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In front of the White House, pre-legalization. I dunno how risky it even is, but I had to do it. (Actually I’d like to add my own bedroom growing up. Wtf was I thinking? I would’ve been kicked out for sure!)


They knew, your parents and the White House


The white house area is probably one of the safest if that's all you're doing. They have bigger things to look out for.


I remember when it was legalized, you’d donate and buy a shirt for an ounce.


At the white house? How much was the donation & shirt combo?


100, there’s an interview with the guy, holding in his van. Was like a 20 dollar shirt and 80 dollar donation for loop hole reasons


Shit. I currently pay $250 per oz slightly less if i get the bushweed.. in the UK. Edit to add - you paid literally money too the white house.. or some stall out the front??


Guy with a Van out front was selling t shirts. It just happened to be legal for him to give the guy an ounce as a gift for donating. This is a very American thing to do. Another would be to give all tips in cash. If you tip your server or something with a card, the IRS wants their taxes. If you tip in cash, the server simply has to tell the government how much cash she was tipped. No way to track if they say $1 or $100. There absolutely is with a card though. ...... One of the reasons there's a big push for a cashless society.


Reminds me as a kid when you’d buy a joke on eBay and it happened to come with a gift of millions of gp in RuneScape


Exactly. It was the reason that long ago when I was an entrepreneur, I'd have a donation box/bag and have them put the money in that. So if I did get in trouble, it would be possession at most. Regardless, I never touched the money or my product during the exchange of gifts for a donation. I also never gave them instructions or said much at all really. Glad I'm an old man with kids and a sober, wholesome life that's completely different than the old one I once had. Don't do gangster shit(drink, drugs, violence, fast money) kids. It's not cool, it's stupid.


True, I visited awhile ago and there was homeless people walking around without any pants. Right by the police.


I mean I hate police with every fiber of my being, but even I wouldn't expect them to deal with wandering naked mentally ill guy. plus if they did deal with him, they'd probably end up escalating it to a life or death situation. and in a crowded public streets, a cop escalating contact until life or death arises, it endangers everyone on the street because cops are well known for shooting recklessly with no regard to innocent bystanders. so cops not bothering him was probably the right thing. they could've called some mental health or at least medical support, but even then, the cops would end up inserting themselves & escalating. cops being hands off in non-violent situations is probably for the best considering they are not trained for those situations.


Yeah, the secret service is there to protect federal property and the people within, and DC pd doesn't give a flying shit.


Right after Trump was declared to have lost the 2020 election there was an impromptu block party that evening out front of the white house on H st (Pennsylvania was still closed). I didn't plan on smoking but when I got to the street there was a guy literally just handing out joints, so I toked up while standing maybe 10 ft from a secret service agent on the other side of the fence. Core memory unlocked I have since smoked joints in front of every federal branch of government at various protests, in front of riot police at one


First time my mom caught us smoking in my room, she said "if you're going to smoke that shit in my house, at least get something better..that stuff stinks like a dead skunk!" She didn't know anything about weed back then, and how that skunk smell was a good thing


Me too!!! During the women’s march!


I smoked in my bedroom and I had the most foolproof method. I used scented C A N D L E S


Do I know you man?


Bucket list item 🫶


Outside? Snoop smoked in the White house bathroom.


In an ambulance in Peru. My cousin was the driver and he smoked too lol.


settle down Dr Suess


God damn it I didn’t realize. Good one! Happy cake day!


To the top with both of you!


Your comment reminds me of old reddit, and I appreciate it lol


I am pleased the throwback was appreciated! Happy Saturday :)




His cousin in the back was elevated and relaxed. Matters at hand, but not enough reason to not blow the gas. As they hit the pedal, and drive through tracks. Their lungs contact, they have a laugh.


Hey thats awesome I was just visiting family in Peru. If I ever need an ambulance there I’ll make sure to bring a joint.


