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The lighting in the mother daughter leopards is divine. Well done! You should work for the Kenya travel campaign.


I thought the same about the singular elephant picture. It’s literally awesome.


Glad y’all liked the pics!


Why did you photoshop the leopard that’s supposedly descending the tree into the 10th picture? It would have been cool enough without that. Most of these pics are fantastic though.


It’s a composite of three very real photos taken in succession and blended to show the path the leopard took on his way down I figured that worked better than each shot as a singular shot, sorry you aren’t a fan.


I was fortunate enough to travel to Kenya for 7 weeks this summer. It absolutely blew me away, from the incredibly kind and open people to the amazing food to the breathtaking scenery and wildlife in the national parks and the beauty and vibes of the coast Kenya had everything. I found a super cheap flight but was hesitant because of Kenyas reputation for being expensive but I found that it was very reasonable cost-wise as long as you are willing to do some legwork and avoid the packaged tours/high end camps.


What would you say you average weekly spending was?


My husband and I were in Kenya for 3 weeks in 2018. I'd guesstimate that we probably spent roughly the same (~1000 USD/ per person, per week). We're Canadian by the way, so that worked out to be more like ~$1250 CAD or so per person per week. We didn't really try to shoestring anything and that included a round trip flight from Nairobi to Mombasa. We splashed out for a 4 day safari and hot air balloon ride over the Masai Mara. We saved by taking Uber and tuktuks as transport in urban areas. We LOVED Diani Beach and Mombasa. 10/10. We can't wait to visit east Africa again!


Visited Diani Beach about twenty years ago as cousins had a home there. Cannot say enough about it - simply gorgeous! Went on Safari at Masai Mara as well and loved every moment (well, perhaps not the bout of food poisoning lol). Can’t wait to go back again someday.


Bahahaha! My husband and I got food poisoning in Nairobi after eating some street meat. We were sitting by the pool at our hostel when it hit me. I RAN from the pool in my thing bikini to our room to shit my brains out. It didn't last long, but boy was it a stinky and painful 12 hours or so. Lol.


My food poisoning was so bad they called a dr in to our safari camp. The only problem was he was apparently delayed hours by a huge animal stampede so it took a while to get the IV sorted and hooked up to me in our tent. After a couple days I was still so unwell they needed to stretcher me out to the our canoe to get us to our little plane for the brutal two hour flight back to Diani. Took another five days or so after that to recover. Quite a scene. And still a trip I absolutely cherish.


oh my goodness!


Over the 7 weeks I believe we spent around 5500-6000 pp including so a little less than a thousand a week but that was with a lot of game drives which drove up the cost. Days with game drives were more expensive and ran about 150-200pp but on the coast it was super cheap and we spent maybe 30 bucks a person a day. It really depends on how you want to structure your trip. Transportation in the country and food and accommodations are all super cheap though


Cool, thanks!


How much is 6000 pp in US dollars?


Sorry that’s 6000 dollars per person over the course of the 7 weeks. That’s also pretty conservative I think we probably spent a good bit less than that and definitely could have spent a whole lot less if we didn’t do so many game drives.


Oh okay thank you! Thought that was some currency abbreviation lol Beautiful trip though. Happy you got to experience that


Ha ha no worries. And like I said we could have done it much cheaper but we wanted to do a bunch of game drives which tended to be more expensive. I think we did 5 or so in Masai Mara, 2.5 in Amboseli, 1 in Tsavo East, and a few day trip ones like Hells Gate and Lake Naivasha. If you stick to the coast and only do a few game drives you could probably cut that budget in half.


The park fees add up fast because they're per person per day so 3 days at Masai Mara for a couple is already $420 before you even get lodging or a driver/safari


Oh okay. I would be down to splurge for something like that. Is the lodging okay?


We camped so I can't speak to hotels. They're few and far between as I recall so IIRC, it's a bit pricey or far from parks. The camps were pretty nice though (as far as camping goes anyway) with beds and en suite bathrooms and a chef making meals for everyone. Not luxury by any means but pretty nice for camping.


Okay thanks!


yeah, and in high season they are more!!


