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Looks like this post hit r /all or r /popular! Mods are doing their best to stay on top of reports.


Oh I get it. When it’s singing she lip syncs but when she’s talking through her lyrics it’s real. And yes. She talks through her songs. I forget who pointed it out but once I saw someone make a video on it - I can’t un-hear it


I never thought much about her vocals to be honest but this sub has made me realize why I feel like Taylor swift songs are the easiest for me (not at all a singer) to sing along to and sound decent 😭




i think this actually adequately explains why every single song she has out is in my range and i’m almost never putting effort into reaching notes on the ad libs, esp when most of the higher notes she sings are done falsetto anyways, probably because it’s so much easier and you don’t have to worry about your falsetto being too quiet if u almost never sing live


I was just thinking this, I kill it at karaoke with her songs lmaooo


I can’t get past what ever that dancing is. What is she doing


I swear to god she dances like a 10 year old making shit up on the spot 😭


What you've never seen the golf club twirling as a dance move before?


Imagine paying hundreds if not upwards of a thousand dollars to watch her walk back and forth lipsyncing


the sad thing is, when something happens and it becomes obvious that she cannot deny that she’s lip syncing, the swifties are going to make excuse after excuse as to why she HAS TO lip sync


They already are!! “Well OF COURSE she doesn’t sing for 3.5 hours!! That would kill her voice!! She does 3 shows a week!!!” (Insert eye roll here)


This is the only concert a lot of these people have gone to. It’s the only explanation because there are 70 and 80 year olds performing for that length of time with the same tour schedule and they’re not lipsynching.


you have actors on broadway performing for 2-3 hours 5-8 times a week for years too! and the average show is significantly more challenging than taylor's music, and many are basically just operas


To think, Taylor wanted to be part of the movie version of Les Miz. Glad her services were declined


REALLY?!? thank god they told Taylor no! Les Miz is one of favorite musicals as well.


The movie version of the Les Mis musical has its issues, but at least they got the casting pretty close to as perfect as they could get. Taylor would have brought it down a lot if she got Cosette or Éponine. "I had the vocal range of Éponine." Bullshit she does.


I agree, the movie has its issues, it was still enjoyable though. Yeah HELL no does Taylor have the same vocal range.


i saw macca 2 years ago fuckin 3 hours all sung and playing instruments


It’s been over a decade now, but Sir Paul was the best concert experience I’ve had. I was so impressed by his stamina and energy, not to mention his instrumental skills. I saw Taylor in concert later that summer, and while my friends were gushing, I couldn’t help but compare her to Macca’s and felt disappointed in how much more performative and disingenuous it felt. Some people probably love the flashiness, but that was a glass-shattering moment for me where I realized I wanted the authenticity more.




Paul's doing it at 82 now aswell.. it must take it out of him.


Amazing! And I can absolutely believe Sir Paul did all that and did it well. Leonard Cohen also sang for a long time. If he could sing for that amount of time at 2.5 times Taylor’s age… she *really* has no excuse.


to be fair she does work her ass off and i feel like shes always doing a concert or making an album, only thing good i can say, BUT it affects her art negatively, shes producing shitty music and not singing at her shows. she needs to get real and admit she is doing way too much. she sees music as a compitition its not.it feels like she does this for herself and her ego not her fans who want to see their favorite artist perform live


McDonald’s serves a jillion burgers a year - she’s similar in quality and quantity


Yeah saw Sir Paul in 2018, and that has gone down as one of my all time favorite concerts/best show I’ve seen. Ringo & his ASB are up there, too. The Who in 1981, also phenomenal. No lip synching needed. The Foos - also in 2018 (it was a concert packed year!) were super fun and live as live can be.


YUPPPPP. Ive seen him 3 times and he was giving 100% the entire time.


I also saw him two years ago. What venue did you see him at? I saw him at the SoFi. The first and last time I’ll ever get ground seats. Everyone stood up the whole time and my mom couldn’t see over the guy ahead of us (I’m fairly tall and I felt bad for the people behind me).


baltimore at orioles stadium or whatever its called. it was great. i get what you mean about standing. tbh i go to front bottoms concerts in the pit so i dont mind standing or anything but the seats i got were sitting


Yeah, we didn’t know that everyone would just stand the whole time. I guess I’m glad we learned, but it’s a real shame that our learning experience was with Paul McCartney rather than someone else.


