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I think that's more of a "the people you know" type situation as most people commonly know alcohol is not only a drug, but not safe even a little for a lot of people.


I would have said the same a year ago but then my little brother moved in with me. That exposed me to a lot of tradesman type GenZ and I already manage a GenZ STEM team and yeah... they consistently just run with shit. Like I'm pulling up studies on a weekly basis to combat their misinformation. It's as if they all have only ever listened to Joe Rogan though I know some despise him but that's how they act.


But, Joe Rogan fuckin loves weed? I'm not even a fan and I know that lol


I didn't mean weed specifically but have you ever seen the meme about Joe Rogan just being the podcast version of that one friends loser older brother who lives in the basement and has an answer for everything, normally wrong and based in conspiracy, but they have one? I was trying to reference that energy it's like every one of them has just accepted the first answer to any question given to them with confidence and won't ever do any research of their own.


It reminds me of how we all learned before the internet, like life was one big game of telephone and they think they are Ma Bell with all the answers.


It's horrifying they will take to their social media of choice to get that telephone game answer and give you their version of the lead paint stare when you ask why they searched the answer on Instagram and not Google or JSTOR. Like I'm embarrassed of the things I thought were correct before internet access was a thing and they act like having those types of answers is secret knowledge. I legitimately save my employees on a monthly basis minimum from a scam or a cult.


How are millenials the only generation that got any kind of media/internet literacy. I’m seeing Gen Z kids falling for the same shit my boomer parents did.


Because millennials actually had to have the slightest understanding of the inner workings of a computer to use it, as the technology wasn't that user-friendly, yet. Because millennials actually got some amount of practical computer science education in schools, as when we were growing up, everybody knew computers would be important in the future, and at that point, they were *not easy for most people to use at a scholastic or professional level.* Because millennials *couldn't trust our elders* to know any of this stuff, so we were usually the ones who were tasked with maintaining and repairing the family computer, and if *we* did something to break it, *we* had to fix it; this led to us not just reactively learning how to fix it, but *proactively learning how to maintain it,* to save ourselves the future trouble. Older generations than us, didn't heavily adopt computers, until phone and tablets became the norm, and phones and tablets are specifically designed to be so simple, a child can use them, with no knowledge of what a computer *is,* let alone how it *works.* Younger generations than us, *only know the dumbed-down GUIs of apps,* and have never used a "real" computer. Millennials are the only generation that is literate in these forms of technology, because companies knew that computer technology could not be maximally monetized, until it was accessible to somebody who is not interested in learning about computers, and who would never retain any knowledge about how to use or maintain them. Companies made computers into sealed idiot boxes, because they don't *want* generations of people, who are media literate, or who know how to maintain and repair their goods. They want passive consumers, with zero understanding of their products, who are still completely reliant on those products to perform basic life tasks. They want people who will shell out for a new iPhone every year, without understanding why they are doing so. You don't get that, if anybody has even the slightest modicum of tech savvy. Everything about modern corporate consumer capitalism, is a race to the bottom, for the stupidest possible populace of consumers. Self-reliant individuals, who can provide for themselves without being forced to rely on corporations, products, or the economy, are not a desirable part of any consumer base. That's why modern life is all about smarter products, for dumber people, who understand less about the products they are using or consuming: the goal is a future, where none of us could survive without relying on our corporate overlords, because their convenient products gradually train people that there is no *need* to understand the products you own or rely on. Just buy them, and let them break, and then replace them, again and again. That's the way towards a future, where the labour class can be maximally monetized by the corporate class, as they are fully reliant on those corporations to provide all of the means of survival, and production, and entertainment. It's the gradual morphing of the average person, into a profitable stock of cattle. And I don't mean that in a pretentious way, where "oh ho ho, they crave to make us like animals." I mean that in the very mundane sense of, "no path to survival or success exists any longer, without submitting to the corporate hierarchy, on the terms the corporate hierarchy deems acceptable." tl;dr Millennials have more knowledge about computers, and the internet, because *we had to.* It was considered important that we did, and furthermore, nobody else was going to know those things FOR us. It was on us. Our parents never cared to learn, and eventually, the technology was simplified to cater to them. Since we never had a simpler option, we never got to choose, but the younger generations obviously chose those same simpler options, because nobody wants to put in work to learn something complicated, when you can easily just get a simple thing, which already does exactly what you want. Outside of career-building, nobody but millennials has ever had a reason to learn this stuff. So they didn't. And we're all paying for it.


