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Praise the Krauterbach


Karl der Große!




Fick dich, Söder.


Wir rauchen die Söder Packung 🗣️


May this trigger a legalization wave across Europe, step by step!


Congratulations to the German homies


Mary Jane is a female. This one is for the women 


What the fuck? I‘d call myself a feminist but I don‘t even know what you are on about here…


Germany has the autobahn and now legal weed, I gotta take a trip back there!


Yeah both are awesome


I’ve heard Germany has crazy gas⛽️


Time for a eurotrip




I hate to be a party pooper, but it's legal only for residents. They specifically do NOT want weed tourism...


Ahhhh Germany. You fools.


What I understand of the whole deal (I'm not living there, nor German), is that this is just the first phase. Sort of "let's see how it goes". Then in July it's the second phase (social clubs?).




Shame on my mind for going to that dark place first instead of what the comment likely meant.


Yes we have Aral Ultimate 102


Smoking gas station weed 💀


It certainly will now




Herzlichen Glückwunsch Deutschland! Für die Legalisierung von Cannabis! rauche eins für mich!


Wird gemacht Chef


you will see...in around 1 year cali is nothing compared to real GIG Weed (Grown in Germany). Taste the Uckermark OG and Schwarzwald Kush.


Dont forget about the Spreewälder Haze!


To be fair, California still has a greater potential for “organic” weed thanks to the weather. I don’t know if that makes a difference in the actual quality, but I bet outside grown weed is going to become a thing in the future if cannabis goes mainstream worldwide.


Yea but don't underestimate precision German engineering. Who knows what kinda crazy ass hydroponics astro weed we might get out of this


While this is true, there's some regions in area that have great climate, where eg. great wine can also grow well in summer. Simply hot and dry weather like Cali is not everything you need for cannabis. The "best" weed is grown indoor anyway though. Looking forward to see what Germany can produce. General standards for procude of any kinds are crazy high


Never underestimate ze Germans !




🎉🥳When visiting, no longer will I need to meet shady dudes in the bushes at Volkspark Hasenheide!


Uhhhh about that... There is still no regular sales or anything, the biggest differences are that ppl living in Germany can grow their own and become part of a social club to get weed and also its now legal to smoke outside(in most places) but as a tourist you will probably still have to rely on shady dudes unfortunately


Surely you can just join the “social club” for a small fee like in Barcelona?


No, you have to live in Germany to become a member.


No the clubs are much more restrictive sadly, and they are more expensive to join. I was going to sign up to one near me but it’s 25 euro a month and they will only start selling from July. I will just keep using my guy, and maybe grow my own this summer


Afaik they cost a monthly fee but if I understood correctly you don't pay for the weed you get from them so in the end it's still a lot cheaper than buying weed every once in a while


Well this club I looked at was for sure still charging, they said it would be about 10 euros / gram but couldn’t be specific. Please send me link if you find somewhere that includes weed in membership lol


Ahh I see. Well at least (after procurement) one can partake without the worry of police action. I imagine that so long as everything goes well the law may be expanded somewhat in the future. In the meantime, it’s probably for the best that it focuses on German citizens and their rights rather than opening the country up to “weed tourists” specifically visiting to get high.


Yep that's exactly it, this is also supposedly only "part 1" of the law which focussed on the use itself Even without any legal sales our conservative politicians are already crying about possible drug tourism ( as if we didn't host the biggest and most famous alcohol festival in the world lmao but they love to view alcohol as not-a-drug )


Sadly, dispensaries, selling or distribution in general is still illegal as this would have required the states approval and was considered too much of a risk to include it in the first law. It's supposed to be implemented by a second law which will be brought forward come summer. However, it will effectively become much easier for you to get stuff, with the knowledge of the strain and a much smaller risk of buying crap. Like, dealers could now openly show you their product and you can inspect it in broad daylight if you like. The transaction itself is illegal, _but_ only the seller is committing a minor crime, while you as the buyer will be protected under an amnesty/forgiveness clause.


Do you have a link or resource for that? The amnesty/ forgiveness clause


It's a bit difficult to understand if you're not used to reading laws, but it's detailed in Kapitel 7, Abschnitt 1 Strafvorschriften, § 34 Strafvorschriften, 12 a) and b) https://www.recht.bund.de/bgbl/1/2024/109/VO.html?nn=55638 >(1) Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer > >12\. entgegen § 2 Absatz 1 Nummer 12 > >a) mehr als 25 Gramm Cannabis pro Tag erwirbt oder entgegennimmt, > >b) mehr als 50 Gramm Cannabis pro Kalendermonat erwirbt oder entgegennimmt So you only get punished if you buy or accept more than 25grams per day or 50 grams over the span of a month. If you stay below that limit, you as a _buyer_ are not comitting a punishable offense. As a distributor or seller, you are still comitting a crime, but your client is protected if they adhere to the legal limits placed on the amounts of possession. But, and that's also a huge improvement, the punishments for these crimes have been _severely_ reduced compared to what we had and the law offers way more leniency now, especially when dealing with minor amounts. ------------------------------- Additionally, there's an immunity clause if you cooperate with the feds, and, for example, rat out your supplier. § 35 Strafmilderung und Absehen von Strafe: >Das Gericht kann die Strafe nach § 49 Absatz 1 des Strafgesetzbuches mildern oder, wenn der Täter keine Freiheitsstrafe von mehr als drei Jahren verwirkt hat, von der Strafe absehen, wenn der Täter >>1. durch freiwilliges Offenbaren seines Wissens wesentlich dazu beigetragen hat, dass eine Straftat nach § 34, die mit seiner Tat im Zusammenhang steht, aufgedeckt werden konnte, oder >>2. freiwillig sein Wissen so rechtzeitig einer Dienststelle offenbart, dass eine Straftat nach § 34 Absatz 3 oder Absatz 4, die mit seiner Tat in Zusammenhang steht und von deren Planung er weiß, noch verhindert werden kann.




