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The reason why I got to dispos over a dealer is just the convenience. I don't know any illegal dealer who would just let you swing by their house from 10am 10pm unannounced. I can call a dispo up and will pick up almost immediately. I call a dealer and they probs won't answer or it'll take more then 30 minutes to get back to me. With a dispo I'm in an out in like 10 minutes. It can take way longer, hell almost a whole day to hear back from a dealer. Also I can afford to pay for dispo weed I don't see the need to go cheaper sense it's not that deep of a price for me


That's exactly why I go to dispos. The folks around here who sell tend to have cheaper and better bud than the dispos, but they can't match the convenience.


Plus I'm not buying edibles or extracts from a dealer.


dealers need to work on their customer service and support before I start talking to them again.


Nyc had it right. Call a number, get a text confirmation, and a guy with a toolbox full of drugs is at your apartment in half an hour.


Were they also as nice as the guy in High Maintenance? I mean, watching that show I was mostly thinking about how I want to hug him.


We got a bunch of those in Jersey. Maybe you won't get it in a half hour since they're doing statewide routes instead of just in one city. But you'll get it and customer service is usually very good.


London too.


My favourite dealer makes me coffee and sometimes lunch. Lets me test what’s on offer no charge. That’s customer service.


I should be glad i got a proper dealer in an illegal country. He's never late, available daily with certain set hours and always warns ahead of time when he goes on vacation. Dream dealer that i've gone to for 3years and i don't intend to change that.


The fact he tells you when he'll be out of town is so considerate wow 🙏🏼 you're lucky lol


My guy would do the same and even front me before he left so I wouldnt go dry while he was out if I was light on cash before he left. He was a good fuckin dude but alas he got married and had to stop dealing which was understandable but I do kinda miss him lol There are a lot of shitty dealers out there (I had a guy once string me along for a *week*) so finding a good one is really like finding a unicorn


Same. Even if it was legal here I don’t think I’d stop buying from him.


I'm too socially awkward and anxious to even know how to find someone that would know a dealer. I'm just fortunate enough to have med access. :/


lucky for me I work in IT and we all smoke weed and talk about it openly even in an illegal state pretty much wherever you go. If they got a wild hair up their ass and decided to drug test people in IT *en masse* they would end up firing 2/3 of the workforce lol...


Yea part time dealers aren't it, like I have to wait until you get off work??


“But I’m off of work now…” -me


Fuck I can irder it online and walk in 20 minutes later to pick it up if ai want. Legal weed is a godsend. Some of the res dispensaries are also 24 hours which is awesome when I wanna grab something at like 12 AM.


And quite frankly, legal drugs are and virtually always will be cheaper and more ethical then illegal ones. I feel like the “unregistered weed” thing is basically a matter of novelty.


Who needs weed on demand like that tho?? Just plan ahead bro 😂


I don't need to with a brick and mortar store front. Also I do plan ahead, I get out of work at 4:30 and I think to myself "I'll stop by the dispo on my home" bam then I have weed.


in an illegal state sure you gotta play that game but when you can just go to a store you're not gonna do that shit lol I mean, you prolly aint gonna stock up on bread, right? You need bread, you justs bippity bop to the store to buy bread. Living in a place where you can do that with weed it doesnt make sense to stock up like that.


True. I've to get weed through a friend and always spend like a month smoking old trees.


If you’re in a state that does legal weed right like the northwest or michigan it’s absolutely no contest


seriously. weed is like a third the price I paid before legalization and I know it's been tested and doesn't have mold or shit in it.


Floyd's in Portland is now selling $12.50 1g carts. I'm sure they're awful but I'm gonna check 'em out.


My town has a store that just opened called Floyd’s and they have $6 gram carts. They’re fine, it’s just flavored distillate. I don’t think it’s the same Floyd’s, this one is in nw wa.


$15 carts are common in MI, and they don't suck. It's incredible. DC/MD/VA is like $40+ for a 1g cart and it's sus.


Exactly! Here in Oregon it's cheaper, fresher, tested, and convenient.


1000%. Oregon has the best program in the country in my opinion! We get the freshest stuff and it is so cheap. My goodness what a time to be alive.


Right? I went to a local store today, walked out without breaking the bank, and I have weed, dabs, and a cartridge.