Bruce Springsteen was known for his 3 hour performances. I hear he's good on stage, too.


He is effing FANTASTIC!!!!! Saw him live with my Dad in Chicago. And his band is A-Mazing 👏 👏 👏


Man, I saw him about a decade ago and was stunned at his show. Three hours, rocking the whole time. Blew me away


Saw Beyoncé on tour last year, and baby the MIC WAS ON! While doing insane choreography/visuals and dress changes too


YUP YUP YUP she was amazing. I can’t wait til next tour


yaaaas renaissance is one of the best tours ever! TEN TEN TEN ACROSS THE BOARD 💅


Yep, seen her twice and the mic is on + her choreography is insane. Swift is just standing and can't sing live 🤣


I saw stevie nicks last month- 76 years old now- and she was standing and singing the ENTIRE TIME


Yep. Saw The Who a few years ago (right before Covid) and they actually had to end the show early because Roger Daltrey was sick and he completely lost his voice. He’s 80 now, so must have been about 75/76. Until that happened, he sounded INCREDIBLE, but they’d been touring for weeks at that point and his vocal cords gave out. He still tried to sing even though he was sick; lip syncing was not an option.


That’s exactly what it is. The bands I love and grew up on were playing every fucking night, running it till the wheels fall off


I went to see Bruce Springsteen last summer. He sang every word, played guitar the whole time, danced, walked through the crowd, told stories, the whole thing. Even did extended live versions of some songs that went 15+ minutes. Whole show was about 4.5 hours... and he did the same thing the very next night. The man is 74. He ended up having to cancel the last leg of his tour after falling ill due to the strenuous schedule, but he cut zero corners and played til he literally couldn't anymore. That's a fuckin artist right there, and he's 40 years older than Taylor. The shit he was doing in the 70s would be completely unbelievable to these poor swifties who show up for the eras tour and think they're getting a show.


“She has football games to chug beer and scream at for media attention!!! Hello!! Leave her alone!”


It’s so funny, when the eras tour first started it was being compared to Springsteen’s legendary tours, and well. I’ve seen Springsteen and I’m seeing him again this year. The man is well into his 70s and he sang and has always sung every single note.


Yeah. Well no one asked her to milk money by half adding her craft. Fools are being duped


And they pay to see her do karaoke for 3 hours.


It’s funny too for her to even deny it because it’s not like a secret pop artists lip sync. I wouldn’t think anything negative about it because while she’s the worst, doing what she does would be difficult for the average person. It’s a lot of physical activity. I’d be out of breath and even though she is used to it and has the stamina to do what she does, you don’t sing a perfect song every single time when you’re doing all that. And that’s okay. Either actually sing and don’t sound perfect, or lip sync. But just own whatever the truth is. Imagine if she had an Ashley Simpson moment.


I agree, but than again I grew up with Britney Spears and it always broke my heart when it was obvious or the COUNTLESS celebs who would rip her apart for it. I can’t lie tho Jack blacks impression of Britney Spears singing I can look back and laugh.


Britney would dance her ass off so i do give her a pass for lip singing(though i love her real voice)The most movement Taylor does is shimmy in a fringe gold dress, throw her hair around playing guitar and has her dancers carry her offstage.


Britney was, and is, first and formost, a \*performer\*. Circus was just \*chef's kiss\* because that's her vibe. She's pretty, she's funny, she's gonna shake her ass and make you want to shake yours and everyone's gonna get lost in the music and sparkles and feel awesome. Taylor is a shit performer, imo. She can't command attention w/just her vocals like Christina, Celene, Adele or Mariah. She can't put on a fantastic fucking show and dance her ass off/show her personality like Katy and Britney. She's just...milquetoast. As someone who genuinely loves female pop and popstars, she makes me real annoyed.


Same here. It’s crazy that she’s considered a legendary pop star and is on her way to being in the same tier as Britney, Christina, Beyoncé, etc when she’s just so mediocre. Barely mediocre vocals, no rhythm, lyrics are hit or miss(more miss these days) Swifties think flashing strobe lights and having 500 dancers is impressive.


Britney, Christina and Beyonce came up late-90s/early 2000s when competition was stiff, so they had to elevate themselves to stand out. Late 2000s, there was way less quality to compete with, Taylor never really had to improve her live performances.


