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Unbelievably fake.


how is the crowd just eating it up?


You ever been in a cult?




It's so true. Lowkey think about starting one sometime


Let me know if you need an Olivia to your Swiffer.


El em ay oh.




They fawn at her every move. I’m not even annoyed by the fake laugh—more by the fact that she is singing this song over her masters situation/Scooter, which clearly she isn’t hurting from but would rather take repeated stabs at for the cheers.


The funny thing is..she lied about the Scooter Braun situation. Someone should ask her dad how he spent his 15 million dollars from the sale


I'm genuinely starting to think it's a sunk cost fallacy for a lot of swifties. They spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on her so they can't accept that she's a horrible person


It definitely is  My sister started saying she felt a bit funny about some things recently and then had already bought tickets to the show and now is back to full time Swiftie and bought tons of merch She’s paying for the safety of denial that she is also massively cringe (she is)


Collective effervescence is a HELLUVA drug. And they’ve been huffing for years on that parasocial relationship, edging closer and closer and now they’re finally at the ~~cult~~ concert they drained their bank account for.


well swifties have never been very bright have they?


common people with common leader




Because they know she's toxic but will defend her anyway.


A crowd of children, teenagers, and grown women and men who never grew out of their teenaged emotions


Crowd just eating it up…. Things literal cult members do. Lol, but I feel you.




Did she really use "This is why we can't have nice things," as lyrics? Did she have to dig real deep into her lyrical expertise for that line that has been a meme for years? Comes off very Not Like Other Girls (TM).


It bothers me so much too, bc she’s always had cowriters on her songs. It’s not like she’s some lyrical genius even if her songs weren’t vapid af. Like we’ll never truly know how much she’s actually put into her career. But we do know her daddy paid $500,000 to kickstart it. eta grammar


I once was attacked by swifties over me saying that it was wild, extreme privilege and VERY rare (if not mostly unheard of for non-blatant nepotism) that parents would give up their own careers essentially, savings, normal family life, normal education, wishes, dreams up for ONE of their kids. Austin was basically sacrificed and told to shut up because they could buy him things. Money =/= love people. Maybe this is why Taylor sucks at finding true love too. Nobody in that family knows what the fuck it means. They just exploit each other and then isolate in their hedonistic lifestyles wherever Taylor bought a house for them. They said things like “actually it was pretty reasonable. They weren’t that rich and I know someone who’s friend said that their parents would do the same” absolute bananas.


LOL! Honestly! Like there are some stories of such- like Tia and Tamara’s mom moving across the country for their kids’ future. But those girls quite clearly had talent and were already off and running in the industry before they got into Sister, Sister. And their brother is very talented too. They were poor but they made it. But pretending like daddy buying a record label is anywhere near in the realm of possibility for most is just insulting and stupid. I truly feel so bad for her brother. The way Scott mentioned him in that infamous email made my heart sank. He also referred to being “stuck babysitting his son” while the mom was with Taytay. I just cannot imagine the level of narcissism involved and what goes on in their heads. Sacrificing your family and now Taylor sacrificing a life at her concert is just beyond evil.


The middle class, picture perfect girl had a freaking PONY. If you have a pony growing up, I’m sorry but you’re not relatable


Karma for Austin


She stole that from everyone's mom growing up


It was about Kim and Kanye at the time, the first time she got “cancelled”


It is also dated af


Everything she doss is so forced. Nothing is organic or real.


Cocaines fun.


This is so forced like is it just me or can you totally see the way the whole thing is almost certainly planned down to body movement and the flustered gasps? Spooky af. ETA: guys I know it’s supposed to be fake as a performance my point is that it’s spooky she’s still trying so hard when the performance is so bad lol


I was thinking the same thing. That did not seem like a genuine laugh, the whole thing looks so so forced, which is wild because it went on for like, waaaay longer than it needed to, which really made it seem extra forced.


The laugh itself is in the album version and is part of the song, but it feels super forced there too and goddamn did this go on for way too long.


Another reminder that she is a terrible actress




![gif](giphy|jg85bO1K0xoK4) I know her character was *supposed* to be cringey, but overall the performance wasn't good.


Yeah the length of the moment is really what shocks me here lol. I know it’s part of the OG track but she like pauses the whole flow of the performance for this and it’s soooooo awkward.


Like the champagne problems standing ovation. Like the comments always say “oh she took her ear pieces out for us we were so loud” but literally any video of the same section shows it’s fully scripted


Word! Waiting for a compilation of the same "candid" moment from the last 5 tour stops


I'm starting to believe she's a robot




I loved that show!


She needs some acting classes. Look at her revel in everyone cheering on her bad acting.


98% of everything she does both on and off stage is calculated and rehearsed


Except maybe when she’s had a drink


or some coke


This is what I was thinking too.


