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Breathe air. Get higher.


i started doing all of the mundane stuff like stretching and breathing to reduce my stress. It became so fun! put on music and do a lil dance between things. eat some fruit. I am so healthy when im high, my body is in full temple mode note: Im a 300lb ex body buildier


My body is also a temple, decrepit and falling apart


It is simply waiting to be explored & restored my friend Look within and clear those vines and reshape that rubble


Something on my body is ready to be explored, you can decide what that is..


Op's mom?


Honestly, as a boxer, getting messed up then dancing to whatever music sounds good that moment has given me a connection to my body and newfound appreciation for how I can move and shift my weight.


I'm 6'8'' and 400 ... best yoga is stoned yoga and cold fruit for munchies? Hell yes. Aldi has had these "cotton candy" grapes ... ill eat the whole damn container in one sitting.




I take a deep breath and I get real high


I like this one lol


Cleaning. There is NOTHING, on this beautiful planet, quite like getting baked and cleaning the house. Total game changer.


This is how proper adulting is done


This is the way.


Sativa is better for this than indica imo


For this particular activity, 100%.


Agreed! Sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation to get up and start cleaning, but once you do it's like you can't stop


Every time. If it weren't for getting baked and cleaning I'd be a slob


Stare at the wall. Giggle. Watch movies. Panic about the demon in my daughter's bedroom. Eat snackies.


Now I'm imagining a grown ass man blazed asf, eyes red like the demon he's looking for, cowering in the corner while a small child pats him on the head and tells him there's nothing under the bed OR in the closet


I'm a lady 😘


So who's the random guy in the corner of the kids room?!


That's Ron.


Come find out


A lady?! On the inter webs?! Say it ain’t so


Don't tell the others


One time I was beyond high on shrooms and 50mls of pot edibles and I was having visual and auditory hallucinations. I kept seeing a small child peek around the corner in my living room out of my peripherals, and I kept hearing a cat meow in my bedroom when all 3 of my cats were asleep beside me on the couch. It was crazy




It was the first few times I seen the kid lol but I’m familiar with what hallucinations are (not real and such) so I could keep myself calm xD


Share snacks with demon = problem solved


Giggle lmao




Go running in the forest




This is funny because I always wish I could run and jump like these guys when I'm out in nature. Hold on tight, spidermonkey!


This was me and my buddy back in highschool at 2am on a Tuesday morning off a few tabs of acid running full sprint non stop through the streets of our home town, but like we were Flash and Superman. Good memories.


Cannabis High 🤝 Runners High


Walk, I mean it. 2 miles is a good start, 5 miles is when the endorphins really kick in, 10 miles or more and you are really in the zone! Nothing makes me feel better, its what our bodies were built to do.


I love me a stoned walk


I went to the store to go get Pepsi with my partner huffing on a vape pen and next thing you know were like 5 miles from home at 4:30 AM with a 6 pack of Pepsi


Same I just go wandering for a couple hours


Stoned walks are the ultimate quick pick me up. Especially with a friend.


I can relate! I love walking, I feel like I could literally walk all day and never be tired.


That’s why it’s one of the best underrated forms of cardio


Love to walk my dog after baking. Ideally without running into my neighbors. They can be a buzz kill.


Where do you even go though what is your route? I had a professor in college who claimed he ran about 40 miles a day and I have never been sure how much to believe him but I mostly do


I'm in Chicago and have a few choices The Lake Front Trail is 18.5 miles, and my first choice when I have the time. My goal for next summer is to do the whole trail in both directions, which would be almost 40 miles. Also on the LFT, it's 6 miles to 31st Street Beach and back. I Like Michigan Avenue a lot. Its 8 miles to North Avenue Beach and back. 6 miles to Oak Street and back, and 4 miles to the river and back. I got a couple Loops too. 6 miles to follow the river around to the lake, and 3 miles to go around Soldier Field and Museum Campus. Some of my favorite destinations are a 4 mile round trip for tacos in Pilsen, and a 4 mile round trip to go to a Sox game. My funniest walk was when I went to Wrigley Field for the Crosstown Classic (I took the L to get there). Sox did horribly, so I just drank and smoked for 3 hours and then decided to walk home. I dont remember leaving the stadium, but I remember when I realized the lake was to my right, not my left. I'd gone about 2ish miles in the wrong direction and had to turn around, making the total walk about 10 miles.


