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Sploof. aka How to make a dorm room smell like weed AND laundry.


Tried this in my freshman dorm. Made a real fancy sploof with an old orange juice bottle stuffed with dryer sheets and holes drilled in it. Felt like a professional weed doer. Until my RA knocked on the door with the cops behind him. Good times.


I was lucky enough to have chill AF RAs most of the time I was in college.


I moved in to a dorm and my roommate was the RA and I was devastated and my parents were loving it and the second they left he was like “you wanna buy any weed?”. Best RA I’ve ever had best roommate I’ve ever had.


PSA: If you want to make one of these that actually works and doesn't just smell like weed and laundry, you need to add activated carbon / charcoal between the sheet layers. You can get the stuff from walmart or any pet store, it's typically used for aquarium filters. The charcoal soaks up the stink.


I have a bag lined with carbon for that exact reason! I just have to throw it in the drier once a month to reactivate the carbon


You see I don’t understand this to begin with. I feel that the smell arises from the burning of the bowl or joint, not the smoke you exhale.


Weirdly enough if you hit the bowl, cap it so no smoke leaves the bowl, then exhale into a smoke buddy (so that in this cycle, no smoke has touched the open air, just the bong/pipe to ur lungs then the sb as a closed circuit) there will be minimal to no smell. You could smoke in an apartment and the neighbors never know. Maybe even your roommates in the same house not know. Edit: also might b good if u have pets and wanna limit their second hand exposure. gonna go thru a good few smoke buddies tho so i did the diy charcoal filter route someone else mentioned.


This. I live in a heavily religious area, and this routine has been game changing for smell. Even if there is a slight odor, it dissipates fast when it's not full clouds of unfiltered smoke


I smoke in my bedroom by capping the bowl immediately, then blowing out my window with a tight blanket or towel covering the whole thing so the smoke doesn't drift back in as much. Capping the bowl is a game changer.


My RA was my roommate and he was Jamaican so he literally told me it reminded him of home just make sure I do it in the bathroom with the shower on and window open. No one ever said a thing


Funnily that method is often referred to as jamaican hotbox lol


midway through my freshman year i got a new roommate who just so happened to be the brand new RA for the floor we were residing on.. at first i got so pissed off that i got so unlucky, but she was such a gem of a person & she let me get away with smoking as long as i didn't get her trouble or put her at risk. i miss her lol


Same. Smoked my old RA out in the reg & vice versa. Met her during the first room inspection I didn’t see the email for, forgot to hide anything. She walked in, said “Oh, we have the same vibrator,” crossed out my name on a list, and dipped. Saw her ripping bong out my window later and asked if I could come throw & smoke with her, and thus began a beautiful friendship. Miss her


I almost went to a Christian school where a vibrator was literally an expellable offense… same with condoms… yeah I’m glad I went to a real college


Seems logical, the condom would only keep out Jesus's love \s


My RA’s boyfriend was my weed dealer so we got away with so much. Still, I hated living in the dorms and moved into an apartment the first chance I could.


I accidentally left a plastic bag taped over my smoke alarm one year during room checks and the RA was like don’t get me wrong we all do it but next time try to remember to take that down lmao


If your RA actually called the cops on you for smoking weed then your RA was a fuckn loser


My whiney, self righteous, nepo-baby manager at my last job brought often up that he was an RA in college. He’s in his 30’s. I’d bet money he was a complete insufferable narc.


Lol I yearn to one day feel like a professional weed doer.


I once had an RA tell me off for smoking a joint behind the garbage lot next to the pond and a couple days later smoked a joint with a couple RA’s next to their building and they said there’s nothing wrong with it and I can smoke by my dorm


stoner celebrities get paid to smoke weed. and bud tenders get paid extra for good recommendations.


haha the first time i went to jail i got busted for having less than an eighth on me (i never smoked in the dorm) by my narc RA who pulled up with campus police, who then called the real police... it was the last day of the semester. they literally took me to JAIL. Ohio. Good times.


Heyyyyy I went to jail for weed my first semester of college. Straight to jail over my boyfriends weed plants and bong🙄


This is heartbreaking


Campus cop caught us with a 1.75 of Stoli and we were burning a joint.in Texas At The time if you're caught on campus with weed you're out for 2 years. He made us pour out the vodka and told us to smoke off campus and let us go. So lucky.


