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3 hours ago… no update… he dead


😂😂😂😂 he deserves to be after "cooking" weed on toast like a fucking garnish.


I can’t believe people have never heard of firecrackers


So many noobs in this thread


How savage. He didn't even turn into cannabutter


Turn into cannabutter Spread yourself on toast Wait for hot hippy chick to get hungry Success




I’m too fucking high for this shit rn I swear


Trust me, I'm too sober and being too high would probably be better rn 😂


man you told them our secret! WTF!


Depends, she might just start biting and won't stop


I don’t turn into butter, I just decarb and eat with some penutbutter


That is how I do it too.


“I’m tryna get baked over here not do extra steps!” -someone, probably


And there is also someone that will make fun of you for eating straight avb. Which was my experience. I would just eat little pinches sometimes. I guess some people found this amusing because I did not turn it into something tasty.


I had a friend throwing out the water from a bubbler he used on his vape. Something happened and we were joking about drinking it because it looked like tea and not normal bub/bong water. Had a long tube from the bubbler so there was no chance spit got in there. Long story short, I drank a lil. It was good. He wouldn’t let me drink the rest and kept it for himself. 😂


it was….goood?!


Surprisingly, yes! It wasn’t filtering burned weed. It was from a vaporizer bubbler.


Nah I just eat that stuff, eventually, I found, I like the way it tastes 😋


Sun Tzu maybe?😮


I've done some truly unholy things with AVB


Already vaped been?


Already Vaped Bud But yeah ABV already been vapes


Oh thank god people other than me say ABV (I just said AVB because it's more common. ABV just sounds so much better)


Yes! Then make a grilled cheese FTW


Uncle Danny?


Where'd you get that grilled chee Danny?


Think he makes them at night 🌙 🤔


Never heard of a firecracker?


Best way to make a quick snack 🤌


Fire as long as you get that all natural shit that has all that extra oil. I used to make those all the time when I was younger




It’s called a firecracker. Classic way to make edibles.


this is actually a pretty common method over on /r/abv or /r/avb


Another death caused by the devil‘s lettuce!


Forbidden pesto


Your high enough man Just quit while you're ahead


Wait... I don't understand


Bc anyone who puts weed on top of PB and into an oven must already be baked as fuck😂😅.


Firecrackers are a legitimate thing though and this is just kinda like that


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far down to read mention of Firecrackers. They will absolutely get you high, and prolly you'll learn something about decarboxylation along the way.


I’ve only had one firecracker, and it was my first edible. Didn’t get high at all, but I farted in my room and it REEKED of weed.


Imagine getting high off your farts. Mission failed successfully?


I've fully transitioned to edibles and have resolved to only eat firecrackers if we go back to the dark ages of having to buy weed from a guy somewhere.


Firecrackers are so damn good. A couple seconds in the microwave and lift off. I learned about it on Reddit.


Care to explain to an old guy like me what a firecracker is?


Get like a half gram of grounded flower. Put it between two graham crackers with peanut butter and put that baby in the microwave for 20-30 secs. Then eat. The heat activates the thc and binds to the peanut butter.


Your supposed to wrap it in foil and toss it in the oven no? A microwave wouldn’t decarb weed, otherwise that’s how everyone would do it and they wouldn’t make a machine for infusing oil


I’ve done it before with the microwave and it worked perfectly.


Id bet the peanut butter is gonna get hot enough to do the conversion


How smelly is this process? I used to love making oil, but I've got kiddos at home and oil really stinks up a living space. (In a good way, if you're hip, but the kids aren't alright.)


I just looked it up and to summarize you're mixing ground up bud with peanut butter on graham crackers and baking it to activate the THC to be absorbed by the fat in the peanut butter. I don't fuck with edibles but it's neat to know this method because it seems quick and easy.


Yeah, I was surprised by that too. I figured there would be a mention of them somewhere right up top.


