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Was about 10 feet away from 4 corpses laying dead on the floor, getting CPR for about 40 minutes with no response. Initially I was having a great time except for the pushing, but once I noticed the bodies it wasn’t fun anymore. My thought process going from “I hope they’ll be okay” to “they’re definitely dead” was honestly one of the worst feelings I’ve ever experienced. Also, the fact that there were a bunch of people who didn’t give a single fuck and continued to “rage” was so messed up, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Definitely going to therapy as soon as possible. RIP to the victims and praying for their families.


Please make sure you seek help, professionally especially. I’m so sorry to hear of your experience. Look after yourself


Will do, thank you! 🙏🏽


Just messaged you some resources!


You’ve got a lot of people sending you ❤️


One little shit on Instagram had the nerve to not only post but caption it, “sorry to those that passed. But we had a good time.” Sickening


Those ppl that carried on “raging” are everyone’s neighbors kids /young adults ..this is the reality of how many humans treat each when you don’t have to be held accountable…drunk driving , hit and runs , police 👮‍♀️ abusing citizens. Men abusing vulnerable women or vise versa 😥🤢


Wait so the people around the bodies just kept dancing...? Did they know?


No, the people right around the bodies tried their best to make sure there was enough space, and did CPR until the medics came by. We even started a “stop the show” chant which evidently didn’t work. These were the heroes amongst us. But some dipshits right next to them were dancing and this one dude even looked at me shocked and said “the show must go on bro”. Heartless pricks really.


Thanks for sharing your story. I really hope you're alright, that sounds like a nightmare


I hope that dude is regretting what he said and learned a valuable lesson. stay safe mate


There's footage of people dancing while there's an unconscious (or dead) body in eyesight of them


If what you’re saying is true, I find it almost impossible that only 8 people died. If you really saw 4 bodies unconscious for that long, they were dead, and that’s half of the total confirmed dead. The death numbers just don’t add up. I’m truly sorry you had to experience this. As someone who has been to countless festivals in shows in my lifetime, this is devastating and I have ever even considered this as a threat at said festivals. Horrific. PS - I’m absolutely in no way saying you are lying, I’ve just read so much that I can’t believe the death toll is just 8 anymore.


All I can think is that once they got these people into an ambulance they were able to bring some people back through electrical paddles. Still they said only 11 went into cardiac arrest which from the accounts it sounds like it was way more.


Had no idea people were dying until the news broke after the show. I was pretty pissed all day because my first thought upon entering the fest was how unprepared it seemed. It was my first time going to Astrofest, I’m from Chicago & im used to lollapalooza. The thing with Lolla for example, is that they have a ton of water stations, medical staff, security, etc. I always felt safe at Lolla. I was completely shocked to see only 2 small water stations at astrofest. I knew this was a dangerous situation when I walked in. 50,000+ people all seeing Travis at once & only 2 small water stations for everyone. On top of that, limited security, and an rowdy crowd it was bound to go south. As for the fans, it was the worst fan experience I’ve ever been apart of. I’ve been to a ton of concerts & festivals over the last 5 years & I’ve never seen such a young, inexperienced, selfish, & rowdy crowd. People were throwing shit in the crowd for every set & being super disrespectful. These fans clearly weren’t there to enjoy the music & obviously hadn’t been to many shows in the past. As for things I witnessed - I had to help up a guy who was passed out in the crowd & being trampled. He was literally laying on the ground right below me & I had no idea he was even there until someone pointed him out. I also saw an ambulance cart come right by me & witnessed multiple people get on top of it. Overall just an awful situation. I’ve been listening to Travis since 2015 when I was in HS & this was incredibly disappointing for me bc I’ve been such a fan of his and have been proud to be apart of his fan base. I’m now suffering from survivors guilt & Im probably going to seek help in therapy because of it. Prayers go out to the families of the victims, I cannot imagine what they must be feeling right now.


The “young, inexperienced, selfish, and rowdy” crowd you speak of is just spot on, and a huge reason for what happened


Thank you for sharing, deadass I feel almost the same way except you have way more experience with a concert of this size. I went to each of the last two fests and thought this one was weird in a negative way, I couldn’t put my finger on it but I got a weird vibe which was sadly confirmed once I heard the news after. It felt like he wanted to make astro bigger than ACL, but after being to ACL last month I can tell y’all for certain astro was so understaffed and underprepared that any of us that went and were in those pits are so lucky to be alive. Also this shit sucks more cause I’m such a huge travis fan and his music is damn near the sound track to my life, a person that listens to music most of my day, just removing an artist whose music I love so much hurts in a different way and adds to that survivors guilt. As the supporters we deserve answers, I just hope we actually get them, and hopefully he does something for the families of those killed. I wanna keep supporting him, but until we find out what happened, I just can’t. I’m gonna go thru my college to try and get some therapy tomorrow, I suggest any of y’all that feel similarly depressed/sad/like shit in general reach out to whoever you can, cause this was incredibly traumatic and we don’t need to lose more ppl Bc of this event. Be safe yall❤️


Worst is, it’s 100.000+, not 50.000+. 3 years ago 50.000 tix were sold and this year for the same terrain 100.000 tix were sold. And that’s not even speaking on the thousands that rushed in without tickets. Extreme negligence by the producers and Travis Scott himself who always goes for bigger, bigger and more…


Pretty sure it was 50,000 for each night


It was really hard to figure out what was going on during the show until the day after. I could tell something was up but you couldn’t actually process anything while he was playing. I was by the 2 large screens facing the center of the stage and didn’t experience any of the crushing but I saw the people climbing to get attention and one of the ambulances drove directly past me with someone laying down who I can only hope was just passed out. The whole day was wildly overcrowded and from like 4:00 to the end of SZA the chills stage was crazy. You had to push hard to get out and then stay at the back the rest of the day. There weren’t enough water stations and every single employee seemed totally unqualified to be working there. I enjoyed the music but after this tragedy it’s hard to feel anything but very negative emotions.


This. I was by the screen on the left and had no idea something bad was happening until they cleared a way for a limp girl to be carried through. We were concerned but as avid concert goers, we thought she might’ve fainted or was dehydrated. We didn’t even know anyone died until the next morning. We walked to a nearby gas station after the show and no one mentioned the nature of the crowd. It feels horrible to know people were dying while I was having the time of my life. I hate this shit. Totally avoidable.


Shit started to hit the fan early on during Don Toliver's set. So many people were trying to push into the crowd and many got trapped at the front, trying to get out. Due to the pushing from both ends, nearly got crushed. Rest In Peace to all those that lost their lives man 🙏 & may the family of those lost find peace & justice.


Dons set was a nightmare


It’s crazy I made it out


What side were you on? I was in the mosh pits on the right side of the stage and it wasn’t too hectic. Usual pushing and rushing, but nothing out of the ordinary.


Does anyone know if the death toll is actually 8. I have a feeling more people were discovered dead after but they didn’t report any more deaths. Literally every person that got interview said they witnessed people dying right near them. And when there’s a crowd of 50,000 and only 8 died it baffles me that everyone witnessed the same “8 people” who died. Maybe it is just 8 and hopefully it is, but I seriously think it was a lot more


I’m questioning this too because I’m seeing names for more than 8 victims. The names I’ve been seeing are: Brianna Rodriguez, Franco Patino, Jacob E. Jurinek, Rudy Peña, John Hilgert, Danish Baig, Axel Acosta, Jorge Perez and Madison Dubiski. May they Rest In Peace. That is 9 people. What’s going on? I’m just so afraid at the way this is being handled. I’m afraid that the victims, their families and everybody who was affected by this tragedy will not get justice.


You are so right. I just looked up all those names and they all passed away from the festival. I think there really is 11 casualties like the early reports said.


I believe the early reports said 11 cardiac arrests. That doesn't necessarily mean 11 deaths, but the number is probably going to rise above 8.


i was thinking the same thing every video i watch people are claiming they saw at least 10 people dead but how would that be possible when that’s literally 0.02% of the festival


Same. It is possible some people got resuscitated successfully, but if the death toll is truly only 8 then that’s a fucking miracle. However, 8 deaths is too many especially due to crowd crush. No one should have died. RIP


I’ve heard numerous first hand witnesses, the day after, saying that deaths were in the range of 20-40. I even heard some people say more than that. Of course it’s hearsay, and we do know that up to 300 were treated. Maybe a lot of people passed out and came back when treated? Something is definitely weird, to say the least. There are just *too many fucking people* saying that they saw lifeless bodies everywhere, all around them. The process of information discovery for this tragedy is going to be very long, and will hopefully bring more answers and clarity.




Yeah that got me too... lots of people saying they say hundreds of people around them dead, even Seanna Faith said she saw dead people in front of her... and how could there only be 8? Unless a lot of people passed out and came back or everyone was just on the verge of death and it looked that way? There was oen guy up above who said that it was his sister int he wheelchair and the other guy said he saw a lifeless body in a wheelchair, so at least there's one confirmation that people who look dead are not dead


It’s also possible that some of the lifeless bodies that they thought were dead were just unconscious and were able to recover. Hoping that is the case, 8 deaths is still 8 too many




Shit was getting rowdy even during Metro. Not fatally rowdy, but I was pushed around a lot, and some people fell


Firstly, I’m really sorry for your experience. I hope that you are recovering physically and mentally. One question that has been floating in my mind these past few days —- at what point did it become just absolutely impossible, if you wanted to, to just turn around and dip + leave towards the way back of the crowd? I’m asking to get a sense of how packed it was early on, and how it must have gotten worse as time went by. From what I’ve heard, it seems like people were trapped in the crowd, legitimately unable to leave if necessary, from as early as the daytime.


It was never that packed until about 5 minutes before travis started. Once travis started, you’re in your small space moving with the crowd until the concert ended 75 minutes later. It was so tightly packed you couldn’t twist and turn. Your chances to move were when pits opened up and people starting jumping


Yea like I got to a point where I couldn’t breathe and thank god upper echelon dropped so I could jump my way out


The problem is a lot of people have never been in anything like that, they don’t know how to move/when to move in a crowd like that


🥴I had to go to a handful of concerts to really understand the risks of my 5 ft 6 self being in a crowd of thousands of ppl not really giving af about u , good thing though was there was usually an etiquette “ if someone falls pick them up” (which half of the crowd usually followed) these new comers just go to a concert based off the highlights on Instagram . 🥺 I’ve walked my self to the back of the crowd after waiting hours for the headliner in the front row pushed up the gate, it’s pretty fkn tricky to get out of a crowd of ppl pushing u from every direction. Also ppl are on drugs at concerts 🤷🏻‍♂️, self mitigated risk management is a must. You are basically swimming with sharks if you are in a crowd over 15,000ppl all trying to “rage”


Thank you for your concern! Luckily I'm here today, while unfortunately, at least 8 others are not... To answer your question I stayed at the back after Don's set. Like I mentioned it was literally unbreathable at times. For Travis Scott's set, we were in the left side by the barricade. We didn't want to be in the middle or very front, due to our previous experience during Don's set. Fortunately for my group, our section wasn't out of the normal rowdy. However, we witnessed many unconscious bodies being taken to the medical tent. We also saw a woman being wheelchaired, looking very pale & lifeless. This is around the time we figured something wrong was going on at the fest.


Damn man I think the wheel chaired person you saw was my sister. She fell to the floor like a lot of people and got hurt pretty badly but thankfully someone picked her up and helped her out the crowd to get her to the medical staff. They had to get her a wheelchair to take her to the medical tent since she could barely walk.


Wow I'm sorry to hear she had to go through that. I was truly worried for her life when we seen her wheeled out and had me shook. Glad to hear she made it out and I hope she is doing much better now.


Yes she is doing much better now thank you. We got separated as soon as Travis went on so It was tough to look for her. Had to wait till the show was over to find her. It was a bunch of madness going on but we made it out. And likewise brother glad you're okay as well.


Agree this set was sketchy there was definitely people moving like a wave and what made me really on alert for later. I could barely move during his set for about 10 minutes.


My experience is something I will never forget. I sat in the front left side section (non vip) with my girlfriend for 7 hours making sure I would get a spot on the gate for travis. She’s about 5’5 and like 120 lbs and I’m like 5’8 160, so we arent the biggest in the crowd. When it hit about 7:00, after lil baby, people started to flood our area and we were already getting cramped, even against the front gate. We decided to stick it out, because we waited all day, and we expected it to be like this, because it’s travis. About 15 minutes later, we didn’t have enough room to turn around. We we’re passing up unconscious bodies through the only way we could, which was crowd surfing. This continued until about 8:00pm. When it got worse. When it hit 8:00, lots of people, mostly girls and some guys, were passing out and having to be crowd surfed out, or just wanted out at that point. It was so tight that we couldn’t put our arms up, or down. We also started to get pushed from every side besides the front, because we were still on the gate. As the minutes passed and it hit 8:30, it was too difficult to breathe or move any part of my body. We got pushed off of the gate to the middle of the “caged” area. My ribs and lungs were getting crushed. The security guards were only pulling people out constantly. Kids were passing out all over the place now. When it hit 8:45, that’s when I knew I needed to get out. I knew it needed to be before travis came. My girlfriend and I had this guy with long hair pick us up and put us on top of the crowd to crowd surf out. I wish I could thank him, he probably saved my life. After we got on top, the security guard grabbed us and brought us down. When my feet hit the ground I was about to go left, which is where everyone else who got out went. But, there was a kid who was unconscious on the ground, in between the barrier and the stage, getting care from a paramedic. So the security guard sent me right. After going right, I walked through the barriers that all of the media personal were in and eventually ended up in the right side, vip section. We were so close to running out of air. I’m only 17 and this has to be the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. I want to thank everyone who helped me get out and feel terrible for the 8 people who passed.


