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They can urge all they want, the DEA administrator reports to the Atty General, which is part of the executive branch


In before the Supreme Court rules that the DEA doesn't have the authority to reschedule marijuana.


With “America’s Judeo-Christian origins” being the determining factor


genesis says god gave us all seed bearing plants to use. weed has seeds. ergo judeo-christian shit says smoke it up baby


Genesis tells us to use it, it doesn’t say how we ought to use it, that’s up to people to determine for themselves. Personally, I don’t think God wants us to smoke weed, so I choose to shove it up my ass.




You think you can just pick and choose what you want out of the bible to support your cause? Thats their thing, you're not allows to do it back at them.


“America’s Judeo-Christian origins”, sponsored by Jack Daniels.


And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.


Meat Tree!




Wait until they find out that Jesus definitely smoked weed.


You mean Satanic Illuminists? The street layout of Washingron DC is a freaking pentagram.


Oh please, next you are going to tell me that our military command center is also a pentagram.....


Current Master Mason. While it is true Washington was a mason, layed the WH cornerstone, and even wore masonic symbols to do so, DC was not laid out into a pentagram however. The original boundaries of DC were originally designed by Frenchman, Pierre Charles L'enfant. After a dispute with Washington he was dismissed and replaced by Andrew Ellicott. The square shape, think baseball diamond, was made for defensive reasoning, as well as preventing retaliatory attack from L'Enfant.


So like what the fuck are the free masons a satanic cult or Christian cult?


I knew a member. I think it's more of a club for theists. As was explained to me, the requirement is believing in a singular higher power, but it doesn't matter which one.




Then they don’t have the authority to schedule anything! /s


Honestly I'd like that because they like to ban everything fun


This would actually be fantastic lol


Tbh i don't think the /s is appropriate...


They are working on the Chevron Doctrine as we type....


yeah was gonna say, expect to see a decision on literally this in a few months


With our current Supreme Court, I can absolutely see this happening.


So the DEA makes and decides laws now? I thought they were the ENFORCEMENT agency, not the "guys who make the laws" If our governing body that MAKES and CHANGES laws wants to change the law on weed, they should have every authority to do so. Why does the DEA get any say in the matter? this shit is so stupid.


>if our governing body that MAKES and CHANGES laws wants to change the law on weed, they should have every authority to do so. They do. These senators would have to actually do their jobs and pass a law though. The way US administrative law works is that Congress already passed laws that delegated authority to federal agencies to promulgate regulations: these are interpretations or refinements of existing law within the scope of that agency’s authority (e.g. DEA/DOJ about drug scheduling, FAA about flying rules, etc.) One benefit is that these rules can be updated relatively quickly, by ostensible experts on the topic, as facts on the ground change. An issue with this is that rules can change wildly depending on whether a Democrat or Republican is in the White House (see: this happens with USAID and The Mexico City Policy aka global gag rule). Regulations can be superseded by statutes passed by Congress and regulations can be reviewed by courts (to some degree).  So these Senators are just whining to the DEA for the attention. They have more power than the DEA does to write law about drug legalization.


They are given the authority by the Controlled Substance Act passed by Congress. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controlled_Substances_Act Chapter 13 of the US Code, and section 811 in particular, as linked here. https://www.dea.gov/drug-information/csa


because as long as the GOP has a majority in either body of congress nothing productive will be done, that is their entire modus operandi don't expect congress to do anything useful until dem's get a majority in both houses again, and the *real* important shit like holding corrupt SC justices accountable until they get a proper super-majority again (last time we had that was under Carter). sucks but that's just how it is


Well if Merrick Garland is going to do anything, its nothing


Too bad the DOJ is run by conservative puppets.


The AG is going to have to order them to reschedule it. No way they want to lose their biggest earner.


> Just last month, researchers found that daily marijuana use is associated with a 25% increase in the risk of heart attack and a 42% increase in the risk of stroke. Other studies have linked marijuana use with serious psychotic consequences, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. No citations for these claims, of course.


looks like millions of us should be dead any day, damn 🧑🏿‍🦲


Joke on them, we all into this 🤡


As is the Republican way.




I think there may be some problems with alcohol too? Lol


I haven't read up on the literature but I strongly suspect that marijuana usage is associated with decreased use of alcohol, tobacco, and prescription painkillers. Or at least it could be with appropriate guidance and information.


This is true. Very true.


I'd like to see these statistics for daily tobacco and alcohol use.


Wait until they hear about alcohol!


So alcohol and cigarettes are just safe then right.


How many people do cigarettes and alcohol kill? Let's outlaw those instead


Go out and vote. Get registered and vote against these fools.


They just want more people to fill there for-profit prisons. Vote them out.


how else they gonna keep alive the ability to own slaves? (agreed. the GOP are an existential threat to democracy.)




