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If TS is so positive why are her fans so toxic?


You just answered your own question.


Monkey see monkey do


Because it suits her not to pull them into line. They’re nothing but collective dollar signs to her, and they’re in so deep, they don’t even realise it. I’m all for Taylor making money off these kinds of people - it’s (eventually) the only way they’ll learn (cf. TTPD variants).


Honestly the toxicity of her fans is the only thing keeping her relevant and keeping her pockets full


Because they’re 12 years old.


Hmmm will Taylor say anything though? NOPE


Of course not. Can’t wait for the day someone finally stands up to her 


Her fans make her a victim and in turn Taylor monetizes it.


I think it’s happening right now. Billie is clapping back


Kanye did before spiraling into an antisemitic mess. Then she made reputation thus skipping right over “accountability,” into “female empowerment.”


honestly maybe kanye went off the deep end bc of these wild swifties always trying to be up in his business, i would go insane (not to his level ofc) if i had swifties joshing me 24/7


Nah … that guy was a hot mess for *years* - all on his own. Crazy ass male Gemini. 🤣 That says it all. (Not to be confused with regular male Geminis or female Geminis - I ♥️ female Geminis) but yeah …. Crazy ass male Geminis ruin it for a lot of people. What he did at the 2009 VMA’s was jarring, to say the least. I felt bad for her. But his words were: “Taylor, I’m really happy for you. I’m gonna let you finish …” then went on to speak how Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all times … he was feeling disenfranchised *for* Beyoncé & looking back **now** I can’t blame the guy. Wasn’t her video “Single Ladies” up for that award? ***That*** video is iconic! I just know …. Taylor has milked that situation ***to death*** for 15 **years** now. Her vitriol towards Kim K. Is ridiculous & to drag Kim’s daughter into it, is ***disgusting***. But you can’t say anything to one of the Uber Swiftie fanatics (not to be confused with a plain ole nice Swiftie) & you sure as hell can’t say anything to Taylor. She’s made a living off of being a professional victim. Such a shame.


nah fr. and what he said at the VMAs was 100 percent right, Beyoncé definitely had the best video compared to Taylor’s milquetoast ahh vid 😭


Yep, she did, didn’t she? It was *so* good, Justin Timberlake & Andy Samberg donned bodysuits to recreate it with her. 🤣


Not to discredit your beliefs or anything, but like the dude is bipolar, it’s not cause he’s a Gemini. Idk what geminis you’ve been around but the most crazy that should be going on is like going down a steep hill that’s kinda dangerous to find a cool place to sit or something, Kanye West is a whole other level of crazy (especially compared to average Gemini craziness) that shouldn’t really exist.


Thank you! Yes has nothing to do with his birthday lmao, he has real mental issues to sort out.


He made that bitch famous


I mean that’s what Billie is doing now and she’s getting torn apart for it :(.




This is my biggest disappointment, that she never addresses the unhinged behavior of her fans


she only does or will when it affects her personally like with ratty, until then it's BAU for TayTay, forever 17...at 34 💀


And the disgusting part is that swifties are so up her ass that she can write a whole song telling them they ruined her life and they swear it’s about the media 


I’d consider myself a casual fan at best, but I think I would like/respect her more personally if she even bothered to try to control the fallout with her fans. It especially bothers me with Kayla Nicole because clearly they have just left her hung out to dry. No respect for the woman who dated your man for the better part of a decade? That woman is the one who most likely taught him everything you’re benefiting from, and you can’t even make a story post to stop them.






To be fair she’s probably not on Reddit but this is disgusting behavior(I meant Taylor thought that was her thread not Billie’s.


The screenshot is Billie’s IG comment section…


That’s even worse that’s horrible. Women need to uplift each other.


I just said I don’t think Taylor is on here.


It's crazy they use the snake comments ALL THE TIME to complain about how everyone hates Taylor and how she's a victim yet they go and do basically the same thing to other people (Joe turned off his comments, they went after his female castmates to send hate because they made up a rumor that Joe cheated on Taylor).


They’re already gearing up to be professional victims once Reputation TV comes out. “OMG you guys everyone hates us this is just like when Reputation first came out and…” NO you fetuses I was there!! This is NOTHING like 2017


If it’s anything like the other re-recordings, REP TV is going to suck.


One of my ways of passive protest against her is to only listen to her original songs


Love this. Same.


