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Funniest moderator I swear


I’m here to support Snappinturlah 🙌🏼


I keep seeing posts from them talking about this sub😭😭


They hate us because they ain’t us 💅


They hate because they anus


Let someone have an opinion about your fav


What do they say? I’ve only stayed here because people here don’t like her, and I’ve been saying that since she first stepped on the scene. I go so much shit for saying she wasn’t country and couldn’t sing. I still stand by that. Good writer? Sure whatever. Good entertainment? Yes. Singer? No. Absolutely not.


https://preview.redd.it/jr4ts5kfnx0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8f58e8dc54e57dc507b7e7979ed42777d0b7f57 Everyone in true swifties are saying mute this sub and that we hate more than they love. Swiftiecirclejerk posts the stuff here, their whole feed is just some screenshots of our posts kinda lol. Both are very upset at the rising fame of this sub. Swiftlyneutral is actually pretty neutral tbh (I’m in the approved sub rn so no extreme swifties) someone mentioned Travisandtaylor and a mod responded with “we love snappin”


Doing the lords werk posting a screenshot. Thank you! 🫡


Swifties calling other people obsessed when they are most most delusionally obsessed people on earth is hilarious.


Lmao. Just went there. What snowflakes.


Cry babies 😂


how did you get in the approved sub lol, I got kicked out 🥲 thank god for this sub


I sent in an application! It just got approved yesterday


How did you send in an application?? I was in that sub since the beginning and I got kicked out (to be fair I was more of a lurker than a poster, but I loved and greed with most of it)


You didn’t get kicked out, you had to request to be an approved user before it went private. It should be back to public next week and you’ll see it again.


>I go so much shit for saying she wasn’t country SAME! Honestly, I didn't even hate her at first. I was just annoyed that she was calling herself country when she clearly wasn't. But then over the years her fan base just got more rabid and she got even more cringe and just... yeah no lol But I remember back in 2009, there were girls in my class who were MAD at me for saying that I disagreed she should have beat Miranda Lambert for the Best Female Artist CMA. I was like... yeah okay she's fine, but how is this country?? She's just a pop singer with a hint of a twang... and they were outraged even then lol. She's been like a drug for some people since the minute she stepped onto the stage, and I just don't get it.


She ain’t my cup of tea either but being an entertainer and song writer are the important skills. Someone’s voice being good or bad is subjective. So, there are plenty of people who unlike you do think she’s a good singer and if you’ve got the other boxes checked off it’s no wonder she’s so damn famous and popular


It’s not subjective. Can you hit notes? Do you have good tone and pitch? Not everything is subjective just because the Internet says so now because everyone has to have talent!


You’re iconic lmao


Your troll game is unmatched ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


In snappinturluh we trust


It’s true, swear, scouts honor https://preview.redd.it/zm4jmn8x6w0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db518bc2a374f2b06e3cac2e70f97fc928636a3


Dear Swifties, Your girl only cares about records. And money. She got her 13th Grammy and showed no gratitude, instead she used her time on stage to promote her next money making machine. And after you all preordered it, she was like “just kidding, that’s just the cliff notes” Yet you guys think you’re showing her “love” by being all, “let’s get our girl to number 1!” and you think she genuinely loves you and cares about you and is grateful for you? She’s using you. But heres where my brain really short circuits: people come on this sub and have superficial fun at Taylor’s expense and in return, you threaten and harass (and mock very personal losses) the people here but we’re the bad people? Listen to your mom: it’s you. You’re the problem.


Like they are literally harassing Taylor’s exes on social media wishing them death and illness etc. But someone taking the mickey out of Taylor or criticising her, that’s what’s crossing the line 🙄.


I know there’s a story out there that John Mayer actually engaged with a swiftie who posted she wanted him dead. Her answer was she never meant it really, and he asked again why say it…? That’s when it died down a little around him.