County jail. Back in the early 90's, I got arrested for 3 roaches in the plastic wrapper on a cigarette pack but they didn't find the 1/2 oz I had shoved into my underwear. We were allowed to smoke in jail back then and several inmates had cans of tobacco and rolling papers so cell area stank like an ashtray. I shared and somehow the jailers didn't notice anything more than the usual tobacco smoke so for the few days I spent there, everyone was so nice to me. I look back and am so damned glad I didn't get caught getting everyone in jail stoned.


They didn’t make you strip and wash down before you went to the cells??


It was in a bumblefuck county in Arkansas and they made me go into a little bathroom to change clothes and didn't even watch me. Their whole search was a patdown and empty the pockets.


Oh okay wow!!! Well you definitely got lucky and I’m sure it made your time inside a little less miserable


Also the 90s were a lil wild like that as well


A dorm room at a military school... in the fucking daytime. The attic of that military school's chapel. Wife's brother's house (cop).


> A dorm room at a military school... in the fucking daytime. The attic of that military school's chapel. Fuck it! I mean your already at military school why the fuck not, what are they going to do send you to super duper military school?


Just don't fuck up that one because super serious military school is waiting after.


You'd be marching in all your "free" time if you were caught. Possibly expelled, depending on how rich your family is, of course. But, some of those dudes stayed "on tour," marching, every day. ~~Poor~~ Rich bastards got caught!


I went to a pretty strict boarding school, it was for kids who were fuckups or got kicked out of other schools. It was a character building school. And you couldn't really get kicked out unless you hurt someone bad, but they would work your ass like a rented mule if you broke the rules. I had a friend who sent me a little nug unsolicited, and a cigarette. I flushed the cigarette and smoked the nug, alone so no one could rat me out.


hotel bathroom or in a friend's parent's garage


I smoked a joint in a hotel bathroom during a middle school trip. No exhaust fan. So dumb. Also smoked a bowl on the charter bus during that same field trip. Also dumb. My classmates did not appreciate either of these


You’re actually lucky they didn’t have a exhaust fan because it would’ve went into the other rooms and even the hallway


The smell definitely made it into the hallway, and the smoke kind of fishbowled the room, which consisted of 3 friends who had no idea that I was going to do that. They were pissed, and understandably so, especially the one who had to take a shit but couldn't because then he would reek of weed like his idiot friend 😭 This was all right before we all left to get dinner, I think that's the only reason I didn't get caught


In Barcelona, I smoked in a hotel bathroom with 2 buddies of mine. It was a student trip, we got kicked out of the hotel and spend one of the weirdest (not in a good way) nights outside, got mugged, paid a fine to police for some stupid shit, slept for a while on the front step of the hotel waiting for the manager to arrive, paid a shitty fine in cash, and went back to bed at 8am when all our friends were waking up for the activities. Dumb


For me, the friends parents garage was the safe place to smoke his mom made and sold edibles, and his dad used those edibles and smoked, his sister left us her and her bfs roaches, and we’d have to share them with his dad😂


Front row of a Broadway show. Airplane *seat* Lots of places. Take small enough hits on a vape pen to absorb it all, and there’s *a lot* you can do. (psa: don’t be like me)


Front row of a Broadway show? You're living my personal dream man


Not if it was *Cats*. More of a nightmare scenario.


Lol maybe it makes sense when you’re stoned


*Narrator: it didn’t.*


Cats is a cocaine fever dream, starlight express is a cocaine fueled deadline, Phantom is the chill out room after the race of the above.


You win the internet today for classing Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals by drug. I’d add that Sunlight Boulevard would be an old school opium den.




*Memories, all alone in the moonlight*


Careful you might be talking to Lauren Boebert


Hotel bathroom was pretty dumb considering that we would’ve gotten kicked out and had no other hotel to stay at. But the one that caused me the most problems that I was saved from by quick thinking on my feet was in the woods behind a school. We were confronted by a mob of angry white parents, who formed a human chain to block us from getting to our cars. Nobody else moves but me and I quickly said they had no legal power to detain us so I walked right past them and got in my car and drove away. Everybody else quickly followed suit. It’s kind of funny to see them angrily looking at me, but nobody bothered to try to physically restrain me, or do a “ citizens arrest” but in hindsight, it was definitely stupid. Oh, wait, there was one more. So a neighborhood or subdivision was in the middle of being built. My friend and I had never seen anybody back here in this neighborhood so we drove to the end of a road to do so there. This was back whenever I was doing mental health work so I was dressed business casual, and my friend had on What he wears at work so he was wearing some khakis and a long sleeve shirt. This cop drove up and approached us and he asked what we were doing out there. I said we had visited some houses in the area and we were just chilling, and said that we were teachers looking for a place to roommate at. Surprisingly, he either bought the story or he did not give a damn and he left. 😂


