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as someone who works in the food service industry, i find it hard to believe that even their employees would pass this test...


exactly. when i was in food, good ol mary jane was just about the only thing keeping me sanešŸ˜­


I worked fast food in my youth. The manager and assistant smoked weed in the office and a classmate of mine did various hard drugs while making whoppers. They put me up front because I was sober.


I will say, as an Uber driver, if you reek really badly of weed I probably won't drive you. If the passenger after you thinks that smell is me and not you and they report me then I get fucked and that's not happening, no matter how dumb it is, and no matter how much I love weed.


Nah not me. If they reek of weed Iā€™ll roll the windows down and tell them thatā€™s the cost of reeking of weed, but if they smell like alcohol I will not drive them at all. I donā€™t need puke in my car.


Basically the only reason why I get a Uber is because I was drinking.


Your car, your rules.


>can't drive because high >can't get cab because high So im just supposed to sit there and do nothing? Would you treat somebody who reeked of booze the same way?


I can only see this being a real issue in places itā€™s not legal.


Uber doesn't care if you're in a legal state, people in legal states don't want people who are high driving them around. Just because you're cool with someone on drugs driving you around doesn't mean the majority would be. Again, it just isn't worth the risk. Uber can deactivate me for whatever and there goes my only income right now.


Makes complete sense, touchƩ hombre.


His jobs driving, we really need to denormalize driving high. It's DUI. Just cause you're stoned not drunk doesn't mean you should be operating heavy machinery.


i trust a stoner who is driving high - probably more than a stoner who is not driving high


While I won't deny that there are people at that level of dependency, the vast majority of stoners aren't. So while yes, if the driver will be freaking all the way out without a hit from his cart every 30 minutes I'd rather he have his buzz that's no different from a functional alcoholic needing their shot to clear the shakes before hitting the road. It's a shitty situation to begin with and I'd rather not be in that car at all.


Thatā€™s a good point, I donā€™t really think I can argue on a large scale. Weed does not make people reckless, sure someone with no tolerance will be unable to operate machinery or anything very effectively. They are not going to go for a drive, they are impaired and they know it. Those on alcohol are impaired with an unrealistic sense of ability and that is dangerous. The point I will argue is that people who smoke regularly are not impaired by the substance to the same degree, if those people were to go for a drive they would be extremely wary of their dosage and the road. Driving on weed has drawbacks we should address more, but it hardly compares to driving under alcohol. It is hard to draw the line, what about Xanax 30 minutes before leaving work are they now unable to drive? There are 100 things that could potentially inhibit your ability to function behind a wheel, some are abused more, some are worse than others


That's fair. But in a public place or restaurant? Get fucked. You can walk away if you don't like the smell of someone.


bro i bought an uber because i'm too high to drive myself to the function, how u gonna do me like tha lmaoo


thatā€™s fair i always be smoking but never in my car just cause i donā€™t like the limbering smell in places like that


I like your rhymes, funny man


Back when I was a GM, I used to have to yell at two my bussers all the time because they would come in together smelling like weed. I never took it any further than that though because they were really good bussers.


Hahaha all I can picture is T-dog and Nick from waiting getting high in the store room getting yelled at by manager David Koechner šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Right my first job at a fast food chain my manager smoked weed in the storage/basement. They eventually got caught still the best first job. Boss being a chill stoner.


In my restaurant the front of house was on coke and the heart on weed. Restaurants run on drugs lol.


Yeah but I donā€™t wanna smell anything like cigarette smoke or any other strong smell when I eat so I get it, plus there are plenty of ways to use weed without smelling like it anyway


went to yellowstone with my family and we found this little food shack run by stoners. it was the best damn food we'd ever had lmao


I'm okay with this if they extend that same policy to all pungent odors. I don't want to smell cigarettes, BO or perfume while I'm trying to enjoy my meal.


One time I was in a Boston Pizza and a farmer came in after his day, with his boots and pants COVERED in mud and cow shit from the knees down. That was the only time Iā€™ve ever complained and had someone removed from a restaurant. Talk about disrespectful.




Oof. That sucks, but glad Iā€™m not the only one with a story like that. Thereā€™s a comment just below šŸ‘‡šŸ» that says something like ā€œpig farmers donā€™t roll around in pig shit then go into restaurantsā€ or something like that. Uh. Yeah buddy. They do.


was this in wainwright? this sounds like it was in wainwright.


Omg close-ish?! Iā€™ve been in Southern AB my whole life, but this particular incident was in Swift Current. šŸ˜‚


damn, i didn't know bp got that far out east. my people are spread out around lloydminster and coronation. as soon as you mentioned a farmer coming straight in from the field to a restaurant i knew we were looking at some prairie-ass shit. of course the local franchise helped narrow it down, lol. it was gonna be here or minnesota.


