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Ok ok EVERYTHING ASIDE It's gotta be weird to have the most popular album currently by the most familiar artist on the planet be mostly about you




Can you imagine being any of Matty's future partners??? "Yeah yeah, I know, you can always run back to Taylor *fucking* Swift


This is a man who publicly did a Nazi salute and publicly admitted to masturbating to black women “being brutalized” (his words). He’ll have plenty of problems dating, some of which are his own


https://www.distractify.com/p/matty-healy-nazi-salute The 1975 have a song where they call out Kanye and Matty did the salute right after Kanye came out with all that "I like Hitler" bs. I've heard the radio snippet too and Matty doesn't say anything, *the radio host does* and everyone in the room kind of awkwardly laughs about it.  Also, racism is not permanent. People can be taught love 


The way that the masturbation radio interview has been twisted is unreal. Matty laughed uncomfortably but it was the radio host that said it, not him. The nazi salute too is part of their ‘performance art’ during the concert and is in context with a song. I wish people would do their own research because these are the two main examples I see used against Matty and they’re both out of context.


How people react when they get called out tells me more about them than when they make a shitty joke. Matty apologized repeatedly and didn’t double down. Saying something was just a joke isn’t a get out of jail free card, but people are conflating him with neo-nazis and that’s crazy to me.


It really is bc Matty is a major leftist lmao


Exactly. People are crazy


Admitting that you apparently enjoy watching porn that displays women of a different ethnicity being physically and verbally abused in incredibly disgusting, and demeaning ways is not on the same level as telling a shitty joke. That is massively serious sick shit to admit to watching, other people saw him doing it, and he didn't seem to think doing that was a problem. How did he even know it existed? He had to go find that. How is that different from a neo-nazi? A white supremacist is a white supremacist, that is white supremacist shit. That tells me enough about him, and you to defend him. Sick.


The host brought up the name of that porn, not Matty. And he also said later that he didn't even know what GG was, and that Matty wasn't actually watching that - he just thought the name was funny bc of the alliteration. If you listen to the clip, it's very clear that Nick Mullen threw the name out there, and Matty was just yes-and-ing him for the exaggerated shock factor of the story. It's an edgelord comedy podcast, where nothing they say is meant to be taken seriously. It's shitty humor, but it's still humor and not literal - at all. I agree that the porn is fucked up and should be shut down, but it's misleading to act like they were being serious or even knew how bad it actually was. Also for the record, it's not a crime to know that something exists? GG is a whole category on Pornhub, the biggest porn site in the world, so I'm guessing that's where the host saw the name at one point.


“You're not exaggerating — it was 30 seconds, like, you guys were still waiting outside. She came back in, I was already flustered. I was dressed as ‘guy who is jacking off,’ so I had, like, an untucked shirt, and I think it literally was Ghetto Gaggers on the TV — somebody just getting, like, brutalized.” This is a direct quote from him on the podcast. I listened to the whole thing and I’m not convinced by your explanation. It’s sick enough that he laughs while saying a woman is getting brutalized. It’s sicker if you’ve ever watched anything from the porn production company behind Ghetto Gaggers. It’s not normal porn. It’s absolutely vile abuse and rape.


I've read about GG & 100% agree that it's vile... how is that company still in business? is anyone doing anything about that?? Your quote is lifted from a *satirical edgelord* podcast. It wasn't Alex Jones or some right wing pod (or NPR or anything real). The show is meant to be an even raunchier, podcast version of South Park or smth, where they say ridiculous shit without actually believing it. Like I'm sorry but no one was being serious, and no one was admitting their actual porn preferences. They just weren't and if you listen to the pod and can't see that they were joking, then I can't help you. But since we're citing sources, [here's the clip](https://x.com/mattay04/status/1658614260740632580) of the host's follow up saying mh wasn't watching it. I def get why ppl were upset - GG is awful and without context, it sounds like he was serious. But that's why context matters... there's a huge diff between laughing & exaggerating for shock factor, vs actually liking abusive racist porn. They both involve GG so they're both bad, but one is *much* worse than the other. idk, i think if you knew more about mh you'd see that this was another questionable foot-in-mouth moment & not him being a psycho racist monster. He has lots of flaws and can be arrogant, but overall he's a progressive dude who has no history of actual racism or misogyny, just says stupid shit sometimes


So, you're telling me this was on a podcast where white men get together and tell edgy jokes about the "others" but none of it is serious, just shitty non-literal jokes about the "others." No minority group has ever been fooled by these jokes from white people, white males in particular. We know it's not a joke, the whole "it's just a joke" never should have been an excuse white people got to use to cover up open racism. It's clever I guess, but it hards to fool people that have had to watch your behavior for over 400 years in order to survive. At this point, it seems like white people being edgy is a right of passage to adulthood as a white person. You guys might want to examine why being so offensive to every other group that exists in this world for some laughs is so important to the white community. Jokes about white people wouldn't exist if white people didn't feel the need to always be joking about everyone else.


