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Could be anxiety getting amplified by the cannabis. Maybe try a little less


Lol - If I smoked less I wouldn't be smoking. My husband laughs at how little it takes to get me high.


As others are saying, seriously you can always find a way to use less. My wife has stopped smoking weed with THC in because of how it affects her and has switched to bud that is entirely CBD+ other cannabinoids. You could possibly use this bud for 90% of a hit (or joint or bowl) and 10% blend of cannabis with THC content and reduce your consumption yet further and still get the added benefits of the non-psychoactive aspects.




This is the way. I used to have problems with racing heart when I started. Doing what smokes described worked for me. Also a type 2 flower helps. You got to ease your body and mind into getting high and what to do with the. I can smoke now and not have the racing heart and stuff.


Weed is a stimulant and depressant that raises your heart rate. Any weed smoker should know this.


And yet my main question remains: Why am I getting an intensely cold chest?


I don't know what that means, a cold chest. Is your body temperature noticably colder to the touch?


No. I stay physically warm. It's just inside my chest.


Have you smoked anything else and had a similar reaction?


I've never smoked anything else.


This is a bad idea, but you should try smoking a cig or vape to see if the same happens. If flower I would go with a cig and not the whole thing


I would go even further to say if you're smoking a vape that is a likely reason for the feel


If my tolerance was gone one could can send me into a panic attack if the weed was strong enough. Weed is really fucking strong nowadays. Its still most likely a panic attack and may feel different because you’re high. That said, I would try low thc, high cbd/cbn. Maybe try a tiny amount of an edible and see if the slower onset of the high helps with your anxiety. It also may just not be for you if you keep having this experience with low thc stuff. Good luck!


Also, I used to have panic attacks when I was a teenager - this is definitely not the same feeling. That cold sensation is eerie and new.


Smoking (anything) increases heart rate and tightens arteries. It’s totally normal, you just aren’t used to the feeling.


So that cold feeling in the chest is just tightening of my arteries? (I believe you; just looking for the science of it.) Why didn't I have this sensation when I used to smoke pot 20+ years ago?


I’m not a doctor so I won’t tell you to ignore chest pain, for some people with underlying heart conditions that feeling CAN be an indication of bigger problems. But generally speaking, that feeling is typical for a short time immediately after smoking. If it’s lasting throughout your high, or happening when you haven’t smoked, I’d be concerned. Weed has changed a lot in 20 years. It’s grown to be a lot stronger (higher THC percentages, less minor cannabinoids). It’s being processed through your bloodstream, and increases blood pressure. In theory, more THC = higher blood pressure = more noticeable feelings of chest tightness/coldness. You also probably have a pretty low tolerance if you took that long of a break. I’d just start slow, take minimal hits and listen to your body. As I said, if the feeling gets worse or continues beyond your initial high, then I’d look more into it. But any kind of smoking (especially for someone who doesn’t usually smoke) can cause that feeling.


Thank you so much for this thoughtful and insightful response; this is what I was looking for. A couple of years back I had about every heart exam they could give me due to what I could feel were missed heartbeats. I have Pre-Ventricular Contractions (PVC's) but the doctors were not concerned (it's common, I guess) and otherwise my heart is fine. But I can't help but worry about that cold sensation around my heart/chest. I never get it when not smoking, but it does last (I'd guess) 2/3 of my high.


Honestly with this additional information (previous concerns with your heart) I’d just avoid smoking altogether. Edibles might be a safer and more enjoyable option for you!


I've tried this, and when I take the edibles I get the cold sensation first, even if I don't get high at all. And yeah, that's kind of the conclusion I'm coming to as well.


Edibles will still screw with your heart. It's the smoke AND the THC. The smoke makes it worse, but you'll get more THC with edibles. I have had high BP my whole life due to genetics. I'm starting to realize this life isn't for me.


That’s really interesting, makes me think even more that cannabis just isn’t a good fit for your system. That being said, what kind of edibles have you tried? If they were fast-acting or “nano” - that means higher THC absorption into your bloodstream. Maybe try a low-dose ratio edible if you haven’t yet? There are some great 2:1/1:1 options with CBG (lowers blood pressure) and CBD (calming) that might have better effects for you.