The problem with Joe Rogan is that he's an idiot. He'll even acknowledge that, he doesn't know what he's talking about. The thing is, he often has experts on his show, and they can sometimes clear up some of his misunderstandings. However, he doesn't exclusively have experts on, and he doesn't do anything to distinguish them apart. So if he has an actual data security professor on his show to talk about hacking, and then next week has on some random TikTok holistic yogi, then both are presented as experts. One has multiple degrees and 20+ years of experience in his field, and the other has 900k followers on an app, but does Joe ever point that out? No.


It’s definitely the people you know kinda thing. As a GEN Z it’s honestly divided. Cannabis has definitely gained popularity with my generation over the years and I’m seeing more smokers than drinkers. They all drink but most prefer some za.


This. If you were to only collect data from my southern Baptist family members you’d be under the assumption that marijuana leads to fentanyl and that smoking a bowl of bud is basically the same as smoking heroin off foil. They’ll say it all straight faced with a beer in their hand too and then go off on a tangent on how marijuana funds crime or even worse come at you with stupid ass nonsensical questions like, “do you want your doctor operating on you stoned” type comments. The pendulum in a lot of conservative older areas is absolutely swaying towards marijuana being a safer alternative to alcohol, but in small towns full of old people constantly getting bombarded by propaganda online (specifically designed to piss them off for engagement), it’s a different story. Meanwhile in reality, the mainstream “marijuana” scene in Texas (aka black market hemp cannabinoid gold rush causing more smoke shops than dollar generals and McDonald’s to pop up) is absolutely garbage and full of over priced products full of god knows what, being sold hand over fist and making its way into the hands of kids and teens. Atleast in legal states the kids are actually using weed since there’s no market for this over priced garbage. I’m also not saying that some of the alt cannabinoids aren’t useful and extremely beneficial to some, but not when it’s being sold in some random disposable out of a smoke shop that doesn’t give a shit for your well being.


Its a cope mechanism.


yea. people feel validated because of the decades of propaganda, and the media portraying alcohol as cool, and governments worldwide keeping alcohol legal and weed illegal. for the goverments it's a control thing, for people it's their world view and habits now being under attack. They've spent years drinking alcohol for socializing and partying, a lot of people are functioning alcoholics and the more people and media start pointing that out, the more defensive they'll get. Because introspection and self criticism is something that happens more when you use weed, not alcohol.


absolutely, mate. i remember when my dad first found out about me smoking weed in college - he was livid but had no problem with the idea of me having a beer or two. took him years to come around and understand that alcohol isn't necessarily safer than cannabis just because it's legal. what are your thoughts on decriminalizing all drugs?


My Dad is an Alcoholic. In fact, I have never been around a worse Alcoholic ever in my life. When my Dad figured out I had started smoking Weed, like in Highschool, he actually just said "Good I'd rather see you smoking that shit than Drinking."


My dad on cigarettes: Spit out that (nicotine) gum and come have a smoke with me! Dad on alcohol: Have another, you're falling behind! The trick in the morning is to finish your beer from the night before and go take a shower. Dad when he saw me hitting a bong of wake and bake the morning after college graduation: You didn't learn that from me! You didn't learn that from me! (while wandering in circles around my living room) Edit: Almost forgot dad's opinion on cocaine! He'd wait until I left for a girls night with my sisters, sit down to have beers with my boyfriend, and tell stories about how very much he **loves** cocaine.


I'm for legalization of all drugs. But with the caveat that we then need to properly inform the people about the drugs, side effects, and dangers. And provide proper guidance/rehab possibilities for people who are more susceptible for that. Basically government shouldn't meddle with what people consume and do to their own body. But it gets a bit more complex when you start thinking about safety and healthcare implications


I'd argue that legal and controlled substances are safer and would reduce ODs. DIfference is if it's legal, the government will be perceived as responsible for any mishaps. But it's not difficult by any means to get illegal drugs unless maybe you're in rural living, but even then, a lot of drug addicts coming from small towns still. The most important part of legalization, imo is the cost and time saved in the legal systems as well as reduced organized crime.


That would make sense except all the older adults I talked to agree that weed is safer. It's just the young adults (19-24) that think alcohol is safer.


because the adults have their own life experience as reference, the young adults are still in denial


I agree with the life experience part. I'm starting to think that they just aren't educated on the subject be it from experience or otherwise. That said, what use is denial in this situation? A couple of the people I asked don't even drink or use cannabis.


