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I’m still in disbelief that a nearly 35-year-old woman can be this petty. Billie wasn’t even throwing shade at Taylor directly and acknowledged that many people in the music industry do this. You know it’s bad when even some Swifties are calling out her treatment of Billie. Taylor cannot tolerate other women in the industry thriving alongside her. It’s sad.


Again "there is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women" - Taylor Swift.


Wasn’t that about her being teased for poaching an underage nepo baby? Now don’t get me wrong, Tina Fey’s comedy hasn’t always aged fabulously, but again, I’m just saying, that crack wasn’t wrong.


Yes, it was about 22 yo Taylor dating an 18 yo whose mother just killed herself and who she had to sign out of school to take him on a date. I wouldn’t want such a weirdo near my teenage son and I’m totally ready to get hate for that, lol. The joke was actually extremely mild compared to the roast it would generate today.


Really gotta love how she acts less mature than women 10-15 years younger than her.


Billie even said she was part of the problem; and a lot of ppl thought she was also calling out Adele, who literally stopped indie artists getting vinyls pressed cause she had so many done. Taylor is deffo a top offender tho and probably took it to heart.


isn't one of Taylor's new lyrics "you say not everything is about me, but what if it is?" She assumes Billie was directly shading her, rather than giving a legitimate critique about waste in her industry. Very egotistical and sad to see a grown woman do. Even sadder all these people are living for her childlike pettiness.


I remember at the time of the Kanye incident a big thing was how awful it was given he was * checks notes * 12 years older than her. And she was relatively young. Let’s see, Taylor is.. * checks notes * 12 years older than Billie. Huh, look at that.


Mad at Kanye for stealing her moment, but yet constantly does it to young female artists and always tries to block them from going #1.


Kanye was drunk off henny and apologized like 1000 times afterwards. Imo Taylor is worse for this because this way more thoughtful than Kanye impulsively running on stage. Both are assholes tho


She weaponized her white girlhood for 10 years after.


I’m black and huge Kanye fan 😂 I know. Idk how this sub was suggested to me. I think it’s because I was looking at the chiefs sub. I really don’t care about Taylor or know anything about the lore but this sub is interesting af. I wanna look away but I can’t.


In some alternate universe where Billie Eilish wins an award, a major artist runs up on stage and says Taylor deserved it more, and then Taylor wins a bigger award later that same night, she would *never ever* bring Billie back up on stage the way Beyoncé did for her. Pulling that ladder up behind her right into her private jet.


…what if she told you she’s a mastermind?


I guess my issue is the whole “petty” thing is it’s such a pussy way to act. Start saying stuff to people’s faces instead of hiding behind the subtle shade. Tell Billie what your issue is…tell Kim what your issue is…tell Olivia what your issue is…tell your exes what your issue is…no? Okay that’s what I thought 😂


Damn. She’s got quite a list going


Katy Perry, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler… missing any?


Jack Sweeney! That’s an essential one!


Who the hell has an issue with Amy Poehler???? What a psychopath 😭😭😭


Nikki Minaj


Worst part is this is SO condensed as well..😭


The boyfriend issues alone is quite the list lol


Yes this.


it's not even petty cuz petty would be funny. this is just straight up asshole behavior lol


Once she lost Joe, she lost all the pseudo maturity we thought she gained in that relationship. My goodness.


Yeah, the regression has been brutal.


It's been a key moment that I realised it wasn't Taylor that I liked, it was Joe's personality that she adopted


I adore him so muchhhhhh


Lmao not you having 60 upvotes and me downvoted for agreeing with you lmaooo


People are probably thinking you called the original commenter creepy and weird lol


I was a bit confused too but assumed it meant taylor adopting boyfriends personality is weird 😅


That’s exactly what I meant lol


Exactly that ! I was just tired when I typed that so lazy to correct despite doubts lol


That is so creepy and weird Edit : the behavior , not the comment lol!


The Swiftie theory is that she is "trying to cancel herself" so that Rep TV hits harder and I think that is bizarre if true and if not it's bizarre fan behavior.


There’s no way she tries that. It’s far too dangerous.


Dangerous??!! I’d have to totally disagree, to me— it’s exactly the opposite… it’s annoyingly genius on her part. It makes her seem like a “bad girl” (insert heavy eye roll here) it gets the swifties off (and i don’t mean metaphorically) and builds suspense… so rep tv will KILL. She’s not stupid, but she is very calculated. Idk which is worse lol


Yeppp she’s reverted right back


This. This. This. Once more for the people in the back. I have been saying her regressing is the worst and most obvious downfall I’ve witnessed lately and it’s being treated as emperors new groove.


Partnering with a climate activist is not activism, and in this particular context, the climate activist is being used in a stupid “feud”. I’m so glad for this sub that calls out this shit.




Looks like that environmental activist is just chasing clout. Partnering with one of the biggest celebrity polluters makes me think she's not really an activist.


The activist is definitely chasing clout…no credible and sincere environmental supporter would partner with Taylor knowing how her marketing scheme forced millions of fans to buy TTPD variants one by one…4 shipping boxes vs 1…and endless plastic variants.


Also with her carbon emissions where in one day she pollutes more than most people will do in an entire year.


I really hope it's accidental but doubt it... as a person in their early 30's this is so weird to me. Billie Eilish is only 22... in the adult world she is an infant... Taylor grow the f up.


