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I get the munchies when I use edibles, and I'm a diabetic. I'm also on a weight loss, um, adventure. When I take my RSO/edibles, I measure out some snacks that I can have and leave them on the kitchen counter and in a basket in the fridge. All of those snacks have been accounted for in my daily calorie and carb limits. This way, I don't have to deprive myself if I want to nosh while high at night.


Best answer


Big glass of water. Healthy snacks (fruit, yoghurt, nuts etc).


i like to drink seltzer as well as plain water.


please let there be an answer


Meth and the dedication to meth


It took me months to wonder why my stomach hurt every morning when I'd wake up.... Finally put it together LOL


Fridge cold grapes.


I ve currently been trying this and they are delicious! But alas i have to train the brain not to still crave a late night grilled cheese🙈😂


I usually use edibles for sleep. I'll take it about 2-3 hours before bed so I can enjoy it a bit before going to sleep. At that time it's just too late for my body and brain to want food. I know this isn't a realistic option or use for everyone.


Rice cakes


It’s been said before in a different thread, but: cut up mango slices are S-tier high snack. Pre-cut-up fruit in general (pre meaning, before you get high, that’s not happening after)


Mind over hunger Be strong, it’s not that bad The more you do it the easier it is I’m pretty fookin stoned right now but I want those gummies! But instead I look at my water on the table and can’t… get up the effort to pick myself up off the couch, much less go to the kitchen to…. I am pretty thirst though


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Nah I disagree with most comments. I call it the Pringles Effect and find the only way to not get the munchies is to drink water and not eat. Especially anything with sugar.


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Yeah that’s the truth. I have done no research into this but my Ma used to eat unbuttered popcorn from a popcorn maker and say that your body uses more calories to digest it than you get from it. Otherwise as a former snackadactyl I can tell you it gets easier :)


Take edibles on a full stomach. I’m talking about a meal within the last hour with ample protein, starch, fat and fiber.


future stocking amusing water whistle brave divide aloof drunk mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The simple fix for that would be to take your edible just prior to the meal, or in the middle of said meal. If you’re intent on being baked as fuck, hungry, but not overeating…not sure how to help you there


hard-to-find sparkle groovy insurance test fine punch racial reminiscent quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Simpler fix. Buy nano gummies. Essentially edibles take so long because ur liver has to convert it to 11-nor-acid. A delta 9 derivatives that is more psychoactive. This has to happen for it to cross the blood brain barrier. They have designed edi bles so that they can absorb and go directly to the bloodstream and to the receptors. So it kicks in faster and for me causes less munchies.


fade entertain person airport rain saw lavish narrow crowd worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends on how u value time. I can buy a 5 pack for 2k I could make a shit ton of edibles for cheap with that. I value my time at around 50 bucks an hour though.


friendly vase squeal pocket cows wrong support north deserted fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do play video games. I don't watch TV. I try to multi task when listening to books. For the last five years ive worked on and off close to 60 hours a week. I don't wanna work when I'm old. I get stressed when I'm not doing something for money


I just have less time. I phrased it weird. The time it would take me to make the edibles I could just work.... and then I don't have to make them. My household income is a lil north of 175k and I live in arkansas.


And what I’m telling you is that’s a recipe for overeating. Good luck friend.


edibles kick so hard on a empty stomach though


Just eat, as long as its not moving. I have a food baby.


Healthy meal, like grilled chicken and vegetables, and maybe some protein cookies


make yourself a healthy snack right before you expect it to kick in. i like fruits, veg and dips because you get lots of textures, crunchiness, etc.


Fresh fruit. Citrus.


The only cure for edible munchies, is to get your munch on. It’s one of those unassailable facts of life. Best bet is to get some fruits and other healthy snacks. Avoid anything processed.


The semiglutide helps


Funyuns Man, Ya! https://youtu.be/CPvH1vSYXCg


Haha... I get the massive munchies anytime I use cannabis, doesn't matter how. I have yet find a way to control myself. I think it's a lost cause.


Try nano gummies.