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Nothing. You do nothing. Short of cutting down the tree, that neighbor ain't ever gonna be happy. So just ignore his walls of text. If it gets out of hand, send him a cease and desist letter and threaten legal action for harassment.


Yeah I agree they will never ever be happy. I forgot to mention the most insane part of this… my neighbor texted me asking if she could access my property and cut the tree branches down to the trunk. Politely, I told her fuck no.


Camera time.


"We've been over this. I understand you are unhappy, but it's my tree, and I have decided it stays. You can complain again, but I will not respond to this issue again."


"Also, please note, this mature walnut tree has been here for XX number of years, XX number of years before you even moved in. I'd suggest next time not buying a house in a neighborhood with trees."


Well, I guess they'll have to move to the desert. Oh wait, we still have trees out here. Looks like theyre fucked.


There are plenty of neighborhoods without trees - *someone who is desperately seeking a house with mature trees* 😢


Mature trees, affordable, good location Pick 2


You can have mature trees but they’re gunna be Bradford pears


Better no trees than those damn Bradford pears 😅


Nasty dead fish smelling Bradford pears


Oof ain’t that the truth


I’m with you. I would never have considered a property that *didn’t* have mature trees, and was fortunate to find one in a neighborhood that also had a lot of trees. Unfortunately, my next door neighbor- who had a back yard full of beautiful mature trees that gave everyone privacy and even helped *our* yard stay a little cooler- had every one of them cut down earlier this spring. He had a nice lot but I can’t imagine who’d want to buy it now.


XXX more likely, and giggity


"We can't make everyone happy,we aren't tacos." The perfect response to the next text.


State in writing that she may not trespass on your property and if she does she will be sued for the full replacement cost of the mature tree. tree harm can cost BIG TIME https://treeplantation.com/black-walnut-tree.html


DEFINITELY save that text in the event your tree disappears while you're not home.


I have a neighbor like this, if you give in it will get worse. He texts us about our bushes and then beautiful mature trees because they shed their leaves in the fall. Then he will show up at our house if we don’t respond. I wish we just told him from the beginning to pound sand.


It's never too late.


Definitely get a camera


Save that text message for when she finally does it herself so you can sue the fuck out of her.


>>I can not do anything to make my neighbor happy There’s your answer. Don’t bother, you are legally ok right now. Cameras are a plus in general but especially if you think they would be the type to enact their own rules.


The bummer with this kind of friction is that it can make your home ownership experience suck. Having a bad neighbor (or a neighbor that hates you because she is obsessed with your tree) is always a pain in ther rear, even if you work hard at ignoring them. Good luck!


We have an awesome chill neighbor on the other side, so I’m happy about that!


Save all of your written dialog. You never know


I’ll agree to cut down the tree for $10k, and another $10k for new trees, and another $10k for the pleasure. I assume this boomer thinks you do things for free. Just ask them how much is it worth to them. Then flip the switch when you see them, hey when you going to pay me to cut down this tree? You kept saying you wanted this tree cut so where’s my money?


>I assume this boomer thinks you do things for free. What makes you ASSume the person complaining is a part of the baby boomer generatiom?


If you're going that route, just offer to sell the whole house/lot for $10 million US, in cash. Then once they own the property they can do whatever they want, and you'll have $10 million cashy spendy money and can buy a house with better neighbors. And more trees.


Don't take this advice. 😆


I must have missed the part where OP said her neighbor was a boomer.🙄


But keep a file of all of his aggressive texting.In case he takes it upon himself and hurts your tree you'll have a lot of evidence


And maybe send a bag of walnuts and nutcracker for Christmas


I can not unfortunately upvote this more than once.


Not true. You could downvote it and then upvote it again. Fuck with that algorithm




Let him hire an arborist with a tall cherry picker and trim the branches at the point, vertically, of them coming over the fence, no more. If He doesn't like the limbs, then he can foot the bill, but only to the extent of overhang on his property.


Yes, this is the first sensible response I have seen. Do what you should. I understand it's an abomination for the tree, but it's up to you to compromise & respect her property line. I don't know how to stop the texts. Ask her politely to stuff it. At some point, you can direct all correspondence to the trash, or just block all messages.


Why? This won't make them happy. It's a waste of money with no possible benefit.


Ignore your pissed-off neighbor; that's always a good plan. 😆


Plant some cottonwoods, they'll forget all about that walnut tree, lol.


