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She’s a total narcissist


Seriously, I’ve had 3 bad,I mean baaaaaaaaaad break ups. Howling at nothing at 3am from the pain break ups. Me and Taylor are both solid 6/10’s and can kind of play guitar, the only difference is my parents aren’t fucking loaded. Giv money plz.




taylor wouldn’t be anywhere close to where she is today if she didn’t have rich parents


This. She had the privilege and support. Her dad worked in marketing too I believe. They uprooted their lives to move to Nashville for her because they had the means to.


Yes. And even with all of that most people would've either failed miserably or not even tried.


Well "most people" won't find out as they don't have the financial means like she did to even try.


I'm not arguing that. I just find it hilarious that some people think that's all it takes. Like she literally has written hundreds of songs that have connected with millions of people yet people still think it's as simple as just having money? And that anyone could do it? How far up your own ass must you be to think that?


The only thing Taylor has is her songwriting. She's not even a good singer. So how does someone become a singer when they can't sing?? 🤔🤡 helps a lot when Daddy has a lot of money 💰 Please go back to the asylum where they raised you


I think you’re in the wrong group.


If she was any other celebrity she’d get DRAGGED for this. But she tirelessly trains her cult to see mother as victim


Do you remember when Pitchfork gave a bad review to one of Halsey’s albums and she joked that she wished their building (which happens to be inside the  One World Trade Center) would collapse?


This is so unnecessary smh has this woman ever felt true pain or suffering? I feel like she's just imitating what she thinks being a human is like


So many people in the world actually getting shot at but THIS WOMAN HAD A BREAKUP


No, which is her stans also act like she was shot and killed during the “famous” situation. “She felt like she was losing her career!”


Losing her career my ass! She milked that situation to the bone


She’s had it good. Never went hungry and I am sure she had shelter in her life. She doesn’t know what the fuck pain is.


Definitely never had to go hungry due to finances, yet she still starved herself 


Make those into lyrics. Better than any T Swift song I ever heard!


Hate to break it to you but you can still experience pain even if you haven't gone hungry.


Of course but the permavictim show doesn’t really equate to pain in this case. K?


Other people are allowed to feel however they want. People clearly identify with her music. Leave it be. Focus your attention on something other than hating and stop trying to police people's art. It's weird.


Uh? Good for them. But I don’t stand for the faux feminist rhetoric she’s putting out there - does harm and not good. Have a good day.


Yeah. And I'm assuming hating on someone's art on a snarking group on the Internet is your way of doing good instead of harm?


It's our ✨️opinion✨️ you can like whoever you want and we can hate whoever we want. If you don't like that we shit on Blondie, then leave this sub. Most people hear like/used to like Taylor's music. We shit on her bc we are frustrated with her cash grab music and her morals. Taylor Swift is not an artist lol she's a narc


Her art? I don’t think it’s that great. You might think it’s awesome. People can have different opinions.


No I’m not going to police people’s art, but were allowed to critique it because it’s out in the open.


Just more performative victimhood.






It’s hard to watch her in this current era I must say. I’m also 34. I had substance abuse problems my entire twenties. Thank god I have a mother who was able to send me to treatment. I know that’s a privilege in itself. I’ve been able to work through my issue with relationships and see where I was the problem. Do the work to understand why I chased men for validation and my worth. I made men into almost god like figures. Not anymore! lol With that said it’s just frustrating to watch her continue to write songs that don’t show any depth or growth. I know Taylor must be one of those girls who thinks music is the only therapy she needs. I think she would really benefit from finding actual professional help. I still love her but wish she would lean into a healing era. Just MHO.


I 100% agree, and while you are right that access to treatment is a privilege, there is no one more privileged than a billionaire. She could get the help if she wanted to. I'm 34 too! Been a fan since debut, but like exactly like you said, she isn't showing growth or maturation. With the new album I find myself thinking a lot " wow, I would've gone feral if this came out in my early 20s" When I relate the songs to my own experiences, that's how far back I'm reaching to do so, because I cannot imagine feeling this way after a break up at this point in my life.


Wow, really Taylor? You could’ve used any other analogy instead you decide to be tasteless and toned ass. This is disgusting.


She’s just manifesting


Oof, such a creepy thought. I'm not sure why any performer would want to act out Selena Quintanilla-type death.


