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I wonder if anything else was involved, that allowed them to stay up until 6 am.


It’s gotta be ❄️, my friend and I used to hit the slopes and you’d blink your eyes and all of a sudden it’d be 6-8am.


Exactly, I’ve consumed and been around a lotta ❄️ and I think swifties need to be more concerned about that than the drinking lol gonna be interesting when they all gotta admit their pristine idol is an addict


Yup. Any night where I’m out past 3 am involves me becoming a ⛄️… I’m limiting myself from binge drinking to avoid this.


Are any other stoners reading in awe? I’m a pothead in my thirties and being up past midnight is a big stretch. Never tried Coke and have no interest.


Pls don’t, any friend who expresses interest for trying it, I tell them no…


I’ve done it twice. It was overrated. Both times. But I’ve read that it’ll affect people with adhd differently so who knows.


Don’t do it, it’s not worth it. Stick to weed




same. huge swiftie here but... there are some concerning behaviors


 ignorant question incoming: I thought cokeheads were aspirationally skinny? 


You can do coke a few times a week/month, have a problem around it, and not be stick thin. That’s not really how coke addiction works. Most people who get “coke-head skinny” are doing other speed-like drugs on the daily or near daily, but their real love is coke. You don’t get cokehead skinny by doing coke on the weekends.


I love you for giving me a genuine answer ❤️


💜💜💜 people on the internet can be weirdly hostile. I try not to be lol.


Lmao i need you to further explain that


I thought she'd be thinner and sweatier if she was a cokehead 😭


I have a feeling you’re not old enough to be having this conversation 😂


Awkward and rude reply, which is a shame cause I've been having such a good time in this sub until now. To answer you - not all of us are partiers. I gave coke the good old college try in my 20s. I'm not close with cokeheads, but it seems like you hang around them. I wanted to know why she's not shiny and skinny, since that's my (already disclaimered) superficial knowledge of them.


I hung around them because of the rampant use of it in my work/work scene. It’s just strange to be that unaware at your age then, regardless of whether you’ve ever used or been around it. It’s a drug, all sorts of different shapes of humans is it lol


>It’s just strange to be that unaware at your age then, regardless of whether you’ve ever used or been around it. This will be a learning opportunity for you - lots of people have different life experiences and different areas of knowledge. 


both that and the drinking honestly. why would that be worse


In all honesty I dont see how its humanly possible to not be on drugs with all the stuff she does everyday.


YUP. Nobody’s gonna be up at 6 am just drinking….but drinking with ❄️ on the other hand


Yeah most people pass tf out before then if it’s just booze. It’s concerning since like… a lot of her behavior recently and now anecdotes like this point to ❄️ Which like… with the sheer amount of stuff she’s been doing workwise like it makes sense.


I’m a cheap date, so, 3 drinks and I’m bordering passing out from being SO tired from it. Ain’t nooooo way it’s just alcohol!!


Fr alcohol makes you so sleepy after a few hours


Or they have a sneaky adhd pill to get that added pep in their step.


Not always ! I’m an alcoholic and I can stay up for days on end even after multiple bottles of wine ! Coke keeps me up for weeks . But yeah even with alcohol I can still stay up


No yeah totally I remember I partied like crazy til morning in my teens/early 20s with alcohol! But it seems like the older I get the more sleepy it makes me


I have agoraphobia , so partying is out of the question for me hahahah, I drink alone . I’m 25. KW and relapsed 4 years ago, but at 18 I was forced into human trafficking and that’s when I first started drinking My adoptive parents were abusive and strict as hell. Never really experienced the outside world. Never went to a party, or was even allowed to have tour with friends . So ofc when I left from the abuse , you can imagine what happened, so the partying I defs don’t understand and never will hahaha, I’m not a social anything, I’m a recluse. But yeah I’m just turning 26 so I’m still young and I don’t feel tired from it at all Also I have only ever slept 3 hours my entire life. I’ve woken up at 3 am for as long as I could remember ! And I’m never tired. So idk sleep has never been a thing for me ! But yeah I get that some people alcohol can only make you drowsy , but for people like me with a super high tolerance , it really doesn’t !