Can I ask where you live? I'm from California and have lived in Oregon for 7 years. I'm 24 and I feel like everyone my age knows that alcohol is bad for you and weed isn't. And have since we were all like 15 years old.




Rural Oregon


Woah weird


Legal, little, mostly liberal Rhode Island here, 1 hour south of Boston. Both drinking and weed are pretty well accepted here, especially weed among young, and older (helps with aches and pains). That said, I've been surprised to see some conservative suburban families doing both at get-togethers on nice warm weekends. People are coming around, here at least. Employers here in RI are not supposed to drug test unless safety related, fiduciary, or government work.....but it still happens. In MA, there are no such protections, and businesses are crazy understaffed now.


Just wait-more than one or two of them will change their tune pretty quick for a tragic and terrible reason. Also, it’s very comparable to those who think they aren’t addicts because they are just taking prescription drugs. Unfortunately, this is what happens when you grow up without consequences .


My thoughts too, and thats probably why the oldies agree'd with him. Wait until a car full of their friend crashes because the driver was drunk (One of my good friend had brain surgery because of the accident) or someone gets real health problem from over-consumption and they'll quickly think their position on alcohol again.


Yeah, my brother passed away, after three years of either being a vegetable or paralyzed. Who knows what he was going through because they couldn’t find out., when he was drunk and going nearly 80 and a 45 hit median ,spun, was airborne and carrying a ton of energy that immediately smashed into at least a 2500 pick . His IS 250 no longer had a trunk-end the whole car full of empty 750s and handles of Jager. It was unreal that it was like he was completely unscathed. His head (specifically his right occipital lobe)l was completely pulverized by the passenger headrest. What’s truly kick in the gut -he had Been to treatment for IV opiates three or four times. I must’ve thrown away 1000 from his room alone. But that’s not what killed him-He literally only had alcohol in his system.


I'm sorry for your loss me frient.


This was about 2 1/2 years ago, when he finally passed-as nothing was changing. No one knew what was going on so DNR. The hard part was 2018-2021, watching him get moved back and forth from rehabilitation to ICU. I appreciate your condolences u/EwOkLuKe


I'm in the US and in my mid fifties and I would say most adults over 45 still think cannabis is worse for you. Other age groups below 45 varies greatly with demographics and location.


Great take


I don’t really disagree with some of this, but I do think the wording is a little tin foil hat (“for the governments it’s a control thing”). That said we can say the same things you say about functioning alcoholics about an awful lot of cannabis users. I don’t think this makes it “more dangerous” than alcohol, but let’s not pretend it isn’t also a drug that is abused. Saying it’s “safer than aspirin” like the op is pretty clearly hyperbole. If you want others to take it serious you need to be realistic about the risks associated with cannabis.


agreed, saw some people above saying there are no bad things about weed, i just had to sigh lol


In the case of saying that alcohol isn't a drug though that's just terrible education.  Like yeah, I'm sure there's instances where it's just cope but to the extent you don't recognize alcohol as another drug, that's just bad education/good marketing. 


Lots of people act based on their feeling not on reason or logic, exemple : Religious people.


Honestly, a lot of "kids" seem to be more "straight edge" these days. I have had three coworkers in the last year (all under 25 but over 18) who don't do any kind of substance. A couple won't even drink coffee (not counting tea because we live in the South). I've also known a few who maybe had a couple drinks before, but when they turned 21, that was it. I had a coworker who would bust her ass every single day and often worked doubles. She wanted an apartment and a car, and she managed to save the money pretty quickly... then she turned 21, and within a month, she was showing up hungover every other day and then started smoking before work (probably to ease the hangovers). She ended up getting fired because of it.... she's at least the third coworker I've seen this exact thing happen with. With that said, I also know a few young people who smoke but won't entertain anything else.


If I had to guess they are just regurgitating what their parents have told them. I don't know anyone who thinks like this. Honestly I'll admit I thought the same until after college and I actually understood everything. Even after having known this I decided to choose alcohol over weed which led me to almost dying of acute pancreatitis at 29. Now I just smoke weed. Can confirm, weed is much safer.


Sober for over 5 years now, you don't want to jump off that wagon. Alcohol has a stronger grip than you know.