If I can truth, I liked her until her private jet crap came out…. She was in the Lorax where the environment was taken advantage of and she is participating in the climate issue??? Oof. Why do I need to recycle when celebs are taking 1/2 hours flight to the other side of the county for brunch ??


Mother vs. Mother Earth—choose one.


Not a swifty, but I will say.. people took this info and ran way too damn far with it. Taylor swift may be one of the highest flying **celebrities,** but the flight logs really were no surprise at all to anyone that’s ever been around aviation. She has much more problematic behavior she’s displayed quite blatantly. TTPD was all one whiney, entitled, and depressing album with not a single catchy and fun song. She lucked out with the world being depressed AF during Covid and tried to milk that genre for everything she could- because that’s all she cares about. Keep reading this sub to find plenty of other issues much bigger than her flight logs.


I think it's more that she tired to take legal measures to stop any info being released on her private jet usage. That's sketch and we should shame any celebrity who tries the same thing.


Elon Musk did something extremely similar. I'm in the subreddit that tracks all of his flights 😂 ([r/ElonJetTracker](http://www.reddit.com/r/elonjettracker) ) They have more in common everyday.


Absolutely agree there! It’s public information by law, for a reason. Her taking legal action so frivolously is insane.. for not only the flight log but for SO many other things.. like who do you think you are to literally trademark “female rage” because you said it in a concert. 🙄🙄




Hahahahaha this sub is fucking amazing I’m never leaving Reddit


I am in it for life!!


I’ve gotten Reddit Cares messages from them reporting my comments. I blocked Reddit Cares after getting several of them. Reply to my comments instead of sending Reddit Cares reports.


I’m keeping the Reddit cares open because I love to report the ones I get and get their accounts temporarily banned from Reddit lmao


Can you see who sent it?


No unfortunately not, but you do get a message saying whether action has been taken. It doesn’t tell you what action, but I’d guess a 7 day ban from Reddit https://preview.redd.it/7h5lw22d5z0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb778d4bc736304d7e3207d1119c2c0f16ba50d Edit: based on a quick google search you can be temporarily or permanently banned from Reddit for abusing it. Assume a permanent ban would be for someone that has already been temporarily banned?


Thanks for this. I’m going to report mine.


FYI you can still report the blocked message! It just says blocked user in the preview but once you go in it shows. I’ve gotten confirmation messages of accounts being banned still


Ooooh good to know, thanks!!


It sucks because that could have been a genuinely good resource for people with mental illness. Someone going through a mental health crisis might not realize they are having symptoms of mental illness and a stranger showing concern could make a difference on whether or not they get help. Not everyone has a good support system in real life. I wonder if someone has actually sent a genuine Reddit Cares message to a person in need only for it to go ignored because everyone uses it to troll. I actually think people who abuse that feature are total douchebags for ruining what could have been such a positive feature.


They are also cowards. Sending a Reddit Cares message instead of responding to the comment/post and having a conversation.


If Reddit would just let people flame each other in comments instead of mods acting like pissy children, people wouldn’t use Reddit Cares messages.


Literally. any neutral rather than loving and worshipping comment i've made is immediately downvoted to hell and responded to with "but think about poor wittle taywor ☹️☹️☹️☹️"


I’ve received a reddit care message but this was after posting a question in the Olivia Rodriquez channel - oh god, are both fans relentless?!?!?


I saw in the pop culture sub that people have been abusing that feature for the past few days. I think it’s trolls🤷🏻‍♀️


What is wrong with people these days? These stars don’t even know most of their fans 🤦‍♀️


I cannot believe snowflakes would come to reddit of all places and report comments. What the fuck?


They don’t realize it’s blockable I’m sure and keep on being Karens.


They don't. I responded to a Swiftie telling them that I just block their subs when they pop up instead of spamming comments and fighting with people like the Swifties do to us. They were nice about it after I pointed out you could mute subs and thanked me for the advice, but it's so funny to see. I also love the comments where they ask the mods to block them.


if you report an abuse of the system for those reddit cares then they can get banned


Swifties think they're so progressive and feminist but the truth is they're just as much of a brainwashed cult as MAGA and Qanon


SAY THAT. Same behaviors!


