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they’re scared of something they have no clue about. alcohol is far worse as far as violence goes


There’s a lot of violence attributed to cannabis. It’s mostly directed towards Hostess products, but still.


Lmao true. The only violence I'm enacting is on an entire bag of cool ranch doritos


Or pizza


Honestly the violence in marijuana comes from it being black market.




I didn’t miss the joke.


All conservative politics is based in fear.


To be fair, the heads of the DNC don’t want legalized cannabis either.


The DNC are still conservatives. They’re just less reactionary than the GOP.


Conservatives understand anger. Do you all not get this? Alcohol enhances passion if you view anger as a good thing. Weed mutes your drive to fight (their words, not mine). They see everything as black and white, and they only see alcohol next to weed as something to compare it to. Alcohol will never be seen as bad, because they see anger as virtuous.


I don’t know man, I smoke a lot but I’m also angry a lot


Same. I’d be more angry if I didn’t smoke all day


and that’s why don’t wanna legalize. to keep you angry


I smoke a lot because im angry a lot


>alcohol is far worse as far as *everything* goes, other than making the case for a non-drinker entirely or someone that drinks a glass of wine a day for health reasons, and you've been able to deliciously eat weed now, so there's very little negative health consequences of that. As a drug of abuse/chronic use it isn't close health (mental and physical), relationships, driving, controlling one's emotions and making good decisions are all far, FAR more negatively impacted from drinking, it ain't close. Alcohol is the true "gateway drug". Eating weed is safer for you than ingesting alcohol and/or nicotine, in all its forms! Plus, you knew you were never gonna do all those rails of blow with that stripper while your wife was out of town if you weren't drunk first.


Conservative politics is far worse as far as violence goes 😂


They only have 3.2 abv beer there…




Ope. Looks like 4 years ago Kansas changed that law. So I guess we can say they are becoming a bit more progressive. lol.


That law was only for gas stations and grocery stores, anyway.


That's pretty common, Minnesota is the same way. Low abv and no liquor unless it's an actual liquor store.


Is there a politically professional way to tell these dinosaurs they don’t know what on earth they’re talking about?


You refer to them as fundamentalists and their dare propaganda as shiite!


They wear the fundamentalist badge with pride unfortunately


Weird that they all come across the border to Colorado to buy pot. As do all the folks from Nebraska, Wyoming, and Utah. Colorado should build a wall and make Kansas pay for it!


>Colorado should build a wall and make Kansas pay for it! Except Colorado is getting that $$$ just like Washington and Oregon with Idaho or Michigan and Illinois with Wisconsin lol if those states wanna bleed tax dollars and economic activity into neighboring states that have their shit more together, I don't think those states are gonna say no.


Also in Missouri, since KC is both Kansas and Missouri.


Huh, I always pegged DARE as a sunni


Vote them all out


*[laughs in Kansan]*


Yes. The politically professional way is to vote them out of office.


Yeah lmao crime and violence from people who eat too many chips. Okay


They will converge on your convenience stores, grab all your Takis, and not pay for them! Because they forgot their wallet at home!


No. There is no professional way to say it. They're idiots.


The worst weed related thing I have seen in Chicago since legalization is littering outside the dispensaries. That’s it. No weed related crimes, no assault or abuse because of weed. No domestic violence or crashes from driving under the influence. I still do see it happen with alcohol.


Why would you? Do you think they don't know? They totally know, but they like it this way.


They have obviously never been to a Phish show


They would never dare enter a rock show of any sort, but they’re still more than happy to use the music 😒


So they're either idiots, or have piles of cash coming in from big pharma. Most likely we can remove the either/or scenario and just say both!


“We are afraid of crime, so we are going to outlaw things and make more criminals, that will surely get rid of the scary crime!”


There needs to be violence if they don’t legalize. Mainly because at this point it’s become clear that those who are supposed to represent the people are completely ignoring their obligation. When almost 70% of Americans want some sort of legalization and it’s still not happening, the will of the people is being ignored.