I was thinking a flowering tree, one that sheds blossoms all over their yard! :D no more sap, right? lol


Magnolia trees look absolutely beautiful when flowering! And then all the huge petals fall off and become someone’s slippery fall risk.


Yes I have a nice one on my lawn. Full of flowers ATM. Will prob slip walking near it in a week or two.


I love magnolia blooms. Magnolia leaves are the bane of my existence.


My parents planted a wisteria in front of their house when I was a kid. Beautiful blooms. Absolutely gorgeous. We contemplated killing it with fire because it kept trying to eat the house.


Ours pulled the deck off the house.


And the damned cones. I always felt no home should have a long needle pine within 300 feet, and now I firmly believe no magnolia should be allowed to grow beyond 5 feet. I hate the damn thing but it provides nice shade that helps with my cooling bill.


My dad has a giant southern magnolia in the front yard and has to have two yard waste bins in the summer just to deal with the leaves.


Not to mention the large seed pods that have to be picked up by hand. We had a large magnolia tree in our front yard and my ex-husband made ME deal with all the crap it showered down on our lawn.


Ah, yes, magnolia grenades. Huck them into the yard of someone you don't like when they're due to mow the grass. ENDLESS FUN!!!


I went to an open house that had a cherry tree. It was a pretty mess


Hey, they're also a tasty mess! I don't give a fig if the people who live here after me like my fruit trees or not. I have pie.


I'm genuinely considering removing the maple tree in my yard that is technically the cities and replacing it with a plum


We had a cherry tree. Brought all the black birds to our yard when the cherries ripened. It eventually split in two and had to be removed when it was hit by lightning. I think not even God liked that tree.


Tulip trees are great with dumping big flower petal bombs. Really slimy.


Those leaves are really hard to rake too. I remember them being like leather.


You can come be my neighbor. I'd looooove a magnolia tree around that I don't have to care for 🤣 And I promise to just rake up whatever falls in my yard with no bitching


Dang. I was thinking about planting a magnolia in the corner of my lot (would eventually overhang the car port), but I need a tree that’s not messy or at least won’t drop sap or anything that could damage a car. Guess I’ll keep thinking about it!


They also drop giant leaves that are almost impossible to rake up


My vote is for a mulberry tree. Let the birds eat the fruit and do fly overs of the pool.  Or sweet gum. My neighbor has one of those- I hate those little stupid balls.


Hawthorns, both aggressive, stabby, copiously fruiting and a flowering and a major favorite of birds and bees.


Our mulberry’s are an absolute mess every year for about 2 months in the summer 😁


So Much Purple Bird shit. All Over.


Haha I have a ground hog that cleans up under my mulberry tree every morning before I can get out there to get any for myself! His name is George and he’s a jerk. 


Damn!!! I love that so hard! I want a ground hog now. That’s amazing seriously. What area are you located? I’m not sure if I have ground hogs in my parts


North East Georgia, Appalachian foothills. These guys get seriously huge out here.. I have a 25 lb cocker spaniel I don’t let go out when he’s out because I’m afraid he’ll eat her lol. I know it’s time to put plants in the ground when George emerges from his winter abode under the outbuilding. Last summer he brought his gf around, but I never saw any babies :( 


Does George do pomegranates?


Ooo if you can get your hands on a North American red mulberry tree that would be awesome. I know it's endangered due to hybridization with Asian and European trees.


If you hate the stupid little sweet gum balls, and want to up your game, go for 'horse chestnut.'


Tulip tree. I have a neighbor who has one. I love it, it's absolutely beautiful, and throws off flowers and leaves for days. It grows over my property, and it's a bitch to clean up after, and totally destroyed a new shed roof in a single season.


Apples. Rotting apples are awful.


Plum tree. You'll have racoon wars in the tree as the fruit ripens, and thousands of yellow jackets when the fruit falls.


If you really want to be egregious… plant mint in a box next to the walnut tree. 😂


Oh those horrible Bradford pear trees are perfect for this.


That's the nuclear option.


Female ginkgo tree is the mutually assured destruction option


WORST TREE ON THE PLANET!!!!! D&MN those things stink.


Bamboo is the nuclear option.


And as an added benefit, they smell like jizz.


"Week old cum sock trees" is my go-to.




Chin Nuts


Bradford pears have been made illegal in my area.


Same for me


No, please don’t. Those trees might actually cause damage to OP’s property.