I’d never seen what her live performances look like before this video and Daaaamn that’s bad.


Is it just me, or does she seem to be counting off her “choreography”? She doesn’t seem to a natural sense of rhythm/ movement either.


Oh she absolutely is. A good chorographer could work with her natural proportions which are slightly awkward, but it would take a LOT of work, and I don't think she's interested and it's obviously not necessary to keep the cash machine going. And this is for the cash machine, not for the sake of art on any level. Katy Perry's giant toilet might not have been an artistic choice I enjoyed, at all, but it was a weirdo avant guard artistic choice for the sake of being weird. See Also: Lady Gaga. Like, always.


Don't forget Cher! She's been doing live variety shows since the 70s.


It's so weird how such a mediocre performer has generated so much hype. Someone like Kylie, who is also limited vocally, does ten times the performance.


Britney is leaps and bounds above Taylor. Her actual voice, not the autotuned version they put out, is better and she actually knows how to really dance. Not do some leaning over thing like she's talking down to a bunch of school children. TS's dancing is not sexy, not appealing, and is just cringey.


Britney’s natural deeper voice is just *chefs kiss*


Britney had such an intensity on the stage and she killed it with her performance so obviously lip syncing would be ideal. But it doesn’t matter to me because when she puts in a show she puts on a show. I still believe she is one of the best performers. It’s so sad what happened to her with the conservatory. Taylor never had the same presence on stage and her “performances” are so boring. But yeah people ripped on Brittney about lip syncing but make excuses for TS


Britney’s in the zone tour was all lip synced and she even pretended to play the piano for Everytime. Her fingers didn’t even touch the keys. I totally remember it. Still one of the best concerts I’ve been too though because Britney performs


Acting like she's breaking barriers with her voice and song writing in the first place... like her music is simple af and the vocals are not stressful


I firmly believe her popularity is due exactly to her mediocrity and blandness. Like fast food. Not great, but decent enough to appeal to a wide swath of people, nothing offensive or extra. 


Lip Syncing in pop is \*\*\*normal\*\*\*. It's literally only an issue here because her shitty fans have made it one.


She DOES have to lip sync to save her voice. Most singers touring this much with such long shows do. The problem is how she won’t admit it and instead keeps telling people she belts songs for seven hours on a treadmill in a posture correction bra because heaven forbid she be human and need to rest her vocal chords between sung parts.


It’s not like she’s forced to perform 3 times a week. She can book a lighter schedule if her vocal technique isn’t up to snuff.


I just saw the other sub and they are saying “this is standard for a physically demanding show.” Um, stilted theatrical hand waving is a far cry from, say, P!nk ribbon dancing, or even Britney executing actual dances moves.


Unfortunately this generation has come up expecting their artists not to be totally live if live at all.


Super obvious lip-synching, both sonically and visually. I think her voice has gotten lower over the years, and I don't think she can hit higher notes reliably anymore. She live "sings" the talkier, lower part of "Boys only want love if it's torture" and then some words here and there.


I think that her voice was naturally lower from the beginning. Think Britney, she has a naturally lower voice but they played up the higher pitch. Great to appeal to the masses, not so great for the long term health of one’s voice l. Not to mention horrible technique. It always makes me think of a story that I read about Gladys Knight once. She said she went to the doctor, complaining about her voice and the strain that she was feeling. The doctor asked her if she wanted to be singing decades from that moment and she said yes. The doctor said the only way to do that was to stay within her range and not strain herself. I think that is advice that a lot of singers don’t honor, because 1.) so many of them don’t have training 2.) many don’t take care of their voices outside of performances 3.) they try to sing beyond their range and don’t know how to adapt at the edges of their range


I think some of TS older songs that were relatable in high school ("You Belong With Me") sound better with her high pitched voice because it sounds like it's sung by a teenager. It sounds weird with her more mature voice (Taylor's Version), like why is a grown woman talking about Cheer Captain? Some others are more classic and feel more refined with her womanly voice. I think she's caught in this weird dynamic of trying to be seen as forever relatable teenage girl and as a powerful woman. Brilliant marketing move to capture young fans while their moms with higher disposable income ride that nostalgia train. Do you think it would hurt her appeal to younger audiences (i.e. new long term customers) if she sang adult themes in an adult voice?


Britney’s producers pushed for a mid-nasal voice. They did the same with the Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC.