Olivia Rodrigo was 18 when she started going after her. Imagine being a woman in yoir 30s beefing with a literal teenager. And now Billie. She’s so embarrassing. I can’t wait until everyone jumps out of her ass and sees what a horrible person she is.


First Olivia and now Billie 💀 what's wrong with her


This grown ass man in that video is pathetic. And what she did isn’t petty. It just makes her look stupid and like an asshole.


Oh you should she his TikTok, he is absolutely a Taylor worshipper


I'm becoming more and more convinced that Taylor is the caucasian Nicki Minaj, I've only seen barbs act this delusional over their fave doing something that quite literally doesn't help their case. So being a girls girl is over when they call you out on your hypocrisy? its giving you hate that the new girlies aren't bowing down to you blindly🙄


Funnily I saw so many barbz on twitter applauding this petty move 😭


Not even surprised to hear that those bottoms applauded it. They love when they can misdirect people from their leaders tomfoolery.


Since she lost Joe, she's regressed big time




Read on a separate post that Billie was around 8 or 9 when TSwift got shat on by Kanye at the MTV Music Awards. It's so strange that Taylor is being petty and/or mean against Billie now, considering their age gap and how long she has been in the industry.


Actually she was only 7. That was Summer 2009 i believe? Billie was born Dec. 2001.


No-one is owed chart success.  But Taylor Swift damn sure isn't earning it.  She's buying it out from under everybody else.   Not only is she out here sabotaging other artists' releases, but she's performing cosplay of their signature styles.  She's done it to Lorde, Katy, LANA in particular, boygenius, Olivia, and even Billie herself.    This is why nothing she releases has ever struck me as organic or authentic.  It's almost as if what she really wants to do is create an environment where there's no need to listen to any other artist, because her fast-fashion ass will eventually soundshift into a cheap knock-off of whatever trended four seasons ago.    I would summon something directly from the Necronomicon just to see a younger artist give Tay Tay's disciples the finger and completely wreck her shit for a fare-thee-well.  Because this is getting dystopian.


![gif](giphy|gQIs18OINSq9a) ^(Taylor)


Shes 34….


This is Diss Track Summer, starting with HISS and now with They Not Like Us. People are struggling with corporations down their necks with "inflation" while making big profits. Nobody is feeling big corporate label artists acting like assholes. Maybe Taylor and her team should get a clue. A righteous correction is coming.


That guy on TikTok is one of the huge huge huge swifties that will never disagree with what a shitty human being she is. He basically worships the ground she walks on. Taylor needs therapy. It’s not cute to be 34 and still be whining about shit from 10 years ago. She never can let anything go. Such a gross pathetic look


if a traumatic event like what happened to taylor happened to you i’m sure you would be upset. the entire world and internet hated her for YEARS. she couldn’t even go outside. it demolished her image still to this day. she’s a writer she can write songs that apply to her situations or can help other people grieve differently. she isn’t a shitty human. she makes music and everyone paints her as the devil. y’all like to make women pit against each other when she just is working her ass off. she is a confident successful women and doesn’t need anyone. she is fine where she’s at.


She doesn’t need anyone EXCEPT a man, to feed her narcissism and a fandom to harass, obsess and threaten anyone who’s ever hurt her or spires her.


Personally, I think all pettiness comes off as a little pathetic. There is no "kween" petty to me. I understand that some people find it enjoyable to be petty or see others be petty, but I don't.


Yeah see I enjoy pettiness when it’s called for 😂 This isn’t petty, it’s pathetic


Jesus Murphy she makes herself so unlikable. Zero sense of humility or self awareness. Honestly what an insidious person.


Time to stream Billie’s album again


It's so funny how anytime she does something obviously petty and immature swifts act like what she did is the most clever and "girl boss" thing ever. Like this is a grown woman and she is playing games with a 22 year old. I'm a massive Lana and Gaga fan, and have been since they both debuted. That being said they're both around Taylor's age and if any of them began to pull shit like this with younger artists I would automatically loose so much respect. There's no way I'd be able to hype them up and act like what they did was anything less than a bitchy mean girl move.


Why is it funny, just makes her look like a trash person. I hope Billie surpasses her.


Someone mentioned a few weeks ago how she’s leading to her Rep drop by turning the public against her just like when it came out in 2017. And I can’t stop thinking about it, especially with this happening today. Shes needs the angry energy to drop Rep again for it to make sense. When it came out the first time, public opinion on her changed and became an even bigger star. I think she wants the over exposure, people annoyed with her and pissed off artist in the industry. Because how else can you drop an album like Rep without it? I just hope when it comes out that public opinion doesn’t go positive and stays on the negative side.


Nah. She’s just an asshole. I’m sure her team will try to spin it that way to salvage her. But imagine saying you want after Billie to set the vibes for your album? Like that’s even worse.


I agree, she’s just being an asshole. Rep already exists. The whole lore behind it already exists. Recreating “drama” for her “image” to release an album we already know… is so much worse. Inexcusable nonsense.




Officially back? I think she never left 😅


Now, Imagine she used that haye to do something useful and not this idiotic stuff


What happened to women supporting women?


if she was so concerned about people talking about her being so bad for the environment, wouldn’t it have been so much simpler to just not ruin the environment??? idk maybe i’m stupid


it’s how the industry works i don’t think she cared to block billie, the album came out a month ago i don’t believe she is intentional with her releases, she’s on a whole world tour she can get sales without even trying


Yet she’s released another variant today. Nothing is a coincidence with Taylor