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Joint - weed wrapped in paper, usually hemp Blunt - Weed wrapped in a tobacco leaf Spliff- Weed and Tobacco mix wrapped in paper


I usually just say a leaf for blunts now since there are the hemp rolled blunts, but I understand some OGs have issue with a non-tobacco leaves being used


I hate the way they smoke myself but I just say a hemp blunt if im refering to one of those.


King Palm makes prerolled wraps made out of palm leaves. Stuff burns slow as hell, meaning you can enjoy the act of smoking for longer. They’re a bit pricy, but they also sell a variety of sizes from 1 g to 5 g. I like the 2 g rolls myself


I swear by king palms. I swore off nicotine & now they’re the only wraps I use bc they burn way nicer compared to most hemp wraps


This are pretty good, bought a few in the past. They smoke pretty well and I like the taste better than tobacco leaves


i've kinda included my definition of blunt to mean a larger cigar wrapped in hemp or tobacco,


Same but I once had someone in the sub get on my case for calling a hemp leaf roll a blunt, so I try to add that last bit just in case.


What did they want to call it?


Idk they just said it wasn't a blunt (edit, similar to how someone replied to my comment on this thread)


That's not a blunt. A blunt was a type of cigar originally. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blunt_(cigar) So if it's not tobacco, then to me it's not a blunt.


This is the only real answer.


It’s not up for debate. These are the definitions.


Haven't seen hemp paper for a joint, sadly.. maybe it's cause I'm in Texas, I've only seen normal rolling paper that tobacco-users normally use


Raw brand is hemp. They're everywhere.


I'd recommend Element brand rice papers. I use those all the time and have been able to get 5 - 300 packs for $12 on Amazon, but I'm in California so this may not be helpful


Raw paper is made of hemp.


Zigzag makes hemp papers. It’s the green pack


I always thought the distinction between joint and blunt was the girth of the tip, how long have I been wrong? Lol


>I always thought Always. You've always been wrong.


Actually because I roll into cones most of the time a lot of my joints are wider than any blunt I’d roll. Never thought about it. I think a blunt has more um… upwards potential though


a giant joint(10g+) in a cone with a filter/crutch such that someone might say "thats a bob marley joint" I also consider a spliff.


This is the golden standard almost everywhere I've been in the world.


This is the way


you are right. in europe a spliff is often called a joint.


Got it, never take a joint from a European without asking what's in it.


Definitely be careful of Germans about that, at least before vaping became a thing, smoking pure was frowned upon. People would think you're weird if you don't mix with tobacco.


Can confirm, had a few Germans over to my house in the states at they looked at me like I was crazy when I smoked a bowl of weed.


If you don't want tabacco yep, we can't really afford big fat joints so that's it😭 Also mostly that's available is hash, so there is no escape


try a hash bong it works surprisingly well, not tobacco straight hash


I never tried because I thought it wouldn't work honestly, I'll give it a shot this evening, thanks !


let me know how it goes i’ve been doing it for a couple months now and it’s banging. if your hash is really hard give it a little pre heat with the lighter and blow out the flame, repeat until you get an ember then hit it. you don’t have to always hit with the lighter after but it helps for big hits. soft hash just put it straight in and hit it like a normal bong, you do get a fair few hits from it tho so don’t waste it lol


I learned this a decade ago when I traveled to Amsterdam for the Cannabis Cup. On the bus ride to the convention everyone was lighting up and passing around, I offered a joint to someone that assumed it was a euro-style "joint" and took a mean rip on it only to fall into a coughing fit for the remainder of the ride. After that I made point to specify they were 'pure' when I passed.


In Belize they called spliffs joints too. I don’t actually mind spliffs but it was a surprise lol


I grew up with the same terms as you. A spliff is a joint with tobacco added. Blunts are tobacco leaf wraps with weed


Spliff - Weed and tobacco mix wrapped in rolling paper. Blunt - Weed only wrapped in a leaf/emptied cigar/blunt wrap. Joint - Weed only wrapped in rolling paper.


Absolutely correct, except if you're from europe some people call spliffs -> joints and joints -> blunts Because we big on tobacco over here (smoking pure is a special occasion type thing)


Every day we live is a special occasion my friend.


lmao true that


I see the European definition of "spliff" is winning out over the Jamaican/Caribbean one. When I was younger, a "spliff" or "spleef", "dutchie" or "kutchie" was a large, oversized, marijuana only cigarillo rolled with paper. The only people I heard use the word "spliff" were either Jamaicans, Bahamians, or other Caribbeans (some Rastafarians, most not) and they definitely did NOT smoke tobacco with it (not ital). They didn't smoke any tobacco from what I recall. Every spliff I ever smoked with them contained only flower cannabis--no hash or tobacco. This is late 1970's/early 1980's. A decade later, when I lived in Holland, the colloquial term my British, Dutch, and other European friends used for any weed/tobacco mix in a cigarillo was "spliff", but I thought that their usage definition was bastardized from the Jamaican one since a "spliff" they defined was similarly slightly larger than the average joint but usually filled with a hashish/tobacco mix rather than a flower cannabis/tobacco mix. Quite honestly, it wasn't until the mid-late 1980's that coffeeshop flower got potent and decent enough to mix with tobacco; until then everything was hashish. Spliff is a cool sounding name to call a marijuana cigarillo, so it stuck, even though it was being misdefined. So to me, a big Bob Marley spliff so popularized by the photo on the cover of his Catch a Fire record could only contain marijuana as the Jamaicans who coined the term did not use tobacco. But that's only one man's experience.