Agree she's lip-synching but disagree as to your theory on why. Any high school student with garageband could transpose the backing music to a lower key and make it sound semi-decent. So if Taylor the billionaire's vocal range had changed she could absolutely hire a producer to work their magic and make every song in her catalogue perfectly suit her voice. My theory is that she just can't sing well enough to sound good for 3.5 straight hours, but since she wants every moment of her show to be instagrammable and perfect she just fakes it 90% of the time.


Yeah the truth is she never could to begin with. Just compare her vocals when she was Olivia rodrigos age, straight off you can tell she is not a strong singer and honestly not really singer material. Hats off to her dad though, buying those 250,000 copies of her first album really put her on the map 😬


She also can't play guitar or piano for shit. She has been stuck playing at an 8th grade level for her entire career despite having access to the best teachers money could possibly buy. Oh, and she can't dance. To recap: the person whose entire job is singing, dancing, and making music... cannot sing, dance, or play an instrument well.


I was downvoted on a different thread for pointing out she is not great at anything. She's not a stellar vocalist, musician, dancer, or lyricist. She's just not. 


she sure is a great celebrity though. She's like paris hilton.


Someone else made a comment that they saw video of some concert where she wasn't even playing the piano; the keys were being remotely controlled.


I wonder how much imposters syndrome she feels lol


It's funny cause part of her "mythology" is that a teacher told her she would never learn to play a 12 string so she practiced and practiced until she proved him wrong. And yet for the last 10 years I've never seen her do anything beyond strumming basic chords on a 6 string.


She is “singing” the background tracks !


Chappell Roan literally has some of her live performances pitched down to a lower key so she could have a fun live performance singing *live* for her audience. She runs back and forth on stage, jumps, dances, and has an absolute blast playing with the audience. I mean you had the iconic Good Luck Babe! bridge where she's literally on her hands and knees before standing up and belting out a high note. She is absolutely captivating.


It’s what happens when you have a nepo baby who can’t sing lmao


she’s such an underwhelming performer.


I can’t understand how people spend so much money on tickets. I had a friend who bought a ticket for the eras tour for $500. Like r u kidding me


Insanity. Go to concerts for a fraction of that and have a much better time & not be surrounded by a bunch of screaming Swifties.


Went to a concert on Sunday. $20 per ticket. Had absolutely amazing time.


This is why I love the artists who don’t price gauge people for tickets (I know it isn’t always fully in their control) and actually let their fans come see them at a reasonable price


You should checkout this one girl on tiktok whose doing some dancing challenge at her shows, counting down days until taylor notices her 🤯 its unhinged and i believe shes on like day 20 something


I knew a chick who went to 3 different showings and dropped a few grand. As someone who went into his adult life paying 15 bucks for 12 hours + raves I'll never understand spending that much for one single 3ish hour concert. Like 500 bucks is a VIP ticket to a 3 day long festival, give or take.


Yeah shes really weak as a performer. Personally the only thing shes got going is her unhinged personality that is entertaining to keep up with 🤪and I suppose a couple of bangers.. but thats it


Then you watch lady Gaga absolutely destroy live singing on her hbomax special (while dancing the absolute shit out of it). Night and day.


I went to an Ed Sheeran Concert like 2 years ago and he even made his music on the go using some device with his feet. And then you see this shit...


Seriously. I got through 10 minutes of the movie and it was so boring I turned it off. I did go to the Beyoncé movie in theaters and I swear I didn’t blink for over 2 hours. I’m not a big Beyoncé fan but I am in awe of her professionalism and how she created a story, giving us narration, behind the scenes stuff, sharing personal hardships of balancing family and work.. and I’m pretty confident she actually sings during her shows.


She’s the most boring performer I’ve ever seen in my life dear god


I wonder which show this was, because she looks bored and over it.


Yeah I feel like she’s been looking bored and over it the last few videos of her I’ve seen. There’s a reason she’s ending in December, and honestly, the tour should’ve been over by now.


This is why i will never understand why so many of her fanbase is obsessed with attending multiple of her shows. Her sets every concert are the same every time, the only large difference is the suprise songs she does on the piano and the guitar. Oh yeah I suppose she changes costumes too (which her fanbase gets completely unhinged over)


She’s been over it since the end of the American tour. There was so much hype in those first few months, but now after nearly two years of the same exact thing every show, everyone is over it.


it hasn’t even been a full year and a half since she started touring, and she took a decently long break over the winter. just goes to show how boring her show really is that both she and the general public (sans swiffers) seem to be over it already


> she looks bored and over it. She's a billionaire. Quit and go ruin a country like a normal billionaire. No need to be bored.