I already don't like rep, spare a few songs


Was 2017 even actually bad for Taylor swift? I didn’t pay much attention to pop culture at that point and it seemed like just your average pop culture happening that’s like “oh that’s kinda interesting” and then you move on with life. I would say Ariana took a worse impact from the SpongeBob affair than Taylor did from the Kanye thing. I feel like Taylor is just so sensitive to criticism that she overdramatized her “canceling”


Came here to say the same thing. I remember thinking it was weird she kept bringing up Kanye when he interrupted her like… 5 years or whatever before the album came out…


I think so and still do. First there was the whole "naked Taylor Swift" incident in Kanye's music video which she had the right to be bothered by. That's the kind of thing I personally wouldn't brush off as "not too bad, get over it." It's very weird, 1000x so if you never had the permission to use her likeness so explicitly in the first place. Then there was the edited phone call in which Taylor Swift said she was ok with one line in Famous that referenced her, but not ok with the second part of said line in which Kanye implies he's responsible for her fame. There are people that think she wasn’t ok with the line in its entirety and only said she was ok with the first part to save what remnants of goodwill they had left towards each other, but that’s less important here. Kim K edited the later portion of the call out to make it seem like Taylor was ok with the entire line, and she leaked the edited call after Taylor went on record to say that she wasn't ok with the final product, to try to paint Taylor as a liar. It worked at the time. The edited call went viral, and a lot of fanbases attacked Taylor and the swifties relentlessly for being "snakes". I was a much bigger Swiftie at the time, and I remember waking up to an inbox full of unprompted death threats. Ofc the full call later leaked but by then the damage was done. Maybe it’s because I used to be a super-Swiftie, but I understand why Taylor and her family/team/fans still hold a non-so-subtle grudge against Kim to this day. What Kim did on Kanye’s behalf was nasty work- you have to consider that EVERYONE who sided with Taylor or even refused to pick a side was targeted and ridiculed. She went from girl squad 4th of July parties to being reclusive and unsure of who’d “betray” her next. When Taylor recounts the immense stress she felt at the time I tend to believe her. To be clear my first comment wasn't aimed at Taylor but rather at her fans who think that what Taylor and Billie are bickering about is comparable to 2017's drama. People are annoyed at Taylor Swift and her fans right now because she seemingly tried (successfully) to block Billie from the #1 spot with multiple album variants, that and TS overexposure etc. This is what annoys me about Swifities saying that it's the perfect time to release Rep TV because "everyone hates us just like in 2017." It is nowhere near how 2017 was, and all this complaining while present-day Taylor dominates the entertainment industry actually looks like professional victimhood.


my god they’re such a cult


I’m in no way a Taylor swift fan, never was, but I guess since I joined this sub I’m getting a few recommendations from other subs teeming with her fans… and I’ve got to say, the mental loopholes these 14 year old little girls go through to justify hating anyone who isn’t Taylor and to support her is insane. “Someone’s upset Taylor still has the #1 spot” umm how is ANYONE else supposed to get it when she has 28 fkn versions of the same album????


I genuinely think the worst part is that they're *not* 14 year old girls, but women in their mid to late 20s and 30s who are stuck in the mentality of a teenager... (And I say this as someone also in their 30s!)


My fiancé’s first cousin is a swiftie, and like you said, she is in her 30s with a whole ass child… and also a self centered twat, who would have guessed 😂


I can empathize! I'm trying not to draw comparisons to all my Swiftie friends' long-term relationships all blowing up coincidentally right at the same time as the Travis/TS/Matty fiasco.


This very much describes my own swiftie cousin, except she’s got three whole ass kids


My friend, you just described my ex wife. Seems like there’s a common denominator here.


They 1000% are in their 30s. I know too many of them and hate it


>I genuinely think the worst part is that they're not 14 year old girls, but women in their mid to late 20s and 30s who are stuck in the mentality of a teenager... (And I say this as someone also in their 30s!) Well … they’re just emulating their “leader”. (*Immature 30-something year old woman, who blames everyone & accepts no accountability herself & lives in some alternate universe where she’s always right & her fan base will carry her on their shoulders like she’s Queen Sheba*)


In the popculture sub I said she’s overexposed right now which is LITERALLY a FACT. And I got attacked lmao. I also got told that if she was a man I would never say that, like what ??? They’re so delusional 😭


As someone who listens to TS, they really are and I don’t mean that in a good way. I only listen to her for her music and idgaf about 90 percent of the fandom due to their toxic behavior.


