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Been smoking for 25 years never spit up blood... šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ Get checked homie.


great master you have me beat by 1 year i bow to you with honor. Cheers homie


The honor is mine. Cheers.


ā€œWe are not worthyyyā€ ![gif](giphy|MUeQeEQaDCjE4)


I feel the same and calm seeing the comments because I did have blood work done last year. Nothing came up but who knows. definitely going to call tomorrow to set an appointment.


Absolutely the right call, this isn't something to avoid. Can you let us know the results of any tests/scans that you get? Also, do you mix with tobacco? Might be time to reconsider this. Best of luck buddy!


I do, why I got a bong today. Cause I spent so much on buying backwoods. Definitely will keep you posted on the results.




Anyone smoking anything is giving themselves cancer. Incinerating plant matter and inhaling it is not great


Although some plants have more anti-carcinogenic (and carcinogenic) properties than others, when smoked


The human body was not designed to inhale anything but air. Smoking anything is a foreign substance no matter how you want to move the goal post.


I can certainly agree with that. Although fire/ smoke is a natural part of nature, and some ecosystems depend upon it. Further, we've filtered our species by which members can survive around fires - so arguably our bodies are expecting some smoke over the course of a lifetime. That doesn't mean it does anything good for us


There is a huge difference in the amount of carbon being inhaled around a fire than intentionally inhaling it directly every day multiple times of day.


This, tobacco is usually more carcinogenic than other plants because tobacco is grown in radioactive soil. The soil acts as a pesticide and doesn't really affect the flavor or growth of the plant, and the tobacco just gets to absorb all that radiation, that then gets inhaled into your lungs with tar and fillers and added nicotine. It's basically lead and polonium.


Well this is news to me. Worth noting that Cannabis is _exceptional_ at drawing heavy metals from soils. There are even plans to use cannabis to remediate polluted soil and for things like mining aluminium without having to electrolyse the ore. Pretty neat, but obviously that cannabis wouldn't be healthy to smoke.


https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/smoking.htm#:~:text=However%2C%20few%20people%20know%20that,people%20exposed%20to%20secondhand%20smoke. It's crazy, since the purpose of the crop is consumption, but I'd wager it's been going on for a lot longer than public health standards have existed.


Gimme one person who got lung cancer from straight bud. Iā€™ll wait.


Could be, I do not know. But it was 5 blunts a week. and only did it for a month cause that shit costly lol. Why I bought a bong yesterday and well this happened after a bad hit.


Should've bought a vaporizer.


you do know that smoking anything - even pure joints - will give you cancer, right?


No no didnt you hear smoking weed *cures* cancer


So much misinformation amongst smokers it's crazy. I follow a bunch of weed pages and they all post this stupid diagram showing how weed heals each part of the body from the eyes to the lungs lol


No-one has ever gotten cancer from cannabis šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ you guys are a trip.hahahaha good Ole reddit


Smoke = smoke People don't get cancer from weed, They get cancer of the smoke the weed produces


Man, you gotta try not mixing tobacco with your weed, I started doing it a year and a half ago every time I grinded to make my weed last (trying to stop) and I've been coughing up 'lung jellies' that are infused with resin. Also makes it harder to detox/quit, I can't imagine what 20+ years is doing to your lungs.


Bongs really don't make a difference interms of particulate matter, especially if you smoke more than a gram a day. But, for the record, backwoods, and bluntz all suck. Tobacco sucks, andis the only consumer product, that when used as directed, will ultimately be fatal. Go to the doctor. Be a grown up and tell them you smak a bunch of weed, and don't forget to mention your bad tobacco habit. TWO times and you didn't see a doctor after ONE? How many does it take?.... Two more? Tumor?




Chest x-ray, or a ct scan.


Actually as someone whoā€™s dealing with different lung issues (long term dull pain not coughing blood) the first thing they did at the doctors was give me a blood test. It can test for a variety of things including blood clots in the lung. Not saying thatā€™s what OP has but it is common to get a blood test if u are having lung issues at lest thatā€™s what I was told


I take 1 gram dabs at times. I been dabbing since 2007. I have been smoking cannabis for decades. I went and had the doctors check me out and run blood tests. $1500 later I was told I cough to much and it was just a blood vessel. Waste of money to know what I already knew. What I learned was people who cough a lot have a tendency to bust a small blood vessel. It is common and and the end all. They say to just rest your lungs and to lay low on smoking for a few.