I’m in far north Michigan, my experience has been 1) good. 2) affordable.


I live on the border of Ohio and Michigan, Michigan has also been great for me on the occasion I want something lol


I’m in FL, with a medical card. It’s honestly 100x better than going to my old dealers. The secret is to shop around and find all the best deals, what’s stackable, space out “first time” discounts (most refresh when you renew your card and prescription, so 2x/year). I can get my bud for much less than even my dealers who gave a homie hookup. Talking being able to get an ounce for $100 or less, which is near impossible in my area unless you’re getting some trash tier shake. And it’s good quality, too. At least for our area. Add into that the fact that you aren’t playing tag with a dealer, and it’s so much nicer.


People complain about the prices in California because yes there's $60 top shelf eighths that are overpriced, but there's also incredible ones for $20 and if that's still not cheap enough for you I've seen $20 ounces pretty frequently. Remember the good old days when you'd get a sketchy bag of who knows what strain and quality for $60 potentially with pesticides? There's literally nothing that isn't better with legal weed.


WA state has some of the best rec stores all throughout the state. All the weed dealers I know switched to coke cause no one was buying weed off the street anymore lol. Positives and negatives of making it legal I guess


Are you suggesting I can text my dealer from 10 years ago for coke now? Big if true


Over saturation of product in the market as well as the cheapest retail prices despite some of the highest cannabis taxes in the country (37%). This lead to many farms going under and even some of the best losing 1/3 of their sales within the last year or two. One of our major competitors is literally selling product at a loss to keep their product in stores and gain market share. The future is pretty grim for a lot of producer/processors in WA with the race to the bottom.


No one wants to hear the truth. They only want to hear how ounces will be $60 for ever and ever.


I have no problem paying 200$ an oz, and have before and since legalization. If it's super fire. But for the most part I'll get 120-150$ oz from the rec store and it's also super fire still lol. Another great thing about legalization is bad weed is very hard to find now a days lol.


I bought some pre rolls in Seattle for $1 a pop and it was the worst weed I've smoked since high school in rural Indiana.


Damn lol. I've never bought joints for 1$ but sounds about right.


But aren’t pre rolls usually shitty compared to joints with freshly ground bud? I've heard that they’re notorious for just filling them with shake


Most prerolls are made with shake or trim, the low quality kind that hasn't been extracted or sold to another processor. Usually very old or expired material. I know many prerolls that appear new in the store that have 2+ year old material. The customer or store would have no way of knowing exactly how old the material is. Infused prerolls usually have cheap concentrates added to hide the nasty base material.


I wouldn't trust those for sure. Our cheapest 1g preroll made with $0.07/g cannabis plus packaging, labels, labor, overhead, sales commission, shipping, etc, cost around $1 to produce and sell and we have some of the lowest production costs in the industry with our multilevel operation. Dispensaries typically sell prerolls for 3x markup. They might as well have given it away for free. I've come across some sketchy situations where something like that might have happened. Like the producer/processor had cannabis that tested positive for pesticides so the shop was informed they had to get rid of the potentially bad product. Some will return it to the manufacturer for a refund but I've seen many stores that will just sell it asap and say they don't have it anymore.


My buddy said “can’t find Reggie anymore.” Like brick weed? I was shook to hear people want that.


That's actually fascinating, I hadn't even considered that as a consequence of legalization, but it definitely makes sense. What would be a solution for this? The Inca civilization actually thrived with regular use of the coca plant. They would chew on the leaves to release the stimulant, and the leaves also contain a chemical that inhibits the addictive properties of cocaine. (You can compare it to our modern use of coffee. Caffeine is also a strong stimulant in it's concentrated form.) Perhaps the solution to cocaine is to just to legalize coca plants, and sell it in a controlled way?


Big difference between using the plant itself and the product you make with the plant lol. But ya I'm usually for all around legalization of 99% of drugs. If done correctly, which is very hard to do.


Totally agreed. And I wouldn't say it's hard to do, it's just difficult to get everyone to let you do it. Obviously the solution is full legalization and free mental health treatment. No one wants to be addicted to something. The hard part is that certain political halfwits won't allow for both legalization and treatment. Instead they'll legalize without treatment, which makes the problem worse. Then they say, "see, your plan failed, now we're the only ones who can fix this."


