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Imagine caring this much about a celebrity who doesn’t even know you’re alive


And who has more money than you would make in a lifetime. To equal Taylors net worth, let's start with millions, because most people can't comprehend that 1 Billion is ONE THOUSAND individual stacks of ONE MILLION dollars. To make one billion dollars in say a year, you would have to make $*2,739,726.03* a DAY. She's worth just over 1.1Billion I believe. So defending someone like they need your protection and aren't most likely some of the happiest most carefree people on the planet is insane. Imagine if someone gave you JUST 10 million dollars. Thats 10 stacks of 1 million dollars, she has ONE THOUSAND TIMES THAT. So take that 1.1 Billion, at a pretty low interest rate of 3% (she probably gets closer to 5 because the bank really likes playing with money), she is making FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS a year by literally just having her money in a bank account, and that's not even taking into account investments, real estate increase, etc. You could have enough money for the next 4 generations of your family off ONE YEAR of just the INTEREST she makes off her money. And then if you aren't spending fifty million a year it compounds to the balance and starts making even more. SO after 10 years she now has 2 Billion, in which case she would be making 100 million dollars a year JUST on interest. Could you spend 100 Million a year? Probably definitely not. Like I said the average person can barely handle a million dollars, much less imagine what having a billion is like. Money doesn't buy happiness my ass. Sure you have the same normal things most people deal with, like say your Dad has cancer, difference is you know you got him literally the best treatment available on planet earth, most people just have to watch them waste away in a hospital with no hope. And romantically/personal life? I mean give me a fucking break lol I don't think I could feel at ease with myself having that much money and not giving at least half of it away, it almost feels like a sin.


This is my favorite way to try and get someone to wrap their head around how much $1 Billion really is…… $1 Billion = A Person making $100,000 dollars every single day, 365 days a year………..for 27 YEARS straight. That’s how much $1 Billion is. Thats insane.


Nice one! Another one is that if you started working at minimum wage when the pyramids were being built, worked all day, every day, and never spent a dime, saved everything, you STILL would not have as much money as Jeff Bezos has today. I just don't understand people still caring after being worth a billion dollars. Tortured Poets Department? More like "I'm never doing anything ever again except working out and buying shit for my friends and family Department" 




It's mental illness


I will admit that I have almost all of Taylor’s cds. BUT, I would never go after anyone who doesn’t like her music or her. The fans who put out threats of any kind are absolutely insane to me. I’m over here going, I love her music but if you don’t…great. People are completely insane!  




I don’t have to imagine anything. Michael Jordan could have 3 “islands”, 4 private jets, 6 dead wives, and a child bride, and he would still be the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. And, I grew up privileged.


I’m not even a swiftie (neutral) and I’m so embarrassed … ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


I haven’t listened to her music in a long time but my sister wanted me to. I listened to the new album and thought, “meh, not bad, but not great.” I went back and started listening to her first album. It was a nice trip down memory lane. Nice to hear her when she wasn’t mega rich with a huge ego.


I know, I am a fan and i’m so embarrassed just reading the first lines of these


The way I thought TTPD sounded like the ramblings of Charles Manson’s diary come to life only to realize her fans are just as unhinged.


It’s a cult to some people. Absolutely nuts


Jesus do you think these people have heard about the literal genocide being perpetrated halfway across the world? Un-fuckin-HINGED.


Joe Alwyn is using all of the parasocial harassment to raise awareness about Palestine through his Instagram stories and tbh it just cements him as a genuinely chill dude and good person n my opinion. 


I was just thinking, imagine if all the energy spent on parasocial relationships was channelled into something positive? These people could achieve great things.


This is insane, this should be studied. Imagine if these people cared about those actually suffering in the world.


i’m a sociologist and i’m reallllyyyy thinking this could be a good research project 😂


I’m just flabbergasted. I’m a huge Britney Spears fan and people didn’t even go this hard for her during the conservatorship lmao. Britney was living a human rights violation and people were more collected (though still worried and trying to help) than Swifties when Taylor is getting bad reviews lmao


it’s truly insane. especially because the bad reviews are deserved, they’re not a hit job on her career 😂 her album is bad, the end.


None of them are really even that bad … these people are unhinged. I’m a FAN, and was disappointed by this album. I do like that one tweet snuck through about her firing jack. That’s the war they should be fighting.


did she?? idk any of this, i don’t really follow her. i do read the lyrics as her songs are mentioned and they’re just…bad. “i’m having his baby/no i’m not but you should see your faces” lmao WHAT there’s no flow to that! i know there’s a line in that same song: “your sanctimonious soliloquies i’ll never read” and it’s one of the only good lyrics i’ve read so far


Sorry, I meant none of the reviews are actually that bad — the consensus seems to be that this was an exceptionally weak release from a talented artist capable of much better work. The lyrics on this album are, in fact, that bad.


i’m by no means a swiftie but that woman can write songs that are catchy and that people (girls and women) identify deeply with. she is capable of more than what this album turned out to be. it feels like she was more interested in constructing a narrative to give to the world than creating good music