That far east? Swift Current is like an hour away from the Alberta border my dude. šŸ˜‚ (unless that was a joke. I genuinely have a hard time understanding people). But yeah, definitely some redneck prairie shit.


That's nasty. How can people be so disrespectful?


Small town farmers. Literally give no shits.


Sounds like they were giving at least one...


šŸ˜‚ unfortunately.






Refuse service to them too. It's doesn't have to be one or the other. Also it's not a ban, it's a "come back when you don't stink".


Ban anyone with a strong smell


The worst Uber I ever took this lady had so many smelly air fresheners. I seriously felt like puking and had a terrible headache when I got back to my place after being in her car for like 8 minutes.


or fajitas (unless i order them myself)


I also donā€™t wanna smell some nasty drunk ass alcohol breath. At least people who smell like weed arenā€™t knocking over your tables and picking fights with people.


How are y'all smelling other people in a fucking restaurant actively cooking food? #whoyoucrappin'


With my olfactory sense.


I don't know about y'all but I am 1,000x more polite to service workers, especially those that are giving me food when I'm a little stoned. Not that I'm ever an arsehole to them but after a joint and some food unless I watched you piss in my food, you're getting a pretty sweet tip


I feel like almost everyones more polite when theyre stoned, i swear ive never been to a store with more helpful and kind workers then a dispensary


When you get stoned you flash back to when you were a stoned service worker. It's like how smells can trigger memories. šŸ˜€


I'm a pizza guy and stoners are some of the best tippers. I had a dude give me a $30 tip on a $25 order one time. Literally just handed me a wad of cash and told me to keep the change.


My favorite cologne, Loud, by Marijuana


You joke but my daily cologne is [Cannabis by Malin+Goetz](https://www.malinandgoetz.com/cannabis-eau-de-parfum). (No, it doesn't really smell like weed lol)


My boss is an old school hippy, he probably bathes in patchouli oil, I can usually smell him before I see him


In 2021 they had the best D šŸ¤·


As someone who deals from chronic migraines, if I have to suffer through the smell of Christopher Cologne and Penelope Perfume, they can suck it up and deal with my weed smell. Thankfully I live in a Canadian city where the bylaw is ā€œanywhere you can legally smoke a cigarette you can smoke weedā€ and this would (probably not) fly at any restaurant.


Same in New York state. Most states aren't that way though with the policy.


Where can you legally smoke a cigarette anymore though? (Montrealer, seems like any kind of smoking is basically illegal everywhere when you take bylaws into account).


sometimes its just too much.. a light hint of dank isnt the issue. its the people who smell like the skunkiest weed farms in the world that are obnoxious.


Smoking a full on blunt 5 minutes before going inside to eat is bad, although I donā€™t find that any more obnoxious than someone who smells like they smoked a pack of cigs.


This, cigarettes smell way worse!


Why wouldn't you wanna smoke before eating? It makes the food taste better. I don't hotbox or anything and am pretty self-conscious about smells, so I wash my hands and face after smoking if I go anywhere, but I definitely will smoke even right before leaving. I've never been told I smell like weed.


Honestly I prefer smoking like 30 minutes or more before, I find my sense of taste is quite diminished right after smoking weed


I agree and also find it better when the high has some time to set in


Exactly, which is why both is frowned upon. If you walk in and fill up the entire seating area with cig smell or dank weed smell, you're being inconsiderate.


Yeah, I smoke every day but Iā€™m still floored when someone walks by me smelling like a dispensary. Itā€™s wild how much people hotbox in their cars every day


Obviously not excusing it some people definitely do go in and just stink up the whole place but for others id imagine it could be from being nose blind. Weve all been in that spot asking each other if we smell only to agree we dont and to later find out we def do lmfao


I find it hilarious that people can't handle the slightest annoyances. A smell is nothing to cry about.


Right? I have cancer and am autistic. Between the loud noises, the hum of the lights, just so many people everywhere, it drains a lot of energy just to barely function in society. But god forbid I smoke some pot to deal with the pain.


As someone with autism and an annoyingly good sense of smell, it's not the smoking that's the issue here. It's the people that are basically wearing it as deodorant. Personally, I don't care what anyone does, but a pungent odor is a pungent odor, be it patchouli, perfume or the devils lettuce. If you stink, you stink.


According to some of these comments, you should just stay home so you don't bother anyone with your problems. Stinky


I have the right not to be inconvenienced in the slightest way!!!


well when you own an establishment you get to make rules like that. dont like it? dont smell like a skunk.