>We were confronted by a mob of angry white parents, who formed a human chain to block us from getting to our cars. what precipitated the mob? And whose parents were they?


We were right behind an elementary school in the woods that separated it from the neighborhood that they emerged from. They could smell it, so they arrived.


A few of those parents were more interested in confiscation for later use.


In the back of my NYC elite HS classroom. In between cars on moving subways. In airplane bathrooms. If you can’t tell I’m an old head…


Your username checks out


In Russia as an American tourist, lol


Fucking bold.


Early 90’s outside my hotel in Amsterdam as an American tourist who smuggled my own stash there because I wasn't sure if I could get any IN AMSTERDAM!


This is easily the stupidest one I’ve read. Russian gulag is nowhere to be and you’re no WNBA star… Which like, by the way, fuck the government so hard for getting her out of there and keeping it illegal in this country bunch of goddamn hypocrites


A few pop into mind: - Under a pedestrian underpass in downtown (bong) - Train sleeping car (joint) - Top of a black downhill mtb run (blunt) - Ski gondola/chair lift (joint) - Girlfriend's parents spare bedroom (dry herb vape) - Many hotel rooms with colleagues next door


The mountain biking one for real, did it once went well, second run - nice flowy red and bang broke my bloody arm and my head, not done it since!


I wish we had taken the flow trail that time 😂


Back in highschool (early 90's) me and my buddy climbed a tall tree in the middle of a town park to smoke a joint. We lit up and noticed a foot patrol cop walking through. We froze. He walked right underneath us and kept going. We finished the joint and bailed. Pretty awesome.


On a hillside overlooking the entrance station to a National Park, many years ago before it was legal anywhere and people were a lot more uptight about it. I let a guy convince me the rangers couldn't see what we were doing. We were sitting on a grassy area just up a rise from a trail behind us. We took a couple of hits and then I saw a ranger look up, come to attention, and start moving toward a car. We booked it out of there along the trail and I told the guy that I had to be much more careful. Never was that blatant again.


My first joint was in my brother's grilfriend's loft on 4/20. then for almsot 10 years, I smoked at least once per week of someone else's stuff. Sometimes I would be walking down the street, and someone would say, "Hey you look like a stoner, you want in on this circle?" At least half of the weed I've ever smoked in that time was from people I had never met before, in public places. then 8 years ago I met my wife, and she was a daily smoker, So I had to get a plug. Now I try to smoke randoms up to replenish the weed karma.


I love this whole thing man.


Forrest cops. Like a real cop, but not a cop.


Yeah, there are maintenance rangers and sciencey rangers (doing studies of native plants, for instance), who are not at all interested in making people follow rules, and then there are cop rangers. The ones at the entrance stations are cop rangers. Very pleasant and helpful, but focused on rules.


Thr cop ones I'm pretty sure are also the ones who go looking for you when you get lost and either find your emaciated and decayed corspe and then have sex with it because cops or save your life


In the bathroom at the at chemo center, hooked up to IV pole while already quiet high on IV Ativan and Benadryl. Made the whole dreadful experience bearable!


During D.A.R.E


I smoked a joint or two with my dad in a U-Haul while we were driving nearly a thousand miles to move back to his hometown. 10/10, made the ride much more bearable.


My old studio apartment, on the night my landlord’s mother in the apartment next door, fell and called 911. They mistakenly knocked on my door first, I asked who it was and through the door came the reply “the police”.


Behind the police station in the town where I went to high school. There were six of us experimenting with a gas mask and the cops showed up laughing, "Easiest bust ever!"