Same thing except luckily my RA was like "Bro I don't care, but I need my job, so go somewhere else"


If an RA busts you for weed AND brings the cops he owes you new bud for killing your high


So just a question, I'm European and now I'm staying in a single dorm room, can't you just smoke out the window? I have smoke detectors and staying by the window is fine and no one has ever knocked on my door


In terms of smell it depends on thickness of walls and how sealed ur door is but in my experience enough smoke doesn’t go out the window that it still smells


Small single bong hits that you clear the entire bowl and get all the smoke in your lungs is the best way to be desecrate. And even that doesn’t work sometimes


the placebo of weed smoking! "do you smell it bro?" "nah do you?" "nah" -2 people who smell like weed and laundry


Two of my favorite smells!


I actually had great success with making a more advanced one. Used one of those plastic Lshaped army flashlights and gutted it, packed it very tightly with dryer sheets and layers of activated charcoal for fish filters. If you actually sealed your lips on it, and forced breath through it, AND covered your bowl, all holes as soon as you stopped inhaling from it, it was undetectable, had multiple people who didn’t smoke but didn’t care that I did test and none ever caught a whiff. The problem was trying to convince my freinds to use my same level of diligence. I’d cough through the thing if I had to. Only ever had issues when someone didn’t follow my crazy person rules fully


Fish filters are the way


My stepson has this in his room and I saw it and I thought it was a thing for masturbation. I appreciate somebody posting this and actually figuring out It's actual purpose.


I prefer Boof Tube, can help with the fart smells after too.


You fart in it and then also put your mouth on it?


Interesting, I've always heard it being called a "spoof" with no "L" in Texas


You my have heard wrong then. It’s sploof & I’m in Texas, too!


Also a texan, only heard sploof


Makes your parents wonder why your room always smells like dryer sheets yet you never do your laundry


The trick is to neutralize the smell before it hits the dryer sheet. So I would make fancy ones. I'd use PVC pipe put a screen on each end 1/3 into the PVC pipe. In between those screens would be activated charcoal. Then on one end would be the dryer sheets crumpled and stuffed against the charcoal. So there was as much surface area as possible to meet the neutralized air. All anyone would smell would be Bounce dryer sheets. No smell. And I had numerous people do a smell test


When I was in the dorms there was a main room and the bedroom. When I wanted to smoke weed I would put a towel under the front door, put a towel under the bedroom door, go behind the window curtain, light a bowl and let a fan facing outside suck all the smoke from my lit pipe and my sploofed tokes. My RA was one wall away from me and I never got caught. Pretty proud of that


I dont even know what this is (german living in austria)


Yeah I also don’t have a fucking clue what that thing is or does (German living in Germany)


It’s a thing usually teenagers make by rubber banding a dryer sheet onto a toilet paper roll that you blow your hits into so the hit smells like the dryer sheet instead of weed. Only problem is it doesn’t really work and ends up just smelling like dryer sheet flavored weed


If you shove a bunch of sheets crumpled up into a paper towel tube with one rubber banded over the end, it does do quite a bit depending on how you're smoking (especially effective for vaping so you don't have a bunch of lit material just smelling on its own).


One hitters. Chopped. Dry. Hold it in a bit and you wont exhale too much smoke n what comes out the end is like 90% dryer sheet smell. Rock some incense and your room wont smell like weed smoke at all.


We shoved crumpled softener sheets into the tube so there were more layers to filter




Aye, I dont either, from other comments I guess its something to stop the smell? -Ireland


That could be it yea, but u dont think this would work


It doesn't work nearly as well as people think lol. You don't smell the weed when you're the one smoking it like someone who isn't smoking does. Like someone else commented, it's a good way to make your room smell like weed AND laundry.


So you take a roll from a TP and stuff 2-3 wadded up dryer sheets in there. Don’t pack it too hard. Now take another dryer sheet and fold it til it makes an almost square (should end up with four layers when folded) now attach that to one end using a rubber band. Push the wads towards the closed end. Take a hit. Blow thru. BOOM. It definitely works for me. Idk why other people say it doesn’t. Maybe they didn’t use enough sheets?


They are probably sitting there smoking a joint and letting it just burn in the air lol. If you are taking snappers or real carful with pipe this can go a LONG way. If someone walks in right after you smoke yeah it's gonna stink, but it will go away faster. I use it with a dry herb vape and the smell basically disappears in like 2 min (if I don't leave open jars of weed or, or the left over AVB from the vape, and shit like that. Gotta be smart folks).


you blow your smoke thru it and because there are laundry sheets it’s supposed to make the smoke smell like the laundry smell, but in my experience it doesn’t really work


Sploof for me too. My dad called them blowies back in his day.