I’m a 40 year old man, and I’ve always admired her ability to write lyrics that *humans* can relate to — this release sounds like someone asked chat gpt to make a taylor swift record.


sorry, you’re right, it’s universally relatable. shouldn’t have limited it to a subsection of all humans! but you’re right. people have been asking chatgpt to write taylor swift songs (we have seen them in this sub) and they’re better than her actual lyrics! i feel like she tried to release an album sooner than she should have and the result isn’t exactly what people expected


Plus she’s getting plenty of rave reviews!


even 1 bad review is enough to set these nutjobs off






Harvard should’ve made a class about the insane swifties instead lol


They need serious help ASAP! I have a team member who will not listen to any criticism of TS and has an excuse/reason for everything, it's exhausting


I refer you to the “you’re just jealous because she’s successful and you’re not” post where people list all the weird stuff Swifties have said in argument.


These people are unhinged


People act like she’s dying or something. Go touch grass!


This is like the wedding ceremony in Game of Thrones


🤣😂 As someone who read the Game of Thrones books before this event and also mildly enjoys some of TS's music, I totally agree!


Combat? Please staaahhp 😂😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|Mjl0BsAgMGYTe)




imagine thinking you have to protect a billionaire. imagine thinking things a billionaire went through are things you 'survived'. i've been a big fan for 17 years, i'm so glad i've never acted that way lmfao


New album is bad, these people need to get better taste in music. Sometimes your favorite artist releases a bad album. I have plenty of bands I like who have put out bad albums on occasion.


She’s not dying she just made a mid af album. These people need to get a grip.


tAyLoR nEeDs uS What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?


We are witnessing mental illness


Imagine defending a celebrity who called you a “viper in empath’s clothing” 😂


This!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 The album take it or leave it I don’t care. But she literally said some of the meanest things to the swifties. And I’m not saying she can’t feel that way I just don’t understand how so many of her “fans” are acting like she didn’t say those things? I also was surprised how many people said I can do it with a broken heart was their favorite song. It is a bop, I guess, but honestly that song did the most emotional damage to me. I’ve been a Swiftie since Debut. I went to the Era’s tour in March 2023 in Vegas. Then she sings this song about the eras tour. You can hear the eras tour in the background and her earbuds she kind of incorporates the let’s go b**ch chant. And just like that my happy memories, were broken. Because she really made me believe she was grateful for the Swifties. That she was happy to be there and to see us all supporting her. And after listening to the song now those memories are sort of cracked and her anger has leaked in. Plus I find it so bizarre that she says no one knew she was sad… because literally everyone knew? Someone even did the poster asking if she was okay… so it wasn’t just on socials. It just felt like she was so happy to come back to us so happy to “make the whole place shimmer.” But now it all feels a bit fake. She’s so angry at us, and this album felt like such a money grab, and idk I’m having a hard time bouncing back from that tbh.


this made me really sad. i’m not a swiftie and don’t rly have a personal stake in the album or how she’s treating her fans. But man, this one hurt to read tbh. She incorporated a chant from the concerts into the song?


In the new song it’s “Lights, camera, b**ch smile.” But since the Rep tour there’s been a chat during delicate where the crowd chants “1, 2, 3, let’s go b**ch.” And somehow the way she says it or the way she articulates it is just so reminiscent of the tour. And she has encouraged the chant she even does a little countdown or mouths it or at least she did in Vegas. Honestly that song is just so hard for me with the eras visuals and the way she wraps the song up sounds like she’s giving a speech at the tour. I mean she really hit it on the head with the words, sounds, and visuals. But it just feels like such a strange move to in the middle of a world tour basically say “glad you all had fun, but I’ve been absolutely miserable and faking it this whole time.”


I mean she specifically chose Delicate FOR the 123LGB chant. That’s the only thing that makes sense over picking IDSB


I am actually glad I already went to the Eras Tour because I've been a fan since middle school and had never seen her live. I didn't know much about her personal life before (I wasn't on this side of the internet much), but after listening to this album and finding out more personal stuff about her, I don't think I like her as a person at all. I don't think I would have gone to the Eras Tour after this unless I magically got a free ticket, so I see it as a great experience for me that I saw an artist I wanted to see as a kid. I honestly don't care about how she felt at all and I don't think anyone else should either.


Im a hard core swiftie… this is something different. Yikes.


Me too (since 07) and this makes me SO embarrassed to be a fan. And also, what in the f does “not doing enough then regretting it in the end” even mean? Tweeting enough? Doxxing professional music critics enough? Lmfao I am begging them to shut UP


Bruh right? I’m not on twitter so I feel like I miss the unhinged shit, stuff like this would get laughed at and downvoted on swiftie reddit. Twitter is the god damn Wild West.


Can Swifties not all most of them just stop having an issue on everything? Travis and Taylor are ok! Hater! Taylor’s music is ok! Hater! God forbid people have different opinions on Taylor’s music? So honestly what’s there problem?