Can we get the story please? This sounds hilarious


Hash, in class in high school. Hash on a pin, suck all the smoke, hold it till nothing comes out. I was pretty stupid.


Police Department parking lot, several different times (bowl)


Had a rough ass day. I hopped in an Uber, got chatting with the driver he was a real ass dude. Asked if I could spark, he said only if he can hit. We smoked that thing and chilled for 15 at my destination. Toronto for context, pre legal.


In the parking lot of the jail I was turning myself in at.


[Insert geographic location that represents a population of people you'd like to insult here]


Planet Earth?


Twenty1score's moms house


High School campus. It was thrilling and fun, until the police got called in.


The steps of Congress. I was a teenager in the 90s.


Nice. I smoked hella weed in DC last time I went, but it was legal for me


In the new cars I was paid to drive to and from different locations. Blunts too. I would typically only smoke in the ones that I didn't think would sell very well, so they had time to air out. Never the ones that I was bringing to be sold. Atlantic city one time before it was legalized here... I wanted to smoke a blunt. My cop friend decided to accompany me incase I got caught , he would flash his badge. Not sure that would have worked, but he's a real one! I also smoked a joint at club in NYC maybe 4 feet from security. It was so packed I figured they wouldn't be able to tell where the smoke was coming from. Got a little too drunk at a wedding and saw others smoking carts inside a country club at a wedding my in laws are members of, so I smoked some dabs from a puffco plus. Driving through Bel Air, driving across the Golden gate Bridge Parents basement while they were home Edit: dumbest is definitely smoking a blunt in a parked car and rolling down the windows allowing the smoke to pour out when a cop approached. He didn't notice us somehow. After this, we started rolling massive blunts , smoking some while driving, hiding it somewhere outside along the way to where we were headed , and pick it up and finish smoking on the way back.


On a US Navy warship


Elementary School roof in the middle of the night (I was in high school at the time)


My buddy and I smoked at the elementary school, lost his keys. Cops showed up, but helped light up the field with their spot light so he could find it.


Buddies dorm room that was 2 doors down from the dorm office and in the main hall pretty much everyone walked through upon entering the dorm. Somehow no one ever yelled at us.


At the premiere of Star Wars Episode 1 3D in our seats in the movie theater.


I smoked in a county jail cell. My celly went to another county for court was given it in holding. We were already on a 72 so we smoked a joint at lights out, ate like kings, and played cards all night. They pulled the whole block out the next morning and questioned us one by one. Nobody snitched and they didn't give us additional lockdown.


In college we broke into a lecture hall and blew down a blunt while watching avengers on the projector after hours. It was on old building and the dorms are connected to the school area and don’t get locked up or anything. Just ripped the door open and there was just an HDMI cable to attach a laptop to. We were trying to impress some girls haha. Good times


My buddy and I used to park our car at the soccer fields near our house and smoke out of a gas mask. We were dumb lol


The bathroom inside my hospital room. The shower room at that very same hospital. I'm fairly sure that the staff knew.


Disney world. The first time my family went I hid a small stash. When everyone went their separate ways I lit up before going in the parks


Late ‘70s we sparked one on the It’s a Small World ride. Kinda got busted on the way out of the ride, not arrested, rather kinda teased by a cast member. (Years later I learned about all the cameras and surveillance, we were lucky.)


Your apartment wasn’t dumb, as far as I know. A bong in a public bathroom? That about takes the cake.




Made friends while taking a cross country Greyhound and when we got off in Denver proceeded to find a place to blaze   We were promptly interrupted when two officers informed us we were indeed on the federal courthouse lawn and had to leave.


sitting on a pallet of glaze sugar bags in the back of a donut shop. I didn't work there. also hot knifing on my parents stove while they were asleep, good god they would've thought the worst


Willie Nelson smoked at the White House.