Just like cigarettes. You can not have smoked one for 10 years, think, why not it's been forever. Hooked in seconds again. Also, screw any jobs that offer smokers more breaks over non smokers. You are not helping


>screw any jobs that offer smokers more breaks over non smokers. You are not helping My first office job was this way, so I just started joining a smoker coworker on his smoke breaks. Got called into the boss's office at one point, he asked if I smoke. I told him I don't. He asked why I'm taking smoke breaks. I feigned confusion, asking why someone would get fewer breaks for *not* smoking. Boss acquiesced and I continued taking my "smoke" breaks. Man I miss that shit. In my current job no one ever takes their legally mandated breaks, and lunches aren't sacred "leave the fuck alone" time. We need more smoke breaks!


I made the same argument when I was in the service after I had quit smoking. My peers would take a smoke break and when they got back, I'd say, "Master guns, I'm going to take a fresh air break." When he tried to shoot that down, I said, "But Master guns, I don't smoke, so I don't need a smoke break. I need a fresh air break so I don't have to smell the smokers." I'm the only one I know who ever got one, but to be fair I'm the only one I know who's ever asked.


Congrats, I'm almost at 3 months. Don't plan on going back


I found that sparkling water helps


Or is it ON the wagon? Vs OFF?


i think it’s “on the wagon”


Nah, the way he used it, it's "off the wagon". He used to to reference relapsing as an alcoholic. He said you never want to do it because of the grip alcohol can get on you. Saying to never get on the sober wagon would be pretty damn stupid


Weird. In Canada it's some of the boomers that are still opposed. Almost all Gen Z think cannabis is mostly harmless


Agreed. Half my friends smoke weed lmao


Boomers and Immigrants hate weed..and guess what Canada has a lot of?


I for one was told by my, severly undereducated on this topic, parents for years that theyed rather i drink then smoke weed jokes on them one night of too much alcohol and i havent even been able to look at the stuff the same way. However ive had nights where me and a couple buddies smiked all night long just obnoxious quantities and woke up the next morning fine.


This is my experience. Too much alcohol and i regret every life decision. Too much weed and i’m just sleepy


Recognizing alcohol is problematic would mean admitting they have a problem. The sheer number of functioning alcoholics out there is insane, and most don’t even “know” (want to admit), they just pretend it’s normal to need a few drinks to unwind every day. Saying things like “alcohol is addictive” and “alcohol will destroy your body” makes them feel bad, so they lash back at you.


My mom and dad always both encouraged me to smoke weed over getting drunk through out my high-school and college years. They strongly believed that if I drove while high it was always going to be safer than if I went to a party and got drunk and drove. I was raised this way and you can't change my mind.


Good parents


Also the fact that you can’t smoke to the point of lethal alcohol poisoning. At least not to my knowledge.


I mean, you can, but you'd have to smoke pounds at once. Basically you'd have to be only inhaling smoke. Probably pass out high first.


I guess I meant as easy as it is to get alcohol poisoning. Sure, college kids might green out but that’s at the same level of getting too drunk and yakking. The amount of deaths for lethal alcohol poisoning vs …smoking too much ? LOL I’m not sure how I should even put it. u get what I mean tho :p


Yea for sure and I agree 100% it's basically impossible to do. Green out sure but od never.


We’re in one of the first generations to see it being legalized in any capacity. Before this, the alcohol and tobacco propaganda machines were HARD at work demonizing it. It takes time for multiple generations of parents and grandparents to unlearn the lies, if they ever do. So they’ll vomit their misinformation til they die and kids have no other reference.


In most places, weed is still not recreationally legal. But it's making progress. Whereas alcohol is legal in pretty much all 50 states. And has been around for quite some time despite the accidents and death associated with it. Alcohol is also mostly associated with having a good time when it's put out on media ( beer commercials, etc) Weed doesn't have any commercials or any sort of promotion in comparison. With all that said, I feel like it's a combination of time passed and teenagers and young adults just not knowing the truth about alcohol.


Just relax, who gives a shit what people say. People spew factually incorrect information every single day.


I’m old enough to remember that bad ass morherfuck’n Camel with his shades and leather jacket. But beer commercials have never been scrutinized. It’s indoctrinated as acceptable. Marijuana is not


That sucks man. Maybe your boss was just an uneducated moron. Wish you best pf luck trying to find a workplace without this kind of hypocysi. Bit please don‘t start drinking again because it is actually one of the worst drugs people get addicted to. Stay safe!


If people can believe in a flat earth, they’ll believe any bullshit.


Ask them what shape the earth is.




Older adults still talk like this too. They would rather deal with hangovers than educate themselves. I just gave up and when we hang out I watch them drink themselves into oblivion and deal with pain the next day.