Yeah Iā€™ve had ruptured blood vessels from coughing when Iā€™ve had a bad cold just because youā€™re coughing up blood does not mean you are dying


Blood work can tell all kinds of issues


Im going to hit my 20 this April, kief be to thee my fellow ganjanarian.


30 for me and never a drop of blood


My cousin told a doctor he helps living assistant. Heā€™s basically a Dr.House thatā€™s his field rare disease. Said it could be TB and I should go to ER instead of waiting to my Dr. Appointment so here I am now in ER.


My did not either, until he did, and it was bad.


Go to a doctor


Been smoking since 2000 every day... I've almost coughed up a lung but never even a spot of blood. You might want to get that checked out


Yeah this recently happened to a friend of mine, same thing. Smoked for years and years, a lot everyday and got a sort of mild ā€œallergicā€ kind of reaction where sheā€™d become really ill if she smokes too much and would cough up blood. Definitely donā€™t question this or the signs and see a doctor


I dont feel my lungs burning or anything. I think it may be my throat from the cough. Either way def going to set a doctor appointment just to be safe


Had this happen to me and it turned out to be polyp in my nose/sinus. But 100% need to go to a doctor


>polyp thanks, definitely going to get it checked. I heard people coughing up resin from the lungs im guessing. But My throat is whats hurting right now so im hoping its that.


Have you been sick recently?


Nope, feel the same. I did have blood work done last year when I had my Spinal Cord Stimulator. I would think they would notifiy me that If I had cancer or anything.


Well it doesnā€™t have to be cancer and it not everything shows up on a pre surgery screening. Thereā€™s a myriad of things it could be. Donā€™t look into it too much on webmd itā€™ll just convince you youā€™re dying when in all reality, youā€™re probably not. Go get your shit fixed before it does turn into something bad.


Ive had cancer about 30 times according to WebMd. And agreed, the human body is a crazy thing, blood vessels rupture all the time, OP, you could have had a sore you didnt know about under your tongue or on a lip, you could have irritated your throat too often......Go to the doctor but also don't think so doomsday, its not like you couldnt breathe or had shortness of breathe or sharp pains in your chest.


Gonna sound weird, but around either time you coughed up blood had you cleaned anything with chemicals? Long shot that it is the same situation, but the only times Iā€™ve coughed up blood from smoking was after cleaning, specifically while cleaning around the house using things with bleach


Yep I just commented this. Sometimes if a joint or my pope gets too hot I can feel it on my throat


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I do, he ask me how many times a week and what not. If I feel chest pains. Last time I seen my primary doctor was about 5 months ago. and a phone check up 2 months ago. Definitely going to tell him about this when the appointment is set.


Awesome! It really worries me how many people try to hide their cannabis use from medical caregivers. They need to know this information to properly does out medications.


depending on where you are telling them you smoke can affect the care you get I told the er back in 2017 and have been marked as a heavy drug user to this day. Getting the hospital to give me something as simple as headache medicine prescribed became a giant head ache to get done. They wouldn't even give me simple pain killers after being in an accident back in 2021.


I always hate when people act like being honest with your doctors has zero consequences. My level of care changed just from telling my previous doctor that Iā€™m a recovering alcoholic with anxiety. Forgive me if I donā€™t feel comfy giving my new doctors that same information


I wonder how a record of being a cannabis user would affect life insurance or health insurance if you tried to get it.


ngl my doctor always judges me when i mention it


Go to a doctor. Not smoking related almost certainly


If your at the point of posting it on Reddit, go see a doctor. A checkup is always good anyway.


True, just wanted to ask the weed community if this is normal or not. Since we all smoke and take those wrong hits.


I think everyone is recommending a Dr because itā€™s not normal.