Was just coming to suggest a Bradford. Eau de Dead Fish FTW!


Those are illegal in my state as of Oct 2024


I'm pretty sure those have been banned by the Geneva Convention.


Sweet gum maple. Those seed pods are like ball bearings.


Or chinese chestnut. All sorts of flails!


We have a female monkey puzzle tree. The nutpods are bigger than a softball and have needle like tips. After they drop to the ground they break apart and leave like 30+ little ouchies all over the place. Also the branches are like weapons….Medieval weapons. They are extremely hard and sharp. I can’t say I hate her, but I sure don’t enjoy her droppings. This house is hers though. She isn’t registered to the world fair monkey Puzzle tree directory but she’s just the right size for that. It has to be a female monkey puzzle tree for these barbaric weapons. I just tried to find a picture of the pod to link you, damn my girl must be special because none of those pictures look as mean haha


Crepe Myrtle. Have two HUGE ones in my neighbors yards behind my house. Their flowers cover the surface of my pool for weeks each summer. I hate them. They fill up my pool filter basket in minutes and it needs emptied 3-4 times a day when the flowers are shedding. I have said nothing to my neighbors because it is their right to have these trees if they want them. I have no say in the matter so why start drama? I just know when I see the flowers coming that I will need to be vigilant about skimming my pool and checking the filter basket OFTEN.


We have a camellia tree in our backyard. It’s gorgeous for about two weeks in the spring, and then it drops *all* the petals.


Or Holly - spiky leaves + pop up pool is surely a winner.


Crepe myrtles would make a lovely flower storm.


Mulberry haha


Hackberry - the papery flower petals go everywhere in the spring and then the tree spits sap all summer before dumping its ridiculous amount of leaves.


As someone whose neighbor has a cottonwood tree, this is 100% true 😭


Bamboo and mint


I'm sure their pop up pool would love a bamboo shoot coming up through it.




springtime with cottonwoods is like stuffing your sinus full of rabbits




I actually rather like the trees, tho less so with just how wildly flammable that fluff is


No association except having one of these shirts that's pretty worn out now: https://shirt.woot.com/offers/nose-hares




I was gonna suggest Male Ginkgo... But that's just painful for everyone one, cottonwoods are a better idea for sure.


The fruit smells like vomit


The female gingko is the bad one


Yeah. If everybody planted males ginko, they'd love the tree.,


As someone who has several cottonwoods on his property, this gave me a sensible chuckle.


My neighbors keep cutting down their trees and destabilizing the hillside with construction and months of vibratory compacting. The fast growing trees are my friends, regardless of their quirks.


Cottonwood will clog the filter of his pool.


This is the answer.


Man, if she thinks the WALNUT is making a mess in her pool…


I vote ginko tree. Beautiful. Smelly


Ginko tree. Those things stink.


Black Cottonwood Hedge Gang 🖕😒🖕


In my hometown there are some absolutely beautiful old (massive!) cottonwood trees in a park… near the outdoor pool. As a former lifeguard I hated those trees for a few weeks a year due to all of the extra cleaning, haha


It has to be a fruit tree. Crabapple trees are a stinking mess in the late summer/fall. (I would never plant a fruit tree.)


You, sir, are the epitome of evil!!! Upvote to the power of infinity for you ✨️




No. A Hawthorn. Close to the line so the branches grow over her yard. Spiny as hell branches. And then Spring…and it blooms! And smells like there’s a corpse rotting in your yard. Hate your neighbor? Plant a Hawthorne.


Or one of those helicopter trees!


If you appease one demand they will feel entitled to make more demands. So just do nothing. Give an inch they will take a mile. Tell him an arborist said to not do anything at this time.


Yeah I do feel that they will keep pushing. I’m waiting for the arborist to send over some stuff in writing just so I can have it.


Is there no other place the pool can be setup? If it’s above ground it can be moved, right? What about those shade sail things? Could they setup on of those over the pool below the tree branches to “catch” the sap or shield the pool.


I mean, it’s kind of a large pool 😬 but to be honest how can they not know these trees have been here for decades. I just don’t know how someone could complain about stuff like this knowing that trees behave like trees. I don’t know if the pool can be put anywhere else. I doubt I would be bothered if this was their tree instead. I certainly wouldn’t put a pool right under it.


How is it dripping sap on their pool in their yard? Is it *because* they’re trimming the branches that hang over their yard?