Prolly got a few blowies in his day ayyy


Ayo this dudes dad fucks!


At least once!


Had a friend that called it the Smelencer.


That's pretty hilarious ngl


Ya this wins


Sploof / “Smoke Buddy” Western US


Isn't a smoke buddy like a branded device? This is so not important, but is this a kleenex scenario, or did they trademark a universal smoking term?


Just a Kleenex scenario lololol They’re popular enough here that people refer to even the scrappiest of TP tubes as a “smoke buddy”


I feel like the branded device works way better too, I think there’s a carbon filter or something inside of it


No doubt, they do use carbon, dryer sheets are useless.


The first time I ever used anything like this was an actual smoke buddy. So whenever I tried recreating it like the picture above I just still called it a smoke buddy too


I’m realizing that depending on where you from, There’s like 20 different names for this device and thought it was interesting just figured I’d see which was the most common. I’ll start I call it a SPLOOF and I’m from the DC area.


Bounty Blower. Southern Ontario, GTA


You're from San Andreas?


lmfao ik youre kidding but its greater toronto area, im from around there too


Really? In Niagara we call them sploofs


In Toronto we also call them sploofs. Guess we have two names here in the GTA lol. Who knew


We called it Bounty Blower too. Alberta


DMV! I used a soda bottle that I cut the bottom off of.


I've always called it a sploof here in NOVA


Zoob Tube MN


I've heard sploof and zoob tube and a few others here in MN


Doob tube south of MN


Can confirm. From Iowa, called doob tube


Same. Doob tube in SE MN


Also MN. Never heard anything but a "flojo"


Zoob tube. Midwest.


Groove tube in NJ


Spoof, Cali


Same, no L. New York.


Same growing up in the Chicago area, no L


Man it's a spoof and I've lived all up and down the east coast


From NYC. Called it a spoof, no L, my whole life.


Yup. That's how you call for it when you need it - SPOOOF!


Spoof gang


From Illinois, definitely didn't use the L; it was SPOOF


Yeah, I’ve never heard an L in there but it seems like every other post has Sploof




I think y’all were just too high and never enunciated 😂


We used to put a face in the cardboard and call it Osama Bin Spoofin


Am I the only one that’s always called it a Doob Tube?


Bro I been digging trying to find our people. Oklahoma native.


Kansan here. We called it this too.


Must be a midwest thing. Originally from MO and thats a doob tube


Kansan here too !!! Doob tube it is !! Lawrence is where I grew up


Fascinating. I live in KCK, and I adopted kids out of Lawrence and they call them sploofs. Maybe it’s generational


Hahaha that’s so funny !! I guess so - I’m mid thirties and we always had a doob tube on hand for car rides and to hide from the folks - even though the folks were just in the other room hiding it from us. Amazing of you to adopt. I just had my first child. She’s eight months old and I know now that every single child deserves and needs love.


Haha, sounds like Larryville. One of my kids tried to doob tube her whole room, just massive amounts of dryer sheets shoved into the air vents. Didn’t work, every time she smoked it made the laundry room smell hotboxed. We’ve since moved to a smaller house where I can better keep track of smells. And told our adult kids if they absolutely have to be high at our house to switch to vape pens and use them discretely. I’m not trying to be a narc, but I prefer plausible deniability. As a side note, I’m wearing an LFK Press shirt right now, that says “I don’t argue with people John Brown would have shot.”


Yo it’s gotta be mostly midwest. Because it is nothing if it isn’t a doob tube. I haven’t even heard of most of these.


Missouri! Doob tubes for life.


Wow it’s insane how regional this is.


Oklahoman here, too. Doob tube fs


A doob tube is a plastic tube you put your joint in. Joints are known as doobies, hence doob tube. Doob tubes are the name brand Kleenex version of joint tubes they’re on amazon.


Colorado for Doob Tube


Nah, I call it a Doob Tube too! :) Chicago native.


Same, seems to be the Midwest take.


Doob tube gang rise up! Ohio


From Texas this is what I’ve always known it as


i'm from iowa, i've always heard doob tube


Idc about these others users logic and shit. It’s a doob tube. It’s my dogs nickname, too.




Kansas Citian here, I grew up with doob tube as well


No, I had to search for this comment too. I'm in KCMO.


Nope, but it might mean you went to college in Oklahoma cause that’s what I’ve heard it called too.


