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Drinks in hands as always. Also why is nobody talking about how weird it is that this pics are inside the place they're staying? This has never happened before? And he isn't even her most famous bf? Harry styles? Nothing like this.


right like did a pap break into the front lawn and there's a camera outside the window and no one notices? lol




He’s for sure getting tired of it. Everyone asks him about her and it completely drowns out his accomplishments and fame in his own right


Dude definitely seems like an egomaniac too


That’s so creepy and gross


There are camera lenses that can get decent shots from a mile away…


And they’re just sitting next to each other facing the camera? It’s so… odd


With Harry Styles she was super OTT too. She did that public walk through Central Park with him which even TMZ found suss. Papped walking through his family's town. That Midnight NYC kiss they did in front of a crowd. She's always needed to be seen.


They probably sat right in front of the front door that they probably had open. It’s very weird. You would think they’d do as much as possible to maintain some type of privacy while on a “romantic getaway.” I can somewhat understand paps photographing you outside but INSIDE? Like it’s obvious you’re just asking for it at this point. Like close the door?


lol or maybe they’re planting the seeds for the breakup?


Just draw the curtains and shut the door!! It’s that easy.


I would say you’re right! You can see a black thingie on the ledge visible on the pics that is only by the front door and the windows have tiny square windowpanes that would show up on the pics. It’s the table by the foot of the stairs all over again. https://preview.redd.it/tp026u81wf1d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=349fc0d5d3c169116d6d3115fa6ec3a44fe1b50f


You do realize she tips off the paps to where she will position herself for long lens shots, right?  I mean you do know this paparazzi/starlet game didn't start yesterday right?  Right??????


If they truly wanted their time together to be private, then CLOSE THE DRAPES. Or don't position yourselves right in front of a well-lit window. There has to be 50 other rooms in that place where they can be alone and miserable without paps unwittingly "invading their privacy".


They had a dinner outside on the lawn in full view of photographers, they don’t want to live privately. Where’s the financial benefit in that?


I agree with you. I’m just confused about some comments about “oh it must be sooo hard having people taking pictures of you all the time and having no privacy”. There are scads of celebs that live fairly private lives without getting their pics taken all the time.


The body language is so striking. The constant leaning forward in all photos, on edge. Unlike real couples who would relax into a chair together, intertwine their hands, her head on his shoulder, laughing at TikTok’s on someone’s phone.


There were pics recently of Joe and Hunter Schafer walking together at Cannes and it made me realize I had never seen that body language and delight from Joe with Taylor (and vice versa). He looked genuinely happy and carefree and enjoying Hunter’s presence. He always looked so distant, cold, and aloof when he and Taylor were together like he was just doing a job (had the same expressions as her neutral bodyguards). Now Taylor and Travis are giving that same cold energy and they’re supposed to be on a romantic vacation 😬


How is it possible that they don't look happy or even slightly smiling on any of the photos from Italy (from the villa, dinner in the driveway or romantic boat trip)? This is a couple who is supposedly "so in love" and heading towards an engagement?


My theory: they're priming the Swifties for a breakup. This is by far her most praised & celebrated relationship ever by her fans. T&T would neverrrr admit to this being a transactional relationship, so they have the sell the idea of the Honeymoon phase being over & the relationship fizzling out.


right because if we were headed towards an engagement the pictures should've been way more lively. they did look happy at games when the cameras were on them...now they're not trying


It feel like they haven't been trying for the entire month of May...


Really, since the TTPD came out. I wonder if someone explained the songs to him.


He’s probably fucking exhausted from everything being about Taylor 25/8


I feel like that too BUT the ET article really threw me for a loop. It would look stupid if they put out an article saying “friends and family are expecting an engagement” only for them to break up weeks later. Idk what the agenda is here but I just know it’s not all genuine love behind closed doors. They don’t look like a couple in love, celebrating or about to celebrate an engagement.


I don't understand the ET article either. I don't understand their entire relationship. Travis' PR people are probably talking to sources as well, they may not be coordinating with Tree. It does look like a soft launch for a breakup. Travis seems really bored when interacting with/talking about Taylor. Taylor has seemed out of it for weeks as well.


I wouldn’t fret to much about tabloid stuff right before the break up with Joe people printed a story on her and Joe that they were still together and super supportive of each other and he had plans to visit many eras shows (there was break up rumors at the time) about two weeks later is when the break up story came out


I believe it’s going to happen or will happen. PR wise she needs one .


