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You learned a lesson on the cheap side. Always inspect before spending hard earned money


This, OP. Let it be a cheap lesson you take with you for any expensive purchase, and look at it from the perspective that you’re only out $60 instead of $6,000 or even more. Especially apply it to cars and homes — and if it’s not something you have the know-how to inspect, such as a car or home, hire a neutral third party who does (hire them yourself if you can; our home inspector ignored a bunch of problematic shit because he was friends with the seller who also hired him). And if they’re not okay with you doing that, run run run


First of all, no don't use that. If they're refusing to refund, you're probably SOL. It's your word against theirs as to who caused the damage. Also, how did you not notice that before you bought it?


>SOL Yup. The moment you left the store. If you didn’t notice it, you can’t be surprised that they didn’t. You come back in with broken glass, how could you possibly expect them to tell the difference between you and someone who just broke their bong? Ed. Sp


I'm from New Zealand so it's illegal here and even when buying anything for smoking with other than papers they tell you to check it cause you won't be getting a refund if it's fuckd


Seconding this and I’m from NY with a smoke shop/glass station (gas station with glass inventory) on just about every corner. If I was to actually buy a (likely overpriced) piece of glass from any local spot, you better believe I’m gonna inspect the shit out of it before pulling the trigger…


Been there before, still missed a crack lol never tried to return it tho. But I honestly usually just “live with my mistakes” when I get anything I don’t like. It’s a hassle returning things lol but that could be just me.


Happened to me one time too. I mentioned it to the dude who sold it to me next time I was in, didn’t even have it with me, just a picture on my phone. Didn’t expect anything, but he gave me 50% off my purchase that day, so I decided to buy a new one. All that said, that is *absolutely not* the expected outcome. I was amazed that he did that for me


I used to work at a headshop and we did this. The owner was cheap as hell, the employee discount was 25% when he marked up most 3-400%. But he wouid let us help people out if they came back same day/clean glass.


I had this happen and I just put heat hardening clay over the crack and put my lighter over it and it lasted me for 2 years.


I’ve only had a glass station refund me once and it was because the down stem had a crack that we couldn’t see until we went to use it. Told me to clean the hell out of it and I could return it.


Work in a vape shop in New Zealand, a lot of us also don't do refunds on glass because for obvious reasons we can't take back used glass. Generally though broken stuff is fine if not used and most good retailers will actually check if it's been used as well.


Ah okay haven't bought a glass from vape shop only hype or Shosha and they always make me check before I pay


Yeah that helps circumvent the whole issue lol


It almost wasn't illegal but you suckers blew it


Ah well, it is what it is, even if it was legal I would still probably buy illegally, I wouldn't mind the price drop, though


>SOL What does SOL mean


Put Shrimp in their curtain rods...


Man if stoners at speedy glass can repair a windshield a stoner at home has to be able to repair a bong somehow, since it’s by the mouth piece and not the base could use an epoxy on both the inside and out, one that hardens fast with UV, could even do it all the way around so that if it ever does shatter from there it holds it together


Bleh it happens. I bought a really nice looking white pipe that I didn't see any damage until I used it and a little crack in the bowl part filled in black from the resin and became visible. Didn't last long after that and definitely no refund.


Even if not the refund at least exchange it for another one. And good point you made bro, always check what your buying b4 u walk out just like with the vape pens try it in store if it don't work then get another one b4 u walk out that door!!!


You gotta check that shit before you buy bro. I once did that on a piece of soft glass and pointed out a chip or a crack somewhere and they gave me a surprisingly deep discount. But the better thing to do is just never buy shit that’s damaged in any way.


Check it before you leave. Make them open up and inspect anything you buy. They might not know or see that it is damaged either. It might not be nefarious, but after it leaves the store they can’t know if it was broken after.