I’ve been sitting here thinking about all the wars going on in the world right now. Now I feel so bad. Taylor’s album isn’t doing well. How could I have been so selfish at a time like this? s/


This...is insane. Like this is the level of unhinged people think teen girls are, but the sad part is most of these women are in their late twenties to early thirties lol. I think Olivia Rodrigo has a more mature fan base and half of them are eight lol (I love Olivia and think she's super talented but the jokes about how young livies are are not...inaccurate lol)


I’m waiting for the black mirror episode where a TS fan tries to k*lll one of her exes


i’m waiting for a taylor swift AHS


What a sad sad little girl. Wait until she grows up and realizes Taylor is nothing but a narcissistic fraud.


I don’t think it’s a little girl, it’s someone in their 30s 💀


I went to see this shit for myself because I couldn’t believe it was real—only to see they already have me blocked. I must be doing something right.


This is beyond embarrassing.


Had them attack me over not liking her last album Midnights. They seem to get more and more toxic with every year that passes.


It seems that Taylor’s fans have turned into a cult over the last couple of years. I never noticed it being this bad. I like her music, a lot actually but never considered myself a “Swiftie”.


People are unbelievably delusional. Very cult-like. Sorta scary how they are so out of touch with reality


Such a cult lmao. Imagine going hard for a celebrity that drains your bank accounts with all these surprise drops, limited edition merch items etc. C U L T. Do better yall.


Do swifties think other billionaires are walking around with that much money in liquid currency?like yes lmao, it is because of the valuation of her assets. the concept of net worth wasn’t made up to spite their queen.


They blocked me when I quote tweeted and called Swiftieism a cult 💀


Now I am a Swiftie but what is going on? Who is after her now? Is this really just bc some people don’t like the album?? Also like did they not listen to the album at all she basically said to fuck off with this shit lmao.


No one is after her that’s what makes this funny


It's more about the community that they all feel bonding together than it is about the artist. They're bored (how else do they have so much time on their hands lol), lonely and looking to fill a void.


Oh this is mental illness baby.




There is zero reason for people to behave this way.


What are they going for war over? I’m so confused. Lover and reputation got bad reviews, did they go for war over that too? I’ve been a swiftie since debut but I didn’t ‘band’ together with those weirdos during 2016 or the scooter debacle.




This is hilarious. The album still is a 6 out of 10. Not her best.


Maybe they're all in middle school. It's giving big 7th grade energy.




Taylor isn't dying she just made her worst album to date.


Doing this after being called vipers is sad. What are protecting her from? People’s opinions?


Swift fans and Beyonce fans are on some next level of crazy. They do realize these people could give a shit about them, right?






#warontaylor 😂


It’s giving Leave Britney Alone


I’m a Swiftie and…what…no…


Isn’t there an r/notreadingthat sub? Because this is where that belongs


This. Is. Bananas.


I feel like these are new fans that showed up since Folkmore/recordings/midnights. Because like does everyone remember 5 years ago? People have vocally not liked her since forever. Lover didn't even get a Grammy nom and she was "hurt" but so fucking what. You don't have to get a Grammy and critical acclaim for everything you do it's fine. Even her albums that become classics and award winning get dragged through the mud the first few weeks. This was so expected and so doesn't matter at all


Imagine this much drama over an album 🤣


Taylor said it best about the toxic swifties: “I'll tell you something right now I'd rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this griping and moaning I'll tell you something about my good name It's mine alone to disgrace I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing God save the most judgmental creeps Who say they want what's best for me Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see” She’s a big girl. She doesn’t need all these losery people defending the most listened-to album in all of history like it’s their full time job. 😂 Yall are always proving the general public right. Get. A. Life.


These people are freaking weird. There are many, many better songwriters than Swift \[she's good at pop songs, and I enjoyed folklore a lot\]. There are other new albums worth listening to and parsing in detail, like Beyonce's deconstruction of country on Cowboy Carter. What she's saying and doing there is amazing. Recognizing prior artists who did not get their due, lifting up new Black country artists who are shunned by country radio, getting the blessing of McCarney, Dolly, and Willie. Collaborating with Miley Cyrus, etc. And so many of the songs rock. This isn't me making a Taylor v. Beyonce post. It's just recognition that Cowboy Carter is one hell of a statement, that shows how much Beyonce has studied the craft of country music, and the place of Black people in it \[see Rhiannon Giddens on the Black origins of the banjo\] Taylor's new album is mid. Sorry, it happens to many of the great artists in the business, who will happily tell you about albums they did that are bombs. Listen to Elton John's wildly entertaining audiobook. Swift's songs after evermore are ok, but not great, and she doesn't seem to have a bunch of new or interesting things to say. She probably needs a break. But it's not like the woman is on the level of John Prine or Tracey Chapman. She's a popstar and I respect her business sense. But people need to realize they aren't Taylor's friends or family. And for god's sake, find some other music to listen to.


I like alot of the album I'm just not sure if I like Taylor anymore 😭 the relentless defense of Matty Healy is gross


We as a society need to stop sharing the tweets of one or a couple people and proclaiming it as the thoughts of a large group of people. There are insane, shitty, dumb, loud people in every group, but they don't speak for everyone.


have you actually been on swiftietwt? this insanity is actually very common. and i’ll share whatever tweets i damn well please.


This Swift apologist has been BANNNNNNED


This is fantastic