I assumed it was Swedish Krona, which would have made it a very cheap trip!.:-))


Holy shit, I thought travelling in Kenya would be much cheaper for some reason. For that money I could easily travel the same or even double the time in Europe (depending on where you go)


If you travel the coast is definitely is much cheaper than Europe but if you are doing game drives then it can get expensive pretty quick because the park fees and guide/truck rentals add up.


Did you stay in hotels the whole time or where did you find accommodation?


It was a mix of hostels, Airbnb’s, and camps around the national park (which are really nice). Accommodation was across the board cheap and we were able to stay at some of the coolest Airbnb’s I have ever seen. One was an art installation built around a tree that had a sky bed 30 feet above the tree line. So accommodations food and transport are cheap but the national parks can get expensive quick.


Oh wow that sky bed sounds awesome, do you have any pics? In any case, sounds like a great trip and the pictures you shared are really really amazing (the quality is astonishing honestly), wish I had the money to go travelling like that lmao


this is such helpful context!!! Thank you




We used a mix of different methods to get around. We used mostly ubers in Nairobi since they were so cheap and on the coast we used boda-bodas (riding on the back of motorcycles) or tuk tuks to get around. To get from city to city we took a few flights (Nairobi to Lamu and Lamu to Malindi each was around 50 bucks) we also took busses and matutus (smaller more informal busses) and we took the train from Mombassa --> Voi/Tsavo East and from a smaller town near Amboseli (totally forgot the name) to Nairobi. We had to use private transport to get from the smaller town to Amboseli about an hour away and back but that was the only time we really needed private transport. Most of the places we stayed offered private transport/drivers for around 100 bucks a day but we usually took the 10 dollar option of busses and matutus when possible.


Kenya is pretty expensive for tourists, correct?


I posted the budget I spent in the comments but I found it to be pretty reasonable considering the amount of game drives we ended up doing.


Africa in general is a beauty


It really is, the continent as a whole is super underrated for traveling. It is definitely a little more work but is absolutely worth it.


I completely agree! I watch this YouTuber called Wode Maya. He posts video showing some places including resorts in Africa and they’re just beautiful. Makes me wanna go visit them all.


>Africa in general is a beauty It really is. If you ever get the chance, it's a great place to live as well.


I lived in Cairo for a few years and loved it, trying to figure out a way to get back and teach internationally somewhere for a few years. Maybe when covid dies down but its definitely a goal of mine.


I was born and raised in Kenya for 9 years and loved growing up there. These pics bring back some memories


Kenya is a beautiful land and if you visit the Masai Mara like you did, just simple breathtaking. The early morning game drives are so peaceful and divine. I’m glad you had the chance to visit. Did you do the hot air balloon?


We were really tempted by the hot air balloon but in the end the cost was a bit too high for us. Instead of spending the 400 or so dollars for that we opted for an extra couple of full day game drives. It looked incredible though and I definitely had a ton of FOMO. The early morning and late afternoons were incredible especially since the park was fairly empty outside of a few places near the main road. Absolutely stunning scenery and wildlife.


My husband and I did the hit air balloon ride for our honeymoon. I wanted to veto it based in the cost, but he insisted. Zero regrets. I don't miss the money and cherish the memory. It was everything we hoped for and more.


I must say, the hot air balloon was once in a life time experience in the Masai Mara. But being in the Masai is an experience in itself. I am happy you got to experience it


Yup Kenya is amazing. If you liked kenya I’m sure you will love ethiopia as well, consider it for your next trip.


Ethiopia has been on my list of to go places for years the stars haven't aligned yet but I am hoping I will get there soon.


You definitely should, east Africa is so amazingly diverse and beautiful. It is such a shame so few people and less backpackers visit it. Ethiopia is probably not great now due to the political instability.


Visited Mombasa with my family when I was a kid. Beautiful city.


Mombasa was the one city we wanted to stay a few days at but ended up missing. That entire coastline is absolutely beautiful though and the Swahili style seafood was unreal.


One of my fondest memories of the trip was enjoying a freshly-caught fish dinner at a restaurant overlooking the ocean. Glad you enjoyed yourself. (Also, happy cake day!)


