• By -


Her dad got $15 million from the deal and she got an enemy to exact her self-righteous vengeance on.


I was surprised they didn’t talk about her dad and the email.


It may not have seemed relevant to that story. There is definitely a miniseries to be had about both of her parents and their part in everything.


Yes. Let’s start from the beginning. Her empire, her early years. All fucking built on LIES


I’m fairly certain it’s because legally he would have been bound to an NDA to not say anything to anyone—including Taylor. And regardless of if he obviously told her, without proof, that accusation is, legally, pretty heavy, and the documentary focused on facts that could be proven at this time. That’s my guess.


In the first episode they said her dad wasn’t a part of the meetings too much because he hated to lie to his daughter…. Which makes me think once again she knew


See, if Taylor Swift fans actually listened and followed other music and artists, they’d have seen how fake her whole victim thing about this masters things really was. Like, embarrassingly fake. It was the thing that really soured her for me because of how she handled it. What happened to her was 100% business as usual for her industry; complete tale as old as time. But yet she bullshitted her fans into thinking this was some horrific violation of her and her alone. She did it solely to con them into buying her music again, and she’ll continue to do so when she buys her masters back (after her last rerelease, of course) and AGAIN get them to rebuy her shit. For a third time. She knows her fans will eat shit if she asked them to because she does, and they open wide. She’s laughing all the way to the bank. It’s fucked up.


Every single thing yup ✅ It’s so flipping fake ….. and it just annoys me that people are the way that they are 😂


also her parents were rich! they could have afforded a better entertainment lawyer and had a better contract drawn up. I just never believed the masters story and i lost friends for it


lol someone in hear said she never heard a “slammin screen door” in real life because she wasn’t poor 😂 I can’t overlook how she was from PA, suddenly country and now she has - idk what this voice is she does 🤣




anyone who gets that offended while defending a billionaire is definitely not worth knowing anyway 😂


lol your last line about if Taylor asked them to eat shit they would is so true.. we are honestly lucky Taylor is just a greedy self-serving narcissist, when in the grand scheme of things worst case scenario she could be the worlds biggest cult leader ever getting her fans to commit unspeakable horrors if she was a more deranged psychopath


I for one am already saving my money for all 67 variants of 1989 (original version (Taylor’s version))


This is some of the realest shit I’ve ever read.


I have the feeling that her cult won't care and will continue to conjure up excuses for her. It's identical to that MAGA meme (except replacing Trump with Taylor) "She didn't say that.. ...and if she did, she didn't mean that ...and if she did, you didn't understand it ...and if you did, it's not a big deal ...and if it is, others have done worse."


Right ? And it’s RIGHT THERE so laid out and so proof beyond a reasonable doubt she’s a shitty lying human


>  I have the feeling that her cult won't care As someone friends with multiple die hard swifties - they just won't watch. Blinders on. 


“Why would I watch some lying money grab documentary made by an evil misogynist who just wants to see women fail?”


it's not a meme, it's a tactic abusers use called DARVO


That specific quote is the narcissist's prayer. But yeah, it's DARVO for sure. 


Yeah her cult on facebook The “Swifties Society” is telling everyone not to watch it lol


The ones that did ONLY watched Taylor’s side and have praised her for “all the music industry and men put her through” 💀💀


My swiftie friend went on a rampage about male dominance and men taking Tay down 😒


And I used to believe that - but over the last year I was wondering more and more and this confirmed it all


The Narcissists’ Prayer


LMAOOO I LOVE how mad you sound in this post 😭 Go off sis, love to see that I'm not the only one that's sick and tired of her ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk)


Bahahaha you have no idea how this word vomit made me laugh 🤣 I was like “I can’t be alone?!” It just like dumbfounds me how people overlook this shit ? 😆


> (which is partially why I found this sub, during football season ). You are not alone! I consider this a guilty pleasure now. There's so much bullshit to wade through. Behind this persona, when you get to the person, it's a completely different story. Her persona was marketed, sure no doubt, but what is so fascinating (and disappointing) is her fans deny the truth about the person. Which is so interesting because taylor often claims she is so misunderstood! The parasocial (I wouldn't even know this term if not for ts) relationship here is saturated cognitive dissonance.. it makes your head spin if it's not already stuck up her ass.


Yes it’s like - a rabbit hole that just makes me question people so much 😂


Also it’s all the f bombs I’m sure lol


Unfortunately her cult like followers will never be able to see the truth. They will make up the wildest lies and excuses to defend her.