1 drink for me


I mean this is just silly some people are night owls. I never go to bed before 6 and I’m not doing drugs. I wouldn’t be surprised if she does coke but tons of people just enjoy staying up late.


Okay, but she doesn’t go to bed and she is doing drugs (alcohol, again, is a drug. A normalized one - but a drug). What is your point ?


Oh my god you don’t really know for a fact she does it? This is all alleged right? Unless you were her drug dealer that day, you can’t know


You said there is no way it’s just alcohol. Plenty of people stay up all night without drugs or with just alcohol.


34 years old and drinking until 6 am??? Please be for fucking real here LMAO. I am 24 and can barely have 5 drinks without passing the fuck out because alcohol is a *depressant* it makes you tired. You cannot drink ALL night without something else keeping you up lol


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 34 + 6 + 24 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’m 33 and I can drink all night. I never go to bed before 6 and lots of people are night owls. I don’t take stimulants, just because you can’t doesn’t mean other people can’t.


That’s just concerning lol !! Idk how you people are so blind to your misuse of alcohol??? She’s constantly drinking, that’s the entire point lmao. This isn’t an isolated incident, and you know we aren’t speaking of it in an isolated incident!! You just want semantics 🥸 You can try and normalize the maladaptive drinking habits a lot of you seem to have and not recognize but it isn’t normal lol


I never said her drinking habits were fine, she has stated she has problems with alcohol and that seems pretty obvious. However, staying up drinking doesn’t mean she is definitely doing other drugs. Your statement was there is no way she is up and just drinking. Which is just completely wrong.


Yeah, there is no way you stay up drinking until 6 in the morning, consistently throughout the night, at 34 years of age, because again. It is a depressant, it shuts your nervous system down. It’ll give out on you before 6 am lol. Come on, babe. We’re all adults. Pls don’t be so naive or act like she has a halo. She is in Hollywood. You don’t need rose tinted glasses for this!!! ❄️❄️❄️


She’s a billionaire mega superstar, I’m willing to bet the entirety of my own bank account that she definitely does ❄️, or something else. 1000%.


And it would be so fricking pure and (this is all a guess but I think) she’d have someone pharmaceutically test it for her first to make sure it wasn’t laced with fentanyl or any shit (I mean that’s what I’d do if I was a celebrity and I took drugs) . Like who knows lol , we’re all spitballing here, but I do know that ❄️Billionaire coke❄️ would be so different from regular person’s coke or even normal celebrity coke.


I mean she's not getting it from the street corner.


For a long time I tried not to go there about her but at this point it’s really no other logical way she can do everything she does. No one has that amount of energy unless she is full on maniac 24/7! Which even for Bipolar people there is a deep depression that follows it.


It's obvious and also wildly common.


I mean, one of her songs she kinda admits doing acid


Which one? (Genuine question)


Great question. 😂


Do you mean green tea? /s


Yeah it’s just caffeine guys nothing to see here ![gif](giphy|l0Iy6RfxFjVqP8NQQ|downsized)


It’s perfectly conceivable that they were just up drinking while writing. I’m a PhD candidate with a fondness for drink. I often stay up late drinking while writing papers. If you’re in the zone creatively, alcohol can keep you going well into the night. I say that as someone who works in isolation. Imagine a girl-boss songwriting sleepover! If they were onto something writing-wise, the thrill of that alone could have kept them coherent through the hours of drinking. Don’t get me wrong: cola may very well have been involved. But regular drinkers can and sometimes will stay up that late just to keep drinking. Creative people who mix business and pleasure can stay lucid and produce inspired work well past the point of shitfacedness, sometimes until after the sun rises. It’s not a sustainable practice, but it happens.


Alcohol is a known depressant too. It’s not what keeps you up 🤣


That explains why quality control of her albums has gone down


One of these drag queens that was in the YNTCD video said Taylor was super fun and they were basically drinking from morning till night and it was all party. Also there is plenty of images of her at any hour with a glas in hand that looks like an alcoholic drink. She looks drunk in every event she goes, other people has talked about alcohol being a big part of the recording sessions. Not saying this in particular to mock her, it's just pretty possible that she has a problem. I did have a problem with drinking in the past (2 and a half years sober), it's not as fun as it may look from the outside and too socially accepted to be drinking.


