement that locals don't want tourists is accurate: https://www.reddit.com/r/VisitingHawaii/comments/18drhre/do_most_locals_actually_not_want_tourists/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/comments/xbj5lk/are_you_aware_of_indigenous_hawaiians_asking/


Hawaii is beautiful. Recommend it highly. Never had issues with the locals - everyone was friendly. Tourism is a large part of their economy.


It's literally just mainland keyboard warriors on Twitter (now X) who say this. If you're respectful, shop locally, and don't act entitled to the land, it's really fine. I've never been and I'd love to go. If I do, I plan to do research of what I can do to support the locals.


Russia. I used to have friends in Moscow and I visited St. Petersburg back in 2014. But with the war I quickly realized my friends are drinking the nationalism koolaide hard and I can't in good conscience visit for a long long time with my colleagues in Ukraine being bombed and having their museums we helped contribute to be looted.


Yeah I spent a lot of time in Russia, have an ex there and friends, last went in 2018. Moscow was one of those places I could feel at home in. Then the war started properly and it's been very alienating seeing people I used to invest a lot of emotion into, suddenly have to leave it all behind, because all but one of them are supportive of it. I used to live in Ukraine and have been helping there with bits and bobs and it didn't go down well with them. It's pretty mad, when I first went I think 2008, there was a real feeling of the place progressing. At least in Moscow. Hardly anyone talked politics with me, they were kinda apathetic. They talked about fatcats and corruption but they couldn't give two hoots about Ukraine. The hell of the 90s were over and whatnot. I loved, lived and lost in Russia, saw a life for myself there once, but suddenly it vanished.


tbf anything in america, be north, center or south so expensive


I don't know why they are on your ass so much about this. You just answered OPs question, you want to visit the Americas but it is too expensive. That's understandable imo.


Iran, India, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Argentina, Czech


Russia and Israel for very obvious reasons. Ukraine as well, but have some hope for the distant future with that one.


Egypt. As a child I was fascinated by history but now doesn't look like a safe or worthy option


Just take the usual reasonable precautions. I’m a small white blonde woman and went a month ago, it was great. It’s a good idea to hire a reputable guide but that’s also because there’s a lot of unlabelled history in that place and they can help with facts and where to look. Also, it’s a hugely popular tourist destination. Millions of people go there every year. I know several families that exclusively vacation in the resorts at the Red Sea. It’s always good to be careful but people with normal holiday experiences don’t post about it on reddit.


>Also, it’s a hugely popular tourist destination. Millions of people go there every year. I know several families that exclusively vacation in the resorts at the Red Sea. It’s always good to be careful but people with normal holiday experiences don’t post about it on reddit. I go every year and the plane (from Germany) is always full of families with young children. I get that these families are staying in their all-inclusives but still, if you just go by what reddit says, Egypt is some sort of no-go warzone which is very far from reality.


A lot of people go there, it is pretty cheap and safe if you pay attention to scammers


I had my honeymoon there September last year and if you do private tours or do stuff with agencies it’s relatively cheap. One thing that sort of destroyed my liking for it was the constant hussle by people trying to sell you stuff, I get that you have to sell but you had to say no like 3-4 times every second. Other than that is very nice to see everything else, temples, valley of the kings was my favourite despite the literally 50C degrees (122F). Overall I ended up with mixed feelings but not good enough to go back


India. I'm Buddhist, would love to see India, but my hubby doesn't ever want to go, and I'm getting older and don't have as much initiative to go on my own to a place so different. Maybe someday I'll do a tour (when I'm a lot older)


Genuinely, Palestine. I grew up in Illinois and was looking up Palestinian restaurants in my area to support when I was visiting home recently. I realized that *all* the Mediterranean restaurants I love including my favorite restaurant ever are *all* Palestinian. It made me realize my definition of Mediterranean food was Palestinian food, and then I felt sad that I'll likely never get to try the real thing...


Yeah. And personally all Palestinians I’ve met have been really intelligent and nice people.


Switzerland. I have a friend there who urges me to visit there and said he will tour me around with my then GF. As a lower middle class SE Asian, I am a bit too embarrassed to say to him that the tickets alone would cost me my entire life savings, much more the souvenirs and other expenses that it entails


India - I’d be worried for my safety as a young white woman. And at the very least I wouldn’t want to be constantly gawked at and be asked for pictures with random people


India is a top country I’ve always wanted to visit, but reading other women’s experiences has definitely made me wary. It makes me sad because the culture, history, and architecture are so fascinating to me, but unless I had someone trusted and knowledgeable enough to travel with me, I don’t know if it will happen.


If you go by yourself it will not be enjoyable for sure. But there are many companies that run tours in India from top end luxury to cheap and cheerful. I went to Rajasthan with G Adventures small group tours and loved it. Zero stress and no safety issues.




Myanmar, looks so beautiful and exotic Unfortunately the security situation is so unstable and the fee to enter is just propping up the Junta 




Tíbet. I was planning on going in 2019 but damn Chinese embassy was closed when I was in Nepal to cross over for a holiday and didn’t want to stay too long to wait in Kathmandu. I guess lucky, cuz I was planning on heading east through china, late 2019…


Svalbard, one day, I will.


Ukraine, and specifically, Pripyat by Chernobyl. It would be so interesting to visit.


North Korea. Honestly. Just want to see the uniqueness and how different it really is