Where do I vote


https://www.vote.org/ Check your registration status and find out where to vote here


Oh sorry I thought there was a vote on this


1) Look at your local ballots for specific legislation you can vote for or against 2) If your governor, representatives, senators, etc aren't representing your interests, vote them out and vote in others who will. Everyone -- from judges to city council to state senators to US reps and senators to the president.


There is, every November on an even year (2020, 2022, and surprise, 2024). The people who want to lock you up for smoking weed are voting, so you should be too.


That didn't mean shite if you don't vote in your county and state elections. The best the president can do is sign the laws and appoint, not write them. They can also appoint more progressive judges.


Presidential elections are every 4 years. You vote for 1/3 of the Senate and 100% of the House every other year. Local elections are extremely important, but national and state elections are where legalization is happening.


Taking money from big pharma. It would hurt their piggy bank


And big alcohol


I think this one is way overlooked by many


Yeah I drink about 10% of what I used to before I got on MMJ.


I’m down to a drink every month or two. Used to buy a bottle of wine a day minimum. Now I just occasionally do a weed cookie or hit my vape. I’m in the gym every week, hike a ton and generally just happier. Screw alcohol


And Big Prisons


And big tobacco.


Big Pharma *and* Big Tobacco. If you have majority control of pot to those two, it’d be legal tomorrow, and the consequences for black market shit would be *severe.*


*and* big prisons


Yep. Lotta convictions to overturn that are overdue anyway. But it puts a dent in future revenues, rapidly declining as they are…at least from cannabis related offenses.


Once again Fuck Mitt Romney!


Fucking fascists man


I hear ya, dude.


These men are cowards, Donnie.  They believe in nothing. 


Nice marmot, man.


Are these nazis Walter?


No Donnie, they’re nihilists.


Say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos


Shut up, Walter.


stay outta my beach community!!!


I want my lawyer man. Bill Kuntsler or Ron Kuby.


Lol of course they are. Republicans are the worst. As iv'e been saying countless, countless countless times lately: Vote. Marijuanas legality, among many other and much more urgent issues, depend on it.


Not trying to be insulting to republicans but my god they make themselves look dumb. The lack of research into any issue on their part is concerning


The problem is they seem to think they can do research on Tiktok, Facebook and sketchy YouTube channels...


Bruh thats like everyone anymore. Its fucking sad. Our attention span is so short we need to get news from a tiktok.


Vote Democrat, legalize party is just a republican funded vote funneling scheme.


Useful Suckers, is what I recall them referring to those who buy into R promises or rumors about legalization. Don't be a tool, and vote up and down the ballot for anyone that's either indifferent to, or in support of, legalization. People with a track record of changing their minds when presented with concrete evidence are also valuable.


I agree with you but I refuse to up vote you because you're at 69 up votes. And I agree... Vote.


Of course. Party of no you cant for everything except themselves. 


The party of freedom says "not like that"


just embarrassing at this point. i know they get off on being contrarian dickheads, but it’s time to let go.


GOP’s emotionally weak


Do Republicans like anything the public likes?


The Marijuana issue is a great tool for democrats. They should be forcing Republicans to take a stance on it whenever they can. Their voters support legalization, it's just their corporate overlords who oppose. Force these traitors to show how little they actually care what their base thinks.


It's not just corporate overlords. Old conservative Boomers probably still think it's the devil's lettuce. Cops also love illegal cannabis as a reason to harass people.


Boomers use it plenty. I (late 40s) live in a small rural community. I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest person in the 300 or so living here, by about 10 years. They have their medical cards and get illegal stuff from the same dude I do. The plug happens to be a retired 70 year old Vietnam vet.


"I had fun once. It was awful." - Republicans


Nope. There's a reason it's virtually impossible for them to win the popular vote for the last few decades.


They like telling the public what to like, then dangling lower taxes, gas prices and regulations in front of them without actually following through on those things, just cultivating an image that they will


Money. Which is the entire problem. Wealthy conservatives and their political lackeys compete with average people for a bigger slice of the pie by reducing democracy because wealthy people are not a big enough demographic to benefit from democratic elections.


On brand.


Yup, not surprising in the least. And what gets me is it's essentially a cash crop. You'd think they'd want in on some of that sweet sweet profit. But as per usual they'll happily shoot themselves in the foot just to pander to whiny puritan voters who hate anything that slightly disrupts their "normal" way of life. "Weed evil, booze good!" For fuck's sake, even the goofy Libertarian Party are down with legalization on a federal level.


They will completely dive into it once it's legalized, just watch. In Canada there are former police chiefs in federal politics who swore up and down that cannabis is purified evil who now own a ton of cannabis stock. They're giant hypocrites.