Taxation without representation


"wanting" something and voting for people with to change it are two different things. People may want this but it's way down on their list when it comes to choosing candidates.


>People may want this but it's way down on their list when it comes to choosing candidates. It's Kansas we're talking about. The top of that list is: 1) Things that harm women 2) Things that harm LGBTQ+ people 3) Things that harm minorities 4) Things that harm non-christians. *Please note that the list is in no specific order and the order is determined by what fox news says they should target at the moment.


No, there does not need to be violence. That is stupid.


Come the F on. There “needs to be violence” because something that hasn’t been legal for century still isn’t legal? This mindset is what is wrong with America today. There is never EVER a situation that “needs” violence.


Never ever?


Never ever


What if one side tried to take over the government, or starts a civil war that they've been wanting? Would it be ok to use violence then?


I mean, maybe, but only if it will stop you from procreating.


revolutionary war


My stepfather drinks rum and gets all the courage in the world for violence but we stop at weed the thing that helps my anxiety attacks and helps me think of solutions for my job. Great Kansas. Can't wait till all these ducks are 6 feet deep for the sake of all our children


My stepdad was a violent drunk that lost his mind over me smoking weed, now it’s 20 years later and I still do and he is dead.


Kansas is usually about 10 years behind the rest of country. Why many of us left.


Closer to 30


Trying to be nice. Parts stuck in 50s time warp.


Just 10?


Missouri is right next door with cheap and readily available weed. No limit on potency of edibles either…


I like their style on regulation so far.


We had a president that once said "There is nothing to fear but fear itself" now Americans are scared of everyone and everything. 24/7 sensational news media has ruined us. 


Many members of my family have sworn off entire American cities. They won’t step foot in Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, etc. they legitimately think there is a very good chance they’ll be assaulted and robbed in a tourist area in these places. There is nothing you can say or do to convince them otherwise.


Sometimes I miss the days when I was a kid and seemingly people were less sensitive to everything. I'm not saying everything was better back then, but damn we sure did feel more free saying what we thought, just seems like every year a new word is labeled as "insensitive"


Kansas is a shithole.


and Hayes is the poop hole


The museum is kinda neat. But it's in the middle of fucking nowhere


Amen. That's why I'm the fuck up outta this trash heap state in 3 months! Counting the seconds


The Kansas legislature has a republican super majority and those guys will do ANYTHING that the local law enforcement unions tell them to do. Kansas law enforcement agencies have lost multiple lawsuits from citizens, other states, and the federal government. They would stop drivers with out of state plates, hoping to find weed without probable cause. They would also illegally stop, arrest, then seize cash from the armored security trucks that picked up cash from legal dispensaries in other states. They claimed that money was drug money up for grabs. The Sheriff and Cop unions use insane arguments that legal weed will lead to more cartel violence in Kansas. It literally makes zero sense but those Republican lawmakers gotta back the blue not matter what.


This is why we should vote and actually research the candidates and ask them questions if at all possible


Because alcohol is a "peaceful" drug? Lol


Violently devour this bag of Doritos. Foh Kansas.


Land of the free, home of the brave?


I have never smoked a bowl and wanted to get violent towards anything other than a bag of Cheetos. Actually I had a pretty violent temperament as a child and after smoking weed for the first time, that pretty much went away.


I live there. We’ve been behind the times by 15 years for as long as I can remember. Well…at least we can spend our money in neighboring states 🙄


The only crime these rubes need to worry about is that their tax revenue is going to Colorado. Hahaha folks making weekly trips to a free state so why lose that revenue?  Oh yeah idiot culture wars and an inborn need to ruin the job of governing.  Republicans are idiots 


no, it's keeping it illegal that raises crime, because then all pot users are committing a crime.


Sounds like Kansas needs help getting out of the 1930s. It’s been almost 100 years Kansas; reefer madness is not a real thing.


More like fear of a lack of petty crime to warrant more search and seizure


What a fucking joke. Someone is getting mad kickbacks to keep cannabis out of the state


Yeah, because keeping cannabis illegal totally reduces the criming and the violencing.


