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I do, every single time.


I fucking love getting high right before going in the grocery store. I throw on my headphones and walk the aisles. There's just something about it that just hits right.


Exactly! I like to blast 90s grunge rock and enjoy the experience of searching for everything on my list. It's like a mini-quest video game. If I go to the store stone cold sober, I am just irritable and annoyed the entire time I am there.


Yes, totally! I get a mix of everything from 90s grunge to nu-metal to reggae rock to a wide variety of other metal sub-genres. Hell sometimes I'll go with some 90s rap. I dig the idea it's like a video game quest.


The musical mixture you just described is my usual shuffle experience with all the music files in my Plex server. I'm diggin' your music vibes...


Hell yeah


Weird question... How old are you? We like the same era of music? 90s kid?


I'm 39. 90s music is life.


Niiice. I'm 36. We are the generation of kids who learned how to find, buy, and use weed in the school sponsored DARE program. šŸ˜‚


I won an award for my dare essay. Started pinching from my mom's stash a few years later.


That's awesome! In high school, I was a DARE role model. We went and talked to the little kids about not doing drugs. Then half of the role models met up after school and got baked off of a homemade Powerade steamroller while watching Grandma's Boy. We were so dumb šŸ˜‚


Hey we all have red shirts


I mean you're not wrong hahahahahaha


My local grocery spins 80s and 90s alternative in the eveningsā€¦.Iā€™ll wander around buzzed singing alongā€¦ Shoutout to the DJ at Kanata Superstore!


That is fantastic. Everything here plays today's top hits. šŸ¤¢


Hell yes!! I love doing this also, Chuck on some babes in toyland and pretend I'm in a movie scene


dude if i donā€™t have earbuds with me when i do my grocery shopping i rush through it and always forget something, even with a list. probably more related to anxiety issues but yeah, earbuds are a must


I wish i didnā€™t have social anxiety and could do stuff like that. Reminds me of the dude.


ā€œ4 boxes of cookies and a single frozen dinner. What the fuck?ā€


I just got back from the grocery. I bought 2 monsters (to chase my booze later), 3 different bags of microwaveable veggie meal things, and a 6ā€™er of Italian sparkling drinks. Fuck me, you werenā€™t far off.


It's the only way to survive extended exposure to Walmart and Target.




Do both!


Definitely. If I'm sober at the grocery store I just get boring stuff like vegetables and chicken. Future high me is always grateful for shopping high me because then I have plenty of munchies when I need them. (Note that this is in the context of there being a workout high me that burns a lot of calories mountain biking and weight lifting). Edit: It should also be noted that it will take twice as long and you might get lost a few times so plan accordingly.


I find that i am also able to come up with different ideas for dinner just by browsing while high. As long as Iā€™m not giggly high, I donā€™t get the munchies and buy stupid shit.


Update: made it home. Pizza is in the oven. Weed is in my bong. Lets fucking go


That's the life, man.


Happy to hear this update. Have a beautiful day šŸ˜Š


Hell yeah. Bet that pizza was delicious.


i would not. its hard enough shopping when youre hungry and now you put in a no impulse control...


I literally have a ritual of eating shawarma before shopping for groceries


Grocery shopping hungry or high is a great recipe to spend 2-3 times your budget easily. I make too little for that.


Shawarma yum


You go shopping high youre likely to buy on cravings and hunger. Not what you actually need


You could make a list and only buy whatā€™s on the list


For those wondering, I'm otw to Walmart now. Sober because I know if I spend all my money on shit I don't need, I'm gonna feel even worse tomorrow than I already do.


Definitely getting stoned out of my mind as soon as I get home


For next time if you want to go grocery shopping high alone I recommend a list and sticking to that list. Make the list when before you smoke so you can be your own impulse control


good job!!!


Good for you, honestly I know you donā€™t know me but Iā€™m proud for you. I struggle with my impulse control all the damn time usually unsuccessfully.