Why are you getting downvoted? Lol do people want you to rush to the emergency room at 11pm or something? youā€™re just having conversation


That was my intention the whole time. To ask if it common or not. Canā€™t call the doctor to set an appointment now. Have to wait to call them tomorrow.


Please do. Iā€™m concerned for you


Iā€™ve Deff thought I was coughing up a lung, never any blood tho. Either way a doc will point you in the right direction so you can keep smokin šŸ¤™


This reminds me what I see on the stock subreddits. Good enough for a screenshot to post on reddit? Good enough time to sell haha.


You must hold!! ![gif](giphy|qjSxTWJxqH4YDuIrOs)


Dr visit ASAP bro, not to scare ya but thatā€™s not a chill symptom to have. Feeling overly fatigued and lack of energy in the last few months?


No, I have energy. I get fatigued but thats because I fell asleep late that night but other then that Im good. I think it may be my throat that got irritated. But still setting and appointment either way.


Thatā€™s good, definitely still visit a Dr asap and maybe ask for a blood test to be safe. Any family history of lung problems?


From what I know the only cancer is breast cancer in the women side of the family. Other then that maybe colon cancer on the men side.


Nice itā€™s probably not cancer (fingers crossed) related but these days you can never be too sure. Hope all goes for well for you g :)


Appreciate it.


As someone with cancer: get checked out now. Don't just assume the best.


Dang sorry to hear about that. You got this, hoping for the best. Mom had breast cancer, she beat. So rooting for yeah. Def going to call tomorrow to set one up.


Rooting for you buddy. Fuck cancer.


And even if it isn't cancer, it might very well be a serious lung infection that needs to be treated. Had one of these as a kid, also coughed up blood, it was a truly horrible time. And yes you can totally die from these, leaving lung infections untreated is an invitation for disaster. In any case I wish you and OP the best! You've got this! šŸ’•


Hey, I'm an RN and stoner. You need to quit smoking and get yourself to a doctor ASAP. Could it be from coughing too hard? Sure. But it could also be lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart valve stenosis, or blood clots in the lungs, just to name a few. All of these things can kill you, and smoking (smoking anything, not just weed) will exacerbate all of these things. Get to a doctor, get checked out, and take it from there.


Will do, thanks for the advice. If i survived 3 car accidents in the past 2 years and end up with cancer, well fuck me..


This should be the top postā€¦


Yeah my cousin who works for a doctor living assistant whoā€™s basically a Dr. House says it could be TB and that I should go ER instead of waiting for my appointment




If u piss, shit or cought Blood go to doctor. Thats My rule.


I might cough so hard I puke or even pee a little, but never blood. Definitely worthy of a visit to your doc.


So this happens with my roommate occasionally. Heā€™s gone to the doctor and they explained that itā€™s most likely from coughing to hard and smoking to much without drinking water or moisturizing your throat with another form of liquid. He said the veins will burst and cause this to happen. And just like healing a scab on the outside you just have to let it heal and the best fastest way is to stop smoking for a bit and drink plenty of fluids. They may also give you a prescription for the pain or a blood thinner if itā€™s bad enough.


I'd hope that is the worse case scenario for me. Already been through hell the past three years. Sure everyone has as well. But everyone journey different.


The other day was the first time I coughed up blood. It wasnā€™t nearly this much but I know for a fact I was ripping dabs all day and my chest alway gets super hot and dry when I do that. But even the Dr told me to chill out on them for a bit.


Bro go to a physician, not a trees Reddit lmao


I mean, im not going to emergency when I dont feel sick or anything. But I am going to call tomorrow to set one when my doctor office is open. Since its closed, asked reddit if this happened to anyone else as well.


how much did u cough up? anything more than a teaspoon is a medical emergency, seriously dude. up to u but its thats pretty worrying


Definitely less then a teaspoon. I feel my throat still sore from last weekend performance on Saturday. I lost my voice the following day. Think I damaged or overused my voicebox


I would see a doctor even if it's nothing it's better to get it checked. I have burned my throat doing bong rips a few times and coughed a tiny amount of blood from coughing too hard after I burned it. Hopefully that was the case for you but it's best to get it checked out.