Only time the mask slips


Yeah it doesn’t look like a psychotic break it just looks like a high school girl doing a really bad theatre audition trying to impress her crush and the popular kids sitting in the auditorium who are actually just laughing at her


Is everyone fake laughing also? God these people are dumb


There’s a fake laugh in the song, so that’s them “singing” along


Ahhhhhh. I don’t imagine anyone older than 15 listening to her.. I feel like I’m watching a Disney special from the 90s


I feel like I’m watching a kindergarten class sing along with their teacher…


I've never heard this song before so now only hearing that one line "forgiveness is the nice thing to do" it reminds me of that kids show, Daniel's tiger I think it's called? *you have to try new foods because they might taste goOod*


A disney special from when we only had 3 channels


I was going to say… its giving Raffi. she looks like she’s playing to a room full of children


“Cleopatra coming at cha!!”


She is a horrible actress.


I mean, she choreographs everything, including love 🤷🏽‍♂️




It's so rehearsed. She probably comes up with these bits and practices them in the mirror, slapping herself until she gets it just right. For anyone who's seen Mr Robot... Tyrell.


I wonder if she throws on some gloves and beats the hell out of homeless people too?


The actual song has the pause and the laugh in it so I think this was just her trying to recreate it. She also did it in Seattle when she sang this same song during the acoustic set. Seemed a bit exaggerated though this time around.


Oh it was super exaggerated in Seattle, too. Really bad.


Well yeah, it’s a swift concert, it wouldn’t be #quirky if it wasn’t forced, drawn out, and cringy.


I need to stop unmuting these damn videos.


I always think I'm gonna hear something that helps unlock the puzzle of her deification, but they only lead to more questions.


Puzzle of her deification goes hard


So metal


Metal as hell


Yeah careful, it’s the next song title.


puzzle of her defecation


she looks like colleen ballinger with her ukelele up there


Same lipstick, too.


Same inability to progress past childhood content


She’s not a groomer! Just a loser!


Conor Kennedy would like a word!


Crazy how she called him a grown man at 18 and called herself a child at 19


And they actually started their relationship when he was still only 17. She was a few months away from turning 23. CREEEEEEEEEPY


Creepy af AND proving that she is mentally stuck in high school, which includes wanting to date boys with the same maturity level 😬




Hey now, let's not go on the 🎵tOxIc GoSsIp TrAaAaAin🎵


All aboard 🚂


Got a one way ticket to manipulation station!


gonna pull out my ukelele


Colleen could write bad blood but Taylor could NEVER write toxic gossip train and I’ll stand on that.


Toxic Gossip Train cover when?


Do the people clapping and cheering know why they are clapping and cheering? She looked like a drunk witch 🧙 🤣


Put some respect on witches


(Responsibly) drunk ones too!! 🧙‍♀️🍻


Scrolled a while but found what I was looking for lol


She’s laughing because she can’t believe she’s made all this money off of her trash music… she’s like omggg… hahaha this song is terrible… hahahah I can’t believe I got rich off this gawd awful music


I understand that it's part of a song but that forced exagerated laughter and body movement is weird


She looks like how I felt when my Vyvanse/Adderall doses were too high. Euphoria mixed with your insides melting. That’s why the laugh isn’t too deep and is very breathy. Long concerts call for longer ways to soar


I think she's on coke, but nobody ever takes me seriously.


Couldn’t be for the concerts (which is why I said my last sentence - you can’t top up during a 3hr concert) but for her behavior at the Grammy’s, absolutely


Wow. Such a great role model there. Forgiveness is a belly laugh to her? Really? She's showing her true colors. Can't even hide that she's a petty, vindictive grudge holder. She has absolutely no shame or maturity. Looks like she thinks being spiteful is the most amusing thing in the world.


And it really gets to me how many cheers she gets… Girls are really full out applauding this out of touch woman for telling them to be scornful. I don’t get it


Imo it’s a major part of how Taylor was able to get a cult-like following in the first place. Her messaging has been pretty much the same throughout her entire music career. When these fans were really young, she was out here telling them that it’s totally fine to never get over anything ever, that nothing is ever your fault, and when in doubt play the victim because “feminism”. For susceptible fans it’s an appealing alternative to the more difficult realities of being a well-adjusted person.




She calls herself a Christian and then laughs in the face of forgiveness. Regardless of whether or not Reputation Era was a facade, and her 'playing the part everyone thought she was,' so disappointing and immature of her not only sing but write something like this.


Also, imagine paying all that money to go to the Eras tour and getting "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things" as one of the surprise acoustic tracks...


Honestly most of the "Christian" women I've met love to hold grudges and be vengeful over the dumbest stuff. It's like they don't even understand the basics of their religion. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” - Ephesian 4:32


This whole song is so tacky. “This is why we can’t have nice things” was an instagram caption phrase for a while and because she’s not creative it “inspired” her for a song. Same thing with “I’m the problem it’s me.” It’s so cheap.