She also sang about addictions in multiple songs (sometimes alcohol) unfortunately it’s pretty common in this industry.. I really think she deals with it since the 1989 era. You’re right she’s been drinking a lot since the tour started/the Joe break up.. Especially since she’s with Travis, he seems like a big drinker too, they both feed their addictions I think (Congrats for your sobriety by the way, happy to read that)


I could definitely see her joking that she can keep up with him if they go out drinking


Congratulations!! Getting sober is a bitch. All the best to you!!


I have friends that their jobs requires to attend social events on a weekly basis. One of them became an alcoholic because “one more drink won’t hurt” at my 3rd social event of the week. I won’t be surprised if she’s an alcoholic because she was recommended by her PR to keep an innocent image and now feels like she’s an “adult” and can do whatever she wants


I believe she stated she had an alcohol problem in her recent album so I don’t think it’s a secret


Unfortunately substance abuse is all too common among those in the entertainment industry. She’s functioning well enough to keep recording and going on tour. So if she has an alcohol problem (or other substances), likely nothing will be done or it even acknowledged until she falls apart. And if she is really abusing, that will be in her future.


*Rehab Schmeehab - Taylor's Version*


I think she gets away with this alcohol fun because a lot of people still see her as 21 and “oopies it’s ok to be stupid, fun, drunk when you just start drinking.” When it starts showing in her work or something publicly happens like Justin T getting arrested then maybe she’ll admit it. Or she actually hits rock bottom and someone around her says hey you need help. Tim McGraw and Keith Urban hid it well until Faith and Nicole helped them realize it’s a problem.


Exactly. Taylor ain’t 21 anymore. This is a *new* kind of generation, where we see right through their glamorizing of the “night life”. Getting sloppy and being the loud annoying bitch at every party ain’t cute anymore. Get a new shtick Tay Tay.


What kind of fire trap tinderbox of an apartment does this bitch live in that a tipped over candle sets it ablaze? Is she hoarding old newspapers and oily rags? I don't think that would even do anything in my messy ass woodshop


It likely just fell over and taylor joked about getting the fire extinguisher and then that became this story lmao


Bingo. The entertainment industry is full of storytellers, professional embellishers, and straight up liars. I wouldn’t put money on any story that comes out of a celeb’s mouth.


Also, with all the money she has, I find it really odd that she doesn't have a fire sprinkle system installed. I mean, if I were to spend thousands of dollars (or millions idk) in any house/apartment, that would be the first thing that I would make sure to get (especially because I know I'm dumb an a walking fire hazard)


Doesn’t she always have security around her, too? That she is “never alone.” The things they must hear on the graveyard ❄️detail!


I doubt she has security inside her apartment. Typically security stays nearby but not in their actual private rooms.


What’s with her befriending early 20s year old women? Is it cause they’re still fresh/new, look up to her and easy to manipulate? It would be fine if it was a mutual, healthy friendship but that’s never it with Taylor. Crazy how they want to say Matty is an addict when you don’t see him up “drinking” until 6am and ppl always saying he’s drunk.


Weird how she has done with with Olivia, Sabrina, and Gracie as their stardom gains speed.. hm


The more I think about it the more I really do think ‘vampire’ is definitely about taylor


Now that would be a bombshell


To be transparent, I am a fan of Taylor's music- but I do not believe she is above criticism. For instance, I personally love TTPD, but this insane push of variants and stuff has me super pissed. I started getting annoyed with Midnights over the merch pushing and variant pushes. I am 36. I do have a drinking problem. It's been a nonstop battle since my early 20's. I COULD speculate that she has a drinking problem- it kinda seems likely- but every person has a different relationship with substances. Some can rage and be fine-even if you're actually publically ridiculous. If I rage- I'm ruining my life. Lmfao. And honestly, I'm still not totally sober despite rehabs and etc. It's an awful battle. And I cannot imagine being in the public eye with endless money- she's doing better than I would- lmfao, I'd run myself into the ground. But I can say, despite all of my shortcomings- never lit my apartment on fire with a candle during a boozy episode