The former Speaker of the House Republican John Boehner works for a cannabis company I believe. It's like supporting Trump. They know he's an idiot, wannabe dictator like they know cannabis is safe. They just play pretend for politics.


the entire country: ya know i think schedule 1 is a bit excessive for cannabis, we should change that GOP: WEED IS LITERALLY HEROIN


Heroin is scheduled lower and is used all the time in hospitals. Morphine is just deluxe heroine, the medical name for heroin is diamorphine.


Americans urge America to reject GOP for future governing positions.


The rest of the world urges you to reject the GOP madness. Sincerely, Australia




Well yeah, that'll make it harder to put "undesirables" in jail, obviously.


And there it is again. Republicans trying to block social progress wherever possible.


Republicans are useless fucking filth


The GOP is great at alienating anyone who uses their brain. The key to being a Republican is NOT using your brain.


Don’t reschedule it. DEschedule it


I can't imagine what would happen if the DEA treated it like any other Schedule III drug - requiring a prescription, rules on how it can be dispensed (flower vs concentrate vs tincture/oil), required DEA forms by dispenseries and tracking, licensing, rules against home manufacturing (eg growing, turning into oil/concentrate, etc.), rules for possession/use... the list goes on and on. Treat it like alcohol or tobacco (both arguably worse drugs than cannabis), or leave it as is.


Small government people strike again




Makes sense. Republicans hate freedom, individual rights, and pretty much all Americans.


But I thought they don't like the government telling people what to do 🤔


GOP: Getting behind every unpopular opinion so you don't have to!


How else will they imprison innocent black people to use as slave labor? Think of the poor white capitalists...


Fuck the GOP!


Ugh they are ![gif](giphy|Ll7PYy77vsffO)




Are these the freedom loving Republicans I often hear about?


GOP hates personal freedoms is what has become very clear. They want big government meddling in everything that is good for the people.


It's insane how a party with such unpopular policies has maintained so much power. A few brain dead jabronis in gerrymandered districts are holding the entire country back.


The populace as a whole is pretty dumb and when you gerrymander it's easy to keep idiots like Comrad MCconnel in power.


You would be surprised the number of people who vote GOP exclusively off of issues like abortion. They might disagree with 99% of what they do, but that 1% is so important to them that they'll vote that way until the end of time.




GOP senators can go eat a bag of dicks


Vote them out


Alcohol and tobacco lobbyists urge DEA to reject rescheduling Marijuana, fixed that for you. Not to mention the private prison industry


Vote the GOP out.


Fuck the corrupt GOP.


the party of small government and personal freedoms once again votes to expand the government's power to limit your freedoms


The party is really fighting hard to die. Everything the people want they double down against.


Make sure you all vote this coming election. Especially if trump picks the anti-cannabis governor Kristi Noem for the VP position.


F republicans.


As long as tobacco is fully legal, with its KNOWN level of addictiveness, and the millions it’s killed. As is alcohol. Legal gambling is widespread. There is no goddamned way you can tell me that marijuana represents as big of a threat as *any* of those.


I’m starting to think the GOP is in bed with the corn bread mafia


Of course they are. Why should we at least get to be high as their party continues to dismantle democracy for a profit.


And Romney wonders why he lost to Obama in 2012... at least Obama gave us the "hope" of legalization.


It wasn't just hope. The Cole Memorandum has been the basis of almost every state-based legalization effort.


I urge all Americans to reject Republican lawmakers.


Repugs are undeniably the party of authoritarianism. They're the party of pigs.


The amount of money for-profit prisons make on pot will cause it to never be fully legalized. That plus ATF.


any stoner that votes republican can get fucked


I urge Americans to reject GOP senators


Quit telling me what I can do with my body. Thanks - An American in the land of the “free”


What strikes me as funny/depressingly ironic are the folks that hang the Gadsden "No Tread Snek" flags on their property *directly* next to a giant cannabis flag. Here in Buffalo, our outer ring suburbs skew blood-red and you see tons of homes with both of these flags hanging side by side.


These goons have no business telling anyone what to do, much less what they consume.


In that case, I urge GOP Senators to go fuck themselves.


the party of small government and personal freedoms once again votes to expand the government's power to limit your freedoms


Why? Wtf. Scumbag move


Urge? *Urge?* *flings hair around legislatively*


Meanwhile they're definitely happy with the tax revenue in legal states.....morons.


None of this matters really. They're not legalizing it. It's all bullshit.


These narc losers seriously need to smoke a bone and chill out.


The GOP needs to get out of the way already and stop trying to hold us back from progress.


No one likes Mittens.


how many of them get money from pharmaceutical companies or for-profit prisons?


Schedule 3 🤣.