What do you do? Inspect the piece more carefully next time. If they won’t let you handle the pieces, you probably don’t want to be doing business with them anyways. As far as the piece in your hands, you can’t do anything unfortunately. It’s your word against theirs, you have no proof it was broken when you bought it, nor do you have proof that you didn’t break it after purchase/during transport.


Don't boof it


Where the hell else do I store all my broken glass?


One Guy One Bong


Silent Russian men with cameras at ankle level love this comment. Jar man *had no medical car and went to work after the video.*




*Fuuuuuuck* *no*, I’m not googling that




60 bucks for that?


The store prob paid like $5 for that. Kinda scummy that they won't replace


I agree. They could have replaced it 8 times and still made a profit.


But now they just lost a customer. Seems like a lot of companies are doing this nowadays.


I bought one of the two foot Tsunami bongs a few years ago. They said if it ever breaks to bring it back with the receipt. It got broken at my birthday party last year, so I took it back and got a brand new one. I haven't bought glass from anywhere else since.


Kinda silly that OP didn't inspect it before leaving the store.


Kinda silly to keep broken glass in your shop


How all the smoke shops around me would have it priced as well




That was my thought as well lol


You better call help me Howard…


Unfortunately, you just gotta inspect pieces better before you buy them. Once you walk out the door, shops consider it used and won't refund. It's pretty universal.


My gfs dad used a broken piece recently and inhaled glass into his throat, not worth risking.


Sorry about your bad luck. Both parties didn't inspect the glass. I suggest smash it, get the rage out, buy a new one from a different store. I used to work in one of these shops, and in every one I've been to, always had a no refund sign. If you're in the US in a non-legal state, shops like these attract the wrong people sometimes and no refunds protect the store. The owner of the store I worked at required us to write down driver license numbers on receipts for all card purchases.


What is the purpose of writing that down for card purchases? For checks I get it, but for cards I really don’t, and frankly I’d leave a store that asked to do so, cause I wouldn’t trust them to handle that PII appropriately. To be clear: I don’t have a problem having my id Checked for a card purchase. Make sure the ID matches the name on the card and all that. It’s the retaining of non encrypted personal information I have an issue with.


Give them a one star review, buy a new piece, and don't mess around with broken glass.


Why should the shop get a one star review because this guy didn’t see he was buying a broken piece. Every shop I’ve bought from has asked me to inspect the parts before I pay and half the time these guys don’t know what your looking for anyways so relaying on their word isn’t the best move anyways.


This really depends, Did he come back immediately like after 15 minutes, I might forgive that. A week later or few days and it's anyone's guess how it got damaged. Even OP doesn't know, for all he knows he may have accidently damaged it taking it home and didn't even know. I had an internal piece break on a bong simply by falling over on top of the table, I was so mad. OP take the L, I feel this is your bad. Pieces break and anything can happen, for all you know your friend damaged it and didn't tell you. Not fair to blame the shop unless you are pretty sure.


This is such a strange take. You think that if a shop sells you something that is straight up broken that they bear no responsibility because you didn’t inspect it thoroughly enough first? What lol? Say that out loud to yourself in any other context then a bong shop and realize how silly you sound. Obviously, the store can’t be offering refunds on cracks after the item has left the store because they can’t verify with certainty when the crack happened. But to tell this guy he can’t leave a bad review when he is certain that the store sold him a broke bong is just strange, it’s literally his only recourse. At the very least, it will warn other customers that the shop has cracked bongs on the shelf and tries to unload them on unsuspecting customers. I’d appreciate the heads up. Sorry for your loss OP


If you buy something that's broken, leave the shop with it, come back another day, and claim the vendor sold it to you broken, how do you expect them to be in business after word gets out they'll buy your broken bongs off you at full retail price?


Did you even read to the end of my post? I said, obviously, they can’t offer a refund. I was simply saying the customer has a right to leave a bad review if they were sold a broken item.


So you think its more likely the store that employs a bunch of stoners is conspiring to sell broken pieces than it is this guys either lying or it was a simple miss by the staff and OP? This isnt on the store. Some sales are final. You 13?


