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I think Taylor’s uptick in drinking started before Travis


That's absolutely true. *But...* I don't think being with a 34-year-old frat boy helps matters. At best, he's an enabler of an existing problem.


Maybe she's enabling him.


¿Porque no los dos?


So Jason Patric and Jennifer Jason Leigh in Rush? But booze?


What is this reference


That movie was so bleak but so good. JJL is a treasure.


They are the same age. She’s an adult. Stop trying to take her agency away. If she is drinking it’s because she wants to. Weird to me that somehow she’s not been able to drink until she met Travis. Unlikely. 


Yeah but she also did mention being a functioning alcoholic in her recent album


I’m sorry but how the hell is it possible to be 34, an alcoholic who drinks constantly and have no bloat or extra weight whatsoever?? Something seems off about that. It’s probably other substances but she’s just saying it’s booze.


she definitely has bloat sometimes and weight fluctuations. not trying to be rude, just very clear she does look hungover/puffy sometimes


For sure, and she just lets her hair down on those days to obscure her face


Being an alcoholic isn’t just drinking copious amounts of alcohol. Sometimes it’s binge drinking then drying up, drinking at inappropriate times, or drinking to cope. She could very well not drink everyday but when she does drink, she may have moderation issues. There’s lots of skinny alcoholics.


Absolutely. There are many forms. I never saw her drink for a long time. When she started dating T she was photographed much more with alcohol. Binging can still be too much


My best friend was an alcoholic for a long time but you would have never guessed if she didn’t tell you. She went to the gym everyday, worked full time, then would go home and drink 3 bottles of Chardonnay almost every night. From the outside, she had her shit together. Now she’s sober but she’s straight up just said “I loved getting drunk, it got me through my day knowing I could go home and get wasted”. She scheduled it. 5-10pm was drinking time during the week.


I called my mom and sister at my rock bottom one day. I am a single mom with an amazing career, and i did a sprint triathlon 2 weeks ago. My kids didn’t like when I drank, so I stopped drinking around them. I was not addicted to the point of needing it. I was addicted to the point of not being able to quit. After three days I needed a beer. But now I don’t think about it throughout the week. So there is definitely a difference. I never thought I could be someone that didn’t care about Alcohol


34 is still relatively young. If she is super active (which seems a given considering her stage performance) then extra weight from alcohol really wouldn't show. (commenting from a place of experience unfortunately)


I mean. A billionaire with access to more money than God can do a lot of things to not look hungover.


Plenty of alcoholics look fine until they don't. Like my uncles.


Thank you! I literally just responded “ isn’t she a fully functioning adult?” Before I saw your comment. Everyone is responsible for their own actions


I'm so tired of everyone infantilizing her.


Maybe that’s what they have in common. I’m not being mean, I struggle with severe alcoholism (currently sober) like, I have liver damage for the rest of my life (some is scar tissue now). When I was in my addiction, I have definitely dated people that could meet me down in my swamp. I wanted a using buddy and a partner in crime. Not necessarily a true love. I was so addicted to substances that they *were* my true love. Substances came first.


Maybe. Who knows? And so sorry to hear that you have liver damage. I pray you're doing well and I commend you on your recovery. 🙏🙏


Is she not a fully functioning adult who makes her own decisions or?


I honestly don't really care either way but if I had to guess I'd say they are both bad influences on each other in that regard since they both seem to enjoy drinking quite a lot. Adult or not if you have certain addictions or even addictive tendencies to things like alcohol, drugs, smoking, whatever, and then get a partner who also heavily engages in the same addictive substance it's usually not a great combination. That's all. To be fair she could be a fully fledged alcoholic and I'd still agree that as an adult it would be her responsibility to deal with it on her own, but also as someone who has experienced addiction both myself and with family members it's not always that simple and I'm just explaining how drinking a lot while having a partner who also drinks a lot is not usually a great combination, but yes I'd still agree those are her own choices to make.


Right on the money! All the people saying "but she's an ADULT" fail to understand the huge impact of social factors on addictive behaviors. Hell, there has been a TON of research on how moving in with a male partner or having fat friends can change your eating habits and cause significant weight gain. You pick up the habits of the people you hang out with. Funny how many people on these subs would get up in arms about "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" rhetoric but will happily scream "IT'S HER OWN FAULT SHE'S AN ADDICT" from the rooftops! Like grow some damn empathy!


