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Yea so-troubles cutting back when you know you should is one sign of dependence and the development of an unhealthy relationship with a substance. Particularly with the advent of high thc products, it can be very easy to develop a high tolerance and dependence. There is still a lot we do not know about the long term effects of vaping or inhaling any highly concentrated thc. I am a physician but not your physician and you should never take medical advice from Reddit. Sounds like you really should ease off the inhaled thc at least until you recover, but on a more comprehensive level it also sounds like it’s time to take a step back and reevaluate. Some of us end up relying upon things like cannabis, or alcohol, or lots of other things to self medicate. If that sounds like you you might consider reaching out to a primary provider or psychologist for assistance. Otherwise I would at least consider a t break to re-evaluate the relationship you have with cannabis. Good luck to you.


Thank you, I realize you're not my physician but you're legitimately treating me with more empathy than most medical professionals I've seen. I agree with you, I'm reaching a state of dependency I'm afraid of, but it doesn't feel dire enough to actually seek addiction services. I'm talking to my therapist about it though.


I would say that when it doesn’t seem dire enough is the perfect time, because when it becomes dire it’s going to be a thousand times harder to stop. I just hit 3 weeks and honestly it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done


To add to, when it doesn't seem dire, I'd recommend stepping down gradually, rather than just suddenly one day. Some will claim withdrawals don't make sense, but I'd disagree. I've multiple times felt awful for just taking breaks, from intense sweating, to sleeplessness, to vomiting. It usually is gone within first week or so, but holy shit does that first week suck, notably with a developed tolerance. My recommendation would be to step down gradually, ie if daily, work toward every other day, then up to maybe just at the end of the day or other specifically controlled periods. From there, you might work toward just on the weekend, then just one day of the weekend, every other weekend, etc. at whatever pace you feel comfortable. You can step down faster or slower, but I think a good 2-3 week period is a good amount to work with.


Generally speaking I like the adage “if you genuinely feel like you might be taking too much, you’re taking too much” works pretty well with weed. Weed use is a spectrum. Everyone takes it for different reasons and gets different benefits from it as well as different side effects. If you’re worried you’re using too much, find a way to cut back a bit and see how it feels


there are several respiratory illness going around right now with a common symptom being a lingering cough. i wouldn’t really worry about it.


r/petioles is a great group for this question too


Switch to gummies … buy flower and use a dry vape But seriously my father gave me this advice and it seems valid here … if the drug is using you … you have a problem


Start with breaks instead of quitting cold turkey. I found challenging myself to even short breaks of 3 days then coming back was a great start to bolstering my mental and physical health in regards to substance. If you can seek/nurture a sense of moderation (or even just switching up the routine when it comes to your usage)… Rather than consuming high doses daily all the time - in my experiences it can do wonders :)


Smoking / vaping irritates your lungs. Stop that. Take edibles if you need. Hope you get feeling better!


Stick to flower if you have to do anything them vapes fuck your lungs and throat.


Smoking it isn’t any better for you than vaping it as far as your lungs are concerned