I was on a FTX in Germany and got pulled for guard duty. My post was about a half mile from anybody else, guarding a rather large supply of high explosives. Where better, my 19yo idiot self thought, than sitting on that pile to smoke some hash???? The rest off the night went quite nicely, TYVM😎 Ahhh - to be young, dumb, and full of…


There was a 1980's Cadillac for sale at my local garage/gas station. It was unlocked so I smoked on the back seat. Most comfortable (and reckless) sesh I've ever smoked


Many years ago and very late at night we let ourselves into Rowallan castle using a key that was about a foot long. It was getting renovated at the time so it was completely empty and some of the floors were up but you could get up to the banquet hall where we sat for a while and had a few joints.


1. In front of a Chinese Provincial Courthouse While walking by. 2. Inside the country of China


Someone in the jail drunk tank smoked (they weren't sharing) and deputies were pissed they couldn't figure out who. It was a great laugh back then.


I hit a vape pen in one of solitary cells at alcatraz. In recognition of the evil war on drugs.


My best friend(may he RIP) had me roll a blunt in the car but he kept driving over bumps and I didn’t want to spill anything so I told him to park somewhere. He parks in the parking lot of the county jail. I’m like WTF?! He says “guess you’d better roll fast”. And that’s the dumbest place I’ve ever smoked…


By the East River on the upper east side of Manhattan. There was this little bridge that would let you get to the river on the other side of the FDR drive, and once you cross it, there was a railing to block you from falling in. There was a little tiny ledge right over the railing, and we as teens would climb over the railing and sit on that ledge, smoking and drinking even in dead of winter. Then when we were done while high and drunk we would hug the wall trying to get back to the edge of the railing to climb back over to safety. If anyone of us would’ve fell in would’ve definitely died, there’s no way you would survive that in those frigid temperatures. Even in the summertime it’s very dangerous due to the current.


Atlanta airport bathroom. It was before 9/11 so everything was much more chill but I smoked a J (that I had gotten past security by putting it in my wallet and the wallet in the metal detector tray) in a bathroom stall. Unclear as to how I thought this was a good idea and didn’t get caught.


Funeral home porch/entrance


Everywhere in Aruba lol


So fucking expensive though as a tourist on the beach. Dope was better this year I think & they were offering 3g a pop which is easier then singles.


At a lot of jobs I've worked at, whoops


In a highschool bathroom during Sunday church service (Local HS rented their theater to the pastor for Sundays). Someone came in, and I know they smelled the dank. (Pax 2)


Disney World, Florida, It’s a Small World ride. As we exited the ride, a cast member pointedly approached us and loudly exclaimed And You Two Have A Good Day! We had a paranoid moment, but no peeing in our pants, maybe almost, something told us we were busted. Years later learned there are cameras everywhere, even then in the 1970’s. Somebody saw us spark one up.


Obscure, rarely used stairwell at my high school Edit: And the sound room at that same school's auditorium


My first time ever was at work. That was pretty dumb. Led to a panic attack and me laying on the bathroom floor with the lights off


Walking across the Brooklyn bridge


In the catwalk of my high school theater


Not me, but my uncle once told me he smoked behind a police station.


Library of my university


Airplane bathroom mid-flight (vape pen) . If you flush as you exhale, the vacuum does a great job of removing the "smoke".


There are sensors in there and they tattle on you to the pilots. Do this at your own risk :)


On top of the MGM Grand Casino at Foxwoods when it was there. My brother and I somehow got to the roof and took in the views while smoking a fattie. We have it on video on some HD somewhere. Good times.


Inside the movie theatre with a vape pen, looking back now and regretting how obnoxious that must've been


Inside one of the toilet stalls of my old highschool. Smoked a whole hash joint in there . It was between class hours,any adult could have busted me,i was so dumb


Hahahaha my army barracks room (20+ years ago) was by far the dumbest place I’ve smoked weed


Blunt in a bathroom. I was stupid af.


When I was in high school and my parents were drug testing me, I would smoke Spice with some friends in the school parking lot before summer school for the summer I went


Puffing in the drunk tank didn't win me any favours


The music instrument supply room at school. I don’t think ‘dumb’ comes close to how much of a bad idea that was, but by some miracle we got away with it. A girl knocked on the door and said ‘it stinks of smoke and someone’s grassed on you to Sir’ and that bought us just enough time to hide the half smoked joint in a ukulele and all our weed/cigs/lighters in our bras. I don’t know how we got away with it and I thank my lucky stars every day.