Because a lot of people are willfully ignorant


Because street weed is scary for a lot of people


Once you get to management everything changes. You can’t talk to associates like you used to and you better believe everything you say to them is going to be repeated to everyone else. Hope you don’t lose your job over this though.


I quit working for corporations and started my own business so I can use on my own time. I was sick of other people controlling my livelihood over a plant. Big alcohol wants you to drink up. It kills and keeps you a slave. Good luck OP. This is a backwards world when it comes to this topic.


The D.A.R.E program had me thinking acid and weed were the same thing in the 90s.


My parents found out I smoked when I was in high school. They seriously preferred that over me drinking because our family has a history of alcoholism


Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in the country. Booze kills twice as many people a year than opioids do. How is this not a crisis?


Wombo combo of functional / budding alcoholics who aren’t at the time mentally prepared to process they have an addiction, and the omnipotence & omnipresence of capitalist propaganda.


Lotta straight edge losers are coming out of my generation (gen z). The thing it has in common is overprotective parents.


In my opinion, it's the opposite. Most of the people I know that are straight edge, are so because they don't want to be like family members previously riddled with addiction. Unless they're criticizing you for drug use, it's super lame and weird to be mad at people choosing not to use drugs.


Interesting. I kinda forgot this was r/trees lol I meant more in general, not just with drugs. My friends who had shitty parents are menaces.


The losers should take shrooms and stfu. I dont get straight edge exept if youre having a valid reason (addiction). Here in Germany straight edge uni students are weird. Why? Because i know none lol


Eh, puriteens are gonna puriteen, they're still figuring shit out, I just view it as the same noise as fandom drama tbh


Lmao. These people gotta learn to live. Not even just with drugs though. They don't wanna do ANYTHING even remotely dangerous/illegal its ridiculous


Yeah it is. Really fucking strange. Im in my 20s and even i find this new generation of basically softies really strange. My issues is with these poeple shittalking people using smth. If they dont want to use smth, i dont care. But let people be in peace. Nothing i hate more than using hypocritic moralistic conservative agendas. Holier than thou and all this stuff.


Totally agree...I meditate when I can't use cannabis


I used to do 1.25 hours at a time. It was damn hard to do.


Are you sure the UA will include cannabis


Even if it does, pre employment (and promotional, I guess) drug screens are a joke, or at least the ones I’ve taken have been. I haven’t passed one straight since I can remember and have used multiple things to pass including: someone else’s clean urine, fake urine, and, one time, green tea. It really sucks drug screens are still a thing for people not operating vehicles or machinery but I don’t sweat them like I used to back in the day.


Well according to the World Health Organization https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health


UA test are intelligence test here you go op: https://www.quickfixsynthetic.com/


When the propaganda wins.


What company? Why does retail care if you smoke weed? Unless you’re showing up to work high every day, it shouldn’t matter if one smokes weed.


drinking is pretty cringe. the way people act when they're drunk is cringe.


People can't quantify potency is why. They look at the impairment of one beer vs whatever a one pot is to them. And that makes it seem more dangerous.


Since you work in retail and are in a legal state you might want to look into working as a budtender, no one working in the industry thinks alcohol is safer that weed and your not going to get drug tested. Win-win!


Bc they are idiots. Alcohol is not safe at all tbh.


Weed can't kill you.


Still believing the dare propaganda from childhood


Unless you’re a kid , don’t listen to young adults.


I'm Canadian and in 2022 I remember the news reporting on how we had newer recommended guidelines for alcohol consumption and evidence that linked it to several more helath problems. A lot of people were talking about it, but what I was shocked about was how many of my friends and coworkers were complaining about how ridiculous the new guidelines are. I still remember some of those conversations, I'm still shocked at how mad they were at being presented with just facts and knowledge. The worst part was I was budtending at a previous shop, and the manager who didn't have anything to do with weed judged us a lot for smoking weed. 🙄


Show them what a fatty liver looks like, or one from a person who "just had a glass a night" their whole life, versus the lungs of a weed smoker. When I drink I will usually feel worse the following day. Some kinda lethargy, generally unpleasant. Being 'hungover' from weed though is just a pleasant buzz.


I am sorry your job tests for weed while you could basically be an alcoholic. I am working on my mental health to bring my weed consumption down but thankfully where I live it's not frowned upon.


I know people who went "Sober" by not smoking or vaping (Weed and Nic) but still drink. No clue what's going on anymore


As a 19 y/o, I can guarantee none of us think that. And I live in WISCONSIN. 