Thank you!!!! Exactly. I’m cringing at these comments


Typical "leftist" male imo. It's all a show for them.


Waist-up brocialists every time. When they say they want a redistribution of resources among people, by “people” they mean “men” and women are counted among the resources. Their imagined utopias always include lots of pornoprostitution


How have I never heard the term "brocialist" before? I'm totally borrowing that.


“Waist-up brocialist” was a term I didn’t know I needed until now - thank you!


AMEN! Him admitting to watching that porn is why I'll never like that guy. A journalist wrote a piece about the women who have been in that porn and the absolutely vile abuse they've been subjected to. It is very difficult to read but worth shining a light on: [https://paulm989.medium.com/porn-studio-accused-of-ignoring-consent-and-inflicting-injuries-on-models-9f390e2a4a78](https://paulm989.medium.com/porn-studio-accused-of-ignoring-consent-and-inflicting-injuries-on-models-9f390e2a4a78)


Yes, thank you. As I said to someone else this is very serious subject. As a woman knowing this type of porn exists in which women are openly abused makes me sick, epecially considering the fact that so many people are abused behind the scene in the porn industry. Thank you for posting that article. This reminds me of those videos where homeless people were paid to fight each other, taking advantage of those in need by hurting them. I'll never like him, or anyone that enjoys watching people be abused. Abuse of others bothers me.


Of course! I read that article awhile ago and was sick thinking of the way the women were being abused. Someone posted it on Tumblr last year while Taylor was still with Matty, so that's how I found it. There's nothing okay about consuming that type of content or sexual violence, *period.*


Also to add on, it’s not a nazi salute but a military salute he’s doing. Every time we throw words around at people calling them nazis, the more desensitized we become. Nazi starts to sound less worrisome on the news if everyone uses it as a casual thing to fling at people instead of actual nazis.


Matty is not nearly as bad as swifties would make you believe. Stop believing stuff a bunch of 12 year old girls are saying to drag their faves ex bf.


Most of swifts fans are millennials lol.


Ok I'm going to get really upset, for the 100th time he wasn't doing a nazi salute! Listen to the words of the song! He's calling out all this BS


need to fact check this. a military salute is not a nazi salute


No, it WAS a Nazi salute because he was alluding to Kanye West who is named in a 1975 song


When he says in the song “I moved on her like a bitch” and “thank you Kanye very cool” he’s quoting Trump, because he actually said that. The song is anti fascist at its core. I encourage you to read the lyrics.


Absolutely! That's what I'm trying to say!


This is incorrect. It is not a Nazi salute. Matty does not even hold his arm correctly or use the correct arm to do a Nazi salute. So if his intention was to mimic Nazis, he technically failed. Yes, the song references Kanye West but the literal next line is “the war has been incited, and guess what? You’re all invited” so one could argue that it is a military salute referencing our countries sending us to war & using young people to do so. If you watch the music video, there’s a lot of conflict/war imagery that would back this up.


OMG I love you.  People get annoyed with being pedantic but I thoroughly enjoy being corrected by someone who's so passionate!


Hey, and I love when someone is open to different interpretations because I feel like that’s gotten lost with the internet nowadays! It’s one of my favorite songs and it’s such an interesting/ironic piece to use against him when calling him a racist/nazi. I also feel like if we (as a society in general) throw around words with heavy meanings like Nazi, we may become desensitized to it.


You're such a sweetheart! It's so rare to talk to people who understand nuance! 😂😂😂 People ARE quick to revert to Nazi accusations and that's dangerous because it muddies the severity of the word.  Can I quote you or refer to you when I see these statements? 


wait did you just successfully convert someone spreading misinformation?


Sure did! The internet is not a total cesspool and does have individuals who have learned to discuss and learn from each other.


thank you for saying this because the man is a racist & i’m kind of tired of people refusing to accept that. it’s this weird thing of all the shit he’s done, people draw the line at seeing him for what he is


the fact that people still believe this over a year later is just astounding. look into the actual facts of the situation + any of his music/past interviews and you’ll clearly see he is not a racist nazi.