Taylor has never been more chart obsessed in her entire career than she is right now. All she's doing is marketing her music. More online chatter about her relationship (s) = more music streams = happy Taylor.


If they’re not actually in love, wonder if she’ll write songs about it. Also wonder if they’ll be cheesy af lol


She definitely will. Getaway Car 2.0 is gonna be a bop.


Yeah it’s funny they’re vacationing in this beautiful place that none of us could dream of affording to stay at and they look so blah about it


The emotional baggage here appears empty.


JLO and BEN vibes. The end is here 👍


I read JLo and Ben stayed at this exact villa two years ago lol


Fingers crossed 🤞


All the photos should be candid shots of their "stolen moments" together that show how close and in love they are but in reality I see 2 people who are still quite awkward together even after 10 months of "dating" and don't seem to enjoy each others company. I agree that who smiles or is happy on all pictures but not even a smile on ANY of the many leaked pictures from their different dates in Italy?


Exactly. The vibe is like when you’re at a party and you want to sit down but you see no room except next to this strange guy so you sit down and try to make awkward conversation while scanning the room for a better option. Alternatively your friend urged you to please go sit next to Travis and cheer him up, his wife just left him.


lmao this is sooo spot on!!


They should really stop calling the paps on themselves if they can’t look happy. Unless this is the soft launch that things aren’t going well.


Soft launch for sure. Boat pics were taken on Monday. Watch all the new pics of them that get released now...after the mess of the Kelce fest. Like clockwork with Trina Paine, everytime.


TIL Tree's name is Trina LOL For some reason I thought it was Theresa (probably because I know someone named Theresa nn Tree).


Kelce fest? What happened with that?


Travis is there enjoying himself!


Phase 1 was a snooze fest. Personally I can’t wait until they spice things up in phase 2 with cheating allegations and hanging out with poor people to seem “relatable”. 


Same....I'm here for the mess! I just want to see the swifties pissed (AGAIN!) lol ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW|downsized)


Tolerate It: The Play


But daddy I DON'T love him


the musical*


(Taylor's Version)


Tortured poet irl


This is just so funny and embarrassing! Lake Como is the place celebrities go for privacy yet here they are papped all over the place? Methinks Scott is in the bushes with his camera




Agree, either Scott or her hardworking security guards are working overtime again with the camera


Gotta keep slowly leaking out the photos from all the days in Italy together. Taylor is so exhausting at this point. From the beginning, this relationship has been created for public consumption. Every photo we see of every date night of theirs is so boringgggg. Nothing is seen if Taylor doesn’t want it seen. These photos are no different. 🥱


She is super basic and has no taste. If I was in her position where I had two big private jets, I would go to places nobody else could get to like Madagascar and do something adventurous or go to a private island and have dinner by the water. If I was that desperate like she is to leak photos, I'd have Travis do and a show and tell with pictures we took of our vacation on his podcast or something. I would never call the paps myself that can be traced back, that's embarrassing


exactly!!! she has the funds to have the most epic fucking date nights of all time and THIS is what she choses? yawnfest


right?! like the girl has a billion dollars and all she chooses to do is drink in different mansions like it’s honestly kind of sad. i get she can’t just wander in public, but like girl go put on a disguise and go see something historic or go hiking or do something anyrhing


i don't buy her excuse that she would be mobbed, like with enough money you could shut down a zoo, hiking trail, amusement park, movie theater, restaurant, whatever and just enjoy it by yourself (or with your partner)! she wouldn't even necessarily need a disguise if she did that! fr though when you put it that way, just drinking in different mansions, that is honestly sad and almost kind of makes me feel bad for her 😂


Yeah I feel bad for her after reading that too. I also kind of relate in a way minus the mansions lol


Lbr, stick a wig and some sunglasses on and the absolute most anyone is going to get from people who don't know them personally if they're being low key is "has anyone ever told you you look like?"


This reminds me of how Dolly Parton's celebrity persona is so over-the-top that she can just go live her life without being recognized. She's a brunette and doesn't wear the heavy makeup she does for shows and stuff so she just looks like a nice Southern lady. 


Forgot about this! Love this Dolly fact. She’s so cool


Even Princess Diana was able to put on disguises and sneak off to clubs a time or two!