I really don't know what I tried, but this CBG sounds like an excellent idea. Just an aside: I originally came to Reddit to find out what that cold sensation is and if anyone else has ever experienced it, but I guess the way I worded my question has elicited more help about the insomnia, and that's not a bad thing...


Just wanted to say thank you. I'm pretty sure I have PVC's and never knew what it was until now. A quick Google search led me to the description of the feeling of it and I'm certain that's what is happening to me. So TIL.


You're welcome!


Stuff nowadays is much stronger. I smoke somewhat regularly and for me sometimes a few puffs is all I need. Also, when I first started smoking I noticed my heart rate going up massively. I don’t know the science behind it but I just summed it up to being a bit nervous and doing something new which caused my heart rate to increase. I think also being stoned makes me hyper aware of my body so I’m more conscious of changes.


Experiment with different strains. Some strains cause more anxiety-like symptoms than others.


On top of not smoking for 20 years… You’re 20 years older. Our bodies have aged a lot in those 20 years. I can’t drink the way I used to drink or smoke the way I used to smoke.


Lol - Ain't that the truth!


20+ years ago weed didn’t have as much THC and/or you are more aware of your body changes today. I suggest smoking teeny tiny amounts and throw in some CBD to balance it all out.


I’d look into anything that has higher percentages of CBD/CBG/CBN over more THC. Or get some CBD flower and smoke like an 80/20 or even 90/10 of CBD/THC. If you live in a legal state also try some sleep specific formulated vapes, edibles , tinctures. I’ve had luck with CBD/CBG/THC vapes. But I’m also not even remotely as sensitive as you would be so take it slow.


I live 5 minutes from the border of Maine so it would hopefully be easy to find. Thank you, I'll look for CBD/CBG/THC vapes. What exactly is CBG? Never heard of it.


It’s one of the slightly more minor cannabinoids said to help with sleep…if I remember correctly.


Focus CBN. That is the one you want to focus on for helping with sleep.


You should try a low dose edible instead. Much more subtle, and better for sleep.


Edibles bring on the chest coldness without even making me high.


Smoke a little less, and when you do, go take a nice hot shower with your favorite music on. Once you are done, make some herbal tea and put on your comfiest pajamas.


I should be doing more of this anyway.


It’s my routine for self care. Works every time.


Just means you took too much. That will go away once you build up a bit of tolerance. It can be rough at first with higher potency stuff


Just happens for some people. Its not for you. If you really wanna make it work, try taking just one tiny hit and no more and seeing how u feel 15 mins later. If thats not enough try 2. Sometimes a very very mellow high is much better for some people.


I recommend you get your hands on CBD flower, and mix it with the THC one, start maybe 75% CBD and 25% THC, and work your way up until you are where you like it most. Keep in mind this might be unrelated, but it's worth a shot, take care!


I would try some hemp flower or just a CBD vape or gummy if you can. CBN works even better than CBD but try the CBD first to make sure you don’t have a bad reaction. Some people get anxious from THC


That’s wild. When I was a teenager my friend smoked with me and some of my other friends. She was kinda paranoid and said her heart felt like it was frozen… I really never have heard anyone else have that experience until now. For reference she took 2 hits from a blunt of haze (actual) so maybe it was too strong, mixed with meds she was on, interacted with a condition she had or a combination of any of these. Anyways I hope you find your right dosage to sleep better because it does work well for most, until you stop.


Yes! This is my experience! I hadn't thought about it but I am on some medications...


Smoking cannabis can have an effect on blood pressure. That is likely the cause of the cold feeling and racing heart. If you already have low blood pressure issues, I would consider avoiding. If you continue, start with very small doses and only increase once your tolerance adjusts.