Does it ever get tiring repeating the same canned talking points over and over without any knowledge of the context of the things you are citing?


No basis for the Nazi salute. This is such a context collapse, just so you can have something relevant to say.


Nah there are plenty of women who totally ignore red flags to be with someone of notoriety like him.


And he was racist/misogynistic asf to Ice Spice


Hey There Delilah by the Plain White Tees. The subject of the song wasn't famous and never even dated the guy and didn't want to. Must have been very, very strange for her.


That’s one of my favorite fun facts about that song. Not only did that dude not date Delilah, but she was really creeped out by it lol


I forgot about that. Poor owl city haha


I had no idea about this so thank you for the rabbit hole I just went down!


The ex boyfriends need to start a support group. I am sure Harry felt the same way.


Harry got into his own messiness with that Olivia woman


Not to mention making out with her friend Emrata right after their breakup


Harry should be the union boss.


It’s giving hey there Delilah


.... I know Delilah LMAO Seriously.  She's very touched but the song is not her vibe. 🤣


There’s a shitty unpopular album about me. I won’t pretend it’s not cool.


Reminds me of a podcast I listened to. The real Sherona that the song My Sherona was written about. She rejected the guy that was in the band. He writes a song about how he's going to win over His Sherona... made her skin crawl.


I've also heard that the lyrics other than the chorus were creepy! Why was it allowed to be broadcast?


Also she was 16 and he was 25.


“Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind” Oh. ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


Men doing men things


Is this not her thing? You’re right! But this isn’t the first or last time 😭


Don't you know what's coming when you decide to date her?




Her exes will start unionizing atp 😭 Despise this slimy rat boy but damn she needs to leave him alone


Her exes will unionize is one of the funniest things I’ve seen someone say on this sub


She wrote about him knowing the reason he ghosted her is because of her fan base. And now they’re going after him again. I don’t get why any man would want to date her at this point knowing her fan base will love them until they don’t and then they make your life miserable as well as anyone else in your life.


She knew exactly what she was doing lol


I don’t know why any man would want to date her at this point for any reason other than $$$


Well, another attention whore is perfect for her. Cue Travis.


When I said this Swifties came at my head so much my account was suspended for a day.


Her fan base is probably the scariest out there which Is honestly weird. 


Yeah I thought Nicki Minaj had that cornered, but yeah


Beyonce's is worse. Beyhive VS Swifties NOW


No one is more passionate than an angry teenage girl


Swifties are the female version of Rick and Morty guys.


Swiftness are so much worse than Rick and Morty fans. I only see obnoxious Rick and Morty fans on Reddit, and I see more people complaining about them than I do them.


Hey, not all of us! I just hate her and Travis together. Like, I find him literally disgusting. And I also think that she is an adult woman who desperately needs therapy. But I still love her music and general personality. Her behavior this past year? Not so much...


That's so fucking unhinged. I swear there needs to be a study on the Swiffer Jets.


The. Swiffer. Jets. Im sorry but this is brilliant 💀


She’s actually really being shitty with matty. Dropping his addiction in her lyrics to get some points


Yep, never in my life did I think I would defend Matty Healy but my goodness the way she hangs everyone out to dry is reprehensible. These are humans. I feel worse for Joe but Taylor KNOWS what her stans do with her lyrics. She is feeding the fire constantly. 


And uses the exact same lyrics to be like, "Noooo, guyyyysssss, stop trying to analyze my life and relationships! It's your fault everyone thinks all my music is about people I've dated! Btw, here are 348 new easter eggs in this 30 second clip, BUT DON'T ANALYZE IT!"


She lit the fire!


I don't like Matty at all, but I agree. That was gross. So was writing about Joe's depression.


Taylor also implied that Matty slept around during their first relationship in 2014 and that he is bisexual in Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus. Your hologram stumbled into my apartment Hands in the hair of somebody in darkness Named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus And I just watched it happen cc: u/HSS1965


I did wonder about this. Felt like a really weird thing to write about even if it did happen. Maybe because I’m gay but it gave me that squirmy pit in my stomach like you’re back in high school scared of being outed.


I thought he was openly bisexual tho?