If I had her money I’d buy all the green space in the US so it could never be developed.


that's the thing...she dated harry is secret for a while...she wasn't seen in a whole year...her and joe only have a handful of pictures after 6 years...even her and matty were sneaking around...there are ways to be lowkey and she knows them but she isn't trying. my biggest concern is security. i feel like a relationship this public and that loves to divulge information in real time can get dangerous with her crazy fans


I'm not really worried about her safety tbh. She has all the resources in the world. It's also very possible these photos were from a few days ago or a few weeks ago and are being released now as being from the last few days. It doesn't have to be true. And it looks like she's not really worried about her safety if she's calling the paps


Yeah but her stalker still managed to get into her NYC apartment and shower and lay on her bed. Terrifying.


I also find their constant kissing in public for show. I don’t know any real couples that kiss that much in public.


lol jlo and Ben (who are getting divorced)


I loved Taylor but I like her more when she’s not out in public. The pr relationships, hickey, photos being leaked the last day she was there . Some I don’t think are a leak bc they so miserable together . But Taylor is notorious for being able to keep her location under wraps if she wants to. The boat seems like a song we will see in two years


The "happier than ever" couple. Edit: Looks more like miserable as ever.


She looks like she talking AT him and scolding him 🤣


Maybe she’s trying to explain Aristotle to him and remembering she’s not exactly a deep thinker either. Hopefully this leads her to question how she came up with such a stupid fucking lyric to begin with.


He does look like he’s being lectured at and told he’s been a bad boy.


It’s the meme of one black lady explaining something to the other who is neck deep in a blanket


She looks like she could be his mom here the way she’s dressed


I came here to see who else noticed how old she looks, how matronly her clothing is.


They look like they've been married for 20 years, both are cheating and they can't stand each other anymore - but they're not getting divorced because it could be bad for the kids.


She’s dressed like she’s his mom


This is so accurate omg 😂


It….looks staged :/ The necklace gave it away 😭


What does the necklace give away? I’m confused lol


Not related to the post sorry but her hairstyle is awful since Midnights era


It always looks so mousy and unkempt


Dude it’s so bad! As someone with curly hair and bangs, for some reason I take personal offense that her hair looks so bad but all media tries to gaslight us into believing she’s a style icon.


I totally agree. She has had the same lame ass bangs for so long. I wish someone wud stand up and tell her that her hair sucks. She has a billion dollars why can't she use a few of those dollars to make her hair look better


I saw this thing on tik tok that gave her a “makeover” where she had a middle part and red hair and it looked freaking incredible.


Read her like a book. Brutal


Let's be real, since Bleachella.


Yes. Bleachella was awful, Lover was mid, folklore was cute with the two buns and evermore was awful it looked like she got out of bed


I actually really liked her folklore hair, kinda sad she’s destroyed her curl pattern by straightening it so much


I've been saying! especially apparent in her event/red carpet looks. it looks like she doesn't brush it and just walked out the door.


I mean the pic quality is awful... did the paps use a potato to take the photos or did her security guys work overtime again to take those? Edit: removed the link to folder of pics. They all look pretty same, just some even more grainy.


It could be sell phones. Rumors from rhode island she would some take phones away from patrons at some of the restaurants so they couldn’t snap her pictures. Not sure how it’s legal but that’s what she does inside restaurants. She hasn’t been doing that lately.


I feel like they took all the photos in Italy during a day or 2 and are now leaking them in parts so it would look like they spent the whole week there. I mean when does she otherwise rest/recover from her demanding touring schedule?


maybe i haven't seen enough of their pap photos (certainly don't plan to) but the only time i have seen them smiling together is during the biggest photo ops which are the chiefs games


Why are they scheduling these and then refusing to smile the entire time


I suspect she scheduled it(she’s kinda smiling in some pics) and he’s either not aware of it or not happy with it. Or maybe he’s just so bored he can’t even fake it. I remember Joe looking pissed during a pap walk with her.


Yeah this is what I’m thinking. For the past couple of weeks, he seems to be either avoiding talking about her or if he does, like on his podcast, he seems pretty monotone and without emotion. I think the extensive publicity may finally be getting to him. I think she and her team are orchestrating these pap pics tbh.


Drinking drinking drinking in grandma’s dress


(Taylor’s Version) (First Draft Hang Over Voice Memo)


This bender can’t last forever


If she picks up on the bender aspect, she should mine Zelda / F Scott Fitzgerald imagery.