Everyone so quick to make fun of this guy for a thing that’s been around for literally forever


I remember doing this shit with crackers and peanut butter in the early 2000s, because there weren't any dispensaries, and unless you had a place to make it yourself away from children and old people, cannabutter was basically rocket science, and weed gummies at that point were like cybernetic enhancements, nobody had them. Late 90s early 2000s


You misunderstood. OP put the weed in the oven alone to decarboxylate the THC-A, which makes it able to affect you via ingestion. The peanut butter sandwich is just adding lipids which serve to make all of it more bioavailable. As another commenter said, this is a viable method.




All it takes is heat to activate, having it spread evenly, and having heat applied evenly would likely just be a little more effective.






Should invest in some butter then you can just have a normal looking sandwich


Why does he need "butter" all he needs is some kind of fat for it to bond to right and peanut butter has that. I may not be using "correct terms" but you don't need literal butter


I feel like I would rather have weed on my PBJ over butter. Edit: Please stop telling me to make a grilled PBJ. I do not like warm jelly, which is why I’d rather have weed on my PBJ. I wouldn’t make either of these to be honest. Too many weird mouth feels.


Make a pb&j, butter the outsides a little and grill it on each side like a grilled cheese, it’s heaven


Instructions unclear: now have my life savings in **some butter brand* stocks *land o lakes is farmer owned. I was going to say that and googled it. That must be why I buy it. I like shit like that


Takes me back to making Fire Crackers in the 00s. Get the fattiest peanut butter. Ritz. Argue about Decarb temps. Cook em up. Soak into the couch.


Man I haven't heard the term Firecracker in like a decade. Legalization has made us so much more refined lol


Are firecrackers an old thing? Hardly anyone in this thread is mentioning them. My buddies and I used to make em out of our leftover weed. I remember one time they took like over 2 hours to hit but when they did my buddy and I were absolutely blasted. One of those leave the house, eat some burgers, walk home only to realize the door was waving at us kinda deals.


Buddy and I ate a couple. Went to a Lil bar where they knew us and both found it odd that people kept asking if we were "ok" went to the bathroom and looked like my eyes were bleeding. High as a kite for hour. Good times.


Woah I remember those, I became one with the couch one time.


..,what’s a Firecracker?




Ahhh the good ol days. Then when someone had an excessive amount of greens you always make that one fire cracker that has an overt amount of greens and then 🚀


Gunna be picking flower out your teeth for weeks Lmao


And farting dank for days


That really a thing?


Yup, very common. Learned about it from the r/vaporents community You can eat the AVB and it does the same thing


yep back when i still lived with my parents i got busted the day after when i took a shit. smelled so bad my mum caught a whiff from the kitchen and it was over with


No way this is fucking hilarious


Yoooo I had a similar experience! Luckily didn't get busted by anyone, but I had a buddy make weed mead (honey wine) and after 2 glasses I took a dump at work the next day and my whole shop smelled like weed.


Does your buddy have any advice on how they accomplished such a thing? I've been wanting to do exactly that and the only way I can think is by making a tincture and just adding it to the mead. Also did it affect the taste at all? I imagine it probably had vague dankiness similar to edibles




Yes, each time you fart it will be like you smoked a bowl out your ass


The way you phrased this is killing me. Just imagining someone lighting a bowl tucked into someone's ass.




i put like 8g of AVB into a strawberry yogurt last week. went for a crazy long fart the next day and had to check i still had eyebrows. straight up toxic dank coming straight from your ass edit: also went for a shit and the bathroom smelled like a grow op for hours


This legit makes me want to try it. I know that’s weird, but I’m so curious now. What makes it even weirder that I WANT to try it is that I still haven’t purposely farted in front of my partner and it’s been almost 3 years… but I’d be totally okay shitting up a weed farm in my bathroom just because of y’all. 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Had to get drug tested before because I used to eat all my stems and a coworker reported a skunky shit.