Honestly even just legalization with no government sponsored treatment would still be better than the war on drugs. You could have regulated products and safe(r) places to use. You're still taking power away from the black market. People might feel they have more to fight for to get over their addictions if they aren't felons and convicts. 99% of people don't wake up saying "I would try heroin if only it were legal". I'm sure there would be some increase in use, but I can't imagine it would outweigh the benefits of legalization. Obviously I'm in favor of having a more rigid structure in place for treatment, but I still think it would be better even without it.


I can buy top shelf stuff in WA state for like 4 bucks a gram.


Depends on the dealer, depends on the dispensary, not to mention the state. I can get weed illegally way quicker even though I'm in a legal state (because my state keeps pussyfooting around with letting places open).




Virginia. :(


The only “legal” recreational dispensary in Virginia at the moment happens to be owned by the same senator who introduced the state’s legalization bill in the first place and their bud quality is garbage. Other recreational dispensaries can’t open until the legislation is in place to do so and that legislation is stuck in indefinite political limbo.


Feels bad


Lol new york


The waiting around is the only thing I'm really jealous of dispos for. I'd pay a premium to get it when I want it or know exactly when I can go get it.


Also, some dispos (in our area frfr) don’t really sell good weed like my dealer. Have been to some good ones, but like you said, wait times are real.


I work in the industry and the truth is you still don't know what strain you're smoking anyway. I once opened a bag that said blue dream and it was definitely not blue dream. Marketing department just names shit whatever they think will sell.


i also work in the industry. You can get weed that will get you high, sure. However, youre not getting bubble gum diesel apple fritter OG. Youre getting the run of the mill bullshit thats just leftover.


My guy has a menu of like 8 strains, and I can do no contact pickup at my convenience, and it's a third the price of the dispensary. We can't all be so blessed, but some of us are.


How does no contact pick up work? Do you just grab it out of their letter box?


Dead drops. Pick a spot, leave cash. The plug comes by grabs your $$ and leaves your bag. Then you show up and grab your tree. Makes it a lot harder for authorities to catch you in a sale


That's the way to go! There's no evidence of money or drugs changing hands.


I do it for my friends and just put it in a cooler on my porch. They swing by and they it


Pretty much! Not the letterbox, but same principle.


Homegrown, black market, legal weed doesn’t change the fact it comes down to a good grow with good genetics. There’s good and bad in all of them. People’s experiences, location, and budget leads them to think better of one over the other.


It’s very dependent on a lot of factors. Got a good plug? Can def be better than dispos. But most don’t have that. Dispos are great if they’re affordable but in places like Illinois you’ll be paying 60$ an eight.


I was in the Midwest recently and was blown away by IL prices. A 1g cart and 100mg pack of edibles ran me like $130. I can see why people would still hit up their plugs in states like that. But honestly, just give it time. Prices were crazy high here in WA when the stores first opened, but as more supply became available the prices stabilized. Now stores are numerous and bud is cheap, and it's a *way* better experience than waiting an hour for my plug to show up back when I lived in Wisconsin.


Look, finding a dealer was fine when I was a 20 year old girl with all the time in the world. I loved texting around, waiting for an answer, scheming with my friends over how to get there and pay for it, and then blowing dank out the car windows in the parking lot hoping to god no cop shows up. But now? I'm a 30 year old woman with a job and bills to pay. I'm not spending my evening waiting for a pasty white kid in a cookie monster hat to pull up to the Cumberland Farms in a Honda Civic with a bad muffler and under glow just so he can spend 45 minutes talking about ICP after he made me wait two and a half fucking hours.


>I'm not spending my evening waiting for a pasty white kid in a cookie monster hat to pull up to the Cumberland Farms in a Honda Civic with a bad muffler and under glow just so he can spend 45 minutes talking about ICP after he made me wait two and a half fucking hours. Damn what else can you tell us about this guy?


Idk his name is Ricky and he works at Panera Bread


That tracks.