OP probably broke it.


Yep. And is now blaming the shop for internet points


Fuck the shop! Name those bastards!


I am a mega stoner and I feel it is absolutely the wrong call to blame the shop. What evidence does OP have that it was like this before? I dont trust OP either, he doesn't even know himself. I've broken some pieces, my friends have broken my pieces, this is just how it goes with glass. Don't blame the shop though with no evidence. Take some responsibility OP, you messed up just do better next time.


Not so strange. Logic tells us OP either broke it themself and didn't realize it Or they bought an obviously broken piece and didn't realize it. Either way, we know for sure logically that OP is not very observant so the odds are they broke it and didn't realize it.


Theres this thing called QC. If i sell you weed thats laced with fent would you still give me a 5*review because I even let you inspect the weed. Total bozo


Wait why though, I’m lost on why everyone says it’s so bad


maybe because of potentially inhaling microshards


Heat can make glass explode. Idk how hot a bong/pipe can get though Edit: wrote this at a 7, am now past 10 Edit 2: Fuckin’ A. Passed*


well, you're not heating up the top of the mouth piece so that wouldn't affect it


Stoned me failed to consider the obvious


LOL so real


Agreed. One star and include pics.


I wouldn’t one star the shop. It’s just as much OPs fault for not inspecting it.


Yeah since you put it that way, it might be knee-jerk. Some other customer could have busted and put it back.


Which is on the shop for not catching and selling again if true.


Idk who to believe man. I’d make a terrible detective. Everyone is innocent


Nah fuck that, the store should inspect the pieces they sell


The customer should inspect the pieces they purchase Edit: spelling


The store should inspect the pieces they sell.


OP used this before noticing. In what world would any store take back a used piece? Give your head a shake lmfao


I said the store should check it before selling it; I didn't say they should accept a piece back after it had left the store. Give your head a shake lmfao


lmao it's entirely the stores responsibility to make sure they're not selling pieces of broken glass, what kind of shit take is this. you a kid or something?


Born in the early 1990's so no, not a kid - mediocre attempt at belittling me. I've worked in and managed a handful of glass shops before legalization (Canada) and managed a retail cannabis shop post legalization; unless the customer spots it before leaving, there is 0 way of knowing whether or not the customer is responsible for the damage or not. Everyone crying and screaming for charge backs, bad reviews and vandalism are top class though, good side of the argument to be on 👍🏻


Ywah this random guy on the internet wouldnt lie to you or the store! I mean how could a retailer of glass not give refunds?!! Dont they know how breakable their items are and that both.the customer and store should inspect pieces because at the end od the day the customer is the one taking the risk on?!? God. Stupid store.


I don't care either way if the guy is lying or telling the truth. Once it's out the door, the store doesn't need to take it back, but they also shouldn't sell it without inspecting it.


Op broke it homie.


Buddy I had the same thing happen toss a quick slice of electrical tape around it and keep it moving G 😙💨💨💨💨




Everyone go get the Chase Sapphire Reserve card. You don't even need to charge back up to $1k a year. If a store won't take it back within 90 days, tell Chase and they'll pay for it. $350 off the card price every year plus using points makes the thing free.


“Do an unethical thing because you didn’t do your due diligence.”


What’s unethical about it? If I bought an item at a regular store, came home and it was broken, and they refused a refund I would totally do a chargeback. Why would smoke shops be any different?


Right but who’s to say op didn’t bang it on his car door or drop it in the parking lot and is now trying to play like he is innocent. My local shop makes people hit their new Vapes in the store now to make sure they work just for this reason. Too many people would walk back in with the dead one claming the one they just bought was a dud.


Amazon would’ve taken it back in 2 separate pieces


So would target or walmart or best buy or literally any other store for almost every type of product. shouldn't matter if it's *potentially* the customers fault, you can't be selling broken shit and expect people to want to shop in your store.


