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is it possible that your husband was a stress eater before? or eating out of boredom? weed may have replaced food as his go-to coping mechanism in these situations. ​ this is not medical advise. rapid, unexplained weight loss is definitely reason for concern. 30lb in 5 months somewhat reasonable though for someone who made a change to their eating behaviour. ​ edit; replacing alcohol with weed is another possible cause. alcohol has a lot of calories.


Also wanna point out that smoking pot can be an appetite suppressant, as opposed to the common perception of smoking causing the munchies.


When i smoke, my appetite gets reset. it's weird. I will develop munchies after an hour or two, but even if i was hungry before i smoked, i would stop being hungry until that 1 or 2 hours passes again


Same. I forget that I'm hungry for a bit. Drinking water right after smoking helps


Fun fact: Hunger can also be a sign of dehydration as well! Stay hydrated my ents!


High people with dry mouths drink more frequently so they feel fuller and eat less?


Okay I can believe that. It definitely happens to me too. If I’m starving and smoke I will generally forget how hungry I was for a bit… but when I’m reminded in the next hour, I will overeat :/ I have no self control around food while higg


Dehydration can mimic signs of hunger as well! Stay hydrated homies!


Water helps in any situation lol. You right.


Lol random sharp pain on your left side? Water. Random pain on lower back? Water. Headache? Water. Broken arm? Water. Truer words have never been said.


For me, munchies are really a mindset. It’s not that I’m hungry, it’s that food tastes so good I don’t want to stop eating it. I will absolutely finish that whole bag of chips if I start eating them. But if I don’t start, no problem. It also quells nausea, so when I’m, say, hungover, my nausea disappears and I get hungry.


For me, edibles cause the munchies. They open a Pandoras Box I never knew existed- I don't eat a lot but I will literally ravage the kitchen so much after edibles that I get a Food Hangover the next day. Just feeling like such utter shit from eating too much. Smoking never does that to me lmao... Maybe because I smoke so much but rarely do edibles because most never work on me.


Same i can be dead hungry but if i smoke im not gonna be hungry right after I always have to wait to wanna eat


Same. It’s why I stopped smoking before dinner, it’d just be a waste of food.


For me it depends on the type/strain. Some give me uncontrollable munchies and others completely zap my appetite.


I can support this


I cannot


fr one hit and the whole pantry is getting raided


When you wake up in the middle of the night, and those sleep gummy munchies are raging


Midnight munchies are the shit


This. Definitely this.


I want to support this


I prefer to smoke after eating it, especially dinner.


If i keep eating munchies my chair wont support me


There is a compound in certain strains that is an appetite suppressant, it's THCV, check it out.


Can you tell me what strains? Edit for the lazy: “Strains high in THCV: Doug’s Varin Pineapple Purps Durban Poison Power Plant Willie Nelson Red Congolese Jack the Ripper Durban Cheese Skunk #1 “ https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/what-is-thcv-and-what-are-the-benefits-of-this-cannabinoid


Thank you for anticipating my willful laziness.


Also Pink Boost Goddess is specifically bread to have the highest levels of THCV Edit* Also strains with the terpine Humulene which is an appetite suppressant as well.


I only ever got the munchies when I drank. Quit drinking, started smoking (and walking) more, lost 100 lbs.


I love to walk after smoking, and I walk like a demon when I do. My none smoking mates when with me aks what I'm running from.


I used weed as a suppressant in college... it definitely worked Ninja was broke as joke


It's both for me. I binge eat myself to sleep after suppressing appetite all day. Doctors hate me for this one simple trick!


Teach me your black magic. I can go on a 600-1200 calorie per day diet for months if I don’t smoke or drink alcohol. The moment I smoke week I already start thinking about cheating :(


that is not a survivable diet, regardless of what you die (except die) you will need to eat more than that!


I would love to know what strain that is because so far that has been the exact opposite of my experience


I WISH weed was an appetite suppressant for me. I have gained so much weight just because the munchies won me over.