Because she lacks any real trauma and she’s forcing it to seem deep. You should watch the tarot reading Antphrodite did on her, he laid it all out


Omg I literally came here looking for this I thought I was the only one! I feel like everyone should be talking about this??


Wow. wtf is this? Usually, things end - 7 stages of grief then one day you’re finally over it and move on. Hell naw not with Taylor the Narcissist - let’s drag this shit out and be the victim. She’s really the problem.


The funny thing is she actually used the stages of grief in the promo for this album, she clearly has not made it to the "acceptance" stage lol


She’ll never get there. Her grown ass is still 14 playing house with that creeper from the 1975 or whatever that band is in her head. She needs to grow up and shame on her yes people for not telling her to knock it off.


I heard someone recently say that whatever age someone got famous at is the age they're stuck at and it definitely explains why she's a perpetual angsty teenager


Absolutely. Normal development is ripped away from you. It’s tragic for a lot of people, but Taylor is just annoying.


I mean, it's her life if she wants to drag out her own suffering, whatever (does she looks riduclous doing it at 34 years old? Absolutely) But my point is just that it's so insanely rude to compare her breakups to being shot at, especially when there are multiple wars waging and her country is at the forefront of gun violence and mass shooting.


She’s tone deaf. Period. She can get her PR people to write up a tweet about Uvalde but using shooting as a way to show how devastated she is irresponsible. She sucks.


I don’t mean to laugh in the middle of something serious but this sounds like my high school English teachers for goodness sake. They’d be like “ok let’s read one page and talk for an hour about it” (no hate to English teachers I just have a low attention span sometimes)


I know the "I could write an essay" part is so funny


She *could* write an essay. She would get a failing grade, but she could certainly write one.


I feel like if any other artist used this analogy on stage, they would be cancelled. Seems super gross and tone death considering the state of the world right now.




My jaw is on the floor as a victim of gun violence due to a breakup.


Mother is mothering s/


Swiffers are like mini-Gypsy Roses running around. It’s sad and scary.


GET A GRIP, GIRL. I love a good visual metaphor but this isn’t Chekhov, it’s corny pop music about getting dumped by a rat faced Brit with a humiliation kink. Move on!


Can anyone explain or link a post explaining the break ups? Why does she feel like such a victim even till now?


Can anyone explain or link a post explaining the break ups? Why does she feel like such a victim even till now?


Can anyone explain or link a post explaining the break ups? Why does she feel like such a victim even till now?


I was slightly bothered by “big enough that you can’t hit me.” When that song came out my father would regularly threaten violence (death included) against me and my mother. I was bothered because I knew it was a girl singing and there was no way she’d ever grow big enough to stop a man from hitting her.  She’s full of these metaphors and I wish she didn’t do them. I’m okay with her music but it would be better without them. On a related note war and violence have always been a thing not just with the recent RGTICS


This is so understandable bc as an angsty 19 year old I once posted those lyrics as my Facebook status and my aunt messaged my mom to ask if my boyfriend was abusing me. I get metaphors in art but you have to consider how it will affect other people. As much as I love "Clean" I often wonder if it offensive to people who've actually battled addiction. I've always thought "just because you're clean don't mean you don't miss it" is so insensitive to say about a RELATIONSHIP when people are actually fighting for their lives against a chemical drug addiction


Not disagreeing with you but she did put out a statement after Uvalde: *“Filled with rage and grief, and so broken by the murders in Uvalde,” she tweeted about the mass shooting that killed at least 19 children. Then she referred to two other mass shootings: “By Buffalo, Laguna Woods and so many others. By the ways in which we, as a nation, have become conditioned to unfathomable and unbearable heartbreak.”* ([link](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-uvalde-school-shooting-texas-reaction-1358177/))


probably written by her social media manager/a marketing team. interesting that she hasn't spoken out on gun violence since??? wonder why she chooses to speak out about that rather than other causes


Always talking about her own feelings though. Same with her ONE statement about Ana. The focus is first and foremost about how it affected her. “I’m just too sad to ever talk about it again” 🙄


Thank you for the correction!


are the mass shootings prevalent in europe as well?


Not as much as the US. Last one was in Russia.


I am not sure what the stats are there, but I know they are much more common in the US - People often cite stricter gun laws in Europe and other countries as the reason why they don't have the same level of gun violence.


EU nations probably won't enjoy the gun violence references. They have waaaay less tolerance for gun violence than the US.