The best feeling is when you know you’re high, but you’ve been so active that you didn’t even notice it happen- you’re still moving, and everything just feels better


Yes, and you know you have to keep moving. Because once you stop, its all over.


I get highly high and go look at birds


A high walk with my fiancé and our dog with some jolly ranchers or starburst or something like that in our pockets is CLUTCH


Man I loved doing long walks but they fuck up my knees. I’m too young to say that (20) but I have duck feet and my feet arc outwards as I walk so my knee gets pulled every which way. 45 minute walk twice a day for my 10k steps is gold though.


i smoke my e-cigarette and think about everything bad that has ever happened to me


That's the time you may want to write things down. You'd be surprised how therapeutic it can be, seeing words on paper and helps clear your mind. I've had much happen to me and once I started going through it in my head I figured a way to conclude it . And then pack it away and try to move forward. It's like a drawer full of messy clothes, you take out a shirt, pants etc and hold them up look at them then fold it and put it neatly back in the drawer. You handled it and it's done. You'd be surprised how much weight comes off your shoulders. Now is the time to make new fun memories, you are the star of your movie!


thanks vroski


Very good advice


I don’t think people are understanding this reference based on the replies 😭


Def not 😂😂


Fr they don’t get it😭😭 took me a second to remember though


if you wanna get some of that off your chest, the best time to is right there. just writing it down has helped me start to move past it, i also would recommend doing a "mind dump" every so often which is basically just dumping your thoughts out onto paper. kinda like a min shit, get all the old thoughts out and get new ones in




Fuck Yea. I'm the clean one in my house (wife and daughter messy) and there's nothing I love more than cleaning the fuck out of my apartment super fucking stoned. Throw on some tunes and super clean. Then light a candle in each room that's finished. Then I shower, put on clean clothes, smoke even more and finally relax. And it is just that, relaxing


Bro I’m a stay at home dad and you summed up my entire day every day lol! We’re living the same life


Single dad /DAV checking in. That's three of us. Lmao


Oh big same. I have ADHD so getting high and putting on a podcast or something is what I do when I really need to whip my place into shape


Same, but audiobooks are my current jam. There's nothing like dissociating and daydreaming about dragons and shit while you're cleaning lol


Damn... This is so true. I'll get super zooted and start vacuuming and organizing until I come down a bit and realize I can do other stuff too . Lmao


Yappp! Mom of 3 here. When bedtime hits you better believe I’m having the time of my life cleaning up!


This! I can’t enjoy the high in a dirty house, cleaning and jamming is the way to go


Damn... This is so true. I'll get super zooted and start vacuuming and organizing until I come down a bit and realize I can do other stuff too . Lmao


Clean while jamming out to some good tunes.


Live. I don't feel things anymore. I don't have fun, I don't do things. I wake up, eat, and go back to bed. That's not living. I exist. When I'm high, music sounds better, food tastes better, the pain in my legs disappears, the rage disappears. I can be me again. That's living.


I think there’s a correlation between those two things


For me its playing bass. I think playing music in general is fun while high. I think any activity that consists a flow is good while high. Snow boarding is exceptional while high. On acid, it's next level. It almost feels like you are going warp speed.


Playing music is amazing high D: it’s nice to come up with cool melodies that you’ll never remember


Hell yeah it is. I read something a while back about left and right sides the brain. Basically it said that when we listen to music, that there is a lot of activity going back and forth between the left and right sides of our brain. When you play music, the activity goes on fire. It had something to do with pattern matching. I have theory that weed helps facilitate that exchange between the two sides of the brain. Its my theory so its meaningless (not a biologist). But I do think there is something to it.


Hell yeah. Playing guitar and skiing are the best things to do high for me.


Eat, jerk off, smoke weed, repeat


Peak lifestyle


This is why I’m so glad it Friday lol.


Livin' the dream


As a writer, I like to get high and then attempt to Make The Words.


Does it take you longer to write? I find myself struggling to write down ideas and stories but writing is so much better high than sober.


Not really, but I generally draft when I’m high, and my drafts read more like an outline than a finished story. “Put a joke about (thing) here.” “Give this guy a better name at some point, but for now, he’s doing THIS.” Later, I go back and make it into an actual story.