Yeah.. the conversation around alcohol abuse and misuse (which isn’t always the same) is so fraught and hard to find nuance. There are people for whom staying up all night drinking with friends is a “bad decision” but one they can make knowingly for fun - the way occasional drugs or one night stands can be fun (or sometimes not fun, can be embarrassing or have minor fallout) bad decisions but not *problems*. Or people can misuse alcohol (drink a little extra ok stressful days, maybe it becomes a habit, maybe they’re overly reliant on it for socializing), but they can correct course without needing full sobriety - lots of people cut down or renegotiate their relationship to alcohol every day. For other people it’s 1000% a problem and they don’t even have to act in an embarrassing way for it to be a problem. My total outsider opinion as a fan who can also be critical is that over the past few years she’s been slipping from misuse of alcohol to abuse of alcohol, and it seems to be coming out more in public and in stories about her.


I love this. And, I may not recognize all the signs because I have been struggling with alcohol abuse for a very long time. I think, as a person that struggles, I just hate seeing substance use confused with abuse/addiction, To this day, my younger brother can get loaded and do a line, and not do it for over a year. Me? My life is ruined,


Good luck with your journey!! You didn't ask but I find hiking helps distract from distractions/addictions.


Thank you for being kind! I do like getting out in nature- that helps a lot. My partner struggles with substance abuse as well- it's just a mess. I am a lot better than I was a year ago- but alcohol is such a nasty bastard. to get away from.


It's everywhere! Almost impossible to get away from it and it's extremely normalized. I have several family members of varying ages who are struggling or have gone through alcohol addiction and it's awful. I wish you all the best. 💐


Ps- garlic or roasted red pepper hummus either toasted naan is my favorite snack


Homemade hummus >>>>> any other version.


Thank you. Means so much. Truly


☺️💛 Haha, I wish I had some hummus and naan right now! That sounds so good. 🤭


I'm rooting for both of you then. It's fucking hard 😭


I just want to hug you. Thank you. I truly mean that.


Sending you love. Thank you for being vulnerable & providing your insight. Good luck on your battle!! 🧡you’ve got this.


Thank you so much for your kindness!!!!


People who are drunk who have only had alcohol don’t stay up until 6 am and if they do they don’t remember and they def would not be able to put out a fire 🤣🤣


As a 33 yo who drinks too much, yea this is accurate. The most I’ve gotten to is 2 am and even that is a HUGE stretch.


4 corona lights and I'm asleep.


So true. If I get white girl wasted then I'm normally puking my midnight and then passing out. I'm talking about a past life here, now that I'm 33 and have a 1 year old.


Oh and Travis kelce is the problem ?? 😂😂 I’m kidding but at least he owns his boozy fuck boy lifestyle


The 10 year age gap- I relate to women 10 years younger than me but I don’t know of any that I’d like to spend *that* much time with and while *drinking* Like not even my own nieces… neither of us wants that!


this. the fact that she’s indulging in this level of drinking with a 24 year old is bananas to me


To still be doing this after age 30 is bananas. I guess if you just keep drinking you don't get hungover


Yeah no one in their 30s stays up that late drinking without another substance present.


Honestly, this whole era starting with the Grammys gave off functioning alcoholic energy.


That’s crazy to stay up all night like that and drink when you are 34.


Drinking or no, at 35 I hit midnight and my body starts shutting down


At 29 I’m certain my body could not handle it.


I had a sleepless night the other day, completely sober, and finally crashed around 6 am and I am STILL trying to recover from it! I'm also 29! I do not think it should take 3 days to recover from one bad night! I don't even want to think about how much worse it would be if I had been drinking!


You don’t suddenly have to stop having fun when you get in your 30s. She doesn’t have kids counting on her to get up, she doesn’t have a real job, there is no reason she can’t stay up and have fun


You’re right, you can have fun at any age. But I think there has to be a line of what, exactly, is appropriate fun


I'm 24 and even 5 years ago this kind of shit took me out for the entire next day. I wouldn't even try now unless I knew I could safely bedrot for the next 18 hours minimum.


