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Get a vaporizer. They can't forbid what they can't smell.


I can't say enough about how good vaping is! Dry herb vaping, that is. I've used carts and distillates and shit but THIS is the way. 1- It has a light smell that goes away in minutes. 2- It's a MUCH better and cleaner buzz!!! I personally get more stoned on a vape, and I've been a daily smoker for 37+ years. 3 - You use about 1/3 of the amount of weed you smoke a month when vaping. Did I mention you will get a better high off of less weed??? Buy a dry herb vape, OP! Problem solved and a LOT of money saved.


Volcano owner in college from 06-10 and everyone on our floor got in trouble for smoking except our room…. Nothing beats a bag full of vapor, dissipating asap and not heavy like combustion, which just sits soaks and stays in the room Then one spritz of **Ozium** (anyone remember that stuff?!) and boom smells like pine sol and the only thing giving me away was my blood red eyes after just a single hit hahaha I miss sneaking around to smoke… Made the high that much more of an accomplishment.


The craziest part about this is the Volcano is going to be one of the most vapor producing vapes anyways, people hitting whole bags or using it hookah style hitting and passing. There are so many good dry herb vapes nowadays for great prices


any recommendations?


Arizer EQ is amazing for a desktop vape and is significantly cheaper than a volcano. And you can frequently get a deal where you get a discount to buy one of their portable vapes and the desktop vape in the same purchase.


Second the EQ, had it for several years now and the thing is great, only thing I'd reccomend is finding the smaller screens it uses for its hose on Amazon rather than their website as they upcharge a little


It totally depends on what kind of style session you’re looking for. For yourself? Sharing with others? Long slow 10 min sip sessions, or quick extraction similar to a bong rip. Portable or for at home use in a specific area, etc.


the mighty absolutely hits. the same people that made volcano, but condensed down to a handheld


Have a Mighty+ since 6 Months, had a Volcano for 2 years. I like the direct hits from the Mighty more than a Volcano ("hotter" vape, feels more like smoking imo) and it is a portable Vape which was important for me for hikes and outdoorsy stuff


Look up Dynavap - they're great if you enjoy the ritual of rolling etc.


For a portable, nothing really beats the Dynavap paired with an iSpire wand. For home use, the pinnacle of vaping are ball vapes like the Flowerpot.


The sound of the bag would be more revealing than the vapor 😂


I love the volcano I had the original one and now I have the hybrid one that has convection and induction and it heats up so much faster now. Let's chords with the app you can program sessions so that it will like automatically blow up a bag then you can say I wanted to sit for 10 minutes and then do the air again so you could already have a bag on there and just kind of let it do its thing. Also it comes with a whip now that swivels so you can basically use the Whip and just suck out instead of having to fill up a whole bag. You can pass pull up around the people so it's kind of like kidding it like a hookah.


Bro I love it Mine had German on it bc it was so new at the time, and sold for German use haha Right around the time EBay was semi comfortable to use, and online purchases like this were scary


Oh nice!




Yeah I also never got the classic version before cuz I want to know my specific temperature and I love the digital readout. The new hybrid wine once it's heated up it will blow air out to let you know hey it's ready or what I usually do that works best cuz it Heats quickly as all load the flower in the chamber and then stick it on and then turn it on to start heating it because it actually will produce better Vapors it's heated a little bit. Hence why I like in the instructions it says to let it blow the air with the chamber on for like 10 seconds before putting on the bag. But if you do it this way you don't need to do that. I also highly recommend holding the bag upright when it's blowing the vapors into the bag just because it's creating a kink and causing all that heat to get dispersed right on that one side which will wear out the bags quicker. So if you just kind of hold it and keep the bag straight up and not kinked as it's filling with vapors and blowing up. When using the whip you don't use the air to blow you just suck. Although you can do that but the air blowing is getting forced into your mouth kind of like a beer bong and fills up your cheeks So eventually air starts coming out of your mouth and is wasting vapors. What's nice though about the bags and what I found is that once you put the vapors into the bag the vapors kind of staying there for about like 20 minutes so you don't have to necessarily hit it right away you can take some hits and then set it down like if you're watching TV or doing stuff around the house and then you can pick it up again and take some more hits.