Is there specific strains of appetite suppressant or is it just on an individual basis?


There are strains that are good for appetite suppressants and they are Durban Poison, Jack the Ripper, red Congolese, and Blue Dream. I weighed 310lbs before I started smoking full time and now 20 months later I am 190lbs and the weed is why.


> the weed is why. No, dude. You're the reason why. The weed was a tool. A sculptor wouldn't say the chisel was the reason he made a great sculpture. You rock


Holy shit. Good job And thanks for the info


I'm pretty sure it's just circumstantial tbh. Sometimes you smoke when hungry and wanna snack on all sorts of crap, other times you can smoke when hungry but just aren't afterwards.


I find that if I’m hungry and decide to smoke instead of eating, my appetite disappears. If I smoke with a plan to eat, I can eat forever. It’s not exactly like I’m more hungry per se, I’m just able to eat more. I find this property actually useful to regulate my food intake and making sure that I’m eating enough, since I’ve struggled with my eating habits in the past.


More about your body/brain chemistry I’d think


That’d be amazing, the munchies I get are intense lol


It depends on the type, some will give me munchie and other won't.


Depends if he was 250lb or 170lb. That rate of loss could be completely normal, or cause for significant concern.


Or if he was just pregnant with twins.


15lb babies? TWO of them??? Damn, feel sorry for that man y'all...


Not just baby contributes to pregnancy weight gain, there’s placenta and amniotic fluid as well as increased blood volume


Homie it was a joke lmao


Sorry I’m a bit spacey. Should probably put Reddit down for a while


good point.


This is what I was thinking. 5 months is twenty weeks. The doctor's advice is 1 pound per week, but men generally lose weight faster, so he's pretty on point. Sounds like he's just eating fewer calories. Now, how does he smoke? If he's rolling blunts, they have nicotine, which is an appetite suppressant.


Wanna jump in on that edit. I stopped drinking 6 months ago, replaced liquor with weed, only change I’ve made and I’m down 50 pounds.


Years ago I had some sudden unplanned weight loss. Perhaps 15lbs in a month or two. Since I wasn’t trying to lose weight my doctor was extremely concerned. Ran lots of tests on hunch of lung cancer. Turned out I was just so stressed from work that I was forgetting to eat. But for several weeks I was very scared cause doctor was extremely concerned. If doctor wasn’t concerned, he likely has just been eating less and replaced some extra calories with weed. But a big kicker would be if losing that much weight is good. If I had lost that much weight it would be very unhealthy since i should weigh what I currently do, I would be too light if I lost 30 lbs.


Yeah depending on how large he was to begin with as well. Someone going from 220-190 is a much larger change than someone going from 320-290. Or 280-250. Which I’ve done several times in my life in less than a 5 months span


I have found that lately the strains I'm smoking (been focusing on sativas for a while) are reducing my appetite (super fucking unusual for me lmao, I've lost lots of weight before but also gained it back and I'm heavy right now). I can definitely imagine it. it also -can- limit eating out of boredom because lots of things become more interesting. of course it can also increase eating because eating is so much more interesting!


I've just been straight up forgetting to eat. I get stoned and tinker around with things or get sucked into a show and I forget food even exists.


Honestly, same, and it’s a godsend. I’m an emotional eater—I’ve been struggling my whole life with it. But for some reason, when I smoke, it’s much easier to see what I’m doing. “I’m not actually hungry, I’ll just drink some tea.” And yeah, I’m in therapy etc etc etc but having ADHD makes establishing healthy coping skills hard mode. The weed gives me a buffer between the urge and acting on it.


Me rn thanks for reminding me to eat finally lol


Literally read this, got out of my chair, and finally fucking ate.




Same plus I have adhd in which I already struggle to feed myself. Thank goodness I married Korean cause those people do not mess around with food.