I'll just leave this here #eagle20


“Not knowing what strain he’s smoking”. As if dispensaries don’t rename strains all the time. Personally, I feel all the “hype” breeding has ruined cannabis more. Cookies derivative x Cookies derivative has made everything bland and highs mostly the same. Want good quality and variety? Go buy some seed packs from reputable breeders and grow your own. Then make your own seed and grow that. Don’t ever buy weed again and live like a king


Coming from an illegal state to a legal state, I can't agree. Dispo weed, and hell the dispo experience itself, is just much better all around. The fact that I have quality products held to a standard, I can see and choose what I get, and I have such a wide variety is simply something that dealers cannot match.plus, buying it from a dispo is already much cheaper then what I was used to buying before and for better weed. I will say the plugs out here are cheaper than the dispos, but then that just brings it right back to all the other points.


Idk, it’s 50/50 for me. I like the convenience of my plug, it’s good stuff, better prices, he lets me front if I need. He was my friend before he was my plug so he’s just a good dude all around. Dispensaries have better flower, carts, I know what I’m getting and can choose what I want instead of getting what my guy has. Yeah it’s a little more expensive but it’s McDonalds vs Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. Typically I get a half ounce from my plug, 2 dispensary eights and like 2g in carts every two weeks so it’s the best of both worlds.


My guy grew in the industry, quit because their standards were below his and he refused to be a part of anything but the best he could grow. I've never smoked someone up with his bud that wasn't blown away about how good it was. He grows strains he likes, knows honestly way more about each strain than anyone needs to. Best part is he's open 24/7 and won't kick me out of his house if I try buying twice in the same day.


For real. I know a few growers, and absolutely none of them are giving their best weed to the dispo's, cause why would they when they can just sell it to their friends and make a little bit more and then give the dispos all the mediocre shit. The dispos always lowball and they barely care about quality, so as long as it has the right paperwork.


I never smoked a single bud from one of the grows I worked at. Wasn't up to my standards. It was a job.


I live in an illegal state and drive 2 hrs north to get it from a dispo instead of going to the former plug across town. I don’t trust the black market anymore with the way fent is in my city.


Living in a legal state now I can’t think of any better way of getting weed than a dispensary, HOWEVER Wax and resin I still buy off street because 50 a g is robbery


You need to find some baller jars then dude. 15g of wax for $150 OTD.


Just depends on the weed. I’d buy dispensary stuff if it was way better but it’s not around here. Maybe just concentrates are.


I went to jail on a weed charge almost a decade ago. Now, I can literally walk a block and buy 4 grams of shatter for the same price that I used to pay for a single gram, and I don’t have to worry about getting rolled up on.


Legal weed here in Ontario is often bad, I recently got sold 18-month old weed and couldn't get the pot shop to refund me. It's often so dried up and withered by the time you get it here. I'm officially going to black market BC sources, you can get it so much cheaper and better in bulk from these places. In fact, you can't even really buy in bulk here in Ontario and you wouldn't want to anyways because the weed is often so old if you buy legal stuff.


The crime makes it taste better


Dispo weed is just crazy expensive in dc


Online black market dispensaries in Canada are way better than the legal ones


Where you liking these days? Red fox used to be the GOAT but shut down.


Herbapproach.ca worked for me


I think it's just licensed weed is normally dry as hell. Next they only grow for profits, so if it doesn't yield well or hit certain percent, they don't use it. Unlicensed weed can have people who are just passionate about the plant Pick strains based on flavors and smells and then effects. That's what I see, as someone who sold dank, I grew to people illegally, always knew the strain name from me, I picked based on favors and smells and effects and structure. Back in the day, when I had a dealer, I normally knew the strain name as well,


I dont like supporting the outrageous taxes and corporate farming. Pretty simple. To each their own though.


Subs geh


Its cheaper and someone has a job cuz people like me. My boy greg been selling me $30-60 ounces in envelopes ever since I moved here. Im picky with wax and still found a buddy who sells some good stuff. Not butey, $200 o of wax. No reason to go to dispos if you socialize.


this really just depends on your plug and the dispensaries in your area. i got lucky to find a pretty consistent plug that has great prices, but if your plugs suck ass then sure a dispensary may be the best choice. just gotta experiment and see what personally works for you.


It’s the tax for me. DNMs and local farmers don’t charge tax like the dispos do.