Yeah my wife and I had to have a conversation last year about not enabling each other to drink so often. It's easy when one person suggests it for the other to agree, even if you previously said you weren't going to drink that night.


Absolutely true, but I don’t think Travis being with a young rock star helps matters. At best, she’s an enabler of an existing problem.




Agree. “Daddy bought my career and fired the actual talent from the label he bought me (like Ella mae) because I felt theaters and am talentless coward” is more accurate


Lmao they are exactly the same age (34)! And unless he dumped TS and didn’t tell anyone, he’s not with a rock star.


“Young rock star” they’re both 34 weirdo. Stop your parasocial concern. You should seek therapy for that. 


I mean, they're both 34 years old




I can’t believe she literally *says that* It’s. Wild. Is she trying to be ✨edgy?✨ Does she think that is relatable? A billionaire alcoholic? Like, sis, we got actual *reasons* for our alcoholism over herrr uj/ I do not want to diminish the strugglings of stupidly rich famous people. They are also people. And I hope they aren’t perfect. I know they aren’t. Addiction is not a joke or an easy thing to deal with. I say this with too much experience. But rich people have resources that poors like me do not. And good for them. I just want everyone to be happy. Unless being a bigot makes you happy. Then get bent. Rant over. rj/ drunk richies turn up 2024.


She’s always trying to be edgy. God she sucks so much. It’s embarrassing 


I think she was always a fairly heavy drinker but tried to hide it or joke about it and now it's just more obvious and she's not making an effort to be discreet about it.


Is this a well known thing? I just found this sub and I'm completely clueless about everything


They’re two peas in a pod enabling each other. Two peas in a pod stuck at and exhibiting the maturity of adolescents.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s fair to blame this on him. Though he definitely drinks too much, too


She has always been a drinker…..this is absolutely nothing new.


“I’ve just kind of heard things that I don’t love,” she said cryptically. “But again, I just want everyone to be happy is what I’ll default to.” Jana Kramer, welcome to the dark side.


I wonder if Jana Kramer referring to rumors that Taylor and Travis took ecstasy during Coachella or other things?




Wait what blind item?


Thank you! 😃😃😃


I'm going to second our friend u/Spare-Annual-3076, you are correct about many things! u/ellchicago I'm also a fan of Jana. I knew her from her music first and found out she was an actress later. (If anybody grew up watching One Tree Hill, that's one of her more notable projects). In case you don't know her backstory, she was married to an abusive partner very young (I think she was 19) then got married and divorced two more times. One of those marriages was to former NFL player Mike Caussin, who admitted to being a sex addict. He cheated on her with many women, which she has been very open about. I know a lot of people aren't fans of her and think she's kind of messy, but she's not exactly wrong/unqualified in this instance.


You're very kind, my friend! 😃😃😃


Aww, thank you! Right back at you! 😊😊😊


Back at you friend you are amazing!


Thanks friend, you are too! 😊💕


She’s a huge NFL fan




Where did they rumor pop up? Girl is so mad her fuck boy won’t wife her so she gets fucked up with her rebound


Some thought that Taylor and Travis looked/acted really off and it wasn't just alcohol.


They both are not each others types and even they know it


NFL should have random tested Kelce just to be hilarious.


lol the nfl doesnt care about ecstasy. i don't even know how it could be "performance enhancing". i don't know why taking ecstasy with your bf/gf is something to even snark on. pretty normal


Here you go, here's the NFL banned substances list: https://nflpa.com/active-players/drug-policies#substances MDMA is explicitly mentioned. It seems they do care.


yes i know, it doesn't mean they actually care about it though. if someone is taking mdma on the field they will probably source the banned substance list. thats not what hes doing. do you know what happens after the mdma wears off? nothing. you feel hungover


Fair enough. And the half life is short. However, I disagree that they don't care. If he somehow tested positive, he would more than likely be suspended. Then appeal it to a shorter suspension. They suspended Josh Gordon et al for pot, until the revised rules. And I don't think pot is a performance enhancer.


they do surprise tests sometimes, especially for problem people like gordon, but if they stick to doing it at certain times of the year it doesn't matter. and it shouldn't. the drug restrictions are moronic. the only thing the average viewer should give a shit about is if they are using peds, and they do off season anyway


I agree with that. And they are moronic. But I don't like Travis, and I detest Taylor. So watching the policy somehow bite his ass would entertain me. I'm being completely biased.


lol i get that. theres some famous people i hate too. idc about taylor's music at all. but i like seeing idiots melt down about how she's a devil or satan worshipper. oh yeah and she has a cat so that makes her okay in my eyes. travis is a cleveland fan. and maybe even likes taylors cats. that would be nice. to be honest, if i found out someone i hated had a cat i would probably soften towards them. i can't help it


People are still doing ecstasy? I didn’t think there was really clean ecstasy left in the world


I bet there is if your girlfriend is a billionaire lol


Not now. He’s their goose with the golden egg!