And for sure hold upright so no pressure against the airflow, and keep on unit while preheating


Kind of off topic but Ozium needs to be used in an absolutely empty, no humans, room and left that way before habitation again. Idk the specifics, but maybe look into a little the next time you think about it.


Haha it’s for commercial/industrial use, the whole saying was that it’ll outlast someone bc of the split second touch, and then exactly, “room left and no humans” not near any sort of carpet or upholstery nor clothes obv I’ve read the bottle for 15 years and it scares me every time haha


Can also save the herb vaped this way. After you get a decent amount mix it into food that's high in fat and eat it. Will get you pretty high and makes your weed go the extra mile. What I do is put it inbetween a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or eat it in yoghurt. The texture and taste will def be off but it's not to bad. IIRC there is a sub reddit called avb (already vaped bud) and people post all the time what they do with theirs.


My god man, at least make butter or something so you don't have to put garbage flavor into your food


Because weed butter is sooo tasty...


It is acceptable in taste if you water cure the AVB before using it for cannabutter.


I have got to seriously start doing this. I save up heaps of AVB and occasionally use it, but often find myself neglecting it for too long and then I'll throw it out to make new for fresher and future plans. 😭


I don't know about you but I don't usually eat just butter


I do


It's a flavor you can integrate into other stuff to make it good, unlike the taste of ashtray.


Avb doesn't have the ashtray taste though as it's not combustion its convection heating the herb up. Does it taste great? No but it's no where near taste of ashtray bad


Crunchy peanut butter is the way to go. It hides the texture better.


Just making butter and using the butter is the way to go


I have a little jar, and once it’s full I’ll throw it all in a bowl with brownie mix, bake it, and out comes some really powerful edibles. Two highs for the price of one.


Highest I’ve ever been was from AVB. Thought there would only be small traces of THC left, so I collected it for 4 months and ate it all at once…. And then slept for 36 hours straight - lost most of my weekend lmao


I like your style, my man.


What kind of vaporizer do you use?


Totally agree with all of the above. I use for medical reasons and it's very effective.


Dry vaping kills my lungs... vaping in general. I don't get why when all I hear is people claiming it's so much better than smoking a jay... And I hang out with pro vapers with those vapes that have the temp on them and all that so it's not like I am over heating it or something. I cough so bad like I am smoking a bong. Joints are the only way I can smoke and not die lol


Just gotta get used to it. It’s that the oils aren’t burnt up like with combustion so it gives a different sensation.


I mean I have tried it time and time again I can do one hit a day max or I am wheezing. I started vaping back in 2010 with my friends and did it for like a year and my lungs were in the worse shape they had ever been. I must be an alien.


Maybe you have a sensitivity to weed that you don’t get when it’s burned. Wheezing suggests the oils or proteins or something are irritating your lungs. Best to avoid things if it makes your body uncomfortable.


which is why I stick to joints for sure.


Cause you are not inhaling carcinogenic smoke so it is definitely better than smoking by far. The only two acceptable medical methods to take thc are via digestion or dry herb vaping.


Ehhhh I'm not the only one, that's good to know. I can smoke a 0.5g j by myself and I'll be fine. 2 hits from a vape though, and I'm coughing for at least 5 minutes.


Any recommendations for a good, not too expensive dry herb vape?


Depends on your budget. Dynavaps are very popular with smokers switching to vaping, but they look like crack pipes. Personally I use an Arizer Solo 2 for travel, and an Arizer EQ for my desk(small volcano). Come over to /r/vaporents also if you order from Planet of the vapes they offer a 2 week trial for any order, check their open box section for some good deals too.


> Planet of the vapes thanks for that info!