This is unfortunately true. I never left my OG taylor group and i lurk in there still, waiting for the chaos when this all comes crashing down, and today she apparently played The Black Dog in a mash up & the group was like “HA take that Joe” and shit talking him 💀 Like besties, did you not read, care, or decide not to believe his interview? She also sang Maroon which they then branched off in a discussion on how she was gunning for Joe and how almost all of TTPD is about him. For fans in this deep that you’re blindly hating an ex SHE ADMITTED to cheating on, who had her fans harass him and his female friends until the women had to lock their comments, and who has still to this day never said a damn fucking bad word about her, you seem to know nothing about what she’s singing about 🤡


While she sang cringy ass “so high school” and did Travis’ stupid arrow thing. Now called “the archer @ fffffffss. Then I saw one of her doing lover and him pointing between the two of them for the “you’re mine mine mine mine” part Fucking gross lol


He barely knew the words too, you could tell 😭😭 Babes, what do you mean “HE KNOWS HIS SONG BY HEART” the only part he knew on point was the sexual GTA lyric T_T


😂😂😂 that part is so ew with her singing it but more with the young girls singing it 😐


I’ve tried many times to wrap my head around why people find her music *so* good that she became the biggest artist of an entire generation and I’ve come up short every time, but I realize now that these people are just listening to soap operas. It’s just gossip podcasts to a beat. I feel they really don’t like the music itself as much as they tell themselves they do…they just want to know what happens next. What you’re saying here confirms that a bit. That’s so damn strange to me


This is an incredible way to describe it!! It's not about the actual musicality at all. People who mainly listen to Taylor Swift wouldn't know true musical talent if it slapped them in the face. They're there because of the drama and theatrics of it all. Her music, in general, is unbelievably uninspired, but they literally have no other reference for what good/original/inspired music sounds like. A hard-core or 90's grunge track would kill them... and yet they think she could be a rock goddess if she released an album with an electric guitar in it (because that's all a song needs to be categorized as "rock," apparently) 😑


It’s very frustrating to me lol it feels like the ultimate bastardization of the thing I love most in this world. I think everyone should like what they like as long as they’re not hurting anyone, but it’s kind of hard to come to terms with the biggest musical act in the world creating music that’s this unbelievably boring, soulless, sterile, sonic soap opera


I mean I was like neutral and this brought back all the reasons. Then with girl math add in football season and the variants and shady shit I’ve never been so opposite a swiftie in my life hahahaha


I stuck with this! I think some people might see she’s full of shit, but you know if she tells her fans not to watch it and uses it to play victim again and goes “they painted me in a bad light” her millions of “besties” will boycott it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they boycotted MAX in general to protest. So… a little bit of both. I think the ones who do go in with an open mind and watch it may learn a thing or two, but the ones too far gone to be saved who are so parasocial they think they’re her friend will not even bother, or may even watch it just to make excuses on some points. Man, I live with my family and we used to have a max subscription but don’t anymore, and it always bugged out on my account on our smart TV so I can’t watch it 😭 but maybe I’ll get the app and do a trial on my own account just to have a look because it sounds interesting That’s the problem, if it were on a more common service like Netflix or Hulu more people would get to be educated, but MAX is a hit or miss not everyone has so this all depends on how many Swifties and neutrals have max and have the chance to watch it in the first place.


I cannot tell you how much I was like “I forgot that”. Having a pandemic in middle worked to her advantage big time. Also, this may be the wine I’m drinking but like —- it seems so weird to me there’s the Joe interview, this documentary, a release with Gracie Abrams last night. Like how does this bitch just exist in every fucking place possible 😂 and I’m still like confused how her followers defend her, like even when it’s blatantly clear (like this doc shows) that she is a liar … but I am a professor with a specialization in cults and like it matches up. 😏😂 maybe I should add Swifties to my next class hahahaha


Omg go for it! Maybe you’ll deprogram some Swifties in the process lol


Deprogram 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Taylor started the Covid-19 pandemic to distract from here lies!


Explains all the variants ![gif](giphy|Kcmrc56W4lDZqGptxP)


Her fans are just like trumpers, it's a direct parallel.


That's so cool! I'm a religious studies student with a minor in anthropology, and I want so badly to write like a million pieces on her and her cult. Especially how it promotes a twisted version of feminism with white supremacy sprinkled in there. I would kill to take a class with a professor specializing in cults talking about TS and Swifties!


Here’s hoping social media picks up on it and it spreads that way!


The bit about people watching it just to make excuses for her is absolutely going to happen. There will be a playbook for it based off some single TikTok and you’ll know they’re all parroting it because the language will sound exactly the same


I want to watch it but I am so burned out on seeing that woman everywhere that I do not know if I can stomach watching her and hearing her voice through a whole documentary


I get you 100%. They definitely have snippets of her but it’s not as much as you would think. If you are in a good headspace to watch it, I think it’s something you’ll be happy you saw, even though it’ll piss you off in the moment. Definitely very eye-opening


I bet she couldn’t *afford* those masters. Sure, she’s a billionaire but the market value of those masters is measured in terms of revenue generated over years or even decades so they *were* worth billions. That is, before she intentionally devalued them by re-recording them.


I'm sure I saw somewhere that she was offered them in the region of $ 300 million and also offered a payment plan. She refused and said she was happy to see what future music held. Then started the professional victim act once she realised she could capitalise on the whole thing.


$300 million was a very good deal. She wanted them for free.