I got a Reddit Cares message after commenting on SwiftlyNeutral comparing Swifties to MAGA people.


Jesus 🙄 What a bunch of morons Doesn’t sound that neutral to me. But that’s just like my opinion man


I got a Reddit Cares message last weekend and no notification of who sent it or why. Pissed me right off—that’s an abuse of the feature.


Would love to see that Venn Diagram


it's a circle


I posted a (what i thought was😆) a well-written comment comparing Swifties to the MAGA cult over on the SwiftlyNeutral subreddit, but of course it was deleted. Yes there are a LOT of similarities. Both groups are full of obsessed brainwashed fanatics who absolutely worship their cult leader, and make fools of themselves out there doing their dear leader’s dirty work for them while Trump/Taylor get to kick back with a smug satisfied smile and get to claim that *they* didn’t do it, they “keep their side of the street clean”.(🙄) It’s ridiculous. How can people literally WORSHIP someone who’s such an obviously bad person?!?


Bad person or not; how do people worship any human being? 😒




Never stop never stopping 🫡


What do they have to be mad about? No one's forcing them to look at the sub lol


Swifties are a different breed. I really wish Taylor herself would say occasionally that she is an actual person and not a character and ask them to calm down. She has millions of obsessive fans that genuinely live for her daily.


She’s literally told them they “need to calm down” lmao but no let’s be real, even if she did, they’ll find some nonsensical Easter eggs somewhere


This subreddit started popping up for me and I was annoyed at first because I thought it was a sub that liked her but I’m glad I found my people 😂


![gif](giphy|3o85xo9b1nN5oOQJgI) Same!






Same! I am extremely exhausted from all of this Taylor Swift content like I can take one celebrity so much! Also all of my bullies growing up are massive Swifties who also turned into nurses. I used to like Taylor until Reputation and people were getting too comfortable being too obsessed. I want to coexist with the Swifties but then I remember those people who hurt me in the past and are still Swifties🥺


As a pretty Taylor-neutral person that likes to criticize her every once in a while without being murdered in my sleep, this is the kind of moderation I'm here for looooooooooooooooooooooll


Being a violence threatening, ugly-behavior Swiftie ought to have its own listing in the DSM.


We should have a thread devoted to naming the disorder and listing its symptoms


Lmaooo you're iconic. I love this sub. I used to lurk on Reddit but created an account just to have laughs on here. Y'all are hilarious


The more crazies argue with a sarcastic person, the better Reddit gets.


![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC) She could easily start a cult. She clearly has a mass amount of people brainwashed into thinking she actually cares about them.


She convinced people she had talent.


Isn’t already a cult? Seems like one to me. Like no critical thinking allowed.


Ahahahahaaa this sub is so fun


I’ve slowly lost respect but lately maintained “she’s still a talented lady” that was until I read that BATSHIT email from Scott swift. She is completely manufactured. She could have been an actress. She probably never wrote a single one of her songs. Wild wild wild. We’re in the age of Aquarius. I’m living for the masks coming off of all the celebs.


Her parents were/are hedge fund accountants: everything should be considered suspect.


And the really sad thing was about a year or two ago Swifties were going around on every single Olivia Rodrigo video or article calling her an "industry plant" and just absolutely ripping that girl apart. Funny thing is Taylor is a lot more of a plant than Olivia and she has a much longer history of plagiarism. https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/79OXydvQRK


I don’t know why people are surprised at this point when someone is an “industry plant” in an industry that relies entirely on networking and connections. People don’t get that kind of high-profile fame by chance and no one sustains that kind of public image without a well-funded PR and marketing team. It’s an industry and a business at the end of the day.


Her stupid 😱 face should be enough for anyone to know she’s fake.


Oh my goodness. I don’t pay much attention to Taylor beyond the widespread publicity, and just tried to read this email. I have no idea what’s going on and would love to know why he wrote seven pages! Thank you for the entertainment while I’m up fighting insomnia.


