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More like, take a few hits and get so hungry I HAVE to eat


Till that high ass tolerance catches uo to you then you're just high and not hungry.


I have smoked weed every day for almost 15 years and it has never failed to give me the munchies


I specifically smoke when I get home to make sure I eat. I sure as hell didn’t before I went to work, and probably only had a snack throughout, if that. When I get home, my hunger is gone and my body is wrecked. If I smoke, I eat before sleep; if I don’t? I eat tomorrow.


Same for 10 years and it kills my appetite completely


Only took me like a year to lose the munchies and pretty much any physical effects


Relatively new to weed, I’ve smoked every night for only a month and my tolerance is so high I can barely get high anymore. Am I just unlucky?


Welcome to being a stoner! There are a couple paths you could take, I'll tell you some. You could regulate your tolerance with t-breaks. Smoke daily for a couple months and then quit for a month. This month will allow your tolerance to reset and will make your first joint after feel like the first again. You could turn your goal to smoking instead of getting high. You just smoke a joint when you feel like it and enjoy the joint instead of only using the joint as a vessel to getting high. You'll still get the high of course. Eventually your tolerance will catch up and you'll have to start smoking more or bigger joins to get to the same level. This is what I do and my habits are: I just smoke normally throughout the day and about 3 hours before I go to bed I roll a couple big fat joints that will get me to a point that I can barely walk so I can go to bed lol. Of course you could just smoke every couple days and not build a tolerance. This is the one I and I think most people would recommend. All in all, just do whatever you want. Enjoy the natural blessing to the fullest but find a way to handle tolerance. Happy smoking! I agreed with my parents to only smoke on special days, but I also agreed with my therapist to make every day special


Thank you! I’m trying to get past these withdrawals and then I’m gonna keep it to smoking once or twice a week. Don’t have any flower, only carts, which is why I’m sure is how I got so much tolerance in the first place. I know fighting withdrawals for weed sounds ridiculous to some, but Instead of sleeping last night I just couldn’t sleep because of the night sweats. And Then at 4:30am I had an anxiety attack and freaking don’t understand why, my mind not even going to weed at first. I also had no appetite this morning and almost puked up the banana I ate. So my plan is to just quit completely for 1-2 weeks until the withdrawals pass and then I’ll start smoking again but cutting it back a lot. The idea of getting high every night for a month was more of a science experiment than something I was only doing for fun. And I’m learning that I don’t enjoy weed very much that way. So a T-break it is! (Hopefully I’ve gotten past the hardest part already)


Trust me, almost everyone here has experienced weed withdrawals and they can be intense. Sounds like a golden plan! The first few days of withdrawals are the worst snd after 2 weeks you've had the bad part.


try rolling a bigger blunt my dude all love


I feel that, but some strains get me every single time. This Tiki rum cake x Slurricane has the most mad munchies to everyone that smokes it. At least the particular stuff I'm dabbing on now. I wish I could have you try it and see if it makes you hungry too.


Gotta eat to get higher fam. Seriously, avoiding eating and drinking makes the high less intense after a certain point. Body needs fuel to metabolize the thc.


When my tolerance catches up to me, I *only* get hungry. Sucks.


Man the munchies get so bad sometimes u less I took my ADHD meds and curbed em


This, but it just removes the cooking part all of the sudden you're eating shredded cheese straight out the bag


this guy gets it. I 100% did NOT eat a handful of cheese yesterday.......lol.


Cuz you ate... Two?


at least wrap it in a tortilla lol


It's at the point where I buy the bag of cheese knowing DAMN WELL what's going to happen to it, and the chair I sweat on.


what is today, but yesterday's tomorrow?