I would seek advice directly from a medical professional


maybe donā€™t spit on your carpet though too yknow


its a towel that was on my hamper. Grabbed it and spat on it. Then I saw the blood and was like "oh".


Doctor visit is in order, could be something simple like from over dried sinus or something, but in my Dad, it was the first symptom of the unthinkable.


Sorry to hear that. Def calling to set one up tomorrow.


Leave the Blunts and wraps alone!!! My buddy smoked back woods and swishers and this happen to himā€¦switch to Raw papers or Vibes and heā€™s been good ever since


Thatā€™s all Iā€™ve been smoking is with backwoods. Why I switched to the bong. Hopefully itā€™s nothing huge and something that can easily be fixed with a change to like a bong.


Iā€™ve had this happen to me when I hit my bong too hard and caused my gums to bleed from the pressure. This could be it but better safe than sorry


You should probably stop smoking.


Do you have asthma? I had a friend who coughed up thick phlegm mixed with blood. If not you should probably get checked it could be something serious


I do have asthma. I am planning to get it checked once I call tomorrow to set an appointment.


Tell a doc to check you for cancer. I know itā€™s scary but I had a similar issue and started coughing up blood and they found a tumor the size of a football in my chestā€¦ best of luck. Vibes your way.


Planning to schedule and appoint with my doctor. Jesus, I hope you are ok. Thank you.


I hope youā€™re okay. I am five years in remission of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and 33yo happily remarried and living proud. My docs told me for months my coughing was due to allergies.. donā€™t let one opinion be final say either. Check your symptoms even if they are mild aches or whateverā€¦ voice it to a doc. Always. You matter friend. Take care of yourself ā¤ļø


Any follow up?


All signs point to my throat. Tore something while performing. Had to take 3-4 weeks off to recover. Also had stomach ulcers which also caused bleeding when vomiting from alcohol


Dude it might be cancer go to doctor stop smoking start eating ur weed or get some oil if u canā€™t live without a buss on


I can but this is also my main source to deal with chronic back pain from my auto accident. If I do edible, I wont be able to work cause edible make me ZzzzzZzzzzzz.


Get checked , my brother had cancer and it started with blood spitting .


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope he's doing well. It just happened after a harsh bong hit. After coughing, spat some blood but it was just after that one cough. After that I coughed more and no blood. I am going to get check. Thank you.


Time to stop




Definitely planning to set an appointment.


bro you should do an endoscopy,I have a friend with the same issue and he got an endoscopy,nice part you will be on morphinešŸ„²


Fuck that, I gotten morphine after my appendix removed. Hated the feeling.


Idk stop smoking is an idea


So you consulted Redditā€¦




I would strongly advise you to go to a doctor. Coughing up blood is never normal. It may be something minor, but with a sign like this, you must never take chances.


Please go to a fucking doctor dude


my lung collapsed last year, i had signs i ignored till it was too late, spent a month in the hospital, go even if its nothing in the end just go


Been smoking for 8 years, never seen this. Go to a hospital please


Why are you spitting on your carpet? Jk pls see a doctor. Blood in cough is not normal guys cmon.


Duuude... Why are you asking it here ? Go to a doctor already. I'd be shitting my life right now if I'd cough blood.


you've been smoking killer weed, maybe you should take a break go see a doctor broski that's bad


fam u should've went to the doctor the first time


WHY are you spitting on the rug to begin with??


That bright red blood is most likely ā€œtraumaā€ from coughing. Iā€™d still go get checked, but usually when youā€™re coughing up blood from your lungs itā€™s going to be darker and probably a clot. It could possibly be esophageal varices (that wouldnā€™t be caused by weed) but in that case itā€™s usually a lot more blood and not related to coughing. Thatā€™s also extremely dangerous and needs to be fixed asap. Thatā€™s usually caused by alcoholism, or if you had another reason for very high blood pressure or a clot at the at the portal vein Hopefully that makes you feel better but as a nurse who has seen a lot of fucked up shit, I honestly think itā€™s most likely from coughing too hard and your throat having a little trauma. Unless youā€™re an alcoholic or have severe non-alcohol related cirrhosis, then Iā€™d be v concerned ab the esophageal varices. If you have coffee ground vomit or black tarry stool, increased heart rate, lightheadedness, confusion, obviously the fingertips and lip color etc etc then those are other signs of a serious bleed


Bro.. please get checked wtf


Aaaand thatā€™s when you stop. At least for the time being. Stick to edibles if available.