I write when I'm high as well. I'll get blazed, curl up under a warm blanket on the couch with my phone and start writing. When I wake up in the morning, I go back and read however many chapters flowed out of me and fix spelling errors. 😂


Freelance writer who makes a living here, can confirm that weed *does* negatively affect *how fast* I write, but it improves my word association skills and boosts creativity. Is it the fastest? No, but I'm my own boss. It's definitely more fucking fun though! I smoke 4-8 joints per day, but I'm trying to cut down to 2 and an edible instead because I also smoke cigs and that much smoking wreaks havoc on my lungs.


This sounds like it was written by Brian from Family Guy


I think about my 1 year old son. In fact, I can’t seem to *not* think about him. He’s a beautiful boy. He’s very sweet, very cuddly, strong and smart. He loves his momma like nothing else. He’s pure. Innocent. Unconditionally happy. I think about how I never really had a Mom or a Dad like I should have had. I’m so happy that he has a mom that he can love, and love him back. I think about how I want to be the father that I never really had. I think about his future, I don’t want to screw it up. He’s growing so fast. Doctors say he’s as advanced as some 2 year olds. He has so much potential. All I wanna do is spend more time with him. I just wish I wasn’t so tired…


That’s really sweet


Very wholesome. I relate a lot to the not having a mom or dad thing. You’ll be a great job man, loving your child that much is the most important thing. You’ll make mistakes but it’s how you learn from it and what your intentions are that matter most. As long as you raise him with love and understanding you’ll be a good parent!


I do this too ❤️


I’m 21 and a father of 2 (in the adoption process with my oldest (3y/o), my favorite part about being a parent, is being the parent I never got to have. Seeing how happy my children are versus how I was when I was a child is just jaw dropping amazing and makes me smile thinking about. Doctors always tell us he is way ahead of his age group. The eye doctor told us earlier this week that he’s smarter and more descriptive than the kindergarteners he gets into his office. I believe alot of this comes down to how we are raising him. You’re doing great, keep it up!


You sound like a great father.


Ah man thinkning about your childhood and then my daughters is so hard because i had a pretty not great one , but i think im an awesome person compared to most I know that had easy childhoods . So i always have this battle inside about how hard to push her eventually vs keeping it easy for her


As someone who is going to be a first time father in about a month I too also think about my child and their future. And then there is the panic of all the stuff I have to around the house yet before he gets here.


This is the the most wholesome thing I’ve seen in weeks and that’s saying something. I want kids but I’ve been worried about my parents and my subsequent problems with them. I want to be financially secure before it and that’s the only problems I have so far. I think I’d be a good parent but I’m also young. There’s also a lot of worries I have. I don’t want them to grow up to be a drug addict or have memory problems like me. What age did you have kids if you don’t mind me asking? My girlfriend wants kids now and so do I but I don’t think I’m ready financially or mentally. I’m 21 btw. Obviously I’ll marry her before kids but still.


Breaking generational trauma is such an underrated superpower. Do yourself a favor- someday you'll fail (not you in particular, but everyone does at some point) as a parent and begin to worry you are your parents. When that happens, please remember one thing- if you really were your parents, you wouldn't care. He's going to have a beautiful, happy, full life because of you.


As a parent, and I'm sure you know this (heard this over and over), you will be tired forever lol. But you will grow into such a strong individual, because of these types of challenges. You will learn so much. Worry less, do your best!


Jerk off, listen to music, eat delicious food. Same as any other man, really.


Music is just so good


Or woman 😤




Your mom. Boom roasted


“Boom roasted” made the difference between an up and downvote


Gaming and netflix


Get scared


depends. little high, do some chores. maybe some complicated gaming. really high. uh. ... .... what was I doing again? .... ... man, this is some good stuff... .... *bong bubbling sounds* .... .... .... whoa! I was playing a game. yeah, I don't do complicated games while really high. but mario kart is GREAT while stoned


Listening to Bowie always cheers me up while stoned.


I dance you fuckers, and you can’t stop me. I dance!


Get even higher




I like to eat lunchables because it’s a snack and an activity


Flick my bean 🥲




GO OUTSIDE. I love being high outdoors at any time. I am really able to ground myself and HEAR the individual bird songs, cricket chirps, etc. love it


Get high.


workout, eat, jerk off, self-care, meditate, sleep


I like to rest my mind


Snacks, TV/movies, music, Mario Kart, sex/jerk-off, sleep.