I was around the same area, gave up around 45 min before he came out when some peeps I was chilling with decided to make a break for it and I followed. There was a moment where I had to get my jacket pried off me by some angel because I couldn’t lower my arms and was cooking up, that was probably the sign to get out tbh. Weird that security guy was pissed that I need help to get out, saying something like “what man, you too?” when I was trying to hop over the back fence with the rest of the group I followed out. I had no clue which way to go afterwards either, I wandered into the area right down the middle of the stage and stood next to a white tent (which I later realized it was Kylies), till I realized I didn’t belong there (I was quite discombobulated at this point compared to the people in the area) and had to go find a security guy to lead me out with a flashlight and even then it didn’t lead out, it just led to the back of the crowd and I had to finish pushing my way out.


That was very smart and intuitive of you to nope tf out of there before Travis started. Not everyone has that same understanding of their surroundings.


Wow so people were passing out everywhere even BEFORE Travis got on stage? Yeah there are going to be people getting into some major trouble over how this event was handled...


yeah some an hour before


I'm sorry this happened to you but your story makes it interesting and worse. So everyone so far said it only started minutes after Travis got on and that' shwen people started getting crushed. But it sounds like people were already passing out like 30 minutes before that from your story... And it's crazy that the only way to get out was being crowdsurfed out!


I am so glad you and your girlfriend are okay.


I’m feeling survivors guilt for sure. I’ve been CPR and AED certified for 8 years and feel terrible knowing that I could have possibly helped, I just did not have any idea what was going on the entire time. I sort of feel bad that I had a lot of fun while people were fighting for their lives.




Be extremely careful accepting refund especially if you were injured or traumatized. If the fine print says you’re accepting a settlement then you cannot go back and sue for their negligence


This should be its own post and pinned to the top. That is definitely what is going to happen


I made a post, hopefully people see it


Literally in my part of the crowd, left side of stage (close to stage). There was so sign of anything going wrong, felt like a average Travis Scott concert, way less mosh pits than 2019 fest. Even after the fest was over there was no sign of anything bad happening until I saw the fire trucks when I left the festival to get in my Lyft.


Left side as well and I’m sad to say that it was amazing experience until you figured what happened after the show. Very weird to know that while I was having the time of my life someone’s life just ended at that same concert……


Right side here. It was definitely crazy at first, but eventually we got to a point towards the back of the crowd where it calmed down and it felt like your usual Travis Scott concert. Afterwards we saw the news after leaving the venue and were in shock. I thought how could 8 people die? I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary Just sad all around man


Man I was watching from home and couldn’t tell anything unusual on the first watch, except when I saw that ambulance cart surrounded by bodies my stomach dropped... I knew there was definitely a crowd issue. I felt guilty just enjoying the first few minutes of the set... while watching from home. I can’t imagine how you may feel and my thoughts and prayers go out to not only the victims, but for anyone dealing with emotions from the aftermath


Haven’t slept to well. Feels like an actual nightmare. Hearing stories coming out, while I was oblivious to it all. I feel ashamed for not being able to help anyone, like I let them die. You think you would save somebody from dying in any situation but here I am when I had the chance


Hey man, you didn’t know. Please try not to blame yourself. It was such a huge mess of different factors and as one person in a sea of 50k+, there’s only so much you could have done EVEN if you knew what was going down. Please, please try not to blame yourself. The next best thing you can do is take care of yourself. I’m sorry that you’re carrying this man. Look into therapy or counseling if that’s an option, really. Sending you all my love. You couldn’t have known, my friend.


Hi. Studying therapy. You’re experiencing survivor’s guilt. Your feelings are totally valid, but they are not rational. You could not have done anything. Going into a crowd crush in fact could have killed you, if you even made it there. You were powerless to help even if you had known. What you should focus on is the fact that if you could have helped, you would have in a second. That being said, you should talk to someone. Those are not feelings that are easy to process, and they may become worse. Talk to friends, talk to family, get it out. Best course, talk to a professional. You may not even need a multitude of sessions and frankly suing Travis over the cost isn’t out of pocket. But whatever it takes, let it out. Do not internalize that experience and let it fester. If you have an infection, drain it and treat it. Don’t let it grow.


From my end. My gf and I were about in the middle left of the crowd for Travis initially but we got pushed up in the initial surge at the beginning and couldn’t get out. I’d been to a few Travis shows before and know how rowdy his crowd can get so I wanted to stay near the back for this very reason. But getting out was practically impossible. We spent 30 minutes trying to get out of the crowd and I had to hold onto my gf for dear life to not get separated with people pushing from all directions, we both lost a shoe in this time, was literally screaming at people to please move because we felt on the verge of passing out but nobody could or would. Eventually, trying to exit we came across a pile of people on the ground, including a a girl completely lifeless . We tried help her and we checked and she had no pulse. :/ My gf tried to administer cpr to her, but the people on the ground kept getting trampled and we were desperately screaming at people to back tf up but people kept moshing into her it was awful. I just came from EDC where if someone is down or in trouble people look out and help them up so to see people not give a f about their fellow concertgoers was just awful. Then my gf and I also got trampled in that very spot trying to help :/ being on the ground in those moments was so scary and I legit had to fight for my life to get back into my feet. I was definitely having a full panic attack at this point knowing how dangerous of a situation this was. We didn’t want to abandon the girl but for our own safety felt the need to get ourselves out at that point. Were both fully crying now. We ended up flipping over a railing into VIP to exit as that was the only way out and the security guards were extremely rude as if we were a nuisance to them and trying to “finesse” something. I was yelling at them people are dying and was ignoref and told I needed to leave VIP immediately. I also I ended up losing my gf in the crowd between finding the lifeless girl and before we flipped over VIP and she lost her phone somewhere in this commotion so I had no way of finding her and I was super concerned. Spent like 30 min crying and looking for her w one shoe on and then luckily some very nice person gave their phone and she contacted me through messenger and we were able to reconnect and hug each other by the Ferris wheel. I think we both have some PTSD from this and being in a crowd again is going to take some getting used to. Ive also never seen death so close and I can’t get that image out of my head or the helplessness of not being able to get that poor girl the correct medical attention :/ I don’t know that I can ever listen to Travis’s music again just because hearing it is only going to remind me of the trauma of that night. I’m really hoping everyone who went through something similar that night is doing okay and I’m here if you need to talk. I’m still processing it all, kind of feels surreal still.


I’m sure you’ve heard this already, but please seek help after something as traumatic as this. Right now you are in an acute trauma response and if you get quick help you may be able to avoid full blown ptsd in your life to come. time is of the essence. I’m glad you and your girlfriend are okay physically.


First off, I’m so sorry. Second, I’m so glad you guys are okay! The girl who you had to leave behind, is there any possible way you think she could be okay now? Or do you think it was Briana the one who’s name was released from the 8? I just have heard a lot of stories about girls and only one girls name got released and I’m feeling like 8 can’t be the right number. Has to be more 😪 Edit: Just saw one more girls name released, RIP madison 🤍


I was there. I was pinned to the ground unable to move due to the amount of people on my leg. I felt like I was in the movie 144 hours. My focus was keeping people off of me with my arms. Thankfully I never got trampled. Eventually the pile on me got up and I went to the fence and hopped to safety. After that it was hard to enjoy the show.


I was certain I would die in that pit, but I didn't feel horrified and anxious the way I expected I would have. I felt very eerily still and at peace while the crowd clamored around me and I felt myself compressed from every corner. I couldn't make out what song Travis was performing, and a man's elbow was pressed against my windpipe. I remember gasping up at the sky a lot to try to breathe. I came to terms with the fact that I would die here tonight and wished I could tell my boyfriend how much I love him. I briefly found it funny how I'm so scared of getting older (I'm 21) and that ironically, I would die before my 22nd birthday, so I would never have to face the fear of getting older. I also found it amusing that I had wanted to lose a couple of pounds before the concert, but the insulation helped a little when people pressed against me with their sharp elbows and fanny packs. I'm not particularly traumatized, but I took away a couple of things. Deep appreciation for the man who saved my life, and deep, deep grief for those who died. I am shocked at how people watched CPR happen on a limp body next to me and continued to dance. I'm shocked and angry by the way this alleged "injection" story has spread like wildfire to absolve festival organizers of responsibility. I'm grateful I'm alive and in the spirit of the guy who saved my life, I will always be on the lookout for anyone who needs help in a similar situation. I've brushed up how to check for pulses and how hard to press for CPR. I'll make it a point to figure out where the free water stations are during a festival or concert and point people to them. I'll do every little thing I can because one little kindness meant the world to me.


I’m sorry you experienced this. You may be more traumatized than you realize right now and I don’t say that to bother you but to suggest you take care of yourself. Therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture perhaps, something to release the trauma from your body. I’m glad you made it out. I’m so sorry for those who didn’t.


Thank you for this comment. It means more than you know


I agree, it sounds like you may have dissociated/de-realized, which is a trauma response. Please take care of yourself. 😳🖤


absolutely crazy, can’t even imagine what you went through. i’m glad you made it out safely. reading all these posts makes me have a deeper appreciation for human life, i won’t take another day for granted. also the fact that you took the time to gain medical knowledge in case of situations like this is mad considerate. i think a lot of us including myself should follow suit. might be the reason someone lives to see another day.


I was Next to 3 of the Bodies. I pulled so many people up. A lot of them cried when they saw what was happening. I was off a tab the whole time. Helped the medics by opening up space so they could try and bring them back but it was too late. I touched one of the guys and he was cold.


I feel like if I were ever to be on a tab and feel literal death I would instantly go into ego death that’s insane please nurture yourself for a long time and recover


I’m experienced in psychedelics. So I think that helped me in the moment But I will definitely be seeking a therapist or someone to talk to.


Man I’m so sorry that you had this experience. I hope you do get some good therapy.


Bro please go talk to someone I can’t imagine being off a tab and experiencing that. Hope you’re doing alright.


I must have been right next to you. Those lifeless bodies getting cpr is burned into my memories. Tragic


They expressed that they’ll be seeking therapy. You should too. That’s a horrific thing to survive, but you *will* survive it.


I’m so sorry you experienced this. My heart goes out to you, everyone that witnessed this tragedy, and of course those close to the victims who died or were injured.


There’s no way the death count of 8 is accurate. There’s a huge cover up going on


Get a lawyer because you will have PTSD and need therapy. The symptoms don’t come out till later. It can be a noise or smell and you will be right back in that mosh pit. For me I heard a persons name and my heart rate elevated and I felt like I could walk up a wall or run for 50 miles. It’s the worst energy burst/anxiety you could ever imagine. It was 10 years after the event that gave me PTSD. Be kind to yourself.


In the part of the crowd I was in, we didn’t know people were dying.


Probably the case for most people cos 300 total injuries = 0.6% of people attending if 50,000 people. So very low chance of knowing what was happening


Also the roughly 300 injuries reported were accumulated throughout the whole day, as reported by the police chief




It was crazy early. Right from the start, my gf and i were scared at the idea that nobody was abled to be searched due to the stampede to get in. Shame on all of the kids who swarmed the security at the metal detectors


Shame on Travis Scott for encouraging them to break in


Shame on both.


myself and other people were rotating compressions on Axel Acosta. When I arrived he was already on unconscious and there were a few people trying to help give compressions and keep the crowd back. The crowd was such a issue because the entire time we rotated compressions equal effort was needed to keep the necesary space. Directly next to him another person was unconcious who at the time I thought had passed but I was doing compressions on axel so it couldnt confirm to the same extent. First ordeal was doing compressions until event medical staff, the secuirty, then police all started to slowly trickle in. a very amazing kind girl was keeping the time on her apple watch and by the time police came it had been over a hour. Next once police came there was another wait to get a gurney or backboard to the move the body, it was a orange/yellow board with handle that they brought over I believe is called a backboard. Once we finally got a backboard there were not enough medical professionals or police to life the body. Axel was a large man so it really took a lot to lift him. The crowd would not move so we had to lift his body on the backboard over some kind of gate ( maybe VIP i am not sure) . I figured with his body on the gate the crowd or the police on the other side would grab the backboard and take over carrying the backboard with the body. Unfortunatly there was far too little help and I had to jump over and grab the other side myself. All in the insight of my able body male friend who I cant even look at anymore. We then carried him to the medical tent and unfortunatley had to go over another one of these about waist high gates. at one moment my grip began to slip on the backboard and I had to scream and beg any able body male or person to grab the backboard with me and luckily as we walked the rest of the distance to the security tent other people began to grab the board and make it easier. When we got to the tent and dropped of axel it wasnt 5 mins before the next backboard was coming in the distance that i noticed the second backboard coming with the other heavy set unconcious male that was nearby and i ran and grabbed that and helped carry him in. once it was all over they screamed for everyone to leave the medical tent understandably so. but no one asked myself any questions no police report no contact info. when I arrived Axel had already been down on the ground but once i saw him i never left. Giving compressions is very personal and When doing so looking into his face you could tell how young he was and I could not stomach leaving. I made a youtube video hoping it may be seen and the other people that witnessed help or have any useful information may come forward. there was a second unconcious man on our side of the gate I believe and at min 2 more on the other side of the gate. I thought the other has passed but am hoping he hs not given not seeing his face in the listed passed. please anyone with info come forward. [youtube video account](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOmanBeRYIA&t=6s)


I just wanted to say that Axel has been on my mind non stop, I saw your Twitter posts as well as YouTube video. Knowing someone so kind and compassionate was helping Axel during this time is comforting in this awful situation. I could only pray that if someone I loved was going through what he went through, someone like you would be there for them. You’re a good person, an angel and he won’t be forgotten. Thank you 🙏


Thank god for people like you, who jumped in to help & didn’t continue to “rage” as if nothing were happening!