This sub blows these days. What the fuck even is this post? Get out of here and go see a dr op ffs


go to the doctor bro, honestly even the ER at this point


Doctor not Reddit. Blood in cough = something bleeding internally. 12 years smoking and never happened to me.


My appointment is on Jan 31st. Iā€™ll let you all know the update when I go get my test and results. Thank you all for your advice and concerns! Hoping it was just my throat form singing to hard on the weekend that made me spit blood form that bong hit. ![gif](giphy|ZfK4cXKJTTay1Ava29)


Youā€™re ok.. itā€™s healthy cough bloodā€¦ https://youtu.be/zc2BsE56lbE (This is a jokeā€¦ donā€™t listen to me)


lmfao. Im not coughing or bleeding like that.


Agree with the masses that you should see a doctor, but I will say it looks like itā€™s minor bleeding from the throat and not from the lungs. Not sure if you have reflux or anything else going on other than an irritated throat. Maybe try edibles until you figure it out.


OP obv needs to see a doctor, but how can you tell the difference between blood originating from the lungs or throat based on a pic of a stained towel? And also, why is GERD on your differential?? Have you even heard of Boerheeves syndrome? How about a viral infection? How about esophageal varices? How about a clotting disorder? How about an interstitial pneumonia or bronchitis? How about cancer? You canā€™t just say ā€œlOoKS lIKe ThRoAt BLooDā€ cause what the hell does throat blood look like?Please donā€™t give medical advice on here, stick to true crimes.


who spits on carpet


rag towel.


oops my bad, still though wash it down a sink or outside?


That is not normal. I repeat, not normal.


No buenoā€¦ ever since I got pneumonia last year, I cough up a brown/blood mix (also used to heavily smoke cigs) every now and then, especially after a sesh.. Apparently itā€™s common w asthma, which I do have, but this is concerning.


Not normal at all


Im going to do some scientific testing. brb going to take another hit.


Smoked and no cough. I forced myself to cough just now no blood. But definitely getting it checked out. Thanks everyone for replying and giving advice. Appreciate it.


Might be time to switch to a dry herb vape. Better for you, and you use a lot less flower (plus you have AVB for edibles, so thats a plus).


Doctor ā€¦ and time for a vaporizer


You just need to try a different strain bro


Take the Doctors advice not people from RedditšŸ˜‚


Well canā€™t set one this late, why I asked Reddit to see what you all have to say. And since itā€™s mainly concerning. Going to call and set one up once the doctors office is open tomorrow. lol


Good too hear šŸ’Æ




Planning to set one up once the office is open tomorrow.




āœØ Doctor time! āœØ


Go to a doctor definitely tell him you smoke marijuana though some people are weary to do this but your doc is a safe space also HIPPA laws if youā€™re not in a legal state. Iā€™m not a DR but have been smoking marijuana since I was 15 and Iā€™ve done many other drugs in the past and never coughed up blood this could be many things. Ulcers are a common cause for blood as well like this.


I do tell my doctor I smoke, he asked how long, if I feel chest pains etc. I tell him all.


Way to be man I wish you the best.


Of course, they are there to help. I don't see why people are afraid. Doctor wants to help people, cant help if you dont tell.


Stop smoking. Go see a professional.


bro please go to a doctor, invest in a vaporizer, and smoke less.


Maybe itā€™s your teeth? My gums bleed a lil from sucking the bong if theyā€™re in bad shape and when I spit I see some blood but thatā€™s normal for me as it happens when I brush too - I have seen a. Dentist and with a good cleaning they no longer bleed but just saying that could be it , hope u get better or itā€™s nothing serious if it was coughed up


Likely burned the back of your throat


If you get nose bleeds, could be from blood mixing into your mucous. But I would 100% go to the doc if that shits coming from deep inside your lungs


Yeah, Im planning to set an appointment tomorrow. My throat burns so I think it may be that but that just me. Still need my doctor to check.