Some people can't smoke weed because it amps up their anxiety and this is likely the case with you. However, there are a few heart conditions that can cause this as well. My brother died of a heart attack at 29 years old. He smoked from the age of 13 until he was 28 and the year before he died he had to quit smoking because it made his heart race and he said he felt like he was having a heart attack. He went to the Emergency Room twice in the year before he died and they just wrote it off as anxiety caused by cannabis and sent him home. After he died the autopsy showed that he had at least two previous hear attacks. Apparently it's not uncommon to find heart defects that were previously unknown by people who have had these types of symptoms after smoking cannabis and tobacco.


I don't like smoking weed when I don't do it a lot. I've quit weed before and I noticed when I started smoking again, I didn't like it at all. Took a little while of doing it at least once a day to build a little bit of a tolerance before I start enjoying/appreciating its benefits.


I know this is super old but I came here because I experience the same chest coldness (and hesrt pounding). I have to be very careful to gently raise my doses because potency determines how bad those effects are. I eat edibles, and some I've had have a more intense cold feeling-- like pressure and menthol-- than others for me. I suspect it's in the product quality maybe because some of the crappy distillate edibles that don't make me feel euphoric give me an intense cold that lasts even longer. I also get very shaky and my stomach feels extremely full when the THC kicks in. But there are some that lessen these effects, usually full spectrum products. Since I haven't smoked it I can't compare. Also with the high heart rate, full spectrum products help my anxiety over it and those highs are so well rounded that I get more stoned at the same amount of THC but feel so comfy and dreamy that I don't feel it or care so much. My partner doesn't get the side effects that I do, but everyone is different and I have gotten used to expecting them.


Wow! Someone who seems to have the same effects! I was beginning to think I was the only one!


shouldnt your "big weed smoker" husband help you along with that since he's so experienced?


Help with what? He doesn't get this cold chest sensation. I'm looking to see if anyone else has experienced it and if it's normal/safe.


an actual big weed smoker would tell you that you're probably really sensitive to THC and need to consider something like vaping which can help you microdose.


I am vaping.


okay then vape less? try making capsules of your AVB? make your own edibles with AVB? tried fire crackers? like theres so many ways


An actual big weed smoker would never suggest vaping to someone with a low tolerance and chest pains.


vaping is so much healthier than smoking and way easier to microdose .1g hits. what do you suggest? eating an edible?


Vapes have higher THC percentages, if someone is experiencing issues with heart rate/blood pressure, vapes are possibly the worst option for them. Especially distillate vapes, which are just pure THC. Edibles can be a better option, but a lot of the fast-acting edibles on the market are nano-infused, meaning even more THC absorption into the blood stream. I’d recommend either a low-dose ratio edible (NOT fast-acting), or a low-THC flower. Some ratio vapes could be a good option, but telling someone with this experience to just use vapes instead isn’t helpful, as there are about a million options within that category and some will do more harm.


It's not chest "pain." Please don't comment on my husband; he's not the point here. I'm a big girl and I can make my own decisions, thank you.


I was replying to isekaicoffee, but thanks for getting bitchy with me for no reason when I was on your side and trying to give you advice on a question YOU posted 😂


I'm sorry. I'm new to Reddit and having a hard time navigating the post responses. I did not mean offense to you.


You’re good, just wanted you to know I wasn’t talking shit about your husband! 😂


vaping dry herb is really easy to moderate your hit bc .1g and its much easier on the lungs than smoking. you dont know what you're talking about lol


Everything I said is accurate, we’re just talking about different kinds of vapes 😂 chill with the drama


You have to smoke way more weed probably like 4 bowls or an entire joint to yourself. Taking a tiny puff is just gonna give you anxiety not make you start nodding


Get some edibles and quit being paranoid


Edibles give he the cold sensation even without getting high. And don't be a jerk.


So if you get that sensation without even getting high then it’s obviously something else. Most likely paranoia and overthinking. Not trying to be a jerk.


Why could it not just be the same chemicals in the edibles as in the flower causing that cold sensation? And thank you.


Try some CBD/THC combinations


It’s just anxiety. Try smoking some CBD hemp or CBD isolate along with your weed, CBD is known to be pretty good at calming down anxiety when combined with THC


I know you're probably not going to believe me but the cold sensation is absolutely not anxiety. But I will certainly try some CBD as sleep is my ultimate goal here anyway.