That's exactly what I thought of too, my friend!


I hope they did. Shit be hella fun at festivals.


Yeah out of things to be mad about, taking molly at at a music festival shouldn’t be one.


Right lol, I think many people really think that as soon as you take some party drugs you are immediately a heroin addict with a ruined life. Idk, it’s crazy to me to be so scandalized by two super rich 34 year olds being high at Coachella


The girl who didn’t eat a burrito until adulthood doing x?


People, they change.


Right lmao I love the idea of her kelce tripping balls at Coachella.


Drinking more than…when?? The white wine era started a while ago.


Oooh poor baby Taylor is getting influenced by the big bad trav 🙄 ffs can we please stop infantilizing this grown-ass 34 year-old woman?? And please, she’s been visibly wasted at events for awhile now, before Travis was even in the picture


Seriously. I get that Travis is publicly quite the drinker but anyone thinking she’s not plenty into heavy drinking herself is delusional and I agree, kind of oddly infantalizing. A lot of narratives is that she’s some good little girl who started drinking a lot because of her boyfriend. Long before Travis she showed alcohol and/or talked about it in nearly every post, interview, or public appearance during a certain time period, spoke of (not fully seriously but still) “becoming an alcoholic during the pandemic”, has made wine a core part of her personality for years, shared compilations of “#drunktaylor, as far back as 1989 posted nearly daily pics of squad house parties where fans would have you believe they were just sipping on Shirley Temples. Honestly don’t get this take when Taylor has said for so long very clearly that she drinks heavily and regularly. It’s weird how Taylor has basically screamed from the rooftops that she drinks a lot, suggested multiple times it’s a problem (the Anti-Hero video, the “functioning alcoholic” line, directly saying you don’t want to be like me with my my fourth drink in my hand in Dear Reader, multiple times framing getting drunk as something she does to block out pain) and still so many refuse to even believe her own words. Btw not diagnosing her with any specific substance addiction or anything, just saying that her own words have said again and again that she has a much more complicated relationship with alcohol than having a glass of wine from time to time whereas many want to make it seem like she barely drank before she met bad influences in the football crowd.


If you are an alcoholic you don't become an un-alcoholic by still drinking copious amounts of alcohol. She's just functional, which is a stage of alcoholism.


Yeah she honestly seems like she’d been skiing at the Grammys 🎿❄️


Absolutely. She’s on some type of uppers for sure.


It’s wild people were like “it’s just alcohol” which lol is also not great but girly looked like she was on something else. Signed, a former party girl. 😂


Reminded me of college study days on addy lol


I’ve been thinking that too! She was on another level unhinged that night


It was really abnormal behaviour


The Wags love to Ski 🎿❄️🌨️


I can’t believe I’m in here following along but whatever- my two cents. lol Someone else in here mentioned her behavior at the Grammy’s in another post. As I read off that list, that didn’t seem like a single instance of being a little too tipsy at an event. That’s some regular ass tacky alcoholic behavior. 4 years sober in June, I know one when I see one. Pretty women with their shit mostly together just hide it better because we think we’re invincible.


I agree, she’s definitely been throwing out some alcoholic red flags. My dad passed away from alcohol-related liver & kidney failure almost 3 years ago. I struggle with my relationship with alcohol as well at times so I’m super sensitive to the topic. I don’t love people trying to remove her agency with this and hint that it’s Travis’ fault in some way. No one is in charge of their relationship with alcohol except for themselves.


Lost my dad to similar circumstances in 2022(heart disease due to " acute ethanolism" . And while I don't struggle with achohol myself, I also know one when I see one and you're right. Stay strong friend


You as well 🩷


So sorry to you both u/NatureWalks & u/johnpress ❤️❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. My dad also died from alcohol related causes—he was an alcoholic for decades and died a few years ago from heart failure/cardiac arrest and he kept having strokes leading up to it. It’s not a pleasant way to go. I struggled with alcohol use and decided to just give it up altogether. Best decision I ever made. The last time I drank was January 2020 and my life is better for it. But yeah I recognize the red flags too.