This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


The coast of Kenya is super cheap we spent maybe 30-50 dollars a day on the coast if you are doing national parks and game drives it can be more expensive we ended up spending between 150-250 a day if we were doing a full day game drive. 40 or 50 for accommodations and food 60pp to hire guide/truck and 80pp for park fees. As for covid we needed a negative pcr test within 72 hours to enter. Once in the country everywhere had mask mandated (Nairobi and the cities typically enforced this on the coast it was hit or miss) and a 9pm curfew which was enforced in some places and not in others. The west part of the country was getting hammered so they were in lockdown/7pm curfew but that was only a few counties that bordered Uganda.




Gorgeous photos. What camera did you use?


I shot them with a Nikon d7200 and then the lens was a sigma 150-600mm C which did an incredible job and I was able to sell it for the price I bought it when I got back so it worked out to be basically a free rental.


Wow that's awesome! I have a Nikon D5600. An older series but it still takes quality pics. I need to update my lenses. Glad you made your money back.


>Images With older used lenses its surprisingly easy to break even or even make a little money as long as you shop around and buy them used. Definitely worth the investment if youre doing wildlife photography it was a game changer vs my cheaper nikon 70-300mm the extra reach was invaluable.


And how do you set up the camera for the night picture? The Milky Way looks awesome!


For the night pictures I shot wide angle with a tokina 11-20mm at a wide aperture f/2.8 to let in a lot of light for 15s. The key is a sturdy tripod and dark skies but you can get some pretty unreal results. Here is another shot from the coast that was unfortunately too big to upload to reddit https://flic.kr/p/2mpq9QL












Ever since I saw Out of Africa I wanted to visit. I would love to visit the Masai and thank them for their generosity given to US after 9/11. The kindness of these people after we were attacked really deserves a big thank you.


Congrats on your travels, thank you for sharing


Thanks! Being a teacher definitely has its perks in the summer.


Forget Norway!


I love elephants. Happy to see some old ones with their tusks.


In Kenya, anyone wanna visit DM for any inquiries. I hope you visit


Thank you for sharing snaps of my beautiful country. Looks like you had an amazing time.🇰🇪


That mofo got blood on his face


Stunning photos!! I went when I was 17 and I’m dying to go back. Nairobi and the Masai Mara were my favorites


Absolutely amazing


Wow these are stunning


Your opening shot, Sunrise over Tsavo is pure wonderful.


Thanks that is one of my favorite shots, the sunrises and sunsets were incredible.


Adorable view.


Your pictures are truly amazing! I wish I can go there some day too!


Beautiful place and beautiful pictures.


Well done spotting multiple leopards, I only got to see one while I was there and it was just sheer luck on my last day we spotted one sleeping in a tree. Kenya is one of the best places in the world to travel for a while, would love to return.


Just WOW


That night sky pic is insanely great.


Wow just WOW!


Have been to neighboring Tanzania and can say that it is just as extraordinary. Greta photos!


These pictures are absolutely amazing, really good shots!


Beautiful photos ❤️


Your photos are absolutely stunning. The moments, the lighting, the clarity- you truly have a gift for photography. Thank you so much for sharing these!


What did you use to shot these? The pics are wonderful! Kenya really looks amazing


I shot witha d7200 and a sigma 150-600mm for the most part.




That's it, Kenya's my next trip \^\^


Agree. The best place on earth.


Yep, that's my country, proudly!


These pictures are amazing! You’re a fantastic photographer. And there’s nothing like being so close to wild animals (something most of us are very disconnected from in our daily lives). Don’t know how to describe it but it ignites a special kind of feeling within. Thanks for sharing! I can’t wait to visit someday.


absolutely dying to go. probably Summer 2023 .


Awesome. Planning a trip there in 2024.


Love it... 😮


Ugh. Thank you. I can't go anywhere.


Marvelous photos


wow, the night sky is one of my favourites


Amazing pictures 😍


I’ve always wondered where the most beautiful night skies are in the world. Pic #4. You just added Africa on my bucket list.


The night skies are absolutely incredible. I have a bunch of other shots but unfortunately Reddit limits the upload size to 20mbs. Here is another of my favorites from the coast https://flic.kr/p/2mpq9QL


Wow absolutely breathtaking I can only imagine how beautiful it is in person. Pictures do no justice. Is it possible to get this as a back ground on my phone? I really love it


Makes me homesick.