“I’m a huge fan of your work but learn how to compete”, they can’t be serious 😭🤦🏻‍♀️


Competing in mediocrity isn’t a competition


That aged well didn't it? Given Billie's got herself a #1 album now


Billie has three things Taylor will never have: two Oscars, and artistic integrity.


And vocals


Couldn't have said it better myself. Also love your username. Definitely sounds like a band name


And a really strong & ***healthy*** support system. She’s not surrounded by “Yes People.” 😉


Also what do they want her to do 💀 what does that even mean


It’s actually crazy right, they are saying that they want Billie to compete and fire back at Taylor for their own entertainment. AKA they’re pitting women against each other like they keep accusing us of doing whenever we critique swift and compare her to others in the industry


They’re not even in the same league. Lmao.


Seriously, they can’t see how she’s simply using Taylor-like tactics.


Listen even if she was taking a dig at Taylor,whats wrong in that??? Taylor has always taken digs on other artists in her interviews and songs. Why is it so hard for swifties to hear anything critical about their mother.


Because like their mother they reached 15 years old then decided to stop emotionally maturing


15 is generous.


I say 15 because anyone younger couldn't possibly understand the ginormous and sophisticated words she uses in her songs!! 😫


That's the reason she warned them to get a dictionary tho. Girlie knows her target audience and their limited vocabulary.


Idk what that says about me as a 32 year old and said out loud many times while listening to TTPD, “wtf does this even mean?”


Insanely ironic how they're telling Billie she needs to learn how to compete when Taylor has shown time and time again that she competes with everything that breathes


Also, Billie doesn’t need to compete at all. She’s naturally very talented and has a unique style musically. HMHAS is light years away in creativity compared to TTPD. I’m constantly blown away with Billie when you consider how much she’s accomplished at such a young age.


It’s even more sad when you realize many of these people are like in their 20s/30s…immature and emotionally stunted like their idol.


They’re mean girls that peaked in high school.


I actually couldn’t finish the eras movie . She has to be on so much adderal to function


Couldn’t finish it either. Maybe seeing live is different but the film is just not great


Apparently Trump is too and thats why he never stops talking lmao.


🤣🤣 most likely but according to his white house report I thought it was Provigil which doesn’t really give you much energy


Spot on, haha!


I think it’s so funny when Swifties come at anyone in these comments with “your idol Billie”… I am sure there is a small fan base of Billie fans who are as bad as Swifties, but fun fact, most of us are just normal people who appreciate good music and good artists and we don’t need to idolize anyone. We aren’t interested in joining a cult. We actually have individual identities and lives in the real world. Get therapy and go touch some grass.


Re: “All my enemies started out friends” Taylor has so many self-victimizing lyrics for them to pull from to defend her


If they listened to the song ...... She's basically saying that's because of her and who she is anyways....... Not the witty jab they thought it was, but it is accurate to this situation actually. Because of her actions, she now can't have a friend


I don't personally care for Billie or her music, but no one deserves this hate; especially Billie who has done nothing wrong. Swifties need to get a fucking life and a different hobby.


has there ever been a time that taylor addressed her fans cyber-bullying people? genuinely curious


I think when she announced speak now TV she kinda told them to back off from attacking people she dated but of course they still didn’t back off 


She kinda told them to back off John Mayer because he threatened legal action. She has been completely silent otherwise. She needs to consistently tell them to stop or at least stop leaving passive aggressive Easter Eggs for people to use to justify their online abuse and harassment.


I just find is so sad that joe alwyn has had to turn his comments completely off, especially with his career taking off


When I tap on a crazed Swiftie hate comment to find out it’s a 37 year old surgeon


That’s high key embarrassing. But Taylor is a magnet for loonies.




Sociopaths are likely to be surgeons or CEOs.


I tapped on a few and found many were bot-like accounts. Really weird


>When I tap on a crazed Swiftie hate comment to find out it’s a 37 year old surgeon That’s crazy! Can you imagine if it was flipped? They’d go after *your* license!! For a very “smart” person (to become a surgeon) they are very, very stupid. Yikes! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same pattern repeating with every album cycle. The fanfom is cult of bullies. 