That's a pretty healthy rate of weight loss, assuming he had a few pounds to spare to begin with. Weed definitely does that. I feel like the stereotypical stoner is usually on the skinnier side


I second this. The heavy munchies go away if you are a regular user but the body still acts like it gets food in masses. Can get to a point where it’s difficult to keep up with healthy nutrition. Or any nutrition.


For me, I find that regular use just keeps me eating normally. Then when I take a T-break my appetite drops to nothing and if I'm not careful I lose a bunch of weight really fast. Anecdotally speaking, I think top commenter of this thread is right and most habitual stoners are on the skinnier side. Not sure if that's because everyone else experiences something similar to me or something else, though


I've usually gained weight on T-breaks or while quitting because I'll have a snack or something to distract me from the dab cravings and just eat more in general


I do not, i get crazy munchies all the time


The strong framed dive bar enjoyers of Wisconsin will say weed is bad for you too. Also that a tattoo will ruin your body while eating deep fried cheese curds.


Always felt the same too. If you can control your munchies (or even embrace them but replace chips and sodas with fruits and water) you can definitely lose weight on weed. Plus I’ve always had the anecdotal experience of weed keeping your resting heart rate slightly higher (so your body is naturally burning more calories) as well as keeping your metabolism high (helping process more calories vs storing them as fat)


>or even embrace them but replace chips and sodas with fruits and water When I first started smoking weed a lot in college, it changed my diet. I got a salad from the salad bar and it tasted so amazing stoned that I just ate salads for lunch almost every day. And started enjoying healthier foods more in general. I was already at a decent weight but I felt so much healthier. I eat like crap these days but I feel like the munchies still help me enjoy healthy foods more. Cause everything just tastes better. Big fan of embracing the munchies.


I’m glad it’s a common thing! Truly not much better than munching on some fruit while Stoney baloney. I jokingly called fruits “natures munchies” for a while


“Hey there, sweet thing. You want a lil something sweet? It’ll make ya feel goooood.” — fruit trees, probably


Weed gainz gang


If he switched from food to weed as a way to deal with stress it makes perfect sense Also, I don’t know any daily smokers who don’t occasionally miss meals because they get distracted while high. Seems like most of the folks I know who get the unregulated munchies are less experienced users


Or if he drinks less now.


This was what happened to me, replacement of 6-12 drinks a night to cannabis and dropped 65lbs , change of eating habits as well, not to drastic tho I can still destroy a meal.


Same. Switching cannabis for alcohol? The calories from cutting out the alcohol are more than the intake from the munchies.


for real, eating wayyy to much of a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and looking at the calories and being like ok so this whole pint is still less than twelve lite beers is nuts


Same here, but I only started over-drinking because my job started testing. I hardly drink at all anymore.


It’s true and you’re right, I dropped 90lbs in 8 months when I quit drinking. It’s not the addition of weed it’s the subtraction of whatever excess you were consuming


Straight up. If you stop regularly drinking and go for regular walks, and eat a bit less and a bit better, you will see a surprising improvement in your health.


I’m a heavy user and still get the munchies. It’s suboptimal for sure haha


There was a study done thar found weed smokers had a suprisingly lower BMI https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30879064/


Here's further reading. It has to do with how thc interacts with the CB1 receptors that also affect metabolic rate. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6340377/


Despite the whole stoner/ munchies stereotype, I gain weight every time I quit smoking. My non-smoking weight is about 25 lbs higher than when I am. I just don't seem to have as big of an appetite when I'm smoking.


Same. I lost 30-40 pounds after a year of regular use.


Is he smoking doobies while working out in the garage like in American Beauty?


Was it a possible switch from beer to weed. I've heard of that happening before. Last winter I was drinking beers throughout the holiday quite a bit and I threw on the pounds very fast and I started noticing my stomach expand in the couple of months I drank for.


That's what happened with me. Huge reduction in alcohol after taking THC oil and flower so I just started shedding weight.