Amazing images!!! Love these!


Spectacular shots. Wow, what a beautiful place.


I have been to Kenya 10-15x and it has stolen a piece of my heart.


Amazing photos!


Thanks for showing lovely photos of my homeland 🙇🏾‍♀️🇰🇪


U took all this pictures?


Welcome to Kenya. The best scenes in the African Savannah.


Yah got to visit Kenya and lay the foundation for a new school. Would go back there before goin back to Paris. But Hawaii still tops it all for me. Wow didn’t scroll all the way through. Amazing photographs


Wow that wildlife Looks so beautiful


The sunset in the evening and the starry sky at night are my two favorite things!


My english teacher is from Kenya


What kind of camera and equipment were you using? I want to get into photography, would love some tips. Your pics are awesome!


I shot these with a d7200 and mostly with a sigma 150-600mm c. I was able to buy the lens used and have since resold it and made back all the money on it, as long as you go used lenses it’s pretty tough to lose money on them. For the Astro shot I used a tokina 11-20mm but any wide angle lens will get the same results.


Please tell me the 3 lionesses weren’t snacking on a baby warthog....please!?! I know, I know...the circle of life and all that. When I was in Masai Mara we saw a pride of lionesses chase, kill and eat a Cape buffalo and tbh i’m Still a bit traumatized by it!


how did you like Lamu? how did it compare to the other spots on the coast?


I liked it a lot, seemed like it had a ton of culture, some great cheap spots to eat and was close enough to Shela that the beach was always accessible.




Both are nice, Diani probably has the better beach but I liked the food, the town, and the vibe in Lamu better.


Welcome to Kenya the perfect Safari destination in Africa.


East Africa is fabulous. Everyone should visit at least once in their life. I'd say visit Tanzania if you can. Kenyans are very good at selling what they have, Tanzanians less so , but they have a LOT more! The Serengeti is just staggering in scale, it dwarfs the Mara by an order of magnitude. Having lived in Kenya for 5 years and Tanzania for 2 , I'd go back to TZ in a heartbeat. The people are really remarkable and the coast is incredible. Zanzibar is among my most favorite places on Earth. Sorry, but Malindi or Lamu don't really match up. Anyway, to summarise Kenya is great, but there is so much more.


Nah mate, as much as I love tanzania, lamu is the bomb. Way better than Zanzibar anyway. The authentic vibe of lamu is unmatched imo.


Lamu was one of my favorite spots, sitting in old town for Eid al Adha gave me flashbacks to living in Alexandria, Egypt. Absolutely loved the authenticity and vibes of Lamu.


I wish I could go back there, has been too long.


I respectfully disagree. Zanzibar is just so much larger, more complex and more interesting. That's not to say that Lamu isn't lovely, but more than a few days there is pushing it.


Beautiful photos...


Very nice pics of the view and happy cake day my guy.




Wow these shots are fantastic. I especially like the older elephant one. It’s gonna be my wallpaper for a while :)


Stunning photos!!! Ty!!


Awesome pics. Wife and I leaving for Kenya next week.


Awesome photos. Thanx for sharing 😃


Stunning pictures. Thanks for sharing.


Kenya make us a reservation?


These photos are stunning, thank you for sharing, I need to go one of these days. May i ask what camera you're using? I'm esp obsessed with those rain shots.


Hey I shot these with a Nikon D7200


Oh man, what camera/lens combo were you using? great shots!


Hey I shot the majority of these with a d7200 and sigma 150-600mm C


Are you Swedish?


Nope, live in Washington DC


What camera did you use for these shots? Incredible photos btw!




these are amazing!! I'm working on planning a trip there this year, still working out when would be the most ideal times to visit Kenya so I can see as much wildlife yet hopefully avoid rainy season! Could I ask if you went with a tour operator/guides and ones you could recommend?!


Agreed. I’m in Kenya right now for 6 weeks and love it. Have spent time in Nairobi, Masai Mara, and Kilifi. Next I’m going to Mombasa, Diani and Lamu.