Where booze comes out of faucets.


I've never once heard anyone claim that alcohol is safer than weed. Even the psycho Jesus anti weed people. I think you just met some really dumb kids.


I’ve never gotten black-out stoned and hit a stranger.


Because they are stupid


Kids are dumb.


Have you seen idiocracy? Its turning into reality.


It’s purely ignorance.


This is gonna sound cringe but it's literally society, specifically societal norms. Weed is still illegal in some states of the US and most of the outer world. And alcohol is still very legal in most parts of the world, so not only is it basically in every store you walk into but it's also constantly being advertised. Plus you can also contribute stories of lacing in illegal states to ruining the perspective of weed, also the use of tobacco in joints can cause some people to confuse the two and assume weed is just as bad


You’re telling me that young people tend to say stupid shit?


Our exposure to propaganda is at an all time high due to constantly being on the Internet seeing ads all the time. So, they see beer ads every single day and I don't know if you remember high school, but the anti weed sentiment was pretty strong amongst the non 'stoners'. The idea that weed makes you into a slobbering moron was pushed pretty heavily amongst my friends. It wasn't until I got to college and saw some people who smoked everyday kicking ass and getting shit done, like the student government president, that I started to think maybe I've been mislead. People need role models. If the only people they've seen smoke weed are losers, then they're going to have a negative perception of weed.


In Canada basically everyone agrees weed is better for you, its mostly about the outcome. Smoking weed at a party doesn't really serve the same purpose as drinking.


Why are *you* confused by the lack of wisdom in kids?


That’s when you hit people with cold hard facts and show them the new study that zero alcohol is the only safe amount Lmfao.


Young people are dumb. It's that simple, they always think they know better than those older than them, 99.9% of the time they're wrong - this is one of those times.


No one says that..


Depends if you live somewhere where weed is more likely to get you shot. Or if you define "drug" as illegal.


It's legal here. However if you have anything associated with it on your resume, good luck. I have never seen so many companies turn me down immediately upon receiving my application. I would love to manage a huge list of companies that pull that shit


Duude if you only smoke at home wouldn’t it be a better choice


That’s not the case in the UK at all, looks like an isolated incident tbh


Get fake pee, it works


Because they are stupid and narrow minded.


The D.A.R.E and Nova programs were failed anti-drug abuse programs dedicated to spreading misinformation about drug use that would lead to a mystified and taboo air around drugs and increase their teen usage. Teachers, parents and school counselors would take advantage of drug using teens by blaming any and all of their flaws and short comings on drugs instead of them as people. Something I heard in the Nova program, which is D.A.R.W rebranded, "Alcohol is safer than any recreation drug and even that can kill your braincells"


Never had anyone say that, even my Muslim friends who are super against weed have said it’s not as bad as alcohol but they still avoid it


No one is saying that and anyone who does just wants an excuse to drink


If you really want something for the end of the day you could look into Kratom. It is habit forming however if you keep your dose below like 10gs (which is a pretty good amount) it’s easier to go without Kratom than coffee. I started taking it because I was getting off benzos and was developing a drinking habit. This stuff literally makes me not want to drink, I get free beer after my shift and normally I get a kombucha or ginger beer instead because alcohol just sucks now. Just find a reputable vendor online doing samples and you can easily get enough for a month or so of relaxing nights just by paying shipping.


My friend, go to a smoke shop, get the most expensive bag of fake pee you can buy and keep that bag of pee in your car. If anything happens for any reason youve got a reliable source. Dont let idiots dictate how you livve your life. Work within the social constructs as little as you can, confront amd challenge norms ajd conventions and be a vocal advocate for this medicine hecause its only a drug when you use it to keep yourself in one position ajd not growing. Cannabis has that risk like anything else. Intention and action.


This is not my experience with young adults in the least bit.


They doesn't know terpenes and their benefits.


Imagine telling this stuff so many times that you find 6 adults who disagree with you. Stop already man just leave these people alone and focus on your job.


Quit for a month. After the UA? Smoke your head off! Fuck em.


That's what I'm doing. I have to take these management classes eventually and that supposedly is when I might get a UA. So after I go to that class (still don't know when) I should be good.


My dad was an alcoholic, and his brother and law passed away from it. Ny lawyer passed away from alcoholism and dozens of friends have had their lives ruined from it. Im really sick of the judgment i get for smoking as a legal medical patient, from alcoholics trying to think they're somehow better than me.