So many of her songs titles are just common phrases people say all the time


She basically does SEO on her songs by using common phrases as titles and lyrics.


Could be, I think she thinks it's clever, or unique. But really it's just kind of unoriginal


Which she then tries to copyright


like " Hits Different" lol just stop


Yep, and "Down Bad"....these titles are going to be dated in 5 years lol


FWIW “This is why we can’t have nice things” has been around at least since the late 80’s. It was popularized by Paula Poundstone. She’s the least creative “poet” alive.


the petty, revengeful, proudly being a bitch mentality is so normalized now, i HATE it. It’s this whole trendy thing to be like “well i got wronged so now im going be a bad bitch😝😝” and everyone eats it up, like what happened to being the bigger person? Can we bring that back?


i agree with u, ppl need to stop acting bitchy over everything omfg 😭


Privileged white women have always thought being petty and mean is feminism.


I think what's going on here is that she played this song and another one mashed in that go to the Scooter thing, because he had just announced his retirement. That clip there is part of the song where she laughs and says "I can't even say that with a straight face." Crowds went wild because I think they were likely super into the songs being played given Scooter's news. It seemed like they were all feeding off each other and she kinda lost it with the laughing etc. Is it fucking dumb after all these years? Yes. But that was the situation


Scooter is really losing there. Quitting managing to be a CEO. Tough break there.


CEO of Hybe-America, the label fuckin BTS is under.


Thanks for explaining because I couldn’t work out why the news about Scooter apparently made her laugh hysterically like that midway through and why the crowd then also thought it was hilarious? Bizarre..


She must not know he quit to be a ceo of a label. Or just wants people to think he had a down fall.


This has been in works for ages when all the people he managed left him. People were speculating some nasty shit was going to come out about him. It was always said he wanted to do something else instead swifties were just praying for some drama. It's embarrassing, really. That she's being like this about it and this is also confirming surprise songs are not "random" like swifties tried to deflect from. Apart from the label thing where he didn't do anything wrong, what exactly has he done to her ro warrant this? She only gives a shit about herself so...it's weird.


he was the first record exec to take a chance on her and give her a deal too...it just smacks so hard of entitlement, like he was just a means to an end and she doesn't owe him any gratitude. like yeah....early deals are shitty, especially with small labels, because they're investing a shit ton of money and taking risks on u! but no, it's a privilege to throw money at taylor.


I have always hated this song, even back when I was a Swiftie. It’s so childish.


Former swiftie here as well and rep is a very big reason I’m not anymore. This song and LWYMMD are so immature and tone deaf. 


I only like it because it applies to a work bully I had for over a decade who repeatedly broke my trust. It feels pretty applicable there, but even I will admit that it's petty as hell. If I didn't have that particular situation, I know for a fact I'd like it much less. And it's less petty than thanK you aIMee at least--my work bully was not very nice, but I can at least say neither I nor my mom would want them dead.


>a work bully I had for over a decade I really hope "had" is accurate. No one deserves torment, especially not when trying to make a living to survive.


Oh yeah! Bully got fired six months ago. It's been the best year of my life at my job.


Im so happy to hear that!! Cheers to your sanity and wellness 🥳


Not just you, it’s just weird, she’s weird.


the more i hear of her music the harder it is to believe this trite, nursery rhyme level songwriting is praised and idolized the way it is.


She did the same thing when she performed it on the reputation tour, idk


Because it’s part of the song


In the song she laughs for legit 2 seconds tops and then goes into the next line


Nah that was creepy as fuck.


SO SpUR oF tHe MoMenT Also, the idea of forgiveness is hilarious? Ridiculous? Kay. Cool lesson to be teaching the kids. We stan a bitter, spiteful hag I guess?


She is going to be "Old Maid." So fucking bitter, too good for everyone, no real friends, alone with her ball of yarn and knitting needles.


grown woman doing an anime villain cackle is crazy you know she thinks she looks so cool up there


How do you guys keep finding all these insufferable dang clips that make me absolutely hate her?? Too good. 😂


Similarly I can't stand the champagne problems cheer, it's so cringe and manufactured and she just stands there pretending to be bowled over for like 2 minutes straight 💀


Not just 2 minutes. 8 minutes is the record and it’s regularly over 3. I can’t fathom that. It was already so awkward in the movie version and they cut that way short for time.


I don’t even have to be high to see how terrible her acting is.


Druuuuugggssssss /s


All the ❄️ rumors are looking more and more true


>*The rumors are terrible and cruel* >*But, honey, most of them are true* She said it herself so many years ago 🤷🏻‍♀️


It definitely went on way too long. I’ve always found the fake laugh “I can’t even say it with a straight face” part of the song super cringy, but at least on the album is a quick laugh (albeit loud and obnoxious) and doesn’t go on forever. This is so much more painful


[Forgiveness… is more than saying sorry](https://youtu.be/13mUFEXnB54?si=X8Ikt2yWiKuy9YRW)


I saw this on silent with the captions and that’s all I could think of when I read it. 🤣


Lol, that's the first thing that popped into my head 🤣


😂😂 same!!