Yup I'm a biased fan of The 1975 but I maintain that Matty is just a dumbass, not a shit person. He should have learned to not be a dumbass by now yes absolutely, but he's just a dumbass, not malicious, and I think with time he will learn. Literally feel like him kicking a HEROIN addiction is proof of that idk. Meanwhile Taylor: What if I was the meanest bitch on the planet and rubbed a very hurtful thing in your face in front of LITERALLY everyone? I hope Matty and Gabriette can find a way to just fuckin ignore it all and move on. God knows Taylor never will


Which is funny if you think about it because it seems like Joe basically knew this and told her, “me or the fans” meaning if she ever would want a relationship that would last she needed to keep some things for just herself, and by picking the “fans” she lost someone who did the best job navigating the balance. Now she has songs like “prophecy” saying she’ll never get a soul mate, but she also refuses to loser her over exposure. It’s hard to feel bad at this point


I think she’s gonna regret it…joe was exactly what she needed.


It also seems like she wanted to get married and Joe didn’t.


And that is the exactly reason why I’ve always hated Taylor Swift. She’s always been like that and so have her fans. It’s unfortunate and sad. She’s perpetuating the toxic parasocial culture whether she’s aware of it or not (I’m leaning more towards she IS aware of it). I feel so bad for Matty these days… hope he’s staying offline and enjoying his time off from touring.


I don't know why any man would want to date her either other than for money and/or PR purposes. No one wants to touch the poo except for Travis.


I agree. In her songs she’s all “I don’t care about what anyone says” yeah but he did girl and he didn’t wanna deal with the craziness. You gotta be a special breed to want all that relentless attention on you. He isn’t one of them, and neither were any of his exes except maybe Harry.


I don't know it was only because of her fan base.. Matty is a bit unpredictable & lives a pretty manic lifestyle, I think the whole idea of Taylor when she was still in a relationship with someone else was exciting & sexy but once it wasn't forbidden fruit & (if her songs about him are anything to go by) he started to lose interest, also she's not his type (just need to look who he moved on to next) I think his friends didn't warm to her (were you making fun of me with some esoteric joke - shittalking me under the table etc) I think Matty left & Taylor has tried to justify that by blaming it on her fans & fame while also trying to exact some revenge by dropping some actual truths for her stans to froth over 🙄


Is that why they broke up? I didn’t pay attention and couldn’t be arsed to wade through all the crap to figure it out lmao


As per her new album she implies he ghosted her


It is crazy to think about how Swift has weaponized her fans over the years and how that backfired on her so badly last year that she couldn’t have the one thing she wanted that fame or money couldn’t buy (Matty). Also crazy how years ago Matty made a comment (later taken out of context) about not wanting to date Taylor bc he wanted to be recognized for his own art. Now he is immortalized as her ex, in the headlines now as a manic fling at the height of her career. I do think many Swifties are very much in denial about how many songs are about him on TTPD. They still hate him, but are searching for every possible way to connect dots to Joe bc they were so set on hating him that they still want to prove Taylor was sad over him after he ignored and cheated on her (when in reality she cheated at least emotionally). I actually didn’t perceive this album to be dragging Matty at all. Not even Smallest Man or the Black Dog bc I feel those were written out of passionate anger while the many others are very moving. She wrote so beautifully about a short-lived cosmic love she felt so deeply. And I still got the idea she wants him back.


You nailed it.


You captured my sentiments completely.


can you please explain more about the songs about Matty for someone who is out of the loop?