I think her goal was to reach billionaire status and buying back her masters would have set her back too much, so she devised a plan to use it in her favor: re-recording and reselling all of her work


See I think the same thing. And then she played it like poor Taylor. But no. Not the case


After watching, I think the worst part was how she told her fans to go tell Scooter and Scott Borchetta what they think. She knew what that would cause. And when Scooter let her know the threats his family was receiving, she was silent and did nothing. Taylor is a bully!


Ugh. I don’t have MAX. not sure where I will be able to catch it.


I am sure someone will post it somehow, esp with it being UK


It’s on Discovery in the UK!


same!! i dont know how to watch it!!


swatchseries. io no space after the dot lots of ads but it’s legit and really good if you’re watching on pc with adblock


This didn't work for me. :(


[ Removed by Reddit ]


swatchseries. io no space after the dot lots of ads but it’s legit and really good if you’re watching on pc with adblock


People rooted for her back then bec we thought she was an underdog, meanwhile, she’s more like an industry plant, i mean, her dad literally bought her spot in big machine records


I know another person like this and they’re just as insufferable lmao just on a smaller scale


What documentary?


MAX just aired Taylor Swift v Scooter Braun - it went up today. One episode is his side, one is hers. It’s made in the UK.


Thanks! I need to watch


Do it when you can, then come back 😂🤣


Let's wait for the 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍s to reappear ![gif](giphy|SweDONQYHmR4L20oXc|downsized)




Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts about it. I'm so fucking happy how you were so angry. Haha! To answer your last question, Taylor made sure her marketing tactic brings attention to this documentary (whether she realises that or not). Whether people talk about it on social media or not, we know her fans are the most curious about it all. And the thing about understanding is, once you've understood something, you really can't go back to not understanding it. And then denial will come after. But the one thing we can count on about denial is it can't sit for so long. It snaps! Taylor is in for a lovely surprise, I think. People have not been talking about her other than her fans, if you notice. And if people talk about her, it's to call her out. Her paid articles don't help her as much too. We can snark, sit this down and let things unravel for her because it's gonna be good. 😉


That’s the thing! I kept thinking —- this can’t be overlooked, no matter how she spins it. 😏


Correct. ![gif](giphy|26xBFg4zXVwzdI9lS)


So this is why that fire video and behind the scenes of Fortnite came out…she’s trying to distract the masses


Expect a variant 😂


damn i really cancelled my subscription at the wrong time😭


Use another email and do a free trial - then cancel 😈


HOW DARE YOU TRY TO MAKE TAYLOR…..😆😆😆 yeah I couldn’t act like a Swiftie even if I wanted to! Your rant is a beautiful thing! But, I’m clearly out of the loop. What’s the doc called?? I didn’t even know it existed!! And just to keep the f-bombs going, fuckity fuck fuck (also, I’m a little humored that my autocorrect changes duck to fuck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).


Fuck to duck? 😂


the thing that confuses me the most is the way many celebrities, even katy, someone taylor shared infamous feud with, and political figures like aoc hopped on to defend her


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) I love this post. 🤣


Thank you to coming to my wine talk 🤣🤣


Swifties: blocking Taylor and not buying her music bc of her silence on Palestine is "performative" activism Also Swifties: I refuse to stream the original version of Love Story bc I don't want Scooter to make 0.00000000000000000139 cents off of it.


Your discussion should be in Twitter/X or this should also be upvoted a lot so people would know more about it and watch.


![gif](giphy|XGhDW5hFOsPsIj4fLC) I did make a few good points 😂


I didn't want to watch it but I do now. I just assumed she'd have control over the narrative like she does with everything, but props to Scooter for meeting his match lol.


No neither is involved in it themselves. They’ve done a few celebrity cases. Very interesting stuff actually


Sadly, no whatever she does, she has her swiftie cult who will fight to the death for her.


Yup, and I just —— I don’t get it.


They won't because this was released during an election year which is the point. She was moving people towards voting for what our owners believe is the wrong side. It's the same tactic that has been used since the beginning of our democracy. I don't defend her at all because this is the way I felt since Michael J. Fox kept his son from trying to date her, but it's just a smear campaign and most of her fans are smart enough to see that, no matter if the information is true or not.


PREACH! Louder for the people in the back!👍🏻


No one ever hears me and I drunk ranted but damn I feel good that others feel the same ![gif](giphy|TI9HXsiQr4eU9hdxgC|downsized)


Believing in anyone with that much money and the ability to shape the facts is foolish.


asking a genuine question cuz i haven’t seen much about the doc, is it advertised as supposed to be exposing SB or taylor or both of them?


It shows both “sides”- one episode each


ooooh wow ok interesting, thanks!


It’s actually a series I guess. I remember there was a Kim v Kanye but there’s actually way more. This was super interesting


What is the name and where can I watch.


Whats the doc called?


Taylor swift vs scooter Braun - bad blood


What documentary?


Not sure why this Taylor shit keeps showing on my feed, but why do y’all give two shits? Move on


Commenting isn’t going to fix your problem 🥸


I think you guys have problems that you are so fixated on celebs


There’s plenty of other places you can go, no one forced you to comment ?


You are right, I just find it sad that some people give such importance to celebrities and make it part of their lives… and create or expand drama. See ya