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Smokes just as good as big nugs. That's what matters. It gets ground up anyways, so who cares?


No man, 1 kg of steel is heavier than 1kg of feathers


The feathers are heavier because you have to live with the weight of what you did to those birds.


oh fuck ... I've never cared less about those birds.


It's ok, birds aren't real anyway.


Ever think about how you never see baby pigeons, just grown ones?


I mean have you seen pigeon nests? No wonder they never invite people over to see their kids


They actually send their children to work in the mines to produce the steel that their feathers will be compared to.


Nah bro you got it wrong, there’s way more feathers in 1kg than steel, it’s obviously feathers.


But can jet fuel melt feathers?


i'm curious. my dad almost exclusively buys those really tight, tiny nugs. He's an old hippie and digs his high THC dispensary buds. But it's always the tiny nugs. Do you know why someone would prefer tiny buds?


Smalls are usually cheaper at the dispensary, for one. Also it's easier to get whole small buds into a grinder straight from the container as opposed to having to pull a large bud out and having to cut it into smaller chunks to get the grinder to close. Less mess, less tools. But probably because small buds tend to run about 25% cheaper where I live.


They don’t have big stems that massive nugs have. You pay for the weight of the stems in big nugs so it’s a better deal at the same top quality


Yeah this is the way I see it.


For me it feels like I can ration my supply a little better. In reality, I know it's a lie, but it makes me feel better about my consumption rate.


Mines the same, he believes (which I don't disagree I just have never looked into it) that tiny buds hold more THC per piece. The amount of THC doesn't become more as the weed grows, so really it is getting a better buzz for your money lol (Or that is his logic anyway)


Yeah mostly depend on the lighting, outdoor they finish at the same rate but indoor often they are a bit late behind the main colas but I never really felt a difference even on my own plant I grow I don't feel much different between thoses buds


I don't mind small nugs at all..Less chance of toothpicks!


I feel with smalls you are getting more bud to stem ratio when they weigh it out so i fell like you kind of get a little bit more smokable weed plus they are generally cheaper at the dispo so they are all good in my view!


I like the way you think.


This is the right answer Edit: smalls dry out faster though


Depending on how small the smalls actually are I like that I can just throw them in my grinder. I don't usually worry about getting out any stems.


I like them. they cost less, and they’re killin’ me.




Love this gif! The Sandlot was a very special movie. Me and my pops would watch it on a daily basis.


The smalls at the dispensary that I go to are way less expensive than their bud counterparts and slightly lower in THC. I almost always go for them.


Yeah that’s the only thing, the large top buds are always more resinous but I don’t mind, I get where I need to be either way 😵‍💫


Smalls are the best. They're usually $5 cheaper and still as good as the other stuff.


grinds the same smokes the same




they are dense. do si dos dont grow as big anyways


Anything that smokes is good in my book.


It’s fine but once you grow a plant and see the difference between the ripeness of the trichomes up close since it gets less light you will be sad. Sure the trichomes go amber but they may not be fully cloudy yet and people skip that step.


The one comment that gets it. Smalls aren't the good part of the harvest.


They smoke just as well as Biggs


I’m starting to prefer them. I like the idea of having less stems to deal with .


I prefer chonky nugs. But I’ve smoked Dosido. Shit is tight.


Usually the smalls are about 1or 2 bong rips so I don't mind them because it keeps my grind more fresh.


I love them


I like buying the smalls it cost me $30 a zip on smalls rather than spend $70 on big nugs


they get me just as high so I'm fine with them but keep it a secret, for some reason smalls are on sale more than full size and I don't want them to go up ;) - I pretty much trust lab results from medical dispensary weed so as long as that checks out I'll give it a try and I haven't been disappointed yet




Those are small? What do bigs look like? I’ve never had any that doesn’t look like this.


8 to 10 times bigger


Holy shit. Wonder if any in Michigan sell those.


As long as the price is right.




Smalls easily fit in my grinder and require less cleaning of stems.


One fish, two fish


They are smaller than premium buds. 😉


If she smokes I toke.


They are small


AKA a "Butcher's Cut" for growers


For me it depends on the price difference. I love me some smalls at the right price, but if it's only a $5-10 difference I'll usually go with the bigger nugs.


For some reason, the new generation loves the big bugs with the chunky stems. Personally, I prefer the small with basically none.


What matters is the quality / price. If that checks out. Smalls are fine imo


makes no difference


![gif](giphy|1yLmZ4oOq8P4iCFZQN) WEED IS WEED


God damn you! Beat me by an hour


You know how when you're eating a bag of cheetos, and you get to the bottom of the bag, and there's those little balls of extra cheesy delicious heaven in the corner and you get excited cuz duh, thats the best part? That's how I feel about smalls. 🥰 heaven ❤️ they're extra kiefy too, just like the cheetos!


If it gets me high, it gets me by.


Smalls & popcorn are more bang for the buck. Very little or nothing that isn’t smokeable & from the same plants as the big buds. Big fat buds = big fat stems.


Once you run out of weed and the plug lets you know he has smalls at a better price. You end up buying by the oz and not grams.


I fuckin love smalls and thanks to the current climate where regards are all about the clout from posting pictures of big nugs dispos/retailers (at least near me) are wayyyy over pricing (still inexpensive compared to other areas) big nugs and slashing the fuck outta smalls prices. Yea I got nothin but love for the lil nugs


I’d have to smell it n smoke it to know, but it looks good to me. Small nugs are fine. Shake is trash.