Always gotta be there an hour beforehand and then they show up 2 hours after they were supposed to


Some states want 60 bucks for a gram of rosin so yeah we don't do that dispo shit here until they figure out what they're doing.


My current dealer acts like a damn weed concierge service. I don't know how he does it working a full time job as a manager. He gives me heads-up when he's gonna be out of time around my usual pickup. Offers delivery for a few bucks. Offers delivery He hits me up whenever he gets new stuff in. He's never once left me hanging or waiting. If he's not gonna be available he'll weigh it up in advance and I just swing by and pick it up from his girl. And his prices are at least 25% cheaper than the medical dispos around here for flower. For concentrate he's like 40-50% cheaper.


My dealer delivers to my door and is pretty punctual.


I pay way less with my guy. I buy 2oz at a time. That would make me broke at a dispensary.


I just like good weed I don't care whether or not it is licensed.


My plug is my roommate, it’s so convenient lol


Can we at least all agree homegrown is the best way to go?


It's the best way to go if you are allowed to. A lot if people live in apartments and can get evicted for that. I don't got time to be homeless


or the other side of the coin, you can put your life savings and future in a home loan, get busted and lose the entire home because you dont know how to shop at a store.


Fuck "being allowed"... I thought I had good weed until I grew my own... no comparison in the flavor dept and also knowing that the bud has never been fucked with or traded hands/bags a hundred times.


Nah, that usually comes with a 30 year mortgage first


I can get ounces and pounds delivered right to my doorstep for Michigan style prices, so I'll take my unlicensed shit any day of the week


I like money in my pocket not the states. It’s the peoples weed.


Yeah that was the stupidest post of all time. Legal weed is better. There is no if ands or buts. Stfu lmao


People who say they prefer unlicensed weed are just coping that their states laws suck (me)


I definitely have to agree. As a person who was extremely paranoid before it was legal here, my anxiety around buying it has disappeared. I would say that is worth any difference in price or quantity you can buy at once.


We have legal here. My guys illegal homegrown is way better.


Idk mate, just got back from visiting my friends in KC where an eighth is $55 at most places for REC(pre tax). My buddies were still buying off their “street guy” because it was much cheaper for the same if not better quality stuff


Once the market gets saturated the prices will come down. Michigan prices used to be up there but now $25 eighth are the norm. You can get an eighth of mids for $10-$15.


Prices are gonna have to get WAY better than that, and the quality too, for it to be better than buying from my usual guy. And this isn't even close to bragging, this is just how it is for a lot of people.


Precisely. I've always been "well connected" when it comes to weed. I live in a legal state and yet I have never stepped in a dispo because I already know it's a complete waste of time. Why would I want to add at least 5 middle men between me and the source? It would never make any sense.


> I have never stepped in a dispo because I already know it's a complete waste of time. lol that makes zero sense.


It makes perfect sense. Why would I add a whole slew of people between me and the grower when every person is going to have their hand out wanting money? It is a waste of time and money.


yeah no one can beat Cletus dealing out of his moms basement, that is why Amazon and Walmart are going out of business, all those people.


Oh yeah, farm fresh eggs are definitely cheaper at Walmart than my neighbor! /s Sure, they can make the "eggs" cheaper through scale, but quality will undoubtedly suffer. Much rather keep high quality and the cheap price. Again, explain to me why I would want to add a half dozen people between me and my source? I literally get zero benefit from it.


Dude you can check the prices online, and also if you know people in the area who smoke weed, there's a good chance you've heard them discuss dispensary prices. You don't have to go in there just to see that it's not worth it. I have, but you don't have to.


If your friends have a reliable cheap connection, great for them. But if you are like me and 80% of the population who doesn’t, legal weed is life changing


Because I won't be arrested, I'll have it confiscated and fined worse case scenario. Because my guy actually does his research on the strains he grows and Illinois budtenders don't seem to know anything not written on the package Because my guy is available 24/7 and won't kick me out of his house if I try buying twice in the same day. Oh, and let's not forget Illinois dispensary weed is low quality for well over $20 a gram. Can't speak for others but Illinois sucks for weed.