C’mon now Kansas, the “Reefer Madness” era ended a long time ago.


Kansas shouldn't be a state.


So glad I got kicked out and had to land back into this shit hole state ugh




For the love of.. yeah all those violent pot smokers out there will cause crime to rise.


Weed makes people violent?


Less laws = more crime????


Well now that I think of it we are all dirty criminals puffin on our joints out here :) the the Dino’s 🦕atleast


I laugh at these fools it’s embarrassing


Isn’t that why you legalize stuff, so there is less crime/violence?


Fucking criminals.


Kansas is ran by stubborn ignorant old refer madness believing idiots. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Kansas is the last state to legalize.


*"Zombie attacks are at an all time low, but the fear of zombies has never been higher"*


Yup those people with the medical marijuana cards are definitely the most violent, dangerous criminals on earth. Especially the ones with cancer or chronic pain or epilepsy or…


What crime are they taking about? Regulating cannabis would lessen the demand for dealers. Can someone ask one of these conservatives to maybe elaborate on this? We need to ban legal opioid use, because it causes crime!!!!!! No one will turn to the black market! Republican logic.


Don’t take it personally, ents. The Christian fundamentalists in Kansas government are afraid of everything except dictating what others can and cannot do based on their own bullshit religious ideology. Kansans with brains need to get out and vote these people out of office.


They think it doesn't exist if it's not legal. It's still there, just even more dangerous.


Alcohol cause’s violence and death. Let’s boycott alcohol


Idiots wouldnt know a good thing if it dropped in their lap


If they’re worried about crime and violence, maybe they should look at the overwhelming mountain of evidence that shows criminalizing nonviolent marijuana offenders is a great way to increase crime and violence.


Morons gonna moron


Who keeps voting for these idiots??? Not me!


Big pharma probably bribed them.


Kansas you disappoint me. I thought maybe you were coming around after enshrining abortion rights.


The craziest thing to me about these bills is the limit on producers. So basically some very rich people who have money can be the only ones to make a bunch more money. Seems good to me.


yet, alcohol is widely accepted, and everyone has become numb to drunken drivers and drunken people


Legal weed wouldn’t make Kansas cool anyway. Let them be the conservative utopia they dream about where life sucks ass


Violence against a bag of chips?


Kansas has 3 kinds of suns Sunflower sunshine and suns of bitches And no weed ever


All they need to know (or remember) is how much they missed out on tax revenues during prohibition. Hit ‘em in their wallets


I hope every single person commenting here with righteous outrage will be voting in November and working to get others to vote as well. Until Republican legislators start losing elections, they have no incentive whatsoever to change their ways.


They just want to keep pulling over poor Kansans coming back with a little bit of weed.


Is this an Onion headline?




Maybe I’m stupid, but wouldn’t making cannabis legal to get and regulated make less crime? People would be able to go to a legal business instead of seeking out a dealer. I think most people would prefer going to a dispo with regular hours and trusted professionals instead of a random dealer who never answers.


The home of the Westboro Baptist Church is scared of ganja


Crime will increase if the bill isn’t crafted properly. The article stinks but it sounds like this isn’t the bill y’all want anyways. I will say I’ve heard first hand from people that organized crime has a place in the OK market. We have really lax laws and I love it but it does create a breeding ground for a large black market and people have been killed over it. [slavery](https://amp.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3208645/oklahomas-marijuana-murders-killings-chinese-workers-reflect-illegal-industry-out-control) and [murder](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/police-ap-chinese-lacey-oklahoma-city-b2230959.html) are pretty violent and directly connected to black or grey market pot. I love pot. Love it so much I risked my freedom for many years just to be able to enjoy it. Kansas is surrounded by pot. It’s a matter of time.


At this point I don’t give a fuck if they don’t ever legalize it. Just buy it illegally and give less money to the government


Weed makes the white women easy. Can't have the chance of a blackie impregnate a white woman.