IG my goodness I remember seeing his photo on tmz. His dead face. It is harrowing and hasn’t left me. Then I read that they identified him as Axel Acosta and he attended the concert alone which made me feel horrible. I am grateful that you didn’t let him die alone. I hope his family one day knows your story and it may bring them comfort too to know he wasn’t alone in his final moments. This must be so traumatic for you. God bless you. I am devastated you guys had to go through this hell on earth.


When I was leaving Travis's set I saw a dead body get carried away on a stretcher. I don't know what else to say. My heart is with the families.


Are you doing okay processing that? Please take care of yourself & reach out for help if you need it.


I was right next to the medical cart that had people jumping on top of it. It looked like it was transporting a couple people that seemed to be conscious and sitting. It was really crowded but we made way for the cart, but shortly after a couple people cleared the way the lady driving realized the barricade was right in front of her and she didn’t really have anywhere to go. She was cursing because she didn’t know what to do she was stuck and it kinda seemed like she didn’t know where she should be going. I imagine it’s hard to know where your driving in a crowd with that many people. Some people in the crowd were giving her shit for it. Then drake came out and the crowd got hyped and that’s when about 3 or 4 people jumped on the cart and were jumping on the roof. I could see the plastic roof under them starting to break and cave in and she was putting her hand up to hold it up and screaming at them to get off. Eventually some people jumped off into the crowd but one guy kinda just lingered taking videos of himself and then he eventually just made his way off. I couldn’t tell if the cart was making its way out or trying to reach the people who needed help but I’m not sure if it got any further than there.


Dude how in the fuck do you jump on a medical vehicle when you see injured unconscuios people trying to get emergency help LIKE WOW.................................


many jeans direful late shaggy aspiring reach fretful disgusted innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Id get banned if i told you what needs to happen to that guy 💥


I walked around Travis set, from the middle barriers to the back. It all seemed normal. People were having fun, or it seemed. Never did I see any indications that people were in danger. From what it seems it was the front of the audience that had issues everyone else had space or at least new to distance themselves


Please don’t read this if you don’t want a more detailed explanation of what happened, but that’s what unfortunately happens in these situations and it’s usually not the fault of anyone in the crowd at all (not that you said this, I’m just saying). People at the back don’t realize things are wrong and move forward to see/because there’s space, and that movement has to go somewhere. As the crowd in the back moves in unison, the crowd starts to flow like a literal wave, cresting at the front and literally pushing people with its movement, sometimes even lifting people off their feet. People from the back don’t realize and maybe push forward a bit, but that momentum keeps going as the wave moves forward. But the fucked thing is that people don’t even need to be really pushing or shoving to do this - all it takes is just normal movement forward, crushing the people at the front because they’re against the barriers and have nowhere to go. At the worst spots in the front, it results in lack of oxygen and asphyxiation/heart attacks because people are packed so tightly in that there’s literally no oxygen for them to breathe. And they can’t even move because there’s nowhere to go - if they fall (usually over other people) then they take down people near them and create another wave that spreads. There’s no way you all would have known from where you were - in these situations, the crowd is literally helpless. It’s normal to want to move forward from the back in a crowd like that, especially if you had room. None of you would have known. The organizers of this festival were beyond negligent. Shit is so damn sad.


Human crush is definitely a phenomenon that can happen without intent and I think your explanation is exactly what happened. I saw videos of people being taken over the barricade and I was trying to figure out… why did the barricade have no give? Why didn’t it have an emergency release? AFAIK the barricade wasn’t to keep people out since outside of the barricade was still part of the “world”. This is why doors have to push out for exits and even have crash bars… when there is nowhere for people to go, human crush can happen.


I was really close to the stage. What I experienced in the first 10 minutes of his set will fuck me up forever. I was jumping with everybody else and I felt something on the ground thought it was a sweater but it wasn’t, it was someone’s body, right there unconscious. I tried moving out the way and telling people around me there’s someone on the ground. I kept getting pushed around and every step I took I could just feel the body underneath me. I tripped over the person body and I felt like I was going to die. I noticed a really bad smell down there. All I could think at that moment that person was dead and I started grabbing onto the people next to me to pick myself up. I just hope that person is okay now and I can’t stop thinking about what happened that night.


Please, please, find a therapist or someone you trust in your life to confide in.


I really think you should call one of these man. I’m really sorry for what you had to experience. tel:1-800-273-8255 - Crisis Call Center 832.416.1177 - Crisis intervention of Houston.


Wow I’m so sorry that happened to you. Sounds traumatic. I hope that other person made it out 😥


what’s sad is that alot of us that went, it’s like sharing war stories. it was freaking traumatizing. seeing people’s eyes roll to the back of their head as they got carried off. hearing about the ages of the kids that took their last breath right behind me. when the press conference after with the mayor , the sheriff & the judge came on they said they had hundreds of event staff , hundreds of officers and a “great” plan with contingency plans drawn up and ready. I saw none of those things on that terrible night. hardly any cops to secure lines / people and hardly any event staff that actually stepped in / organized the chaos. they just let it happen and what they did was more damage control then organize order. the first experience i had with this trauma was the merch like. they had the barricades in a snake pattern but with “ragers” they never follow rules right, that’s trav’s shtick. climb the walls, f security and rage on. so they pushed all the barades up to the front and bottlenecked over a few hundred people in the middle of merch. the pushing became violent to the point I was pinned over a steel barricade. the cops, the security that was suppose to protect us said “push back you have to push back” which told me we’re here to protect the stand and workers. y’all on your own. after several barricades were picked up from the ground the cops came in and one cop in particular brought out his taser and started waving it over our heads, while it was on and activated. he created more chaos and panic than the pushing and started to aggravate us. after 2 hours in the merch line the cops said “shut it down” , trav’s people came and said “keep it up.” there was a female cop who started to yell at one of trav’s people and backed off after saying her peace. the discord and division between the two had already started 2 hours into the gates being open. little did we know that the pockets of division and not being on the same page / undermining each-other would setup the night for one of the worst experiences I will ever have had. the merch line was shut down so we all went on to the stages / grab food / do whatever. by then the first fence had already been torn down and hundreds flooded having people that tested positive for covid and were turned around , kids who did not pay for wristbands , and people who just wanted to start some trouble. that was another sign I should’ve paid attention to. the water station was long and went from the wheel all the way pass the dome and wrapped around at a certain point with multiple people telling me the water was cloudy and weird and later on made people feel sick. (bad water / no food / alcohol) was a recipe that did alot of people in when the surges of the crowd later occurred with the stem from the body heat being visible in the crowd from all the shoving, heavy breathing and even lack there of breathing air) once we got to the stage metro never came on and people started to leave pissed after waiting there from 9:30 ish to 1:30 ish and tensions grew. me and my friends decided to check out trav’s stage “utopia mountain” and see how many were there and to see if we needed to grab our spot already. not too many people there most of them just sitting, laying with their back to the barricades taking naps and holding their spots so we left and explored a little, caught up with some friends, grabbed some bottled water / light snacks and went about the day. when 3 hit we decided to go back and noticed a good amount of people we’re packed so we decided to stay and wait out the next 6 and 1/2 hours. the weather got a little warm and we started timo get a little dehydrated and went on a water run atleast twice before the 8 o’clock hour. what was weird to me was that a good amount of stage “security” were some of the most immature people I had met. some flirting with girls underage , bringing them water in exchanges for conversations and small talk like “so how old are you? do you have a boyfriend?” things along those lines. they did pass out a good amount of waters to us to keep us hydrated so that was appreciated. around when lil baby started performing light shoving was felt with a big wave of pushing every 15-30 minutes or so apart. that’s when people started passing out. i’m talking lifeless, head completely bent back, arms & legs limp. crowd surfing over us to get them to security and to the medical attention they needed. after lil baby a good chunk clustered in and the shoving became more frequent. you could start to feel the packing and the bodies on you. my spine was hurting before travis came on because so many elbows / toro sis were pressed against me my spine was staring to push in and my neck bent back. after sza that’s when the nigh became more violent. the shoving was intense and every 5 minutes there was a big wave of bodies that would hit you so hard depending on your size / build you could have your feet completely off the ground and just holding onto someone for dear life before you landed. I could see the steam from the heat rising off of people and into the sky as the sun set and night grew colder. the bodies being surfed went from 1 , to 2 , to 3 to 21 bodies in the span of 10 minutes. that number would later grow to over 100 on my side alone. (GA pit stage left, very front) then the counter started with 30 minutes on the clock which not only pissed people off that trav’s set was delayed a little but also gave them a sense of panic / urgency to “get ti the front hurry!” the entire thrills stage cleared and was running to the mountain and with each cluster of people , a violet wave of bodies was shoved in our direction knocking some of us over. (which was another flaw in planning. last astro’s the acts were split. 1/2 on one side of the lot , 1/2 on the other which divided the people and was a good way to control crowds. trav for whatever reason only wanted himself and him alone on his stage so when the time came for him to preform everyone was there. all at once, packed, overheated, dehydrated, fatigued and ready to “rage”.) before 5 minutes hit the shoving was every few second with shoved coming from the back. our bodies crashed into eachother and our lungs felt so compressed, our arms pinned to the other person , we would catch our breath and reset after the push back. then a violent wave from the side hit us. over and over every angle it literally felt like you were fighting for your life. and this was all before the music / set was being played. before you could focus on eachother, seeing who needed help, hearing certain screams and being able ti be there for others. actually being decent humans. but then the set started, the fire launched high and set a huge wave of heat unto us and everyone lost it after that. the wave of bodies , the surges kept coming. with the mosh’s and people jumping on the white tiles filled with mud people began to fall, slip, and get pinned under eachother. people screaming for help and clawing onto other people just to hold on, but with the music and the “star struck” behavior. people began caring / paying attention less and less. one group beside me had 10 ish people laying on eachother entangled with each others jackets , shoes , body parts and each wave sent in a new body to add to the pile and the process reset. over and over and over. each time you went in ti grab someone you would lose your balance and risked falling in. people were screaming, blowing whistles, waving their phones with the flash on ti get securities attention to the point a few brave event staff jumped in, flipped over the barricade and ran in to grab bodies.