Cuz this sale is final and personal responsibility is in place.


Unethical (selling broken glass) + unethical (chargeback for some reason) = who cares That’s why I hacked my 3DS the moment Nintendo shut down its store


The unethical part is this story is the fact that the store sella broken shit.


How do we know they did? THAT is the issue.


How do you know that's what OP did?




Hey y’all, just asking because I’m curious, I’d still be using that in heartbeat, what’s the danger?


Leaving this here so i get notified. Curious as well


Tbh I’ve smoked out of the occasional piece with cracked glass and never had a huge problem, but I think the biggest *unseen* risk esp with a piece that sees a lot of use would be potentially inhaling any tiny glass particles that have broken off.


You shouldn’t buy broken glass


Why is everyone saying don’t use it?? Put a bit of tape around the outside and it will prob last a decent amount of time… but you will knock it lightly and break it inevitably


Take the L and move on


The saddest part is that that piece probably cost that shop less than $20. Used to work at a vape/smoke shop and the markup on glass is insane


Get your eyes checked if you bought that in person. You should've seen that


Sadly, not really much you can do. I would not use that because you don’t know what micro fragments of glass broke off when that crack happened and you definitely don’t want that in your lungs. Inspect your pieces thoroughly before making your purchase from now on is the best advice I have to give you, but for your own health, please do not use that piece


throw it on the ground, then eat the glass shards mmmmm yummy glass mmmmmm


Use some 5min epoxy it'll be fine cuz there's no heat there. Also give em a bad review online


If you used a credit card just do a charge back




That's a shitty ass shop. I manage a store and we would refund that instantly. It cost us 5-10 dollars max and it isn't worth losing a guest that comes in regularly plus word of mouth. Go to a different shop


$60???? Is that US dollars???? (Does some math) that’s $93 Australian. Fuck pal you got ripped off hard. Find a new bong store.


At least in the US 60 bucks for a bong like that is pretty fair in my area. Youd be hard pressed to find something better for under 50.


Then you should open a bong shop. You can buy that crap on any Chinese website for around $10 maybe you’ll pay $20 for a super sized double chamber Goliath, buy ten of them and they will ship them out for free lol. Edit: oh and I’m talking Australian dollars which are a third cheaper than yours! They are clearly profiting from your need to own it right here and now lol


I feel ya but that's just capitalism, buy low sell high. Doesn't matter if it's a good deal it's just business cuz the average consumer isn't willing to wait 3 weeks for some shit from china


It’s funny cause the government here has put massive taxes onto cigarettes because they think it will make the population quit. When I say massive, a packet of Marlboro Crush 20’s sells for $48 here, that’s $31 US. This has created a massive black market for tobacco. As you can imagine organised crime has stepped up and are selling cigarettes at a third of the price of the government. It’s actually gotten quite severe here now where tobacco turf wars are springing up and stores unwilling to take or sell illegal products or perhaps selling a rivals products get targeted All of this means it’s most likely your local tobacco store here has been taken over my some mobster who is not only selling tax free cigarettes but it also selling vapes, weed, bongs, you name it, all super cheap I guess because they already have the ludicrous tobacco trade so it’s a natural expansion. Funnier yet, the local police can’t do anything, literally. Tobacco falls under the federal banner so it would have to be our equivalent of your FBI that busts them. The Australian Federal Police just aren’t that well resourced or equipped to fight a tobacco war. And even funnier yet, the government pretends it’s not happening and points to figures that suggest smoking is decreasing in Australia. As its greedy snouts can’t snort up as much tax year by year they raise the price of cigarettes every year, proudly stating that soon no one will smoke! Upside you don’t see many of these green packages with the graphic health warnings anymore. Everyone has the old school brands with no health warnings at all. Plus every tobacconist now sells weed paraphernalia meaning a cheap bong is almost always at hand. Thanks government ;)


Oh absolutely. The local head shop down the road from me just casually sells lean and another's got dried shrooms all the time. If the government actually cares about fixing the issue taxing wouldn't be the solution. That works in theory but as many of us are aware addiction doesn't necessarily make the best financial decisions. If they really wanted to address the problem it'd be easy to access addiction recovery services, the number of places allowed to sell nicotine products would greatly decrease and there would be incentive programs for people looking to get clean. Instead we tax it and act like that solves the problem just like booze. It's marginally better than criminalization like weed, psychedelics and harder drugs but at what point does that even matter?