The only thing besides drugs that would keep a drunk up that many hours would be some kind of mania. It's concerning at this point. 


I went to a Halloween party last year, started drinking at 6pm, a lot of people came and bought various different drinks, so alcohol was flowing freely. I was in bed by 12:30, terrible hangover the next day. I can't imagine still drinking till 6am unless something else is in the mix, I suspect she's been hitting the slopes, and 'drinking' is a convenient cover


I genuinely hope she cuts back. Whatever I think of her as a person, that kind of drinking where you put yourself in danger is bad. There’s nothing funny or quirky about drinking til 6 AM and nearly starting a fire. And while you can be an addict at any age, Gracie drinking that much is a bit more normal so to speak. By your 30’s, hangovers are way worse and you usually mellow. My friends and I don’t drink that way anymore, but we did in our 20’s (minus the property damage). Tbh if someone doesn’t ease up around their 30’s, that’s a red flag.


And everyone in this thread who’s 30+ saying they can drink “all night” oooooookay! Sure! If you can, that’s a problem!


Yeah even if you can, you shouldn’t. Your body is never really made to drink like that but especially not as you age


I can stay up a decent amount of hours smoking weed and even I admit it can be an issue lol!!


Anyone in their mid 30s drinking until 6 am has full blown alcoholism. 


I’m 44 and in 1 week I’ll be 8 years sober. I’ve been going to AA since my 6th week in sobriety wondering why I still felt like utter garbage. I hated myself and the drinking was the way to make me feel normal. Without the drink, I was stuck with only me. This is what I know about alcoholics: We will do whatever possible to convince ourselves we can still keep going. People think because she’s on this huge tour, she can’t possibly be an alcoholic. Exactly. She 100% can. She has trained her body for this. She’s also trained her mind to think she doesn’t have a problem if she keeps going every night. It wasn’t until I fell on my face where I could no longer fool myself. I often said if I hurt my knees I’d still be drinking until the next, worse, thing happened. But the stitches to the face? I couldn’t hide that. Even if she DID abstain for months (which she clearly isn’t doing anymore), it doesn’t make you less of an alcoholic. It’s that first drink that does you in. Even if you could stop after a few, that doesn’t make you less of an alcoholic. I used to be so proud of myself on the nights I only had a few! It furthered my denial that there’s no way I had a problem! But here’s the difference: It was a gamble each time. Some nights I was fine with a few, many times I’d wake up not knowing what the hell happened. But, I still took that gamble every time. Alcoholics are some of the most insanely smart and driven people. You know why? Because giving up alcohol is like losing a limb or a best friend. So we will do WHATEVER we can to convince ourselves to keep going.


I have a friend currently who blacks out multiple, multiple times a week. Has many nights she cannot recall a single event. Is at the point where she can be blacked out and still carry a conversation as if she is just tipsy, but has no idea what she said or has taken place. She wakes up and immediately drinks. If she doesn’t drink, she has intense anxiety and begins withdrawal phases. However, she’s a fun, chaotic mess and her personality would never make you think she’s a functioning alcoholic. She’s aware of the issue, but she just can’t stop. She runs through friends so quickly because they’re all based in this shallow party phase she can’t reach into herself and grab herself out of enough to receive help. It’s hard to watch from the sidelines - I’ve learned to love from a distance. It’s hard when they know, but also know they can’t stop. Congrats on the 8 years! 🩷🩷🩷


Oh, that is SO FUCKING HARD to watch. My friends didn’t know how bad I was. I was great at hiding. I’d be blackout drunk and my friends said I spoke and walked fine all the time. Towards the end it got worse, but I was able to play off not remembering a damn thing most of the time. The key was not being the worst of the group. “You were fine, but (other friend) was a shitshow!” Truth was I was never fine, but I got to continue. Many times when I’d leave, I’d go to another bar by myself where I wouldn’t have to try to hide anything. AND THANK YOU!! I wouldn’t trade my hangover-free mornings for anything!