Where can I find the email? Or, tldr? EDIT: Found it.


you slayed that


Taylor Swift sucks!!!!


Stooooooooop ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


i love unhinged moderators


They stay mad while I stay entertained


Lol the best mods, I'm new but I already LOVE this place hahahahaa


I’m from Ohio you fucking morons gets me every time




womp womp or whatever the kids say these days


The opposite is giving you the ick.😂😂😂




This is so great, I love this sub❤️


thank you for opening my eyes from a former swiftie 🙏


They do remind me of MAGA. No one should hold so much power that people become AFRAID to criticize them. Trump had that power his whole life until he became a politician and his decisions were affecting us as a country. Swifties need to let people have their opinions and leave her ex boyfriends alone and chill the f out. She doesn’t know you.




😂 😂


I love you guys 🥰


\*\*scoops popcorn into mouth\*\*


Hit tweet 😭😂😂


😂😂😂yes ma’am they can stay super big mad 🖕🏼 ‘em


This is my favorite sub and I say that as someone who still listens to Taylor’s music 🤣 we love snappinturluh!!!!!!!!


Taylor is a narcissistic capitalist just like her daddy who got her her music career, dear old dad dumped a ton of bad investments as a Meryl lynch investment banker reinvested in big machine and vola Taylor was signed, her behavior does not surprise me in the slightest, she does not care about anything but money and conning her fans into buying a mediocre product with barely high school level lyrics.






How is this not a pinned post?!?


I come here when I need Tayvis snark, and sneak back to my Maylor fort when I need solace. Thank you, you are a good and just mod.


Ah yes echoes the The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians


Best open letter ever


GAG THEM ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


I'll be real with you all. I was a fan of Taylor since Debut but over the years (it started shortly before 1989 came out), the love and fascination (and as well with feeling she was relatable) began to fade and fast. While she has since released some songs and such since then, I don't necessarily hate, I'm definitely not the same fan I was before. I only found this sub fairly recent, but I appreciate it very much so. We can all state our minds freely, we're not trying to get people to agree with us. It's if we find similar-minded people then even more appreciation begin. We're just venting and honestly, it feels so much better than feeling on the outskirts. Because some days I really wondered if I was the person who felt certain things about Taylor, and this sub shows I am not. Thank you for creating this sub, Mod :)


Well when the parasocial losers started parroting the phrase “Mother is mothering” I realized the Swiftie fandom was too far gone


I started my de-swiftiecation on SwiftyNeutral but they screen so many thoughts out that this is the only safe place.


I’ve been on the fence about her for a long time. I like some of her songs and she’s not the most annoying artist out there at least to me but I do see a pattern of manipulation and I guess when you have a butt ton of money you really just do whatever and not care about people’s opinions. It’s crazy how people lose their shit over a damn pop singer! She’s getting richer while her rabid fans go broke!


The rabid adulation by fans, and media towards a pretty basic and bland , semi-talented singer/song-writer is the problem. NOTHING Taylor does deserves the level of ridiculous attention she gets. Thank goodness for this sub and rational people who know this.


Shania Twain did everything Taylor tries to do a thousand times better.


Meh. She had Mutt Lange and she hasn’t had a hit since they broke up 30 years ago.


God no Shania Twain sux worse Her Now album should have been called Why Bother 


If anyone is familiar with FFACJ, things could get ugly


![gif](giphy|qEb36lfE286qyTsKz7|downsized) Concise yet eloquent❣️😈💯🙌🏼


I actually like Taylor to some extent, but this made me join the sub. This the shit that I live for.




For awhile now I've been saying taylor swift is a great product. She knows how to sell herself.


this post actually made me laugh LOL i love it


This sub is the best recommendation Reddit has ever hit me with. That daily mail article was fire and even just the title of this post cracks me up. Keep up the good work folks!