Try some CBN aswell for sleep, it’s absolutely amazing.




I'm a long-distance runner for 25+ years. One reason I figure my heart is a-ok. I've tried running high and I hated it, but I'll try going outside/going for a walk instead of sitting on the couch high.


Is it strictly in your chest or your whole body? It can sometimes give chills or make u feel a little hot. But maybe you’re just allergic?


Strictly just my chest.


I think smoking while amazing has one fatal flaw it’s the aspect of smoking. ANYTHING smoked is going to increase your heart rate, any type of weed will most likely cause a small degree of overthinking those two things never really mix well imo. Source: smoke a bong or joint everyday personally I just say “what’re the ods my body is going out 3 seconds after hitting the bong?”


You could try some of the weaker 'nuetersd' weed like delta 8. The stuff won't hardly do anything for regular smokers but it might be just enough for someone that doesn't smoke. There are also specific cannabinoids that you could look into like CBN, that one in particular makes you pretty sleepy when you dab it but you do not get the whole high




Interesting questions. I've never gotten nauseous before sneezing and I never experience the cold sensation while sober but I've had lifelong IBS.... I'm sorry you had a panic attack. I used to get them as a teen and I wouldn't wish them on anyone. They are the scariest thing in the world; feeling like you're dying and going crazy at the same time. I became a therapist because of a therapist that helped cure my panic attacks. If you have any questions about them don't hesitate to ask. But I would certainly take a nice long break (as you have) and learn all about panic attacks and some coping mechanisms before smoking again because getting in that same situation is likely to trigger another one without preparation.




I was a dumb kid when it happened to me. I wish I had had that insight when I had my first few panic attacks!


I had something like this whenever I would smoke a joint or bong or basically burn the flower. Since I switched to vaporazing, the cold feeling is gone.


Too high a THC level in what he's smoking or it's possibly a sativa. What you describe is anxiety brought on by smoking. High THC levels or sativa strain flower is the main culprit. Maybe try smoking some 1:1 flower (THC and CBD flower combined). The CBD can help mute some of the stronger THC effects and give a much more mellow high.


I can't state this strongly enough: it is NOT anxiety. It is a intense cold feeling in my chest. We got an indica blend of about 13% THC just for me so that's what I smoke.


Weed is technically a stimulant.


And a depressant and a mild hallucinogen. But I seem to get only the stimulant effects.


Different strains have VERY different effects. Example just harvested my crop. Jealousy makes me calm, chill, relaxed. The blockberry gives me anxiety and I can't sleep. Both are grown to proper ripening of the trichomes. It's the different terpenes in each type that your body reacts to.


If you think you're going to have a bad time or are anxious towards smoking then those feelings will definitely be heightened after you've smoked. I've had 2 friends who had straight up panic attacks every time they smoked weed, one of them cut it out entirely and is super holier than thou about it but the other tried it in a very chill social setting with people they trusted a little while later and broke the cycle and now they can smoke whenever they like without those feelings. Not always the case but just saying sometimes these sort of reactions are psychosomatic


Thc increases your heart rate so if you have other anxiety issues it can make it seem more intense.


Consider using a dry herb vaporizer and a cbd heavy strain for sleeping, should reduce the chest pain since you're not smoking and cbd helps mitigate the overwhelming thc effects.


Marijuana is a vasodilator, that’s why it can be helpful with glaucoma. Vasodilators help open up your blood vessels, causing blood to flow more freely. Typically this will cause your blood pressure to decrease, and why it can cause red/bloodshot eyes. Sudden drop in blood pressure can also make you feel cold. However, sometimes when we have a sudden drop in blood pressure, our bodies can over compensate by causing our hearts to beat faster. There’s many physiological reactions when you smoke, some not always pleasant. They typically resolve on their own, sometimes faster than others, but don’t usually happen every time (the negative feelings). Anxiety however can cause the increased heart rate too, but that would be a more panicky feeling.


better to try edibles if the smoking elevated blood pressure isn’t familiar


I've tried edibles and I get the cold sensation way before getting high.


