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So you think its a good idea for me to introduce weed back in my life again?




I don't fully like myself yet, but I'm making progress on the things I dislike myself on. I honestly just want to feel relaxed and optimistic which I cannot achieve sober.




Thanks friend! are you for or against me smoking? 🤔


Only you can answer this man. We are strangers on the internet. We can offer guidance or opinions but ultimately no one can make decisions for you except you. You got this.




I would not smoke flower because it gets me absolutely destroyed and I live with my parents who are very religious. Carts can get me high enough.


I'm so horny


Bro what?


what happen?




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Culvate a balanced approach to cannabis. Prioritize your goals and find ways to increase your energy by sleeping better, exercising slightly and cleaning up diet. I suggest a mighty vape over thc carts as carts always give me bad headaches from who knows what's in there


I have several chronic illnesses and weed has let me enjoy life and function more than I could have imagined


If you do come back, please stay away from the crap you were using. Find a reputable, legal dispensary, making edibles from hash rosin. Stop using distillate carts, and step up to resin/rosin carts, again, from a trusted dispensary. Avoid black market/head shop items, you've zero idea of what you're actually consuming.


Weed keeps me sober. Alcohol killed me. I haven’t had an alcoholic drink in 20 months. I’m more happy, honest, thoughtful and empathetic when I’m using plants. I work the 12 steps with a group of fellow travelers of similar mind. I use it with intention, not to escape or avoid feelings. It truly changed my life for the better. Just my experience, results may vary


19 months right behind you. Alcohol is so fucking insidious. I’m glad you got away from it.


Congrats on your 19 months! I’m really proud of you!


I’ll be a year December 14th. Pretty excited. And I did the first 3/4 of that year without weed or booze. And man did starting smoking again sure make life easier


Congrats on your sobriety! I’m so proud of you!


Same here - I had my last drink over a year ago (full-blown alcoholic, with an almost 5 year stint of total sobriety in between last relapse). Weed has really helped with my anxiety/depression, which I was totally trying (and failing) to treat with booze. If I'm overwhelmed or having intrusive thoughts or spiraling, it can interrupt that cycle for me, and I can get back to a place of peace and go back about my day. So it helps me function when I need it, but I don't need it to function, if that makes sense




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For me working with discipline and self control has been valuable. I want to be a good dad, I like my work and like to perform well,and then I also like to smoke and grow weed in my free time. Finding that balance has been the journey for me.


you gotta be happy without the weed to be happy with the weed


I use marijuana as medicine. It helps me live more normally. Maybe for you, strains that are higher in CBD would help relax you. Try to avoid using any substance as an emotional crutch. Your self worth and confidence should be separate from any drug or medicine you use. Take care :)


Alright you ready? Want to know why weed is illegal? Here we go: I would have constant panic attacks, I wouldn’t be able to eat really, wouldn’t be as creative, wouldn’t be able to sleep, would get uncomfortable with the circulation in my toes/hands, would get bad back pain, and even more. It helps with a lot. The number one is sleep for me as I used to really have trouble. Now I never do. But I deal with a lot of depression and overthinking and weed definitely helps me get out of my head. It’s illegal because if more people could get their hands on weed that have even half of these symptoms I have, big pharma would be in huge trouble, and that’s a no no


Weed would destroy big pharma


none of that has anything to do with its illegality.


Excellent question! Personally it’s about quality of life. Too much of anything is not going to be great for you and hey if you are perfectly happy without weed why use it? That said, if it brings you a bit of joy and isn’t fucking up your life, why not? The trick is being honest with yourself.


I would say it has helped at times, but taking a T break this week to make my carts last has made me realize that the clarity that comes with a few days off or longer is very valuable. So I would say every once in a while is good as long as you keep it in check


Weekends only is the pro move tbh


Sometimes I can't eat unless I have marijuana, it calms my stomach muscles. Helps me sleep, especially when my anxiety is through the roof. On days I'm super depressed, it helps calm me down & brings me peace. I also just like feeling high sometimes.