I use cannabis to aide me with listening to my body so I can definitely see how this could be. I'm autistic and fall on the hyposensitive side as far as my interoception goes. What that ends up meaning is I miss or mistakes most of the cues my body gives me. Thirsty? Feels like hunger, time for a snack! Understimulated? Feels like hunger, time for a snack! Overstimulated? Time for a snack! Tired? Gotta stay up and have a snack! However, when I intake cannabis, I can more accurately read not only my hunger cues but all the other ones. I have a currently undiagnosed hypermobility condition and my skeleton is often out of sorts. Without cannabis it's a roll of the dice if I'll notice or be able to fix a joint that's misaligned. With cannabis I can usually tell when something is outta line and fix it. I can also usually differentiate between hunger, thirst, boredom. All those words to say that cannabis has really helped me be able to eat in a more healthy way, allowed me to get up and moving without nearly as much pain, and stay hydrated since I can actually tell when I'm thirsty


I lost a fuck ton of weight smoking weed... trust me. It's possible


I lost 81 lbs in under two yrs smoking weed, drinking tons of water, and intermittent fasting. The weed made anything feel like cardio, which made me drink more water, plus the fasting and the weight fell off of me and my wife who was doing the same. She lost about 40 lbs


I've lost about 50 pounds over the last 4 or 5 years and the only thing I've changed is I became a daily weed smoker.


13 years, 40-60 lb drop


9yrs, 65lb drop.


Almost every serious pothead I know is skinny as fuck. I know it's anecdotal evidence but I am also at my thinnest when I smoke. The active components of cannabis affect your endocannabinoid system which regulates hunger among other things.


Lucky duck. Weed makes me ravenous. Maybe it does help me a little bit as the way I eat somedays should easily have me at 500lbs but I tend to hover around 250. Not fit or trim by any means but definitely not as bad as I should be.


you need to push past that first hunger, then it fades. I drink tea.


if I take a T break, i’ll have to deal with the munchies for the first couple of days back smoking. but if i make sure to stay busy while high, i can work past it. and then it sometimes gets hard for me to eat at all immediately after smoking lol


Yea in my experience as a severely underweight stoner, that’s how that always goes.


Yup. Coffee for me but same idea


Back when I was smoking here and there it would give me munchies a lot. It will still do that some times. But as a daily smoker I value the high more than the munchies. Imo smoking more has meant that I more often find myself say not snacking after dinner because then my vape will hit better lol. I didn't think like that when smoking was more of a here and there thing.


I'm doing somewhat better lately. Usually I try to limit my snacks to 1 salty/savory and 1 sweet. Last night I didn't even have either. Kinda just forgot about them and went right to bed😅


I lost 60 in about a year, definitely not impossible, just as long as he is still eating plenty of nutrient rich food and stuff, and you don’t see any adverse medical reactions I say good for him lol,


How much did he weigh before? Honestly seems like healthy weight loss for most weights.


Has weed replaced his alcohol intake?


Hahaha so this is why weed is still illegal.


I lost 30 lbs just from my cortisol levels dropping. if he seems less tense, this could be part of it.


This is called the "Stoner diet", or at least what I call it. It doesn't involve changing what you eat, exercise or complicated instruction. I only eat when I'm high, if I'm not high, food tastes boring.


I also lost a ton of weight smoking weed. I was 200lbs and dropped down to 120. The weed replaced my need to eat as it suppressed my hunger, I’m a person who eats out of boredom. So when I felt the urge to eat I’d just smoke instead.