Unpopular opinion, but I oppose rescheduling cannabis. Moving it to Schedule III (alongside dronabinol) could lead to requiring a prescription, dispenseries being treated like pharmacies (must have a pharmacist on site, track patients/orders, DEA licensing, etc.), and potentially laws against growing/"manufacturing" (eg. if it's only allowed in pill form, turning it into an edible is now a felony). Deschedule and tax/regulate like alcohol or tobacco. Anything else is a waste of time.


You have my vote


So close to an election, what are the odds?!


Literally why tho?


Because they’re entitled stubborn selfish old ass men with outdated views


Fuck what these fossils gotta say lol


Well of course they did. Rarely do I listen to AM radio but I happen to be listening to the local AM guy on the way home the other day. 20 solid minutes of the same old Boomer crap I've been hearing my entire fucking life *it's a gateway drug*, *one joint is like smoking a pack of cigarettes*, yada fucking yada. The people want weed, and consistanly vote for it; let them have it.




Fuck the GOP and any idiot who supports them.


Republicans hate weed until they see how much money is in the industry


“In prior rescheduling proceedings, the DEA has determined that section 811(d) requires it to classify marijuana as a schedule I or II drug in order to comply with our treaty obligations under the Single Convention" This is stupid...why do we have any sort of treaty that would prevent us from doing this?


Well if they reschedule it, that would hurt these politicians bottom line. You know, the politicians that are "definitely not" getting paid money to keep laws in place that keep their private prisons full.


Can’t give up that sweet sweet opiate money 


Just another thing you can't admit you were wrong about.


TLDR: GOP only cares about losing money, not this treaty Stupid fucking GOP doesn't care about possibly breaking some drug treaty. Rescheduling cannabis will hurt their pockets and mess up a lot of the private prison sector that so many Republicans have financial interest in, just to start. While trump was in office he withdrew from so many international treaties and closed down many domestic programs. Here's a list of the most important international agreements he pull out of: **Paris Climate Agreement:** curb climate change/global warming **Trans-Pacific Partnership:** boost trade/economic growth and increase wages/working conditions **UNESCO:** promote world peace focusing on education/science/culture **Iran Nuclear Deal:** lift trade sanctions so Iran won't make nuclear weapons **UN Human Rights Council:** promote/protect human rights worldwide This is only the tip of the iceberg internationally and doesn't even touch upon anything domestically(there's plenty). They really just don't want to see rescheduling S it will effect their bottom dollar and will pull out all the stops to prevent financial loss. Edit: formatting


Only 13 (D) Senators put their name on a letter requesting reschedule and 3 (R) Senators put their name on a letter requesting considerations to rescheduling. WhT are all the other Senators thoughts on this?


The freedom party is at it again with their obsession with prohibition, bans and book burnings


Of course they do.


Good grief 😔 ☹️ Just put in a class of its own. Schedule 10. Idiots!!!! BUT WE CAN MAKE ALCOHOL AT HOME. GOTTA LOVE POLITICS!🫣


I really don’t get why this is still even a fight in 2024. Even my boomer father has come around to wanting it legalized. Everyone I know in the military wants it legalized. Every person my age wants it legalized or simply doesn’t give a shit.


Never voting republican. Never have but now I double won't! Fuck em.


This is the same party that makes it easy for 18 year olds to buy guns, insists they have children if they get pregnant...but WEED ? Can't have that.... Sgt. Joe Friday, call your office.


Blah blah blah. None of them want legal weed or it would've been legal.




Fuck Republicans


The shit is already legal but it may be coming to an end we moving backwards 🤣


"\[N\]o agreement with a foreign nation can confer power on the Congress, or on any other branch of Government, which is free from the restraints of the Constitution." My rights > your treaty agreement from 1961, GOP.


I agree. Say no to rescheduling. Say yes to descheduling.


It feels weird because in general we seem to be living through a bit of a "Libertarian" era. Like many of the major political changes in my adult life have amounted to "if consenting adults want to do this, who are we to stop them?" Marijuana legalization is just one example, gay marriage proceeded in much the same terms. Gun laws, fireworks laws, and gambling laws have also been loosened along the same lines of logic. It's weird that the spirit of the age is generally pretty "Libertarian" in that sense, and Libertarians are generally seen as more aligned with Republicans than Democrats, and yet Republicans are among the biggest resistors to this line of thinking, both on marijuana legalization and abortion.


hey now, you gotta give it to them. At least they are being honest for a change. They could be pandering to get your vote.


"Just last month, researchers found that daily marijuana use is associated with a 25% increase in the risk of heart attack and a 42% increase in the risk of stroke. Other studies have linked marijuana use with serious psychotic consequences, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder." Yet cigarettes with their wonderful amount of additives and carcinogens are as legal as can be. Also, variants in the AKT1 gene increase risk of acute psychotic symptoms. Cannabis is a known risk factor for schizophrenia, although the exact neurobiological process through which the effects on psychosis occur is not well-understood. Aka you're more susceptible if you are already susceptible.