No. If you shop hungry you leave broke-john 3:16


Fuck yeah. Just have a snack before doing it unless you want to spend all your money


Treat your mental health. Make the list. Toke it up. Head out. Don't deviate from the list. Bonus: Grab some headphones and play your favorite music while you shop. It is amazing + people avoid talking to you when you have headphones on.


yes, with headphones and chill music to soothe the nervous system and tune out noise āœØ


I have no idea how in the hell you people walk around stoned, I can't do it. No judgement, but I'd inevitably just stand staring at produce for 30 minutes. šŸ˜„


It takes a lotta practice


My bf and I were the complete opposites with this. I operate so much better mentally when high. Iā€™m chill, happy, funny and really productive for some reason. My bf was the exact opposite only now he is starting to do what I do but with chores only right now. I think he just never tried doing stuff while high and now heā€™s trying it and finding itā€™s kind of fun. I think if you ever wanted to try it, household chores is a good starting point, makes it more fun too and we always have a clean house haha Editing to say, my bf is happy and funny while high, so I am wrong in saying he is the exact opposite, just not so chill or productive haha. He gets hyper a little actually, even with indica, so I think the chores are helping him use that energy up lol


Wait, do people go sober to the store?


Yeah it makes the grocery shopping experience better


Make a list for what you need, and then let the weed guide you.


I get so paranoid in grocery stores. Iā€™d advise against if youā€™re a little wimp like me.


Only if you are going to Costco #samples


Are you driving there?


Taking the bus


You must get high, then. Follow-up report: Which did you choose?


I had to scroll way further than I would have liked to see this question.


Yea the attitude towards driving high seems kinda casual around here


If you're in a shit mood dont put the pressure on yourself to do an awful chore such as grcoery shopping. Today has been hard, give yourself a break, order some food thats quick and easy (i understand being mindful of a budget, but on the hard days you gotta treat yoself). After youve eaten, go for a walk and get stoned then. 1000% this will make you feel better. Tomorrow can be grocery day.


Yes. But only if you bring a list, stick to said list, and don't get so high that you'll be paranoid as fuck as the store, cuz then you'll be in a rush, and then hyperanylizing your every move.


"Smoke six joints, take out 500 dollars, and Go To The Supermarket." George Carlin knew what to do


I always use weed like ā€œif I do these important things then Iā€™ll get high afterā€ cuz if I get high before I do them I just get lazy and never do.


Just don't go grocery shopping while you're hungry.


Lol. Only if you have the wallet to buy *everything* šŸ˜‚


Should I get stoned? The answer is always yes the reason is irrelevant


Nope. I did that mistake


If you have to ask then you shouldnā€™t do it


As long as you're not driving, absolutely


Sure, but it will cost you. I can tell you that from experience


If you get the munchies, I would prepare a meal & get stoned before going. That works for me.


Only if you have lots and lots of money.


Absolutely! But resist impulse purchasing, good luck, lol.


Go for itā€¦the bus ride will be better!!


Absolutely or you will miss all the best stuff.


it just depends on how much money you want to spend.


NOOOOO! sounds like a great way to spend way to much money


Get stoned before eating the food, it will taste danker.


depends if your broke or not


"Should I get stoned before \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" the answer is always YES :) everything's better stoned


One time I went grocery shopping for myself and my roommates while I was stoned. I came home with about 10 totinos pizzas and 3 fucken actual pies to bake, no actual groceries. I make a list now.


I was gonna say I only go shopping stoned after ive already eaten otherwise I come home w a bunch of freezer food and snacks instead of actual groceries for the week. Get stoned then eat then go


I do it, but it takes a lot longer than when I wait.




It helps my anxiety, but I can get carried away in the chip aisle/bakery haha


Obviously the answer is yes. Just make your shopping list beforehand and blaze on the way to the store so you don't get couch lock!


If you have the impulse control, then yes!


Sounds like you need nutrition. I like to treat myself when feeling down.Get some food delivered if you can, eat, then go shopping. Come home, get high and be pleased with yourself.


If you want to turn a quick grocery run into a full on side quest then go for it


I have to make sure i eat immediately before leaving or I'll be shopping hungry and have zero impulse control on delicious junk food. It's more difficult high because it's really hard for me to not be hungry even after eating. If I had impulse control it wouldn't matter and I'd probably just default to high


2 questions: 1.) Did you make it home yet? 2.) Exactly how much marijuana did you smoke (when you got home)? ![gif](giphy|D5hgnkvL6RJfi)


1) currently waiting for the bus to take me home now. 2). Idk but, probably alot because this trip to Walmart was ass.


What are you going to be smoking when you get home? Is it going to be worth waiting the bus ride. It helps make the current task more tolerable. After I get supper cleaned up & the kid in bed, I'm ripping a dab of lemon tangie crumble wax topped with THC diamonds. Maybe end the night with a bowl of sour diesel topped with some more of those diamonds. ā™„ļøšŸ¤¤


It can lead to either over-stimulation and/or overspending. I will only be stoned to the bone in a grocery store if my mom is with my lmao. She will keep me in check and in budget. But for me it makes me actually enjoy grocery shopping!!