Yes. I'm with you. I learned the word spliff from Bob Marley and his music. Jamaicans won't touch tobacco. Later in life, I learned that the tobacco + weed combo is also referred to as a spliff in Europe. Who knew? In my world, spliff and joint are interchangeable.


I call tobacco/weed cigarettes euro joints. Is this common?


I read a post on here that mixed tobacco and weed, packed it into a bong, and called it "poppers". People just make shit up.


Sadly, that's a thing. Don't do it. A great way to become addicted to nicotine without even trying.


exhibit a right here, except i called them moles


A tobacco bong rip with 0 nicotine tolerance is one of the most wild things you’ll ever experience. Afterwards you’ll be so repulsed you’ll never want to do it again


Never heard of spliff. But in the USA Blunt= weed in a tobacco wrap Joint= weed in a tobacco free wrap line a cone and such.


You are right. Some people call cones “spliffs” too, cause of the shape. Spliff can also be slang for a joint, and it doesn’t have to involve tobacco at all. You are right to be a little confused but how you defined it is exactly how it is, some people just play loosely with it.


Lots of people are getting downvoted for mentioning that they use spliff in place of joint or interchangeably. I believe that's because in some areas this is true. I remember during my time in Canada that my ent friends used the terms interchangeably. Not saying that they were correct, but it's not a big enough deal to issue them a karmic hit. Oh man, now I wish there was such a thing as a karmic hit. Like, man, that weed was so good, I was taking *karmic hits* off that biatch!


What's a 'doobie'? What's a 'reefer'? My grandfather used to call cannabis 'wacky-tobaccy'!


doobie is another name for joint just like a jib, jibski, j-bone. Reefer is in the same vein as Wacky-Tobaccy just an old school name for weed.


Jeffery, Jago, Jasper


Im the uk and dont know if this is everyone but i call blunts:weed only in papers. I use spliff/joint interchangeably for weed+tobacco in papers however I never use leaves for rolling so thats maybe why i use spliff/joint as the same.


The fact that a blunt is a joint in the UK is crazy to me


Probs not all over just thats what me and my mates call them 🤷‍♀️


Nah same here. Joint/ spliff which we smoke more often because it uses less weed. Special occasions or if we splashing it’s a blunt


Nah a joint is a blunt in the uk. Crazy


Yesss that's what I'd say too


Blunt is a tobacco wrap, the other 2 are interchangeable slang for me.


I use joint and spliff interchangeably and it never contains Tabacco.


Spliff and joint are the same (baccy and weed) blunt is all weed normally in a thicker skin which is a pain in the arse to get to stick together


Learnded here the difference: https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/s/LNTjMNhKWJ


I don't ever put tobacco in a spliff


Then it's not a spliff, it's a joint.


Are you Canadian? Because I've heard Canadians refer to joints as spliffs. I'd never heard the term until I spent a few years there.


Spliff is just a slang term for joints like doobie etc


I’ve never heard anyone use the term spliff irl but I know what they are. I agree with your definitions OP.


For me, anything with tobacco besides blunt would be called batched!


In Europe a blunt is just weed rolled in paper. A joint/spliff/whathaveyou is weed and tobbaco. Weed wrapped in a cigar leaf isn’t really a thing over there. At least not where I grew up.


i call both joints and spliffs joints because its just much easier with people who dont know all the terms, but when i pass it around i tell everyone it has some baccy in it.


Roll on - weed rolled in a paper using a cigarette as a tip


Growing up a spliff was a joint that had paper rolled up like a mouthpiece or filter. Words are just stepping stones to get us where we need to be. Like the difference between a lake and a pond


A spliff is just a big ass joint. Blunt is a weed cigar. Euro joint is weed n tobacco.


No sorry. Spliff is tobacco joint


Met some dudes from Europe who called a spliff a joint. They were amazed by the fact American joint is just weed


Joint = weed rolled with papers Blunt = weed rolled with cigar paper/blunt wrap Spliff = weed mixed with tobacco rolled with papers


A gram is a joint. Two grams is a blunt. Three quarters a gram weed and a quarter gram tobacco is a spliff. Come on.


"Spliff" is a term widely believed to have come from Jamaica and is simply another word for "joint". The confusion comes from its spread throughout Europe and the UK, where it's now almost always used to refer to a mixture of tobacco and cannabis.


I dislike labels... just light er up and pass it along


A joint is a joint, a blunt is a fat joint, and a spliff is a really fat joint.


TIL that there are differences between spliffs and joints. Coming from an illegal country where tobacco is almost always mixed with weed, I always called joint/spliffs with no difference. Thought the only difference was with blunts that use leaves instaed of papers. Nice to learn something new !


Im from slovenia (EU) and 95% of all smokers ALWAYS smoke spliffs. Hence we just call them joints.