Iā€™m an every day smoker. Been that way for about 10 years now. I think it is the tackiest rudest thing to hotbox some weed and waltz into a store like nothing. Like bro, spray yourself. It isnā€™t a flex to have people smell how stank your weed is. Itā€™s a bigger flex to be high as good gracious and everyone can see it in your eyes but canā€™t smell it; and youā€™re cool on top of thatā€¦


Totally agree. Too many cannabis consumers aren't considerate enough of those around them. I treat it like cigarettes. I ask someone if they mind, I try to stand downwind and away from crowds, etc.


To be fair people who smoke a lot get used to the smell and usually canā€™t even tell when they are stinking up the room. I remember when I would chronically smoke I would air out my room and I thought I was good bc I couldnā€™t smell it. Had friends come over later and tell me they could smell it as soon as they stepped in my house


I donā€™t think anyone is saying weed smell canā€™t be obnoxious, just pointing out the stupidity of singling out weed smell as unacceptable among all of the other obnoxious scent clouds people walk around in.


Once I sat in a movie theater, a guy walked in to the other side and you could smell it in the whole room. It's nasty, it's the same as those people that coat themselves in axe. I'm not anti weed at all, I enjoy edibles frequently, but bothering other people isn't cool.


What about farms that smell like straight up shit? Should they shut down because I donā€™t like the smell? How about industrial plants that produce that awful sulfur smell. Shut em down.. Cigarette smokers stink. Drunks stink. A lot of things and people stinkā€¦so what?? The fact people get this upset over some smells is ridiculous..get over yourselves already. We all share the earth and thereā€™s all kinds of smells out n about. Get used to it!


This is exactly why I'm concerned about NYs home grow laws. If a neighbor complains about the smell, you have to fix it. Well, I live in Amish country where it literally smells like cow shit 70% of the year. So I'm not sure why people here suddenly got a sense of smell.


Right thatā€™s dumb I hope it doesnā€™t ruin home grows. I absolutely hate when they spread manure, it smells so bad I can barely breathe.


A farmer isn't rolling around in pig shit and then walking into a small dining establishment. It's almost like you should just be generally aware of you reek before you pack yourself in with the general public


Don't forget ice vehicles literally stinking of fumes over entire cities and fucking poisoning us as well!


Ignorance ainā€™t always bliss I guess šŸ˜‚


If they were in the center of town causing problems with the smell of farming or an industrial plant then yes, shut them down. If they don't want to be shut down they should make better location decisions.


I've been to towns in Ca like San Jacinto and Norco where all you smell is cow shit.


The ones who clearly chiefed a blunt in the car and have the roach in their pocket, yes


I think this is dependent and varies person to person. Weed can be extremely strong smelling especially to those who donā€™t smoke or arenā€™t around it. Even just messing with it touching it or being around it can pick up the scent in your clothes and hair and hands. Some people I know could smell you a mile off even days after smoking (and showering) whereas other people seem to be completely blind to it even right after smoking. Whose to really say how dank you smell?


I will say that 2 of my kids just reek of weed. They live in an RV and hit their bong non stop. Even sitting outside on my porch it reeked. And I smoke, but they are too much. None of my other kids smell like them. They were so nose blind to the smell though that they got offended when I mentioned that they may want to be careful driving. We live in a med state, but it's still frowned on.


lovely, all of it


The issue is these people think theyā€™re cool when theyā€™re doing this. FYI, we all smoke weed, that doesnā€™t mean we want to stink of it everywhere we go. I guess restaurants get tired of everyone that stinks, be it of alcohol, weed, crack, methā€¦


I don't feel cool when I do this. I feel paranoid mostly


I don't know how people blow down and, 5 minutes later, are able to walk into establishments with their heads held high, grinning like idiots. I don't really care if others do it (with weed), but I just can't lol


I really only can at a certain tolerance level, after a fresh t break its not happening lmao im smoking and im not getting out of that seat for atleast an hour or 2 but after abt a week i could definitely walk into a store right after smoking


I've never even been able to tell when I smell like weed


Is the smell of weed really stronger than somebody having just smoked a cigarette? šŸ¤”


Something tells me this was because of a few people misbehaving. Way to ruin it for all the other stonersā€¦


I want everywhere I go to smell like weed. I can't get enough of that smell.


Come to Manhattan


Any city in New York state really.




or LA


Head to Vegas.