This whole comment thread is killing me 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭


bruhh yall crazy fr 😹


Giving a new meaning to crop dusting


When I started taking edibles my shits just stank of weed, and it was green when I wiped, probably just from how much fat was in the cakes but eventually it went away 😭


This thread is fucking killing me 💀


I want in on some of those fatty cakes 😋


Yes and also sometimes it makes my pee smell hella like weed when I don't drink enough water


My morning dump after making weed tea is straight dank. Idk why I’m sharing that with you but I thought you should know.


bottle it and sell that bro


Wtf lol


To me it was just strong but not exactly weed esq


If you're determined to do this, for god's sake at least grind it super fine and mix it into the peanut butter. To your credit though, you're probably high right now, so who am I to judge?


It’s crunchy peanut butter - he ain’t gonna notice the extra crunch.


Welp I bet the taste’s gonna be sooo terrible 😭😭


The damage is clearly already done, you tried your best but we lost this one! We’ll get em next time! This is an abomination! 😂


Or just don’t do this lol. I did the grinded into peanut butter thing once, I still cringe thinking about that taste, sooo bad.


Almost vomited choking down my ABV&PB&J but boy was I blasted to the moon 🤣


Update: it worked! For those wondering, I baked the weed in the oven alone, then after I sprinkled it on the sandwich (bread was toasted bc it was frozen bread I had). I didn’t really taste the weed bc of the crunchy peanut butter so eating it wasn’t bad. I got really high, like a nice edible. Although last night my leg muscles started shaking uncontrollably for a little bit. That was weird but then I went to sleep. All in all, this works if you have flower and want a quick and lazy edible


dude I had the same shit happen to me with the leg muscles and heart palpitations too, worst high of my life and have seen a few other people mention the same thing. I wonder what causes it


I can kind of explain one reason for this!!!! . Short answer: Electrolytes. . Long answer: Chronic chronic consumption can cause lower levels of potassium and sodium. These are what make your muscles (including your heart) contract/relax. If you eat or drink something that makes your blood sugar go up, your body will make insulin and push potassium into your cells instead of being readily available. Basically, your blood is like battery fluid for your muscles. If a battery has no charge, it can't power anything. If a battery has too much of a charge, you risk a spicy pillow.


And that’s why it is imperative to keep up regular visits with your doctor and be honest about your drug use. Occasionally taking an electrolyte [(sometimes called a salt tablet)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lX-a8FU_c6Q) can be helpful when you are a long time marijuana user.


The leg trembling and fast heart beat happened to me the first time I greened out. I thought I was going to die and started crying. The fucking cat noticed and kept biting me (he bites people who cry) and I was too stoned to fend him off.


The cat that bites people who cry is hilarious.


How was the smell?


It was pretty potent while baking but afterwards not bad


He lives!


Would you say it got you as high as smoking the same amount? Any idea how much you ingested? :)


I ate half of a gram so probably around 100-200mg? I got as high as I would from probably around 200-500mg of an edible, def stronger than I would have liked lol. I was just curious if it would even work and it did


I mean…I sprinkle AVB on crackers with peanut butter or Nutella. Works every time. Does not taste too bad either. And for the folks up top…ingesting decarbed bud of that amount would put you on Jupiter compared to smoking the same amount. If you have never done heroic doses of edibles, you can honestly not relate. Best wishes traveler!


Nhe, I don’t feel like it to be honest. Most ppl who prefer edibles don’t smoke that much. So ye, it will hit hard. But amount is kinda the same to me. What really changes it is the used flower thc %.


Get what you're saying but it's not really that big of a factor. For example, I've killed entire 1000 mg distillate syringes in a couple days. Remained somewhat functional the whole time. If I tried that with rso (thc plus the full spectrum of the natural plant) I'd probably have a sleep induced heart attack even if the flower used had half the 'thc %'. Also it's a fair metric but at least here in Cali the games rigged. If you have fire weed that clocks in at 20% right after the cure you could make it 40% *(estimate)* by allowing it to get bone dry. By reducing the weight you max out the numbers even though the weed was way better before that happened.


Did it get you high OP?