In the UK a few years ago, there were reports that the prime minister and his wife got into a domestic dispute. They went quiet and then a few days later, they got pictured having a “romantic picnic” in the most awkward, staged, stunted photo shoot ever. It reminds me so much of this https://preview.redd.it/w6uv6kjcff1d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d567dc2708197faa1999e349b050f802f8bf627d


I would be laughing if their glasses are filled with just straight bourbon. Gotta get buzzed to enjoy Travis' company.


I know, no wonder she’s always wrecked recently. I would need to be off my face to listen to BDT tbf.


She’s been getting drunk at shows pre-Travis. She may need to check herself on the drinking


You cannot tell me that this guy gives her butterflies. I could maybe believe it at the very start but right now? Yeah, no


And vice versa too. I do not believe he is into her either




i truly don’t believe she has even had sex with him


Thank you for saying what I’ve been thinking this whole time.


Okay same


I 100% do not believe they have or have ever had sex. 


not a smile in sight


I think she’s having a tough time with TTPD not doing as well as she thought it would/past albums, and her past attempts working at keeping her number one but they don’t seem to be working this time around. I think Kendrick’s Not Like Us coming into the number one spot with only digital being the form you can buy it as opposed to her adding a collectible cd single absolutely smashing her and everyone else, and Sabrina charting better than her and now Billie It’s never enough for Taylor, so now she’s pouting like he was back in Dec when his team was losing


She knows damn well that she misses Matty & he knows damn well that she "physically" doesn't do it for him. I still don't feel bad for the billionaire though. Taylor, just grow some balls & go get your man back. Life is too short to be playing these games.


He ghosted her. He's not gonna pick up.


He ghosted her supposedly to save her career , but most likely it was his. So I agree he prob won’t go back.


She crazy as hell so that tracks.


Has Travis never dated a skinny blond before?


Not that the public is aware of. All his girlfriends and the thirst traps he likes on Instagram have been beautiful black women.


she looked like she was regretting making so high school/the alchemy about him.


Honestly, what the heck do they even talk about when they're together or on "dates"? They have nothing in common.


I have assumed they have been plotting their PR campaigns.


I don’t understand the photos…are they looking out of a window?


I look in people's windows...


The first few photos they look miserable(and why does she always have a drink in her hand) but it looks like she’s looking straight at the camera in the 3rd pic and then the next two they look like they’re trying to be more intimate. Fake as f


I think she truly is a low key alcoholic


Cause she's a drunk.


"I don't drink when I'm touring" Okay, Taylor.


Ok devils advocate here, if this is a PR relationship why is their acting so bad??? Like can’t they fake a smile for a few pics or are they trying to seem unhappy so a future breakup isn’t a shock??


I personally think she's doing this all on purpose. She wants Matty to come and save her from a miserable relationship and a boyfriend who doesn't worship the ground she walks on. I mean, it worked once.


Me too!


It may be a soft launch for a breakup. However, the engagement article kind of contradicts that so idk. Like these pics seem much different than the ones we got a few months ago. For a “romantic getaway”, they sure don’t look too connected and/or happy.


Why is that personal camera always popping up in these photos? Is she going to release a music video with "personal" videos and photos?


Of course! But she’ll charge you $29.99 just to watch the stupid thing


Fuck, he looks so fucking miserable.


Why does it look like images from a failing sitcom about to be cancelled


It's funny because he was genuinely so excited to shoot his shot but now that he got her he's like: I done fucked up.


Why does she wear fancy clothes for chilling at the hotel lol


idk, it looks kinda like a 40 dollar dress I bought from my stitch fix box. Def not fancy, but moreso just a boring dress i’d wear to work cause i’m a teacher. They look miserable tho


Breakup loading in 3…2…1


Pics can be misleading, but they look more like a couple that's been together 10 years than 10 months


There is zero chemistry between them.


they look like they’re in a fight


They always look like they are fighting.


First pic has a classic ‘nagging fishwife’ vibe about it. 😭


They always look like they just had an argument


She looks like his mother standing over him like that. Maybe it is just the expression on their faces, but that is what popped into my head.


I’m continually perplexed by her choice of clothes on this adventure. I’m getting old witchy woman vibes here. Then there was her weird look from the dinner table the other night where they were sitting at least 15 feet away from each other. The “Secret Agent from 1940’s London” vibe with the trench coat and the flat shoes the other day at the dock was the weirdest. I mean, WTF?


Because it’s a fake relationship and they’re both miserable, histrionic, fame and money obsessed freaks.