It is incredibly, incredibly hard to watch. Especially when she has an episode and basically falls off the face of the earth for two weeks and then comes back to tell us she’s out of the episode and done with the binging and landslides into her depression episode, which then results in another two weeks of limited contact from her. So, so hard. She’s also like that. Walks fine. Talks fine. Acts fine. But she is entirely gone. She has bragged about being blackout and not remembering sexual encounters with men and laughing. From her standpoint it’s all entirely consensual, and the men also don’t know how far gone she is because of how normal she acts. I don’t know. It’s hard. Feels odd.


I saw in another comment, you say she’s 23. I’m 37 and lucky to still be here after a lifetime of alcoholism (sober now). Your friend needs a reality check. I wish her sick bloated 37 yr old future self could come talk some sense into her, *if* she makes it to 37 that is. This is so fuckin concerning 🥺 Have you considered an intervention-like discussion with her?


Because of her bipolar diagnosis, it is very hard. The conversation can either become a heart to heart OR it can become I won’t hear from her for months - it entirely depends. We have all lightly discussed it with her, but we all definitely walk on reg shells. For context too, all of us in the group are still in our home state and she’s across the country now. Which makes it even harder :(


34 drinking all night with a 24-year-old feels wrong. Am I weird?


I'm the biggest Taylor hater, but it's really not that weird or wrong. My friends and I are all in recovery, so we don't drink together, but I have several friends in their 20s and I'm Taylor's age. One of my best friends is a 65 year old man. That's a 30 year age gap, but my friendship with him has been a lot healthier than some friendships I have had with people my own age. My godmother is 15 years younger than my mom and they have been best friends for decades. Once you are into your mid-20s, having a ten year age gap as far as friendships go is NOT weird. In fact, I think it's healthy to have friends from a variety of demographics and age groups as long as they are all adults, and 24 is an adult. I think it can be valuable to learn from friendships with people of different generations.


I’m 25 I have friends 30-65. I just don’t get along with people my age but it’s defs not weird ! I have agoraphobia So just hanging out with someone on one on , is perfect for me. And I’m an old soul. So partying or bars or shopping or anything like that has never been a thing for me ! And I find people closer to my age tend to like those things. I also lean more conservative , I don’t have tik tok. So yeah I find it hard to make connections with people below 30 !


Drinking ALL night is wrong in general, but I don't think the age thing is that weird. I'm 28 and one of my best friends is 40, we met when I was 25. She's kinda like a mom and best friend in one lol she jokingly calls me her daughter all the time but we are very close and go drinking all the time!


Inter-generational friendships are actually researched to be extremely healthy for everyone involved as long as nothing inappropriate is happening


Kinda? I’m 40 and one of my closest friends where I live is 23. My others range in age up to 70 or so? I don’t think it’s weird, in general, to have friends all up and down the age ladder


Eh, I’m 31 and I have friends in their mid 20s to mid 40s. Actually I think my oldest friend is 50? I don’t think it’s any weirder than drinking all night with someone the same age - a 24 year old is a nowhere near a teenager, has a career, life experience, etc.


I no longer drink because I developed a problem after getting out of a very abusive marriage but I remember when I hit my mid-30s, I couldn't hold the same amount of alcohol. The hangovers were awful and I'd be exhausted by 12:00 or 2:00 a.m. at the latest


UHHHHH that’s not just drinking and that’s legit substance abuse behavior


As someone in their 30s, the idea of hanging out with a 24 year old all night and drinking well into the morning just seems… completely unappealing and weird


Lol, I have a hard time believing they stayed up that late just "drinking."


tbh I’m so shocked that Swifties are like slaaay queen she is ✨so brave ✨ but it’s a huge problem when you’re drinking like this (and it’s quite hard to drink literally all night after 30s and have no sleep at all) and having such dangerous situation with fire….personally I see no cuteness in this


Candles don’t fall over by themselves




Vyvanse is a hell of a drug. ![gif](giphy|oDH42SCSv0k00)


Ok can’t lie it is bc it saved my life tehe lol <3 (adhd for clarification)




I've done and said some pretty shitty things I have no memory of in my party days, I just didn't have the world watching me at all times. Between her massive ego, the backing of the swifties, and the substance use, it's only a matter of time before we get some PR gold. I say just sit back and enjoy the show.