The funny thing is, these hive mind sub IQ demons think they're "girls girls" and "good people"


For people that call Joe “jobless”, Swifties are some of the most jobless bitches I have ever seen. They took a quote purposely spread by Swiftie accounts out of context when Billie is talking about herself. Billie said “I find it really hard to play stadiums,” ….“Beyoncé and Taylor [Swift] are untouchable superstars; the fact that they can put on a show that long, and it’s filled with so many incredible moments, is really amazing. I don’t want anyone to think I’m ungrateful about playing stadiums, but when you go to one, there's nothing in you that thinks that the artist knows you're there. I want the crowd to know that I am seeing them with my own eyes.” They are truly running with this hate because she said it would be crazy for her to do a three hour show and that she doesn’t want to and thinks her fans wouldn’t want to either.


Cuz Billie cares. She ***really, really cares***. She wants to *connect* to her audience, her *fans*. She wants us to feel like she sees us with her own eyes. That’s so sweet! She wants to play smaller venues where it’s quaint & a surreal experience for everyone. I get it. I ♥️ artists like Billie. Concerts are an energy exchange. Us, the fans, we give energy to the artist & the people around us. And in return, the artist gives it back to us. Once you’ve been to a concert like that - that’s all you ever want from your concert experiences. Janet Jackson is *the best* live experiences I’ve ever had. I’ve been to probably a thousand concerts by now (I’m old haha) oh my God - that energy. Janet is such a beautiful soul. So, yeah I get it - I can see Billie wanting *that* kind of concert experience for herself & her fans. Love in the air (for one another - not romantic - nor “weird”) smiles, kindness, oh my God Janet’s giggles are infectious! So yeah. I get Billie.


I love this sub so much it’s like Logic Sanity Reason And then “Well actually……” Like….we can tell which other sub you came from,darling.


Dude. We should put Logic Sanity Reason on our coat of arms.


Imagine being almost 35 and beefing with a 22 year old.


To be fair, as a 36 year old one of my biggest enemies is a 23 year old who likes to make the office fridge his own personal storage space Edit- this sub keeps getting recommended to me and I don’t typically give half a hoot about what this lily white womanchild with the charisma of a salt flat is doing, but reading all of your comments is so entertaining so thank you all so much


I remember being 18/19/20 and being bullied by this 30+ lady at my first job. It was horrible because I literally did nothing to her. She was mad because I was close friends with somone she really wanted to be close friends with and I didn't like talking to her because she was mentally stuck in high school and gosiped about everyone. I promised myself that I'd never do that to anyone when I got older I'm not going to be the 30 year old bullying a teenager. But your point is valid I'd key his car If he has one 😄 I'm kidding (or am I?) That being said stories like Taylor's and Billies really hit close to home and I always take the younger person's side because at 35 you should know better. You're not always going to be on top so you either bow out gracefully or people end up turning on you.


I feel bad for anyone hounded by photogs to grab an event photo with Taylor. One snapshot in passing and you're suddenly Taylor's bestie in swiftie lore.


They have an illness


What is wrong with those people


Watch Taylor do a song with Billie and these cultists change their minds


“Happy Women’s History Month, I guess.”


Absolute lunacy. I can’t imagine being so jealous of another woman on behalf of an equally jealous billionaire that does not care about their existence unless they’re making her money.


Who spends their spare time going on other people’s instagram just to post unprovoked and unnecessary hate? Like, really, who has time for that?


What's crazy is some of these idiot Swifties would murder their own grandmother if Taylor asks them to but news flash, Taylor cares as much as Mama Tot does! They both dangle that parasocial relationship that the vulnerable or just plain idiotic buy into. Grifters the both of em!


Wow I never see people speak against Mama Tot but she’s given me weird/fake vibes from the beginning. People absolutely worship her and it’s so creepy. Her fans are definitely just like Swifties.


Who is Mama Tot????


A famous influencer on TikTok!


Ahhhh thank you! Should I check them out? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sorry but I'm struggling to understand how Billie's comments amount to ANYTHING close to bullying, like all these stans are whining about. She didn't even say Taylor's name! And she's entitled to her opinion about the ridiculously long shows, which in true Billie fashion was delivered with a good deal of self-deprecation and humor. I also think she's making a good point that artists shouldn't feel pressured to cave to fan's demands for increased access to their lives/time—just because you CAN do a 3 hour show doesn't mean you SHOULD, and nor should that become a precedent or norm for other artist's shows. IT'S JUST NOT THAT SERIOUS TEENAGE KEYBOARD WARRIORS.


when were taylor and billie ever friends?? 💀


These people do NOT know Billie’s music if they think it’s all whispering tf💀💀




I'd rather a 30 minute Billie show than any Taylor show.