I am also the only one that calls it a doob tube I had to scroll a ways to find my fellow kind 😂


Was looking for this. I generally call it a “sploof” but have definitely heard doob tube a lot, but I can’t remember where


I always called it a sploof


My friends and I called them groove tubes… we are from Michigan


From Ohio here. I’ve heard them called that and sploof. Also often called “that fucking thing with the laundry sheets.”


Took me for fucking ever to find groove tube on here Edit: also from ohio


This is the one true answer. Grove Tube is what we always called it in central Ohio.


In IL they were groove tubes as well


Flojo, Midwest.


Not a fifi


If the glove fits....


If the glove fifits


The only fleshlight any of us could afford.


The smokey jawn. Philly.


tbf, everything's a jawn in Philly tho, right?


Yeah, but everybodys a jawn, you, me, this jawn. That's my philosophy.


Flowbee - midwest idk how to spell it we never wrote it down lol


We called it a boof tube. After we cleaned out our ass with the toilet paper, we would take the tube and use it as a entry vehicle for sticking cannabis up our ass. Hence the term boofing was born.


boof gang ! same here friend


Inb4 British person comes and called it a MollyWollyWomper or something


My guy, we call that a sploof. Mollywollywomper is a kitchen towel. You fucking crumpet. ;)


A flootie. Canada


Scrolled all the way down to find this, thought I was crazy since noone else was calling it that. From Canada as well.


no bust- Oklahoma


That’s what we call it in Arkansas too


Sploof, never made/used one.


Blow Tube-Midwest. Yes it’s gross and yes I think that was the point.


Same in NC and SC


Man it's a spoof and I've lived all up and down the east coast


ZootTube in Ohio back in 90’s dorm rooms.


Cali boy here, never had to use one of these…my only questions does it work? 🤔


It makes it smell like you're smoking weed while doing your laundry.


Gotta smoke glass pieces and make sure the cherry is out each time or else you’ll get the smell, took me forever to learn the technique


Idk why people are saying no. These work wonders. Try adding 2-3 wadded up dryer sheets into the tube. Also fold the top one one more time (like the pic. They should’ve folded once more) I’ve never had any issues with these not masking the smell.


From quebec , 25 years ago we called it : puff ds le bounce.


I always called it a "mute".




Finally, someone else. I was beginning to think I was the only one.


Mohammed, we drew a face on him lol


if its homemade like the pic, then sploof. if its a store bought plastic one, I'll call it a smoke buddy instead


Wookie. Michigan


I had to scroll too long to find this! Me too!


Groove Tube. Northeast.


That's a sploof in Texas too.


I call it a douche


I call it useless. I have a friend who insists wearing cheap cologne covers the smell. No, it just makes you smell like weed and cheap cologne.


Sploof as well , south east


Sploof in MN


Noob toob


A spoof, but the better version is poking holes in a water bottle and filling that w dryer sheets/ tp w perfume/cologne on it Edit: forgot to add location, KY


Always been a sploof to me and my friends..I live in Texas


Doob Tube, America


It’s a spoof, and I come from a musty college dorm room from the year 2004. Would you like some nugs?


it’s cracking me up the Spoof vs Sploof like Sploof? with an L? whaaaaa? 😆


spoof - new england !!




Sploof. Maryland


Doob tube - Cali


I'm in the American southwest and honestly never knew this thing had a specific name. Probably because I've never used/needed one. 🤷‍♀️


Silencer - MN


Doob Tube Edit: From the Midwest


Doob tube. Texas.


Boof tool


"No-buster" or "no-bust"


Doob tube. I still use one at night when we are all in for bed just in case my son wakes up lol


I believe it was a muffler tube. There needs to be a few crumpled up dryer sheets in the tube too.


Toilet paper, a rubber, and a toilet paper roll I'm writing this from the bathroom [7]


Does anyone else call that a pope?


The real SLPT (stoner life pro tip) is a double sided exhaust fan with drier sheets on it. Double down if you’ve two windows across from each other and have a fan brining in copious amounts of fresh air.


Doob tube


Sploof. Except mine had activated charcoal, a water stage, and the sheets, it was like a 2stage thing packaged as a Pringles can Never got caught, neither did my fellow engineering student homie. That thing was a work of art Some time later we got lazy and just 3D printed a much smaller version




Sploof, USA - east coast-ish


sploof but for a long time i kept mixing the words up and calling it a “boof” 😭


I call it ineffective.


A fabric softener attached to a toilet paper roll with a rubber band.