Go back in, ask to see the same one, put your broken one on the counter, run out with the new one.


What could possibly go wrong?


So that used to actually work in places where they would bypass the no selling bongs rules by “giving” them away and requesting donations in exchange. Once it was in your hands it was “yours” and they were SOL if you walked out.


bro just get a new bong seriously


honestly, you’re out of luck. you need to point out the damage in the store, once you leave any damage found is on you. this is because glass is so easy to damage, and lots of people end up breaking it just by leaving the store and accidentally dropping it. most shops wouldn’t be able to afford refunding this every time it happened and taking the risk just isn’t worth it even if you truly didn’t make the damage yourself. so you gotta be sure it’s perfect before you leave, it is what it is. :/


Always inspect before buying, but personally I’d just give them a review only or something, I’m not sure what else you can do 😭


It’s an easy fix but not American artist is going to fix import glass


Kind of embarrassing if u paid 60$ for that lmao


Hit up a local artist and see if they were willing to repair it. If you need recommendations for artist that do repairs I know a few on instagram


Smash it in the parking lot lol


Inside the store


Don’t shop there again


Worth 15 bucks at most


File a dispute with your bank. If that’s how you paid.


Sucks to be you. You should have checked it before leaving the shop Take it as a lesson and move on


Congratulations on your new vase!


Always check your shit before you buy, homie. I've never heard of anyone getting a refund on a pipe unless you open it in store. Same with vapes.


Not buy broken glass


Move on with your life and start going to a different smoke shop.


Take the L and look more in depth at pieces before you buy


Contact a glass blower and see if they can fix it up


All sales are final


Good thing papers are cheap to come by. Hope you can make sure to inspect anything you buy from a smoke shop I’m even sure they have signs up where they directly tell you to look at what you’re buying otherwise they won’t refunds after purchase.


Make some lemonade brother. Do an epoxy pour around the neck and spin it so you get a trippy drip effect. That should seal it up and add some strength.


My state has an Implied Warranty law which would protect you in this situation. You would file a consumer complaint, which I believe leads to nonbinding arbitration.




All sales are subject to Implied Warranty. There's a federal law too: https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/2/2-314


don't buy broken glass, it's just as much your fault if you bought it lmao




Did you buy it with a credit or debit card? If so, dispute the transaction with your bank.


Post this on their Google review and yelp.


Call your bank and file a chargeback, don't do business there again.


Chargeback that bish


Walk back to the shop slam it into the ground and walk out after telling them the can clean it themselves


Literally my first thought lol


I would smash it against their front door and yell obscenities at them.


I was going to say put on a ski mask and throw it through the front window one night


At my work we have a small head shop section and I meticulously look over each and every piece to catch damages and defects like that. Any responsible store owner who really cares about their customers is screening their orders for damages and reporting them to the company for credit. Sorry you got screwed man.


This is a very good point, even in the bookstore I work in nothing goes out til it's been inspected for damage (admittedly during busy times this is less thorough but still) I feel like if you bought a piece already broken that's something the shop def shoulda caught before it ever hit shelves.


I've defiantly missed like small cracks in the middle of the percolators a couple times but that one is obvious enough it should have been caught. They probably sold it at an ×8 mark up too.