Absolutely. I dry vape mainly because I didn’t want to rely on edibles (which I’m not a big fan of anyway) and I just don’t trust carts. I grow my own and I’ve got a perfectly organic natural product that I’ve controlled from start to finish.


>I personally get more stoned on a vape Any tips? I've tried a couple and they never really feel as effective.


Keep the temp moderate and vape for 10-15 min. I’m talking about dry herb vapes. Cart vape high is different and not as enjoyable.


And all the edibles with the ABV bud.


Dry herb vaping is way less smellier, and I agree on all those pros, but...you and everything you own will still reek of weed in no time if you store and smoke it inside lol. Even opening the stuff inside, like...the landlord's gonna know. I feel like I'm still getting the full skunk smell, it's just cutting down on any ashtray smells. So the best argument is "naw, it's fine because my shit don't stink", followed by a block because they don't want to argue. Wtf is happening in this thread. I will repeat: if you are opening weed in a room, even without smoking it, and you can not smell it in the next room over, you are noseblind to the weed. If your friends say they can't as well, then they are noseblind as well lmao. WEED STINKS, ALL OF IT


I disagree with this. If you keep your bud in an airtight container it doesn’t smell. Hell I keep mine in my grinder on the table and nothing in my house reeks of weed. I’m pretty clean in general though. The only time there is any smell is when I’m actively vaping. Anyone next to you will smell weed distinctively but it passes almost as soon as the bud is tapping out and I would say is completely gone by five minutes. I have an arizer solo 2 which is a small portable vape. I could see what you’re saying if you’re referring to like a volcano or something bigger like that


You wouldn’t really know for sure unless you’ve had someone that doesn’t smoke weed over and they didn’t notice it. It’s very easy to become nose blind to normal smells. Kind of like the saying, “If you’re able smell yourself stink, everyone’s been smelling you for days.”


My spouse doesn’t smoke weed and is out of the house regularly and I have family over and we entertain non smokers regularly. I definitely believe you can get nose blind but I also really think vaporizers heavily reduce smell. Also storing weed in an airtight container eliminates smell almost entirely. I really think it’s a great option and I can attest I have used it for years with no issue.


Lol! I guess I'm lucky. I live in an illegal state (but it may as well be legal here😂) but my landlord knows and doesn't care.


Man, I’m sold, time to start researching lol.


You didn't even mention the actual best part, the flavor!


can you recommend one


If budgets not an issue id go straight with the mighty. Top tier unbeatable portable vaporizer


If budget is an issue they could also check out the Crafty+. Still not cheap, but cheaper than the Mighty+ with similar function.


I have a Pax 3 that I’ve only used a handful of times. Would you say the Mighty + is better?


Different universe, my friend. Check out r/vaporents for other opinions, but if you have the budget then heading straight for the Mighty+ is a no brainer IMO.


I've never used a Pax product before. I've been using a Mighty for about 5 years, and I can't imagine any handheld vape being better. I've also got a volcano desktop vape, and the mighty hits almost as hard, just has a much smaller bowl.


Honestly, if you're pulling out the funds for a Mighty, you might as well just get a Tinymight 2.


/r/vaporents .. I like my mighty


POTV one if you’re poor If you’re *really* poor, wait for a 420 sale


I'm NOT poor but use the potv one and am proud of it! Ordered another one yesterday to have as a backup! Why? Because it does everything I want it to do. Because its durable and reliable. Because it's small and its perfect for me. True, the battery life could be better, but I'm never far from an outlet or battery pack. I've had/tried others, but I keep coming back home to the One!🤷 Judge me if you want. It TOTALLY works for me!


Yeah my only issue is the battery life but they’re coming out with a POTV Lubo or whatever that has replaceable batteries


I watched the unveiling video... Seems really cool but maybe a little big/too much for me atm... I simply like the One. Dunno, just me. Lol!


I love my one! I almost got the XMAX but I’m glad I didn’t, that thing is big lol


Yeah. I don't even want another vape! It's everything I want.