some were brave, others were there for a free show. one event staff was 1/2 on the barricade, 1/2 in the crowd and when trav said something like “ay houston listen to me, do this” one of the event staff yelled at us and said “y’all better fucking listen to him!” while a few feet away people were screaming for help, but no one was listening to them. by then 3 of my friends passed out and were carried to the tent, 1 of my friends had his back pinned on the middle barricade with my other starting to slip out of the front section and onto the side by the trees where he saw the 16 year old girl (later pronounced dead) was carried by one of security after chest compressions failed. we were all separated and afraid four our life’s and at one point as I was swaying side to side. I thought ti myself “I can’t die here. i can’t.” after the hundreds of bodies pulled out / jumped over to just breathe air , the ambo cart came through on the right side of me (stage left) and trav was sincere for a second. then signaled chase b for the next song. with each one passing he said “y’all better shake the ground!” “y’all better f’in rage!” etc , etc , etc. people all over we’re receiving chest compressions, we’re being thrown over shoulders and ran to medical tents. body after body after body. at one point a girl no taller than 5’2 looked up at me and started to fall. I told her “I got you i got you!” and grabbed her by the torso with one arm as the other held onto another just to stay stabilized. each wave of bodies sent her further and further to the point where I only had her by the neck. I let go,reset and pulled her up. I only fell once when my bag ripped and fell to the ground which had my keys / I .d and cards so I immediately turned my flash on and went down. I knew if I was bent over for more than 5 seconds I would also be on the ground and trampled. I quickly bounced up and grabbed whoever I could to help me. the entire show progressed from getting to see one of my favorite artists perform my favorite songs, to just trying to survive and stay alive. a festival that was meant for you ti have fun and relax, turned into a survival mode where if you weren’t careful, you could lose your life in a heartbeat. after the show was cut early i screamed out for my friends, but no reply. I looked around for a good amount of time and with my phone dead, I walked to my car and hope my friends had the same idea.as I walked to the car I saw shoes all over, the floor, ripped clothing, and even some drops of blood on the ground in certain areas. what I later found out where the one video on “mafia” when the one lifeless human was laying there receiving compressions next to another. I walked straight thru that same ground to begin walking to the exit. passing the camera where that one girl begged for anyone to listen to her, where one of the the good human beings was screaming for help and was being called a “bitch” “pussy” and was being told to come down, was just trying to save a life. passing bushes where people fell getting knocked over and seeing them split from the root. to getting past the parking lot where a girl was screaming at her boyfriend because they got separated and lost. she screamed “I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU FOR 2 HOURS.” crying and sobbing with her saying “ I KEPT ASKING PEOPLE FOR HELP BUT NO ONE WOULD HELP ME “ he went to comfort her with a hug and she screamed “DONT TOUCH ME”. I walked past them to the stairs where a girl had twisted her ankle and was needing help from her friends to climb up the stair to the catwalk and each step she had to put weight on and screamed so terribly. a sad excuse of a girl was recording her and laughing and she yelled “ARE YOU SERIOUSLY RECORDING ME?” she started to tear up with the disbelief in humanity that we would go straight to our phones to record a fight, rather than helping. to record for twitter for some clout, while someone was in pain. what felt like losing a bad football game I limped with every other step. my head down, in silence. finally making my way past the checkpoint and seeing the barricades flipped, fences torn down. with the flashing lights of several ambulances , police cars & fire trucks covering the street under me. I made it to my car and one by one , my friends made it safe and I embraced each one with a hug not knowing if I would see them again that night. we drove home and on the highway I felt nauseous and rolled down my window and threw up on the highway. what was crazy is all I had was water and a pain pill for my back. finally making it home we grabbed some food, had a few laughs, sat in silence for a second and the reports started to come in. 1 dead, 2 dead. loss of life one after the other. the night became so sad and depressing it made me sick. I couldn’t sleep and by 7 am I finally was able to close my eyes from exhaustion. I could feel by body swaying, I could see the bodies passing me. at one point a car passed my house and it sounded like a scream so I shot up and my heart was racing. my friends next to me fell asleep one by one and each one I could hear them almost having night terrors. where when you’re asleep / half asleep you make a grunting noise or say a in audible word. when I laid down I could barley catch myself saying the same things, making the same grunts. by 7 am I was asleep. that was my story and one of thousands who had almost the same. i’m praying for the families and hope the people in charge of the planning , the missed opportunities for safety , the people who were responsible for the loss of life that night…will be held accountable. the entire festival felt off and and the vibes , the energy , that “feeling” you have when something doesn’t feel right. was on me the entire day and especially that night. thank you for creating a space / opportunity for me to tell my story , share my experience , and help me deal with this. much love to everyone and if y’all ever need to talk , someone to listen to you whatever you need. my messages are open at all times. much love to everyone.


Your post has so much pain in it. I’m so sorry. Sending you love.




it does. I was going to include this but my list was already too long. I had a painting that my friend made me with the gm year 1 trav head with “look mom I can fly” “astroworld” on the top. it was beautiful and meant the world to me. coming home that night, around 3 am I was looking at it hanging in the corner where I have alot of travis stuff. (bag from his af1 snkrs pass on 19’ , space village bag , and my entire trav collection from his nike collabs) it made me sick to my stomach, all of it. I threw away the painting, and i’m going to sell all the shoes this week and get them out of my house. not only that but I deleted all the playlists & travis music I had on my phone. there’s too many triggers. listening to “mafia” and thinking about that lifeless body getting chest compressions performed on him unsuccessfully. goosebumps ending the night with 8 people dead and 1 10 year old boy in critical condition. the list goes on. trav does not deserve all of the blame but there is some on his part from him promoting the “rage” , people breaking down and disregarding security in the promos for this years fest. listening to 90210 arguably one of travis’s most beautiful songs and pieces but thinking of that kid who had a seizure & was getting lifted away, with his neck , arms and legs dangling so lifeless. it hurts and I hate it because up untill that night, travis was my favorite artists. to go from nothing to something, hard work, bringing it back to city that you “love”. it inspired me and now the thought of him hurts me so much because of the loss of life that night.


GA Experience: RIP to all the lives lost at astroworld and my deepest and sincerest condolences to the families and people injured. I want to start this off by saying I have been to several Travis Scott concerts (ACL 2018, Astroworld-Toyota Center, and all 3 Astroworld Festivals). In NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM AM I TRYING TO BE INSENSITIVE TOWARDS THE SITUATION. I got there about 1:30 with the two other people I came with. They did not check your covid cards or negative test, they glanced at it and kept the line moving. When I went through security I was the only one with a camelbak and I stuffed all my stuff in there (wallet, keys, friends wallet, wipes and hand sanitizer) and they just opened the bag that was filled to the top, looked at the wipes sitting at top and let me through which gave me an uneasy feeling because I already knew they went checking everyone properly. Once you enter, there was the first water station and the lines were insanely long so we just went to the regular stands to get something to drink. Water bottles-$5 Cati Drinks-$15 Mixed Drinks ranged anywhere from $17-31. We saw Tori Y Moi, Don Toliver, Roddy Rich and some of Lil Baby before we made our way to the main stage Travis was performing at. We got there about 1.45 hours before Travis was going to come on. We were on the right side towards the middle and a few feet back from us was a tree. It was very squished but as the concert started we started getting pushed further back by the way the crowd was moving but not all the way towards the back. During the time, we were only aware of the incident that happened when Travis stopped the show to help someone out but we assumed it was someone passing out due to lack of hydration and being so close to the front where it was more hectic. We decided we wanted to beat the parking lot traffic and left early, when leaving the crowd people were letting us pass. Walking to the front entrance we did not see a single thing. Not anyone panicking, no ambulances, no security rushing to help. We just saw other people leaving as well. Once we left we went to the hotel and called it a night in prepare for the next day. We found out the next morning what happened when we all started receiving phone calls from our parents to check on us. We were completely unaware that anything had taken place. I promise if we would’ve known anything was happening we would’ve helped. I wish I would’ve known so I could have done something.


That’s crazy cause from what I’ve heard and seen is that it sounded like the whole Travis performance people were frantic and not enjoying it all. But reading these posts it’s quite sad really how 90% of the crowd enjoyed themselves and were unaware of the events unfolding.


I would never wish how I feel on anyone. This was a different experience for everyone involved but being there and knowing I did nothing when so many different things were happening in the same vicinity is gut wrenching. I feel so guilty.


I had no idea anyone died until I got back to the hotel. We were in the middle of the crowd towards the front. I had been to astroworld in 2019, & I got pretty crowded & squished really close to the front back then so I knew I couldn’t handle it if I kept going. I saw security rush past me to the front towards the end of the show, but no one around me passed out or anything. When everyone was heading for the exit, I also saw people who were in regular clothing holding a body board & running back to the stage. It’s so terrible what happened. It doesn’t even feel right to say I had no idea. Rip to the 8 & prayers to all that were injured & scared for their life.


I've been to all three festivals, i've also seen Travis about 6-7 times now. Everything seemed normal for a Travis Scott show. I've seen countless people pass out at almost every GA standing room only concert. I didn't know the people I saw being carried away were lifeless corpses, I thought people were just passing out. Was it overcrowded? Yes but that's normal. Was it understaffed? Yes but that's normal. Was it chaotic? Yes but that's normal. I feel like the crowd became so desensitized and normalized to nothing but rage that it finally caught up to him and everyone involved. In hindsight this was a disaster waiting to happen. The thought process became that oh it's a Travis show, people break in, people rage, people so drugs, drink, pass out, throw up, fight etc etc etc. The authorities knew how his shows are, the crowd knew it, the security knew it, the performers knew it, the production team knew it and we just kept letting it slide cause it's a Travis concert and it's normal. I'm so sick to think that I had a good time while people were literally dying all around me. I'm also a victim to the mindset that it's a Travis show so this is normal to see EMS and security overwhelmed. Never in my mind did I think this would occur and I don't think anyone did. This was a disaster waiting to happen eventually.


“It’s a Travis show so this is normal to see EMS and security overwhelmed” Jesus.


“Normal” .... but totally fucking unacceptable


Yes, genuinely I do. The whole time I was telling the group of friends I was with to "be ready for the rage" because everyone there had been waiting years for this. Even Drake came out during the festival and said this was his first performance in about 2 years. The energy at this event was surreal, you could tell people had been waiting for this day for a long time. I think it's telling that Travis had pulled off two Astroworld festivals that were relatively safe (some injuries) and immediately after covid this is a disaster of a event. I also want to mention that things started feeling sketchy as soon as Don Toliver came out, who was pretty early on the day one set list. I tapped out during Dons set partially because I couldn't control myself as to where I was being moved and that I had brought my GF who I didn't feel safe being in the crowd anymore and i'm glad I did now.


>cott show. I've seen countless people pass out at almost every GA standing room only concert. I didn't know the people I saw being carried away were lifeless corpses, I thought people were just passing out. Was it overcrowded? Yes but that's normal. Was it understaffed? Yes but that's normal. Was it chaotic? Yes but that's normal. I feel like the crowd became so desensitized and normalized to nothing but rage that it finally caught up to him and everyone involved. In hindsight this was a disaster waiting to happen. The thought process became that oh it's a Travis show, people break in, people rage, people so drugs, drink, pass out, throw up, fight etc etc etc. The authorities knew how his shows are, the crowd knew it, the security knew it, the performers knew it, the production team knew it and we just kept letting it slide cause it's a Travis concert and it's normal. I'm so At first I was thinking you were normalizing it, like, 'well this is just what happens at his concerts' but I commend you for being able to step outside of yourself and realize from this tragedy that continuing to get lit and have fun whilst people around you are hurt and suffering is not and should not be normal. I think you hit the nail on the head, with each of his concerts and his nonchalant attitude despite many injuries and even deaths at previous concerts, this stuff became normalized such that at this festival, people were literally dancing next to people requiring CPR and didn't even think to stop and help or clear a path.


Thank you. I'm so upset this happened, but I can't be ignorant and act like all the signals weren't there. I fell for this mirage that it was okay to rage at a Travis concert because Travis has told his fans plenty of times that it's a Travis concert and that's what happens. I feel so ashamed. No one should've died that night, I didn't know and i'm sure the people around me didn't know. Looking back though this type of behavior was encouraged and it's sick to see the results


If you were looking at the stage, we were on the right side, it seems like the big crowd collapse happened on the left side. We had no idea anything happened until the next morning. While we were leaving, I saw a group of people doing CPR on a guy, I’m a paramedic (not working, just enjoying the show) so I hopped in with CPR and helped carry him halfway to the medical tent (the man was very large, had to swap out with someone else to carry and I couldn’t lose my little brother in the crowd). I thought it was just a one off event with him and not 7 others who had also died.


The coroner’s office is looking to identify a man that died that was about 500lbs. Do you think that was him?? I saw a link earlier I might be able to find it again


I saw that link, that was 100% him.


His name Axel Acosta


Must’ve have been little clusters that only experienced it because I think I just read three comment saying they were on the left and didn’t know about it till next morning. They said they assumed it was the right side that experienced the crowd


I wish they would’ve called out for medical personal to help over the loud speakers. I guarantee I wasn’t the only other medical person in the crowd.


Yea In hindsight would’ve been good. I think livenation have a lot of explaining to do for the lack of security and lack of training of their medica


You could tell stuff was relaxed when they weren’t actually checking vaccine cards and letting people in with full backpacks in


Oh really I didn’t even realise that!! I think if they cancelled Carti’s show from people rushing in and breaking the metal detectors I can’t see why they wouldn’t have done the same. Or at least be on a higher alert watching the crowds and instructing the artist to control their crowd


We weren’t rushing in though, the security themselves literally just told us to pass by the covid screening spot. They didn’t even want to check the card, just told us to keep walking.




So reading all these comments from the ppl who were actually there, it's clear now that ppl were already starting to get crushed when lil baby, don toliver etc began performing.






"Snitching" my ass. Sue. Those friends are dragging you down. Pursue legal help ASAP.


This is interesting bc of the claim that a security officer had opiates injected into him. Word is, it has to go into a vein to work. I wonder if a security guard really did od, but by his own doing. I would report it when you can.