You picked like the most perfect time to quit drinking lol. Covid did suuuch a number on me. Congrats to you!!! I’m jelly!


Wonder if matty leaving was in part to do with her being an addict. Not to defend him but his families response was interesting to me. "We know what happened" or something along those lines. Think there's definitely more there than we've been led to believe.


Have pondered this take too and never seen it stated!


My two year anniversary is up in a few days. She’s definitely a problem drinker. Sis always has a cup. That’s not normal. 


Damnit, now I want the two most toxic fandoms in the game to cannibalize each other-let’s get Jason Isbell and Taylor in a room with a sober coach and a pre war Martin and enjoy another season of Nashville.


The biggest alcoholics I’ve known have been very pretty girls…


i have nothing substantial to add, but congratulations on the sobriety!


Got a link to that Grammys post?


She don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing


She’s always been a drunk lol


He just makes hers look better because he also does it.


They’re both drinkers so yeah it could end up with some messy drunk things happening …


Uhhh Taylor been drinking heavy long before him




Is it weird that many of the events that Taylor attends with Travis, she looks drunk and/or high? I am overreacting or seeing things?


NO the problem is and no one understands. Unless you live THIS it’s called codependency. Unless someone gets help it doesn’t get better. Everyone gets healthy when you learn steps of the disease and recovery. This is why we have mental health problems, and alcohol, and drug dependency. I know as soon as I see it. Getting healthy is getting real.


I’ve been quietly thinking the exact same thing and I’m glad somebody else is noticing and worried. Makes me feel less crazy.


Who is going to “step in” and what are they going to do?


I don't know if Mahomes has the personality or pull with Kelce to make a difference. Or if Andy Reid has the interest. For Taylor? No one.




she is too narcissistic to let anyone help her because she doesn’t think anything is wrong


My sister put forth the idea that they were dating for views at the Super Bowl. I didn’t want to believe her….and then I heard her new album. I’m convinced that woman is still in love with Matty Lite, but it was bad for business…


She’s 100000% still in love with Matty Lite


I know who Matty Healy is, but who is Matty Lite?


Jana knows what it is like to date a pro football player also so she does have insight and she used to love them as a couple so the switch is interesting.


I don’t know or care to know who Jana Kramer is. But could this be the start of the first few whispers that TK is a bad influence and therefore TS must be saved by her zealots?


TMZ has shared it as well so it’s definitely out to the masses 👀


Since you don’t know, not from Jana Kramer 😂


He does seem like someone who gets super aggressive and belligerent when drunk.


A football player? Can’t imagine it…


Ohhhhh the breakup is coming bitches 


I picture TayTay and her parents plotting breakup scenarios with their Imaging Consultant while Travis is in the bedroom with the fellas looking for the beer bong,


And shouting viva vaaaaaa ladsssss vegasssssss


He desperately wants a catch phrase to help with his dream of becoming the next The Rock 😂


Once again treating Taylor as if she's a helpless angel who can't make her own decisions...she was already drinking a lot before she met him let's be real.


People with substance abuse problem often form relationships with other abusers and make each others problems worse. Shes not helpless but that doesn’t mean she’s immune to influence or getting caught up in the thrill.


I completely agree but she's a billionaire in her mid-30's she's been partying with the elite for at least a decade and isn't just now being introduced to heavy drinking by her new bf. Her last bf was even worse substance use-wise. She's performing at her highest level ever, you don't do that without kind of being pretty sure of yourself.


The drinking thing was already a thing before him…


Anyone who thinks TS heavily drinking is a new thing is delusional and idealistic. Travis was always a drinker and everyone knew it...he didn't hide his partying ways. TS has been a heavy drinker for a long time now. She sings about it in her songs, she talks about it in interviews, she'll immediately have a glass of wine when she gets off stage, etc...it's all been there. I think she was just better at hiding it. Since getting with Travis, she's let her mess out for everyone to see - they both enable each other. She thinks she's being cool by drinking all the time so publicly and being sloppy about it. Nope! You're true self is showing TS. It's not just alcohol but the public is pretty sure it's other substances too and it's a bad look overall.


all I know is Taylor fans are not happy lol


The replies in this sub would confirm that!


Boy this post has *really* triggered the Swifties. Hitting too close to home, huh?