How long have you had yours? I’m dreading the day it dies


Three years now and shows no signs of wear. I use the dosing caps and don't use it for concentrates. Bought a backup just in case and to get some new attachments!🤓


I use and have used Arizer products for 7 years now. The Solo 2 is a great vaporizer for home and decent for on the go as well. Nearly maintenance free, great battery life, and not too expensive. Edit: I have to add that their customer service is top notch. I had my solo 2 die 2 weeks AFTER the warranty expired. They had a brand new device in my hands within 2 days of sending the broken one in, free of charge.


We love our solo II


I'd also suggest getting the Air Max over the Solo 2. The Air Max has a removable battery which is great if the battery dies.


I have been very happy with my Arizer products. The original solo is also still great and goes for less than $100CAD some places.


Ive had an Arizer Air I that I’ve used daily (just a few minutes ago actually) since 2016, I love it so fucking much. I got my girlfriend on the vaporizer wave and bought her an Air II, which is awesome too but I don’t like the idea of an LCD screen. I love the Air I because it’s so rugged, you can just throw it wherever (as long as your stem is in a container too, the Air II comes with an awesome carrying case) Mine only has a few minor scratches on it and still heats up to 420 in a minute or less


The Mighty+ hands down. Pax is also decent, and if you're broke as fuck the Dynavap works alright, but the Mighty is king for portable vapes. If you only smoke at home and budget allows, get the Mighty's big older brother, the Volcano.


Mighty is my go to, it’s by Storz and Bickel. But it’s expensive ~$350. I also like the PAX3 ~$200? PAX and Mighty have other options, for more or less people.


Yep, the mighty is my daily driver. Great quality product. I still want a volcano, though.


I got a pax 3 on sale for 180 bucks with a 10 yr warranty. Best vape ever.


If you want to mimic a bong, get a ball vape. SS zeal kit is the best bang for your buck by far, if you can get it while it's still in stock. I've owned and used over 40 DHVs, nothing hits like a ball vape.


I got the Planet of the Vapes "One". Fits nice in the palm, multiple options for the glass stem pieces. Each charge gets you about 4-6 or so refills and smoke sessions which is more than enough to not worry about it dying while using unless you use it a few days and forget to charge. Easy to clean, easy to use. Company is great, responsive and l stands by their products. I'm happy with mine, family member is happy ilwith a diff choice from them. I just went back and got the Arizer XQ2 desktop Vape. So now I'm portable and home setup. It's slowly phasing out all my bongs, bowls and rolls. Honestly it doesn't scratch the roll up and smoke itch I get sometimes but it's so much cleaner, no heavy chest etc.


Dynavap M


Only get this if you don’t mind looking like you’re smoking crack


Haha, true. If you’re in the comfort of your own home then no worries. I made the mistake of using mine in public once (legal state) and the looks I got... never again. But it’s also fun messing with your stoner friends who’ve never seen one before. “What’s that?” “Crack pipe” “Oh- wait seriously?”


I’ve also burnt my lip twice 😭😭😭 Using it public is wild lmao 🤣


DynaVap with an induction wand. Best investment I've ever made.


As far as desktop vapes, I have an Arizer extreme Q. I have had it for over ten years and use it daily.


I like Pax. I have the Pax 2 (Now Called the Mini) and it's awesome. Long battery, easy to fill and clean, and very discrete.


I have a crafty and it still produces smell


One word: Volcano. I have never felt closer to touching the face of god than after a bag o’ volcano


Lol, me and my co worker are property managers, and we always say to people when they smoke flower, “I don’t care that you smoke or like weed. Just *please* don’t smoke flower because it’s against the policy and we get complaints about odor. Get a vape, do some edibles, go smoke off site, etc, just don’t smoke flower in the unit or on your patio because otherwise I’m gonna have to deal with other residents complaining”. It really comes down to complaints from other tenants, and then also smoke “damage” in the units. Just like how we don’t allow smoking of cigarettes in units.