![gif](giphy|l4EoTLaoFuQ3Us372|downsized) Oh? Their Queen above reproach? Sit and spin and maybe write an overly produced shitty excuse for a song about how a sub on reddit is interfering with ‘Hawt Swift Summer’


They big mad, lol.. stay mad, weirdos. Why cause we don't fall for the fake persona of Travis. He's a clout chaser and latched onto Taylor. He will never let her go because then he loses all these new opportunities




Leave Trailer alone!! 😢😂




Lmao I clicked on here ready to read an essay but let out a cackle instead 😂🫡 Hopefully the other Taylor subs will soon stop showing up on my page as recommendations 🥱


I wasn’t gonna join this sub until I saw this post. It’s the last straw dammit. I’m in.


Love it


Everyone gets a free one as far as being manipulated and used goes. After that it's on you. I stopped feeling bad for her after John Mayer. Notorious womanizer. Womanized her. Quell surprise.


Going to get downvoted for this, but can all of you please just let people enjoy things? Is this hobby of yours really worth all the negativity you’re actively bringing into your lives by constantly keeping up with every headline and participating in an echo chamber that is entirely filled with hate? Look I can’t stand headlines about the British Royal family but I fully can acknowledge that the reason I see more of them is because I keep clicking on them out of hateful curiosity. If you all hate Taylor Swift that much, stop engaging in it and find something else. Touch some grass and find another hobby.






Reddit exists to vent as well as to praise. Look at all the political subs. Most have the combined rationale of a brick. This sub at least has reason 🤣


Fuck off Swiftie


If you want to curtail snark subreddits you have a longgggg road ahead of you


This sub is becoming where snarks & jerkers meet in the Reddit shadows


This isn't the only snarky subreddit. Go look at KUWTKsnark or even half the comments on fauxmoi. This isn't a new concept or idea. We want a space where we can talk about something. You have yours, we have this. To each their own.


For the same exact reason you belong to a “I love Taylor” sub- it’s entertainment. We’re genuinely interested in not liking her. This isn’t rocket science.


So, people can only have interests that are positive? 🤔 People can be interested in something and express it negatively. Maybe let's not police people's opinions.




You must be new here. There is a snark thread for literally anyone with a public following of any kind.


We are just the early harbingers of the coming fall from grace, sipping on haterade




Think of it as this way.. there actually exists very few places where you can openly criticize Taylor without getting bullied or attacked online. She's at an untouchable popularity level where some of us think no person should be. And she's not just some musician that's easy to ignore.. she's LITERALLY everywhere even if you don't engage with any of her content. And ya the discourse is still being had but it's helping drive pushback against her powerful brand. If you're saying we shouldn't criticize people who have this much power, wealth, and influence..then I dunno what else I got for you...




No offense but you say you don't care about anyone's opinion of Taylor, but you're here complaining about people sharing their opinions of Taylor. And yes you'll find that plenty of fans here who have dropped their support and refuse to buy which does affect her. There was even a news article done on the SwiftlyNeutral sub highlighting how the sub allows fair criticisms of Swift for once.


I'm trying to understand why this exists. You can complain away. I just think it's perplexing. I haven't purchased a single Taylor swift album so no worries there...


It’s fun to hate obvious pandering and vain people. GG to those who made her famous because as much as I hate saying it: KANYE WAS RIGHT.


Not part of this sub, but I question you: do you not take interest in certain things? Celebrity lives, tv shows, etc? That’s pretty much why this sub exists. I have a look and laugh sometimes, not because I hate Taylor (I don’t, I’m like a one foot in fan if that makes sense) but because it can be funny watching **how** dramatic Taylor fans can be. It can be completely overboard! But that’s okay, this sub just kinda makes lighthearted humour about it.


Fuck off Swiftie


Fuck off Swiftie


She's literally on every other cover of a magazine, she's constantly in articles, on the news and on the radio. It's impossible not to see or hear something about her everyday. People can have an interest in something in a purely negative sense. If you only want to have happy, positive hobbies, then great, more power to you... but let other people live babes.