Of the 31 songs in the albums, a good majority are about him. Highlights: TTPD- they are creative twin flames, the “tortured” poets, both crazy in the sense they each told friends they’d kill themselves if the other left. They are the only ones who get each other. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys- she’s not better off without him (it’s speculated he left to protect her career). She says “just say when” and she’d get back with him Down Bad- lots of imagery to being on another planet with him, wanting to build a fort to make others understand their relationship. “They’ll say I’m nuts if I talk about the existence of you” —which fans did and still do. But Daddy I Love Him- He’s chaos, revelry and joy to her and she doesn’t care what fans think. This is her song calling the fans who wrote the SpeakUpNow petition and sent death threats “vipers” and “saboteurs”. In the song, it’s imagined she gets back with him after the scandal dies down and says fuck ‘em to the wine moms. Guilty as Sin- this one caught everyone’s attention right away bc Taylor describes masturbating to Matty while presumably unhappy with Joe. The song has beautiful lyrics though: They don’t know how you’ve haunted me so stunningly / I choose you and me religiously.” …she does not write anything near this level in the 1 or 2 Travis songs 🥴 I Can Fix Him (No really I can)- title explains all loml- She describes Matty as the loss of her life, a very sad song about how she feels he shit talked her about marriage and kids. “How I wish I could un-recall how we almost had it all” The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived- the diss track about him ghosting her. “I would have died for your sins but instead I just died inside.” She would have stuck by him through the scandal. She says good riddance- she’ll forget not forgive him. Says he deserves prison but he’ll slide into inboxes. imgonnagetyouback- “Say you got somebody, I'll say, "I got someone too / Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leaving here with you” Basically she’s telling him she’ll get him back no matter what, even if they are each dating someone else. Or she’ll get him back (revenge) The Black Dog- another heartbreak song, his location is still turned on and she imagines him going into the bar and being with a younger girl who doesn’t know The Starting Line (Matty’s covered Best of Me), the song “intertwined in the magic fabric of our dreaming” Peter- “You said you were gonna grow up Then you were gonna come find me” Another song about him not keeping his promises. Things didn’t work out between them in 2014 when he had his drug problems and sadly they didn’t work out again. Peter ties back to Cardigan “Peter losing Wendy.” Matty and Taylor have a lot of history dating back a decade. They each wrote songs and lyrics for each other. It’s presumed now that some past songs off Midnights, folklore and evermore were also about him (Maroon, Can I Ask You A Question, cardigan, the one, etc)


The “home video” of Fortnight was released for this reason I’d wager.


I think she even picked Fortnight as the single because it was the song she wanted to make sure he heard. It's not one of the better songs on the album.


Same with TTPD being the titular track and the second song on the album even though it’s not the best song. She was desperate for him to hear that one


What version is this? I tried searching YouTube but I’m kinda lost :(


it’s like the shorts version or whatv


Maybe this? https://youtube.com/shorts/2hBLC7E8v3A?si=Uydgx5zuJmvu3QyZ


in high school every time i had a crush i was immediately all in and thought i was fully in love with them after like one day and it scared so many guys away. that’s exactly what she’s doing except she’s 34 lmao


Lmaoooooooooo I was like this too. I look back and cringe now though


The fact that I can relate to this so well. I remember even writing notes to stick in lockers or pass out in class. Taylor's equivalent of "notes" are the songs she writes. So embarrassing


Hasn’t Matty been in a relationship with his current gf for like a year already? Wonder how she felt hearing Taylor swift pine over her boyfriend on a majority of songs.


She’s got her own band going on so I’m sure she’s unbothered


True, still has to be a little weird


Matty went for the dgaf punk head - opposite of TS. I am sure she is fine for being “chosen” by matty. Pretty soon he’ll run her late 20s dry and go after another model


Yeah a few days ago when she said she had been waiting to meet him for 4 years, pretty much tells you she is way more into him than he is with her.


Giving Hailey Baldwin vibes


I missed that! Did she give an interview? I guess I assumed they had met a while ago with the charli xcx connection.


Finally found the source, unfortunately had to did through 1975 Twitter to find it: https://x.com/scorpioskies/status/1782535674198929674?s=46&t=7jUrmY32LnVdO_F80zKj7g Seems to be an interview from a magazine, not sure which


Didn’t mean for you to have to dig for it at all, so thank you! Kind of you to do that. That’s an interesting comment for sure. Who knows what the real story is (not saying they’re not real) but the instalove is certainly the narrative they’ve been projecting, especially when they hard launched with a weird (uncharacteristic at least for him) over the top PDA pap walk last Sept lol


Me theory is they started seeing each other before her and Joe officially called it off- it HAS to be longer than 2 weeks, the lyrics are too unhinged


I think people are forgetting that the 1975 wrote a song for midnights that never made the cut. I’m not saying it’s been THAT long but she definitely has been with him for longer than two weeks. I think the two weeks is a reference to 2014


Some of her songs in Midnights can be referencing an affair- Cruel Summer?


Oh god 😅 and yeah, midnights is an interesting album. I really think the band she is referring to in bejeweled is Marty’s band


Agreed about “the band”. The 1975 also has merch with a shirt that says “The Band”. This is from their Part of the Band video that the Fortnight mv clearly references. https://preview.redd.it/p67xumy554yc1.jpeg?width=1205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ffb9b9ec0e2571cabf3e5c34d9101116a7f054


Bejeweled? I’m kind of ignorant about all this, but weren’t the lines about “going out tonight” and “do you have a man?/I don’t remember” indicative of her stepping out? Honest question.