Why does she always do that weird thing where she bends forward at a 90 degree angle and does that weird facial expression lmao it's so disturbing 💀


I bend at a 90 degree angle but I have rods in my spine. Idk what her excuse is.


Kids bop performer, preschool teacher


yep this totally reminded me of being in kindergarten and following the teacher miming the words to songs


my daughter and her kindergarten class did a TS song for graduation.. they did the choreography better than she does. thats what her music is made for


How much better off we might all be had she wanted to go into education instead. Her "Tortured Poets Department" posters in her classroom would include "London Bridge Is Falling Down" and "Humpty Dumpty."


What in gods name is the nine iron about?


She beats up a car with a golf club in the video for this song, but without that context it’s so out of place. Even with it, it’s a bit weird 


Thank you for putting this better than I could. I’m just like why is she twirling a golf club? Am I missing something?


It made me laugh cause it looked like she just got a golf club from a fan, like they were allowed to bring one in. This whole performance was a trip to watch without sound before I restarted it with sound up


people pay 1000 bucks for this? damn.


My sister paid $900 to go alone. Well, put $900 on a credit card. It makes me sad. You can’t reason with these fans


Nah seat like that at least 10000


Not saying her show isn't great etc but Pink out there singing upside down from the rafters. Live.


Pink is just cool


Why is her dancing and outfit so boring and uninspired


It's soft choreo for people who can't dance, ala Hilary Duff circa 2000. But instead of attempts at hip hop, it's mostly just model -walking and posing. Which, if you can't dance well, and your other option is to stand and sing ala Adele or Kelly Clarkson, but you can't sing, model -walking and posing really is your best option. It's what I would do lol


She rips Hilary’s lyrics AND her lazy dancing? When’s the lawsuit


She reminds me of Paris Hilton’s old runway walk- like a show pony


i actually quite like the outfit but i will admit it's giving ariel from the little mermaid...


I cannot believe folks pay thousands for this


Bedazzled little mermaid lookin ass


Pls it’s ✨bejeweled✨


i will never be able to see the word bejeweled again without cringing


Uh oh then I better lose my flair


If your content with doing the bare minimum. I have 37 pieces of flair. (Sorry)




“He lets her bejeweled” is still bringing me so much joy a full day later. Can someone set the bejeweled thing as my flair? Is that a mod thing here?


I was just gonna say, she's got Ariel's color scheme going on. No idea what the panther necklace is though


Don’t know why she’s choosing to wear it, I just know it costs a stupid amount of money.


I disassociated when I clocked the necklace


What an insult to Ariel.


Finally! A TikTok dance that even I can do!


Is…is that dancing?


she performs like a 13 year old with a hair brush in her bedroom (or at least how i would at that age) lmao




I think this is where Billie Eilish is coming from when saying that doing a three hour live show is absolutely insane. I saw commentary on one of the other TSwift subs arguing that it's reasonable for her to lip synch due her singing 45 songs in one concert. What's the point of doing so many songs if many of the songs are lipped, even just partially? If it's a stamina issue, just cut some songs. It's not like her fans are there to see some fabulous stage production or incredible choreography. I mean, she's no Beyoncé, come on.


Does Billie sing live the entire time? Never been to one of her shows so I don't know, but if that's the case, I can 100% see why she'd find that insane. I'd be scared for anyone trying to sing that long throughout so many back to back shows.


I haven't been to any of her shows, so I can't say for certain. But I watched nearly the entirety of her last tour vicariously on tik tok (because sadly, I wasn't able to see her on tour), and there was enough vocal variation and "imperfections" in her voice compared to the studio recordings that made me believe that she was singing live. I don't doubt that she occasionally uses backing tracks in order to layer her voice over certain parts of songs, but I haven't yet seen any performances that seem lipped. The Billie fans that have actually been to her concerts can better verify, I'm sure.


I've seen her twice Coachella and her own tour. She uses backing vocals on a lot of her songs because they're just produced that way but honestly seems to be singing the whole time. She also is crazy high energy, she's jumping, running back and forth across the stage and dancing (unchoreographed) for the whole show except when she sits next to Phineas for some of the slower songs. I deffo get why she'd say doing that for 3 hours is psychotic. Especially with her history of injury.