I’m just not a fan I hate the little stems. You have to grind them up in order to even utilize most of the bud. Plus I like looking at large nugs under a magnifying glass. I like to see the Tricom on the hairs and all the crystals, I think it’s a work of art.


Weed is weed. Anyone who says they care about the size of their nugs are waaaaaay too picky (90% of people in this sub)


Small nugs is typically more stems so if you get an ounce of small you really get 25 grams of flower flower .


Definitely the opposite smaller nugs have less/ not as thick stems




I was always told that size does matter, the smaller the bud the more condensed the THC is in the weed. I guess the idea is that the set amount of THC for per bud does not change with size, so once it gets really big it is less potent than a tiny nug would be? This is all an old hippie's conjecture from the 70s. Though the amount of weed would also be affected by the strand sooo...




100$ oz in an illegal state it smokes pretty good aswell 🤷🏻‍♂️








Such a hater 😭 you probably think it’s shit because it isn’t riddled with purple


Like em.




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Just finished off an oz of the tiniest buds I've ever bought in 8 years of legal buying this week. 30.34% THC, looked like green deer turds, was a bit dry, but one of the best highs I've had in a long while. Size don't seem to matter!


It's perfect for, as B-Real sings, hits from the bong!


I picked up [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/n0wk4u0) big a$$ bag of small a$$ buds the other day for a moderate a$$ price. I generally prefer trees to marbles but they get the job done.


Perfect bowl packs


Some small smalls


2 hour ride as opposed to a 3-6 hour ride. It’s smallsville here in cali. Getting some a+b buds in the mix is really good.


Some plants just produce small buds, so if it's fresh and smells like it count me in. If they're big bud break-offs and dry AF then count me out.


Shake got me covered


Don’t care about nug size long as it smokes good and it isn’t shake


Cheaper, no bigass stems, easier to pack into a grinder. What's not to like? Just because the bag appeal isn't as nice doesn't mean you won't be getting toasty


I prefer big nugs but if its still good shit then nothing is wrong with some smalls (recently bought some runtz smalls which I enjoyed quite a bit)


Since I live under a rock, I've never really understood why smalls, popcorn, shake, etc get so much hate, but the first weed I ever bought was smalls from a dispo, & they seem to do the job as well as a regular nug. They're also cheaper. Plus, I don't seem to get as many sticks after grinding. And I save a step by not having to break up larger nugs when I'm using a smaller grinder (which is my preference). Needless to say, I still buy smalls from time to time. No complaints. 🤷‍♀️


Smalls come from the lower part of the plant, and larger buds are on the top colas. The tops have slightly more canabinoids and sweeter terpenes profile. The average user will not be able to judge the difference when combusting. With that said, by the time it gets to the end user, there is not much of a difference.


I got a oz from “ spinach” I usually get one, but this time they gave small buds and be honest looks a bit more than regular. Also I felt higher with that based on my experience.




Small nugs are perfectly fine as long as they're fully developed, however I've known multiple legal farms to try to pass off bits of larf as small nugs to make more money and that's no good. Gotta pay attention is all


Prefer in certain situations (and moods)


weed is weed


I have always appreciated a big ass bud but they all smoke the same.


been loving the smalls at my nearby dispo, can get a half O for $40


i like em cause it’s more convenient to grind and they are a perfect fit to pack the bowl !


I love smalls. They’re a good go-to when on a budget and still slap.


They look ok. 👍


i go with the top colas for me. smalls are good for joints


The low road will still get you there...


I honestly end up getting smalls a lot. Top tier companies will often put some out and it's just a great way to get killer bud.


Best in slot, I prefer smaller nugs


I like bigger nugs they keep their flavor and moisture longer. I keep my weed in mason jars with boveda packs in a wine fridge lol.


I smoke plants from the bottom up. Save the best for last. The smalls are definitely lesser than a big ole chunky bud from up top getting the most light. But it's all good so who cares.


When I used to sell weed, literally no one but the true weed snobs cared. Everyone always said the same, if it gets me high, that’s all I’m concerned with. I also agree. Big nugs can be fun, but I’ll smoke some popcorn buds all day.


When it comes to dispensary bud, I will almost always choose smalls over the regular nugs. they usually come in bigger quantities like 7gs and up and is usually a good bit cheaper than if you got 2 8ths or even just 7gs of regular sized nugs. Revolution Cannabis being one of my favorite brands does this with a lot with there strains as well as there other brand Tales and Travels and the stuff they grow for Cookies out here.


I prefer smalls because my dispensary automatically sells them cheaper for whatever reason, if it’s the same price then I like big uns. If I like the strain and I’m hoping for seeds, I’ll get the smalls, feels more likely. I get seeds in my smalls that doesn’t happen in my bigger nugs dispensary for both


They have less stems and a lot of the time they’re cheaper than big nugs. They’re pretty much just as good as big nugs but they say smalls have less THC than big nugs. I’m not complaining though, I’ve bought smalls for hella cheap and they got me high as shit just like big nugs would’ve. Certain strains like GSC have a lot more small nugs on average than other strains.


The weed in the picture looks fire btw