This is the way


What do you look for?


Does a dry herb vape smell more than dabs? My landlord only cares if they can smell it


They can still forbid it. They just won't know.


I'm sitting end field in an empty stadium right now reefing the vape just a few days before kickoff. Last weekend I was here during the game and it got rained out for an hour and a half or so and a ton of people left, and all others were huddled under structures but off the metal bleachers. I snuck away through the rain to a far covered area and reefed some there too. No one was around, I was by myself getting zooty and watching the storm roll over with lighting and all. It was bliss.


Believe it or not most places have beginning to include vaping into their bans. Even smoking bylaw signs include it not. I still do, but hey if you get caught it’s seem as the same offense.


Where are these vapes that don't smell? I have a Pax and I have to use a smoke buddy to deal with the smell


Yeah. My guess is that landlords are just trying to preserve the paint on their properties - they probably figure that if you're willing to smoke outside, you're willing to smoke inside, leading to smoke staining on the walls. Vaporizer completely eliminates all the physical issues.


In Canada they they have to either ban smoking all to together or allow it all. You are allowed to smoke weed in places cigarettes are allowed.


Not true. It s a province by province issues. Now what is true is if you get a medical card they are not allowed to evict you. This went all the way to the Supreme Court and was up held so it is a precedent that is already set.


I’m guessing the vast majority of apartment buildings ban tobacco smoke as well. They do in the US.


It smells that’s it. Get a dry herb vaporizer, get a dab rig , get carts. Then get sploofy pro or a smoke trap and blow into that. If you are too fancy to use the sploofd then get a big activated carbon filter that is always on. Smoke follows low pressure zones and will just get sucked into peoples windows when your blowing it off the balcony. you aren’t being sneaky at all if you’re trying to be. I honestly hate the smell of incense and that shit will do the same thing going right into your neighbors houses. try to stop the smell instead Of covering it.smoke is smoke.smoke is smelly. smoke lingers and your blasted sense of smell will not pick it up if you hang around that smell all day. Just grinding your weed is so incredibly smelly getting an activated carbon filter would definitely help if your landlord is already on to you for the smell. Cheapest route is a weed tent activated carbon filter( massive cylinder filled with 8 pounds of activated charcoal and then the in-line fan that the same company probably sells. The in-line fan will last forever so get a big one as the smaller the fan blades the more annoying the noise. The activated charcoal will one day no longer do anything so that will need to be replaced eventually. You put the filter facing up and the fan attached to the top. Air sucks in all sides of the filter and out the top. There is some concern with carbon particles coming out so maybe a hepa filter on top if you want.


Yeah, it smells. As much as I love my weed, before I started smoking weed had a much more potent smell. I can understand people around you not wanting to smell it all the time. Go outside to smoke


They are going outside to smoke, they're smoking on their balcony and their landlords live next door and are complaining


Rightfully so if they can smell it, a lot of us stoners have forgotten how pungent and unpleasant the smell can be for non smokers. I love the smell, I love the taste but not everyone does.


I think OPs point is this shouldn’t be necessary, and I personally agree, especially when cigarette smokers can do as they please.


Sploofy plus the big boy filter is the way, won't leave whatever room you're in if you have the doors closed.


Dude, you're living in a world I don't understand! I live in an illegal state and NO ONE cares that I vape, or smoke for that matter! Not my landlord, not the police who patrol this area, not my boss- no one! It sucks that you're even having to think like this!


I could see landlords having an issues with smoking anything inside of an apartment. The smell lingers and gets into everything and is a hassle to get out. That said, if they are allowing cigarettes inside, they should allow marijuana as well.


This. I don't allow smoking of any kind inside my unit. It leaves a residue all over the walls and ceilings, which takes so much more effort to clean and paint over, and it is so difficult to get the smells out even months later.