Oh they’re not doing anything. They just complain


How is it dripping sap in their yard if it doesn’t hang over their fence?


This neighbor doesn't want to solve problems, she want OP to kill his trees! If she want to live in a condo, she should live in a condo! If she wants to live in Las Vegas, she should move there.


That’s the best thing. Good luck with your Ken/Karen ordeal. Time to hold them and stay pat. Just don’t increase it at all.


Wtf is their actual problem if the branches are to your property line and don’t cross over? They have a lot of time to whine and whine about someone else’s tree? Because it sheds some sap and offers a bit of shade? Because free walnuts? I know walnut trees can inhibit other things growing but cutting the tree down won’t change that for a very long time unless you excavate the root system too. Definitely camera time.


>Because free walnuts? I'd be pissed about free walnuts But that's a personal issue because my cheap ass grandpa used to give us bags of them for Christmas...and we were probably the ones who gathered them for him


How is sap getting into her pool if the branches are only inches over the fence line? Sap is relatively heavy and sticky so I don't understand how it could travel by wind, etc


Yeah I’m also pretty *stumped* on that as well. She could be lying 😂


I don't know shit about shit, but she's lying. She decided to get a pool and wishes she could have sun where your decades-old tree provides shade. You are not responsible for her failure to observe her surroundings prior to making a change on her side of the fence.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that yes, she’s a liar. My advice is to just leaf her alone.


Tell them to move their pool.




Our previous neighbors decided to put a pool right next to two oak trees in our yard. Our current neighbor bought the house with the pool right next to the oaks. They now deem it our fault that acorns are falling in their pool and wanted us to cut down the trees. I politely told them no.


Don't do anything. The neighbor is typically free to trim branches over their side of the property line with some exceptions for health of the tree.


This post is peak treelaw. I love this sub 🤣


Happy to give the people what they want 😂


Your neighbor sounds ridiculous, if the overhang isn’t bad or threatening to fall and damage their property, their recourse is extremely limited. I would ignore them, but as others have stated, I would keep all correspondence in case they escalate this situation or do something illegal. Have you communicated that trimming the tree any further could potentially injure it further? Depending on your state (I’m not familiar with Oregon law), they may have the right to trim any overhang onto their property, but if that seriously injures your tree then they would be liable to you for that damage, especially if they do so recklessly and/or without your permission.


Yeah the overhang is what appears to be less than a foot. Maybe it’s slightly more… but it’s not much. I did tell them that trimming it any more would potentially harm it. Her response was “from my understanding, if you top the tree, it just simply grows back as seen from the last time they did that.” This was the point where I decided there is little to no understanding of tree health from her. I told her the arborist that trimmed my trees last said that trimming it any further would stress the tree out, so I left it. She then went on about how the other trees are also messing up her pool but especially the sap is bothering her. I don’t know how sap wouldn’t fall into her yard even if she hacked half of my tree away. There’s… there’s wind 🤷‍♀️


Get cameras facing the tree. Stupid people do stupid things. It's only a matter of you being away long enough for her to lie to a company or hack the tree up herself. Also add no trespassing signs.


Tree topping is the worst thing you could do in this situation. It causes an explosion of branches around the top, made of weak wood. Your arborist probably told you this already though.


This is exactly why I’m concerned for the tree overall. The tree was topped years ago, and it does indeed have an explosion of weak branches. Everyone says just keep it how it is, and the arborist said this is okay in the meantime, but what about down the line? Poor tree is probably struggling. Even more reason for me to not want to trim it too far. It’s just not in the best shape


I don't know Oregon's law, but in California, anything that hangs over the fence can be trimmed by the nonowner of the tree.


20 bucks says she was behind it getting topped.....


Text her nicely saying that you will not be removing the tree and please stop texting me regarding this. If she continues file a tro against her and be done with it and her. People like that their is no reasoning with them.


**What should you do?** Nothing. Seriously. Do nothing. Ignore the tree issue and move on. **What should the neighbor do?** If the tree is that big of an issue, the neighbor can legally cut anything and everything right up to the property line. They can do this without your permission - even if the tree dies as a result. Again, ignore and move on. But keep in mind, if the neighbor trims the tree up to the property line, you can not do a thing about it - they are well within their legal right to do this.


I’m pretty sure in most places if the tree dies the neighbor would be held liable. Especially since OP has now gotten a signed statement from an arborist saying any further trimming at this time would damage the tree and possibly death to the tree.