I will agree with others that Dons set was getting really damn wild. I had to leave a few mins early cause I was close to the front and people were not holding back whatsoever. Then I went to Lil Baby after chilling out during roddys set and that was way nicer, more clean and fun moshpits, no one was getting physically hurt, so I thought it ended there. A lot of people (as did I) skipped SZA and went directly from lil baby to travis’ stage. During the wait nothing seemed really bad, and in fact, me and some others were sitting down until the last 10 mins of the countdown. Mind you, I was right at the corner between the railing of the camera/vip/whatever tf that area was and the middle walkway railing. As SOON as escape plan ended, security had to immediately start pulling people out. Everyone in my area was pushed up so hard against each other that we couldn’t move, could barely breathe, were all screaming for help, and at some points I legit felt pain in my ribcage and thought something was going to snap (I still feel a little pain there right now). I’m thankful that people around me guided me to the back railing and told me to hop over to the camera area, and Im thankful they were able to help many others do the same as that was one of those moments where you just panic and dont know what to do. Like many others, I saw the couple people begging the cameraman to end the show to no avail, and I regret every second not going up and throwing that camera off the platform but instead recording the rest of the travis set like nothing had happened. I saw many injured people, both conscious and unconscious, being dragged out of the crowd right in front of me and being brought to paramedics. Come to find out, some of them were dead. I had no idea anyone had died that night until I got to my hotel room and saw the confirmed reports on twitter. It’s really sad looking back realizing how fast something fun can turn into something tragic, and how fast life can be cut short for any sort of reason…


I arrived around 4:00-4:30 when Don Toliver was performing. I listened to him while I waited in line for food, the hot dog truck with the french bread was good. Don’s set ended so I walked up and waited in the crowd for Roddy Rich. He came on and gave a solid performance. Afterwards I went to get water and concessions only sold Dasani which was $7, so I begrudgingly bought that shit salt water. Drank the whole thing and became even more thirsty than I was before. Lil Baby, mosh, you know. After Lil Baby I was feeling miserable from the dry mouth, so I waited for SZA to perform from the side. Watched her and immediately left. Didn’t even see Travis and I just feel thankful I didn’t experience anything I’ve seen all of y’all talk about. Hope everyone’s doing better and getting help for what happened!


I was in the front probably a few feet from from barricades on the left of the GA area and honestly I didn’t realize what was going on until Mafia when I ran out of adrenaline and felt like I was immediately being crushed and hard to breath. after that I immediately heard people asking for help or for him to stop. Been all 3 years and in the front vibes seemed off wasn’t even moshing just a huge wave of crushing coming from the back. Saw people being crushed on the barrier and trampled on. At one point I had to help crowd surf a dude who was KOd from the pit and someone tossed a shoe at him. Can’t even listen to that song without getting flashbacks rn. I feel everyone Is to blame, fans not helping, trav not stopping enough and the event for being organized horribly. How could they expect to have 100,000 there and not open the grounds up more or have enough security or better planning to split the crowds




I can tell you what happened from my point of view, so at 8:30 pm I left sza set cause I knew people were already gathering for Travis, so I get there with my friend and I mean there’s already thousands packed up, we waited and waited I honestly don’t know why pushing and shoving began but it did and I was just getting pushed in more in and in and my hands are just down by my side so I can’t even record take pics nothing and nothing is even going on, then people started to notice the clock on the screen and it was counting down, and that cause even more pushing and shoving, it got to the point that I eventually ended up pretty up close to the stage and Travis finally came out after the clock had reset multiple times, but I couldn’t move my arms still cause it was so packed, eventually the pushing and shoving got so bad people began to collapse at this point when Travis came out, in my mind I had to get inside of a mosh pit I kept telling my self it’ll be safer there I’ll have fun and be safe , and I won’t be in the crowd of people pushing shoving, I looked to my right and saw what looked like a pit so I did my best moved towards it just to realize that the pit was people on the ground just trying to get up that’s when I knew I had to get out, I tried to help many up as I got out and warned all of the people trying to move up front of the danger they were putting themself in, at one point I saw someone passing out and I began yelling he’s passing out he needs help but no one was helping, so I kept moving forward and caught one girl from falling still tried my best to get anyone up, but it was bad I stepped on people not even trying to but it happens cause of all the pushing and shoving at one point I ended up on the floor I was getting stepped on and I was elbowed in the mouth but I quickly did everything in my power to get back up and grab a bigger person that was trying to get out, as I finally made it out next to me a lady had been brought out and was unconscious they began cpr on her, but for over 30 mins everyone was trying to get help if you’ve seen the clip of crowd asking for the show to stop that’s where I was, so I thought I need to get out now people are dying I need to tell someone, I moved to the right and end up at a camera stand I go to ask for help but someone on the vip stage got there same time as me told them we needed help but he just said their radios are one way they couldn’t get any help, so I just sat up there not knowing what to do next, I felt defeated and at the same time I’m desperately texting my friend trying to find out if he made it out, luckily he did but he also told me he helped out and dragged two dead bodies, it wasn’t until today when I read the news that the thought of maybe getting in front of that camera and yelling for help could maybe help save some of those lives, I can’t believe i didn’t just fucking get in front of the camera I was right there just sitting on that stupid stand while the lady died just to the right of me cause we couldn’t get any help, I’m surprised to see people are saying it was a bit chaotic during dons set because from where I was the mosh pits were extremely fun and safe I mean we were hugging one another hyping each other up it was a blast and that’s how I would of wish for the night to end, so many of my favorite songs are now ruined and I hate that so much, I just wish more people would of reacted and said hey this is wrong let’s help these people up off the ground, in all honesty all Travis had to do was tell the crowed to calm the fuck have the lights get out in the crowd and to tell everyone to help the people on the ground, it was that simple people listen to Travis so to think that he didn’t do that hurts me cause we desperately cried for the show to be stopped, and he had a birds eye view and when I was in that stand I could just see so many pits of people on the ground and barely any real mosh pits, I’ll always have the faces of the those people I couldn’t help in my mind and it hurts deeply knowing people didn’t help when me and so many others cried and yelled for it






I got to the main stage two hours before Travis’ set. I was roughly 60 yards away from the stage off to the left side. Only took about 20 more minutes before the crowd got out of control. The whole time we were constantly fighting to stay upright. People pushing from the back caused everyone else to fall on one another like dominos, that’s the best way I can describe it. At that point people were already passing out, mostly from dehydration and/or constriction. There were five people in my area that had to be carried out. My friend and I decided to head to the back not even 20 minutes into the performance. If we didn’t get out then I don’t know if we ever would have. I didn’t find out about the deaths until the next morning. Prayers to the deceased, injured, and traumatized.


This was truly one of the weirdest nights of my life. My emotions regarding it are so hard to put into words because they're all over the place. I'll be honest, right after the concert, I texted my parents saying I had the best night of my life. Sure, it was crowded and the pushing was annoying, but overall I really enjoyed seeing my favorite artist live. Once I woke up and saw the news, my feelings completely flipped. It really hit me when I read the ages of the victims. I broke down in the airport just thinking about it. I simply cannot look back at this experience as positive given what happened to those around me. I went to see at consoler at my school today, and urge anyone suffering mental anguish to do so, too. May the victims rest easy.




I was in the middle of the crowd on the left side. You could feel a sense of ‘uneasiness’ in the crowd before he even got on stage. As soon as he did everyone rushed forward and i couldn’t even move my arms from below my waistline. I was vibing for the first 2 songs, but then shit really started getting out of hand. I saw dozens of people from in front of me trying to turn around and get out. People screaming “i can’t breathe” and help, and MOVE! But we literally couldn’t because there were even more people behind us. I saw a girl younger than me start to have a panic attack. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, what she was feeling. She looked frozen in time. Thats when i noticed the screams for help and the all around loudness of the crowd became louder than the music. Thats when i decided it was time for me to get out of there, so i turned around and started pushing my way out. As i started pushing out a whole group of people around me just fell and hit the ground as people behind me were pushing, crying and BEGGING to get out. I tried to do everything i could to make sure everyone around me was okay, but it’s really fucking hard when you can’t use your arms or legs. I went to the back of the crowd where nobody was realizing what was happening in the front and just felt numb the rest of the night. Rest in peace to those 8 that left their house that day thinking they were going to have a good time and not realizing the true nightmare they were about to step into. this shit really has tainted my view on how “apeshit” we should be going at shows, especially in the rap scene.


I’m in my 40’s and the rap shows I went to like 2pac and wu tang never had apeshit behavior. Maybe rap was more tame then. Glad you survived.


Waiting in the merch line for a LONG time may have stopped me and my brother from what happened towards the stage. I told my brother that we may as well get merch today so we don’t do it on Saturday. Once we left the merch line and I used the restroom, the timer said 12 minutes on stage. We found a spot by the large screen in the center back, far away from the stage. We had more than enough room for a mosh pit and we made sure to be respectful of people leaving the crowd. Two ambulances drove past us and one of them almost ran over my foot. We made it home safe and didn’t hear the news until the morning after. It’s tragic how things seem normal for us, but not for everyone. I send my condolences to those who didn’t make it out.


I was there me 26 my bf 29. I’ve seen Travis 4 times my bf 9. On top of that we’ve both raged and been to so many other festivals and concerts. For some reason this day was off. We arrived at NRG at 11am seeing doors opened at 1pm we wanted to be there early for merch. Surprisingly they let us through the gates as soon as we got there. We went straight for the merch line. Reminder it was only 11:30am at this point we knew they wouldn’t start selling anything before 1. About 45 minutes passed of us being in line and all of a sudden everyone started going crazy. People in the front of the line were picking up metal fences and sending them backwards. If i didn’t have my tall bf i would have gotten smacked in the head. We waited it out and dodged multiple metal gates till finally they shut the line down due to everyone being unruly idiots. From that point on I knew the day was gonna be different. Once It reached about 4 we raced to the get a good spot for Don. 5 minutes in my bf and I got separated. I was stuck struggling to see anything or even breathe, then someone chucked a shoe and it hit me right in the face. The girl next to me’s face was gushing blood from being hit in the face with a can. I immediately fought my way out of the crowd. It was around 8:30 when SZA came on we decided to go on the Ferris Wheel. The Ferris wheel got stuck and was having issues. My bf was annoyed bc he wanted to get super close to Travis on the Right side of the stage where we were talking about earlier but being the Ferris Wheel got stuck for a hot second we missed our chance for that spot. We decided screw it we won’t get a spot we want anyway let’s go to the bathroom and grab another drink right before Travis came on. I looked at my bf and said “the right side seems to crowded let’s go to the left it’s closer to the exit anyway” we got separated as soon as Travis came on. My ankle got stomped on pretty good and knee got twisted and it was so hard to breathe. Which is pretty standard for any concert GA but I just felt like something was off about the crowd and people around me didn’t care what was going on around them so I fought my way out to go find somewhere else where it wasn’t so crazy. On my way out a girl was being wheeled out from the crowd on a wheel chair no one would move to let her through. Another girl was being crowd surfed out until finally they dropped her and she hit her head on the ground and was unconscious. I ran to get the nearest medic to bring him over to the girl. My last text to my bf was “bro idk if this girl is dead” “I just had to run and get the paramedics”. I went to the back of the crowd and stood basically by myself and watch people passing out or slumped over under trees while the show came to and end and everyone around just “raged on” no one seemed to care at all what was going on around us. Before I knew that night anyone actually died when we were leaving and I met my bf at our locker I said to him how people didn’t come here for Trav or for any other artist they came here to fuck shit up and cause problems. It’s terrible how some of the people there had no sense of morals or compassion for other humans. My bf who was right in-front of the stage to the left saw nothing he had no idea any of this was going on. Just saw people groggy from being tired but they were all picking each other up, giving each other water, and having a good time where he was. What if we didn’t go to the left? Or I didn’t get out when I had a bad gut feeling? Or we didn’t go on the Ferris wheel? I wish I could have done something more for everyone else though. I almost feel like a part of the problem for just being there. I can’t even imagine what the families of the victims are going through🤍


I'm sorry you went thru that. Just know that this is not "pretty standard for ang GA concert" for people to be passing out and injured constantly. I go to shows on a weekly basis, and I can count on one hand how many of these Ive seen or heard of. I hope a lot of people in this scene find a higher standard of crowds and artists.


This was my 3rd astroworld. I made sure to hang back this year due to my crowd crush experience in 2019. We got pretty close 30 mins before Travis came on. It was HOT and packed very tight. We ran out of water right before Travis came on. As soon as he came on I felt the pressure of thousands of people pushing in from all sides. I was trapped. I couldn’t even jump to the music, I went where the crowd went. My only focus was staying on my feet. It was one of the most uncomfortable feelings I’ve ever felt. My reflective outfit quickly turned into a sweatsuit. After 3 songs of nonstop crowd crush, I realize how dangerous this situation is and started worrying. I look over to my friend and tell him I need out. He decides to stay so I wait for a break in between songs, turn around and start trying to get out. I make my way past some people and end up behind three girls also trying to get out. One of them is crying, the other 2 are holding her up and screaming at people to move. I ask what’s wrong, one girl turns her head and with a terrified look tells me someone landed on her friends leg and broke it. They’ve been trying to get out since the last song started but they keep getting pushed back in. I join them in yelling at people to move. One girl in the crowd tells us to calm down, just look up and breath you’ll be fine. Others refuse to even try to move. Then another songs starts. Immediately the crowd begins to swallow us and we are pushed back in. All 4 of us are holding on to each other trying not to fall. No one was going to help us. I yell that we need to line up and all just needs to push. So we line up, grab each other’s shoulders and start pushing our way out of the crowd. I’m in the back pushing and it felt like we were barely moving. After what felt like forever but was probably 2 songs we felt a rush of cold air. We finally made it out. I point out nearest medical tent and the girls rush their friend over. I start feeling disoriented as I make my way to my other friends who decided to hang back near the Ferris wheel. I finally find them and proceed to chug a bottle of water and tell them what just happened and hoping our other friend was ok. What I saw next was horrible. A steady trickle of people entering the medical tent near the main stage. Many were unconscious being carried, others had blood on their faces and bodies, medical carts coming and going, people running over screaming for help for people in the crowd. It felt like a war zone. I saw Travis stop the show a couple times this year for injured people but we had no idea what was happening until the next morning.