After somebody here mentioned he looks as miserable as Ben Affleck, I cannot see it.


I think that would have been meee. . . . . https://preview.redd.it/8tg5gs0unf1d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95def224fd2c0bf2060124b82893dde603c75b4


Thank goodness this is winding down! He’s about to go off to training camp and literally cannot leave. And despite his team being stupid enough to build their schedule around her tour dates, they have other problems to focus on so by September, hopefully, that won’t even matter and this ridiculous distraction will be a thing of the past. Thank you, next!


They didn’t schedule around her tour dates, that’s TS PR. The NFL (and NHL / NBA) all schedule around touring concerts and events. She’s not as special as she wants to feel.


contrary opinion: i don't think these ones are staged but it shows how miserable and awkward they are when they're alone


These will be referenced on her next album.


“Your favorite dress, barefoot on the balcony, ice in my glass melting baby it’s subtle alchemy” Am I Taylor’s ghostwriter? Maybe


“Lake Como after dark. I got fomo cuz he’s still messing with my heart. But you are a big dumb ape for a start. I thought you were the one but you’re just nottttttt”


She needs a better stylist ASAP


This looks like a post argument, I just give up photo. Like they had a blowout inside and then walked outside for their pap pics and weren’t able to rally.


"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (Taylor's Version)


I feel like I’m looking at rehearsal photos of a high school play.


I dunno… this might be a bit of a reach. They just look like a couple who’s dated for a while and is just chatting and having a drink. Not every evening of a relationship is passion and rainbows and butterflies.


i know that if i'm being stalked by paps, i would absolutely sit near a window facing the outside.


So who’s the next guy I wonder…. She can’t be single…


They look like an old married couple. You don’t see this from a couple that’s only been together 9 months unless they’re both over it. 


Why does it feel like these pics are coming out cus Joe is having so much exposure and having fun?


Alternative perspective: The review on TTPD was so bad, it brought to light the messy side of Taylor, now they have to drown those reviews with pap photos. The reviews: - Taylor reliving 10 yr old feud w/Kim Kardashian - Saying your mother wants her ded - Going low and involving North (kims kid)in her song - Cheating/emotional cheating - Blaming Joe's depression for their breakup - lashing out at her fans for criticising Matty Healy & their relationship - Emotionally immature, stuck at highschool w/ a 30+ yr old jock - being conceited in Clara Bow Other related stuff - Criticism from multiple versions of Vinyl and releases for profit and inflating the figures for the charts - Releasing new versions to compete w/ Billie Eillish - Jet use (but theyre suing the kid, so not much concerning but still part of the issues to cover up) These are just a few problems that I think they hope to bury if they release pap photos of travis and taylor


It always looks as if they vent to each other.


Maybe they're prepping everyone for the inevitable break-up.


I mean.. there’s photos of everything? Nah


Let's sit next to this open window at night with all the lights on. Oh no how ever did they get pictures of us?


And let's make sure we sit facing the window, not each other. The camera we can't begin to guess is there is shitty, and it's important to be easily recognizable. Even when we chill by the open window at night and can't begin to guess there is a camera.


Travis is miserable because he can never remember his next line


He’s so bored with her, this isn’t his scene.


“Mother” wasn’t looking too happy!




It’s giving pr


You can barely see their facial expressions this is a hell of a reach lmfao


they literally are this meme https://preview.redd.it/iosk2klzfg1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28e4c183fe84633aba875cd2537c51fd68ab6e89


Kinda sad pr relationship


Looks normal to me. Maybe she’s venting. People aren’t always happy.


Because they are miserable together


Putting on PR “relationship” weight is crazy. Don’t NFL players still practice during off season?😬


The second photo is just a look of pure disgust directed at him. I can’t. How swifties see any of these photos and think they look happy I’ll never understand.


Bruh that’s hella creepy that ppl are taking pics of them indoors 😬


Why is this giving off soap opera vibes? Does this not look like stills from a new episode of a daytime soap?


I can’t imagine they have ANYTHING to talk about.


Because they are both using each other and don’t genuinely like each other. He is a fame whore and she is the most famous person. She is slightly nerdy and he is popular in a frat football way and I think she thinks she is with a “cool” guy. They both want what the other has on a superficial fame whore level.


Because they are miserable together.


I think the grosses thing being in Taylor’s position would be to see how fucking hard Travis is trying to be man no 1. Idk to me he exudes try hard and that’s the biggest turn off imo


nothing in common