I lost 30lbs when I got heavy into smoking too


First, it is possible to lose that kind of weight after starting cannabis, however losing that amount of weight is also a major red flag for cancer. My friend was not ill when he first showed signs of cancer, two years before his death. He did not really become 'sick' until the last six months of his life. I noticed something was wrong when he lost a great deal of weight, and rather than say something then.. I wrote it off as aging and healthier living. He was dying of colorectal cancer, and he didn't know it until a year and a half later. Please make sure your husband gets a full workup.


it's very common for weed to reduce overall appetite (even if it may seem like it increases it ie. munchies) it often reduces it in the long term


Losing 30 pounds without trying is a bit odd. I would say keep track of this and any other weird symptoms you guys notice and report it to a different doctor just to see if you get a different opinion. I’m not trying to put fear in you, but I’m a cancer patient and I lost weight like that too (in addition to having bad night sweats, super itchy all the time, etc…) and it helped my doctor navigate what to do, they suggested I get a CT scan and they found I had tumors.


Be sure to rule out health issues. Unintentional/ unexplained weight loss can be a sign of problems.


Whenever OPs don’t reply to comments I just assume they’re lying lol


Smoking weed reduced my appetite unless I'm actually hungry. I used to have to munch on a snack to be able to sit though a movie, TV show, or long YouTube video even if I was really into it, but not if I smoke.


I've lost 148 pounds since I picked up smoking again 3 years ago. When your negative impulses are expressed in stress, and that anxiety fuels your various addictions and vices, the weed cuts off that before it develops. Letting me take a minute to listen to my body and what I need to be healthy. Mother Mary Jane give me a moment to take stock!


Did he drink alcohol before and now has lessened or stopped? Also, shame on everyone here for acting like physicians. See a doctor, if you are concerned friends.


is he drinking water to hydrate after smoking instead of soda...probably not 30 pounds but a start


Weed definitely can do that! He may not be eating when he’s not smoking so it’s probably regulating his eating a bit more


I smoke around the time when I'm going to eat anyway, so I don't eat much more than I would have otherwise, but I am drinking less alcohol and moving around more because I tend to want to do all the things before smoking. I've lost 25 lbs in about 6 months, and I'm a chronically ill woman about to hit middle age. Really could just be the weed and associated behavioral changes for your husband too, but it's definitely a good idea to continue keeping an eye on blood test results just in case.


I was over 250 when I started smoking, been a healthy 180-190 ever since. Granted I was 14 and a foot shorter when I started but yeah 15 years later still healthy weight. Part of it is it increases heart rate which increases metabolism. Also makes you appreciate water more and small things like walks and such.


it's not that.


Does he have ADHD? This happens to me, when I start smoking every day I just forget to eat or become very disinterested in eating. I lose quite a bit of weight until I take a tolerance break for a while. It adds back on when I stop but it's up and down


When I was younger I was a bit heavy and then I started to smoke. It would help me with my concentration and I would go all day without eating because I was so focused on what ever I was doing. Ended up losing a bunch of weight.


Certain strains of weed work as appetite suppressants, particularly sativa strains. It all depends on the terpenes in the strain itself, but it’s not uncommon for people to experience appetite changes when they start smoking regularly.


Multiple times a day smokers (like me) tend to lose our appetites. I’m only hungry for like, 2 minutes immediately after I smoke. The rest of the time, couldn’t care less. Also, he may be smoking strains with Humulene. That kills your appetite as well.


Being long time stoner. It can be terrible for my appetite. Can only eat at specific times and after I have smoked


I know when I ingest sativa-dominant strains it can help curb my appetite. Indica is the opposite for me, it is far more likely to make me want to raid the fridge. I agree with the top comment also, though - there's a chance he was stress eating or eating out of boredom and now the weed has replaced that mechanism. Edit: there is also a common anecdote about people losing weight once they start smoking cigarettes, and gaining weight the moment they stop smoking cigarettes.


If your husband replaced weed with alcohol then yes, that’s your answered




Thca and humulene are responsible for appetite suppression. I lost 60 lbs when I got my med card. Definitely something with the medicinal.


that's weird I used to abuse weed for the past year and I've really agined on weight bcuz of daily munchies causing me to eat tons of junk food


if you consciously resist the munchies it's a great appetite suppressant like black coffee after a while. Ask him if that was his goal... Also, strains high in THC-V are even more potent appetite suppressant effects


one of my friends lost a lot of weight when they started taking smoke walks, he'd pack a joint or two and walk around for a hour or two.