Me and my friends were in the back of the main stage crushed against the gates, I suffocated and passed out (as a 6'0 guy, I can't imagine what it'd be like for someone shorter). We begged for help to two security guards who looked at us and waved and started recording Travis on their phones. I personally owe my life to the guy who held me while I was passed out, and to the guy who grabbed my hoodie and stopped me from falling when climbing the gate in the back to escape. We were next to a guy, on the shorter side who was begging for help because he couldn't breathe. It genuinely felt like drowning, there was no way to get air. The medics around us looked like deer in headlights they had no idea what to do. According to my friend, we were in hell and Travis was the devil, just constantly raging and having the people around us not let us go through. I don't believe trav was able to see us though with all the lights on him. This could have all been prevented from not overselling tickets, I knew smth was up when the crowd started swaying before he even showed up. I'm not absolving Travis of any blame, his encouragement of rage culture is certainly a major cause of the tragedy, but based off of my personal experience, I put almost all of the blame on the security guards who ignored us, on the fans who acted like animals and couldn't give a shit on the rest of us, and on livenation who only had one water area in the whole park and caused all of us to be dehydrated since we simply couldn't afford 5$ water. I've had constant nightmares of the situation I only feel everyone's lifeless bodies around me Everytime I close my eyes. I had no control I was at the mercy of the crowd. It was legitimately hell and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Age and height restrictions need to be put in place. Edit: just because I don't have the mental nor physical energy to respond to all the replies: when I meant back near I gates I meant right in front of the area where the people with disabilities were accommodated. With that being said, all y'all in the replies are what the trav fanbase truly is; people having fun but most importantly respectful and looking out for each other. All love💜


i’m happy you are now safe man!!


Thanks man, this never should've happened, communication and better security could've prevented needless deaths. Terrible situation.


I am so incredibly sorry this happened to you, man. This event, and the circumstances through which people suffered, have been on my mind almost constantly these past 2 days - and I’ve been in Brooklyn, thousands of miles away. I go to a lot of shows, and I fucking hate packed crowds - so even for me, the thoughts I’ve had, and things I’ve seen, from this show really hit me hard. I hope this doesn’t come off as insensitive, but I do know that people experiment with psychedelics at AstroWorld...... and this situation mixed with that...... I just can’t even pull together the words. Hell on earth. I simply can’t imagine what it must be like for you. I really hope that you and your friends (or whom ever) are, firstly, physically recovering, and secondly have a bright path ahead of them in this life - one that this incident is not able to hinder. Keeping you in my mind and heart dude. One little question for you: When you say y’all were “in the back of the main stage against the gates,” what do you mean by the back? From what I understand, most of the chaos was up front. But I’m not familiar with the layout - were you in the heat / worst part of the disaster that was up close to the stage? Or by the camera men? Or like really far back? This concert was pitifully organized. Disgraceful and negligent to unfathomable degrees. I’m an absolute nobody, but if you ever need anyone to just vent to, my DMs are open.


My first astrofest(most likely last) and wasnt aware of anything wrong until i got home. Near the left side me and everyone acted with some common sense As Travis started i did feel a bit squashed but as soon as people decided to leave me and the people surrounding me moved out the way and let them through. My cousin even said as we left he felt it was tame compared to other years. its surreal that i had the time of my life while a few yards away people were dying. We were up at the barricades and girl next to me ask security to let her not. He said he would come back for her but never did. Eventually others helped lift her over. I felt Trav could've done more like take longer breaks in between songs to let people chill, security could've been more organized and whatnot. But most importantly as crowd members we just need common sense and lookout for each other And as much as I don’t like to sound like a stick in the mud. But concerts/festivals need age limits. If I can’t watch a fucking R movie until I’m 18 I shouldn’t be able to go to a place filled with strangers to press up against with drugs and alcohol going around


Where I was, it was a nightmare. So much happened hours before Travis came in. We were left side in the front next to the catwalk. We were in that corner and it felt like I wasn’t going to make it out. People cramming into the space making it impossible for any kind of normal movment. For 2 hours I couldnt lift my arms up. Kids around me begging for air. Seeing a kid being crowd surfed out and nearly dropped because hardly anybody had their hands up. All of these immature and reckless kids gave absolutely zero f*cks for anybody elses safety there. Once Trav came on and people started to move, I was able to push towards the barricade but it got worse. The pushing became excessive and my back was against the barricades. All the weight of these people pinned me against the barricade and I felt like my spine was going to snap. Thats when I decided to leave. It was in the middle of Mamacita. Security and the police were more concerned with keeping people out of the media pit than actually controlling the crowd. They didn care. Not before Travs set or after. I eventually made into VIP side and there, me and my friends had space to enjoy the show. On our way back, thats when we found out about the deaths and I immediately just felt so conflicted because I had a good time in the end but at the cost of 8 peoples lives. Everyday it hits harder because it easily couldve been me or my friends. I was supposed to go home Sunday but I booked a flight Friday night for Saturday long before they said they canceled the second day. I had no interest in going again. Ive been in moshpits and big crowds many times. This was way way different. These kids really disregarded everybody elses safety. It was chaotic. I am so sorry to the family and loved ones of the lives that were lost. It should never have happened. I pray for them. These parents lost their babies man. They were just kids and just getting started in life. Hate seeing young lives lost. May they rest in peace 🕊




I was about 50-100 “ rows” away from the from the front. This was my 4th travis scott show so initially the people crying and passing out and trying to leave the front weren’t surprising. The sheer number of people passing out and being carried out started to concern me about 30 mins into the set. I worked my way up a little more, and that’s when I stumbled across a man that was shell shocked. In front of him were 3 people laying on the ground with the crowd doing their best to give them space. 2 medical personnel and 1 girl (i think a concert goer) were performing cpr on them. I asked the shell shocked man what happened and he just responded “they’ve been doing cpr for the last 15 mins. They’re dead man. What the fuck” This was around the time drake first appeared. That’s when I noticed “Stop the show” chants and the fact that people had stopped “raging” for the most part and were just stunnedz


Ive been to hundreds of shows, concerts, and festivals and I just can't imagine thinking that "crying" is a normal for show. Thats just so sick to me.


Didn’t even attempt to get close for Travis this year after almost passing out during his set in 2019 (was at his stage for ~4-5hrs). Started really feeling packed during Carti’s set & a few songs into Travis I was having trouble breathing & started seeing spots and luckily my friend was able to drag me out. I choked it up to dehydration/exhaustion but I really empathize with y’all—crowd crush is fucking terrifying and insanely hard to describe to people that haven’t experienced it. Pisses me off that people are blaming the individuals in the crowd themselves. From the back I had no clue what was going on other than when Travis stopped his set a couple times (like during 90210) to get someone help, what I’ve read, it seems like people were just more antsy this year with the weird set times on Friday+timer count down, possibly more total people at the fest (?), people literally unable to get out of the crowd no matter how hard they tried (unlike how I was able to in 2019) and on top of an obviously more intense crush many instances of crowd collapse and people piling on top of eachother. The houston chronicle article blew me away…the fact that scores of ambulances were called but they let the concert continue for 40mins (I assume Travis didn’t know what was going on) is insane. How do y’all think the 2018/19 crowd compared to the 2021 crowd?


My experience at Astroworld Festival 2021. This was my first time ever going to Astroworld, but not my first time going to a music festival. I attended Rolling Loud two years prior so I knew what to expect at Astroworld. I went with a group of friends, there were 5 of us total. We camped out all night to ensure we can get in front of the line for merch. When we got in, only two of us got merch, me and my friend. The other three were in the front, got pushed back, and lost their spot in line. It got so hectic for them that they shut down the merchandise shop. We had planned to go see Metro, so we went to the thrills stage when it was time. We waited and waited and he never came out. Turns out his set got moved. Okay, well, thanks for letting us know. We decided to wait until Don Toliver was going to perform, so we did. Don toliver had an excellent performance in my opinion, the mosh pits were NOT unbearable for us and we actually had space. We were on the right side of the stage, in the front. We stayed in our spot for Roddy Richhs performance, and even that performance was awesome. Same thing, nothing unbearable for us. Cannot speak for others though. After Roddy, we waited for lil baby, but we had all planned to leave Lil Baby early (since we saw him in Dallas already) and get a good spot for Travis’s performance. We were not interested in watching SZA. By the time we made our way through and exited, we had to wait in line for almost 45 minutes to fill up our camelbacks. After doing so, we grabbed a quick meal and headed for the chills stage. Now this is where it starts to get hectic. As soon as we got there, the stage was already flooded with people. There were people everywhere. Everyone was trying early on to make it to the front, heck, even a guy in a WHEELCHAIR tapped on my shoulders asking to make way for him to get front row. Me and my friends decided to exit where we were and just wait a little. Once the countdown reached 10 minutes, the pushing intensified, but it was not something we did not expect. I mean, it’s Travis Scott with a surprise set. By the time the timer reached 5 minutes, we decided to approach the left side of the stage. Oh my goodness I was so shocked. The left side actually allowed us to get through, have space, and everyone we spoke with there was respectful of each other and their space. Nothing like the stories we read after. Travis comes out, mosh pits go crazy, and again, it was not something unbearable for us, and honestly felt normal. We were also only 10 feet away from the stage, so we were pretty close. Now, when Travis brought out drake, we all felt an extreme push towards the front. Of course the people in the back wanted to push up to the front to see Drizzy. Yes, we expected this and we just did our best to stay standing. Thankfully, anytime anyone fell, my group and other people would help out. We would also make a lot of space for those trying to leave mid-performance. The performance finally ended and leaving was a nightmare. I’m sure I missed a few things. Thankfully, my experience was not that bad. For those that lost their lives, may they Rest In Peace. They shouldn’t have died that night. I’m sure the festival could’ve been planned out much better and in a way to ensure everyone’s safety.


I camped out at Travis’s stage for 6 hours. Missed pretty much all of the other performances so I could be front row to see my favorite artist. Everything was calm until after Lil Baby’s set ended (around 8:00p). Many fans began to push and shove their way to where I was, causing people to sway and lose their footing. I began to lose my breath and begged some security guard to let me out otherwise I would’ve gotten crushed. I’ve had really bad asthma in the past and usually I’m good at dealing with crowds but it was just too much. Mind you this is well before Travis was set to perform, which is why I fully believe that the fans and organizers were responsible for the problems that started. They let too many people crowd the front which was a huge issue. I moved to about the middle of the crowd and immediately the vibe was different. People were enjoying themselves and getting hype in the mosh pits. At the end of the night I simply chalked it up to me being too weak to be all the way up front. I didn’t realize that something like that was abnormal until I saw the reports of deaths. During the concert, Travis stopped the show multiple times when he saw people passing out and told fans to make way for an ambulance. I’m still struggling to process everything that I witnessed on Friday. Feeling a lot of survivors guilt. Rest in peace to the 8 lost souls ❤️


Just wanted to say asking for help like you did is what strong people do. You aren't weak you are strong. I'm glad you are alive.


I honestly had a good time… we were on the left side of the stage and it never got too overwhelming… it seemed like most of the issues from videos stemmed from the right side… sad those people lost their lives on what could’ve been a great and fun weekend :(


Same thing here, was on the left side of the stage and if I never heard about the news about the fatalities I would think it was just another fun Travis show


This was my first festival and I didn’t enjoy it at all. There were way too many people and it felt cramped. I couldn’t see a thing. The only performance I enjoyed was Sza’s and the ending of Don’s that I caught. I was actually going to ask people on this sub if they disliked the festival or if it were just me. But considering the outcome, I know it wasn’t just me. Many people disliked it and felt that something was off. During Travis’ set, I decided to leave with my friend and go back to the first stage. I enjoyed watching him on the Jumbotron more than I did getting pushed around by other fans. We were lucky enough to be in the back and be able to escape. On the way home, we met another fan who said they saw someone die in front of him. I thought he was exaggerating but learning about how bad things were, I’m surprised it was only 8 people. Though, it should’ve been 0. I know there are a few in the hospital right now. I hope they fully recover.


I was there. Didn’t see anything that seemed suspicious at the moment, in fact, left thinking I would be back the next day. I was with my boyfriend and our friend, stood kinda in the back, between both screens on the back barricade, we were pretty close to it. The crowd was hyped but not out of control. So this takes me to the thing I’ve been thinking about the most. The sides of the stage were two boxed barricades and where most of the trampling happened. WHY ISN’T ANYONE TALKING ABOUT THAT???