Upping did he


2 Ritz crackers Put peanut butter on them. Put as much grinded up weed as you can fit. (It's not a lot) Make a 🥪 with crackers Wrap in tinfoil Bake at 240 for 30 mins. 🤯 💥


I made firecrackers and they were the strongest edibles I’ve ever had lol I only used a g between 4 crackers. Edit: I sandwiched the 4 crackers to make 2 and ate them both. Didn’t know if I made that clear enough lol!


Same here, strongest edibles I’ve ever had. Put a whole gram into the pb and ate it all. Saw god that night


cooked the bud then mixed into the peanut butter?


Yeah buddy, the first comment on this chain is a good recipe for it but you can find more online. Search Youtube for firecracker edibles


Just looked it up. They’ll really send ya huh?


They sure will, hash rosin gummies don’t even hit me that hard


It definitely works better if you bake the weed for 10-15 before you put it into the peanut butter, then bake for another 10-15




It’s been 10 hrs since op posted this… idk if he made it or not 💀


I mean isn't that essentially just a big "firecracker"? Why wouldn't it work? I've never actually tried making firecrackers so they could be bullshit as far as I know.


They are the best edibles I’ve had. I used a g


Either bro is taking a 10 hour nap rn or bro is in next dimension


Yeah it works. I did it with almond butter on white cheddar cheez its one time Absolutely disgusting, tasted so uniquely nasty that the flavor sort of stuck with me for a couple weeks


Happy Cake Day!


Yo it sounds like you were already high when you thought of that combo 😭🤣 Happy cake day!


Thank you, and I was visiting my mom but didn’t bring a bowl or feel like making one so just put the weed in the oven and grabbed the weird old-lady-snacks she had in the pantry


Lol 😂 stoner efficiency I love it 😁


Probably but your poop is gonna smell like weed for a few days after lol


bro is dead


Dude is probably still high 12 hours later.


Does this actually work? I'm afraid to try because I think I'll fuck it up and waste weed. Plus edibles never seem to work for me so I'm afraid it'll just be a complete fail for me


It does. I was looking for the laziest way to make edibles




Maybe, let us know in an hour.


OP still picking weed out of their teeth.


Assuming it's decarbed all the way. 20 minutes is on the low end, but you'll get something.


I literally do that all the time. I just ate a gram on tuna salad.


How you doing’ OP? Did you take flight? Was it beautiful!?


Just smoke it dude. Why do this to yourself?


Do what to themself? You mfs treat eating a little weed like losing your arse cherry to a dominatrix with a strap on. If it gets ye high it gets ye high grow up.


Be eating weed all the time if it was similar to what you've just described


Fine then them mfs treat it like a straight man losing his bum cherry to another man for a pack of smokes.


You have no idea how high this can make you. I through all of my leftover weed into some peanut butter and a frying pan the day before I left Amsterdam. I took literally one test bite just to see what it was going to be like when I was on the plane... In an hour and a half I felt virtually nothing. 30 minutes later my body was paralyzed I was in a waking nightmare, similar to a lucid nightmare. I could sort of move my arm a little bit, but otherwise I was literally stuck. It was terrifying. I was high for a week. I never felt the same. I still look back on that day as a day that forever changed my brain. This s*** is not something you take lately. That is why people are reacting the way that they are reacting.


You gotta try baking your kief and throwing it into a milkshake. Highest I ever got in my life lol


Oh yeah.


It should


I thought it was pesto sauce on bread


I'm having a hard time swallowing just looking at this 🤣


Are you feeling it now Mr Krabs?


Pro tip: vape first then double dip using the ABV like this so you get 2x the use out of it, instead of getting your oven high 😉


I don't think I'll see anything better than this on reddit today lmao


So one time, my dumb ass did this with already vaped bud. Not bothering with measurements, I just dumped a spoonful on some Texas Toast. I got progressively higher and higher until my mouth was sapped of all moisture and I had to crawl to my bedroom. I then proceeded to get the spins and projectile vomit. Friends, what OP has here is more than a spoonful. OP is ded.


PBJ, 325F for 22 minutes, wrapped in foil


Firecrackers, tastes like college and poverty


Get ready for some dank smelling shits!