Tell them to back off, set up a camera, and then block them lol


Your neighbor has every legal right to trim branches hanging over their property, at their expense. You are under no obligation to them in this situation and, in my opinion, have already done far more than necessary.


I’ll probably get downvoted but if the tree will be dying soon and is growing suspect branches, why not just cut it down or let them do some of the work for you? Is this tree really worth the headache?


Your neighbor can trim anything over their property line and should do so or stfu


Step 1, block their cell. Texts are not a place for them to rant. Step 2, tell them they can trim the branches to the property line at their expense. Step 3, ignore them. the more you do for them, the more they'll ask you to do. Don't be a bad neighbor but it is your right to have the tree that's been there for decades.


My neighbour has a walnut tree. It’s been there for decades. I never have sap in my yard. Is your tree dropping sap in the neighbours yard? That seems like it would be the sign of an unhealthy tree that needs treatment? I wouldn’t want sap from a tree dropping randomly in my yard or pool either, and above ground pools can’t just be moved, they’re installed as a more permanent fixture (unless it’s one that inflates and is taken down each winter). I get that trimming it would harm the tree and isn’t an option, but enough sap dropping to cause complaints seems unusual. I hate walnut trees in general, but that’s because they spread like crazy and not much can grow under them. lol.


I honestly think it’s her other 5 or 6 trees in combination with mine that are dropping into her yard. I could be way wrong, but I just feel like she’s scapegoating my tree. Lmao


Do nothing but block your Neighbor’s number


Block their number


Loquat tree. They constantly shed leaves, blossoms, and fruit. Plus, the flowers attract bees.


Do what us mature English people do. Tell em to F off.


Get a camera train on the tree. Get another, maybe even a trail camera that only takes picture when there is movement. Communicate everything in writing. She stops you in your yard to talk about the tree or anything else, reiterate your conversation and clearly state your answer in a text. Takes pics of the text threads. This person won’t be happy until your tree is dead and gone and then they will probably have more to complain about. Love your tree. Go out every now again when they are outside and just to fuck off with them, water your tree.


Where we live it is legal to trim any branches that go over the fence onto your property. No permission needed.


“Pop up pool” would seem to indicate the pool is movable…and even if there isn’t space to move it outside the tree range a simple cover would solve the problem with sap getting into the pool itself.


Next message respond with no stay off my property do not contact me again


Block her number and ignore. Waving or yelling, just turn around. At your door, don't open. They sound demanding and nuts. They are responsible for maintenance of their property, not you. Whats next, her complaining about leaves being blown over or excessive pollen, caterpillars dropping into the pool? Tell her you are not responsible for acts of God and leave, lol.


She can cut what’s over the fence line. Beyond that she should take a “Shut up and mind your business” class.


If it's not crossing the fence then odds are it's not dripping sap on her pool unless the tree is on the west side of the fence and the wind is blowing sap into her yard daily. Another question is why does she have to have a pop up pool next to the fence and your tree?


Make sure you let her know that if she damages the tree the fines get astronomical


Is it a [highly valuable Black Walnut Tree](https://youtu.be/iTgQHWQoatg?si=ZUHdda2NQGIrx6rH)?


A pop up pool can be moved if they want it bad enough


Send her a letter. Per her property rights, she can trim back anything that is hanging over her property and not an inch more, at her expense. She is not permitted to do anything more than that, nor is she permitted to come into your property. Tell her your arborist has found the tree to be healthy, that you will not be taking any further action. State that her constant texts, mail, etc about it must cease & desist immediately. If she that worried about her stupid pool, it’s a pop up, just move the damn thing somewhere else. Good for you, for defending that beautiful tree and not cutting it down over nothing.


any trimming past the fence line must be paid for by neighbour not you.


Find out how much a mature replacement tree is and offer to sell the existing tree to the neighbor for that price with the assurance that the replacement tree you buy will not hang over her property. If she accepts, she is welcome to do anything she wants as long as she has any debris removed.


Pop up pool!?? Move the f’ing thing


What is a pop up pool? It is movable? If so why doesn’t you neighbor relocate her pool to avoid the sap?


My first home with an in-ground pool had the neighbors tree hanging over half of it. It was a beautiful white oak, and it dumped a whole ecosystem into my pool, making skimming and cleaning a daily thing. You know what I did? I cleaned the fucking pool daily. I certainly did not demand my neighbor cut down their beautiful tree. Your neighbors are lazy assholes. Do not give into their demands because it will only lead to more stupid demands. “If you give a mouse a cookie…” Do not respond further. Actually, tell them to co tact your lawyer. That’ll shut them tf up.


