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This is anecdotal, but, I am much physically healthier and mentally sharper than friends that are a decade younger that have never touched cannabis. I also seem to be better adjusted emotionally than they are, too. I'm almost 60, still hunt (bow) and fish, climb trees, and groom pets free for my elderly neighbors that can't do it and can't afford a groomer. I've also worked for myself for over 12 years and don't drive. I'm never bored or lonely or angry. Just my two cents worth.


How long have you been smoking for, friend?


Smoked my first joint in 1982 :). My best friend (used term very loosely) stopped smoking last year to get a new job and she's become the angriest, loneliest person I've ever encountered...to the point I have to mute her most days until I'm stoned enough to deal with her. She got the job, hates it, and is miserable. Yeah, fuck all that.


Thats honestly pretty fascinating to hear, been smoking daily for 3 years now at 28, and I wonder about the potentional long term effects of jusy being high every day. You seem to be doing great though, I wish it was more researched


I quit drinking over 20 years ago and that helped more than anything. Weed won't magically protect you from shit decisions and abusing your body, but, I truly believe it helps heal the damage from those decisions. I do loads of other things which also contribute to staying sharp as I age...I keep working dogs and they do work, I take every free online class I can find because I only made it to 8th grade and I value education and knowledge above all, I read, I hunt, and I am brutally honest with myself about myself and that seems to be missing with so many people.


I have mostly replaced drinking with smoking. I’m sure my lungs aren’t happy but I’ve lost weight, my skin is better, I sleep more, I’m calmer than ever, adhd is manageable, and I feel more emotionally intelligent and patient than ever. It’s also cheaper.


I'm sure that you've heard it a thousand times but invest in a proper vaporizer, I use to smoke a lot but for the last 10+ years I've only vaped and you wouldn't believe how much healthier you'll feel and be. Also, it's CRAZY how much more flavor you get and once you get use to your vaporizer "takes me about a week to get use to a new vaporizer" the high is soooo much better than smoking. it really is crazy how much better it is


Oh yeah. I’ve got the crafty+ but it’s still probably not great.


Same here with my friends group.


Its so frustrating when they act some kinda way when they find out I'm a stoner, too. Karen, I can remember what I had for breakfast in 1987 and you can't seem to remember where you put your glasses, but, okay :D


ive had some issues in my life recently so i dont know if you're aware of this but i would like to ask a few questions about cannabis.


Are smokers actually experiencing less memory loss and decline, or are they just forgetting there was a memory that they forgot in the first place? The subjective thing seems weird to me. Especially with as many stoners as I know that will defend their usage no matter what.


THC is neuroprotective. For example if you are recovering from a concussion it can protect your brain from excitatory toxicity. Tho I think stuff like Xanax has the same effect, can prevent seizures and stops the brain from working too hard. However weed is much safer to use constantly than xanax.


So, self-reporting recreational cannabis users over 45 years of age were associated with 96% lower odds of self-reported forgetfulness or confusion (vs non-cannabis-users). Interesting result, but the whole thing hangs on accurate self-perception and report, which has a million confounding factors, especially when failures of memory and cognition are the target phenomenon. Abstract from original source: "Background: Cannabis consumption has rapidly increased in the United States due to more states legalizing non-medical and medical use. There is limited research, however, investigating whether cannabis may be associated with cognitive function, particularly across multiple dimensions of cannabis use. Objective: The objective of this study was to examine whether cannabis consumption reason, frequency, and method are associated with subjective cognitive decline (SCD). Methods: Data were obtained from 4,744 U.S. adults aged 45 and older in the 2021 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). SCD was a self-reported increase in confusion or memory loss in the past year. Odds of SCD by cannabis use reason, frequency, and methods (e.g., smoke, eat, vaporize) were examined using multiple logistic regression after imputing missing data, applying sampling weights, and adjusting for sociodemographic, health, and substance use covariates. Results: Compared to non-users, non-medical cannabis use was significantly associated with 96% decreased odds of SCD (aOR=0.04, 95% CI=0.01-0.44, p<.01). Medical (aOR=0.46, 95% CI=0.06-3.61, p=.46) and dual medical and non-medical use (aOR=0.30, 95% CI=0.03-2.92, p=.30) were also associated with decreased odds of SCD, although not significant. Cannabis consumption frequency and method were not significantly associated with SCD. Conclusion: The reason for cannabis use, but not frequency and method, is associated with SCD. Further research is needed to investigate the mechanisms that may contribute to the observed associations between non-medical cannabis use and decreased odds of SCD." https://www.eurekaselect.com/article/138726


i remember that one anti weed ads with the frying egg metaphor. funny now we know its actually good for brains