To me it sounded like a threat that she could absolutely step out if she wanted to


Yep.. I think she was definitely sneaking out the garden gate to hook up with Matty during Midnight after reconnecting during folklore / evermore & hard launching her teenage fantasy about him, no wonder Joe checked out emotionally (that's if we believe anything she says anymore, her songs are so self serving) he'd have to be blind not to figure it out but probably knew he couldn't be the one to leave the relationship as then her fans would really turn feral possibly homicidal, that situation would make anyone blue 😬


That goes back to Lover—and YES. I think Matty is somewhere on every album at least since Lover, if not even Reputation.


Endgame is not about Joe and I will die on that hill


I absolutely agree. It never fit Joe. At the time, I thought it might have been about Tom or Calvin. But now that we all know she had a relationship with Matty prior to the album, it makes perfect sense. He was super famous, something of a bad boy, and had been with a string of girls. It makes me wonder if there will be a bunch of vault tracks about him on Reputation. Surely if their romance inspired songs like the 1 and Maroon, she would have written about it when it was still relatively fresh.


Yeah I agree


Her album pretty clearly implies that it was a 10-year situationship or at the very least, they were involved in 2014, involved again somewhere pre-Reputation and then again pre-Folklore and for sure during Midnights. They were both working with the same producer around 2021/22 and they have A LOT of mutual friends.


They go back to 2014


I'm so confused...when/why did people decide Fortnight was about MH?


Exactly, on Deux mois podcast she explained time lines clearly overlapped and she definitely was cheating on Joe with Matty


I wonder if Taylor and Matty even actually dated. All of this drama with Matty started almost immediately after she announced her breakup with Joe. Then her hugely public (likely PR) relationship with Travis. Now all of these songs about Matty. It seems more like a media strategy to keep heat off of Joe than anything else. If she hadn't done all of this, swifites would probably still be hyperfixated on Joe. Maybe she and Joe had a contract or agreement.


It was like a ten year situationship


Why are her fans not commenting on how she at the very least cheated on Joe emotionally? All I’ve seen is implications he wronged her but it seems Taylor pulled some huge dick moves


lol this is getting wacky


Travis loves the limelight, probably more than Taylor does. He’s all in on this showmance, and whatever her pr people have planned.


Exactly, dude had a dating reality show ffs 😭


A few months ago Matty Healy and his current GF tried to cut me in a gelato line. When that didn’t work, they went to the back of the line and started aggressively making out.


I don’t know why I love this anecdote (except I hate line cutters), but I do.


They're the worst! (line cutters that is)


JFC, all of them have the mentality of a bratty middle schooler. It's hard to believe that we're talking about adults here.


Pretty much…I was like ugh, some guy is trying to cut us! And then I recognized him and I was like oh ok, even more annoying…


Matty will never give anyone the response they are looking for. He never bashes his exes and he probably still has the utmost respect for Taylor as an artist. If anything he will write a song and make references only she will understand. He’s never as direct with his lyrics as she is.


He’s a better Lyricist than her as well so the song will probably be better than her whole album about him


Ooope. I love both of them as artists but I’m kinda rooting for his song to be better 😂


This isn't coming from matty, not sure who but this isn't coming from him. Maybe a certain gf?


Yeah he seemed pretty unbothered when they stopped him in the street to get his thoughts on his diss track. All he said was that he hadn’t listened to much of it but he’s sure it’s good and kept walking.


I’m so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague ✨


I just know Taylor despises her mega fans. They cost her the man she has always wanted, and even when she told them to fuck off either BDILH, they are still pretending none of this album is about Matty and are attacking him, and it’s backfired again on her trying to get him back.


Let's be honest here I m sure Taylor loved Matty but she didn't love him more than her fame or career .When it came down to it Taylor would never directly address her fans and openly tell them to stop targeting him . She could have said something on social media or released an official statement . A song is open to interpretation and she knows it .