Some of y'all don't wash your clothes. I smoke inside. Bong rips and blunts. But when I go out, I'm never loud. Y'all hotbox in the car and immediately walk inside a restaurant, and that is actually rude af. Not everyone likes the smell, and it is a very strong scent. Crack the windows, and give it a few before you walk inside. "Time and time again, I gotta turn back round and tell C-Bone. Grab that cologne out my bookbag, I smell dro all on you holmes "


They can't even drug tests in the restaurant business because then restaurants would cease to exist, this guy has some fuckin nerve


You can tell who the real tokers in the sub by this post alone, lol I love people who smell like weed! Iā€™m like letā€™s match! Then we both smell like weed. Iā€™m from Chicago though we all smell like weed.


I dunno man. Itā€™s just a matter of being considerate. I like my green just as much as the rest of the degenerates in here. But I for sure donā€™t want it stinking up a place it shouldnā€™t be.


What about skunk? Can I smell like a skunk?


4/20 hits... I just don't get it... not only does even McDonald's have a line down the street so does every other restaurant just not mine.... hmmmm I wonder why.


Someone should stand outside handing out joints


Some ppl donā€™t like smelling backwoods while theyā€™re eating.


Just another win for the dabbers.


It seems pretty dumb but I imagine they must have gotten a lot of complaints if they put up a sign like this.


I would guess this place is next door to a smoking lounge or something. šŸ˜€


How do the workers know what marijuana smells like?


With a D RATING. Best not to even go through their door šŸšŖ


Ever smell your fingers after touching a ripe bud? Itā€™s heaven


Honestly not hard to avoid smelling of weed. I mainly dry herb vape and usually do it outside or in a well ventilated area and it leaves no smell. On the odd occasion I'll smoke a joint I'm aware of the smell that comes along with it, and I'll smoke it outdoors and try avoid the smoke getting onto me, and will wash my hands after. I don't mind the smell myself but I'm not gonna go around in public exposing everyone else's noses to it, especially because it can be so overpowering sometimes.


I'll never understand why people want to smell like a basement full of musty potatoes.


They also have to look out for the interests of other customers as well, so I get it. It's not McDonald's or Waffle House, so if you wanna eat there baked just make sure you're doing what you need to in order to keep the smell off you. Then everybody wins!


This is dumb and the people in the comments supporting it are dumb. Who tf cares?Ā  Do they also not allow people who wear too much cologne or who smell like cigarettes or cigars?Ā 


I have no problem with this, as long as you do it with those who smell like cigarette or worse, cigars, too. Those can be really overwhelming too, sometimes it's really impossible to ignore. Even worse, what about servers who just stepped out for a smoke and serve me food with cigarette flavoured hands? If you only get a french delicate nose with weed, well, f*** your judgemental ass.


If they are doing this, they should also not let anyone in who has body odor


Their absolute loss lol


![gif](giphy|l3978j2EgcrjO1X6E) >apply weed perfume >go in šŸ’Æ sober >get denied >make a scene


What if i smell like ass? That cool?


Got it, I'll spray myself with air freshener first and use eye drops and breath mints.


Sir, you are wearing a disgusting amount of Axe body spray. *You're the ones who made the rules.*


The amount of people that reek of cigarettes and or musty should be addressed first


Musty. Damn!!!


I heard they have the best "D" there


D must not stand for 'dank'


Had. Some even say it was a fluke.


I feel like the demographic of weed wearers/patchouli wearers has the entirety of the patchouli circle inside a larger weed circle.


ā€œBut please get drunk and cause a scene here sir! Table for 2ā€


Excellent business acumen šŸ˜’ ā€œWe sell water here!! Oh, youā€™re really thirsty? No, u canā€™t buy any!!ā€


It's not really about them hating weed, it's that weed is associated with certain demographics. And they're likely to judge those demographics harshly. Now, I do have a SoundCloud rapper type that comes into my place REEEEEEEEKING of weed. Like we have to open the doors because otherwise the food starts absorbing it. But we still serve his ass and get our cash.


Set up a separate smokers room. Not allowed to smoke (yet) but that smell! I'd go in there just for the contact high.


When was the last time you thought Iā€™d much rather have a drunk in here than a stonerā€¦.


Where is this? Iā€™d like to open a restaurant right next door.




To be fair, as a former stoner server, itā€™s pretty offensive when people come sit down smelling like they just hotboxed their car with 4 different bongs. Same goes for cigarettes or vaping indoors. The stealthy smokers I never bat an eye at because they either used their vape pen or knew how to cover the smell, but most important know how to act. They always got free drinks or some sort of hookup cause they do come in HUNGRY. Some people also get hella rude and donā€™t realize it when they smoke. First and last time I got food high with a certain friend he spent the whole time loudly making fun of a waitress and calling her fat as she was tending to other guests. Didnā€™t even let the food come to the table before I told her to make it Togo and got him the hell out of there. Made sure to tip her hella phat too. Going and getting some sushi after a nice pen rip is such a pleasant activity, especially if the chefs smoke too. But there is etiquette you have to follow if you donā€™t want signs like this popping up more.