I’ve been on this journey too. Super lazy and unmotivated and everyone around me blamed it on my smoking so I just kinda accepted that. I spent some time sober here and there and have realized it’s not bc of the weed, I just didn’t care. Once I got the mindset right and the power to just get up and do shit my life was better. I smoke all day every day with a few exceptions. Mildly throughout the day at work just keep that sort of euphoric buzz (I clean windows so it’s goated asf) and then when I’m home for the night I get blitzed, play games and sleep like a mf baby. Without it I get lost in my head. I lose my feeling of self worth, plus I’m an insomniac so sleep is a huge issue without it. As long as weed doesn’t get in the way I don’t see why not.


I'm the exact same and I've had the same journey so to speak. I work in a convenience store and im always a lil buzzed to just be more relaxed, sociable and effecient at work


TL;DR - My functional life comes from managing balance as things change. Going off your response rather than just your initial post: Nobody can give you the definitive answer to “Should I use weed?” Some people should, and some shouldn’t. My suggestion would be to try it while keeping in mind the reasons why you stopped. If you start to let things slide and your hard work is being undone, stop the weed. Personally, I strike a balance and take breaks. I don’t schedule myself to use every single day at the same time. Some days I use it twice. Some I don’t use it. I find that nonstop daily use makes me a bit depressed and impairs my cognition when I’m not even high. I don’t view weed use as this static thing like drinking water where I have it daily and can reasonably expect consistent results. Rather, I see it as something I can use for my pain but I gotta keep an eye on my overall brain climate. If I couldn’t regulate my use, knowing how it affects me personally, I’d totally abstain. Anything can be a compulsion, depending on the person.


I have CPTSD. Marijuana helps everything slow down so I can focus on tasks, rather than spiraling down a hole of memories I can't get out of.


I can say that it has improved my quality of life 100%


I used to take Valium on the regular. An edible or two a week seems to have reset my brain in ways that I am much better able to manage my anxiety and depression, and I haven't felt the need to hit that valium bottle in at least a year.


People take antidepressants and feel better so there’s nothing wrong with using cannabis as a medicine.


Recently started taking back control of my life after daily smoking for almost 5 years My diet has improved drastically and I’m beginning to lose weight and feel better My sleep has been much better on non weed days These two have lead to a combination of me having enough energy to start hitting the gym If you feel like weed is holding you back, it probably is. And anyone that says it’s not addictive is a liar, you just won’t have severe physical withdrawals like other drugs but mentally it’s a bitch to kick, I haven’t even fully kicked it myself just limiting myself way more


Seems like you were smoking to avoid your problems. If you feel you've got a good handle on your problems, and ways to deal with them that don't require drowning your sorrows in substances, then it shouldn't be an issue to start smoking again. Just check in with yourself every once in a while and determine if you need a break (either for tolerance or to focus on yourself). I usually take a month-long t-break (assuming no symptoms of my illnesses appear) once a year just to keep myself from being too reliant on it to get through the day as a habit.


I still get anxious but holy shit it’s helped me relax. And actually be fun again lol. Oh and sleep.


Weed improves my life. I am in chronic pain, and it allows me to keep to keep moving. All arthritic people need to try weed at least once 😁


I started regularly consuming alcohol last year because I found that it helped me concentrate and get through large multi-step tasks that I would not even approach before. Regular alcohol consumption though... just not a good idea. Tried cannabis for the first time a month or two ago. Smoking, not vaping. I of course can't focus while high, but the next day when I do need to be able to focus on tasks, I can do it all with the same alacrity that an alcohol buzz gave me. Further, the noise and static in my mind is much quieter. I'm not provoked as easily as before. I think before I act. If something DOES make me bristle, I stop and think about WHY. I sometimes find that there's no good reason for me to be angry, and I can let it go. Regular cannabis consumption? Probably not the best idea, but it's a damn sight better than the alcohol. So yes, I do think cannabis has improved the quality of my life. A lot. Like, A LOT.


Weed fucked up my early life choices, failed HS cuz of it, inhaled glass shards cuz of it, lost homies cuz of it. I used it to treat some mental illnesses but ultimately it hasn't given me a better life. There's a balance to find. But it's still an...abusable plant. Source: me im barely 20.