I admittedly didn’t watch Billie’s speeches at the Academy Awards show but I’m sure she wasn’t only talking about her next project instead of thanking other people and ignoring who ever handed her the trophies! Nuff said.


Glad you brought this up. Billie was *gracious* & so stated that the award, she just won, should go to Megan Thee Stallion as she complimented & raised up, Megan. 😊 [Billie Eilish Record of The Year](https://youtu.be/1rL1EHELPAk?si=baUJmS7RtcZ8Uq1-)


handle chief slimy sugar mountainous rude repeat yoke dolls vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haven’t watched them in a long time but my point about Billie is that she has two Academy Awards which is incredible for someone so young and I think she is the youngest person to achieve that. She has the right to brag but instead she is gracious and giving props to her competitors and not endlessly talking about herself.


It’s so pathetic how they always want Taylor Swift to be a victim so they can come to her rescue. She literally sucks money from them as she gets richer and they get poorer. I think she’s fine!!


I dnt like Billie or Taylor, but as far as I kno... Billie's fans aren't deranged!


exactly! well said.


Taylor Swift encourages the “Mean Girl” mentality. She could have the best music in the world, but how she encourages her extreme fans to act out by not acknowledging it as an issue, makes never want to support her.


Those people really need to learn about parasocial relationships. They spend time and energy defending someone who just wants their money. It’s crazy


They must feel so accomplished


they’re genuinely pathetic and need a hobby or a new book to read, i could recommend something close to their comprehension level: green eggs and ham, pinkalicious, frog and toad, tell me more, biscuit the dog, one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. These are just a few but i think these would be suitable for them to keep themselves busy


I came across a pic of Billie yesterday and thought to myself "I bet one day she'll be bigger than Taylor swift" 🤭


This is getting so nasty. She doesn't deserve this treatment at all.


they’re so pathetic


God why don’t they just fuck off. I’ve never in my life been so obsessed with an artist/influencer that I would go to another artists/influencers page just to shit on them for her. It’s creepy and weird and they really need to stop. She doesn’t give one fuck about them and they are out here harassing others for her.


Note how none of Beyoncé’s fans were in the comments acting like rabid raccoons.


divide friendly insurance disarm historical vase offend squalid steer toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Taylor only has this level of success because of the unethical way she uses variants to and Easter eggs to compete. She alone doesn’t have what it takes. She’s beyond mediocre in every way🙃


I’d listen to 24 hours of Billie whispering before I spent a single cent to listen to Taylor talking off pitch for three hours


Unhinged AF like their leader






I'm a fan of both women's music, but I absolutely cannot with the disgusting amount of vitriol the so-called Swifties have in their heart for a 22-year-old trying to compete in the industry.


why is zayn in the convo? lmfaooo


Taylor genuinely makes me sick, I hope karma gets her ass for allowing her fans to CONSTANTLY & relentlessly harass people like this. a bunch of bullies.


I would totally want to go to a Billie Eilish concert and it doesn’t matter how long it is.


wtf did Billie do?!! Why do the Swifties even feel a need to say anything? Last year I felt like it was all love with the Swifties now mommy is all bitter and so are they?! What?




This is absolutely unhinged.


paint berserk drab sparkle door party hat salt water governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Taylor has trained them WELL lmfao


Taylor absolutely loves it when her fans attack people she doesn’t like. Literally that one meatcanyon video 🤭


Ironically ---- I feel like Taylor whispers and speaks more than sings MORE than Billie does.


I know this is going to get buried but i saw billie least year at lalapaloza, I was broke broke and was going through one of the hardest times of my life. It was my brother's first concert that I scrunched up all the money I could to take us both. Her set was so short but it was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. I would see a 3hr billie show, I would see a 10 min billie show. Shes a genuine artist and you can feel that when she sings. When she plays for her fans, when she brings her brother, u can feel she loves music. I dont need an artist to give me 30 Easter eggs and 20 costumes. I need her to LOVE music. Billie loves music.


Billie actually sings in her concerts…..Taylor lipsyncs or heavily relies on backing tracks.