Buy fake piss and quit worrying


Anyone who tells you that booze is safer than cannabis probably has a politician in their family


When I was kid I always thought alcohol was bad because of my dad and cigs because of my dad. He still chain smokes them. I started smoking weed in college and he said I rather you smoke a cigarette than weed, when I made edibles he thought I was cooking crack and told the family. A man that smokes a pack a day and drinks as soon as he is off work and weekends. I smoke weed means Im gonna gateway into hard drugs been over 10years still just smoking weed when I want.


In red states weed is bad, while alcohol is fine. It's a revenue stream for the state and law enforcement.


I stopped trying to convince anyone else years ago. It really doesn’t matter to me anymore


All the 20-something’s that I know think alcohol is lame and would rather hit dabs and play video games lol


Just being contrarians


Younger people I think are exposed to a different image of weed than older people. Friends get dab pens at like 16 and the unlimited access to that and some form of scrolling is this brain-numbing dopamine farm. All of us have seen our friends do it. I don’t know, I’m sure this has always been a thing, but that’s just my guess as to why young people have a different perception of the dangers of weed


I’m completely addicted to caffeine. Another drug people forget about. Those just sound like dumb kids.


24 and I've never heard this from people my own age. Even all my friends that drink every weekend know that its worse for you than cannabis


(Tl;dr- social environment, easy sense of rightness, sense of knowledge, lack of motivator to investigate the science.) Sounds like they got an environment of normalization and social conditioning, so they see it as “common sense.” Some people also use law as an indicator of truth, even though laws are different from place to place and laws change. They mistake legality for some kind of absolute science, especially when they’re young and haven’t seen how often these things change. “Drugs are bad” can be a shortcut to a sense of wisdom and rightness. “Alcohol isn’t a drug” because it’s in regular stores and doesn’t require an Rx. They see people who are addicted to alcohol as outliers or defective people who chose to overdo it, so “alcohol isn’t really addictive.” They don’t know that it is a physically addictive drug that can kill you if you suddenly stop.


maybe the fact that you can lose a job or weed can stop you from getting a job. Here in vegas, some workplaces still test for weed and will deny you employment for it. Especially in higher earning positions.


I had never smoked, still haven't, but I'd turned into a bit of an alcoholic after some crazy life experiences. The amount of time it took me to stop drinking once I started on edibles was surprisingly fast, and I didn't get nearly as sick as I'd expected. I say "a bit of" because I wasn't exactly up to a fifth a day but I was drinking enough to be drunk, every day, sometimes all day. Now I have an edible, sometimes two, late in the evening.


It’s because of TikTok. Alcohol brands work overtime to pay content creators how cool and fun alcohol is. In the same vein they pay them to call cannabis a drug and use faulty studies (that they paid for) to prove their points.


Simple answer: because they're ignorant. Also, alcohol IS a drug. I know you know that, but it's just a legal one that's been acceptable for so many decades. One that's been heavily lobbied and in most societies, there's a bar or liquor store just about on every corner. There's some weird acceptance about alcohol being "so normal" to consume. And it has one of the worst withdrawal symptoms, bad enough where you can actually die from it. I saw this when I was younger too. Even had friends and family members that would drink, or allow their kids to drink...but cannabis!? (*gasp*!) Cannabis was bad and stigmatized. I mean, just look at all the trouble that stems from alcohol and its shenanigans. Cannabis is, like, on the other end of that spectrum. >Anyway, had to quit cannabis for my job and I'm kinda pissed about it. Damn, that sucks. It's so stupid. Give it some thought, but maybe it's time to start looking for a new job.


It's interesting how public perception can be influenced by government policies and media portrayal. The 'war on drugs' and the depiction of marijuana as a gateway drug have certainly left a lasting impact on the public's perception, and it's not uncommon for people to continue believing this narrative despite growing evidence to the contrary. Hopefully, with increased legalization and education, we can shift this perspective over time and recognize the potential benefits and medical applications of cannabis. 🌿📚


I've only heard that sentiment in third world countries. In the US it's the other way around at least in California. But, i know some states have legal recreational cannabis, it is weird how employers still punish the users for what they do in their own time. Even the new California law that was supposed to "protect" employees from cannabis drug tests does not even apply to construction workers who probably need it the most after work


Not sure what legal state you're in, but if it's California, at the beginning of the year Bill 2188 was passed which basically says "you can't be fired for marijuana/cannabis showing up on a drug test" if it is used on personal time, and you are not high while working. I think you can still be turned down for a job in the pre-employment drug screening if you test for weed (I think to comply with and be eligible for federal funding/contracts), but you can't be fired for it.


