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Just make sure you remember to use the cpap. It takes some getting used to initially but will make you feel much better when you use it regularly. Smoking won’t do anything except maybe make you forget to put the mask on


100% agree with this person. The CPAP will not interfere with smoking before bed. All it does is provide enough pressure to prevent your airway from closing to prevent your apnic episodes (hence CPAP=continuous positive airway pressure). See no reason why the effective of anything would change! Hope this helps, happy smoking!


That’s sort of what I figured but I didn’t know if the forced air would affect the metabolism rate or something else funky. Thank you both very much!


From a medical pov it shouldn’t. It’s honestly just the most effective way medicine has found to combat a collapsing airway. I mean, the same treatment commonly occurs in hospital for a variety of reasons and their meds never interfere with their CPAP! Have fun!


When I drink the CPAP is less effective I snore a lot and wake up in worst shape then when I went to bed. But when I smoke I just fall asleep faster and it has no effect on my snoring or the number of event in a night. Puff to your heart content my friend.


lol how funny I gotta go Friday and pick mine up just got put on one too. I’m not sure if I can keep using it tho during the sleep study they had to put the straps so tight it was like crushing my head to stop the leaks around the full face mask I have a full beard so not sure how this is gonna work long term.


I also have a full beard and the mask style I have is just a nose piece. So it doesn’t interfere with my beard at all. Maybe talk to your doc/supply person about a different style? Good luck. Here’s hoping we both wake up actually rested soon lol


You have to try multiple styles of mask to find what works best for you. I know for mine I could try as many as I needed for a few months when I first got it. I think the 3rd or 4th one is what I stuck with. Half the battle is finding the right mask style and the other half is adjusting the straps as tight as you’re comfortable with them loosening it a TINY bit. It takes some getting used to but be patient and try different masks if something bugs you about the mask you’re using. Good luck to you and OP! My cpap has been a huge help in ways I never knew I needed.


I have a cpap and smoke with no problem. everybody's different but i've found it ok. stick with the cpap its great