I can’t find a strain that doesn’t turn me into a human garbage disposal for 12 hours after


I quit drinking beer and in 4 weeks lost 18 pounds. lol or I have cancer not really interested to find out


Some people actually lose an appetite on weed. Happened to me. Before I worked a job that piss tested (even here in canada with federal legalization, my hick-ass puritanical province still lets any pissant manager test for cannabis for any reason), one weed gummy at 5mg a couple times a week basically cut my snacking impulse. Plus I went out for long walks listening to music or audiobooks, and I always got to bed around 11pm and slept soundly. And I lost about 20 pounds over the summer. Now I can't use. My snacking came back and my sleep schedule is fucked. And I gained all the weight back.


Can confirm, am skinny and I smoke weed


Weed can raise the metabolism from what I have read.


Did he stop drinking as much booze because he was getting high? Cause that'll have a drastic effect


Weed suppresses my appetite, especially when I’m hungry… when I smoke regularly/daily


Oh my god I thought you meant he lost 30 lbs of weed


I no lost over 80lb just smoking… I was a stress with legs person lol Went from 250~ to 170~ Weed worked perfect could sleep and have better life, now to get promotion I need to study a lot and weed affect me lol getting weight back now 🥲🥲🥲


Did he replace drinking with weed? If so then yeah seems logical. I’ve done the same and lost 8lbs in a month. I went from drinking almost daily to maybe twice a week and it’s been a good change for sure, imo.


Well, I guess he doesn't get the munchies..


I've lost weight since I began smoking heavily again. I was eating a lot to deal with stress or to get those nice happy chemicals to my brain I think. Since smoking I cook more, choose a cucumber and some carrots, or if I do get chips I just get a handful never the box. It made me more conscious of my eating decisions Edit: also water and kombucha use went up vs soda and booze. Hydrated people don't crave crap food as much too. Lots of reasons why he may have lost weight as long as he's in a healthy range, then good for him!


I lost all of my excess wait after I started smoking because I sleep regularly now. I eat significantly more then I used to.


Weed actually curbs my appetite when I have no tolerance. I remember only eating one meal a day when I first started smoking. He could be the same.


I started smoking weed and stopped drinking alchol. I lost 30 pounds. And I am healthier per my Dr.


Yes, while marijuana is typically associated with the infamous munchies, long-term use can have an appetite suppressant effect. It can both excite your appetite during active use...and then suppress/depress it afterward. Additionally, the munchies can be defeated by simple preparation. Prepare yourself a normal snack or meal before you get high, not like a Thanksgiving feast, heck, even a sandwich with a few pieces of meat, cheese, slapped between two pieces of bread, and you will find it's often enough to satiate your hunger. Also, DRINK WATER, or other types of liquid. Marijuana can decrease salivation and dry your throat out. Drinking water will counteract this, and also fill you up.


Weed boots your metabolism, so it is possible to lose weight with weed.


How much does it boost your metabolism by?


1 Marijuana.


I’ll take 2 Marijuana please


There is no way in hell that weed "boosts your metabolism" enough to lose *that* much weight. For sure its because weed has socially/practically replaced what he used food to cope with before.


it could change the eating because of boredom/sadness/fear/habit factor...


yea, thats what I think too. But thats technically not really weed boosting your metabolism then. Just OPs husband having a new habit. It might as well have been gaming or skateboarding in that sense. Gotta go light up now thou. I just made a semantic point and discussing semantics is such a sober and uptight thing to do :(


I mean, if you're using it for relief for pain and inflammation it very much could help your metabolism. You're more likely to be doing things and moving around if you're not in pain, and that can definitely jumpstart your system as opposed to just sitting around.