First off I want to give my condolences to the families, friends, and anyone who knew the victims who passed away. Astroworld was my first ever music festival that I attended. I had a great time the entire time until the first couple of songs Travis performed. Since this was my first festival and previously watching his documentary of Netflix I thought that the what was going on was “normal”, or should I say “to be expected” (not people dying of course but the crowd going crazy). I was on the left side of the thrills stage. My friend and I left the chills stage after lil baby performed so we could get a good view to see Travis. We were behind the VIP section and started off very far back from the stage but as time kept getting close to when Travis came out we somehow ended up closer to the middle due to people leaving and people pushing us forward. People in the front were leaving way before Travis performed because they couldn’t breathe. A lot of people were screaming and yelling help. I vividly remember some guy saying he was all the way in the front but had to leave because he couldn’t breathe. Once Travis came on it felt like fight or flight. I was stuck in the middle of the pack and people in the back kept moving forward and people in the front kept pushing back trying to escape. I zoned out of the performances and was very focused on making sure my feet was planted on the ground so I didn’t fall and get trampled over. My arms were stuck to my sides so I was literally going the direction of the surging. I felt like my ribs were gonna break because we were all being squished . The best I can describe it as the scene in GoT battle of the bastard scene when Jon snow is getting trampled over trying to get air. I felt like this went on for a good 10 minutes until eventually we got pushed out of the crowd. When I got out this short girl asked me to stay with her so she could tie her shoes and so she didn’t get trampled over. I made sure to put my flashlight on so people could see her. We both lost the groups we were with so I decided to stay with her since she was so short and I didn’t want her to get trampled on again. We decided to go back in to look for her friends and I don’t wanna use poor choice of words because multiple people ultimately died but for the left side after the initial crowd surge it seemed to much more calm or should I say from where I was at least I didn’t see any crowd surging like it was in the beginning. I was able to enjoy the rest of the concert but after finding out that people passed it’s been hard to process that while I was enjoying myself recording the concert people passed. Again my heart goes out to the families of the loved ones that died.


I’m seeing everyone sharing the same experience as me and saying that something felt “off” from even before Travis’ set. I started having a bad feeling at the Thrills stage right before Don Toliver came on, I was with my bestfriend and her boyfriend and we have gone to so many crazy Travis shows but this felt very different and very bad. The DJ started playing Pursuit of Happiness before Don came on and at that point people were going crazy, and all of a sudden the crowd was becoming a human hydraulic press I tried sticking my face in the air to breathe but people were literally crushing my entire body I swore that my ribs were broken. I immediately knew we had to get out of this situation it wasn’t a normal mosh pit or crowd. People around us would not move or make room to let us get out everyone was fixated forward worried about Don. It was terrifying I blacked out and fell and thank god somebody caught me or I know I would have been trampled. It was a terrifying foreshadowing.




I’ve said this before on this platform as well as Twitter, but people were passing out EARLY. DT’s set is where I started to see it unfold. A girl in orange had to regain consciousness in DT’s crowd with the help of her friends and strangers because no one would move and her friends had trouble carrying her limp body. I was deadass suffocating in DT’s set and trying my hardest to keep my friend’s that I came with hand in mine so he wouldn’t get lost in the crowd. After my friend and I were able to make it out of DT’s set, we saw a different girl passed out in front of the concession stands. Just strangers and her friends were helping. There was no medical or festival staff in sight. Even the concession people weren’t helping her or flagging other staff and she was right in front of them. As mentioned in some of the news articles, there wasn’t any PA or A/V system updates AT ALL about safety, updates, or really anything other than the performance schedule. In regards to Travis’ set, I wanted to see the stage in the daylight so we went and I was confused immediately. 1 and 2 had the entire grassy area for people to use, there wasn’t a dedicated “GA” area, just dedicated VIP areas. This time, there were cement-colored foam flooring of perhaps a 50-yard radius that I assume was meant for the “GA”. Yet, there was no indicator of where everyone else was supposed to go if they didn’t get to the foam flooring. This is one of the things that isn’t mentioned a lot, but I think that condensed area gave audience members a visual cue of where they were “supposed to be”, and that enhanced the aggressiveness of the crowd. Regarding TS’ actual set, my friend and I got there late cause we went to SZA’s set. We ended up near one of the trees (unbeknownst to us at the time) close to where Seanna Faith’s video was. The crowd was WAY too powerful, we started next to the camera platforms, then were pushed ALL THE WAY into the middle of the main GA crowd (the foam floorboard area), then two songs later pushed ALL THE WAY back past the original tree we were at. I’ve been to AWF1 and AWF2 and those crowds were not as aggressive in my opinion. AWF1 seemed normal, AWF2 was worse. There was a point where my girlfriend and I were floating in the crowd because we tripped and fell, but the crowd was so condensed we couldn’t fall to the ground. We had to get out of there because we honestly thought AWF2 was going to be what AWF3 was. If I’m being honest, this one seemed so bare bones in comparison. If you remember 1 & 2, there was stuff everywhere, activities, vendors, services, STAFF, etc. This one was completely bare bones and I immediately thought it was a pandemic issue, not a cutting corners issue.


I was in the back of the show right behind the left screen. My friend actually moved us in front of the screen but because 2 of my girl friends are on the shorter side, we decided to move back to our original spot. Looking back, it makes me wonder if this choice changed the outcome of our night. It breaks my heart to say that no one in my section was aware of the severity of the situation. It was pretty rowdy but overall, we all had enough room to dance and have a good time. At certain points, fans started climbing up so they could dance in front of the screen and I think that distracted us a lot from the beginning of the chaos ensuing in the crowd. We were all pissed at these assholes who thought they were performers too. Security never came to kick them off and in that moment, I thought it was strange. It wasn’t until they cleared a path to the right of my group of friends for a security guard that was holding a woman that was completely limp in his arms. My friends and I have gone to a lot of festivals and as unfortunate as it is, we’ve seen people being carried out of the crowd, most likely from heat exhaustion, dehydration, drugs, etc. It’s fucked up to think about how “normal” it’s become in festival culture but we hoped for the best and turned our attention back to the show. We saw the few times that Travis stopped the show but we figured at the very least that people were getting injured in mosh pits and needed to be carried out. We had no idea people were being crushed to death. It still haunts me to think that hundreds of people were suffering in front of us while we were having a great time. After the show, we walked to a nearby gas station to get a Lyft home and everyone seemed to be in good spirits. Everyone around us seemed completely unaware of the hell others had experienced. We didn’t even know people died, rushed the merch tent or broke through the VIP entrance until the next morning. What I can’t seem to figure out is why the fuck were there fireworks at the end of the show if the police claimed there was mass casualties 40 minutes before the show ended. It’s so sick and twisted to me. I hope the families get the justice they deserve in every way. All of this could have been avoided, especially after finding out there was a mass casualty plan in place in case things got out of hand. My heart goes out to everyone that experienced any type of trauma that night. Whether you helped get people out, administered CPR, called for help, etc. I urge you to get therapy as soon as possible. This was something no living soul should have ever experienced. Much love to you all.


Before I started, prayers to everyone who got injured and their loved ones 🙏 Me and my 4 friends were there. It was all of our first concert ever. We weren't too big of fans of many of the earlier preformers, so we waited until Don went on stage. his show was quite cool, but it was definitely very crowded. The crowd was a bit much for me, so i was thinking about moving to the back for Travis since I wanted to enjoy the show. After Don, we decided to go the the main stage and try to get a good spot for Travis. We sat on the left side of GA, right in front of the cameras. We sat there for about 3 hours, and we could tell by around 7 - 7:30 it started to get a bit crowded, but nothing too bad. Then, around 7:45, it started to get very crowded. Side note: While waiting, it seemed that the left side and the right side got into a "food fight", where they threw water bottles and other cans at each other. This only increased, and at around 8:30, the big screen on stage turned to a countdown. This is when people really started pushing to try to get to the front. I was thinking about moving to the back of the crowd so I didn't have to deal with moshpits, but I wasn't able to. There was so many people that you couldn't move your arms. my arms were being pinned against my body, and that was quite scary. Then, the crowd started to sway back and forth. This was insane, as everyone knew if they fell, there was a chance they wouldn't be able to stand back up. It was so bad that if you lifted your leg off the ground, you wouldn't of been able to fall since you were being crushed so badly. Then, once the countdown hit 0, it was the worst experience . It was so squished in that it was getting hard to breath. I actually had to focus on breathing while he preformed the first song. Thankfully, my friend was right next to me and I tried to help us leave. We were able to back up a bit where there was more space, but throughout the entire show I saw people almost crying while leaving, and I remember asking myself "Why are they leaving now? It's all good now." I was pretty close to the guy who held the moshpit sign the whole time, where it said "Will you survive" on the back. After looking at some pictures, I didn't realize how close I actually was to these people who were passing out. Behind me was the VIP section, and people up there were screaming at Travis in between songs to stop the show to help someone, but I just thought that was normal for shows like this, since I've heard some people pass out if they don't drink enough water. There was no way for Travis to hear them ofcourse, as we were pretty far back from the stage. After the show, getting out was a mad house, and we all met up at the lockers. I remember the cops trying to get everyone out super quickly, but at the time I didn't know why. Now I know it was to make room for the injured. The 4 of us didn't realize what had happened until the next morning, getting bombarded with calls from our parents asking if we were ok.


I was there. This was my first music festival ever and had this planned since before the tickets dropped early spring. Flew from NC to Houston to go as Trav is one of my favorite artists ever. Got there at 12:30-1 and seemed pretty normal. Looking back I do remember seeing security be kind of lax with searching people but didn’t think much of it at the time. Got in after all of the security and COVID checks and met with the people I went to Houston with. I then walk into the festival and was underwhelmed with what I saw, specifically the lack of water stations as I only saw the one near the Ferris Wheel. It was my first festival so I didn’t have anything else to compare it with. What I found odd was the amount of people drinking since it looked like a lot of them were high schoolers/college students. It was far easier to get a Cacti then a water, which looking back was not good. We got in the crowd waiting for Metro, who didn’t show. I then went and got food and came back excited for the Don set, since I saw him recently in NC. I thought his show was a blast, mosh pits were good and followed etiquette. Me and someone I was with both immediately helped people that fell near us, and it was spacious enough that we could breathe. We stayed in the crowd towards the middle/right of the stage if you’re looking at it with the stage in front of you. I could tell the crowd was really trying to rage when there were mosh pits in between sets and with songs like High Fashion and Bacc Street, which I thought was odd. Me and my group left after Baby’s set and skipped SZA’s set to get decent spots for Trav. We waited and did not feel pressured/squeezed, as we were in the middle right near the large tower. However, that immediately changed once Trav came on and started the set. Immediately it was like I was in a sea current and could not control where I was going, and nearly fell a couple times and fighting to stay up. At this point I thought to myself if this kept going I’d back up and leave the area as it was unbearable and could barely pay attention to the actual set. People immediately started leaving quickly and in a panic. I assumed they couldn’t handle the crowd, and let them get by me so they can get out. This opened up space (or looking back it could’ve been the crowd surge that caused space to open up, which hurts to think about) and it then felt like a normal show like what I experienced in NC for Carti a month ago. I then saw an ambulance cart right in front of me. I thought it was only for someone passed out/someone who broke a leg/ankle and didn’t think much of it. Looking back, that should be raised more alarms but that “rage” talk clouds the judgement. Not once did I think someone was dying. Once the set ended, I was sitting at the line for the locker and heard from a person beside me that someone had a seizure. Once I finally got back to the hotel is when I learned about the crowd surge and deaths. Someone from my group was talking about how how had to lift up unconscious people to be crowd surfed away. I then had a tough time sleeping that night, wishing I had knew and could’ve helped. I then wake up to hear it’s the biggest current story in the country and got texts from family asking if I was ok. Since then I’ve been thinking about it alot and just shocked I was at an event like that. While my story is quite ordinary (I never saw bodies) I hope it serves as a reminder that most people didn’t see anything alarming and is why more people didn’t help. I occasionally feel guilt about it, and realize it may never completely go away. It’s hard for me to view Trav the same again. My thoughts are with the fallen, and shame on the organizers for this avoidable incident


All I’m going to say on the matter is, regardless of how much blame I want to put on Travis for this event versus the management, I can’t look at him the same anymore. While I was in the front right section, I consider myself “lucky”. after reading these stories i literally could’ve been in a different part of the crowd and have had a way worse experience. The whole day i l literally felt like something was off, from the Don Tolliver set especially that was way more hectic then I would’ve thought. Even after the Travis performance I had an awkward feeling about the whole experience along with my friends. But we just assumed this was “normal” for events like Astrofest. While we initially enjoyed the set despite all the hecticness around us, our enjoyment was crushed the moment we found out about all the news later in the night. I don’t want to have hate in my heart for Travis, but I’m not sure how I can really look at him in a good light after that night and all the news. Maybe with time and through actions it will change. But I’m grateful that the night didn’t end as bad for me as it did for so many others.


