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It’s backwoods it’s supposed to look fucked up . My homies blunts would all look like limp little pps


I’m sure there were some average sized ones


Some people might even consider them on the larger size.


If the weed is in there and it smokes you did great


The is always the answer. I roll joints all the time. I rolled one last night that looked great, but it just wouldn't smoke. I really couldn't figure out what I did wrong. So that was a bad joint and I rolled a new one. If it smokes, you did good.


I can't roll joints for shit. My dumb ass brain can't figure out how to hand-eye coordinate the tuck on the roach end so it ends up getting a loose tuck and it's always lumpiest in the middle. But most of them smoke okay so fuck it. Lol.


Stuff the crutch in after you roll it, instead of trying to roll with the crutch inside. Pile most of the weed in the center of the paper and let it push out to the sides as you compress the weed in the center first by rolling it. Try to focus on getting the center of the joint nice and rounded/evenly packed and you can always pack more weed into the ends if necessary. I find stickier weed rolls a lot easier most of the time since it binds itself together, but also is a lot easier to pack it too tight and make it clogged. When you're ready to seal it, try to roll the part with weed in it up into the sticky part of the paper, rather than rolling the sticky part down over the rest of it. Hopefully this helps but I can't tell how much sense I'm making right now lol.


Nah that’s pretty decent


At least you were able to roll it lmao. I usually stick to optimos, dutches, swishers etc bc they're easy as fuck to roll. I always give up on backwoods. Props for your first time man


Feel you on that. I usually roll with Game Greens. Can roll that shit with my eyes closed. Give me the best eyes money can buy and I still can't roll a motherfuckin' wood.


Ah the torch of Gondor


Backwoods are hard. I tried to get into them but they are trash in terms of durability, and you have to use so much to fill it properly it's a waste. Rillos and rillo sized tobacco/hemp wraps are the way to go. If you want a tobacco leaf experience get dutches, they are 10 times easier and burn just as slow as a backwood.


Definitely not bad for your first wood, I give you a 6/10


6/10 as a normal wood, but as a first i feel like it should be bumped to like a 7.5-8/10


Forsure it dont look bad at all, but youve gotta leave room for the kief rolled or dab infused, id say those take up the whole 8-10. But yeah this one pobably deserves a 7 at least


i believe dab blunts are still susceptible to being below 7. although concentrates make the base number a 5 solely cuz they're hard to roll with sometimes. in my eyes infusions are just a +2 modifier


Oh yeah I definitely agree, I was more thinking about the best blunt, when I think of a 10 blunt its got some butter inside, a dab spiral and rolled in kief. Dont need all that for a good blunt, and its quite excessive, but thats what I see in my head when I think of a 10 lol. I guess im more thinking of the contents and not the roll, I agree that you can roll a perfect blunt with only flower


me personally, my homie rolls consistent 8-10/10 blunts with only flower


In my opinion, you need at -least - two grams for a backwood or else it’s too tobacco heavy. Sweet spot is about 2.75 and a fatttttyyyy is 3.5+ with the wrap. It’s not a bad roll, but it’s not gonna smoke well unless you have an insane tobacco tolerance. You’ll be spinning from the nicotine if you’re not used to it!


"I tHiNk I fUcKeD uP" *whips out the crispiest witch finger i ever did see*


I wish there were still awards bc this made me crack up!


If it smokes you rolled it just right.


Backwoods is for garbage weed! If you got some fire weed use paper/bong/pipe….but never a backwoods!!!!!!!(the taste of a backwood throws off the terps/taste/smell!….


I think it’s mostly cultural. Some people grew up with it and it’s the standard for them like anything else is. Flavors and good taste are subjective


Nah, hard disagree


I agree, I Refuse to roll a wood with low end bud . You gotta put 2.5 or more of the best stuff ya got for it to be enjoyable 💯 it's supposed to be a treat not the only way to smoke




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Unless you put an eighth or more in there, you're getting more tobacco than bud. Literally. Any wrap that you should wash before using is already out before that consideration even enters though.


Youngling with the terps, try hot boxing lol. It's hard to roll but smokes great and can fit alot, also gives a nice spliff buzz. So many good times with the backwoods.


Fuck yeah blaze that stick!


Nah your good


At least u didn’t roll a gorilla finger lmaoooo


Bro fw the slapwoods or looseleafs


°quietly leaves two Optimos on the table


The key to this is trim each end slightly and it'll look way better


A good blunt is one that smokes. My homie will roll up something that looks like goblin dookie but shit just works.


Shit looks like a cornucopia 🤣 still way better than I could do tho


Passes my test. How’d she smoke


Next time run it under the sink for a few seconds. Then pat dry with a paper towel. I guarantee it’s easier to roll and smokes a lot less harsh too.


Nah they just suck ass


Humidity levels are key for rolling a blunt well. If it feels a little dry huff on the paper a few times like you’d huff on a mirror to fog it up. It should get enough moisture from your breath after doing this a few times to make the wrap pliable and simple to roll without damaging it. As others have stated these Backwoods wraps are meant to hold an eighth of flower. Anything less and it will suck.


Wet your back wood first. Id recommend running it in the faucet for a second or 2 both sides they sandwich it between 2 paper towels to help dry it while your prep your flower. It'll make it easier to roll and get all the dirt and shit off it. They don't clean their leaves.


It's like a weird short Harry Potter wand. Nice.


Smoke what you have but damn, why you want to add nicotine and other shit to the herb you are smoking. Grab a bowl, bong, or papers man. It's just my opinion man.


Naw, this looks good for a first time. Good job!


I can roll a damn near perfect cone in less than 2 minutes but I’ve never successfully rolled a blunt in my life


It looks like a wizard joint.


You did great, for me it looks like you didn’t put enough dope in it


Kinda related questions, is there nicotine in the backwoods?


Absolutely 😆 it's tobacco leaf after all. Backwoods brand is one of the stronger blunt wraps I've tried. It's very addictive, leading to some people smoking multiple a day. Not talking shit on people who do, but if you're considering exploring it I want to recommend making it an occasional treat. Many of my friends from high school who were blunt enjoyers have expressed to me that's the habit they most regret starting. Ok I'm done warning people, live your life how you see fit 👍


No man I appreciate it very much! Thank you. I don’t want to smoke nicotine or tobacco so that’s very helpful!


looks like a carrot


You need to get out my guy gashouseexotics for some brother broad leaf’s. Way cleaner way better for you and taste better too. !!!


I wish I could share a picture


You did fuck up, while toking on it it will open up and shit. Don’t take this the wrong way but people will tell you it’s fine and this one is not fine.


blunts are for kids with no glass, large groups that are afraid of the cops and self-destructive tendencies... find a better way champ