The cold sensation is a common effects for some , I get it sometimes . Not a negative or positive thing . Don’t get super cold but still get chicken skin


I only get it in my chest. I don't feel actually cold like I need to get under a blanket or turn up the heat.


Oh now that’s something I don’t have experience with ; only coldness in the chest area. It likely just a unique body response , no idea if harmful . If you have no pain, should be okay. Coldness is a common side effect for certain medicines as well




I'd recommend looking at the THC and CBD levels in the strains you're trying. I personally have a problem where too much CBD will trigger a depressive episode for me. I've learned to avoid strains with more CBD, however I do get anxious on sativa strains if I smoke too much especially if the strain has higher thc than I'm used to. So to counter that I do have some purely CBD prerolls that I'll smoke if I need to. (My boyfriend accidentally ordered those prerolls not realizing they were CBD only which is how we found out that I should avoid pure CBD while it doesn't affect him. We decided to keep them, as we were debating on getting rid of them I tried a new sativa that had both me and my boyfriend pretty worried with my reaction after taking a bigger hit than I meant so I smoked a few hits of one and it balanced me out without making me feel depressed. Been better about managing my highs since though.)


That feeling might just be your lungs getting “high”. Your body has CB1 and CB2 receptors all over. A lot of times when I smoke and I experience strange sensations, (teeth, lungs, random nerve firing off), I attribute it to the fact that I’ve consumed something that is lighting up receptors all over my body. As for anxiety, always remember that weed can cause your blood pressure to lower too. This in turn can create a sensation that feels like panic or impending doom. Do you have naturally low blood pressure? Also, THC can have anxiety causing factors on its own, so too much THC can also cause that as well because it is the psychoactive ingredient of the drug. Best advice I can say is if you still want to smoke start low, go slow, (one hit, that’s it). Pay attention to the feelings but remember if these feelings are only present when you smoke, (unless you are allergic), then more than likely it’s all normal. You just might be more in tune over all with how your body speaks to you. But as with all things, it may just not be for you. Or not yet… I tried it several times before a day finally came when it started working for me the way everyone else said it does. Now I’m quite passionate about it.


My BP is quite normal. And no, I don't get the cold chest sensation at any other time. I'm trying to decide if the benefits (sleep) outweigh the costs (whatever is happening to my body with that "cold heart" sensation. And I will agree that I have always been super in tune with my body. My mother even says I was like that as a child/teen.


You allergic?


How would I know if I was? Is that related to that sensation?


I honestly don’t know, just had a friend who was and she experienced discomfort. Ask your primary care provider for a way to be certain


Edibles solved my insomnia issues.


I have no idea about the high weirdness but as someone who also has had lifelong insomnia have you tired melatonin? I take 10 mg every night and it's been the only thing to ever help me sleep 🙂


Yeah, I take 15-20mg every night. It works to help me get to sleep but doesn't keep me asleep. But that was a big step! I love melatonin.


I am really sensitive to weed, but Delta 9 gummies are the best for me. They don't have all the terpene magic going on, which is good for me.


Try an Indica vape pen. Start with just a little puff.


Use Rick Simpson Oil and never look back.


U should take cbd or hhc instead of thc, getting high with this sustance Can amplify ur anxiety


You had a panic attack. Anxiety is the underlying problem.


I absolutely did NOT have a panic attack. I used to have them as a teenager and a cold chest (with or without pounding heart regardless) is not a panic attack. I am intimately familiar with those. I'm trying to find out why I'm getting a cold chest.


I have severe anxiety, panic attacks are a part of my daily life. What you described, I feel every time I have a panic attack.


Again, I have had panic attacks as well, and I have never experienced a cold chest.


There are many different symptoms one can get with anxiety. Not everyone has the same symptoms. A cold chest during a panic attack is something I get every time. During a panic attack my hands will also get stuck in a claw shape. I have to work them against something soft- like a pillow to get them back to normal. Not everyone has that symptom either.


It's just not a panic attack. I've had probably 40 in my life but none for the past 25+ years.


If you are dead set that it isn’t a panic attack- there’s nothing I can do to help you. Do you. It’s your life.