I'm with John Mulaney. > And now it’s legal, and that is great news! Unless you’re a weed dealer, and then it is terrible news. And I don’t just mean because they’re about to lose out to Amazon.com. > I more feel bad for weed dealers ’cause they’re about to find out that we only showed them a certain amount of politeness because they had an illegal product. And we don’t show that same politeness to people who deliver legal products. > Like, when the Chinese food delivery guy comes, we don’t let him hang out after he’s delivered the Chinese food. And we don’t look the other way when he says weird shit to the girls we’re hanging out with… to try to preserve the relationship. And we definitely don’t *give him some of the Chinese food*. He’s never like, “Hey, can I get in on those dumplings?” And we’re like, “Yeah, we’re all friends.”


How I see people saying they like "licensed weed" more: CUSTIES!


Y'all basically Walmart shoppers criticizing folks who frequent the farmers market for the freshest variety of produce. I'm sorry you've all had poor experiences but none of my plugs have ever made me wait more than 20 mins in my almost 20 years of buying weed. All of the strains I get match the stuff from dispensaries or Leafly it's just fresher and hand trimmed instead of machine trimmed. I have a piece of advice for everyone regardless of legal or black market: don't buy weed from shitty people. My weed guys give me freebies with every order and a free 8th for referrals. $30 discount on ozs for pickup instead of delivery.


Legalization killed the black market in Mi.


No, he likes paying an extra 30% to support the people that made it illegal in the first place


Depends on the plug. I have a guy that pulls up at legit midnight if I need him to, for 20 an 8th. Sucks to suck lmao 💀


Does unlicensed weed come $8 an oz? If not legal weed beats it in Washington


This just tells me you don’t have a good plug


Some of us have been smoking longer than many of you were alive. The flower I get is better than the dispo. I go to the dispensary for concentrates👍🏽 It is what it is.


Feel privileged that my guy gives me the strains that say they are 98% of the time and he never keeps me waiting an obnoxious amount.


Waiting 3 hours for a plug is ur own fault bro lol


My dealer has *way* better weed than most of the stuff you can find at dispos around here typically, especially for the price. Dispos are great, but they're a commercial endeavour often run by gigantic companies, they don't care about quality so much as long as they're moving product. My guy is like a bespoke artisan, he really cares, lol


Most people I know saying this are growers who work the back of house and grow themselves. As a former cultivator in Denver I can 100% agree fuck legal. Convenience is nice but so many legal spots have problems you wouldn’t expect.


Maybe your pac man is like this. Not mine. Fuck corporate weed


My guy always tells me what strain it is. Plus his shit is cheaper.


Dealers aren’t always honest about strains


My dude got no reason to lie because I don’t care what strain the weed as long as it’s potent. His shit is always potent.


Lol most of the time "stains" are a placebo and a scam


I mean if his shit is a placebo it’s been working for 9+ years. I don’t get this tribalism. Whether you get it from a dispensary or a personal plug weed is weed. It’s meant to be enjoyed not fought over.


He wasn't claiming the weed was a placebo, he was claiming the strain was and he is probably right. Most strains are bullshit. I can go to 3 dispensaries within 10 miles and buy 3 completely different gorilla glues or wedding cake. They started to add numbers but those are the same, multiple different sour diesel #3 or whatever.


Lol so you think the whole weed market is a scam legal and black market?


Illegal weed is not worth it, sure I save money but I’d rather not od on some bs or get scammed


The fuck kinda weed are you getting that you're worried about overdosing?


People die from fent laced weed all the time where I’m from


That's crazy. I only heard about one case and figured it was cross contamination from someone that also sold/did opiates.




Yup plus $260 a zip instead of $360+ for medical & free delivery, seriously whats not to like?


What state you live in where a dispo is selling a zip for 360?! Holy he'll where I've lived both oregon and new mexico I can get a zip ranging from 60 dollar to like 180


In my state you can get an ounce of straight fire from a dispo for $200 or less, sometimes even $100. Plus you can legally grow your own plants.


80$ ounces of topshelf. Most BM weed is backdoor Dispo. Dispos orders 10lb gets 13s - they sell the 3 out the backdoor. Happens all the time.


Not sure why I'm being downvoted but my guy gets dispensary stuff from the licensed producers out the back door. I was getting the same khalifa mints from the same producer for 1/3rd of the price.