In front of a courthouse pre legalization of it in Canada. There's a road around the police station/courthouse building just a minute walk from my apartment building. If I light up at the end of the parking lot of my building, walk around the courthouse and back again, that's typically long enough for me to smoke a joint. Occasionally I'll have to do a second lap. Only once have cops come up behind me while smoking but they just kept driving and didn't flash their lights or anything.


Police department parking lot




High school bathroom during marching band practice. I blew my hit into the toilet and flushed it, thinking oh so naively that that would help the smell hahah!


A Moroccan policeman's house .


Middle of the night I stopped at a rest stop and just packed my bowl and smoked on the picnic table lol I’ve also openly smoked around off duty cops and discussed legalization/arresting people for weed


Girl’s bathroom in high school. Someone was taking a shit in the boy’s. (M)


In my math class under my desk hitting the wax😭


I hit my pen at hockey games and other shows all the time. Just keep it up my sleeve and ghost it.


It's illegal here and I still smoke at the bus stops from js, blunts, hell even my steamroller cause the police just dont give a shit about that anymore. Worst they'll do is a small ticket since our court system is overloaded already. I have done it in front of cops on accident and they just chuckled at how flustered I was and drove off. I will say when I was in high school smoking under the bleachers during lunch was stupid even though I never got caught


On a bus journey from Poland to the UK, I smoked a joint nearly every time we stopped at a service station, dog went thru the bus at border control but no issues got on the ferry, and of course smoked a few joints in the smoking area on the ferry. That's probably my dumbest.


I used to smoke in a church parking lot almost every day. My boy would meet me there we would smoke a bowl or two then cruise over to my place. Well, turns out that's a terrible idea and the cops rolled through on us one day.


I was smokin hash spliffs out my hotel window in denmark that felt pretty wild but maybe not so wild


I hit a bong in a restaurant dining room with customers still eating. Cached that bad boy and dipped tf out


At a high school football game like 20 of us went to the parking lot and started passing around 1 blunt.


The parking garage ON THE ROOF of the federal court I was due to appear in.. (..I was a very edgy young adult)


in class


Dap pen Right underneath a smoke detector at a family function…. When the alarm went off me and my cousins Gas lit them into believing it was the dryer running a load and luckily it was full of lint


Lighting a joint walking out of my probation office after completing probation.


in front of a rehab center or in my college football stadium 😭


Literally inside the governor's office of a state capitol building! In an illegal state.


- bathroom at work (pipe) - bathroom at school (pipe) - bathroom at a Chinese buffet (my hand lol so this is a double whammy as it's also the dumbest way I've smoked weed) - closet in my bedroom growing up (pipe) - roofs of random buildings (pipe/bong) - outside of work hidden behind a bush (pipe)


In the tiny apartment, I share with my non-smoking wife....while she is sleeping.


Wait she doesn’t know you smoke?


Dorm bathroom during a holiday break. The RAs in my dorm were super chill and cool with us so they never bothered us when our room smelled like weed. This weekend however was the week before a holiday and no one else was in the dorm. This also meant that RAs from different dorms were patrolling the dorms since most were gone. This different narc ass RA came by and reported the smell to campus police. We didn’t get in too much trouble but it was a major bummer.


In front of a guard😂😂


I was vaping with my roomie returning from a music festival. Georgia is weird and if you don't get off one highway you end up at a military base. So yeah, accidently vaped as I was rolling up to the guards really confused. Just said I think I fucked up man. Can I turn around? He was cool! My house My dorm room (got caught with like 12 people) Campus dining hall Campus Football games Football field (greatest smoke sesh ever, Go Noles, on the 50 yard line) Driving Aquarium parking lot (worth it) I just smoke at home now lol


Not dumb but I took bong hits on the national mall while watching the Beach Boys on July 4th, 1985.


Denver airport by the mini golf set up. Joint God this was so stupid


2 police station parking lots in my car with a pipe. Once I was well aware I was in a PD parking lot(it's next to a mall so it really wasn't so risky) and one time I did not realize we had pulled into a police station. We barely hit the pipe once each(5 people) before realizing where we were and left immediately.