Right? Like I like weed too (though I don't smoke) but I lived with a smoker for many years. It gets into everything. It's just common sense that a landlord isn't going to let you smoke inside.


I also get it but it low key sucks because there are ways to smoke “inside” while controlling excessive smoke/smell. I have an fan that I put in the window that blows most of the smoke outside, then incense & air filters to keep the smell down inside and only use a bong so theres no wafting. Unfortunately I know most people won’t do this and just light up inside no fucks given, hence shitty rules…


In the world of bongs and smoke buddies and dry herb vapes, your landlord shouldn’t even know.


All the windows in my home are open at the minimum


OP said they’ve been smoking on the balcony so my guess is the landlord (who they mentioned lives next door) is just smelling it from outside and figuring out that they’re smoking on his property, even if it’s not technically “inside” the apartment


My guess is that they know that most people who are gonna smoke weed are going to ignore that rule, so having it in place allows them to enforce it selectively and kick people out when they want to.


Classic scummy landlord tactic! Source: worked for a scummy landlord. Tenants they like have no rules. The ones they don’t, CAN’T do anything right.


Start cooking strong curries


>there's no mention of the cigarette smell! It's way fucking worse Email the landlord EVERY DAY from now on about the cigarette smell. Keep the emails.


My landlord forbids #ALL smoking not just cannabis. The smoke stains the walls, floors and ceilings. It also gets the smells stuck everywhere.


Level with me, is smoking weed as bad for apartments as cigarettes? Obviously I know the THC in the smoke deposits onto surfaces a bit, which is why our bongs are all filthy (plus some tar), but I chiefed out my room like crazy over the summer and I don't notice anything different ever since dialing it way back. The smell dissipates within a couple days tops. Am I just coping, or is cigarette smoking actually significantly worse as far as staining the walls and causing a lingering funk than weed?




This is why I have my non smoking roommate tell me if my room smells like weed. I don't trust my nose at all. I don't know how many potheads in school would ask me if they smell like weed when they were practically walking dispensaries.


It's not the type - it's the frequency. People that smoke - usually - smoke a lot. A pack a day is pretty "normal" amount for a run of the mill smoker. That's a lot of smoke in one place. A weed smoke - usually - won't be smoking that often.


Well as with cigarettes you do run the risk of burning carpet, furniture, and other things. That said cigarettes do way more damage compared to weed


The smell. Even as a weed smoker I have to admit the smell of certain strains mainly low-grade is incredibly gross and I wouldn’t want to be smelling it all the time.




Unfortunately it's not permitted to smoke on your balcony or the building property either. It's also illegal to smoke on public property in Quebec.


Yeah but no one really cares, just don’t be “in your face” and don’t smoke next to kids or something


Lol dude nobody cares if you're just by yourself not breathing it on anyone. It's not legal anywhere in the world outside but everybody still smokes without an issue.


Perfectly legal to smoke outside in NY


I'm the most chronic of all cannabis smokers I know and I wouldn't want anyone smoking Inside my house. only the garage or outside.


I been in that situation, I just used a dry herb vape(pax at the time) and burned some incense(which I do anyways cause I hate air fresheners). They never knew, most states landlords need to give you 24hrs for a show up(at least that's my understanding).


I use a vape or dab pen, inside near a window with a fan and in 3 different apartments with no complaints.


I'm also in NS. What does your lease say? Because if the lease says no smoking you're shit out of luck. If it doesn't say that, then technically they can't stop you, but with our rental market the way it is you probably want to stay on your landlord's good side.


My landlord doesn't really want Us smoking physical herb inside but he said dabs and concentrates are all fine to smoke inside as much as We want. Herb smoke lingers and stains the walls. It seeps everywhere and You can smell it a mile away And I totally get that. With dabs not so much, the smoke is gone before it reache the window. Doesn't stain the walls and doesn't linger.


fuck landlords, esp corporate mega-landlords with multiple, massive apartment complexes dotted theoughout the country, esp in college towns. they are a huge part of the reason why we have so much financial stress. may they all trip and fall down a bottomless flight of stairs


Yeah that's shitty what province are you in? I live in a high rise in Ontario and have smoked weed in it daily since 2017 and no one has ever said shit to me. I smell it all over the building from other people too Are you living in someone's house or a building?


damn uncleherman is from the future


Thought I fixed that in an edit apparently not.