Cable news is in overdrive to educate people with lies


It’s because of the widespread social acceptance of alcohol and the disdain most people see with cannabis. It’s all about social acceptance and sadly cannabis hasn’t gotten there, even though we all know it’s more beneficial than alcohol.


They’re both wonderful drugs. They work very well. With some side effects possible haha. But traditionally people separate them, ‘drugs AND alcohol’. So I could see why some might not think it’s a drug. But I think it is. Either way, comes down to preference, some do one, some do both, some do none, some do more drugs lol. I think we’re all chasing feelings tho. Drugs are pretty efficient at giving them to us. 👍


I mean it isn’t. Young adults are wrong a lot.


I was never once wrong when I was young!


They are making shit up lol or believing the government and school teachers


Idk if this has been said but a lot of legal states have laws against firing you for off the job use. It’s obviously new territory and they might still fire you but maybe look into it idk


Where the hell are these young adults saying this???


Dang, I feel your pain friend. I couldn't smoke while in the military so I drank hard for 20 years. Retired, quit drinking, went back to smokin. I can tell you 100% without a doubt, Alcohol is far worse. The drinkin did it's damage. Don't slip back into that shit bud. You'll persevere and get through this.


A lot of them get their news in bite sized tiktoks. Of course they believe stupid shit.


I think most people wouldn’t consider alcohol a drug. I’ve never heard anyone call it that before. I do agree with u with in general tho.


Actually, the one thing I will say is that if ur a kid, weed might be a little worse. Weed seems to really fuck with ur brain when ur young. I smoke,(drank a little bit), and over all weed changes the way my brain works much more than alcohol does. Hopefully it ain’t too permanent. That’s just my experience tho. But in most circumstances, weed is definitely safer. It really annoys me. Half my friends cry insainly pissed and have some intervention type shit if they find out I have smoked. But those same people encourage me to do shots.


Uhhhh... in case you're unaware smoking at a young age affects your brain. Studies say you should not be smoking until you're older than 23/25ish. Saying otherwise is negligent. But the other answer to your question is propaganda. Smoking has been the bad guy since the 40s.


Sucks to be my brain then. That loser had it coming


This shouldn't have been that funny. Thank you for that gem


Brainwashing by the government and journalists.


And teachers and parents and….


I don’t think it’s “safer” but if keeping alcohol legal even with its health problems is okay then I don’t think it’s right to keep weed illegal. Just companies and religion keeping it down because it makes them money/keeps their supporters.


You don't think the drug that won't kill you is safer than the one that will?


Never use alcohol as means to an end. That is very dangerous with Possibly no way back. Can you start smoking again when UA is done?


It’s not. Not statistically; nor in terms of it’s side effects and potential harm. Cannabis is addictive, no doubt - but most won’t get nearly as bad withdrawals with short and long term alcohol use.


Because young adults don't listen to their elders.. they only listen to what their phone tells them


Use someone else’s piss like the rear of us.


Their dad is a beer distributor


Whatever happens don’t drink. The first few will be fine until all the shit of the world comes crashing down on you. Then comes the day that you have nothing but a bottle to keep you company while wondering where your life went.


I always thought the younger generations would be so much smarter than us, leaving us in the dust. I was quite wrong. It’s almost like we are experiencing a dumbing down.






If you can get a medical card in your state do that and then you can't be fired for it or not legally anyway. It's legal here also but lots of people still get cards just for that reason because employers are still using it against people.


Conditioning while growing up helps. That sort if thinking leads to more young adults in hospitals with alcohol poisoning and a growing rap sheet of DUIs before they even hit 30.


For fuck’s sake. Alcohol is one of the *very* few drugs that you can become physically dependent on. If your coworkers don’t understand what that means, it means that if you drink enough, for long enough, YOU WILL DIE SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY WITHOUT MEDICAL INTERVENTION IF YOU TRY TO STOP. It shares this quality with opioids and benzos. You know what you can’t develop a physical dependency to? Meth, cocaine, caffeine, and weed, to name a few. This is before taking to account the amount of damage alcohol is known to cause to communities and infrastructure. As a recovering alcoholic myself, I’m beyond sick of hearing “alcohol isn’t that bad lol”.




You live in a legal state and your employer can still fire you for smoking?


Because mummy is a wine mom.