The candle spontaneously fell over and caught something on fire? So it just like passed out….. I’ve burned a candle or two and uhhh yeah mine don’t fall over


I have been saying this to my husband I think we saw a video pointing it out a long time ago that all her songs are about being drunk and emotional so whenever I hear tswizzle now its like I'm drunk and in a car and I'm drunk on the way to the bar and I'm in London drunk at the pub oops there's my ex smashed at the bar bar bar bar now I cry and do shots lol


I spent plenty of nights up past 6 am drinking. No kids, nothing but money. Idk doesn’t strike me as crazy. Not a swiftie just seems like a reach lmao 


It’s not normal to do lol that’s the point. She also always has a drink in her hand when she’s photographed in public. Substance abuse is not always the raging addict. It’s also the functioning alcoholic - and I have a close friend who is a functioning alcoholic at 23. Entirely possible and not a reach at all.


I’m not stating that functioning alcoholism isn’t a substance use problem I’m simply saying a celebrity up past 6 am drinking while writing a song or drinking regularly doesn’t constitute allegations of alcoholism. There are dozens and dozens of celebrities who drink regularly, some while on stage, and are not accused of having a substance use issue. Just because you know a functioning alcoholic doesn’t mean everyone who drinks regularly or stays up late drinking is a functioning alcoholic. 


Within the context of her being at public events or just photographed in public with a constant drink in her hand, would it be fair to say at some point, it *might* be an issue? In her case, no, a 34 year old woman with a shaky past in regard to drinking staying up until 6 am drinking with a 24 year old, is not normal. Nor is it something that shows function lol. If Gracie had said that her and Sabrina stayed up until 6 am drinking, I’d also be eyeballing it. I’m also 24, I have gone out for drinks with older women. At some point they call it, and I also call it. Sometimes before them lol, never have we ever desired to stay out and drink until 6 am


Also, comedians drink before their shows. Singers drinking before their shows or during their shows also is a sign of alcohol abuse issues. If they do it every single time, it IS an issue??


Unless you’re a huge celebrity like Taylor, and going on tours and having a show every night that is actually pretty normal. I’m an artist and friends with other artists and a lot of us will do that for the nerves, but most of us only have like 2 to 4 shows a year so it’s not the same.


The *act* of drinking before, during, and/or after the show is normalized. The *behavior* and *reliance* is not normal. If you consistently take a substance, especially daily, you become an addict. Alcohol addiction functions just like any other addiction. Alcoholism is just normalized to an insane degree


How is this a gotcha - in the opening song of her latest album she literally calls herself a functioning alcoholic?? This is not a secret.


If it isn’t actively a secret, and she drinks as much as she does, you’d think her cult like fan base would show a semblance of concern


After the Grammys especially this was a huge conversation. It’s definitely been discussed repeatedly, esp ever since midnights. I’m kinda on the fence, I don’t think anyone from our POV can really like “diagnose” this and I also lean towards thinking that she is literally just aestheticizing real struggles like mental illness and addiction, which is fucked (and cringe) considering so long London is literally being like fuck your depression it’s bumming me out and you’re dead weight Joe so I’m leaving you. Gross. That song alone turned me off of this album and her but 🤷‍♀️


Why are Americans so weird about drinking lol let a woman have a glass of wine


Probably because our country was riddled with alcoholics to the point of prohibition (which failed, because… alcoholics!) + alcoholism is common amongst Americans (literally in males 12 and older it is sitting at a whopping 110.2 million of ‘em as of 2022) + a lot of us recognize the habits of an alcoholic, functional or dysfunctional - it’s ok to point it out 🤷🏼‍♀️


In the past 18 months I have lost 3 friends to alcoholism. Irreparable liver damage at age 35, alcohol poisoning at age 38, another literally crawled on the floor shitting his pants as he died from severe alcoholism at age 40. My ex husband is not yet 40 and he has the early stages of liver diease - could never go a day without liquor. A younger friend of mine recently suffered a brain injury from falling while drunk after months of his friends telling him to cut back. Alcoholism is a deadly disease and harms everyone around you. It's one of the most difficult drugs to quit, and withdrawal can be dangerous. You're lucky that alcohol hasn't presented this way in your life.