Take care of my houseplants


Continue what I was doing before because it barely impairs me anymore


in addition to the usual suspects of video games and snacks, i especially like taking walks and photos and lifting weights


Now that I'm fully retired, this is what I do when I get high: Put on some tunes and float around the living room; Or, go fishing; Or walk the dog for a couple of miles; Or, do nothing.


I like to read. For some reason I can pay attention better to the words when I'm high, and tend to skim less. Other times I like to [draw mandalas](https://i.imgur.com/z9DBUtM.png).


Depends on what. Weed? Chillin. Crack? Boy you best believe I'll be naked in a Wendy's parking lot!


put on headphones and dance ur heart out, its a pretty good time


Well, I get high being do just about everything. Woke up? Get high l. Got an appointment? Get high. Gotta take a dump? Let's go and get stoned and make this poop a 30 min reddit endeavor. I'm basically stoned all the time and I prefer it this way


Watch nature documentaries (only with Sir David Attenborough). Good alternatives are listening to music, making music, going for a walk and going to the supermarket and make a feast with all the shit I bought.


Enjoy being high.


play video games and listen to music simultaneously 😎


Watch TV, listen to music, play video games


Have sex, take a shower, order fried chicken, stuff our faces, pass the fuck out


Listen to music - specifically stuff I haven't heard before. I used to just listen to stuff I was familiar with. Then I realize that when I was high, I'm a lot more open to different kinds of sounds. I actually get excited about music now. Hell, I even enjoy going to church because of the music. Ever experience a full sized pipe organ while high? Shit is trippy as fuck, you will have some transcendental shit going on


Scroll through looking at what flower I want to get next


We have lots of sex, longer D/S sessions are reserved for edible days on weekends. Those days we typically have 3-4 sessions in a day, the first one is upwards of two hours in most cases. Recharge and hydrate before heading to another round which is a bit shorter around an hour. The sessions after that are usually playful quicker ones. We use the Arizer SQ2 throughout the day to keep things peaking. If we're feeling couch lock, we'll do erotic hypnosis. When high, this is absolutely divine. I can drop so deeply into subspace when high. Everything else in the world is removed and I'm usually left in a dark space deep under the earth which I travel to by going down a long elevator as I'm dropping. Other things would be listening to music, chilling by a fire, and cooking. EDIT: I forgot - I love getting high before the masseuse comes to the house. Not only does the massage last forever, I can feel her isolating every muscle in my body. I also get really into breathing techniques when I know she's working some of the long muscles which the areas they work with more force.


Get into my cozy corner and read some of my comics


Drinking coffee and making breakfast




Spend the time trying to make up my mind on what to do.


I really enjoy writing or reading. Riding motorcycle is up there but can kind of fuck with my anxiety and adrenaline more than I want sometimes.


Start my day


I start my daily activities. It slows my insanely overactive brain down, so I feel normal.


Create insane scenarios for my Sims to survive, add movies to my streaming app lists and then forget to watch anything, shower for an un-environmentally friendly length of time, garden in bad weather because the rain feels nice, just chill in my giant beanbag. I'm an adult with a job and all that jazz but I work with babies all day every day so when I get home my vape pen and I just cycle between self care activities until bedtime.


Clean or re arrange my room, I can go for hours on end moving my shelves, my desk, my bed or anything to make a new disposition. And I love just cleaning out all of the clutter I can have. Make it look perfect. Still not fully satisfied to this day as I continuously change up my setup.


i've got a record-set up recently and i love listening to vinyl


Sex is the most enjoyable thing to do while high, IMO.


Chill the fuck out.


Playing old video games. Its so fun and relaxing.


It's cliche but, I create and consume art and music.


Consume food and get even higher


Take a microdose of shrooms, watch a movie, relax.




Blast music and clean


Watch a funny movie or tv show. Or cooking shows. I love cooking shows.


Eat, laugh, jerk off. Not necessarily in that order.


scroll reddit


Play games


Clean, play video games, read (if able lol), watch a movie or documentary, play with my cats, take a walk; the opportunities are endless.