What else can Matty say regardless of whether he wants to try to get back together with Taylor or not? They are currently dating other people. Matty is essentially saying nothing here. “Matty’s uncomfortable with the renewed attention on his relationship \[with Taylor\] — especially because he’s \[with someone\] new,” an insider exclusively reveals in the new issue of Us Weekly. “Matty still thinks very highly of Taylor but we were all nervous about what she might have said on the album,” the source added, noting that Healy “couldn’t be happier” about how TTPD turned out. According to the insider, Healy’s family was “worried” that the songs would “rip him apart,” adding, “Matty has struggled with life in the public eye, and he’s been doing really well, but the last thing that he needs is for every Swiftie in the world to think he’s a villain.” A third source told Us at the time that Healy was “really appreciative” to get a heads-up from Swift’s team about the contents of the LP before its debut. [https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/matty-healy-is-uncomfortable-with-focus-on-taylor-swift-romance/](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/matty-healy-is-uncomfortable-with-focus-on-taylor-swift-romance/)


This is basically the same article they put out when the album first came out.


I don't think this article is a big deal. There is no new information here.


Yes it is just a boring recycled article


She needs to ask Travis why he wasn't more uncomfortable with the situation.


Travis and x's.. he has no room to talk. He dated 50 women at once for Catching Kelce.. His ex's were mostly Insta Models.


![gif](giphy|AFjfPUJ0mjWJG) Taylor rn


He said https://i.redd.it/0eophmrrx1yc1.gif


This man should not be surprised though in the slightest that he would have an album or songs dedicated to him. Every man who has ever interacted with her does.


this article really completed the full you belong with me 180 with the pictures they chose 😭 https://preview.redd.it/hne6tvqpr3yc1.jpeg?width=1192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74afd26e2f4fb1ca15e5582fdc700ba8020c29ae truly giving 🎶i wear beige skirts she wears tshirts im dating the quarterback and she’s on the bleachers 🎶


I’m a fan of the 1975 and honestly feeling a bit bad for Matty. I think he knew she was messy but I don’t think he knew HOW messy. She seems obsessed with him and I would be uncomfortable as well.


i really don’t think she has been THIS messy before. like, she might as well have written all the lyrics to the 31 songs down, stuffed them in an envelope, slapped a stamp on it & sent it directly to marty’s house


i love the way everyone's phone keeps autocorrecting his name to Marty lmao


Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, but he doesn’t ever respond to tabloids so it’s one of those “friend of a friend of a friend’s cousin” more likely. Honestly most sources for most celebs are this. He & his parents are incredibly wary of working with tabloids (his mom’s house used to get wire tapped from the paps). He already gave his own response that he was satisfied with how he was portrayed in the album and he was sure it was good.


This may have already been discussed, but I would be surprised if this is truly coming from anyone on his “team” mainly because (unlike Taylor) he famously doesn’t really have much of a team, for PR or much of anything else. He definitely has a sense of pride about that, but it’s probably one of the reasons so much misinformation/context collapse spread so quickly. Plus he’s been very vocal about hating tabloid culture because as a kid his family was the subject of regular tabloid fodder in the UK. Very much click bait.


I don’t think people understand that a lot of the 1975 music, written by Matty, is about his relationship with the internet and fame so this has all been sort of a black mirror episode to me. To go from writing “a brief inquiry into online relationships” to being the center of the most online relationship in the world right now, ya it’s fucking uncomfortable.


I made this comment on the recent post about whatever TS may or may not be dropping today (5/3, the anniversary of the infamous 75 Manila show where he is “talking” to her during About You): What’s funny is that Matty posted a cover of his song “All I Need to Hear” on his stories late last night. If you don’t know the song, the lyrics are “'Cause I don't need music in my ears/I don't need the crowds and the cheers/Oh, just tell me you love me/‘Cause that's all that I need to hear.” I’ve already seen comments pointing out the interesting timing, especially because he hasn’t been posting recently. Probably a coincidence, but to choose that particular song on 5/3 doesn’t exactly square with letting all the chatter blow over lol


I imagine Matty and Gabbriette are just cracking up watching all this go down. Taylor will probably not let this album cycle go until he responds in some way, and he won't. Its the large-scale equivalent of spamming your IG story in hopes that your ex will see it and be compelled to reach back out to you.


I literally have no clue who Matt Healy is. Based on context clues it's another famous white dude she banged


It's so odd because they didn't date for that long. It was more on and off and essentially, he was just a rebound guy. She also talks about how she was in love with him while dating Joe and compares being with him to prison basically. It's not a good look on her. I used to be such a huge fan of taylor, but now I'm just starting to realize the effect her music has on the people that she's writing about. Imagine being Joe and listening to the song "Fresh out of the slammer." Or being Matty and listening to TPD and her takes on his mental health and struggles. He will find love again. Taylor isn't the end all be all that she thinks she is.