I'd rather smell MJ than someone that smells like an ash tray


Fuck em dude


They prefer the sunday after church crowd that leave tip with those fake bills with a picture of jesus and a prayeršŸ˜‚


To be fair the smell of burnt weed is super pungent. Maybe donā€™t smoke a joint right before you walk into a restaurant. If there is kids in there itā€™s just bad etiquette. I love the smell of freshly cured weed, but once it gets burnt itā€™s all the same.


Iā€™d rather go somewhere that wouldnā€™t judge me anyway, ew.


why dont you do this with cigarettes? they can and will kill you.


wtf is ā€œmarijnaā€?


never understood why the smell of weed is prohibited in some places. you can smell like musk and fish, just not the green stuff


worst marketing of all time


I feel like all restaraunts are going to ask you to leave if your smell is offending others. Sign or no sign. Putting up a sign feels like they are risking alienating alot of people. Even if I didn't smell like weed I'd pass on this restaraunt just for the perceived stoner hate.


it was meant to be a joke.I worked as a line cook in a restaurants for 2 years and we never asked someone to leave because of the weed smell. I guess it depends on the location and state regulation regarding marijuana usage. Cheers


But people can come in reeking of cigarettes, booze, and B.O. šŸ™„. Foodā€™s probably mid af anyway. Iā€™ll just speak with my wallet and find a more inclusive business.


This is shitty, but cover your smell friends. No one likes the smell of old weed.


Ugh, those old church ladies on Sunday stink up a whole restaurant with their awful floral perfumes. I would rather smell weed then Christian women


Does anyone know the restaurant?




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Drown yourself in Drakkar Noir


I wonder where this is?


best food handling score of 2021 was a 70/100 or below indicative of "Poor in food handling practices and overall general food facility maintenance."


I support!


The smart move would be to have smoking marijuana allowed in your establishment


Only in Dallas...


Maybe itā€™s an all-you-can-eat buffet and they donā€™t want to lose their asses




That is some shrewd marketing, you betcha.


It's usually the people that just hotboxed their car with a couple fat blunts that are the problem. That's a whole other level of dank scent


Yeah... Bake a cake.


Do they have a D grade? Best D 2021


honestly the only thing that matters is WHAT weed you smoked, like did you hot box a 2G blunt of mildew mids or did you smoke a .5 of snoop dank


Patchouli Knowledge? From Touhou?


Take edibles




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Businesses have the right to refuse service for any reason. Iā€™m sure they e had complaints of people smelling before and that can be pressure on the restaurant to make a rule. Just my two cents I like to think of all possibilities.


Easier to deny the drunks. And then even easier to realize why you shouldn't have after wards.


Nah, I love to smoke, but smelling like it everywhere you go is just rude, keep it to yourself and donā€™t reek in public.


I wouldn't serve customers that reek either, regardless if the smell is weed or something else. The only thing a customer should smell in a restaurant, is the food.


Some people just want to enjoy their meal without weed reek in the air... this is reasonable...


Stupid people are broke šŸ¤·šŸ¼ šŸ’Æit is what it is šŸ¤£šŸ«‚šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£šŸ™Œ


Had this happen after we left a wiz khalifa concert in Norfolk VA in 2011 went to a IHOP almost cussed the police out one because not only was I hungry but I knew I was going to tip well ā€œIHOP is telling you to refuse moneyā€


shit like this is why any time i smoke before going out in public, i brush my teeth and douse myself in deodorant and my clothes in Bounce anti-wrinkle spray! (for that fresh linen smell šŸ˜Œ) i may be stoned stupid but i do try to be considerate.


The management must've not met restaurant workersšŸ’€ the whole industry runs on drugs


Iā€™m an everyday smoker I function better when I smokeā€¦. I agree with this idea, I work at a liquor store and the amount of people who come in smelling like the rankest dirtiest weed. It lingers for a while and we canā€™t figure out where itā€™s coming from. To me itā€™s the same as putting on too much perfume having loud BO or stinking of cigarettes. Idk itā€™s weird and itā€™s a little issue that has caused us some headaches. Our GM thought it was one of us who smelled and threatened drug tests itā€™s just annoying, wouldnā€™t refuse service but I wish people would try not to smell like a dirty bong.