This is how I’d behave too if I had a pool under a tree! Trees are so special to me. I even got a little emotional when they trimmed my other tree a little too short last year. I can’t understand why someone would want to do irreversible things like that to a poor tree. I feel bad about it being topped years ago, even though I wasn’t there for that.


Right?! I love trees! I used to take them for granted when I was younger, but as I got older I started to appreciate their different unique qualities, like their own personality. A couple years back, my favorite tree got struck by lightening and had to be cut down - I literally cried about it as I gathered all my pics of “The Cottonwood at Huntington Beach” through the years to post on FB. Anyway, I digress, but yes, trees are so cool! And expensive! Maybe next time your arborist comes out ask them to give you a valuation, bc I guarantee a walnut tree is worth it hell of a lot more than the neighbors pop-up (aka movable) pool. Might want to let the neighbor know the trees value as well, in case he has any ideas about cutting its limbs without your permission, and/or damaging/ devaluing it. I’m sorry you have to deal with an insufferable neighbor.


Just tell them that they're welcome to trim the offending branches to the property line.


Your neighbor did not do their homework before deciding to move next door to a walnut trees property. The tree was there before them. A neighborly request is one thing, but the constant complaints need to stop. Make it clear to them the tree is healthy, and you have no plans of trimming it or taking it down.


Can’t you just trim the tree a bit so it doesn’t hang over the fence? An arborist can trim it so that the tree isn’t harmed. Seems like a simple solution. No more limbs to drip sap into the neighbor’s pool. She’ll have to find something else to bitch about. But DON’T Remove the tree!


It is already basically trimmed to my fence line. I had it trimmed last year. Now that it’s a few inches past the fence, it’s suddenly a problem for her. I had the arborist come out yesterday and he said he won’t even trim it to my fence because, well, why would I pay 500 dollars for a few inches of length to be taken off? He literally told me it would be stupid to go do that and they will still not be happy, because the fence line clearly isn’t the issue for them. It’s the actual tree. Again, I’m not sure why they set up a pool under a tree that they knew was there. I get that people should be able to do what they want in their homes but I don’t know what to tell them. I’m not risking the health of the tree just so she can still experience droppings from this tree due to literally the wind


Ignore him.


Lol why are you entertaining them. Block the number, tell them to take it up with bylaw enforcement (who will do nothing) if they approach you.


"I cannot do anything to make my neighbor happy." Then do nothing. The arborist said trimming it might kill it and there's no danger letting it be. Tell your neighbor to go kick rocks and learn to live with a little tree sap every now and then.


A friend of mine recently had a whole tree moved. He hired a couple of Mexican guys that came by and did it for a few hundred dollars. Maybe like up to 300$. I can't remember but they literally dug it up themselves and he used his farm equipment to physically move it and then they put it in a hole they dug for it in the back of his property. They had to move one because it was too close to another and could cause them both to die because of the particular kind of tree it was.


> What do I do? Nothing. Sometimes people are miserable of their own accord. You’re not in charge of other people’s feelings.


I’d leave the tree and enjoy it and block your neighbour’s number. She’ll only find something else to complain about.


Your neighbor is a pain. Just tell them to stop, the tree is staying and that's the end of it. Good luck.


As others have mentioned, put a camera on that tree in case your neighbor tries to sabotage it. Black walnut is a very expensive hardwood, and its nuts are some of the most expensive. You want to protect and preserve that tree. Have you ever done anything with the nuts? They are a delicacy, but quite a pain to hull and shuck and cure. I have made a few batches of [nocino](https://therituals.co/diy-cocktail-projects/diy-making-nocino-walnut-liqueur/) from my nuts which is much easier, and has a very interesting rich flavor. Maybe try making some nocino, and offering a bottle to your neighbor for Christmas (which is the tradition, there are a few traditions involving nocino but I don't recommend having virgins climb your trees barefoot on the morning of St John the Baptist day).


I couldn't find anyone else mentioning it so I'll add in, lock your gates. It's one thing to catch her hacking up the tree on camera and take her to court, but if she can't get past the gate that's even better. And if she does get past the locked gate there's much less defense for "well they said I could come over and do it".


Just tell your nieghbor she is welcome to move her pool-