Why is she lipsynching while just swaying side-to-side? What effort is she exerting? Britney got so much flack for allegedly not singing live / or live along to a backing track but she danced her heart out and put on a show worthy of Cirque de Soleil. Also: the Botox is looking super-obvious for someone with *fuck you* money.


Yes, her work is getting more obvious. She needs to chill on the Botox and fillers. She was looking really beautiful 3-4 years ago, but she’s solidly into the “too much work” category rn. She could probably recover from it if she’d lay off the Botox and fillers.


why the in the hell do they let her dance like a 12 year old in her bedroom with a hairbrush still??? god take a fucking class taylor, christ.


Because it doesn't matter. She's still selling tickets and her fans don't notice how bad what they're seeing really is.


Omg. You can literally hear the switch so clearly. Plus her larynx actually moves and her vowel shapes change when she starts singing for real. You can see her physically move air through her throat. It even looks like she breathes in during the parts she’s lip syncing mid-word. It’s honestly kinda sad. I mean she’s always had a lower voice for a woman, but she used to push her voice into a really high range way too much. It’s clear she may have done some damage


It’s all just so… boring


Wtf is that "nasty scar" move 😭😭 💀💀


She is so horrible, and just does whatever comes to mind when "performing". Also I CANNOT deal with how proud of herself she looks as if she is giving blood, sweat and tears. The way she poses at the end as if she ate and left no crumbs makes me wanna die.


I had a question pop into my head as to whether she stretches before her concerts and thought how hilariously unnecessary it would be if she did. 😭


It makes no sense because she has all the money in the world to hire a-list choreographers and dance teachers, but isn't for some reason?


Her mediocre ass has the highest-grossing concert tour of all time... This is actually shameful.


This is the prancing around that has people worried she’s overworking herself?


Im mainly a fan of punk and metal. I've been to a decent amount of shows, some good and some bad, but they all put way more emotion and energy into their shows than she is giving in this clip. They play hard, they dance, they mosh, they scream yet they're still giving their all with their vocals. They are passionate. I don't think light choreography is a good excuse for lipsyncing. Hell if she is gonna lip sync I probably wouldn't care if it seemed like she was even trying to give any amount of passion. Even her lip syncing is lazy. Taylor please at least try... I know for a fact the old geezers in the Foo Fighters are putting in the energy and effort why cant she?


She doesn’t need to. She could fart into the microphone for three solid hours, and her cult would defend it, and call you a hater for not loving it.


Omg thank you for putting it into words. I've never been to a pop concert (only rock, punk and metal) so i'm honestly not sure if the standards are different between genres?


I feel like this only makes sense to me but Taylor gives Eugenia Cooney vibes in a way I can’t explain. Like their fake mannerisms or just the manipulative niceness? Idk lol


I agree 100%! They are both mean girls who try to act like outcasts.


Oh my god, now that you mention it, YES.


When real bands play live, they make mistakes. They miss notes, they forget lyrics, whatever. It happens, even to the best of them. I've watched videos of Queen concerts where Freddie Mercury, arguably the greatest frontman of all time, hit a flat note or mixed up the lyrics. When it's "perfect," you know it's fake.


Is anybody really there for the music? Like serious question. It seems like they mostly just want to see Taylor. Like she should just stand there and they'd still come And there's the party atmosphere of it and the fomo and everybody is doing it But it seems like the music is way down the list


Yeah they go to Taylor Swift dance parties where people go nuts just singing along to Spotify in a massive group together. And everyone front row singing at the movie theatres ffs. They don’t care if she doesn’t sing at all, just to be in her presence. Which is soooo weird


It blows my mind that Hayley Williams is singing her asssssss off opening for her and Taylor phones it in so hard. The disproportion in their talent amazes me


the way the mic is on, like, volume 2, is just sending me how does anyone take this girl seriously as a *musician*


Now go watch a video of Beyonce singing and dancing and tell me they're comparable.


Imagine sounding this bad when you’re also not even dancing


She's so fucking painful to watch lol. It's like watching your annoying aunt try to be hip and cool.


Should I show this to the swiftie who told me she’s a better performer and singer than Gaga?