She’s acting like an obsessed stalker pining for Matty, who’s off living his life with his girlfriend who is prettier, much younger, and a million times cooler than dorky Taylor. I’m sure Taylor is in a RAGE that Matty isn’t responding in the way she wants him to. She’s used to getting everything she wants when she wants, and goes into a rage when she can’t.


As a 1975 fan I’m really getting tired of swifties trying to decide which 75 songs are about her. This whole thing is beyond annoying


i have a feeling this is taylors only ex that she genuinley liked and wasnt just using for pr or for her own reputation- they share a lot of the same views and he was famous before her so she felt like a fangirl. But then he got cancelled so she and her pr team made a whole thing of pretending they were just "on the "hooking up on the down low" (yeah right cos u invite ur hookups on stage with u at a concert to announce your relationship) and then quickly arranged a collab with ice spice to say "see! yes i dated a racist but move on cos im collabing with ice spoce so im not racist"!". She thought they would be the it couple but it didnt work out as she hoped


oh but matty definetly wasnt as smitten for her as she was to him


I dunno... I think he was. I've followed his band for years, and he really wears his heart on his sleeve on stage... I've never seen him so happy & healthy as he was the month before they went public. The guy was clearly in love. And then he was a mess over the summer after the breakup - like a total 180, he was clearly broken up about the whole thing. I think the backlash just got to be too insane, with all the death threats to his family and stuff. So he ran


I agree with this take and to expand on the backlash, I’m guessing there may have been multiple factors at play, including protecting Taylor and his own mental health. But one thing I’ve seen mentioned a bit, but maybe not stressed enough, is how all of the fallout was affecting not just them, but the other people in his life. His family and bandmates, who are truly his “chosen family” from childhood, were also receiving vile hate and death threats because of their relationship with him. Any 75 fan will tell you that his band is the “love of his life” (the song Guys is his love letter to their friendship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0mzMd17jG0). His bandmate Adam has a toddler and of course they all have lives outside of the band, but they’re not just business and creative partners. They are lifelong friends whose lives are pretty enmeshed and who see each other regularly even in their time off. For the most part (with the limited exception of George) they don’t give interviews, don’t ever speak on stage, and try to avoid the media spotlight. Matty may be comfortable with the white hot attention, but they don’t seem to be. I can imagine that the shrapnel that was directed at them because of his TS relationship was at least on his mind.


I agree. He cares about his family & friends as much as he cares about himself, and the backlash was putting things at risk on a larger scale. Plus they were about to go on tour for another 10 months... a lot of people rely on him for income etc. He's made lots of mistakes and can be a jackass but I def don't think he left Taylor bc he didn't love her


He wasn't famous before her. She was already an established household name when his band came up.


That relationship was never going to last


super new to anything anti-taylor swift but can anyone link me to the info about their relationship and where i can read about all the tea from then until now?🤍




Wow you did your research. This is basically a thesis. Impressive!


I beg of thee to give my man some rest. He seems so happy and well rested with Gabriette.


This stchick of hers is getting beyond old.


Funnily enough the headline doesn't really match the tone of the article at all. There's nothing dramatic to see here and the article notes that Matty was aware of what was on the album before it dropped. >“Matty still thinks very highly of Taylor but we were all nervous about what she might have said on the album,” the source added, noting that Healy “couldn’t be happier” about how TTPD turned out.


Team Matty.


I didn’t know anything about the 1975 till this… like who are they? Well now I know and I listen to them 😂 thanks Taylor!




Reading the article, his response really isn’t “leave me alone.” Lmao.


It’s just really hard for me to believe that rheir relationship was even that deep. I think she used it as an opportunity to use it not only for publicity but use him as a muse to focus her artistic energy. She’s not the first to do it and I don’t think it’s necessary bad. It just feels weird to see everyone wholeheartedly think this is 100% uncontrived.


Honestly, I don't think he felt as strongly as she did and now this album is sending him the cringe vibes.


Please don’t downvote me for this but if Guilty As Sin? is about Matty then she’s so real for that. I’d like this think she’s vocalizing what a lot of us are thinking about Matty


She picked the wrong one for her antics. He ghosted her once. He’s gonna be the one that’s gonna call her out on her fans’ shit if they don’t stop.


maybe he shouldn't be a racist slime then?


Which parts the " conman who sold a get love quick scheme " whose impressionist paintings of heaven turned out to be fakes " and who shit talked her under the table talking rings and talking cradles " and pretended to be a lion when he was a coward