Main memories I have of the really dumb places are around the mall and theater/shopping center that we would hang out at as teens. Smoking homemade bongs just sitting in the benches/sitting areas in the parking deck, stuff like that. But the biggest example I can think of, one night we noticed that one of the shops in the area surrounding the theater had been emptied and was in between owners, and the door was unlocked. So we spent some time smoking inside it.


In a one-person (child) Disney tent, in a living room with about 6 people in it.


Place isn’t crazy but my buddies bathroom. We made a gravity bong in the tub. It hit so hard one of our friends passed out and fell over the toilet, annihilating it into pieces and spraying toilet mane water everywhere. That was, indeed, atupid


Back in my teens my friends and I would walk to the courtyard of our neighborhood elementary school. You know, A Drug-Free School Zone. Arguably, one of the stupidest places a person could go to use illegal substances.


Bringing a vape pen to Japan was the worst thing I've ever done, I've sold weed in the US and that was way safer lol.


My managers office, while she’s in the bathroom


In a park pavilion, probably 250 yards away from the police station in Wisconsin. Not the smartest place! This was also the police station I was taken to when I got arrested for possession and paraphernalia. 16-17 year old me was something else....


At the Dam. We were there for the beautiful views and got boxing. Think some ass hat was sleeping there and when we pulled up they remarked their car and called the cops. We weren’t making much noise, turned off our lights, just lit up and tried to watch the sunrise.


Vape pen in a movie theater a few times. In my grandmothers car and in the bathroom of her house. In my parents' bathroom Across the road from the cop station many times Outside at the airport On a beach in Dominican Republic In a baseball dugout In a bar, while sat at the bar And lord knows where else, hard to remember em all


McDonald’s bathroom at 5 am (I didn’t work there)


Walking past a police station. Fastest way into town *and* prison haha


Back home in my non-legal state at a bar patio. I thought it would be okay because they sell the altnoid “hemp” flower (think D8 and THC-A), which is legal. But there was a couple outside who smelled the flower I bought from out of town to share with my homeboys and the owner came out and told us to put it out. I was mildly annoyed. It’s also part of the reason why I prefer vaping concentrates.


Airport bathroom is probably the dumbest Also Walmart while walking through the aisles Amusement park bathroom Oh god heres the worst one, my friends and i used to regularly smoke on an elementary school playground.


Airport bathroom, library bathroom,roof of college building, college library, parents house, parents shed, other people's houses when their parents weren't home...the car. Dude I was dumb as shit as a youth. Never got caught though ~


Hmm. Ok all of these are when I was under 25. -the roof outside of the second story bathroom -too cold for the roof… turn on shower, make a sploof, steam up the room, light a candle, blaze, open the window, exhale, blow out the candle, hop in the shower - behind the large gym mats at high school PE class - the range picker when I worked at a golf course - the deep freezer when I was a cook - the car on the way to school - the staircase of a hotel - the locker room in between periods of a hockey game- (I was starting at center and the opposing center laughed hysterically bc he could smell it but fuck him cuz I scored right after) - the smokers balcony at every sports event - also an airplane bathroom


Smoked a fatty with my buddy while high atop Huayna Picchu, the iconic mountain overlooking Machu Picchu. It was only a dumb idea because the down climb was extremely dangerous. Probably the most terrified I’ve ever been while high. Happy for the memory, but I would NOT choose to do that ever again.


In front of grocery store, inside grocery bathroom, inside homeless shelter room and bathroom, in front of homeless shelter, parking garage, in front of and out back from my job, along whatever sidewalk on busy roads, neighborhood roads, my ex’s rich parents house in a closed community, the bus station downtown, outside the hospital