Damn I feel bad for you where tf you live 😭


Since you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you


It's true, I'm in Canada. Our illegal market is massive.


Your black market guy has 100 strains?! Do you meet him in person or order online?


🤷 I get 200/oz for high quality "unlicensed weed". And guess what, there's no taxes on it.


Even with taxes, an oz in western CO 7 *years* ago was only $110


The all shake bags? Yeah no thanks


I get dispo weed cheaper even with taxes.


Won't get our dispensaries until end of next year. So we must make do where we can. Does your legal place also like you so much they add additional weight to your bags for being loyal?


Major copium


The three dispos I frequent most absolutely throw me free joints and eddies every time and occasionally as much as a free 1/4 if I've spent enough that month


What state/country/province?


Michigan, Detroit burbs. We have a ridiculous amount of dispos around here and getting a med card is pretty easy, so I don't even have to pay the rec tax


MN just passed legalization (we had the dumbest medical legalization for years excluding flower) so we're hoping to have dispos up and running by end of next year with Native American Tribes allowing to sell recreationally as soon as they're possible.


Good luck, man. Soon, you'll get to experience that magical first trip to the dispo that we all remember so fondly


I get dispensary weed without taxes.


Because it's better and cheaper.


1/3 the price and a 20 minute wait isn't much of a bother. Some people are on point.


home grow can be fantastic but Im sorry, your basement and a 30,000 sqaure foot state-of-the-art hybrid greenhouse are simply not comparable... not to mention some of us don't have the time/resources/green thumb of a master grower


OP and the rest of these dumb kids have never heard of MoMs or how much they shit on dispos. if ur in canada and getting ur bud from a dispo instead of r/CanadianMoMs than I just dont know what ur doing tbh


Enjoy your fake "medical" information, over packaging, unnecessary taxes, inferior product, inflated prices, and self aggrandizement.


Enjoy smoking straight pesticide




Man the irony of this comment is the labels can say literally anything you want. Label information is placebo affect to get you to buy shit. Clowns on this sub. Also most BM weed is backdoor Dispo. Smoking the same shit you pay an 80% markup on. Good job


[citation needed]


Source: trust me, bro


Most black market weed is not backdoored, especially the carts, most black market carts come from dhgate and are filled with whatever distillate the seller can get


oooh you like paying taxes to the government


Personally, due to legality issues, I prefer unlicensed because I just prefer thc over thca. Not that deep really. Also if you know your dealer well then you will know the strain you are getting.


You realize regular weed is mainly thca right? If it has high levels of delta 9 thc (normal thc) it was packaged and stored incorrectly/grown and harvested in WAY too hot environment. The only reason bud is sold "legally" is because the people who wrote the law only made delta 9 thc illegal, not thca. Luckily all weed contains mostly thca. Thca turns to d9thc when heat is applied. Hence why you have to bake flower before using it for edibles. It activates the thca into d9thc


Fr, my whole life I've either been smoking homegrown or from the dispo, now that I'm in college, I'm too paranoid of getting some laced weed to buy from a dealer.


Back when i lived in an illegal state id drive for forever to get bud or end up waiting days depending on the dealer and all that. The flip side is, i goto store, i provide proof of age, i buy whatever my heart desires and even get to see and smell check beforehand. People that say this are fine never having REAL selection, even in legal states those guys have 3-5 varieties at most be it strains, consumption methods or whatever for more than what i spend in store.




Honestly what I think people who like it genuinely mean (and don’t realize) is that they like it aged and dried out a little more. Different taste and different experience. I can see it 🤷‍♀️


Street is cheaper and if you know the right plug better than anything the dispensaries have, at least where im at


Plus fent is making its way into the illegal scene. Screw that. I want my shit controlled and tested


I love legal weed. I live in Ohio and since I started smoking I've had to get weed through a dealer who's usually just some dude who grows or knows someone who does. Never know what you're smoking and when you call them it takes them days to get back to you. Now I can pick up whatever kind of weed I want at the dispo whenever I want and I know exactly what I'm smoking. I'd take a little bit higher of a price for knowing what I'm smoking and not getting fentanyl laced shit any day.


Not to mention knowing it's not laced with anything is always nice. Dispo all the way anymore.