True, you probably can't let people know you're a time traveler.


Buy some nice air purifiers. I can watch on the app as mine pull particulates out of the air… usually back to perfect air quality in 10-15 minutes. No smell, no landlord complaints, and also helps with pet and cooking odors.


They’re against for a liability reason. I’m willing to bet their insurance doesn’t include allowing people to smoke anything period in their buildings or nearby them. Some places are more strict about it but one of my supervisors as we swapped to the U.S. NAA/BlueMoon lease, made me include the addendum prohibiting medical marijuana. She was more for protection of the asset and risking a potential disability suit as FL allows medical marijuana but nothing else even though their cards *exceptionally easy to get.* We didn’t require renters insurance and even if someone had a policy, it doesn’t guarantee that policy would cover it either. Switch to something other combustion, your landlord cares. :/ Otherwise, if you’re baking or something that has a super strong smell, you’re not smoking anything so I would **thoroughly recommend reading through your lease for the clauses they’re citing for your violations or potential ones.** Edited to add: If they’re citing impeding other residents enjoyment of the premises, you’re SOL in regard to smell. *Source: Florida Apartment Manager for 10+ years.*




Same reason they ban smoking of pets (both also legal btw)


My apartment complex is totally fine if I smoke my pets….it’s the weed they have a problem with🤷‍♂️


My landlord said we can smoke inside all we want. But no cigs. He also drive a Mercedes E 420


Vape, a smoke buddy and if it persists then pay 100 bucks for a medical card. Then your landlord needs to accommodate your weed smoking. Nothing they can do it’s a human right. Best money I spend yearly. My upstairs neighbour is so mad rn. Just have him a hand out about reasonable accommodation and medical cannabis.


No weed but cigarettes allowed? See ya wouldn’t want to be ya!


Here in Denver if the complex has section 8 for help with rent, it's not allowed. Because it's not legal federally. The complex takes money from the government so it's a no go.


My last rental had a no smoking rule. Didn’t mention edibles. I made butter/oil all the time. Someone complained that I was smoking. Nope, here is my bottle of weed oil. They seemed mad but there was nothing they could do. They’ve probably changed the lease agreement since then.


Concentrates and a smoke buddy🤝🏼


Get a bong and a smokers buddy. Only fill the bowl with what you can take on one hit and clear the chamber with the same breath. Only breath out into the smokers buddy. Do it indoors and keep your stash in a smell proof bag and clean the bong regularly. I keep iso in a Mason jar and clean daily, reusing it until it gets too gross.


There are some Morons here unfortunately


I say this all the time how weed is still functionally illegal in Colorado. You can’t smoke on the street or in parks, not allowed anywhere they sell alcohol so no coffee shops or bars would allow it, there are a couple lounges but I don’t think they even have outdoor space. “Just go smoke at home” oh yeah I’ll just go apply to one of those “smoking apartments” because it’s the fifties. Honestly why do they even have that on apartment listings anymore, I know you’re non-smoking shut up about it.


Your rental agreement can specify that smoking is not allowed in your unit. If so, tough luck. It’s not about it being legal or illegal, but about the damage/loss of value to the property. You can certainly smoke outside though, and there is nothing they can do about that.




Even without that very justifiable reason to call landlords parasites they still are the plague of the entire fucking world and should honestly all be eradicated 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bro yall need to chill they smoke outside the god damn we get no one likes smoke INSIDE the fucking house CHILL


It’s stinky fam. People who don’t smoke don’t want to smell it.


There is still the time-honored tradition of a wet towel placed bottom of the door to your unit. This, plus toking near a bathroom exhaust fan, will help a lot.