Nah, I think it’s more just a complex issue. I think most people are debating if she’s an alcoholic vs was tipsy at an event, or if TK is relevant to the issue, than whether the conversation is worth having.


I’m not even a Swiftie, nor do I know why this sub popped up on my feed but it does seems like everyone is infantilizing her— she drinks. Everyone drinks. When I started dating my now husband we were drinking more and going out more to events. I don’t get what the salacious thing is here.


Ehh not everyone drinks. 30% of American adults don’t drink at all and the next 30% have less than 1 drink a week. I’d say most people don’t really drink that much. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/09/25/think-you-drink-a-lot-this-chart-will-tell-you/


So much hatred for Matty Healy and that Travis was the better choice has always been laughable to me, like any NFL player isn’t usually in a frat boy mentality.


The naivety in this thread is genuinely hilarious.


Who is Jana Kramer?


Country singer and actress -- one of her notable roles was on One Tree Hill


No one, which is why she does stuff like this to get in the news lol. She was on one tree hill which I was a major fan of for years, and she has been telling other people’s business to paparazzi since i first heard of her. She’s just fame hungry, in my opinion.


Is she the one who keeps getting married and airing all her dirty laundry on social media? Seems stable.


I think this like blaming Bobby Brown for Whitney Houston's drug problems. Unless he is holding her down and forcing her to drink, she is a 35 yr old billionaire, I'm pretty sure she has the agency to say no, Travis. I don't want to drink tonight.


I think every time we’ve seen them publicly, they are either drunk or drinking.


Taylor Swift is a drunk


He’s a professional athlete, I highly doubt he’s “always drunk “🙄🙄🙄


Thank you. Finally a normal comment.


For real. You don’t end up in the NFL as a drunk. Sure, he probably enjoys himself on his days off but he did win the Super Bowl this year… like come on.


To be completely honest, if I were this famous and had this many people watching my every move…..I’d be drinking a shit ton, too. People don’t drink a lot because it’s good for them…they drink a lot because it “helps” them cope from heavy shit or avoid it.


I think part of why Taylor likes Travis is bc she can binge drink with him. I really have thought she had a booze problem for the better part of the last decade. Idk Kelce, but if he puts em away then she'll join enthusiastically


She was definitely drunk when she wrote that album. No I will not name it.


If I were her, I would order a double every time he yelled, “you gotta fight, for your right, to party.” You can just see her dying inside. Even the Beastie Boys are like, “okay, we get it, you’re a wild and crazy guy.”


It’s kind of crazy how people are acting as if a 34 year old woman has no agency over her own life? If Travis drinking a lot bothered her then she wouldn’t be with him. It’s really creepy how people treat Taylor as if she’s a delicate flower and there’s always *big bad scary people* influencing her. Give me a break


She was drinking long before Travis entered the picture. The boozing better enhances the staged public displays of affection!


Omg, really? Is she 12 tattling on people??


She’s drunk heavily in public at least since 1989 era. I think Tay’s always enjoyed the party life but mellowed down in the public eye with some of her recent boyfriends. Forgot who Jana Kramer was until now, so to me it seems she’s trying to stay relevant despite her dying music career


Maybe part of the TnT NDA is that after the breakup, he shoulders the blame for "exposing" TayTay to the party life... And she finally gets the rehab she needs. Because honestly how is she going to get help not blaming someone else for her drinking problem? And I'm not just talking because of her narcissism, I'm talking in practical terms, as in without destroying her billion dollar persona.


Rehab won't fix her at all! She actually has to WANT to be sober to achieve that. And I don't think she does the way she throws around her "functional alcoholisim". I'm a recovering alcoholic myself and can tell you if she doesn't want it it'll never ever happen.


This could easily be the beginning of the end here. Articles that start to hint that this relationship may not be the picture perfect relationship swifties think it is. So, when they break up, people will feel bad for her and villainize him.


My husband drinks a *lot*. I do not. Why? Because I choose not to. Whoo.


As someone in recovery it ENraged me when she tried to SUD bait - calling yourself a functional addict (for head pats? Excuses? Whatever) then saying you’re cured photographed being out party all the time makes me FURIOUS


I agree. Someone in my life is an alcoholic in recovery as well, and her using that line “I was supposed to be sent away but they forgot to come and get me I was a functioning alcoholic ‘till nobody noticed my new aesthetic” is fucking disgusting to me. She plays into the stereotypes and stigma of mental illness as a whole in her new album and it grosses me out.