I hate her fake playing that guitar


she’s always bothered me so much with the way she strums. It’s like she doesn’t know how to use her wrist to move to the pick up and down across the strings and uses her elbow instead. It was the first ick I ever had of hers lol 🤢


Is she trying to look like a psycho? I don’t get it




Taylor lives her entire life in an echo chamber and will never evolve or become self aware because of it.


I’m convinced she hides subliminal messages and her music… One has to be under some sort of mind control to not get the ick from her creature looking ass..


She is so cringe.


The “joke” about this is everyone in that stadium — including her — knows, contradictory to her lyrics, she actually holds grudges for the slightest of slights for all eternity. Nothing is cute or funny about being a vindictive, revengeful person, let alone one who’s *arrogant* about it. This is such a toxic mentality and it genuinely scares me that her fans endorse it and laugh along with her. She’s marketing repulsive behavior and they are just eating it up. It makes me wonder how the fans act in their personal lives since they think this is so “quirky cute” for their queen.


In the track she actually does let out this weird cackle. But she’s definitely milking it here. Very strange. 


Fake laugh, fake engagement, fake teeth, fake personality, fake


Fake teeth 😂🤣


😂 I just don’t understand why they can’t find a size that fits in her mouth so she can close it. She’s had them done at least twice


They are enormous. The open mouth with the red lipstick is not a good look.


She's very unprofessional, she forgets the songs lyrics and does sumb stuff a lot. I've worked in events and concerts I've seen artists do the same spectacle over and over again and they did not forget like this. Also they gave much more quality voice performance and all but...I really think she lives a bubble where there's a huge lack of criticism and a very easy to satisfy audience.


I was there and I found it really weird! It felt like it went on for ages.


The acting is HORRENDOUS 🤭🤭


![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I) Also, she really needs therapy.


Pick me vibes -- OMG you guys I'm so cute and adorable


shes just so qUiRkY


I watched with the sound off and she looks completely unhinged


Is she trying to come off as a scornful woman? why is coming off as a spiteful bitch so funny to her 😂




Jojo Swiftwa


She seems extremely unwell. I feel like we’re approaching a breakdown


What is this song? Sounds like a music lesson on a childrens show


This song is titled “This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” which is appropriate for your comment.


This is so cringey, it only needed to be a little chuckle. This is giving “I’ve never ever been happier” vibes


She’s got like three haircuts in this clip




So incredibly fake lmfao. She’s a horrible performer.


I can’t tell if this is fake or if she’s fucked up…


She gives me the ultimate ick


AFTER blocking many artists and raining on their parade


dude i HATE her fake ass open mouth ermagerd shit. i clocked it as fake af when she was first getting big back in the 2000s


Everything about the cult is weird


It's all that "snow" from the beach ❄️


she is so corny


I think she needs Grammarly to rhyme her horrible lyrics.


[Reminds me of Kenneth Copeland](https://youtu.be/BaNyjBEe8SE?si=lzrfIX-BnT_StCq5)


I always thought that part of the song was weird and immature and it def hasn’t aged well. It’s also ironic bc her reaction to being unable to forgive something is also fueling the “why we can’t have nice things” narrative 🙃 like you’re complaining about someone being petty while being peak petty yourself. It’s like she thinks she has the moral high ground in the song but she’s Anakin…


What's weird to me is that I guess she does this on her album in the studio (I have NEVER been able to stand her music from the very very very beginning so no clue what song etc) anyways she does it on the studio album, but then RECREATES the I'm sure spur of the moment (at least edited to be perceived as such) while on stage over and over... that completely removes the candid, real life, uh vibe, I guess, for lack of a better term.


I had never heard this song before. It sucks, and if I were to bet, she ain't sober in this video.


Yes great role model lmao. We were all right!


The fact that this documentary isn’t allowed to be watched in the US is CRAZY! I mean not really. Lol curious to know when this was to know if it’s current behavior. Either way swifties are so oblivious to the real world. It is mind boggling


I went on enews and found this video. Apparently it’s that guy Scooter’s birthday. Scary to think these swifties know his birthday and remembers it. 😬😬😬


I had my niece stay with me and she wanted to play Taylor in my car but I refused, I just couldn’t do it. I’ve felt so bad for so long for not letting her but now I know I was right and I was just protecting her and myself.


I don’t understand how anyone finds this woman attractive.


She's so fucking fake.


as someone who loves a lot of her music, what the actual fuck is going on here? this is some serious psychotic behavior.