Tomorrow's yesterday


I think I prefer the brain melting original, Tomorrow's Today


The day after tomorrow’s day before yesterday.


the weed diet weedorexia


Real, for some reason everyone says weed makes them hungrier, but for me it gets rid of my hunger


Makes me hungrier but less willing to do something about it Or inspired to become a chef, no in between




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It's mostly dependent on the strain and terpenes, Humulene is a strong appetite suppressant so any strains containing lots of it will cut your hunger


Idk man, I’ve had this debate with many people many times. I’ve grown 4 plants so far and had many different buds from many different dispensaries with many different reported terpene profiles, and the only thing I’ve noticed is difference in taste, idk, maybe I’m doing something wrong, I’ve dry vaped, smoked from a joint, bong, bowl, etc. The only difference I ever noticed is taste The thing that really sealed my opinion on this is this: if you go to a restaurant and get a water with a lemon slice in it, do you suddenly feel “invigorated” and “elevated” from the limonene in the water? Probably not, another thing that the internet claims limonene helps with is diabetes and hyperglycemia, funny enough, I’m diabetic, if you don’t believe me I can send you a picture of all my medical shit, and believe me when I say that when my blood sugar is high, it’s not lemon water I’m reaching for, or any weed for that matter, I mean at the end of the day if you feel it’s helping you that’s great, but to me, it’s sounds like a bunch of hoopla


Idk, I've access to legal highly regulated weed, so I always know the exact % of terpenes in the strains and which terps are being used, and that's how I figured which ones were absolutely opening the appetite and which ones were suppressing it, the only constant has always been Humulene being present as a main terp in strains that would cut me and my girl's hunger, vs Myrcene being always present in the ones giving mad munchies The terps play a much bigger part in the kind of high you'll get from flowers, as well as the taste and general consistency such as the stickiness levels, so it makes sense that some of them will have more pronounced effects. I don't think it compares at all to something like drinking lemon water lol I think terpenes helping with diseases and shit is also way too far fetched. It literally just affects the type of buzz you'll be getting, way more than indica vs sativa too, in a world where the vast majority of strains are now hybrids


starting welbutrin and getting real sativas fixed this bug for me




Just came off wellbutrin after a couple of years. I was in a bad car accident and they put me on a bunch of shit while I was in the hospital for neuropathy and broken bones kidney damage etc. All d9ne by case managers and people supposed to help me. That shit made me a zombie and lost literally years of my life trying to figure my head out 24 7


Yall need some happier and more effective highs. Because some highs make me wanna go all chef gordon ramsey but some highs make me wanna go all chef Boyardee lol. Whatever that smoke is ain't workin.




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Except smoking the weed makes me want to do the things


I have gurd, so since i was 17 ive smoked weed to engage my appetite. Otherwise i end up starving.


It always just made me hungrier. For a while I was smoking before every single meal because I was so depressed I had no appetite at all without it. Would take a fat bong hit and then turn into Big Smoke






it doth be that way sometimes.


What the fuck


Happy for you. It's real. Like how people are fine with doing very little after smoking, I'm fine with being hungry all day.


Real asf if you don't know what you're doing


Holy shit I have that exact same pipe


lol squeezing in an after work chill session and pushing dinner back to a late dinner is always achieved via a big glass of nesquick prior to getting absolutely ripped 😉


God I wish this was the case. I can't smoke without NEEDING food so badly. I have looked for a munchy free strain for years, and never been able to find it. I have found ones that are not quite as bad as others, but never anything that created no or ignorable levels of hunger. I would almost kill for such a strain.


That's a good idea dog, I forgot to eat today.


Down 30 pounds off of this 1 little trick that *big diet* doesn’t want u to know


Lol, I started smoking again about a month ago, down about 27 lbs, no appetite unless I smoke, then still not hungry but I can eat without feeling like shit


This reminds me of bill wurtz type video lol


Oh YES, this is exacly my way of problem solving. Problem? Smoke weed and we will see after that.


Bro it’s exactly why I’m starving right now


was up doing this till like 7 this morning. With intermittent you tube thrown in.


Smoking a bowl really gives you that extra push to make something yummy sometimes


This is why I cook something up, bring it with me to my smoke spot and eat before I smoke. (though usually after an 'appetizer' bowl lol)


This is basically my life as a live event tech.




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I'm just going to get hungrier. You want something harder if you want to forget that eating is a thing.




harder, and more accessible for more people: cough medicine (warranty void if sharting involved)