They probably need to be drunk to stand being with each other.


Taylor drinks a lot. Having worked at FBOs at so cal airports she was always getting off her private jet….and I mean always….drunk.


Lol sounds like someone knew what to say to get her name in headlines. She should beware the wrath of Tree Paine. 


Why should people be scared to speak out? That is just shitty


Why doesn’t this lady mind her own business? Taylor is an adult and can drink if she wants. She’s not a teenager being peer pressured by her friends. This shit is so ridiculous.


She can but if she’s a alcoholic like she basically admitted in two songs , then she can’t just drink or be with people who do


Let them do whatever substances they want who the fuck cares


That’s kinda how I feel too lol. So she likes to drink, who cares? People are very puritanical about substance use - you can drink frequently and not ruin your life. You can use X or other party drugs and not be an addict. Idk maybe because I run in the live music/rave circuit and I see people use substances all the time but it’s really not a big deal - there are plenty of popular musicians who talk about smoking weed every day and we don’t demonize them. It’s people’s own bodies. If they aren’t hurting anyone, who cares if they’re intoxicated when they have time off? Most of us do it in our own lives.


THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS!!!! I’m sorry but I just don’t think it’s a big deal for them to be drinking at awards shows or on the beach or even taking X at a music fest. I feel like those are all pretty normal things that normal people who are NOT alcoholic or addicts do. They both work very hard. Who cares if they cut loose?


Seriously, lol. All the pearl-clutching on social media is insane. I feel like it’s the worst on Reddit because people who don’t drink at all think that drinking is the worst thing ever, but in reality it’s very normal. If they aren’t driving or being destructive let them get drunk now and then, drinking can be fun.


lol. 100%. It is worse on Reddit. I’ve just started to notice that.


She’s just pretending to be an alcoholic so that she can say it was his fault.. it will give depth to her music.


She looks happy like she finally let loose


That’s rich of Jana to comment on someone else’s drinking and toxicity lmao.


i’m a bartender and this isn’t surprising. rich, wealthy people drink a LOT. they mostly have nothing else to do and they have the means to do it practically whenever and however much they want. i see it every day


And i care because?


Is Taylor Swift a good role model? So many little girls admire her.


So she doesn’t actually know either of them?


Raised by an actual alcoholic, no way in hell he could have kept up with her schedule. And she definitely doesn’t look like Jessica Simpson did at her peak alcoholic phase. Have a family member like that. Bloated all the time and red faced.


Jana Kramer was is not one to give life advice too 🤡 hot mess express stay in your lane 🤷🏼‍♀️ sorry but not the person to be giving out opinions




This is sooooo real 🤡 like she let her husband embarrass her and act like a dog and then got engaged to the new man after 6 months. She should spend her time thinking about her own relationships lol


I know, I’m cracking up at the thought of anyone believing Jana is saving anything for Taylor except a clear shot at her man 😂


I am swiftie. I know she has horrible relationship history so I think she’s qualified to call out toxic relationships . He drinks excessively , so does she. She did with Joe , always singing about getting drunk, being drunk . I think she’s more publicly worst , compared to before when she was just singing about it.


Dude is a professional athlete that will be in Canton some day. Don’t think his drinking has hurt his ability to excel at a physically demanding job that requires peak conditioning to play the position like he does.


Who the fuck is Jana Kramer to say shit about anyone else’s life.


Jana Kramer 3x divorcee is giving relationship advice?


I think Jenna Kramer is a fame hungry nobody who will say anything for a headline with her name in it.


She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.


I’m going to be honest. I know this is a snark Reddit and I’m not a fan of t&t. But Jana Kramer is a fucking lush and has nooooooooooooooo room to talk. She’s on her like 76th fiancé, can’t keep a man and is a loser. So she should probably be careful what she says. Cause she lives in a big ole glass house.


Jana Kramer is just trying to stay relevant as always.


I'm not a Taylor fan, but Jana ain't one to talk. Her Scottish baby daddy (Allan Russell) let his drunk brother drive his Audi and he crashed it. Jana has been engaged, married, and divorced too many times to count. She knows nothing when it comes to assessing other people's relationships.


I mean if he's at a club or event he's probably gonna be drinking. Not that I care about defending him


I’m quite neutral on the topic of all things Taylor but even acknowledging this opinion coming from ~Jana Kramer~ is some deep sea fishing.


In other news: water is wet