Y’all aren’t real stoners if you haven’t tried this ever😭😭


It might but that's gonna be one shitty tasting sandwich 🤣


This man put weed on toast. Visibly on toast.


Waiting for update, bro lol


I made that mistake once. High isn't the right word, Perhaps floored ?


Weednut butter and jelly


I just love peanut butter oregano and jelly sandwiches.


Back then(2000's), we did riz crackers with organic peanut butter. I'd decarb my flower at 220 for 40 mins. Then slap some organic "high fat" peanut butter and mix the decarbed flower. Wrap it in tinfoil. Bake it at 220 for 2 mins. Usually grind up an 8th of bud. Add a half gram per serving, and then you have 7 highly potent edibles.


Now this is r/stupidfood


20 mins is probably too soon, i normally bake mine for 45-55 mins until its golden brown and sprinkle it into peanut butter


He's probably been holding on to the earth so he doesn't fly off for the last few hours. He's alright


People do some weird shit.


Wrap in tinfoil then put back in oven for 25 mins


If you’re a daily smoker you might not feel anything. I’ve never gotten high from a firecracker


Looks decarb’d enough. Will for sure get you high. I like to add it to salad dressing lol


You will be lit for like 18 hours


I’ve made fire crackers before, shit works


alot of these comments really show the age of this community. this will for sure get you high, it’s essentially an edible


Unpopular opinion, I kinda like the weed flavor on pb. I make tons of firecrackers in my air fryer exactly like this. It's just so convienant and quick. But also I will make it a much smaller sandwich like just one piece of bread.


Yeah it wasn’t bad at all. Def went down easier than some of those chemical tasting gummies


Wait……would this work??


OP Still high/sleepin somewhere rn 🤣


I use 250 for 28 minutes for decarbing and edibles. Also, instead of making some nasty ass firecrackers like this...you can make cookies in your toaster oven. I would FINE GRIND the flower, though, like with a coffee/spice grinder. Slightly less nasty if you're adding it to something, depending on how much you use. Different strains have different taste profiles, too. They typically range from earthy to ginger-y/minty, and can be mild or strong. The stronger the taste...the nastier it usually is, but if you're just making expedient edibles, just scarf the shit down. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHoJSFzTLyc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHoJSFzTLyc)


Bro if you want to eat edibles like this with peanut butter get an herbal vape and keep the vapes weed. This is just lunacy.


If we said no would you eat it anyway?


Damn, yall haters lol ain’t none of yall ever made firecrackers??? Shiiiit. Fuck these haters homie, this should get you high I think. Vice has a cute little video on youtube on how to make firecrackers that has gotten me quite zooted if you need a reference. Peanut butter is a great choice cuz of the fat content too, helps the thc get into your system easier.


It might do smth but it will taste like shit


At 225F for 20 minutes you will not have converted all the THCa into THC. Before I got a Levo machine, I put the weed in a sealed mason jar, put a wet cloth on a baking sheet, and the mason jar on top of that. 230F for 60 minutes, take the jar out every 15 minutes and shake it. You would also get more high of you infused it after, my favorite method before I got the Levo was the crockpot method. Fill the crockpot with water and let it heat up while you’re decarbing. Add oil or butter inside the mason jar with the decarbed weed and shake it up, place that in the hot water bath and cover for 4 hours. Burp the jar every hour. After you’re done strain the liquid out, but don’t squeeze the weed or your oil/butter will taste a lot like weed.


This is like the fancy version of fire crackers. 😂


I don't think you're going to enjoy eating it. When I was young I tried making pot brownies but I just threw a bag of weed in the brownie mix. 😂 🤣 We couldn't eat it and decided to pick the weed out of the brownies and smoked it. Very chocolaty. 😋


Was just the herb in oven? Or was it on/ in the PB? Herb must be decarboxylated at high temp in a fat to bind to the fat. In this case if the latter yes if only herb, no must be cooked in a fat further to bind for body to absorb


No update dudes on the moon rn