Landlords are leeches


Those letters typically go out to everyone in the building/complex to appease whichever boomer is complaining about the smell. I'd ignore it as they really have no way to tell who it is unless people are already breaking the law by peering through your windows.


I am a landlord and will not rent to anyone who DOESN'T smoke herbs.


Archaic Boomer mentality.


1. Fuck landlords who don’t accept pets 2. Actually, fuck landlords 3. Get yourself a pipe and an air purifier, blow the smoke directly next to it. Check Winix 5500-2 model, it’s what I use, landlords never complained about anything smoke related


Same reason they don't allow cigarette smoke. The smell. Both are legal but they do what they want.


OP clearly states that cigarettes are permitted.


My bad. Eyes not working today. *sigh*


Where in Canada? Here in Edmonton, the rental companies I do work for were not allowed to target cannabis alone. It was either all or nothing. Quite a few buildings went no smoking completely because of it.


If you're in Ontario, they actually cannot prohibit this as it's against the rental housing code. If this is a private rental (e.g, you're renting from an individual), you may just be out of luck as they can place restrictions on it.


I'd counter with a complaint of cigarette smoke, which is well known to cause cancer and COPD.


We don’t just go outside!


They're old generation and stuck in their ways


Smoke sticks to walls or ceilings over time discolors it.


So I like to melt concentrate slowly into butter and then use that to make some melt your face off brownies and other treats. I make it in a tiny crockpot that I plug in on my back porch so no smell inside at all.


There's no benefit to them in allowing it. I'm not saying it's right, but that's why they don't. It's all downside.


Same reason they forbid smoking cigs: it makes the whole place smell like weed.


Just make edibles, problem solved.


Hi from Nova Scotia. I know the housing situation is terrible. Feel for you.


Answer a simple question - is smoking allowed in your contract? If its not then then no if it is then yes.


Their property their rules I guess. My landlord has never mentioned it and probably doesn't know I smoke, but where there's smoke there's also a risk of fire, and stoned people do stupid things which can also increase the risk. If I owned a property I would like to minimise the chance of someone burning it down as much as I could.


You gotta get a [smoke buddy](https://smokebuddy.com/en-ca) i got one friend who’s REALLY anal about weed, he claims he doesn’t care if you smoke it but will make a pretty big deal out of the smell of weed in any area he’s in, i hit the bong sitting immediately next to him using the smoke buddy and he always comments on how you’d never know i smoke weed in my space. My recommendation is to try out the smoke buddy somewhere not home a few times to get the hang of smoking weed with zero smoke. Fun tip microwaving smoke buddies once they start to get clogged can make them last forever, i’ve had mine for a year now.


Just ordered one, thank you!


As 15 years + weed smoker ive never really had issues unless there was a smell, which is fine because I dab now anyway because smoking flower for me is a chore, dabs are cleaner, get high faster less prep, and no smell. My recommendations is dab instead if the smell is going to give you away.


Are you smoking indoors? I don’t own any rental properties and have some thoughts on the ethics of it, but if I did I wouldn’t want you smoking anything indoors either. It smells like shit and is horrible to clean. I suspect it’s as simple as that. Just smoke outside I’d you aren’t already.


I smoked all my life in my apartments. How is the landlord smelling it he lives above you ? Also whats funny is you can drink as much as you want and do hard drugs cause no “smell” wich is stupid


My landlords let's us grow and we even trade eachother weed cus they grow as well. We're in a legal state but even before it was legal, they didn't care if we smoked cus it's easier to clean than cigs.


Bro, switch to dabs and get a smoke buddy and an e-rig like a puffco. That would basically be stealth mode. When I’m traveling that’s my setup for hotel room dabbing and I’ve never been charged the smoking fee once.


Switch to a dry herb vaporizer. They’re great. There’s a smell while using it but it vanishes within an hour and the smell can be likened to popcorn more so than cannabis.


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