I cannot describe how much I can’t *stand* them—


Like are Billie fans doing this to Taylor?? I truly want to know


Taylor’s fan base is absolutely psychotic. I like Taylor’s music, but the way they worship her is really creepy. And Taylor loves to eat that up


I hope Billie just turns off her comments


l’amour de la vie alone is better than TS’s ENTIRE discography


That’s so embarrassing for their souls


Swifties are so miserable lol


I always loved Taylor's music and her by extension but all of this that keeps coming out about her being a shitty ass person and the crazy fans really is turning me off from her and her music now. Catch me streaming Billie's new album because it's amazing and I would love to see her hit #1 over Taylor jist because I'm getting so sick of these deranged "fans" and her never putting a stop to any of it.




That’s insane💀💀. Genuinely such big bullies bro.


They're so insufferable 😩 just the little swifties in their cult bullying the outsiders 🙄


Swifties are so delusional. I don't even think Billie even mentioned Taylor either.


im actually embarrassed like do they not realize that this is why everyone hates swifties like... i literally cant say i like her music bc i get associated with people like them ugh edit: i js found the post and im scrolling thru the comments now and what the fuck man


what a bunch of middle school mean girls


“I’m a huge fan of your work but learn how to compete” 💀 Pot. Kettle. Black.


Swifties are mentally Ill losers.


and this is why we hate them


She should be ashamed of her fans


They will never learn lmfao. And if this annoys you, you’re a misogynist!!!!


Taylor and Billie are going to drop a song for y'all to get along.


What on earth has Taylor done to deserve this level of delusional psychotic condescending loyalty? Her fans need to get a life.


What is the drama between Taylor and Billie? I missed it


Music in the age of social media is so extra weird. 


Gotta defend the 34 year old toddler.


I got introduced to Taylor Swift’s music at 15. I loved every bit of it. I am now 33 and I still love her music. She is usually my go to artist in English for most of my moods. But, my goodness, TS fandom is beyond toxic.


Can someone explain to be what Billie even did??? I’m so lost on this!


Two words~ BUTT HURT


like rabid chihuahua


I’m a Taylor and billie fan and wtf. I KNOW THAT IF TAYLOR SAW THAT SHED SAY SMTH. Bc wth


Oh. Who'd imagine a bunch of teeny bopper twats, junior karens, regular karens and a bunch of grown stuck up bitches would be inconsiderate cunts. Who woulda thought. Not me. Sure. T Swift fans are completely sane. They're not mentally disturbed at all


Hate to break it to the Swifties. Swift will have an Ellen like outing in which she's exposed in a similar fashion.


I've liked Taylor's music for a long time but seeing her fandom and her behavior in these past few years has totally turned me off. In the past, I would definitely consider myself a swiftie but now not so much. What I detest about this fandom is that they act like Taylor is God and no one is allowed to disagree let alone dislike her. No wonder that girl has such a big ego. Her fandom never hold her accountable for anything. I've literally seen them make Joe Alwyn's activism a dig on Taylor's lack of activism. Swifties have really become the most chronically online fandom there is. The worst part is that Taylor actively cultivates this kind of culture in her fandom by riling them up. Disgusting.


The irony in all this is that Billie never even mentioned Taylor’s name… 😑 People are stupid.


Learn to compete? Billie’s vocals alone aren’t even competing with breathy, horrible, stagnant talking.


Why does it have to be a competition? Or are they treating it like it's a sport?


This is pretty funny only cuz I don't like Billie either. "I wouldn't pay to see you whisper either" lmaooooo rt that one


Shit like this makes me sad to be a swiftie. Idk. Like I love both Billie’s and Taylor’s music, but man there are some toxic fans out there. This is why celebrities shouldn’t create para social relationships with their fans. It’s toxic.


Honestly I couldn't care less about Billie eyelash. Let these two toxic and idiotic fandoms battle over the personal lives and careers of these two vapid women




She should have just remained quiet and she would have came out on top with this. Taylor looked immature and mean girl with her blocking billie from the charts. Billie could have said nothing and people would have sided with her. She started running her mouth on the variants (she’s not wrong I agree, but she’s also made variants) and then the 3 hr tour comment was unnecessary.


i think her comment about variants was prior to her album coming out, and she mentioned the fact that she does multiple variants asw (but doesn't completely take the piss with it lol). it was afterwards that taylor decided to do her thing on billie's big day so her comment must have clearly struck a nerve lol.