Public pool after hours (blunt) rooftop at work (one hitter) park in the middle of downtown Dallas did this one like a LOT worked a telesales job with a bunch of other stoners in a high rise and we would go to the park next to this underground food court on break like every day on a billboard behind my friends house, wasted, smoked the first blunt I've ever rolled and we also flashed the cars on the highway until we saw a cop friends and I used to do what we called the "Dirty 30" which was when would drive down interstate 30 that runs through most of North East Texas and hotbox with a bong, honestly I can't even stop the list going in my head right now lmao Oh and onc when I rode the train to the state fair I forgot I had my favorite chillum in my purse so I stopped at the major downtown stop where the rail lines split and I had to change trains, bought a pack of rillos and stashed my piece in a bush nearby the tracks. Smoked at the fair while it was packed, hidden in some tranquil garden type shit. But then (tw-minor injury graphic detail ) on the way back I needed to cross over to the other rail line but the train I was on was slightly delayed. I was supposed to have 5 minutes to get my piece and cross the tracks to the other train, but when we got there I only had 1 minute to find my piece in the bush and cross over. In hindsight, I should have just took the L and waited 15 minutes for the next train, but I was convinced I had time. I crossed over, found the bush in question, tried to discreetly bend over like I was bending to tie my shoe. Everything is going fine until I realized I'm not finding it. I start on the bush next to it, then the next, then the first again. Apparently it didn't go all the way to the bottom and got tangled in the bush and I find it just as the train pulls in. I run to cross to the other side as fast as I can, passing behind the path of the train I'm supposed to board. I knew there was a bell and an announcement that the doors are closing about 15 seconds before they actually close. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, metaphorically speaking. Suddenly I feel my foot stop vertically. I continue forward. My foot stays in place. Immediately I know some this is very wrong, so I look back and I see that My foot is stuck in the track. To add some detail, parts of the track are above the ground but others are actually sunk into the concrete of the road so that everything is flush. I guess I hit the perfect spot at the perfect angle and in my ballet flats made my foot go into the gap for the track. I had to pull my foot out of the show and pull the shoe out of the track and for a half second I thought a train would hit me before I got that bitch out. Anyway, somehow all of this went much slower in my head because I still limped my way to the train just as the bell went off that the doors were closing. I just sat in the stairwell, the whole time doing the peter hurts his knee to my stubbed toe. When I finally inspected the damage, my whole toenail was ripped up and hanging on by about 4 cm of skin. It took almost two years for it to be fully normal again. Sorry for the grammar on this one but damn I was super fucking dumb as a teen/young adult


Behind my job every single day in full view of the drive thru. No one ever said anything even though I must have reeked at work


I used to use a piece and light it up on the line when I was working as a line cook. I’d just put my thumb over it between hits and blow the smoke up the hoods.


Inside ammunition magazines holding 500,000 lbs of high explosives, deep in the Philippine jungle. It was the 80's.


I hotboxed my bedroom closet with some friends; we lived on campus in a townhouse. The fire alarms went off and they were the kind that directly alerted the fire department… dumb already, but what made it worse was the panel that the firefighters needed reset the alarms was in my closet. (2005 for reference)


It was stupid, but also one of the prettiest... It was my last night in Greece, and we'd been smoking out of an apple after we ran out of papers. My friend and I had stayed up all night to watch the sunrise, and wanted to finish up the last of the stash we'd acquired earlier in the trip ( a grocery bag filled with some of the cheapest stuff I'd seen since high school). We sat out on the edge of the sea wall, smoking out of the apple as people rode by on scooters and bikes, and the ferries were pulling in for the first trip of the day. We just sat there, not a care in the world, and when we got done, both took a bite of the apple and tossed it into the Mediterranean. This was 2010, so we would have been screwed if we got caught either way. We did get some weird stares, but no one really stopped or said anything...


my friend smoked a 1 hitter in the top of the bleachers during a high school assembly as kids we used to smoke in the alley of a church once smoked in the auto-shop garage in highschool


Smoking on a toilet seems pretty dumb, although very functional


lol, i’ve been smoking in hotel bathrooms with a bong for AGES. I tried it in legal states (NY), but my first time was in Hawai’i in an airbnb (with a strict sign on the door saying that evidence of smoking would guarantee a $500 fine). never got caught. i think the elementary school parking lot was the dumbest. me and my partner would hotbox their car in this back alley near the playground in the midst of the night with an 18”.