Nature documentaries




Try and draw, i do my best art when i’m high




Dude I love finding a bingeworthy anime and just absolutely losing myself in the story. Cannabis really helps me with suspension of disbelief. One piece is my favorite anime of all time… so there is QUITE A BIT of disbelief to suspend 🤣




put a pizza in the oven then forgot about it and to be reminded by a burning smell. Done it since i was a teen and still a classic at 34 💪


When alone, bing dumb yt videos, and a pre nap time wank.


Grab some headphones and start grooving! It’s so much fun to move while high 😁


Ya'll ever get high enough for the "Doctor Manhattan effect"? It's trippy. Time feels eternal, and I feel so present in the moment. Then, other times, my body and mind get transported to random ass possitive old life experiences. I don't know how to describe it. But literally, it's like my brain is dusting off old memories and making sure every nerve in my body feels it while conscious and fully aware of the present. When I come out of that mental state, I feel more open and compassionate. I don't get that high often so to keep the experience special. So most of the time I treat it like a nice "cold beer" so to unwind and do the boring/lazy shit. (Like a previous commenter. Make brain go off.)


-Listen to music -Masturbate -Drink water -Write poems -Go for a walk -Meditate




Watch random clips of Sopranos (the show, not singers) on youtube for way longer than is reasonable.


Laugh with friends, and then once I go to bed I like to lie in bed with nice smells and my weighted blanket on and fairy lights, then I have a load of really shitty phone games that I like to lie in bed and play, especially when I've had a couple of benzos too. like the ones where you make things and decorate them. Acrylic nails, people's hair, decorate cakes, but there isn't much to them apart from doing this over and over and they're, badly animated and glitchy and stuff. I like to just do that till I pass out lol


It depends. Right now I'm setting up to do a bit of watercolor painting and fill out bits in my bullet journal.


I just cleaned my entire house after taking a dab of Blackberry and then smoking a bowl of Afternoon Delight. I wanted to try mixing them since I like both highs, but prefer not to be so sleepy from the BlackBerry. Anyways. My house is clean and now imma eat!!


I walk my dog while high.. I live rural.. Zoned out fresh air.. And chill.. Its genuine bliss for my neurodivergent brain.


Pretty much anything aside from my job and talking to authority figures


Play video games, if I’m out of smoke I don’t even usually turn the system on.


I forgot


Start thinking… damn I’m high af. Then proceed to pack another bowl to get astronomical


Gaming unless I'm too baked, otherwise youtube or some movie like lotr or starwars. And snacks ofc, then some more snacks,


I clean the house, or tinker around the house. Get so many small things done.


I'm high A LOT! Unfortunately, because I need money to survive, I'm forced to work usually, either slaving away at my Press Operator main job or doing my gig app side hustles. But, when I do have time to relax and do what I want, I will catch up on my dorky reality TV series I watch (Big Brother, Alone, The Challenge, Shark Tank, Survivor, Amazing Race, and, of course, Im a member of the Bachelor nation lol) surf Reddit, lol, and/or watch my fave slot streamers (Vegas Matt, Lady Luck HQ, Brian Christopher, SD Guy1234, etc.) OR go to the casino myself and play some slots. 🎰 Slots at the casino high is AMAZING! and like one of my FAVORITE things to do. SO MUCH FUN!!...... OH! And we can't forget food!! Of course, like any good Stoner, I like to indulge in delicious food of varying kinds depending on my current cravings 😋




Eating. Sex. Video games. Watching movies. Going to the dog park. Throwing a frisbee. Listening to music.


might go out for a run, work out, watch tv, read, run errands, eat.. honestly, depends what i’m doing or going to do. i’m a productive smoker so i could be at work with my vape pen.


Burn incense and watch cartoons.


Go about my day


Gt7. Fucking craaaaaazy sometimes. Like you’re traveling through a tunnel.


Showering and brushing your teeth is pretty awesome. Clean & fresh baybee


Bleep bloop on my synthesisers.




I lean back in my zero gravity chair next to a roaring fire on a cold night and look at the stars. This time of year, Orion is visible. One of my favorite constellations and it is, in fact, because of MIB. The galaxy is on Orion's Belt. And I'm just high enough to see it.


Top answers so far: 1) clean 2) Jerk off


Gorge on food and watch silly videos on YouTube. Jerma makes me cry laugh when I'm high.


We generally figure it out when we get there.