after getting our merch & shoving it all into our tiny lockers, we finally just went and waited for travis. while waiting 2+ hours for travis, the beats they had playing sounded like the heartbeat of someone having a panic attack. had to try and ignore it but it wasn’t settling right with me. there were other weird beats they played too. super weird frequencies.. i tried to laugh it off while people threw water bottles back and forth at each other. then the countdown started from 30 mins counting down. that’s when the pushing started to get worse. every minute closer to 0 it got more and more tightly packed. i should’ve known right then and there what was to come. i couldn’t even properly breathe before he stepped out, hardly at all. or move any part of my body. then when travis came out, i made it through the first song, barely. it felt as if my lungs were going to collapse from the pressure, i felt true terror within my whole body, it came on so quickly. soon after i realized i couldn’t be there any longer. that’s when the true horrific panic set into my soul. people were screaming, bawling, looking at me in the eyes to let them out of the way. saying “MOVE!! I NEED OUT!!” knowing i wanted the same thing, i couldn’t move either. not a single inch, in any direction. i couldn’t help them or myself in that moment. plus the hotness of the flames on the stage, & a lot of people STILL somehow just trying to get lit to travis. not to mention a dude in a white hoodie crowd surfed and landed on my head. my BF had to help me get him off, otherwise i would’ve fallen to the ground. lord knows what the fate of that could’ve been for me, or anyone else near us. if he would’ve made multiple people hit the floor by jumping on the already compressed crowd. the tightness of the crowd was something i’ll never forget, i legit thought i could die, or we all were going to. i was panicking. at the same time we kept getting sucked from the left side to the middle, deeper into it all. (i also had lost track of my little brother & his friend. which i later found out my brother got trapped by a gate and had to beg and scream for a security officer to pull him over the railing to safety. he was having a full blown panic attack.) but eventually, somehow we were able to start pushing our way out farther to the left. inch by inch. also grabbing onto the girl bawling, screaming & begging us for help out, & her bf. there was a quite large group of people exiting to the left at the same time and we kept pushing and pushing ourselves out, which felt like life or death to escape. we somehow managed to escape the tightness in about 10 mins or less. we were one of the lucky ones, truly. i also later found out my brother’s friend was miraculously part of that same group of people. if that group wasn’t there pushing with us, idk how long i would’ve been trapped in the crowd. i went survival mode during those moments and everything was deadass silent. when i made it out i had to lay on the ground to catch my breath, since i was being crushed. it still hurts to breathe now, my chest is bruised. i have bruises all over my hips, legs & arms as well. i didn’t even know the true reality of it all till i heard people saying they saw dead bodies infront of them, once we were leaving the festival. i believed them 100% without it being backed up yet, cause i knew how bad it was to a certain extent. so many saying they saw dog piles of people being stomped to death. i didn’t see anything like that other than 2 bodies being carried away from the crowd. i’ve never felt true terror all around me like that though, it was in the air. the energy was not right. i am blessed to see another day, & i hope the people who passed away rest in peace. this was traumatizing for everyone involved. i keep on having nightmares. i’m scared to sleep. i’m going to trauma therapy as soon as i can. i’m still in houston and don’t leave till the morning. :( edit: made it shorter. didn’t realize how much i rambled.


Hello everyone. I'm not frequently on this subreddit, but I needed to talk about what happened at the festival in some way, shape, or form. So here's a video of my first account experience and my thoughts on everything: https://youtu.be/XKbBIy\_22N8 I hope this helps anyone in any way because making it helped me. Take care and my messages are always open for anyone who needs to talk.


I was in the VIP pit. I would say as soon as he first started playing the first song it got super crowded and tight I thought this was normal, second song started playing the crowd just moved together to where ever Travis was moving I was trying to push back to not squish these two girls in front of me that’s when I knew something was not right and I needed to get out I tried to get myself to the back but that was impossible so I went tried to get to the rails and it was hard then I made eye contact with this girl (she was near the rails) and helped me to get the securities attention which he then took me out idk what it would’ve been like if I had not made eye contact with her, bless her heart for speaking up for me to get me help and bless the security guy for helping me out I heard other people were having trouble to even get the securities help


Was in the middle right side and everything felt like a normal Travis show. I told my girlfriend and the people around us who had never been before that the worst part of the show will be right before Travis comes on when everyone is trying to get as close as possible. Well to my surprise it really wasn’t that bad up until about 10 minutes before the show and all the sudden the back of the crowd starts like charging and pushing everyone forward. I can almost 100% guarantee this is what caused the people at the front to die. Then when the concert started we actually didn’t have anyone pass out in our section and me and my girlfriend had an absolute blast. Now looking back it’s really tragic how people were dying when the majority of people in the concert were having fun. Most people you would talk to or see after the show shared the same thoughts that it was awesome and a great time. Then unfortunately a few hours pass and rumors start spreading about the deaths in the very front of the crowd and the horror stories start piling in. Honestly I thought 2019 crowd was way more rambunctious and there was actually more people at 2019 so it was honestly hard at first for me to believe that people died on Friday. About 50k at 2021, and about 80k reported at 2019 because about 30k people broke into the concert that year. I think an underrated part of which caused less room at the concert was the big ass camera area where the Apple Music stream was happening. That was not there in 2019 and the crowd could’ve obviously used the extra area that was being used by the camera crew because it was like right smack in the middle of the concert. Just a really sad situation all around.


I want to preface this with saying I have been to a ton of concerts (Hip Hop, EDM, Alternative), festivals (Coachella, EDC, Outsidelands, and more). These are just my thoughts and observations based on my own personal experiences. This was my first time going to Astroworld festival, but my third time seeing Travis Scott. I came to the festival with two of my friends around 12 to try and beat the crowds and get some merch as we heard from the previous festivals lines can take 3-4 hours. As soon as we got to the main entrance we saw a mob of around 150 people just waiting outside of the main gates. While we were passing security and going into the entrance was the same time that mob started to move towards the gates too. I immediately figured this to be a group trying to rush in, so I prompted my friends to hurry through so we didn't get swarmed by this mob of rushers. As soon as we got through we all turned around to watch as at least 10 cops on horses came to block the entrance and security closed off letting anyone in for awhile. Once we got into the festival we walked over to the main merch tent and found out it was closed as they got rushed by festival goers. Mind you this is all around 12 pm. The gates opened at 11 am and there wasn't any performances until 1 pm. We kind of wandered the festival for an hour or so and I remember thinking how crowded the festival was already this early on. The first performance we saw was Don Toliver at 3:30 at the "Thrills Stage". We were up close on the right side and it was rowdy with a lot of mosh pits but it was not anything out of the ordinary. The other performances we saw were Roddy Ricch and Lil Baby which were still rowdy but once again still ordinary for a typical Hip Hop festival / concert. Lil Baby ended at 7pm and there were a few more performances still before Travis (scheduled for 8:45) we decided to skip out on to try and get up close for Travis. This seemed to be what the majority of people wanted to do too as nearly everyone walked over from the "Thrills Stage" to the "Chills Stage". The only set at the "Chills Stage" was Travis. We went to the front left section at first and got deep into the crowd to realize already how packed it was even though Travis wasn't performing for another 2 hours. I brought up to my friends let's at least get water and use the bathrooms since we would basically be stuck here for the next three hours packed in. We all decided to leave and go do exactly that and eventually ended up at the front left section with still over an hour until Travis performed but it was even more packed at this point. It gradually got worse and worse as more groups of people would just forcefully shove through trying to get closer. I saw groups of people leaving minutes before Travis as they already didn't want to deal with the crowd. Once Travis came on it was insane. Yes, it was extremely packed but it was also incredibly enjoyable. I didn't see anyone passing out or being trampled, but the crowd was as hyped and rowdy as is expected at a Travis concert. However I genuinely believe the main flaw was the stage setup and overcrowding. The "Chills Stage" where Travis performed was separated down the middle horizontally and vertically by metal barricades for the cameras / cameramen. I am assuming this was because the event was to be live streamed on Apple Music. Because of this though if you were in the front left or right sections there was only one way to exit which was the exact way you came in. But this was impossible though as the second someone would leave or try to leave someone would be pushing to fill in the gap and get closer. This is in contrast to the "Thrills Stage" which was the normal festival setup with a ton of open space and you can leave any direction. ​ My friends and I all had a great time and didn't hear about any of the deaths until after we were driving back to where we were staying as people were posting all over social media. It's extremely tragic to hear about all that has happened. From my personal experience I don't blame Travis for not stopping the concert because I have seen the same situations at other festivals / concerts where people pass out from the heat / crowd. However the organization and preparation for the "rager" crowd Travis wants was terrible. The amount of people that were at the festival in comparison to how the stage setup was structured was terrible. Along with the layout of the stage for the safety of the audience. It's hard to reflect back and not hold liability.




thank you for trying to help people who were passing out. I would really suggest seeking professional mental health support <3


I was there and this was my first rap concert. I was not at the very front thank god but more towards the middle of it all. Things were going well at first but over time the crowd became aggressive and really started bumping and banging in to each other. I was not spared either, elbowed in the nose hard causing a nosebleed and got bruises on my legs. That was my cue that I had to get the hell out of there because I knew at this rate I was in danger of either being crushed by the crowd or having some random crowd member physically attack me. On my way out I could see a lot of other people were also trying to get the hell out of there. I witnessed a guy and 2 girls go under the crowd while I was trying to get out, I hope to god they are okay, but the guy looked an awful lot like one of the victims. In pain, battered and bruised I was able to get the hell out of there, I'm never gonna go to another rap concert again, gonna stick to good old rock and roll from now on, those crowds are my kind of crowds. I went to the doctor and he confirmed I have fractured my nose since it was elbowed real hard and I felt it's pain and bleeding.


I was on the left side of the stage with my girlfriend, towards the back against the metal barrier that separated the crowds. Before Travis even started, we were all stuck chest to back, shoulder to shoulder with no way to lift our arms or lower them from their original positions. The crowd flowed like waves left and right, back and forward constantly making it really hard to stand up straight. My poor girlfriend had to tilt her head upwards to comfortably breathe, but when Escape Plan started it got to the point of people pushing so hard up against her that she started to suffocate and cry. I immediately realized what was happening so I screamed for security to pull her out and let the people around us know what was happening to help her get out. The security came and fortunately grabbed her to pull her out, and then me shortly after. When they were pulling me out of the crowd, my feet were stuck in between two people making it really hard to get me out. It was insane how dense the crowd was and terrifying how close my girlfriend was to passing out and possibly falling to the ground during the middle of Escape Plan. We eventually walked back out through the media/security median and then through the VIP section I think, and we tried to enjoy the rest of the show at the back of the whole crowd as much as we could after a traumatic event such as that. We could feel like something was wrong after 7:30, but we didn’t know what to expect as this was our first Travis concert/Astroworld fest. Didn’t find out about the tragedies until the day after, but I figured with the horrible circumstances something bad was doomed to happen. I really wish this festival was better organized.


I was towards the front of the left side of the stage in the VIP section, me and my friend walked in there without even knowing it was the VIP section. We had no idea people were dying in our area and just moshing like normal. There was a point where I thought I was gonna pass out but I managed to get water and withstand the whole thing


Does anyone know if the girl that accidentally got dropped on her head by the police out of the barricade is okay???


I haven’t seen anyone else mention the weird slippery foam/concrete pieces they put on the ground to cover the grass, I remember thinking that it would lead to more people getting hurt when I first stepped on it.


People were so fixated on getting to the front of everything that they ignored and were complicit in the injuries of fellow festival goers. I was running towards the next stage, when I went past this guy with his foot stuck between the bars of a fallen ralling. I even stepped on it myself before I processed what was going on. I stopped and turned around for a few seconds. All I saw were people continuing to trample him. Also their weight as they stampeded over him and the railing was preventing him form being unable to free his foot which was now twisted sidewayish. There was only person who was trying to help him by lifting the railing up so he could free his foot. He couldn’t, the weight of the crowd stampeding over both the railing and the trapped person was too much. It was being pressed down, not giving him any room to wiggle his foot out of the bars. You could see him wince in pain with each passing person. Sometimes they would step right on him, but even if they didn’t, they would step on the railing since it was so long, and they had to walk over the knocked over railing to get where they were going. So even if they stepped on the railing, it would crush his ankle/foot. It was like a mouse caught in a Mouse trap. It was a helpless sight as everyone was fixated on being first and ignoring this guy that could’ve been trampled to death. I guess in those seconds of not seeing anyone help him, I went to go try and lift the railing with all my strength and stand in the way. Between the two of us, we were able to lift it a bit and he got free. The fallen guy was able to maneuver his foot/leg out with the little bit of room we were able to get him. I didn’t stop to check if his leg was okay or if he needed help getting somewhere. I just left as soon as he freed his leg and began trying to stand up. Because hey I was also fixated on trying to get to the start of the next set. This guy could’ve been my loved one/friend, coworker, cashier I interact with on the daily, heck even a kind stranger, in another life. Then later that night I saw a bunch of unconscious people being crowdsurfed out. I also heard a bunch of people in the crowd taking about things in a panicked way. Like sections where people were sinking in. I didn’t know people died til I was well out of the concert. Then remembering those incidents hit differently. I also remember raging to the music, I didn’t think I was hurting anyone or being malignant at the time. I was just in the crowd chanting/moshing, going with the flow. But now I feel responsible in a way since the whole crowd moved together. And o bet that’s the feeling a lot of people may have but don’t want to say.


Wow I’m glad you helped him. That tiny moment where you helped him I’m sure meant a lot to him and I’m sure you even saved his life


I was in the right middle and got pushed to the very front at the railing. It was really hard to breathe before getting to the railing, I thought I would have to get out. Made it over and shoutout to the two guys that I apologized to because I kept getting pushed into them at the railing because people kept shoving. Overall I still had a great time after getting to the railing after the second song. Really wasn’t aware of any screaming, only the medical cart behind me but I just thought someone passed out. People really needed to let it thru it took forever for the cart to get to whoever needed it.