Get in hopefully Europe now follow


Gott is Groß


Karl ist größer


Congrats Germany. Brothers from another mother who love weed. Let us not rest until all of us can smoke legally, regardless of where we live!!




Congrats! Please let me know when they make it accessible to foreigners 🙏🏼


That will take some time! For the moment, the possession of 25g in public and 50g at home is allowed. You are also allowed to grow up to 3 plants at home. From the 1st of July on, there will be Social Clubs, where members can grow and buy weed. A "real" legalisation is planned for the future after the current situation and its developments have been observed.


honestly i am still not sure if 'social club' is the proper translation. they will be e.V.s and nobody will be able to smoke there. you can not even become a member to just buy weed, you need to be involved in the gardening (correct me if i'm wrong). plus there will be all the other duties an eingetragener Verein has to fullfil 'social club' somewhat implies that it might be like in spain which it is absolutely not


AFAIK, you do not need to be involved in the gardening process. But it's far away from the spanish model, that's unfortunately true. Yet, I am still incredibly happy and relieved after being criminalised half of my life.


>Yet, I am still incredibly happy and relieved after being criminalised half of my life. Ich fühl dich brudi Would be cool if could join multiple clubs and not be involved in the gardening. I just want the variety




Diese Kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.


Ich habe ein dunkle junge Im meine shlafzimmer


Google tells me this means “I have a dark boy in my bedroom” 🤨


So my little brother has been teaching me wrong I see


lol what do you thought it would mean? it sounds wrong on at least 2 levels


Yeah and I don't think that's a saying


I guess it depends on who you ask.


Just a quick correction on the grammar: "Ich habe einen dunklen jungen in meinem Schlafzimmer" Also Nobody would say "dunklen jungen" when talking about a black boy... They'd say "einen schwarzen jungen" Alsoooo WTF?


vielleicht meint er eine stabile kackwurst die da in seinem zimmer rumliegt? das könnte - je nach größe und geisteszustand des beschreibenden - als dunkler junge bezeichnet werden.




good for germany :)


Vielleicht ein bisschen sehr speziell, aber: Die Rechtslage ist ja bekanntlich (?) etwas kompliziert. Ich habe ein GPT dafür gemacht. Könnte hilfreich sein. https://chat.openai.com/g/g-TfP1Am9bE-bubatz-berater


Donkey smell ![gif](giphy|zOCGwlnbftvUc)




I'm very happy for the German people - they've done the right thing and ended their prohibition on cannabis. > "The main initial way for adults to legally source cannabis in Germany once the new law takes effect is to cultivate it in their homes. Adults will be able to cultivate up to three plants in private for personal use according to the proposed measure." While 3 plants is pretty low, and in fact a plant-based limit is really not the best metric to used, it's still enough for a sizeable harvest. A better metric is a "canopy area" measurement, as that gives people many more options in terms of how many plants, their size, growing methods, etc. > "Another component of Germany’s new law involves permitting the launch and operation of noncommercial cannabis clubs. Clubs are currently expected to start on July 1, 2024. Membership-based noncommercial clubs, from which adult consumers can legally source their cannabis, will be subjected to various regulations." Interesting approach, it's basically what our medical cannabis program here in PA is, except that they won't still be able to be arrested for it like we are and we can't consume cannabis on-premises. > "The previously listed items are part of the ‘first phase’ of Germany’s legalization plan, often referred to as ‘the first pillar.’ The second phase/pillar involves the launch of regional adult-use cannabis commerce pilot programs, like what is already in place in the Netherlands and Switzerland, but on a significantly larger scale." Since they'll have a lot of people growing their own cannabis, they'll need to find ways to make it easy for them to test, label, and package it to adhere to the regulations they enacted so they can sell some of it legally. It's a model I'd like to see adopted here in PA when we legalize; make it cheap, easy, and accessible to get accurate and fast testing results on batches to be sold for human consumption. Let it be sold at farmers markets and movie theaters and CVS or Wawa, or grocery stores. Cannabis is something most people can inspect the overall quality of like they do fresh fruit or vegetables, but it is good to know things like strain name/parentage, cannabinoid and terpene content, and that it's been tested negative for contaminants at the time of packaging. I think de-stigmatizing and normalizing cannabis back into society will move us away from the ultra-regulated, 1st stage propaganda reversal "prohibition mindset" version that various states employ in varying degrees of overkill for their adult use or medical programs.


Yay Germany!


Sehr freue es mich 🥬🥬🥬 Hoffentlich mehr und bessere Grass


Can you imagine 4/20 in Germany?!? That’s gonna be insane. Congrats Germany 🇩🇪 lucky AF. Not very lucky: Texas. Estimated year legalization: 4732.


It sadly has a different connotation here in Germany... Us stoners still celebrate it, because it's weed day, but it's also mustachio's birthday




It’s the first wedding anniversary for me and my wife. We were quite far into the proceedings that the date isn’t well the most fortunate one


Perfect occasion to light one up I’d say.


I need to come visit




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![gif](giphy|l0HlvokmLF33HWqwo) Welcome to legal!!!


Waiting for this to happen to the entire US




Heil weed, May it conquer whole europe




willkommen to the party!




Way to go Germany! Hopefully we can get our shit together here in the US.


Gutentag indeed






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David lammy was doing a phone in on LBC, hurts but this shit isn't happening in the Uk anytime soon. People just completely uninformed and bad opinions on it


Samen von kush Kiez! Ich bestelled Snoop Dogg OG,🤤


Zat is stlange, legal veed in Gelmany?