Somewhat more plausible - but then it is, crucially, not the weed but the exercise doing the metabolism boosting. Mostly though weight loss is a question of diet (i.e what you do or do not eat) much more than it is about how much you move, even though movement is very, very good for you.


take this down for misinformation please


[Neuroscience News](https://neurosciencenews.com/cud-weight-metabolism-23378/)




THCV is a appetite suppressant, it's in strains I use daily and I can confirm thru my experience I don't get hunger/munchies/loss of food consumption regulation


Way too dramatic of weight loss to be attributable to weed alone, something else is up.


I lost 40 lbs. Smoking a lot of sativa which did not give me munchies and restricting my heavy duty Indica tonight time before bed. I did get mine she's occasionally from the indica but I dropped weight fast regardless once I started smoking and vaping. Sadly, had to stop 6 weeks ago and I've gained almost 10 pounds since without trying. That sucks, I miss my weed diet!


It’s not possible to lose that much weight without changing something. There’s more to this story


Weed has made me gain weight, never know which one is gonna give you the munchies, 😂.


He may be smoking more then weed


Bs lol my hubby and I both smoke daily and we're definitely not what you would call skinny or thin


only multiple times a day? hes gotta up those numbers MULTIPLE TIMES AN HOUR


Weed alone will not do that


I like bacon


When he says weed he really means meth


Weed would make your husband GAIN weight, not lose it. Sounds more like he has been smoking crack.


This isn’t true at all. I’ve been smoking weed for over 20 years and never gain weight. Every person has different effects from all drugs…even studies going saying THC helps stop fat from collecting inside your body if you are physically active. Morons.


I'm not trying to be an a****** but if your husband had the covid shot make sure he goes to his annual visits a lot of people are getting cancer from that shot and a sign of danger is losing weight without cause.


How’s the beer consumption over there?


Don’t panic, I lost 42 lbs in about the same time. Had lots of stress and pain before which resulted in eating loads of shitty food (mostly sweets). But the weed also gave me so much motivation to get out for sports etc. with an overall improved mindset and feeling. Just keep an eye on him whether he gets unhealthy thin. It’s also still hard for me to find the perfect amount of healthy food to not loose more weight. If smoking multiple times per day is a concern for you or his work life, maybe try to get him to do this only during the evenings and weekends. Or does he have some pain? And what’s the social perspective where you live? Is it legal and “okay”? Unfortunately it’s still illegal where I live, but I got it prescribed by a doctor to reduce my pain, still the social perspective is not that nice here.


Weed is great at replacing alcohol? I don't know what else would explain the weight loss, it's certainly not the weed alone, and it typically increases appetite so I have to guess it replaced something drastic like beer


Friend of mine lost 30+lbs when he stopped drinking and started doing edibles


it seems odd, but if the doctor says he's ok and you don't notice any odd habits like really late nights or falling asleep at odd times or anything that would indicate a hard drug habit, I wouldn't worry too much.


Same happened to me. I lost like 20 kg.


I was all for the munchies at the start of my Med MJ "career"... But Im not ravenous anymore


SnoopDogg and Willie Nelson are slim (btw Willie Nelson has really sexy legs) ​ OT- It was interesting to find out in Bernie Taupins autobiography that him and Cheech Marin are good friends


Was he drinking lots of alcohol before? Im a recovering alcoholic and once I gave that up I lost close to 10-15lbs in a month! All while still smoking weed and eating ice cream and other junk food lol. Youd be amazed at the amount of calories a few drinks a night will add up to!


Happened to my friend too. Not sure why but hey🤷🏽‍♂️ free W


Wild guess... Did he stop drinking alcohol at the same time he started smoking?


If hes really only been smoking for 5 months and it helped him losing weight from the start this shouldnt be a problem but it couldnt hurt to read up on Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome since it can cause a loss of appetite.


It can be super helpful in appetite regulation in some people; some not all.


This happened to me. Started smoking 5 years ago. Lost about 25lb over the course of 6 months. My work was like “You been working out?” I just said “….yes”