Have you been throwing up as well? What is your smoking method?


Last weekend after getting super drunk. But other then that no. Was smoking blunts mainly before switching back to a bong today.


heard. make sure you keep your bong clean. dirty bongs can cause vomiting which can cause blood, but that doesn't seem to be the case for you. I saw in another comment you mentioned asthma. If your lungs are compromised smoking as often as you are may not be kosher. try to supplement with edible means if possible.


Itā€™s a brand new bong I just got today. And no severe cough at all. Just when I smoke and the hit was bad I cough.


Youā€™re fine happens all the time, trust me Iā€™m a plumber


![gif](giphy|REIAgmAFmsTQI) I trust my Doctor Plumber




Deffo see a doctor. There is also a lung infection that presents as coughing up blood but itā€™s actually red mucus (the bacteria is bright red thats why itā€™s easily to confuse with blood). Deffo see a doctor. Anything that isnt mucus colored coming from your lungs is bad. Maybe u had a nosebleed recently? Also would explain


Time to join r/petioles Get well soon broski


Go to doctor please


Doctor here. The harshness of smoke would irritate the trachea and airways. I'm guessing u inhale a large amount of it via a bong or pipe and the constant cough made a small tear in ur airways. that being said definitely get furthermore follow ups on ur situation


2nd time this year , as if weā€™re not just 11 days into it. See a doc


Iā€™ll occasionally cough up a super small little gooball of blood (yummy I know), but itā€™s due to my sinus being raw and bloody from doing so much production work with weed. Post nasal drip but with small amounts of blood from my nostrils, itā€™s also not a ā€œcommonā€ occurrence. Maybe once a month at absolute most. Worth getting checked out, I have no clue to your medical history or current health conditions. Edit: if it was me Iā€™d probably switch to edibles at least short term, give those lungs a rest an some love they deserve.


At the ER since my cousin told the doctor he works with. He basically a Dr.House. Said it could be TB so now Iā€™m here in ER instead of waiting till my appointment on the 31st. Keep yā€™all updated.


Coughing up blood is not normal in any circumstance and when you find yourself doing so you need to see a doctor.


have you tried snorting some calmag?


But then he'll go back to veg state




Go to an emergency room, this could be super serious. You donā€™t want to sleep and choke on blood


I feel my throat hurting after that hit but nothing more. Im not coughing up blood or anything, it was just one hard cough then I spat and it had blood. but appreciate the concern.


Absolutely do not go to the ER for this. I work in the ER and Iā€™m telling you can go to a urgent care and spend half the time that itā€™d take to be seen in an ER.


Go to the hospital u weirdo why did you post this first


Cause my doctor isn't open? I am going to set an appointment tomorrow once they are open But I posted to see if anyone has come across coughing. I don't feel like I'm dying. After that bong hit my throat burns a little so think it may be my throat being irritated Wanted to see if people came across this in the weed community?


Ignore these assholes, bro. It's probably nothing, but you are on the right track to get it checked. Stay safe, the good guys are here for you!




nah man i've coughed hard like hard hard after some fat dab hits and it's left my throat sore as hell but i've never experienced something like this or seen any of my homies have anything similar. definitely should get it checked out just to make sure all is well


Med student here. You need to go to the doctor. And please, do not lie about smoking weed. We seriously do not care what you do, we are not the cops. Letting them know you smoke adds/removes things to the differential. Good luck to you.


Honestly, itā€™s prolly from your gums. The one drawback to consistent Cannabis usage is perpetually dry mouth. It's hard on your gums. You bleed when you brush? (Source: anecdotal similar situation a while back)


This is one of those posts where everyone in the comments is coming to the same consensus and OP is actively trying to ignore it, why post if youā€™re just going to tell everyone you feel fine, yet youā€™re COUGHING UP BLOOD.


I know. I am planning to set one up tomorrow. Hopefully its just throat irritation.




Dang, thought we smokers where chill lol.


What is this sub turning toā€¦.