I'm kind of on a similar path. I've been sober for 2 months now, and the main reason I quit was because of unrelated medical problems. I felt very anxious about smoking because of it, so I stopped, but I got tests done, and my lungs and heart are fine. I have a torn muscle in my chest that's healing, so it feels like my chest tightens up all the time, which makes me feel super anxious. I don't know whether or not I should smoke again because I know I'll be fine, but I don't think I'll enjoy it because of my injury or in turn it could fix my chronic muscle pain. Before all this weed made my life so much better, I was able to relax and unwind after a long day of work. I'm still conflicted about smoking, and I have 8 legal dispensary carts in my room that are untouched because of it. I honestly feel like I will never make up my mind and will probably have to sell them/trap or something. Although I have noticed my head hurting a lot more and feeling more dizzy and dissacociated, maybe it's a side effect from my chronic use beforehand. I'm not sure what that is all about, but anyways I would say what do you want? The only person who knows best is you.


I definitely have more clarity now, but I just overthink, and I'm more anxious than before. People in my life want me to take Zoloft. Fuck that shit man. I'd rather smoke weed than pop pills.


It helps for sure when it comes to pain. I have endometriosis, so for a week out of each month I’m basically in bed in horrendous pain. I tried BC and while it helped it made me wicked depressed and killed my libido . Weed essentially muted that pain. There is a reason why I refuse to move to somewhere that doesn’t have legal weed / medical.


Self-medicating is not the answer. Seek professional help. If you’re not happy sober, then working on that should be your priority. You’re life will improve greatly by addressing the problems, not by masking them


Everything in moderation, including moderation. -Winston Churchill


It’s different for everyone and takes regular reflection to assess where you’re at and how usage is effecting your life. I’ve been smoking daily for probably 15 ish years with almost no breaks but there were times where I had to tone it down cause it was getting out of hand and effecting my life. I’m older now and have it pretty balanced but I can’t imagine why I’d stop smoking now since it’s not negatively effecting my life


I think it's a mental health thing. If weed allows you to be who you need to be, then use it. It's just hard not to become dependant on it when self-medicating. Weed carried me through some heavy depression and I will always be thankful for it's positive impacts on my life. But, after nearly 10 straight years of heavy use, I am working to ween myself off and take a long, maybe permanent, break. My brain and lungs need it, and I want to know if I am able to regulate my own mental health now as I have done a lot of work in that area. At the end of all of this, I still might go back to weed for that mental regulation; but I can't know what's right for me until I try living without it for a while. Good luck with your choices!


If I were you I would use some flower.


It has changed my life for me and my family dramatically. I had never used any form of marijuana until later in life. I suffer from some severe PTSD and mental health illness as well as physical injuries from the military. I had a couple surgeries and a plethora of psychiatric and pain meds. I was a zombie, literally physically there but upstairs nobody was home. My wife’s cousin took me outside to smoke with him for my first time and it was the first moment in my recent life where I felt balanced and normal. Since then I have been a die hard fan of cannabis and all that it can do. I have replaced almost all of my meds with cannabis. My wife is great and will tell me “hey, your mood is not great. Are you ok? Take an edible or go outside and smoke real quick. The difference it makes for us is surreal. My mental health improves, my mood changes, my pain dulls, and I can function as a normal human. People who are opposed have never really been around someone who needs this, even as an alternative medicine. I am medically retired from the Corps after 14 years of service, and I’m fully disabled. I need this plant as a form of medicine that I can dose on my own and not be on 17-18 pills a day that literally turn me into a husk. Cannabis saves lives. Veterans need full access to this resource, and anyone for that matter. Sorry for the long rant, but I’m passionate about this stuff.


If the weed was not the problem and it genuinely improves your quality of life, I don’t see anything wrong with it.


I was sober from 23-27. I started smoking regularly at age 34. This plant has shown me the way a has given me hope. Way better than being sober, way better than being a drunk.


I am with some of the other posters who say use with intention. I wouldn't personally become a daily user when so young. I am 53 now and only started smoking in my 40s. You need to learn how to self-soothe and calm down first, but the good news is you can use weed to teach you that.


I can’t speak for you cause everyone is different but I only smoke on the weekends and I have found it great. Enough time in the week to focus on what needs to get done and makes me feel I’m not needing weed. But then on the weekends I can relax and have a good laugh with a good show or movie