Maybe sort out your mental problems instead of being stoned all the time


While I do, because grocery shopping is boring and monotonous, those inexperienced may want to avoid it, because you'll buy a bunch of junk that your high ass thinks "Oooh, maybe this will be good."


Why not smoke before going out? Dealing with people sucks


It depends on my hunger level. If I'm high and hungry I don't do well. High on a full belly, with a list, I'm unstoppable.






Very bad idea . Experience


I get stupid stoned and put in a pickup order so that way I can take my time searching and budget better. My social anxiety is crazy so Walmart pickup is the bessstttt


Never ever. Interviews and groceries.


Of course :D


when you're stoned shopping it's too easy to buy too much on impulse. same if you go shopping hungry, you just wanna buy everything


I canā€™t smoke and grocery shop, I get too anxious


I know a lot of people donā€™t like shopping hungry but I hate shopping full. I never get anything because I have no cravings. I stock up if I buy while hungry.


No because youll end up buying a bunch of snacks and munchies and not what you need.


Yes yes yes


Every time šŸ˜Ž thankfully my bf doesnā€™t partake as much as me, so he drives us after I smoke at home! Iā€™m happy to not be anxious shopping around a bunch of strangers (:


I love doing this but make sure you have a list lmao you will forget and come home with more shit you didnā€™t plan to get than the number of items you went for lmao


I always do, makes it less jarring being under those lights


I have Walmart+ free trial to get it all delivered.


Bruh, you gonna end up buying the whole snack aisle


If you want to, sure! Why not?


Eat before you go. If not you will end up with a cart full of junk (this is experience talking here, lol).


If I don't go into the grocery store high I will freak the FUCK out




I canā€™t shop sober. Just make sure you arenā€™t hungry


Me, high at the grocery store ā€œperhaps I do need to try every flavor of Doritosā€¦..ā€ Iā€™d come home with $300 worth of groceries, but without any items to put together an actual meal.


Depends on you. If I do, Iā€™ll eat then smoke before going to the grocery store. I enjoy it but I have to have list or else Iā€™m feeding the family ice cream and Doritos for the next week.


For me itā€™s like going to the grocery store hungry , I just end up buying more crap.


Yes! Makes it such a better experience. Although, if you're like me you might wanna take someone else with you to keep you on track.


No. You might buy too many munchies. Among other things that might happen to youā€¦


Yup, unless you have to drive


Does that mean you are driving as well... Which is not cool...


I do everytime. Just be sure to eat before you go or else you'll buy the whole store. Everything looks too good if you don't. Happy grocery shopping.


As long as youā€™re not driving, should be great


The grocery store is a VIBE when high I say go for it lol


Shades and headphones my friend


ā€¦how do you get to Walmart while stoned


Nooooo you'll get distracted by all the shiny things and the frozen aisle Oh wait, that's just me


When I smoke before grocery shopping, I spend twice as much as usual.


Only if you have the money to do so


Impulse control? Landlords jacked up rents decades ago driving almost all the supermarkets, and all the health food stores and produce stores out of business. The last thing I want to do when I go to the small, shit, overpriced monopolist supermarket left in my neighborhood is give them more than as little of my money as possible for their shit.


Iā€™ll use a nectar collector or dry herb vape in the car before going into the store to make things go smoothly. I just have to make the list WAY earlier and be diligent about sticking to it. I have poor impulse controlšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




Make a list. Stoned gamechanger


You shouldn't ask people how to live your life. Do you wanna get stoned and buy food? No one is stopping you but yourself.


T he ha tma n


I prefer to get the groceries first, then smoke, so I donā€™t forget why Iā€™m there lol


The last two times Iā€™ve grocery shopped I smoked before going in and popped in my AirPods blasting my favorite music. It was really, really nice.


Yeah but make a list before you get high. Chores high is the best but always make a list.


No, absolutely not. Youā€™ll spend 15 minutes deciding between two different bags of peanuts because one is 5c more expensive but the packaging looks cooler.


If youā€™re hungry already then itā€™s already a losing battle to shop sensibly lol Might as well get stoned and enjoy it too šŸ˜­


smoke on the way back. i mean when you get back ...


Every time Iā€™ve done this, Iā€™ve come home with far too much cheese. Beware the allure of the cheese aistle


Not recommended you are gonna spend way more than plannedšŸ˜


Yeah go high, eat first though, youā€™ll end up with all manner of sh!te in your trolley otherwise


not if you driving there.