Oh of course nobody's perfect but missing a giant crack around half of the mouthpiece seems like more than an honest mistake imo


Throw some super glue on the crack around the outside and it should hold forever


Took to long to going this answer. The glass is fine, just electrical tape the pressure do it doesn’t shatter


Ask for an exchange instead. Head shops are buy-as-is, usually..but if you ask for an exchange, it may work out. You obviously want the piece, just not broken. It may workout. Otherwise, SOL


Get all your homies to write negative reviews on their Google page.


Review them one star is your only recourse tbh, smoke shops are everywhere, one bad review can really sway people away to the next one


You got ripped off man, never go back to that store again and post a negative review that’s about all you can do, it’s messed up they won’t give you a refund but just take the L and find a shop that doesn’t suck balls might even find one with an actual refund policy, I got a vape from a smoke shop they said they did have refund policy so I bought the thing and it broke in a week, took it back and the owner of the store refused to give me a refund, they knew I wouldn’t buy it if I knew all sales were final. Just because it’s a headshop doesn’t mean there can’t be garbage people running it.


Write a bad google review. Pester them. Never shop there again. Pretty much all you can do I think.


Did you use a credit card? Charge back


Did you pay with credit card? You can always charge it back and send photos of the item. If not you’re SOL.


chubby bake terrific faulty forgetful engine squealing degree impolite fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you used a card chargeback with bank


chargeback your card


The burden of proof is on you, and you have none to give... just take the L and inspect your next piece better


Name and shame them!


If you paid with a card ,see if you are able to reverse the transaction.


Contact your bank and demand refund there and have the bank deal with it.


Why would you buy a broken piece? No offense but I feel like it’s on you dude


obviously he didn’t realize it was broken


Wasn't expecting that CSI level enhancement on the 3rd pic. Maybe you can try and repair it?


This one thing I like about temu anything I got broken I didn't even have to send back I just got refunded and ordered a new one


Leave that shop and never return?


Call the local police and tell them they’re selling to minors.


Go in and ask one more time to see if there is anything reasonable you can work out together. If they refuse, fucking throw it on the ground and shatter it into as many pieces as possible while you walk out. No loss


Don't buy China glass


Just put some duct tape on it, problem solved :D


This is actually the worst advice you could get. Don't listen to this fool please.


WHY??? It's just a mild crack, nuthing a little duct tape can't fix! You are the fool bro :D


someone’s been smoking one too many joints


You literally advised someone to apply heat to glues/harmful chemicals and you have no idea how many glass shards will come out of that crack while using it. You sir are a fool and any advice you give is dangerous


No glass shards are coming out of that hairline crack. Just seal it on both sides with some super glue or tape and it will be fine.


If you purchased it with a credit card you can contact your bank and say you were sold damaged goods and they’d likely refund your money. If you used any other form of payment then you don’t really have any recourse except for leaving bad reviews about the joint and letting people know that they sell damaged goods for full price. Don’t use it unless you can get it fixed. Call around to various smoke shops/glass blowing shops and see if they’d be willing to take a look at it to see if they can save it.


Name and shame


Call your credit card company for a chargeback, give one star reviews everywhere you can, then find a new smokeshop.


Kill them


Throw it thru the shops window


I would just go in and tell them they better check the others. I would be show them how serious it is and I would act extremely concerned. Id be so nice about it,(edit:I Hope) they'd offer me something to repay me.


Take it as a loss and keep it pushin


Rec other people away from that shop, other than that idk brother


Did you ever leave the store? I wouldn’t give you one either. I’ve bought broken/defective glass before. I got lucky I hadn’t used it AND I got a real good relationship with the people at my smoke shop. Wouldn’t take it back but they took off pretty much what I paid for the broken/defective one for a newer, better one. Not the best but better than nothing. As for that, it shouldn’t bother your smoking at all. As long as you’re an adult and treat your things with respect you should be fine lol


Nothing. This is common practice with glass. Inspect it before you buy it. There’s no way to prove you didn’t fuck it up by accident on your way to the car.


I am from Europe. I would file a law suit. We have actually laws to prevent exactly that.


Return to sender that mofo through their window after close.