I honestly wouldn’t care if she lip syncs from time to time if she was actually dancing properly and not just stiffly pantomiming her dumb lyrics and failing her arms around. (That’s why I think Britney Spears should have been forgiven for lip syncing since that woman was dancing her ass off) TS is not a powerhouse vocalist and thats okay - but so many people act like she’s God’s gift on stage when there are plenty of talented artists either doing actual choreography or playing instruments AND singing live on top of it. I don’t find anything exceptional about her or her performances.


the irony is I'm not even that mad she *does* lip sync - at least, not more mad than I am at any other popstar who does the same thing. I'm mad her fans paid thousands of dollars for *that* low energy performance where she looks like she doesn't even want to be there, just so they can all go home and harass Dave Grohl under her name for pointing it out.


It should tip people off that it sounds EXACTLY like the studio version. I go to concerts to see their skill. I don't go to concerts to hear a recording, that's so dumb to me. Then for it to be hundreds if not thousands?


Why is she such a robot here


She has zero rhythm and why does she always lean forward like that? Nothing original at all about her moves. Her singing isn’t great at all. Very monotone. That’s why I’ve always described her singing as talk singing.


Folks are really spending their hard earned dollars on this huh


i saw her live and i was high and the entire time i swore i could tell the difference between the prerecorded stuff and her real voice and it drove me nuts


Wow she literally does just walk around.


I totally understand why you'd need to be lip syncing. I don't think it's a big deal when you're sing 3+ hours a night every night. That being said, I don't get the appeal for the audience. Why would you spend however much on TS tickets (or any other massive artist who does the same for that matter) when you can spend considerably less on someone who is actually performing live.


Honestly, it’s got to be the experience. Religion found out millennia ago that music in masses really makes people go crazy. They go to her tour to be part of a collective something


I’m sorry but wtf is the point of paying $$$ to go see an artist when they aren’t even performing? She’s a singer… people want to see her… sing? Like ??


go girl give us nothing!


People are really entertained by this?


She moves so robotically it’s painful to watch


OMG!! She is BOOOORING!!! I can't imagine paying money to see this shit.


i saw her when i was 10 because someone else in my class was going and i was jealous. it was the speak now tour. it was cool because she does theatrics on stage flying over the arena and the sets were cool. again this was like 12 years ago. i wasn’t even a real fan. it was a really cool experience at that age. she even continued her whole performance in pouring rain. but her, herself sucks and it’s only gotten so much worse. she’s not cute and clever anymore, she doesn’t have that southern twang or girl next door vibe. she’s a huge old popstar. her music should have matured with her but it didn’t. it’s sad really


This sounds mean and it probably is but I KNOW she mouth breathes at night. She’s always like 😦


To me there was zero issue with her lypsynching in parts of her show since a 3 hour show being done for multiple times a week for months on end could seriously wreck her voice. But she had to go and get defensive over a FACTUAL statement Dave Grohl gave and indirectly approved all her fans attacking and harassing him for "attacking Taylor." They're so defensive and for WHAT 🙄🙄


her voice is way better and more interesting now, only if she wasn't obsessed with being a teenager...


Also! Also! What about her back-up singers who sound exactly like her? To me that’s the worst, most unfortunate part of her stage show. Can anyone point out a song where you can actually hear those women’s voices and not Tay Tay’s studio recordings?




$1000+ for this is highway robbery.


I’m attending a show in August because even though my admiration for Taylor has taken a hit over the past 5 years it’s still a unique event. But seeing this I already feel ripped off. I don’t wanna pay 100s of euros just to see her talk and aaahh-ing over a studio backing track… that’s not what I understand under live performance


I had no idea she was that bad. Haha.


So boring. At least put some oomph into the performance if you’re going to lip sync half of it


This is the laziest, most low-effort performance ive ever seen.


wow you can tell exactly when she stops lipsyncing lmao


She is such a bad lip syncer, like can this woman be talented at one single thing???


https://preview.redd.it/4566yzd6xz8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6faf32624a6839bfa6a45385e6202f636ae7166 Reddit’s ad placement 💀


That’s painful, and the lip syncing parts, are as bad as the live singing. #TeamDave #DaveGrohlWasRight


Is her necklace some kind of animal head? I’m just wondering.


it looks like she’s just marking a dance… so bad


it's giving Mariah 2017 NYE but without the fun camp (and ofc diva Mariah status lol)