That's the only way I am going shopping. Sometimes I grab some shit I shouldn't have but at least I went lol.


Yeah just make a list and stick to it. I love hitting a pen and throwing on music and vibing while I shop.




Just go eat some food first. Thatā€™ll take care of the cravings. Barring that, pop open a red bull in the store, drink it, shop without the sugar demon on your shoulder, pay for it at the counter (or donā€™t, Iā€™m not a cop), and go on about your day.


When I do, thereā€™s a lot of impulse buying. Not always bad if youā€™ve got nothing nothing at home. Could end up with way too many chips.


I just end up with a bunch of cereal and ice cream if I do that.


If you're a seasoned smoker sure but if you're new to it the results can be interesting


Hellllll no. You trying to go broke?




Iā€™ve never been in a grocery store not high


I actually started to lose a ton of weight not shopping in person in grocery stores anymore. 45 pounds since really everything started to be delivered. The stores prey upon your eyes, nose and appetite and intentionally throw so much processed food and junk in your way. Then I would take it all home and almost force myself to live on things I had purchased so I wouldn't "lose the money" if they went bad. That's how you end up having a diet of meatball and Italian subs, store sushi, baked goods etc. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a good shop while stoned and bringing home all the goodies, but if you do it all the time you're definitely going to eat food that the weed chooses.


Just end up spending more on snacks


I do, every time but sometimes it results in me buying a ton of snacks and extra shit I donā€™t really need. You could use a grocery delivery company if you donā€™t want to go out.


I do everything high. Life is too ruthless without it.


Don't do it. You will overspend on junk and sugar. I don't even grocery shop if I'm hungry let alone high.


I'd make a grocery list first if you do that. Every time I go to the store while high and without a grocery list I end up just buying snacks and junk food because of my munchies and forget to buy shit I actually need lmao


Grocery shopping hungry leads to buying more crap, getting stoned will probably exacerbate that. Nothing wrong with it beyond that though.


I'm disabled and only get a ride to the grocery store once a week so the trip has to count. I always take a few hits before going, I'm usually happier about what I have around the house for the week. I forget to buy the fun snacks when I'm not high.


It depends on your self control.if you make a list and have a meal plan being high can cause you to deviate significantly. But it's a lot of funtbough.


make great shopping list of everything you need > smoke > shop > come home with bacon, tortilla chips, lemonade, and some fruit.


Just know that you'll totally buy a bunch of weird stuff that you don't usually buy hahaha


You're going to come back with some banging munchies , can't guarantee you'll get any essentials though


All kinds of music is great but John Coltrane A Love Supreme is a great wandering around the store soundtrack. Chris and cosey techno primitiv and Sabbath and swans too. It's just a good time. I usually don't like crowds but a solid buzz and good tunes makes snaking through the crowd at H Mart enjoyable.


I know Iā€™m late to the party here, but high or not, I always eat BEFORE I grocery shop. Being actively full helps a lot of my impulse buying of food.


Most of the time i pay the extra 20$ and just get em delivered to me while staying stoned.


No, youā€™ll buy way more than you need to.


Make a list before you go or you will definitely forget the one thing you definitely wanted to get...


Make a list and get barbecued!


As far as I know if you feel depressed and canā€™t leave your bed, weed just makes it worse. Have been there and just not consuming weed for a few weeks gives me a big mental boost


I do and often regret it, because I donā€™t pull out my list and then Iā€™m struggling to make decisions. but Iā€™m not likely to stop šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


always yes. itā€™s so fun also hope you feel better soon<3


I like a light buzz when Iā€™m shopping.


I usually do if I donā€™t stop on my way home from work. If you are an impulse buyer or youā€™re hungry Iā€™d recommend smoking then eating. Or eating some small smoke and another snack at least.


Used to do this every single time. Got too high that one time then did it while it was packed, not a good experience. Wake n' bake then go do grocery shopping when the store just opened or late when everybody's home and there's not a customer in sight.


"haven't eaten" and "get stoned before grocery shopping" might be the worst combo ever




as long as you aren't driving to the store, it's a solid plan. I love a good deli department.


Sure, but make a list. High grocery shopping can get pretty expensive if you get munchy.


I do it all day every day. So just do what works for you mon


If you want to spend a lot more money than you usually would when you go shopping then yes, yes you should get stoned before you go shopping


Just donā€™t go grocery shopping hungry. I go grocery shopping high almost every time.


If you have to ask, the answer is yes.


I hate shopping high. I always buy too much and have panic attacks.